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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1910)
fir.". m.. . ,. rT"1- v ililpIgS 8fJBJ'lWPiJW''WPB IrthMMWMMMMMnMMMMt imiIHWIW ( .... .., 'vVHt1TwJ)'' FOUND NOT 11UILTY. Jury Acquits H. J. Overturf In Suit Drought by Deputy (lame Warden. The case or the State vs. II J. Overturf, at uf the Pilot Ihittc Development Company, was heard in Justice Scofielu's court un last Thursday, anil a verdict 01 not guilty was murncd by the jury. It will be remembered that the suit, was instituted by J. S Lilly, deputy fish und came warden, the complaint bcmn that the defendant company had allowed refuse tram its sawmill to Ret into "he river. At the trial the Suite failed tttttrl) to produce any evidence to show that this had been done, and tht State's case was' further weakened by the fact that the P. H. I). Co had built a (Mind fur me by I hi mill under the specific directions ol a former state frh. and gauie war den. It is Ireely 'stated by thoe present at the trcal that the whole thing was a farce, and thut Mr it was absolutely no evidence that the mill company had violated the luw in uny way whatever. The state was, represented by Attorney C S Uenson and the de fendant by J. M Lawrence. On February 7, Walter Clark, a young man living on tne upper river, was arraigned before Justice Scofield on the charge of havuu killed a deer. The bov voluntarily appeared for trial and pleaded guilty. He was fined 55, but on account of bis behavior 111 the mat' ter and other extenuating circuni ftanccs, the fine was imposed -in CENTRAL OREGON LAN DS The reason that may be causing I .,.. . ..,!..!. . ....II ..,111 111......!.. juu iu 111 in 3(.u win urtovinu cause you to seek an early sale. We have good outside connec tion:; that will enable rs to han dle readily almost any .good nrnnncll Inn I let- vritir fnrm r town property with us. Bend Investment Company f Next Door to I'ostofflcc. Wanted TIMBER We can me more timber in a syndicate now torm inc. Owners wishing to sell are requested to call or write us a description of their holdings. 1 Keep the Rain Out Use Mikado Rubber Roofing Tho Kind that Contains No Tar. The Best Roofing on the market, and you will not he annoyed with the stench of tar about Nour home. I also have a full snpplv of TARKKD PKI.T, Rin Sued Sheeting and D K A D Ii N I N G ! li L T. N. P. SMITH Land Opened to Untry The United Slates Lund Office nt The Diilles has given notice that the plat ol the siirvpy ol sections j und jo, parts of sections 1, 4, y, it, I3. "I '5- 32, 3J. 34, 35 und 36, lowti'hip 19 miuIIi raiiKe 11 cml, W M , bus U-eii IiIi.h1 in that office and that the land ethhruccd in said survey will lie opened for entry April 1. 19m, with the exception of the W !i uflt 16.SR NH 14. NK H SK H section 4. NK ( tiV ii, NWjf Nlitf, and Shtf section 9 which has been withdiuwu Iruin entry for power sites Men WnntcU. To clear luud, by day or contract Apply KitNwoon Company, Mutzlg Building Wall Street TIIH Big Hungry CHOP HOUSE Now open for business. Wc never close Near Pilot Ilutte Inn. Farm Lands Wanted . List your farm lands with us, as the demand for this class of proper ty is greater than the supply. OUR 320Acre HOMESTEADS Will Make You Rich! Will be glad to give full particulars to anyone inter cted in getting one cf Uncle Sam's big farms FREE! Irrigated Land We have it in tracts from 40 acres upwards, $30 to $50 per acre. On Sale Now Fine Lots in Lytic Addition to Bend. Easy terms Quick action necessary to get these lots. Going fas!. Home Land Co., BEND, 0RE00N. the form ofa "suspended sentence." In other words, the defendant was paroled mid will not have to pav the fine as torn; as he refrains from violating the law. M0VINQ PICTURE SHOW. Local Men Purchase $300 Atachlne and Will Show Trl-Weekly. . Bend is assured a new and per manent means of entertainment in the form of a moving picture show, the views being interspersed with vaudeville features. .Mm. Lovett, Fred Hunnell and 11. II. Hough ton have purchased an Kdh-on moving picturr machine, costing $306, and expect to present their hr-t atrra-tun next Saturday even ing in Laru's hall. The proprietors of the enterprise promise to give the public nothing but the very best in this line. The latest and best films will be shown, and unless requested no film will be shown twice, arrangements hav ing been made to nave new dims on Uaiicl at all times 1 lie vaude ville features will con-ist of music, "inging and dancing. Mr Lovett having appeared in vaudeville on the New York stage. At the legiuning they will show three tunes a week. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. I lie machine purchased is one of the best on the market and the light will be fur nished by an ozone gas attachment If the machine reaches Hend in time the first show wili be given Saturday niyht, oilier wise, at. a little later date. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line Tint Cornktt Staok & Staiiuk Co. jjt"" Pianos tuned for 54 00 during February in Dend or vicinity Leave orders, with The Bulletin or ad dress L S. Rickard, Bend. 47 50 KKPORT OK TIIH CONDITION OH , The First National Bank OF BEND No. wy at Iknd, In Ihr of Oregon, at tht clow of uihuiu, January JIM, ijio. KKSOUKCItS. . ........ ..... .. ?,noi jj Ovcniana. aroiruaiilunrcurtt . . Ml a. v n noun. 10 .emirr cimii.u.n. ...... lljitfoi 'milium, on V n Howl, . .. ... . n llonM. Kecurlllt.. Klc ... .... . 1.411 .. unking biH, fuinUurc and Slurr. ijwm on thie from National llanka (noi rrnr a agent.) . . J.74J y im1 irorn rnaic arm i-rivaic iianaa and Hanker. Tni.t Companlta and ha. Illjt.lUnk. llfirfli tht from approved Kcwrre Alt nt.. . II u iy Cheekaawt oth-rCh Item- .. ... ju it Nulraorothrr National llanka , i,So i rraciion.i i-apr mrrency, jicKfiaani Cent. . .... ...... ij 00 lawful Honry KrMrr.r In Bank. (i: pde . 4.IIJ To Ltgal'leudrr notes ......... . in 4IJ 70 Mrri'inptlon fund with U. H. Trra.urtr (3 per cent of circulation).....-.... . 6jj 00 Total .. . .....,i.Ji,aij j4 LIAUlUTIIiS. Capital atock ld In ........J..Jij,ono tn ruriMU. Illlir, .... IJW ou Undivided I'roota, lew lUpeiiM. and Taie.pJld.. ........... Mj 70 National It. n. NoletouiMarvlIng ..... 1100 ou inuiriuuai uen(Ma .ufrci incneCK. ...I4r91 M Demand Crrtlncatra of I IJIS 00 rlmrcertlAcateaof depiMil . ...... J.440 yi Ca.hler a check. ouUlludllig... ........ 74) 70 Ortler Your WOOD From the Pioneer Wood Yard A lllxral atitiply ol the lot wood nallalilcalwayion liaiul, $4.50 Per Cord Delivered Ww. P. DOWNING. Preprielor U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OKPICK OVKK HANK bOice lloara: 10 to n. tn., 1 to J and 7 to 8 p. m. IlKNI), : Ohkron Total -IIIJ U STATK 'H OkinoN, I ... County of Crook, M! I,C. H. Hudn.Ci,hlr of the above named Itank.daaoteiauly .wear thai the a love alate inent I. Ilu totbe le,l of ' uiy knowledge (lid Iwlief. .. . C B, HUDSON, CaJ.ur. 0 C. Cok. If. C. IJLI.II. 11. A. b.tiu.a. t Dlrectora. Hulxcrl bed ami aworn lobe fore melhla toth day of February, 1010 U O. McKKYNOMM, Notary I'uUlc. C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OmCH IN IUNK HUIUUNO, TJKNO, OKKOON KENWOOD W..I. MVIiK.S O. C. YOUNG MYERS & YOUNQ lWYGRS ' L a i d 1 a vv , Oregon Practice iu all Courts and Depart metit of the Interior. . DR. I. L. SCO PI ELD, DENTIST. omen in ioiinson Bend, Oregon. Dr. A. A. BURRIS,.m.a?,T,ic Healer. Miiimi Huece.fully Treated Without the Ue of Drug or Surgery, ly the Natural Method, uf Healing. Chruil leDiaraaea a Specially. Cou.ullatlon Fre tfenbrr of Ibe State aud National Naturopath society. Office In 'nliuaoa HUlg , llend, Oregon Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER moom 4 hank nun.niNO IlKNI), OHItC.ON ' Close in. sightly, affords unsurpassed view of snow-capped peaks in Cascades. Paulinas and a full sweep of river. Closest to business section and at lowest prices. Eighty-foot' streets, big alleys. Lots $125. The Kenwood Company Wall and Minnesota Streets BF.NI) LODOU No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursdny 011 01 hefcre the full moon of each miinlli Itrnlli... - .... !,, ,11, ,'1, ,l,U,t.ll, always welcome. J. 0. DAVIDSON, U, O. OOf. M. W 1",'ll " "" '"'' ' ' f"1" ' ' F. 0. Ml IS OR I.AW.lKNCr BUHniNO LI FIJFI R 15 ACCI DKNT INSURANC li Notary I'ulillc anil CiivVyaiirinK All Ijjal fatter Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY B0ND8 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. J'RIaH AUrOAUllllLli THIP from (tend to the Innds nut! return for nil who locnte, Write for I'nrtlculnrs, to LIST YOUR CITY fKOPCRTY WITH DS IF YOU WANT A QUICK SALE. Merrill (8b Wilkinson Company IlKNI), OIU'.C.ON. A Small Piece of Aloney Goes nLonjf Wnynt Qr SJore- In Htiylng Anything In the line of General Merchandise. Wc always curry a complete xtock and can fill your wauti, In the Dry Goods Line we have nn rxcrjt(oiully Kood tlock, and Invite an inapcctloii of name. You will he iiaii'.licil with yotir piircliuci If you do your trading ut our store. Conic see us. Wc will ticut you rihl. E.A. SATHER BEND, OREQON FOUR M0RSU LIVOKY. SADDI.H MURSI-y. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. II. WP.NANDY, Prop. V. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND IIF.AVY LIVERY i Also HAY, OATS, BARM.Y, WIIKAT, CHOI' WIIKAT, HRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered, Order hy Photic No. 18, Horses I5oitfcit and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Snlc. St. James Hotel SilrcrLale Orcgoa J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor When hi Silver Lake, atop at thli well kmrnn hottv, Queat can be aaaured lliat every attention will be imlil to make them cniitfnrlahle. Siwclal attriitlini I to truvclera. Good hatne cooklnu. Term rcawnialilc Our llobbyt Ileal Afeala In Town fur 35c NOTICK FOU IMIIII.ICAT1UN. Ici4tliiitnt of the Inlnlo' U. 8, Uai 0(Mct at Tb l).llta, llr.t.n, January jolli, 1910. Notice It hrrcby (Ircallial MIloW Wllwn, of II rid. Off ron. who, on Marxh mnI, iws, made lloniMlrail Iditry (nal No eisib.) u, ttvA, ! n r"r u "hitiKi rciii.n j, ivrp, in H, U. 11 H . W-M.. ha.Atrtl nolle. rMiil-iilliii for M KW W'HNIJK.HtcflwirJ.Twti. 1 to make filial Plvr.Vrar fionf in r.l.l.ll.l. rl.l to lli land above uKiltl, Ufoir II C ItllU, United Htatra CommU.luiirr at hla office at llend. Oregon, on (lie rjrd day of March, lulu Claimant nain-a at wttnrw. J0I111 t'cr(Uaoii. Hadle eriiiiii, William Arnold, farnr.1 A (rlftiH, Jnlinrlirldraiid Mthrop II, McCami.all of llrnd, Orrkuu WHEN IN BEND STOF AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table alwaya supplied wllh the bait that tho town afford., Ncait and Comfortable Rooms. JIund, Okik.oN I'OK I'JKbT OI.ASS Meals nd Bakery Goods ao to Erickson's Opjiosllc Auiic'h Darn. -T-JI 15llitm(r nn Hpplll-lllluil Wnll Paper Portland l'il N. P. WHIDER PAINTER Si Paperhanger Chtapeat mill Heat Wall PaierS plea In the county, Get My I'rlcv. J Ilox 39, llenil, Orrlion. (wiio c iV Jlooui!, KiiiUttr. I