ft ''W mmwm jjrrT wssfp-smjww. i. ,.... 1, ililil,, -.- MM Wfmi &&i&?tblfk&t&t)t itiV(AAiiV 1 TOPICS OF 1 THE TIMES IMaMMaMHMMll Sj"ljtlMlJIA Trouble never come singly t a tllgtUlllsL The onlr paopl In France who take tto Interest la duels at the undertok- TO. The south pole U no doubt begin ning to feel Hltlt wsre already las soed. Royal weddings continue, and the people of Europe continue to pay tor them. What bu become of the man wtoo used to say that hit home waa wher ever he took hU hat oST Sir Thomas Llptoa says that tt Is luck to be born poor. H may be luck to be born poor, but it it hard luck to live so. The Kaiser's new Dreadnought U aid to be o fast that ihe easily out distances even the criticism ot the BocWists. The discovery tlvt cancer cannot 1t la the name place with llmburger cheese U of particular comfort to folks who hate either. Gypsy Smith's favorite son l. "Where Ha Lead I Will Follow." That's the one that made Edna May famous, and won bee a rich husband. -Is the college girl a mollycoddler the New York World asks. That's a question for some other fellow to an swer. Jumping In where angels fear to tread is not a pleasant pastime. A man who baa been arrested at Yonkers, N. Y, for bigamy admits that he can't remember tho names of all his wires. It is probable, however, that he could, if he were to meet them, truthfully say their faces were famil iar. A desire to enjoy the privileges of democracy and to be Independent once in a while of the claims of royalty Is the reason given by Princess Christian, the eldest surviving daughter of the lite Queen Victoria, for Joining a wo man's club. Captain Amundsen is going to start for the north nol. taking with him a food supply great enough to last seven years. He evidently is determined to avoid any danger of being doubted, when he returns, beennse of the speed he bad to make In order to avoid run ning out of pemmloan. What this world needs is new and better men and woman, who will And at band all the religious help that is necessary without devising new sys tems of ethical culture. Not all men are intellectual Brahmins, who ran feast their souls on academic Ideals. Most of us need the personal help and rympathy of a Divine Delng. who Is to us a reality and not a theory of Uving. Eight new sanctuaries for birds and animals have been set apart in the state of Victoria, Australia, by the gov ernment within a year. This is In ad dition to the ordinary protection af forded by law to kangaroos, platypus, magpies, laughing Jackals and certain other animals, and Is Intended to pre sent the extermination of native crea tures. Several years ago a private citi zen established a game sanctuary in 6outh Australia, and the birds within It are now about as tame as domesti cated chickens. A similar fearlessness of man is noted in the East African game preserve along the railroad on which Mr Roosevelt traveled on bis way to the bunting fields. Paper of a stronger texture, some thing that will stand the tost of time, better than that commonly used for legal documents and public records, is earnestly urged by a prominent of ficial whose recent researches have im pressed upon him the Increasingly perishable nature of that now used. Undoubtedly his plea is well founded, and it might have been extended to cover the paper used In books and newspapers, that is, Che books and newspapers which are worth preserv ing. As a matter of cheapness, such a quality of paper is now generally used that Its lease ot Ufe Is certain to be much shorter than that used in earlier years. Paper can be made from many different materials, and is employed for a multitude of nses; but principally It is used, and will con tinue to be used, as an adjunct of "the art preservative," and In this connec tion it Is desirable that if be as sub stantial and durable as possible; Interest la the Darlen Canal project am lately been revived in Columbia. An engineer who is trying to get a con cession from the government for the fConitructtoB of the cat u tot London t. eking Itrltlsh capital tor th enterals Tho reccnlly appointed Japanese consul general In nogota ex presses an Intention to co-operate with the engineer. Those familiar with tho history of the Darleu project will tint urally Infer thst there Is more Inter national politics than canal building In the renewed discussion ot It Tho Dartan route by the way ot the Atroln Itiver was explored by American en gineers In 1S57, in 18T0 and In 1S99. but the difficulties In the way were so great that the project was abandoned It Is true that Senator Hanna talked about this route during the negotia tions over the Nicaragua and Panama projects, but It Is generally believed that this was for the purpose ot bring ing the other negotiations to a success ful Issue. Pour other general routes across the Isthmus have been consid ered besides , the Darlen, Nicaragua and Panama locations. Ono Is by way ot the Isthmus of Tehuantepec In Mex ico, and tho other three are in Pan ama: the Chlrkiul Lagoon-Dulco Gulf route, the San Was Day-Bayano Klver route, and the Caledonia-San Miguel Day route. A railroad has been built across Tehuantepec by Mexico, anJ the canal project there has not been seriously considered for years. The San Dlas and the Caledonia Day and the Atrato routes Involve the construc tion ot a tunnel, and have been reject ed for that reason The Nicaragua route Is the only one which was ever a serious rival ot Panama, and the United States would now be engaged on that project of the French company had refused to sell iu rights at Pan ama. In suits for divorce, as In other tin pleasant cases, Judge have the right by kw to hear testimony In private In the Interest ot public morality. We do not know how far this wholesome law differs in different state. It must grant everywhere wide discretion to the Judge and this may Include power everywhere to suppress the decree, a well as the evidence and to seal the whole record file so that K never ran be examined by the public. That practice has prevailed In Now York City for a long time, though It wn not brought to general public notice until census officials sent by President Rooserelt to obtain statistics ot di vorce found themselves confronted in New York with sealed record In locked safes. These cases are Invari ably those of rich and prominent fam ilies, or parsons possessing an equal Influence with the courts. This Is a shameful abuse for protection of privi leged classes of a law strained from the original purpose of protecting pub lic morals. It Is one thing to prevent demoralizing recital In open court and another to cover up evil whose exam pie would be wholesome to society The cause of public morals la not aided but injured by allowing persons of -wealth and station concealment ot vices which are ruthlessly exposed w-hon practiced by humbler persons There can be no reason for this dis crimination but some form of bribe whether paid In larger fees for secret bearings, as direct honorarium to court officers or a tribute, to the polit ical organization by which they are controlled. Why should the Astor torn- wy oe oroxen up in secret wnue me fralltlea of John Smith and his wife are exposed to the public and spread upon tho record unless it Is because they pay for the privilege These se cret records are kept with peculiar care and, like the secret archives of government, will make Interesting reading for posterity. Th Pla-htlaa- rr.o. Whan the great-grandfather of the present Duke of Norfolk was engaged In any of bis electioneering contests be was always attended by his chap lain, an athletic man and one who had made such good use of his hands on several occasions that be acquired the name of 'The Fighting Parson " Mr. Dauncey, an eminent counsel, having once to examine him as a witness during a trial, asked "whether be was not the gentleman called 'The Fight ing Parson." "I bellove I am, sir," the divine replied; "but if you require any more positive proof and will do me the favor to step out of court, I will give It to you under my own hand." No further evidence was taken. Daily's Magazine. Th- Idle Soph The psychology students of Harvard are repeating a new witticism of rhelr brilliant teacher, Prof. William James. Prof. James, it appears, made this comment upon a very exquisite and Idle millionaire sophomore from New York: "What time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devotes to the neglect of his duties." Wher Thrift" Vll7, Poor IMchard bad Just written "For lack of a nail the shoe was lost." "Never mind," we cried, "perhaps a lie was lost, too." Thus we learn that thrift Is not a! ways desirable. New York Sun. 8ome people have better clothes than members of the association to endeav ,. ( or to Influence legislation and to pro- PEOPLE BURIED ALIVE. Widely Prevalent Dread ot drew- some Accident Leads to Lcglilathe Action. INVENTOR'S SKILL AT WORK. English Society tor the Prevention ot Premature Burial Extends Its Efforts. AMemblyutnn Mnrks of Hudson County, New Jcraey, Introduced n hill In the house Mint' time ngo providing that nil cemeteries tdutll t cqnlpiH-d with a rewiring vttiilt, tin' Interior of which ahull U Iu view u f tt person outside and subject to frequent linqieo tton by a ph)tdtinu, tin New York World sn. In this vnult bodies nrv to be kept until It Is protcd hcjoml any doubt Hint life Is extinct. In the Interor of the mult nre to In plnced niecbniilcnl devlcv which wilt enable, the supposedly (lend person to glto nlnrni In the event of n return to con- sclouMietts. Somewhat slmllnr provi sions are cotitntned In a bill Intro duced In the house at Albany hy Ah semblyiuan Iledlugton. It provides that each cemetery shall lme n mor tusry to be used for the dlMuil of the dead. Each body so received Is to be kept Under obscnnttoit for a cer tain period of time before Interment or cremation. This Incident reflects pulnr appre hension concerning that world-old hor ror burlnl nllve While the subject iif prenmture bur lnl Is a moMt dlMrvwIug one nud one THE (.KAtr. Ml MAI Ihe detnlls of will, li nre mIIt Iiid-IimI and forgotten, certnlii tHfiirreiiceii oe- cnslonnlly nrlw wrvlng to rniwnken the ,ey prevnlent ilrcnd of lMliig burled nllve. M til kill science. Hie leg' Mature nml Hie Inventor hne cimIcav ored to obliterate Hint tlrcnil by pro viding menus whereby preuintiire bur ls) nnd Its grew some coiiNiiiimt-ra mny be effectually pretenliil. I'rrrsMtloNsrr Hoelrlr Mrsaurra. The nam est and most luiwirtniit or ganized movement to provide ngnlnst premature burlnl has been started by the Association for the Prevention of Premature Hurlnl, nil English organi zation, which has been at work for the INtst twelve years. Preparations nre being made to extnbllsh n branch of the organization In America, prohnbly In Washington, Lnrge qtiuiilltliii of literature dealing with the subject nr being sent to medical societies nnd lo lawmakers nil over Ihe United Slates. Statistics complied tif Hrlllsli medlcnl authorities nre presented, shonlngthnt out of a total of ftKI recorded mises HO person were burled nllve. '.'1(1 had narrow escapes, 10 were dliotcctfd alive, 3 had narrow -cupe from vivi section, 2 were embalmed nllve and 1 wns cremated nllre. Further iiltenlloii Is railed to the furl Hint In tho nhove llgures the countless tlioiisntnls of peo ple who die and nro burled alive nnd of whom there Is no record have no part. It Is suggested that to this end waiting mortuaries, lighted mid venti lated, furnished with plenslug sur roundings nnd replete with every ap paratus for resuscitation, should be provided by urban or rural cemetery authorities, where every person dying within tholr respective nrens could be deposited until such time as tho ofll- I clnl death verifier appointed for the purpose certified that the signs of de- ' composition In the body warranted Its interment. It Is the intention of the American cure the ctiiictiiitiit of it lnw which will ut)UK ctcry itosxlblo siifcKiiiiid tiKiilii"! preumtiirti huiltil. Mneliliie t determine llentli, Mcitiiwitltf. Dr. Viillliml. tiller of Ihe radiographic sertleo of Ui KIIkiIs I ere hospital, Pur In, Is cH'iiiiii'titlni; with n iiiitcliliie which, he iiMert, will protlde nit nbaoliite lent of deitth It liivohcs the tine of X-rny photographs of the Internal organs, which, lr Vnlllnnt declare, differ In Ihe esses of subjects ullte or dctid Dentil tnlls show clenrly In the ence of it coriwe, but not If llfn Is present. Uiullo graphs of bodies tn-eii een n few minutes nfter dentil re veil I clenrly the outlines of nil the orgttus, lionnn. If the radiograph are tnkeit during life the orgtuiH tiro mil reveitlcd At Pittsburg, Hubert lie win, n Freiich-Ciiiindlitu, recently ntinotiiiccd thu Invent liui. now pnttettcd by put cuts, of it dot tee u lilt It lie culls n "grate signal." The ilctliv consist of n piece of ortllniiry Kiiilpe. "I '"'I long, with a kIiimi gtotie iiIhiiiI Hie sUo of nit Incandescent lump on one end The pipe Is nrrmipd to pun through n brass plnte nt the hcntl of Hie cof- fraction of in. Huh of the Mirimul of tln, Iciivliii; the loner i-ihI wlllilii n the core. Throi.Kh Ihe tvnler of the PUh. runs ,.H,i. s.ii.h.Hi slick, one '...i .1..1. i e the iH.ly t.t the nillln; I Ihrr l I- In the glnss gloln. "lib tt red cloth attntlnd to It. Should I tie perixin come to life In the cofllii ninl sllr, tint stick will )c forctnl thmiiclt the pl and the rol-cloth slgnnl will le ills played. At the ssui time n iiiiiiiIht of smalt apertures will o'li nt the bnm of the globe ami freti nlr will be forced douii the pipe Into the nos trils. US ES CAVE AS DWELLING. Killed I'p s Modern l-'Ul, Wilt. iVsler and Itlrelrlrlly. One of the most potuliient and suc cessful farmers of Prairie Grove, Ark , who Is an active member of the Na tlonnt Farmers' I'tilun. has dwelt In a cso for jears. tt Is probably the most palatial cave In the world, nnd Is nttrd up with nil modern canveii knees. Inrlirdlng hot and cold water, electric fans, electric lights and steam heat. He discovered the cave at the top of a mountain, 1,700 feet high. It Is seventy-eight feet long by twenty-five feet wide and Hllrty-two feet high. The walls nre of beautiful gran ite, which has been handsomely pol ished. The celling Is forty feet thick. The front of the rave Is. of giant, which the owner and occupant. II. rl Motiley, put In, together with hard wood floors, The Hues for the cooking range pan out through the mouth of the cave nud ixtend outward a dlstnncn of'nenrl fort feet. Movable screens permit th I Increase and reduction of rooms ui the pleasure ot the occupants A tine , spring at the top of the mountain fur i nishes Mater through n private system of waterworks. This novel dwelling was completed about two cars ngo. It Is approached b a beautiful road ascending lint crest of the mountain by ety singe nml the grounds about the cave nre kept In jierfect condition. The occu pants declare that It Is the cools' dwelling In summer and the most com fortable In winter, nnd they hnvn no fear of cyclones, which are frequent In that region. Neither heat nor cold penetrates the solid protection of yards of granite Mr Mohley says he will live In til-) cave for Ihe rest of his life. The cave Is In easy driving dlstniirti of Prnlrle Grove town Iloston Traveller. I'srdhnsrd TsLe QaalllU ut Mrlnl. An eighth Inch disk of cardboard re volved on the shaft of an electric mo tor of highest speed gets stiff, owing to the rotary tension, which makes it behave like metal, nnd It (nil no long er bo bant. If struck with a hammer a sound emits like that from bronze It easily saws a clgur In two, similarly as a disk of soft Iron, when rapidly rotated, cuts through heavy armor plate. Cantrlfugal force does many other strange things. Among others, when a small chain Is looped around a highspeed rotary drum tho chain can be shoved off the drum to the ground, where It bouncos up and whan struck acts like a ring of solid met si llsuk'a llaplr. Hank Stubbs I fixed one uv them air agent fellers to-day. DIg Miller How so? Hank Stubbs Waal, he came sneak In' up to my front door an' ast me ef the lady uv the house wuz In, nn" I said no, but the gentleman ur the barn an' host stables Is, Doston Herald, Vrrr Unusiial, "You say she's a very romarkable woman." "I think so. She can play bridge with a poor partner without looking tike a martyr." LouUvllte Courier Journal. If you pay attention to a baby and It acts cross and mean, the mother Is pretty apt to say; "Baby does not teal geed; he has not had his nap." A.inJj,jf k F rrrMjrv.1 'Sa. - cLGKAh fj $m WICANOk rfmmRwe HKCKNT news Ham re corded tht fct thst two f&O gold plecss struck from the United States mint at I'hllsdelphla In IR77 hsd bean sold Iu Wllllmn II Woodln. a enln cttlloctor ho lives In New York, for I10.00U each, the highest price evsr psld for sn American coin It any reader c'ltirliltid a vagus hope of m",n. .,,,r,, atSr ",.h.",",,!1"!: "or M ,HT .,iJi ,L it ZT. ,'" "" fr II0.0W rach t quickly shaltrred hy the second para- rM,hut .is "li"''. ""'-'l!1'.'.' though 110 gold pieces were struck from octagonal private dies during tht early mining days of California, the two M gold pieces of 117 now In Mr Woodln's possession are, so far as Is known, the only ones of this de nomination ever coined by the govern mant. Since all dies for American coins are destroyed at the clo of esch year, they stand on ths satita plane as the ancient coins with regard to time The supply cannot l Increased, rpii though the demand be great, aft er the year Is numbered with the dead centuries though Its successor be but tins day old Yesterday or yesterwrsk Is ns Irrevocably past and forever gone ns the )enr of the llomati Umpire or Hie Greek lleptlbllc. The sclenre of numUmntles em braces the study of the coins of all the nations of the earth who have at any period Impressed upon pieces ot metalgold, sliver broni. brass, copper, Iron, tin any device Indicat ing that such pieces ot metal were Is sued by authority for public um as money Even In the primeval days, exchange of goods must have been known. The need for a medium of exchange would early lie recognized Various commodities have nt different times been selected by different peo ptes as a measure of value Tin was U'ed In ancient Syracuse nnd llrltalni Iron, In Sparta, cattle, In Home and Germany; nail. In Scotland; silk, In China; tolmcro. In the colony of Vir ginia; sugar, In Ihe West Indies, soap, In Mexico; bullet and wampum, In Massachusetts; codfish In Newfound land. Hut the tnoneya of the civilized nations have for the greater part bean made or gold, sliver, copper and bronze. In the long series of known coins, extending back lo the seenlh rail tury II C. savnnts have nn Invnltia able continuation nud Illustration of the history of the past The earliest Greek coins lnr snerrd subjects only, on one side the portrait of the god, on the olhr objects emblematic or sym liollc of the Deity. The highest dl vine authority waa Invoked as testl mony of Ihe true value of the coin, whlth was perhaps struck off within the sacred precincts of a temple From these coins Is reconstructed the my thology of the classical world, After the death of Alexander the Great his portrait na a deity appeared on coin of the realm, and from his rlod on a complete gallery ot the portraits of I ho sovarelgns of the an dent world as well as evidences of tho history and political revolutions of In DESIQN FOR TEAPOT HOLDER, An attractive little holder for the teapot handle la both necessary nnd decorative and may be embroidered In colors to harmonize with the schlna nud th decoration of the tea table, Cut two squares of linen and one of flannel four and one-halt Inches Transfer the design on the linen and work In French embroidery, which Is composed chiefly of satin stitch. The dots and figures on the wings, and alio j the head and body should b done In o0 f o o INS- nm mum JBstAisV TfflL B- numerable slates and terrltorl ir found In thes ImperlshahU reconln None of the older coins are dated ths practice of Inscribing the data begin nlng In the fifteenth century 'Hi. ages of coins before that period r determined hy their legends, as an swvrlug lo the page of corroborate, history and the art era lo which they Mong In England, coining has been car rled on at the Tower of ltndmi mint In every reign since the Norman rnn quest, eicept thme of Htchard I and Edward II. Clipping waa early prac Heed r.tid carried to such an ttm that In Hi rstgn of IHrhard III all mousy was called In and new money Mined front fresh stamps. After that only His stamp of ths Ismdon Toer mint waa recognized llatiry VIII wna th flrst sovereign to aystsmatle ally dha ths English rolnag Hit daughter Hllzabelh did her beat to keep It at Us fnrs value During her reign th lower mint was rommU slontd to receUe all delxmxl mnnr melt It nnd nroln It Into monr r Hi proper weleht Th fumes frets Ilia melting coins caused lclne among the workmen Medical men ef Hie time prescribed for this lllnei. a tiolloii to be dmnk from a dead man skull, and an official warrant procured the requisite nips from lindon bride where lite head of traitor wer til Ida) Ml. After Independence had lieell won Is America HoUrt Morrl. flnsiicier of the revolution, waa Instructed by Ton gress to prare a report on th for elgrf coin then In circulation It ac companied his report with a plan tnr American coinage, and he may h ron ldred ths first lo Introduce th sub ject of a national mint In tht roun try. The first building erected In th United States for public use under Hi authority of the federal government was a structure for the United State mint In Philadelphia, then Hi capital city The mint In Philadelphia has always been regarded aa Ihe principal or parent Institution, and coin Imue.t from thla mint are unmarked, whU thoi coming front the branch or nw dale minister marked by rerlaln rap Hal letters Indicating the city wrier they were struck These marks ar known aa mint marks In th Philadelphia mint, which hat a large and good collection of coin nre many old papers which throw In teresllng sidelights on Hi past Dtir Ing ihe years I7D7. 179J, 17. Iio: anil Id 03 the operations of th mint were suspended on account of th prevalenre of allow fever. In th mint collection, written on handrnad unruled foolscap paper. Is an Indamnl ty bond signed by the workman as a pledge that they would return to work It la dated August, 1709. In 1871 Congress passed a bill pro vldlng for Ihe minting of coins for foreign countries, Two year later the Philadelphia mint filled an order for $100,000 worth of minor coins for Venezuela. Since then the United States, competing with other big na tlons, haa manufactured money for many of ths Latin American rn"U lies, which find It cheaper lo have their money made for them than to equip nnd operate a mint. -i iis-iiiiisn u, jiai . .u..i.i satin stitch, the outline In button hols stitch. Then cut out the shape n( th butterfly. Trace the outline of th butterfly on Ihe piece of linen which la In form Ihe lining, and huttonhol Ihe edgo. Then cut It out. Cut a piece of flannel the same shape, but 4 little smaller, and lay It between the two pieces of linen, Haste around th edge to hold the three layers In place, then tack the edge lightly together In the buttonhole stitch, It may "e anally taken apart for laundering, and will Iron better than It would If wash ed nil together. On of Thvni, "My dear," Judge make the caller say, with a smile, to the little girl who occupied the study while her father, an eminent literary man, wai nt dinner, "I suppose you assist your father by, entertaining the boreiT" "Yes, sir," said the little girl, grave, ly. "Please be seated." "She bolongs to one of our best fam ilies," "Did her ancestors come ottr In the Mayflower!" "Oh, no, Sho's much more exclusive than that. Hhe't a 'Daughter ot Discoverers of th North Pole,' "Life. bHHV -.-sasH mjtwr