The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 09, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 48
- - . . i
Seattle Men Invest llcnvily in
Local Real Estate.
Secures Irvln Iteeil Tract and Will
Subdlvldo It Into Town l.oti.
Numerous Oilier Transfers
During the Past Week.
The past week lion witnessed
great activity in Henri real estate,
and more transfers have been re
curded than during any simitar
period for some time. Dr. J. R.
llootli, J. W. 1'rcrich, and 1. P.
Nasmyth, atl of Seattle, were in
Henri during the week and invested
heavily in real estate.
The largest purchase these gen
tlcuicn made was the acquisition of
the Itvlu Heed homestead which
lies about three-quarters of a mile
south of the present towusitc. The
tract contains 160 acre anil the
price palri by the Seattle men was
517.500, a third of which sum has
already Ixrcti paid down. Water
for Irrigation from the Arnold coin
patiy's nystcm goes with this tract.
It is understood that the pur
chasers will cut the tract into lots
and put it on the market.
These men also contracted to
take the two lots at the corner of
liond and Minnesota streetsad
joining the Antic livery stable on
the south. Consideration 56,500.
The deed for this transfer Is In cs
crow pending arrival of tuoncv.
They also bought of W. II. Sellers
lot 9 In block 9, paying f 1,800 for
it; and lots 11 and ta in block 16 of
Cnrlylc Trlnlctt, price $1,700. Mr.
Triplctt had lumber 011 the ground
and carpenters were to begin build
iug hint a house on the morning
following the day when he received
the offer for the lots, hut In view of
the neat profit he could make he
decided to sell and poitponc build
iug. They also secured from J. S.
l'armcutcr lots 10, it and la in
block 27, ou Juniper avenue, the
lots being purchased for Minnie
Ilradlcy of. Seattle. Consideration
f 1,500. Other property purchased
were lots 13, 13 and 14 in block a8
on Koa avenue. Purchased of J,
II. Dean for $1,500.
These Seattle parties also have
agreed to take over some ditch land
in the Powell Duties neighborhood
So acres from Miss Coleman at
$40 an acre and Ho acres of S. I.
l'uintcr at the same price.
Other Real tistate Deals.
Another transfer involving a
goodly sum at money was the pur
chase by J. S. l'armcutcr of the
northerly hnlf of lot 3 In block 1, the
property being owned by A. C.
I.ncns. The Lucas livery stable
now occupies this tract. Mr, Par'
inenter paid f8,ooo for the property
and is certain he has a bargain.
Mr. Lucas In turn purchased of
Prank May, lots 11 and ta in
block 36, and he plans to build a
home on them in the near future
These lots arc just east of II. Spin
iug's present residence.
W. B. Sellers and N. P. Smith
purchased the MrB. Herring lot on
Wall street (the old Steele rcstau
rant) paying $3,600 for it, each
getting half of the lot, or a 35foot
Irontagc. Mr, Smith plans to put
tip a building on this lot in the
spring to house his present busi
The prices above quoted arc evi
dence that no) only local people but
aUo those living elsewhere have
faith in Heud real estate o& an In
vestment. The tendency of prices
to move upward began when the
I). K. Hunter Realty Company of
Dayton, Ohio, sent its representa
tive here and began to pick up
property over the town at figures
much in excess of anything that
had been palri up to that time.
Other bit) crs from the outside fol
lowed nud all seemed ready to
boost prices up a notch or two. As
a rule it has been outside people
who have paid the big figures for
Henri property.
Mfldrns City Ulcctlon.
At the election held at Madras
on January 31, 69 voted in favor of
liicurtmratlug and 3 against. 1 he
following were elected as city
Por MayorHoward W. Turner.
Por Cotincilnicn S. K. Gray, T.
II. Tucker, W. II. Cook. T. A.
Long, Wurrcu Smith, W. II. Cook.
Por Recorder John II. Jackson.
Por Treasurer J. M. Conklin.
Por Marshal Austin W. Culp.
Kotil. Ren was nominated to run
as mayor on one ticket, but with
drew In-forc the election, leaving a
clear field to Turner.
Oregon Senator Mas Introduced illll
Which Would Hllmlnato Residence
Requirements hut Demands Moro
Senator Bourne announces that
he will introduce a bill in congress
whereby the residence requirement
on a homestead will be cut out and a
greater amount of development and
crop production substituted. If his
bill should become a law, an entry
man would not have to live on his
homestead, but would be held to
stricter rules regarding cultivation.
The senator says that he believes
"production of crops rather than
residence upon n homestead is the
essential of succcshJuI and most ef
ficient development of our rcsour
In 11 circular letter describing the
ideas involved in his bill, Senator
Huuruc says, in part:
"If the bill which I have pre
pared should become a law, the
homesteader on uon-irrigable land
in what Is known us the arid region,
need not live Uon his laud ut nil,
but must live within the Mate. He
must cultivate it cither personally
or by representative and he must
show by annual proofs that within
a period of live years the land has
produced crops of a total value of
'Under the plan proposed by
my bill an cntrymau under the 330
acre homestead act could keep his
family in nuy town of Oregon,
where his children could go to
school and all members of his fam
ily have the advantages of attend
ance at church ami social furiclions,
and, at the same time, by comply
iug with the law regurdinir cultiva
tion and production, he could kc
cure title to the laud. There would
be no opportunity for fraud because
the bill requires that annual proofs
must be Mihmlttcri showing the
amount of land cultivated and the
character, nuautity and value of
crops produced,
"My bill requires that tue c,ntry
man shall cultivate at least one
eighth of his land the second year,
one-fourth the third year, one-half
the fourth and fifth years and that
he must file in the local laud oflicc
by the 1st of December ol each
year a sworn' statement verified by
the affidavits of two persons having
knowledge of the facts, showing
the churacter, quantity and value
of the crops produced by him-1'
Lack of space forbids The Bul
letin giving this matter the con
sideration it merits, but the scrator
has grasped the proper idea in his
bill. If it becomes n law, it will
do away with what in most cases is
simply n farce as far as lesklence is
concerned. The average home
steader lives on his laud as little as
possible -and cultivates no more
than he has to, and then goes be
fore the commissioner and perjures
himself as to his residence when he
makes final proof. Under the new
bill, this would be eliminated and
cultivation the real development
of the country substituted in its
Orcjjon Trunk Unjjlnccr Pays $35
an Acre fur the Tract.
Action Taken o Indicate That New
Town Will l!e Started Where Sev
eral Railroad Surveys Cross.
Lies In National Forest.
A transaction of considerable In
tcrcst, taken in connection with
railroad activity in Central Oregon,
was the purchase during the past
10 days, of the Charles Graves ranch
at Crescent. The purchaser was
I.. P. Wakefield, the engineer who
has been in charge of a crew run
ning a survey for the Oregon Trunk
Line south from Henri. The price
paid was $35 1111 i.cre. It Is under
stood the Graves holdings comprise
480 acres.
The crew under Engineer Wake
field was laid off several weeks ago,
having practically completed its
work. A few days ago Mr. Wake
field passed through Henri on his
way south, the object of his visit at
that time being unknown. It now
develops that he went to the
Graves ranch and closed the deal
lor the place.
The question that now pushes to
the front is. "Did Wakefield pur
chase the place for himself, or are
Oregon Trunk officials behind the
move? ' The Graves land lies in
the forest reserve and Is reported to
be the only deeded land in that im
mediate vicinity. The surveys for
both the Oregon Trunk Line nodi
the Natron-Klamath Palls road
pass cither across this tract or very
close to it, ns does also the survey
for the Harrimau cast and west
road, the Natron-Ontario line. The
tract undoubtedly has been pur
chased for towusitc purposes or
to hurrass the rival roads by block
nding tactics, although it is be
lieved the latter motive is not the
one involved. The tract lies about
50 miles south of Dend.
Old Soldiers, Take Notice
Several of the old
Henri have come to the conclusion
that it in lime for members of the
G. A. R. living in Henri and vicin
ity to organize a local camp. There
arc quite a few of the old soldiers
Mattered throughout this section
II. The Sensible Grocery Man
HERE la th groetry man who got
The mony for thing tha work
man bought.
And whll ho still was fading glad
Ha rad th local butchtr' ad.
H quickly hurried down th atrt
And bought good supply of ma,
For which ottUmtnt ha mad
With tha mony th honst workman
P, 5. The local dtaltr tvht't up to tnuff
Will altvayt advtrtht hit Huff,
a f. laMjy-"ys m
"f-Vi lT -
Vr'l jfY X-'.'
:M&J S
v :V'VVyVvv T-
and it should be possible Jo secure
a good sized organization to start
with. The Henri veterans have
therefore asked The Hullctin to an
nounce that a meeting of members
of the G A. K. will be held in
Henri on Saturday afternoon, Fcb
ruary 19, for the purpose of organ
izing a local camp. It is desired
that all old soldiers living at Laid
law or Henri, or anywhere in this
vicinity, north, cast, west or south,
shall be present at this meeting.
The G. A. K. is n grand, patriotic
body, and Henri needs just such an
Mrs. Ella M. Ives Very III.
News was recently received here
that Mrs. Kiln M. Ives, formerly of
Laidlaw, but now living in Seattle,
was taken very ill Nov. 6th with
cerebral or spinal meningitis, fol
lowed by a severe attack of typhoid
fever. She is now improving and
able to sit up a short while at a
time. She was dclcrious four
weeks. Her daughter and hus
band, Mr. nnri Mrs. John Walker
of Ogrien, Utah, were called when
Mrs. Ives' life was dispaircd of.
They are still at Seattle, where
they will remain until the mother
improves Chronicle.
Men Interested In the Deschutes Land
Company Will Launch New Town
on Their Segregation South ol
The following news item, rela
tive to a new towusite on the Des
chutes Land Company's segrega
tion, has been mailed The Bulletin
for publication. This segregation
lies from 30 to 40 miles south of
Portland, Feb. 5. The La Pine
Towusite Company, of Henry build
ing, Portland, Oregon, which has
secured the exclusive townsite
rights on the 38,000 acre irrigation
project of the Deschutes Land Com
pany, in the southern Deschutes
valley, is launching its town of "La
Pine," which will be the principal
town on that Irrigation tract. The
board of directors of the townsite
company has already approved the
soldiers ofh)'aHS or ,nc new own which is
to be in :iie main uouy 01 tue urge
irrigation tract, and the matter is
now in the hands of the engineers,
who will hasten the same to com
pletion with all possible speed. Ap
plications are already coming in to
the townsite company for locations
for business houses who want to
prepare early to take care of the
settlers who arc going onto the irri
gation tract this summer.
lames Gleason, W. R. Riley and
Alfred A. Aya, all of Portland,
have organized a hotel company to
build a two story hotel in this town.
Lots for the hotel have been taken
right In the center of the townsite,
on Main street, and preparations
are now being made to begin con
struction. The hotel will be known
as "Riley's Hotel." Lots have al
ready been taken for a uumber of
necessary institutions, Bitch as
hlores, stable, office for the Des
chutes Land Company, office for
the La Pine Townsite Company,
etc. John Uhlmau, a Swiss, of
Scappoosc, Oregon, who was award
ed the gold medal for "the best
butter," at the Lewis nnd Clark
fair in 1905, has taken two lots on
south Main street, for the purpose
of erecting a first class creamery.
All these men have arranged for a
tract of land on the Deschutes Land
Company's irrigation tract, and are
vitally interested in the develop
ment of the district. Bogue &
Company, of Rosland, have re
cently become iuterestcd in the
towusitc company, and will be
among the first to establish them
selves iu the new town
The officers of the Deschutes
Land Company are the principal
stockholders in the townsite com
pany, and the two companies will
work hand in hand for the up
building of the priucipal town on
I this project,
Oregon Trunk Line Seeks Quo
(at ions from Rostand Mill.
Alter Sawlnz Ties, at Roaland, Rail
road Officials Would Have Pro
prietor Move Mill SeveraS
Allies South to Crescent.
It has been learned that J. N.
Masten, owner of the Rosland saw
mill, has been requested by the Or
egon Trunk Line to submit figures
for a quantity of railroad tics. The
O. T. L. officials have also ap
proached Mr. Masten with a prop
osition for him to move his mill to
Crescent. It is understood that
Mr. Masten has refused to do that
unless the railroad will make it on
object financially for him to do so
There is practically no settlement
at what is now known as Crescent,
and there would be but a small de
mand for lumber outside of the
needs of the railroad.
By this arrangement the railroad
company could have ties delivered
along the right of way several miles
each side of Rosland and then by
moving the mill to Crescent could
have the ties manufactured prac
tically on the right of way and still
farther south.
Arrests Booze Sellers and Gamblers
at Madras.
Madras has experienced quite a
notorious clean-up in the way of
illegal selling of booze and gam
bling, and of the hold-up fraternity.
SherlffElkius and Deputy Sheriff
Cadle arrived iu town Tuesday
evening and proceeded to locate
and place under arrest several men
that have been under suspiciou of
violating the law in different ways.
Two men commonly known as
"Sraokey" Rice and "Redy" Bryan
Saturday evening got into a .scuffle
with a man by the name of Morris,
a blacksmith working for Tucker
& Culp, and relieved him of his
watch. The allair was ol course
planned by the two, and came out
quite successfully. Both men were
captured by Sheriff Elkins and
were identified by Morris,
Two other professional gamblers
were also taken into custody, their
ucmes being Mnson and Puller.
There were twelve in all taken
out yesterday, including the pro
prietors of the several "soft" drink
parlors locuted here, against whom
there is said to be evidence. Two
more arrests and several more wit
nesses were taken to Priueville to
day. Madras Pioneer.
Article Descriptive of a Sunday
Deschutes Construction Camps.
Tbe iollowing article touches ou
a phase of work in connection with
railroad construction along the Des
chutes that as a rule is not given
much publicity. The article is en
titled, "Can't You Give Us Some
Preachiu'?", nnd was writteu by
V. II. Day, railroad field secretary
ol the Y. M. C. A., and was pub
lished iu "Association Men," a Y.
M. C. A. magazine.
"CaU't you give us some preacliiti"?
To-morrow is Sunday ami we are gain'
to lay olT, We never bad no preachiu'
Iu tills camp vet,"
The speaker was a tall, raw-boned,
"skin tier" (teamster) in one of the Colt,
tructlon camps out in Central Oregon.
I had been traveling all day piloting n
broncho over piles of stone and dirt,
u round bridge and unfinished culverts,
visiting the railroad construction camps
along the famous Deschutes canyon,
luliun. II.m ft 11 .1- W ,r. ImUitlnt.
I uew Hue ou the east side, auri the Ore-
gon Trunk Railroad on the wet side. I
found over 3, 500 men employed along
these two lines. A night shut down I
wa obliged to tie upatoneof thecamp,
and after giving the boya a little (Satur
day night talk on what God was doing
(or the men In other camp through the
Association, I had turned to go to my
bunk when one of the men motioned me
over into the corner and addressed me
in the word of the opening sentence.
1 awured him I would be glad to do my
best at preaching if be would round the
men up.
When I came out from breakfait about
7 jo tlie next morning, I found he bad
the mtn all corralled In one of the bunk
house. He told me to "go ahead," and
then, in hi western vernacular, atsureri
the men "it wouldn't do none of them
no hurt." Locking a musical Instru
ment and singing-books the singing
could hardly be pronounced auccesa,
but as it seemrd the best way to open a
Sunday morning service we made an at
tempt at It. As t talked to them about
God's love and interest in tbem, though
lurialet) from the world, and of what Ite
had done to make ft easy for tbem to do
right and hard to do wrong, I found an
interest and attention manifest which
would hare been an inspiration to any
speaker. After the Gospel talk and a,
prayer, each man (many of them for
eigner) came up, took me by the band,
thanked me for coming, and urged ibatjt
I try to send a secretary to tbem regu
larly. Although strenuous efforts bare been
made to keep tbe saloon, with all ita
blighting influences, from touching
these men, I found that two were al
ready in operation and other were be
ing built. In addition to this an amount
of "bootlegging" Is doue with the result
that I met drunken men a usual. Here
is one of the most attractive fields of
which I know; the number of men will
be greatly increased in tbe spring, when
all of the camps can be reached on horse
back. The Y. M. C. A. endeavors to
place their workers in all railroad
construction camps, where they
provide various means for recre
ation and religious services for the
laborers. Their efforts have re
sulted in so much good that the
railroads often pay tbe expenses
and salaries of the Y. M. C A.
men and have repeatedly asked the
Association to send its workers
into the construction camps.
Oregon Trunk Line U Completing Ar
rangements te Install a Perry en
the Columbia te Connect wkh Narth
Bank Road.
W. H, Staats, upon his return to
Bend from an absence of several
weeks, states that the Oregon
Trunk Line is making arrange
ments to install a ferry across the
Columbia river at the mouth of the
Deschutes to connect the North
Bank Road with the Orecon Trunk
Line. This ferry will be used for
transporting supplies, rails, and
later (until tbe bridge at Celilo is
finished) it will be used to ferry
Oregon Trunk Line traius across
the Columbia.
This company expects to have
traius running into Crook county
by earjy fall of this year, and each
week makes it more evident that
officials are bending every energy
to build the road according to the
present announced schedule.
Elizabeth Wornstaff was out of
school Monday on account of ill
ness. Esther Marcott has returned to
school after bciug absent for sever
al weeks.
Dolly Hall and Nettie Cast are at
school again after being absent for
several days.
The pupils of Miss Wiest room
have taken up the study of anisic
aud are getting along very nicely.
A debate was held in Miss Van
devert's room lavt Friday between
a teats chosen from tbe high school
and a team from the eighth erade.
The question was, "Resolved, That
the treatment of the American In
dian by the whites has been ju
tifiable." Those oh (he affirmative
were Sarah Wornstaff, Bssie
Maine, and Klna Shultz, Those
on the negative were Margaiet
Wiest, Allie Caldwell and Anuu
Moeu, The decision of tbe judges
was iu favor of the negative.