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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1910)
ft IMS I LYM TOWNSITE Addition to BEND We still have a few desirable lots left out of the 1 00 offered for sale for the past two weeks. The present prices and liberal terms will be withdrawn after this week. MAKE YOUR SELECTION TO-DAY BEND INVESTMENT GO. A. B. BUCK RICHARD KING Write for Plats and Prices to ' CENTRAL OREGON REALTY CO. MERRILL U WILKINSON CO. HOME LAND CO. M. G. COE M. J. MORRISON J. S. PARMENTER Or JOHN STEIDL, President of the Townsitc Company, Bend, Oregon WATCH BEND GROW! LAST CHANCE FOR Studio Pictures Tub is my last month in Bend, so call early if you want pictures taken. H. M. COOK ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A 320-Acre Homestead, Irrigated or Timber Lands or Town Property? DO YOU WISH TO Insure with the Strongest Company on Pacific Coast? DO YOU WANT Stenographic Work of all kinds done at a reasonable rate Notary Public neat and accurate and have Money Loaned you at the rate of five per cent interest? If so, call on or write Central Oregon Realty Company BEND, OREGON When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable purniture.. cu on MILLARD TRIPLETT BEND, OREGON LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Furnished room to rent. Iu quire at Lara's store. Good subscription solicitor want ed. Call at this office or address The Bulletin. Dr. U. C. Coe this week sold his ditch forty cast of town to Henry Suttong. Consideration $1500. The Merrill-Wilkinson Company located on the High Desert this week, J. W. McClurc and A. A Dickey. . Valentines will be sold and may be mailed through a fx!toiiice equipped for the occasion, and pies of various sizes, makes and prices will be on bale at the social'I'riilay night. W. H. Staats and J. N. Hunter returned to Iknd the latter part of last week after a business trip of several weeks at Portland and also Minneapolis and St. Paul. They returned from the Tw in Cities by way of New Orleans, and across the bouthern part of the U. S. 1 hey enjoyed the trip but report that they found some frightfully cold weather at Minneapolis. The Ladies Library Club cleared $53 75 from their supper last week. Thts will be used to renew sub scriptions to the raagaxincs. The ladies feel very thankful to those who contributed cither material or work. Those who did not get their dishes will find them at Lara's Htorc. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Inlcet U ft. Land omc at Th Dalle. Oregon, January loth, 1910, Notkc It hereby glea that MtluW Wilton, of Demi, Ort ton. who, on March jjfd, iwj. mad lloructtend hair (hii1 No JM No My, for I! H SWji WHMlu.txtifooij.Twp it , K i It . W it . hat film noun of Intention la mtkr Vlntl Hive year I'roof, torttabluiictalm to I be Und abo dctcrlbrd. Ufurr II C Kills. uniieo nitict lommiMionrr nit omc si iwimi. Otraon, ou lb ijrd day of March, lota. Claimant Bui-e ilnrei John Hcrguton, rladle ;'ttruun. Militant Arnold, Karat! A Crltnn. John Hieldl and Lalhrop II. MtCauu, all of bend, Oregon fa-nut C W UOOKK. Kcgltler. "NOTTcB'KOlt FuTlMOATioN."" Drpartrucnl of Ihr Inlrrlor. 1' H tend Olhc at Tier Dalle, Oregon. January lh, 1910. Notice la hereby glu that Out A Hchrocder. of llend, Oregon, who, on May loth, igoa., made llomrttcad llulry (hcrlal No ojifcj.) No ln, fur Nil K Hec I. Tap IJft.K II 15 , W M , ! filed notk- of Intention lu itk I'lual Pitr .v t...r i.,.i .i.i ... l..... -t 7KI I IIWI. IV IHIHIUI IMIUI III IH. .Willi MIMfTV ileicTltKil. hclurall C I'.llla, United Male Com miatiourr, at hltoincvat vend, Oregon, ou lb loth day of March. 19IU. Claimant uamra aa witneaate OtM W II. Mlley. I'ranV lutl, Charlca A. Maulfurrough ai I'ctcr Mcladorfer, all of tend, Oregon fo-inrv C W. MOOKI!, Mcgttter. California Restaurant Mra H. Houghton, Prop Ilctt of incut Krvcil at ill liotirt ul llie day. Iloanl tml tlglug $23 a month. Coffee 1111 Doughnuts 10c. Clean, comfortable boll, 25c 11 night. We run a Mattery lu connection with the reatauraiit anil carry everything In the bakery line. Look at this 'issue of THE BULLETIN. It is evidence that Bend business interests are convinced that it pays to advertise Pipes, Cigars and TobaCCOS, Call in and take a look at our line of Meerschaum and French Ilrlar Pipes. The best line of Cigars and Tobaccos In town headquarters for your Fine. Candies f HE CORNER CONFECTIONERY G. W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch Repairing A SI'KCIAI.TV. Two doors south of P.O. fteiut n r CONTKST NOTICH. Dlir-AUTMItNT OK TIIK INTHMIOH V It I and OnV. Tht lall. Of Ikrtmltfl It Inu. A auftVtant conical alhdatll hallux l n 114 1 In thltonVahy llt.MIIH NlltWONtlHM.toalnt ant, again Kalry No, HA, road Dwaitrt M It. IjM fu NKNWK, tiwyf, ftttkNXi pniiw wi w u, r v t if ti v iiiainriir mrr Idtan, by TIIOMAn II fAl CoaltMc la! which It la all' ant that aakl Thorn a It farr kit wholly atamdoutd aald humcalrad lor mm Hut n all monlhtlatt Mt ami hit fallrd la ln w wi cwurai in aantT at rtvirrl r law nun aaHi aurf m ariBc wat not uv in tilt mfr-" nnl la Ikt arm. Ktfr. or Marina mint elU Unlltit IMatr In tfmt of war luM artlt ar hrrtby nollrlnl to airar If ( inond and oiler (tMcBC touehlKs aakl atlect ' lion at tan cinch a m on t'etmiiry 1 1? ! fue II C tail, a V fc, CoenmlHiooer at kit i omcln d, Ortcon ami that Anal hcailif , will U kekl at iauTclocaa m. on Kcbraary v ii, Mepwr in nraititr aau urcvuer ai ia 4 Lfnllnt IMalea Und In Tht Ixllrt, (tra ; Thaaaldrouletttnl httlm In a tirr alt . daell, Bleti lecMlr it, iij. aet fotlh (, which ahow that afltr dua Ulllnnr iil ' aerrlc of Ihla nolle canaol t made It It heitay , ; vi.hkk amHi,,i,ii, ph, Sw KW.I 0, , bduaa4t Iteoti iMihlirallnM J ll It C W MDORK, Krutatar :w MAPPy FARMER J&NES. ALDKIDaii & MUIJBS. ISI You'd lie luppy too If you bniiKlU your HARNESS AND Leather Goods OK JOHN LEGAT llciul. Or. KKI'AIKINO and Nhw Wouxi NOTICE FOR PUIHiICATION. llltrAKTMItNT OH TIIK INTiWrOn V h Laodonircat Lakttlew.dr Ixumltrii, tifn. Nolle It hereby lrn that KI.MIi J MIIRRILI., of HoalaiMl, Ore oii. who, on JaBualy lllh fM. mtilt llometlead llnliy No. lttl. rWrul No. oitu.foe lilai. f. HltUNKU'. NIIVKHU IWC- tlonl.Twp IIH.H it It, Wlllamellt MeiMi"il riaa nietl nolle or inltallnn to max wti.i ate Sear tnuoi. to rttahllth claim to tliv HM ni etctllml, hefurc II C Itlllt, V K Cominiwi we), at llend, Oioa,on h llh d&y of I'eUutlj, lalo. Claluianl namra at wllneatra Wm II lid llnthead, Joaeiih Taikarl, Chetler llolllnihetd all urrloalaad,, W Kay WllkinauM uenu, uiiiun ll ft AHTIIITK W OHTON, HtUter , NOTIOK TOR PUllMOATION. lictiarlmcnt of lh Inleiior, U It. Uml OOUt at Tht Dallet, Oieioo, January 10, f Notice la hereby aleen that- JOHN niHOUHON of Dead, Ore ion. who on lonietieaii unity incrial lor HKUHKli Krr ll. MVUHWU NWUntc t. NKUNKU rwc. JO, Two, It l K ll Hatt Wfllamtilt Meridian, hat filed nc tin oflnttnlion loniaVeflnel Aet-year proof, lu i taMltli claim to lh Und atiot dracnlied, lieiuic II C KlMi, llnlUd Klatet Ciiinmltilouer at lilt oftlce at Ik ml, Oicgon, wi tlie lh day of llmt lym, Claimant namea aa wltnetacti Mllo W U l k,,M. Il I Uhllll. WIllArl,! U fl.lm,, V 1 ward I' lirotlrrhout, Uilhrop II. McCaan.JoIm oichii, an vi ikuu, irreiioii, fi mr C. W HOOKIt, Krililrf - --- j- - NOTICH TO CRItDITORS. In Iht County Cmut nfthe Klat of Orrion, for Crook Counly, In tin Mailer nflh Idtate of I WAI.TKK H. MltVIUrl, Dmatcd.l Tha underlined liavln Iwen appointed t the County Court of the Mat of Oregon, !' Crook County, adtnlnUlralor nf Iht ctltle of Walter H, Mttlut, dtctaaed, nutlet It hcichjr Hirtn 10 in cretiuora 01, alia an ptiaona nimni clalina agaliut aald deceated, to pre Mill lh'"i veilacd at reiulred ky law. wltblu all month; after th Ant publication or Ihla notice lo tall Jamea N. ea(ta, admlnUtralor, at hit office HI Iht I'lrafNatloual lUnk building, Hend, Oregon, t th olTica of C It, Veutou, lilt aloiuey. ... . JAMKlt N KMATTIIi. Admin lilretor uftli rlt ufW.H.r II IIhiHi deceated, , llatrl thlt olh day of I'thruary, loin, C. H. IIKNaOM. 4-5t Attoruty for AiluiluUliatur. I itiunwn a Marrh 4, iw, int!i No ouul) No, iv, a Ukflw tl. HWWHWU Hc 14, NttlfJ : IvnilUnKH "c. to. iwp, it t WlllaneiU Meridian, haiAlednct u&apim3wr,iWaiwrf)riimiv$H' !' ' niiii"-i'i't'iivtiHninniB , i i , iiyfywjtjaj3ajaaaaB mms' i iiiJjmaiiiijiliiiiuwaiawwwjtartriai