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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1910)
rvi xopics or the Times Ttm wtti never Ve happy If you aary the happiness of others. A minute of roil work four's talking about It. bests sn No umplr was ever mobbed for let ting the home twwi w In. The coat may not make- the man. but It often helps htm to make a bluff. ir a man's wife cuts his hslr ho Is ntltled to a lot more sympathy than lis cets. One way to forest your financial troubles Is to figure the cost of the Janma Canal The airship man declines to be called a chauffeur. I la claims to be a jprofasior of aviation. -' lis particular In examining your 9&U0 bills. A dangerous counterfeit of that denomination Is reported. Kmma Goldman makes It plain that ha wilt not stop talkies so lonx m there are snjr words In the dictionary. The north pole. It seems, was located .n the shifting Ice. Every explorer must natch his own pole. 0 respon sibility for lost poles! Doubting Thomases who discredit Dr. Cook's story can ask Santa. Claus Tor corroborative testimony when he wastes his annual call. ' The ex-Shah of Persia hints that he, lass been bunkoed out ot his throne by Russia. But. alas, he cannot get even 2y playing the same trick on Nicholas. Londoners are beginning to drink specially prepared sour milk to pro long life. Have the Londoners ever pondered on what fresh air and sun bine would do for them? X Pennsylvanlan named Kldd haa. named his youngest baby Orvtlle Up dyke. We can see the finish of that youngster when ha ages a few years auid gets out among the other boys. Thus tpoVa the harassed, uneducated wife and mother, whose children were dally forgetting at homo whnt they learned at school. "Tho moat, danger ous woman In n community Is . worn an ot leisure. She tries to divert her self by taking up ono fad after anoth er. and while she proclaims her use fulness, aho Is rsally undermining the foundations of social order and wise chnrlty by her follies, which she calls benevolence" So a trained worker among the poor set forth her Irrita tion with the superfluous helper, who, having no business of hir own, occu pled herself with that of other folk Doth critics Illustrate the provident misconception of tho meaning and use of telsurtv The woman they describe Is the Idle woman She Is truly the enemy of society Whether she reads libraries of cheap fiction, or plays da) long games of cards, or purvejs gos sip, or champions "reforms" as foolish as they are noisy, the Idle woman Is a burden and a menace. On the other hand, every woman who orders her life welt and wisely Is a true woman ot leisure. Without some space In every day uncrowdsd with duties or pleas ures, there Is no flexibility of plan and no repose of spirit. Without leisure to furnish elasticity and to make posil ble soma, ripening thought, a woman's Ufa becomes either a treadmill round or a wandering butterfly's flight. Lei- sura Is the synonym tor rsserve pow er. Is fosters the sens ot responsi bility It Illumines dullness with hu mor. It restrains rashness and ban ishes pettiness. To b without leisure Is to be without wisdom. Letsure sows the rare seed which Idleness neglects, and even Industry cannot gather the harvest which has not been sown Papers b? peoplF Scientists say the north pole doesn't remain at the ssnia place, but wobbles -within a radius ot thirty feet Per haps this accounU for the fact that it has staggered so many explorers. It Is expected that the next census -will show a population ot About 100,. 00.000 for the United States. The xaan who produces An article on which be can make 10 cents profit and which verybody needs knows what a popu lation of 100,000,000 means. The new McAdoo tunnels, now In "operation, carry passengers from New York to the Jersey side In three mln tries. The metropolis means to retain mil the advantages of its Island situa tion, and conquer, one by ooe, the long-endured disadvantages. The Halley comet, after being Invisi ble for seventy four years, hss been sighted by a Heldelbrg profeskor, but people who do not possess telescopes will not be able to see it until next spring. It Is sad to think of the cnany famous ones who will hate been for gotten before the plain people get a look at the comet. Sometimes the newspapers ax nounce In startling headlines that a lone highwayman has "held up" a train and gotten away with a fabu Ions Amount of money. This fires the Imagination of the criminally inclined and leads them to think that "easy money" may be had without work. Out the fact Is that very few criminals ever profit much by their Ill-gotten gains. William A. Tlnkerton, the vet eran detective, declared. In a recent address, that no crime pays, that 95 per cent ot criminals die In debt and frequently in want. And speaking of "holdup" robbers especially, ha says few are alive and out of prison to-day. The very limited number that ara In comfortable circumstances are those who have abandoned criminal lines and taken to honest work. It some times happens that a man who has led a criminal life for a while reforms And after squaring himself with the law builds up a competence In some legiti mate pursuit. This is partly due to the fact that a successful robber or burglar must be a man of more than ordinary nerve, ability and quickness. Tho same amount of energy and smartness and labor that he puts Into "TOWERS OF 8II.0AM LESS IN NUMBER." lly William Scott Pa'mtr. "Providence and prudence," said Sweden borg, "act as one" 1 see earthquakes and olranocs, wrecked ships. Innocent men suf fering while the guilty prosper I are micro-si-oplc parasites slnlng their thousands and mosquitoes more dangerous than quirk-firing guns Disrate, pain, misery, and the Incl dence ot death, working by n grim law which Is mornlly an Indifferent chance, srrm out ot hII connection with love or Justice My heart slckons at my mind's eye sure)s the world where every living thing lives In some peril; and where the peril turns to disaster as that or this "tower ot Hlloam" falls with out distinction upon young and old, just and unjust, valuable or worthless lives. Or so we say when the towsr falls upon ourselves or upon those whom ws lovs as wa love ourselves, Now and then something happens In ths world to rid ns ot ona ot these dangerous towers, these Indifferent agents ot dtath or misery, and ws breathe more freely. For example, malaria and yellow fever are growing dally less terrible, and whole countries ever which that tower always shook and often fell are freeing them selves from a death that slew Indlscrlmtnattngly, un- lovingly, unjustly At leifct this Is what men say of It when It smites them In some tender place. There are not many ot us. If there are any, who would be so foolish as to mark out the boundary beyond whlrh our use and management of things will not be able to pass, and our skill and prudence will not be able to avoid catastrophe Some of us even believe that, we may come to use our world skillfully enough to ward off all disease and bodily pain, so that life will last much longer than It dots now, and death come, for by far the greater number. In the way of old age. phras no sanction trom etperlence? And though a mother bo "a slave to her children," has a father no parental cares? Are there no houssholds In which a father has to sink his "Individuality" and preferences and wishes- allow his meals In be fixed, whsrs he shall live, when and where ha shall take his holidays and ecn how long he shall remain In harneis "for tha like or the children?" Is n "deoled husband" merely a contiadlctlon In terms? As to the comparative losses and gains ot entering the marriage state, does the man standing nt tho altar surrender nothing and Incur no responsibilities from which he would otherwise be frea, and does the woman acquire nothing but the burden of fresh duties and a gold ring of a somewhat monotonous pattsrn? I apologise for the elementary and homely character of these Interrogstorlts Hut the fad that they arise out ot a current controversy shows whirs that contro versy Is taking us, And so I put ths question, as a rust ler for timely discussion, Who gains most by mar riage, man or woman? And that question cannot be answersd without answsrlng the deeper questloat "la ths Interest of which sex (apart altogether from the In stitution of home and the entity of family) Is It most necessary that the Institution ot marrlags should b preserved?" WHO GAINS MOST BY MARRIAGE! By Harold Own, As to the comparative tribulations of ths married stau, does the man who marries give no hostages to fortune beyond thoss pro vided by his collaborator? Is It for his own selfish creature comforts that he bolts his breakfast, rushes for the morning train and stsws In the city all to earn an Income ot which he personally spends only a fifth or a tithe? Are dressmakers' bills merely Dart of his unholy, unselfish Joy Once a man becomes a husband, has he nothing to bear and forbear Has the compound word "hen pecked" crept uselessly Into our language? Has no man's "individuality" been sapped or overwhelmed by an overpowering personality In pet ticoats? Though It be true that a wife has no "wages," Is a husband allowed to husband his? Though a wife may bs "a slave to her husband," hss the converse a a - - i SUPERSTITION IN EARLY ART. By Dr. Paul Cum. Physiologists are familiar with the fact that six fingers ara sometimes actually found on one hand and that the peculiarity seems to be hereditary In certain families, but such Instances are malformations and hava not Justified the theory that they are Indications of a superiority of any kind We have even an Instance In the Iltble, where a rase Is mentioned of a giant among the (lentils pop. ulatton ot Palestine who was possessed of six Angers It is reported that he was slain In battle. Among tha notions of the middle sges whlrh are now almost forgotten was a belief that the faculty ot pro phetic dreams was a sixth sense, which was outwardly Indicated by the possession ot six fingers or six toes. No on except a searching critic may have discovered that Pope Slxtua IV, who Is represented on Raphael's Hlsttne Madonna, Is possessed ot six fingers Itaphael was too great a painter not to be able to render this feature so Inconspicuous as to make It difficult for a casual observer to discover the sixth finger on the Pope's hand, and yet It Is plainly visible !o everyone who takes the trouble to look for It. Ths same is true of 8t Joseph, whok according to the reports ot the New Testament, rrcshrs his Instructions In dreams He accordingly Is a typical eismple of a person who In all his walks of life Is guided by divine commands tendered to him through dreams He there fore Is represented with six toes. HOW THE POLE "WOBBLES." Just to perplex Cook and Peary In their efforts to prove they reached the north pole, the scientists now soberly declare that the pole does not stand still. Instead, It moves frequently, The first anniversary of the grant ing of a constitution was observed as si holiday In Turkey on July 23. and In Constantinople the Sultan reviewed fifteen thousand troops before the Hill of Liberty. The anniversary, coming xactly a century and a third after the notable July day of America, may Bean as much In Turkish history. ' A board of army officers appointed to Investigate charges ot haxlng at West Point, has found that the prac tlc9 still exists there. In spite of all 'that Congress and the War Department Isavo done to end It. The Investigat ing board has been asked to make rec aamendatlons for the punishment of tae cadets found guilty Nothing but tho severest penalties will stamp out tha evil. In order to facilitate the work of em I ployes, the Belgian postal authorities have suggested that correspondents use red envelope for all letters lo Brus sels, yellow envelopes for country let ters, and green for those addressed to foreign countries. In a country so malt territorially as Belgium such a plan has obvious advantages. To make It work in the United States, it would t necessary to call upon so many hades of color that a color-blind post office clerk would be driven to distrac tion In sorting tha mall. "Join a readln' club? Not If I know MI 1 ain't do woman of leisure with jsotklu better to do than read books!" his criminal enterprises would bring ....i j,.-w .. r,i, . t nt him a greater reward In some honest pitx astronomers for more than a cen calling, with the added advantage of tury, belng able i to keep and use what liel Th, raoveroent Is very slight never .,!.. Tbe, 'Knorant. !'" nd elura- Uore than sixty feet-but even that ay thief usually has a short shrift He mile bit throws the exact mathemat Is soon caught and put away It la lca of ,h, hsavens nt0 error, And. of getting jo be quite a general opinion course, a north pole discoverer cannot arnonr ,iM!ttr an.i ..... ... .... . ... . ------- - u attempt to say mat ne piantea ine criminology that mm wlm ti.r.ii' ., . ... .. ,. ,. daring train robberies and similar crimes are men of unsound mind. proMbiy dangerous lunatics, as no really sane man would take the des perate chnnces Involved In such an at tempt. If such Is really the case. It Is all the more Important that what few bank or train robbers happen to be at large should be hunted down and put where they can no longer endan ger tha lives and property of thf public. Ilurlrd Trraaaraa, For me Is burled treasure lly many a misty roast; nut aht Its tale and meusuro Long, long ago I Iosl Or If Phoenician mintage, Or crusted howls divine That held Alctnous' vintage Or late Kalernlan wlnet If Kicypl's Jewelled scarab; Or moonlight glesm of Jade; Or magic dirk of Arab, Or Scythian Idol-blade! Or painted scroll or quiver, ' Or Inca's gpld-in-cavs; Or pelt from diamond river; Qrlsamber from sea wave; Or. from Varangian barrow Some amulet uncouth; Or but this fllnthead arrow From hilltops roamed In youth; I count my treasure burled lly many a misty coast The vanished lives, as varied, That long ago I lostl Whereof a cloudy token Across my memory drives; Hut no spell lifts unbroken My many sunken lives. Kdlth M. Thomas. Occasionally a man is so absent minded that be pays bis gas bill tha day before It Is due. And the man you bate Is usually a better man than you are. flag exactly at the pole, when b can not for the Ufa of him tell whether the pole Is where h stood or sixty feet away After years ot observation of the mysterious movements from astronom ical stations In all parts of the earth, the International Geodetic Association Incorporated In Its report a diagram showing tha movements of the pole from 1896 to 1899 This map shows that the end of ths earth's axis moved In curves and ellipses, one Inside an other, without seeming regularity At no time is the pole mora than thirty Til VgJ r tml Lr V '? o v ip .a? DORA SOT MTAND STII.I- feet from Its normal position, and the diameter of Its course Is never more than sixty feet. There hava been various explana tions of the movements of the pole. Edwin B. Frost, of the Yerkes Obssrv atory, writing In the World To-day for November, holds that an adequate cause for part of the variations may be found In tha movement of the Ice, water and air from the pole toward tha equator and Its return. Observations made simultaneously at Honolulu and Berlin showed thnt as the latitude at Honolulu decreasod that at Berlin increased with the move ment of the pole. The reverse' also was true. This means positively that ItEMAHKADI.K JAPANKBK WOOD AS!) STILL BTIUTTVUK SOLID The Iwakunl bridge, which Is 200 years old, crosses Ilia rler Nlshlkl, In the province of Subo, This Is said lo be ths only wooden bridge built In the characteristic style of old Japan now remaining, all the others being re placed by steel construction designed In the modern style Black and White there Is a shifting of the axis of the earth. A Japanese astronomer, Klmura, ar gues that ths movement of the earth's axis and tha pole can be explained by the theory that the center of' gravity of the earth Is not fixed, but moves backward and forward five or six feet evsry year Mr Frost thinks, how ever, that this explanation cannot be considered as established by fact. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. (iorrrniavnl's "War Bunk." The United Statu official regtster or "blue book," which has been published biennially since 1817, was of over 4 000 psges In two large volumes In 1905, tha Washington Post aays. Be fore 1817 the germ of the publication had been appearing for over twenty years In the shape of simple lists of government clerks transmitted to con gress by the secretaries, but In that year provision was made for Issuing regularly a complete register. There was a time when the blue book was a convenient size for the pocket, though containing a full roster. During Washington's administration the secretaries of state, treasury and war, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton and Henry Knox, trans mitted the name of their clerks to congress, and In 1TS3 Secretary Ham ilton forwarded to congress a general lUt of clerks, agents and employes on the government rolls. This latter, be ing printed, was tha first blue book or register. Tha government was then In Philadelphia, and In the three depart ments there were less than 160 names, two-thirds being In the treasury. HrlN,l T , Taking oneself too seriously It sup posed to ba an American trait. At any rate. It Is found In America. Tha lata Kdward Kverett Hale, In "We, the People," cites a remark of Thomas Carlyle apropos of this habit. Margaret Fuller had perhaps taken herself the least bit too seriously. She had said that shs had dslermlned "to accept the universe," "She bad better," said Carlyls, Naver 1'ora-et 'Km. "Maude is continually giggling. She seems to havs an aver-piesent sense of humor." "Not at all. What ska has Is simply an ever-present consciousness of dim ples," -Boston Transcript. Tha vices ot New York, although, so numerous and terrible, and never saw tlonsd except durlug an election. (nFKK fO&T llff'ftlv Khk II ml it, All rrfnitlve egg bentur Hint Is oper ated In n slmplo and novel iimmmr It hut lincnti'tl by a Conumtluit mmi y merely pulling n flexible ton! . tnihi'd to tlm drum of the Implement the blades are made I" involve both ways with great rapidity The beater rnnilita e a hollow rrrrpls rle with a drum Inside and a step iuu urvna. bearing In (be but torn for the support of the revolving nifinlwr The blades are bent wlr, as shown In the Illustration Around the top of the drum Is wound a fix Ibis cord The eggs ara placed In the receptacle and the rord pullet) to Its full length, this causing the blsdes to revolve rapidly In the mixture. The momentum thus gsllied causes tbe cord to rewind about tha drum, and whrn It ht again drawn out the blades re volve In the op)ltn direction and the cord winds up on re more. This double action continues Indefinitely, or as long as Is necessary to opersW tbt beater to do the work. BRIDOE 18 200 YEARS OLD. Maai-y.T"JBBBHsBB' Lyt - , ': V.VY7-Vtf HHP'JhiHE9B'' IS OF amrr4 Hum. "For company," saya ths rule. Ii, a cold-boiled ham make many loci slona by cutting out email sllcos Pre pare a stuffing ot half a loaf ot bread, grated; all kinds of spires, a little more cinnamon than the others, a ta blespoon of currant Jelly, halt a cup of walnut catsup, half a pound of but ler and the beaten whiles of threa eggs Mix, and press all that Is pos sible Into tha ham Cover It with tha remaining dressing and brown Whrn cold rub over with the three yolks beaten with a little milk and again brown. Trim with green. Vl I .oar. Hava as many pounds of veal ns wanted (the leg is the Ix-st). ground with a little pork. To each pound allow one egg, well beaten; ono halt leaspoonfut of prpier, one of salt, two rolled crackers, a tablrepoonfut ot flour, a tablesKNinful of cream as I one of butler Season with ssga or parsley Mix alt thoroughly, make Into a firm loaf, And roast the sains as other meats, If twef bs used to ptsca of veal add aall pork. Arllabak. (lather the artichokes two or thrre days before they ara required far uu Cut off stems, pull out tha strings and wash them In two or thrre water, Have a large saucepan ot boiling water, with two Iranpooutula uf im1 Hud a pinch of soda. Put the arti chokes In with the top downward and let (hem boll quickly until trndr Take them out and lay them upside down to drain Serve wlilt melted but er Kit IM r.HH Tarill. Potted eggs will be found very ac ceptable, and they may also (hi ul In tartlets or ns a filling for saudwli li es In either cam- a little cress Is a great Improvement. Ik-sIiIcs giving a dainty fiiileh. Ill making (ratted cggi Use two ounces ot oiled butter imd three hard boiled eggs. Pound them well together In n mortar and add salt, pepper and' a traspoonful ot an chovy sauce Wae-M I'aablna; Vesaiablra, Not every cook knows that all vege tables that grow under tha ground should be put to rook In cold water. This Includes potatoes, turnips, car rots and others. Those that grow oa top of the ground, such as beans, peas, spinach and corn, should have boiling water poured over them. If left un covered they will retain their fresh, grera look. MaUHllSMl lHlldlHSI, Mix six tablespoonfuls of flour In gill of milk, then stir It by degrees Into a quart of boiling milk with little saIL Stir constantly and boll ten minutes. Serve It with sugar and plain cream, or a rich sauce, as pre ferred. This ts not blano wange, as the use ot flour Instead of corn starch sires It a much different taste. Short Nutfurtltaa.. Keep all dry supplier la glass pre serve Jars labeled, A good test for boiled Icing Is not to take It oft until U pulls up bard troa tbe bottom ol tha glass wbsa sat la les water. -...- ,v Tmirlnir-rr--it"Mlir-Miyl- frf r r-L ' r--rsjTHHi aassmrrn ir '"""-' 'Kswsawi