Hood's Sarsaparilla Acta tllrodly and iicculinrly on tho blood; purlflon, enrichim and rovitallzoH It, and in tliifl way bulldu up tho wliolo HyiUcm. 'Mo it. Get iUodny. . tti utunl lhulil form or rliucoUUil ll U In rllrl HrnUb. !l)0 Hoars II, On Snrraaalnl t'aaa, Ht)orlor, ynu'ro not s foolish as (o think you con inaks tieopln i-noil by litrforiiiont operations on them, are yoiiT" "That ilsnsnda upon what you mil initklitK roil ko1. Von can chunk hlr tlUpoililon In commll crlmo." "As, fur xiHiipt" - "Wrll, I once knew h man who was rurrtt. by h tlinpln nprrullon, of a ton lenity to ruli Utnk ami hold up rail. ny inilnn." "Dlil you pi-rform It, lint'torT" "No; I wa tnrrrly eitlM on to ver ify tti result altar Ilia operation wni nvr.H "W'-ll, wlio dlil prrfnrm It T" "A frontier h-rirr." Chlcami Trill una. 1i-l nod Tw-llnrrarr. Happy men are full of Hi pr-sent, lor Iti bounty suffices tlionu .ml wlu men also, for Its duties engsitn thrvn. Our Krnnil btulnro undoubtedly I a not to what lies dimly at a dl. tane but to do what Up dourly at hand. Kilward I'ltidcratd, 'Tolonlus," Bays Tlili Iteclpo for Cold. "Mil half pint of Rnnd whlikoy with two ounce of glycerine and mid oniv half ounce fnnreniratril pine roniMiind. Tim Ixiltlr It lu lie wrll Imkrii csoli limp iiml iticxl In tlutes of a Iraiiioimfiil to a Ulilmponnful rrry four hour. " Any drii(ull hat thi-ne Inurnlirnti or tin will UK tlipm from III wlioleaala hunt. Thl In wonderfully rftVetlvc. 'flip t'onfcntrMrd pine U n ap-cial ilim ircliif and eonies only In lislf iiHiiee ImiIIIm, park pbpUmpiI In an air tilth! . ltit lie tMtr It U labeled M.'uncentrsteil ' Died hi IIInhlr-rlKM I'r-dlelad, rraphtxylnc rarly In llfr that she would live to see her cUbty-elichth birthday. MIm Julia II Hancock, o' llrockton, Mass., ilUil a few day ago an the day ah had previously set foi brr dpath, Inftrniltlri of an art ttlvrn a the cause, Hhe Kara no particular reason for her prediction, although she seemed Imbued with the belief that bar propbtry wnitli . "- The npxt tlmu J'HJ leel thai swsl lowing sensation, the sure algn of sorr throat. ir-wla Hamllni Wiiard Oil Im mediately with three part water. It will save you daya and perhaps weeks of tnlcry. Wtiat'e In at mn An amusing story'has been told con cerning Mr Phillips' rlnmlo drama, "Dlymtpit." Whin ll waa being played In America, two young jrlrli era lit tlnif lOKdlirr In the. alalia at a matlnp pi'rformanre, and bfor the curtain tofl thn followliiK ronvertatlon wa heard: ' "Hny, Man dp, I know thla play U Rolnic to b funny." "What makpi you think no 7" nuknl MaudP. "Why, anybody rould IpII that from the name!" waa thp raplr M. A. V. Cood for Sore tyr, for over 100 year I'lTrtlT'S KYE HAI.VH ha poaltlvoly curctl vvodl raoca overywhorc. All (IruKRiat or Howard Uroa., llulfwlo, N. Y. rami si miiprPHp. "Yet," ald the bride of three ahort tnonthi, "1 had made up my mind to remain In the aplniler claoa, then John appeared upon the acene and I ac ccpted him berauio ho waa 10 unlike other men." "Oh, of courie he'a different," re joined the envlou lady friend. "He prapoaed," Yonkcra Htateamao. Your Hair Contrary? Is it Inclined 10 run awiy? uon't punish it with a cruel brush and combl Feed it. nour ish It, save It with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where It belongs, An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Uit nof chant. If ht aVA. hU. A 'mala with wk ktllla f -w I, U . tar yers Ak hit akaat It, tktadaatkaiaja Wo certainly believe this, or,wo would noteav eoAyer'i HalrVli-r. alio" made from our new Improved formuU, If ret preparation for the bilr and clp. Slope falling hair. Curee dan druff. Promotei the erowth of hair. K-. - M 1 , 0. Aj n 0., Lawall, M4M.- . IIAM'O IIOllN J1LAS1U. WariiliiM .Voir. CiiIIIiik Hip Wpd lit HpiipmIiimpp, Hiurod religion IIUVIT kucM. TnlkliiK in ll ah illicit not liiuki) n Minn nipi'k. Tlipy who wnll on tint ImtA pI iloni Imvp to alt Mill. Dropa of ppra pi rut Ion do mora for thli world limn Hood of dart. Hoft tlmr-t niakn hard hfiirln. Two-fnrpil ppoplo enn p nplther way. (IrowlliiK iiiomotpa no onn'a growth In Kmro. No limn ran turp with one ya on hi niilnry. Only ii fool hIII iip .loimh a a hid' ItiR platn when duly mil. Prpui'lilliK fur iKipulitrlly I n poor Hy of lii'lpliut lli puiuliirr. TryliiK tu nimwur aiiolhpr" pniyitn w find the tneaiiliiK of our own. Anldiitr a IiIphiiIuk ovi'r alolpn brpad will not .ivn you from rhokliiR an It No man evrr did Hiiy Krvit work who ulwny thoiiKht of conneiiueucp. TIip plrty of (ho world I nevpr pro motpd by folio who advprtUe thrlr onn. Truth I found by wIIIiik Jour fret on fact, but not by lookliiK nt thpfnrU aloup. I'popla who talk mnit about the dl vine plana oftPii do IpaiI to rxmitt thrm. TIip Ioiikpt you kppp your iIuIIpi waltliiK, the lucer they ' til rtow In dirRrulty. Mpii rhootn what thpy cull Buccpa bivttii thpy allow It pront to hide Ita prlct'. Our ermtMit huppltippa conir wbpn Ufa la kppii hn Jimt the rhnnco to love and kIvd our Hvm nway. Don't txdleve wnrythlnx the IIrIiI nlni: rod ncptit tell you Juat bpcauic he drpr llkp n prwtclicr. If you litivii f,ilp to hp a Unlit all the ytvir geltlnR up a revival honflra will not mako up for your own dark npn. NC SMALL CIIANOE IN ALASKA. II far, Ther "r. lrnua Nmnllpr ur War llubhrra ,r CumII. "No iHntlr, nickel and. dlmr ro In Alaakn" aatil John ltnover of Fair. banko. "Whpti I first went to that country I aw bartPiidpr look rurloua- ly at a dime that nottm tenderfoot had toaapil on tho bur and then aw cop It off on the floor with tholr hand. I wondered nt thl ronteiupt for rml money and aakpil Minr ijuiitlona about It, dlacoYetiliK that no olio ever took nickel or dime and that nothing rould Ixi lioiiKht In tho Klondike for I en than 15 cent. "Take the ordinary aark of tobacco for Inatance. which we ran Ret hrr- far a nickel. There thpy rnunnt hpII .l.atal Tliaaa 4 It a lina( a.il I " it for a uuortcr hardly, ao they make It two for n quartvr, but will not eil ono for IS cents. "It I common cause among tuoxo xopl up there. They do not want ulckela and dime .Introduced, tor In troduction of Minatl change would mean lower wae and lower price. Ordinary ahovnler i;ct ft or $5 a day now and other labor la paid In proiwrtlon. They do not want to re reive lower wafir. "Of eoursa It ! true that they nake money on the aide, almost every worker do. Thorn I a tendency In mining to follow the rule thnt n ur ic t a belong to tb man who uncover 'hem even It they are found on the Malm of the employer. I have apen men pick up uuRKeta worth from an InnlRiiinrAnt sum to 1108 In value. The KAiue up there la worth playing, I have had thl" box filled with (told Juat aevernl Union and lot It; but I expect to keep right on till 1 make t strike. Mr Hoover has with him onn ot Mm leather bags that the dust Is car ried In In Alaska, It la about twolvu Inchea In leuirth ami lint and Is about four Inches across, It ties with a I thong, "This looks as If an elephant bad ateppod on It," ho salil, "but It has had tho dust In It up- In the Klon Jlko all right. "Thero ar mighty few robber In Alasku, It doosu't tako more than four years to try a criminal and give him proper punishment up there; and boaldos, he can be caught. There I jnly ono way out and that Is guard id, Ilealdea, gold dust la aa easily Ide mined an different kinds of cloth it cattlo, An assayer or a banker In Seattle, for Instance, will tell you whether your gold Is fron ono creek r anothor. There Is somotlmes 10 per cent difference In the value ot the (old from streams running parallel )n different sides of tho samo moun tain, A holdup man who acquire told dust would have to account for , It whon ho went out, nnd It could be tmced clly," Des Molnoa Resistor tP SMITH WANTS and will pay n follow for (rood, fat stufTwo novcr chnri;o com tnlalon on anything! Veal under 130 lb Xlo Uro veal lea, accordinif to alzo nnd (unllty, I)rccd Hojffl ,,, ....9)0 lions nml Spring, allvo X4o Hun and Hprinic, drcaacd,, ' ,.15tole0 Turkey. drrcl 221a (lceo, dreiecd 15C Duck, ilretuicd , , . ,20o FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. nf.fctel-BccfTnr PORTLAND, OREGON. A IVrp AUrmit, They wrr mIioiiI tu nppu th Tana nm rufinl In dil" form "What are wp wiiIIIiir forf kpd the mun who vtm to deliver th ora tion. mWp arp waltlnr," niwcrcd the rna tpr of crrrinonlt-i In a huaky whlaper, "to are If we can't t.rn up a fpw Amprlcau built ahlpa to o throush nratl" CblniKn Trlbunp. WODCKN tXrtRt DENTISTRY At Frkta thai Dff CwnC4klfl irrm wutiour rtAits a spcciaitv tiliui vu I'TTiiifmnu iam nfi.vKit niuNua ...,'.'.','',""'.''i6e vu imiui kiujncw .. iio up C'K I.UIJ1 ClltlWN .,., 90.1 IK)M IIUIIIIKIt I'l.ATK 1 19.1 TIIK IIKJtr IIUIIIIKII I'LATJ-I 8.00 wiuuatoNt: riJVTia . , 1I0.00 llul-ur.lonn ptlnl n oMaln PrfKI wotk il mv hwnr bf ralllnf at our offlf. NO HTUDKMIH NO OAH NO COCAINK All work (M'ninlml for Im jr CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 3li W..SInt1o- St.. Cm. Sltlh ltbll.h"4 It ypan. Ilr to (tar. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM YOUR HOME Urana an unfailing wal-r aupply It maam that ft) will h tba nut practi cal lomall tralar aunptjr ritm now In im No lahnl tank, nu fron plpai In winter, no atasnant watar In aummer, n In iupply troubka of anr aort. Tank ptarol In t-mil out of tUrhl an4 way, itm.I of pr-Mt ll, will not rut and wlilUltallf.tlnva. You wlU U Mmm.1 with U LKADKK ililim pf furnltlilna IKvitl Watar SuprY Ak toe our ratalocu and (r tuukbt. "llw I 8olJ Mr Watar Mppl froUUm." . LEWIS & STAVR CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. THE SAFE WAY T tratal IUt I via th Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's NEW FAST TRAINS Oregon-Washington Lbited Portland to Chlcaro Chicago-Portland Special Chicago. 81, Umla, Kte, Soo-Spokane-PortlanJ 'Train da Lua" toBL I'aul Latest eoulnment, Pullman, Tourist and Ulnlng Cars, electric lltfhtod and un-to-date. Block Signal Syttem Portland to Chicago. For literature, rates, reserva tions, etc.. call on or write to any O. H, & N. ugont, or to WM. McMURRAY General Passenfier Agent Portland, Oregon $$ HHHHaP j6m& lEiHES fee"?tiM- C A V1 1WW "Does one Flh lire In this build InK?" 'Janitor Yon, third floor, but IiIh name's Herrlnic. "I am looking for a husband." "How would 1 dot" "Hut you are married?" "All husbands are." Houston Post. First Newport-r Was It an Inform al dlnnirT Second Nowporter Very. The flowers only ctM 12,600. 1'uck. "HI nee Maud's engagement how bright and happy alio looks." "Yea; a matoh lights up a girl's face." Life. "Nature plans well for mankind's needs." "I should any 00, What could be morn convenient than ears to hook spectacle orerT" Old Lady (In a hoe shop) Have you frit slippersT 8 mall Hoy Arwlst. ant (solemnly) Yrw, ma'am; many a time! Comic Cuts. "Was It, your wlfo who called you up this mornlngT" "No; that was aunt. It waa my wife who called me down." Ilaltimore American. Solemn Man I)o you hear the clock slowly ticking? Don't you know what day It Is ever bringing nearer? Cheer ful 'Man Yes, pay-day. Profdnsor I'e come to see your col lection of curios. Merchant Pardon, If I Introduce, Arwt of all, my wife and daughter -Megendorfer Illnctter. "Opportunity calls Just as often as In years gone by." "But with us, all huddled up In flat, opportunity Is liable to whistle up the wrong tube." Minister And the child's name, madam? Mother (firmly) Name him Frederick Ilobert Cook Peary Smith. I'm not going to take any chances. Puck. IUrber (to customer, whom he's cut up) Would you mind going out the back way? Bo many people might wo you In the main street. Meggendorfer Illatter. Bultor (on bended knee) See, In me, my love, your most humble and devoted servant. She If this Is your first place, I'll engage you for life. I.ustige Illatter. Arctic Kxploror During our whole two years In the polar region we rouldn't wash ourselves once. Enfant Terrible- Mamma, can't we move there.? lAistlge Welt. "Will that young man ever go home?" demanded the Irritated head of the house. "I guess so, father," re plied the mater famlltas. "He always has." Washington Herald. I'Tofessor's Wife (to cook) My hus band has received a call to Heidelberg. Will you go with us? Cook I feel highly honored, madam, but I cannot acropt the call. Lustlge Welt. Poet When I flnltthed that poem I wa completely exhausted. Editor I ran sympathize with you, old man. I waa lii the mine condition when I finished rending It. Philadelphia Rec ord. Ha (nervously) Er er-Margaret er er there's something has been trembling on my lips for the lost two months. She Yes, so I seo. Why don't you otisve It off? Princeton Tiger. "You ifomen never keep posted on curtent events." "Why, yea we do. I've been reading all about the finding of the pole. Hut. John?" "Well, what?" "How did the pole happen to be lostr Public ledger "Say, Casey, It's har-red wurrker yn are. How many hods uv mortar hev ye carried up that ladder to-day?" Casey Hush, man. I'm fooling the botis. I've carried the same hod up and down all day, and he thinks I'm wurkln." 8entor Partner Keep a sharp eye on Holdfast, I'm afraid he's robbing the firm. Junior Partner Eh? Is he living extravagantly? Senior Partner Well, I passed him in the street yes terday, and he was smoking a cigar that dldnt' smell at all' bad. Tlt-Dlts. "I must warn you, dearet," ho said, "that after we are married you will very likely find me Inclined to be ar bitrary and dictatorial In my man ner" "No matter, she replied, cheer fully, "I won't pay Uie slightest at tention to what you jay." Presbyte- run Hianaara, "Has that feller Plnkley returned home yetr , "Nope, He'a been gone two years now, and nobody knows a bleased thing about him." "Well, derned If I shouldn't think you'd be afraid he'd come home some day and claim he found the South Pole." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "How Is this?" asks the brutal hus- Iband, looking over his wife's accounts. "Here's a bill for $40 for two switch es. I thought I heard you and Mrs. Magoogln talking about how glad you , were that the new fashions had done away with rats and pompadours." "So they have," explains the fond wife. . "nut don't you see, the switches take the plaoo ot the rats and pompadour.'' I Otlosgo Post. , Jim UM. K1& yn WJ jpZA 4Lymmm.$. FREE! HARP - A ew and wonderful mumral Initrtmrnt. which la a tomWnallnn uf Ida rrand Italian hrv and rullar It ha. a Imiutlful tona and la x"lllnlr ll.a ratlrat Inetrummt Ifl play rrf road. W trath yua at your own hm At an ad-rrttomnt wa ara COIKC TO OYE AIW ofiaof our II1XO Harp OulUra a eah of th flnt t-n prraona In ath ruunty who rand nrthir nam, addraaaand whom tnaham K for Sit down XIOIIT NOW and drop ut a card and It on of the lutkr raw . thr are soinr fat HARP.GlllTAR MfC. CO.. 428 lumbar Ectiana Oalldlnt. Partfand, Or. Chun-- for a Hnraaln. Dejected Youth I would like to re. turn this engagement ring I purchased here a few days sgo. Jeweler Didn't ll suit the young lady? Dejected Youth Yes, hut another young man had already given her one Just like It, and 1 would like to ex change It for a wedding present. Tld Ults. Tub In lllm at Ilia Word. Upgurdson It goes without saying Atom Then suppose we let It gc that way, Lovely afternoon. Isn't It? Bad BLOOD "Before I began tulng C-scarels I bad a bad complexion, pimples on my fsce, and my food wa not dlgetted as it should have Vetn. Now I am entirely well, and the pimples have all disappeared from my face. I can truthfully soy that CoscareU are jutt as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them." Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan. Ind. Munt. r.laULU. Totrnt TaaU Coal. Do Good. NTrr 8Ukn. W-alen or Grip, lto. ZVy tOc Narer aoVl In bulk. Tb a-an-cln tabUt atamprd C C C Goarmntard to cura or jwr money back. MORPHINE Mf T ft m MB m t k I MfkMM.r rati Mf t sttJwt. OMTUki fall BMU f IfMt-MAft Ml U Umm fttKto4 ViUmI mi c 4ftL -! im rr4 1-wni H rf y-a, Ot ll ! trUt, Im MM4JM1 U4NM ,, XltoUttU ILlA-axH CURE it itST vxxaxL tw Qawslev-S U as uie as k k elective. Guar anteed to contain do opiates. It very palatable too cJukLrea Eke it. All Druoalsta, M Cents jumeiuluiwi ijssiiiiii Ltwawaas-ie!it! On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will feeep you dry And glvs yoa tall -alas U comfort sad long wssr 83. OO BOARAHTKD WATIRPRWf BJJ ly flntUu SaUlltrt tit enstry ow. Ban. f or asr rrtt Cttalept A. J. TOWER CO. HVUVFDxr Boston. U. a. A. QT--kta-tI Ton n cutiDU." co- lu. ; TaaoxTO. Cnd ZlfUtAi A DOSE OF PI SOS! MAPLEINE From Arctic I .alH fliu B Solid brass font holds A quarts of oil sufficient to give oat a glowing heat for 9 hours solid brais wick carriers damper topcool handle-oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Krtry Dttler Etetyvihere. II Not At Yourt. Write for Dctcripthe Circular to the Ncucu Agency ot tits STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) tlllllllllf I!IHJ GUITAR! FREE! -li9ilarWw A 9(nirlliH-a Happens. "You'd like to have me give thl- a notice, I presume," said the llterarr editor. "lnd--d, I would," answer-d the au thor of the book; "the best In th world." Hut the conscientious literary editor, after reading It. classified It ss on of the worst In the world. IHmplyfylnK It. "Joslah, what Is the house of lordsT" "It's one branch of th rirltlsh par liament You've heard of the house ot commons, haven't you?" "Ye-es." "Well, th- lords are the tincommons." Howard r. nrmux awarrr and CAaoiUt. RimImi lllitai M4. L-4vilI, Cok-rado. Hic(a rri iij.,r. aa. .1, iinio, nu.ar. ua imho, mo; xiaw orCbfar. It M.lUaa-nvalAftf and fall fcriraju a-atoaarall'-AlAn (Vrntrol a-d taalra workaa IMIad. tutmnactt OuioaawKalloaafltaak. flll..r. L-aa. II, UnM. "lli.r. tW) Oold, too, tlmm EffiSiSkl . C0FFEEC TEA 0PICES BAK1N9 POWDER EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT r.fiiTTi nrvr-w' L pc-xa wJ GONORRHDEAanoRLEET AT DRUGGISTSJ9R TRIAL BOX BY UAItSBol FROM PtAHTCH.93 HflY3T.BR0OKLYrUCrJ . BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ainless Dentistry Oat at tows a-s aa aaa U4r frltai aa hriaawork fl .bad la ana aay WfaUltkaraa a faad 22k im t ttKtitm ttmt $3.5 Itlar Cmai 6.CH I rr EWnT"i3.5l( BM nan 1-W I CuMtracutt L&i! KharriBift .511 iainnn 2.51 6m lkr - rum 5.H w futi. 7.51 niunmuaiwiua rivmuiriwin WORK aUARANTBKO FOR IB TUM UplSaradraMualtallaar-M. llxacaaivMnttattaa H).lM,VrfA..t,nun. All -- fsUrnar. vlnl V fiMMUt. rn, u f.lIrao Lrla antaad. l-oani TtUit Mlmal. h-Bt-an. Wise Dental Co. ?SSJwBS'f.72 PORT-S'NOOrUCSOM em-fawns.- s a. m. usr.tt. sataja.su.. NU No.i-no WHKIf wrillnc to ad-crUscr plaaaa I mautlan thla papar. I A naTorinff nMd the tame at Irmen er Taenia. llr dluolulm; gTtnalattd tusar Id watrr and addlDB Uaplrtnr, a dtlidoot trrap it mad. and a ittdp better than Dtplr. MtcWIotlttoMbr BTOcrra. If net atnd XV for 2 ot. bottle ana ncipabook. Crattaat Mf. Col, Saattla, Waw to Tropics I JUPvi' tr5T A-Pai ! tf i KdaM-l-H-t ' 1 si' f 'f-i Br "'" 'iB -B-Mtauj " uf-ilfeW BK" L.' VtioilB H9' " ' R IfjBv 3 P ---L H M. w. i. mt, ram m Kav-a in Ten Minutes No oil heater has a higher efficien cy or greater heating power than the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless device) With it you can 10 from ihe cold of the Arciic to the warmth of th Tropics in 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device fire vents smoking. Removed in aa nstant for cleaning. , tnd .Leader.