The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 02, 1910, Image 3

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icBsasE? MJSRsy or rms fjear?-
"?T-,!ft. '
A r
T HAH lieen remarked (hat while
th geologist, ethnologists, a
tronomer ami navigator have
been very oiiUiol(en In their
opinion of Hie apparently '
fllctlng Cook and Peary claims
10 precedence at the Norlli Pole,
explorers with wide exptrlenre.
especially of Arctic conditions,
have been reticent for tha most
part, or very non-committal.
I)r Ktiacne Murray Aaron. K.
G H., who hns arqualntanro with
both Commander Peary ami Dr.
Cook, anil who ha n kuowlrdgn
of the terror of lh Ions night
unit the hardships ami difficulties of travel on tha Arctic
kf. who for some yrrs has Iweii a Chlrngoan, eugugcd
In geographic authorship ami publication, I wall
equipped to discuss the lurrlta of Ilia controversy. Dr.
Murray Aaron haa reached tho lime when exploration
must be glxcn up for the IrM hazardous duties or the
editorial desk the hurimon laid down for the blue pen
cil. Yet he haa lost none of hi Interest In Arctic ex
ploratlon. and his admiration for the qualities that have
enabled two daring American to finally conquer In the
battle of three tenturle I all the more Interne because
of hi knowledge of the almost Insurmountable condi
tion to be contended with. Dr Murray Aaron' travel
and writing are widely known of all geographer, and
he haa a list of fellowship and memberships In geo
graphic and other learned societies, both In this country
and abroad, that expresses It set In a quite alphabetic
array of Initials.
"No one who knows either Dr. Cook or Peary," said
the doctor, "ran for n moment doubt that earn of them
firmly believe that he ha set hi feet on that spot,
without longitude, where all llnea converge- -and hence
without dimension- that we cull the North Pole, The
only doubt peimlsslbla to fair-minded men who have
the privilege of acquaintance with theie great men I as
to whether In the final dash they were able to take
along those Instrument necessary to scientific exactl-
tude and whether, during their very brief stops on the
lop of the earth, they had sumcleut time to verify their
first conclusions."
"Then what proofs will the public evef have; how
will these men prove beyond doubt that they have been
there?" the doctor was asked,
"Of absolute proofs, such as would be undeniable In
a court of justice, there ran be none. We will always
be compelled to arcept their words, The talk of rec
ords of observations, that will support them beyond per
adventure. Is the sheerest nonsense. Any man com
latent to take such observations would b equally com
petent to coin them. There are no self-recording In
struments to automatically, mechanically uphold him or
give him the lie. The statement credited to astrono
mers that an eclipse, occurring" at the time that Cook
was beyond the 80th degree of latitude, must have been
observed by him mid Mould be contributory evidence,
likewise t irons nothing. Those acquainted with at
mospherlc and hydrographlc conditions In the Far North
know that this Is bumomhe. Then, too. were Cook the
sort of a man to manufacture record, and we who know
him believe him tn be far above It. It would have been
the easiest possible thing Jo acquaint himself with fu
ture astronomic conditions and be prewired to Incorpo
rate such observntluns among his other manufactured
"No, not until some one has firmly established an
aerial stage line to the North Pole will we be In a posi
tion to controvert the claims of those hardy men who
find a certain delight In the froien solitudes of the Arc
tic sea. A a matter of fact, there I nothing Inherently
more difficult In reaching the upper stretches of the
final dash than have to l coped with tn the prepara
tory marches; perhaps nothing a terrible a Cook mint
have undergone In hi winter quarter In Kllesmere
land, on hi homeward Journey.
"Yes, both renched tha pole, and both by methods
creditable. When their claim are finally tdfted by our
national hydrographlc office, well fitted to be court of
last resort, we will doubtless find that, to quote Ad
miral 8chtey, also a brave and hardy Arctlo explorer
'there Is glory enough for all,' "
' Individuality Is tho only reul Ufa
It Is breathing the ozone of mental,
moral, spiritual freedom, All other
living It an excuse, n substitute, n
near thing. Nature put her stump of
Individuality on nvery man. Homo
people seem to spend most of tho
time trying to aonk oft tho stamp.
They wear a uniform opinion, (hoy
seek tt keep In step with tho line,
they march In solid samenos along
the comfortably paved road ot other
people' thinking, Nature Intended
life at an Individual problem, differ
ent (or ench man; she want nn Indi
vidual solution,
Individuality mean aolf-knowl-edge,
Belf-confldence, solf-relluuce,
eelf-polso, solf-control, self-conquest
It means tho fullest,, freoat expression
of our finest self, 11 s the most perfect
roso beat represents the plum, it
tho complete, self-acting unity or
Hum's wholo mind, nature, heart and
life. It Is moved ever within, uot
from without. The automobile Is a
type of Individuality It Is neither
pulled, pvuhed nor propelled by out
side forces; It Is self-Inspired; self
directed and seir-movlng. The Circle.
Ite"ll f
Postmaster Thl letter Is too heavy.
You'll have to put on another stump.
Coon Sah, will that make It any
llghtahT Wlnceton Tiger.
It's Homo satisfaction to tha widow
to reallzo that ahe look well In black
The wind, when first he rose mid went
11 ll mill
Thtoiiftli tlm rfKloii, f'tt himself
at fiiull,
WhuIUik 11 villi h, Hint Kiiililnily to fti r til
Di-st rutin! with H wafturw and w
U lii-re. H-Hiidnrlii volatile, from kind
to kind,
lie wiMii-d the mtvunil trees to give him
First lie lieWught U ash; thu vol
ah lent
Fitfully, with a frw and lasblnx
IImmk Iit and there Its fri wwer-
Th" nmn Next; a llutlered frlvliu
I witter
W lii-r sola tribute; frmn the willow
Ho Iomk a dulnty summer dred her
A. wlitujeTlMir swetiii-s; Imt her win-
lir 1 ,
Vm hlsslMK, dry Mint rely. Imitly the
Old lie solicit; snd from her he drew
A lolre so constant, soft and lowly
That llii-rr he restei), ueli-omltiK In her
A mild memorial of the oreim cuve
Vhrr lie was bom,
-Henry Taylor.
i 1
"I can't afford to send you to college,
Muriel," said Mr. Ponsonby, address
ing his youngest daughter.
"Very well, father," Muriel replied.
Hue had always felt certain thai
when she waa old enough ahe would
not share the lot of her three sister.
Utr reason for so reeling remained
In the fact that she usually hail to take
what her brilliant alnters left. She
was always kept In the background.
Gwendoline, Marguerite and Dellcla
sot groat store by their literary even
ings. Sometlmea Muriel would Creep
In unobserved and listen eagerly to the
One night the Ponsonby girls had -rured
a star In Illchard Vlvyan, H. A
tho most popular and successful artist
of the erlod. Dick Vlvyan took mat
ter very easily; cuccesa bad not
spoiled him In the least Dick waa
growing bored, and then he suddenly
saw Muriel seated In a corner gazing
steadfastly at htm. Tbelr gazes met;
a wave ot color spread over Muriel's
face, and she Instantly became en
grosaed In a magazine that waa lying
In her lap.
"Awfully well reproduced, Isn't It?"
said a voloe suddenly,
Muriel started, and glanced up to
see Dick Vlvyan' smiling face.
"They get them .up sometime to
look better than the original," Vlvyan
went on in cheery tone,
Then Muriel realized that the maga
tine on hor lap waa open and showing
two full-page reproduction of well
known picture.
"I ahoutd not like to be the artist
whose works would gain In such a
manner," said Muriel seriously.
"How Is It I have nerer met you be
fore?" asked the artist "I often .have
met your rather and sitters."
"Oh, you see--er I stay at that Is,
I look after the house!" replied Muriel
"Of course, just like a man to for
get that. Isn't It?" Vlvyan remarked.
To himself he said. "Cinderella," Then
he calmly sat down beside her and be
gun to chat In the most natural man
ner. Muriel waa dreadfully shy at
first, but Vlvyan so Interested her that
she forgot her nervousness and prat
tled away gaily.
Gwendoline made her way to Mur
iel's side and touched her on the shoul
der. The girl started up. and when
she saw her sister ahe flushed guilt
ily. "Pardon me Interrupting you, won't
ou?" Gwendoline said to Vlvyan. smil
ing graciously. "Hut my little sister
Is required upstairs. Aren't you,
Muriel dear?"
The look- w.hlch accomMuled the en
dearing term suggested volumes to
Vlvyan. who saw through the little by
play. "(lood-nlght. Mr. Vlvyan!" Muriel
said tremulously, timidly holding out
a slender hand.
"(lood-nlght, Mlsx Ponsonby! I'm
awfully glad to have met )ou."
He watched Gwendoline shepherd
Muriel out of the room, an expression
hair whimsical, halt annoyed on his
"Poor little girl!" he thought. "Heg
ular case ot Cinderella."
On the following morning a note ar
rived from tha young artist. It ran aa
"Dear Mr. Ponsonby I want to ask
a great favor of one of your daugh
ters. I am at my wits' end for a suit
ablo model for my new picture, and I
ahould be awfully glad If you could
help me out. I will call on you at
about 11 o'clock to-morrow morning.
Yours ilucerely,
"Oh, father, how Qnet" cried Dellcla.
"I wonder which ot us he'll aak?"
c. fkmJ
Chicago Examiner.
"He mean me, I think," remarked
Gwendoline. "He waa consulting me
about the picture last night."
Dellcla and Marguerite burled freez
ing glance at their alster, sniffed and
applied thcvnaelve viciously to deviled
"We've had kidney two mornings
running," said Mr. Ponsonby Irritably
He rang an electric bell.
Muriel ca&io In presently, a pink
overall over her morning dress, traces
of flour on her shapely hands.
"Why on earth can't you bo original,
Muriel?" Mr. Ponsonby asked. "Kid
neya two mornings running la Intoler
able." He fore Muriel could reply a clock on
the mantelpiece chimed the three quar
ter. "Good gracious," cried Dellcla, "If
nearly 11! Mr. Vlvyan will be hert
Immediately the three older girl
hastened from tbe room to adorn them-
covi.o aoo.t no without iiin model
selves for the occasion. Muriel's face
crimsoned at tbe sound of Vlvyan'
name, and her replies to her father's
questions were somewhat disjointed.
"Mr. Vlvyan, sir." announced a erv
ant "Show him In here."
"Kxcute this, Vlvyan." Mr. Ponsonby
said, Indicating the breakfast table.
We're a bit late this morning. Don't
mind If I go on, do you? Will you
join me?"
"No, thanks; It'll spoil my lunch,"
said Vlvyan dryly. "How are you this
morning, Miss Ponsonby?"
He shook hands with Muriel juet asi
the three eider atstera swept Into tbe
room, having d reused tn under ten
minutes, and feeling secretly annoyed
at the rush.
Vlvyan shook hands with them, com
paring unfavorably their elaborate toi
lets with Muriel's pink overall and
simple gown,
"1 hope )ou don't think me presump
tuous?" Vlvyan said, adding, "you got
my nqte, I suppose, Mr. Ponsonby?"
"Oh, yesj I'm sure one of my daugh
ters will be only too charmed to alt
for you, Vlvyan. Take your choice, y
He Indicated Gwendoline. Dellcla
abd Marguerite, who stood In a row
and beamed on the artist
Vlryan looked somewhat surprised.
"I think there 1 a .misunderstand
ing." he said. "Didn't I mention Mlas
Muriel's name in my letter?"
"Muriel!" came a chorus of thre
trebles and a bass.
Muriel's face waa crimson; her three
sisters stared at ber In an angry
amazement Mr. Ponsonby forgot to
eat, he was so aatonlshed.
"Well, well." he muttered,
"Will Mlsa Muriel be so kind?" Vlv
yan asked.
"Certainly, my boy. Won't you. Mu
riel?" exclaimed Mr. Ponsonby.
"If I'll do," said Muriel ahyly.
"Thanks ever so much." remarked
Vlvyan. with a algb of relief. "Will
an hour a day. aa often as you can. be
too much, Mlas Muriel?"
"Oh. no." j
"I ahould like to start to-day," went
on Vlvyan eagerly.
Three o'clock saw Muriel seated In
an easy chair In Vivyan's studio. '
That solitary hour each day speedily
became a time that ahe yearned tor.
Never had she been so nappy as she
was during those sixty minutes. How
slowly the hands of the clock seemed
to go round whilst she waited for tha
lime to start, and how swiftly that
one hour sped byf
Vlvyan, too, began to feel that there
was another joy In tba hour beside
the joy or hla painting. A strange
thrill rn through him each time he
put his hand on Muriel to arrange her
posture Kvery time he glanced at her
from his canvas his heart beat more
It seemed to hlni that he had never
painted a picture at such terrific speed,
and the fact that he could soon do
without his model was looming up
large. He Invented all sorts of excuses
to delay the ploture. though never once
during those precious hours did he be
have except as the artist The lover's
part he sternly repressed, though he
hungered to give play to It
"You've finished now. Miss Muriel."
he said, one day. laying down hi pal
ette with a sigh.
"Then you don't want me to pons
for you again?" the girl asked, gulag
up at him quickly and then drooping
her eyes.
"No. Are you eorry? Do you like
posing?" Vlvyan asked eagerly.
"I have enjoyed It very much," re
plied Muriel simply. "It haa been such,
t change to" She paused uncer
tainly. "I shall be sorry to lose my model,"
said Vlvyan, watching the girl's face
and wishing she would look up so that
he could aee, her eyes and read the ex
pression In them.
"I am glad you have found me use
ful." Muriel said.
"Oh, I've found so much more than
that!" cried Vlvyan. unable to check
hla desires any longer. "I've found
new life, new hope, new everything In,
you, Muriel, I love you, dear."
He took her hand uncertainly; she.
did not withdraw It from his grasp.
"Do you care for me, Muriel?" he
whispered eagerly.
"Yea." she said softly, lifting her
head and gazing straight Into hla eyes.
A strange mixture ot solemnity sjid
passion In her own,
"My darltngi" He took her U hU
ajvaia, Prsoa'a Week'r.