f Hood's Sarsaparilla Acta directly and pcciilinrly on tho blood; juirllloM, onrlolicH imd rovlUillzt'M It, ami In thlfl way IiuIMh up tho wholo ylom. 'hike It. Got It today. I""?,"''' JI'IUM ('M ur eliocolslcd !! tela mlled Hrilaha, Iw) Iois f, On auereaafiil Cnaa, "Doctor, you're not no fiinlUh to think you eari milk penpl ood by performon- operation on ilmm, are nur- "Tliat depend llpim what ymi rail iimhliiK people kiiocI. y0ii ciiii vhfvk heir disposition In comtnll cilme." "An, for nxHiiiilsu - "Well. I om0 know R innn who win rurt. Iiy it aim pi' operation, of h leu. ilrni'y lo rob hank ami hold up rail iy Imliia." DliI ou pcirriu II. dorlorT" "No, I w merely mid on vr, Ify Hit result after lb operation win trr" Wall, wliu it ll perform II T" "A frontier litrlfr." Chlmia Trlb. un. Tim liny nml 'Murruit, Happy mm are full of the preiotit, lor It bounty auRlcus them: and wlio nirn Also, for lis duties engix thtvn. Our craml uiialnra undoubtedly U noi lo se what lie dimly at a ill. I a nro, but lo do Mist lie clesrly At hand. IMward r'ltiOnrald. "I'olonlu." Have Thli Ileclp for Cold. "Ml half pint of kmh wliUkrr wild I wo miar f Elyrrrmn ami add uue half mtttr I ..namlrnlml pint, aominniml. The lMlr l la .n wrll iltakdH rarli lime awl iiml ia do of a lNt.iMn.afnl It. a UtilnaponafNl frtf four noun " A ay drag!! hat lb laa-rr.iw.at, r ka will jent tbani from al. wUtmnUt kw. Tan U wnnnerfally nlfeellre. Th I'aarvalraliMi ninn'la n ulil ! P'wluet aad eon only In naif MMff boll lea, nrh earluM-d 1N a air Ileal mm. but b aura It U laUM "('aimtnl " E HtMETlIINQ FOR EVERYIIODI D llle.l nl lilMhO.vliiIti na I'raillelad. I'lopkr) Ink mrly In life that ah would llv. la see Utr rtRhty rlchtli birthday. Mis Julia II Hancock. o llroekten. Maw., died a fw daa ago on the day ilia had previously t for brr drath. Innrtaltlen of gn are Riven aa (tin rau Mhe Kate no parileulnr rraMin for lirr prediction. allhoiiKli itit seemed Imtriird wllh lh llr that haf Wuphtcy wftMi.i - - Hi next time jriHi ul that (wal lowing omatlon, Uie aura slffn of or, throat, itarKlo llsmllns Wliartl Oil Im mediately with ihrrr iiartt waltr. It will aav you ilaja and prhp wrnkt of rnlirry. WIihI' In n nmr An amulnir. atory ha trn told con rrriiln- Mr. I'hlllliW rlawtc drama, "lllyMra." Whrll It a Itelnj playd Ovr l.ftoo illrroront kind of IiimNh fcnl ttMjn tlin onk. Tlllt llrltUll tinlnnt nffir,. I.n.l...... .,,,v .,,,,, UIIPIIIITMt "huwoil a dttl'IdttKil ilnilmr Hi, tml ycur. Tho ninthnd of raUliiK aiinkcn va. U by coiuprKmt lr ptunpril Into Ibo hull hna boon found auceaful, Tho Womrira Aarlnl lnKue hna of fprcd a avlialnrililp of MU n ywr for atllllftllU Who llllcnil tnklnv iik .vln. tlon na n profcaiilon. In oni) of thfl mpltAla of Kuropo Ihrrn ha Ik-mi nut un a ll ami rn.t. ly holnl nilil llm liiNlinuor hna chor.1111 mr iih iirKruplilc nddrcit tlm Mpcn alv word. "Luxury" AiitlrlpnlliiK ii n AmerlCAfi duly nn tc Jnpnurw pxporlKra ifhlppcd uh 10. I3S,23I imiuiiiIn fu tlm lrl li.lf of U'09. iiKnliut r..r.7I.Hf, poumU In the rorreapoiiilliiK imrlod of IIiflR. HI J'rtarnbnrtr. which I to linva Jo.000.000 pint on It for unitary Im luovcmriita. hna lnli ili..rllj,t H th. moit iiiilirnltiifnl of t, conllnrnfa Krcftt clllcn, ltd ilenth rule I wild nl wrty to cxrerd Ita birth rate. Tho IVcnrli udvcriiinmit nnntirtiillv alta youiiK Krcnrh merchant lo llt forelitn countrlra to the extent of 3,000 franca tho flrnl year, and for a poaalblo aecoiid year 2,400 franca, Comiwlltlva examluntlon Art nrcea nry. Qucn Helena of Italy now la called "lot children' queen." It la one of tlm rnaulta of her work In bahalf of tho aurferlnff children following the Mraalna Mirthiiinkn, and alao of her UllfnlllnK Inttrrat. eir itnrn ). .... fended the throne. In the children ol Home. I'litroon Vap der Ilonck, In the year After 1CIS. lived inch n mtkiw. n..,l rebuit llfo on hi lluilnon Itlver en- IrttO that the Dutch lllauam mllMl III lllhlinr fnnu "lie lilllklr' Inn, If the nenlleHian' Inud. Inter com premiHl by llm frucal KiikIUIi Into "Yonker." A new luunlrlnallyownrd rnlcrprlim I reiiorled from HI. IVteraburir Th- UnlleU Ktatc coimul there write that "(ho lilxh rate at which medicines And drug aro cold by th prhntc pharmnclea and drUK alore have lu duced the municipal nuthnrltle to alnrt a municipal pharmacy, for which puriHMo t6.4f.O haa been rcccnlly nl lowed. The city pharmacy will an p. ply medicine and dm- to all the dlilnfectlon And aanllary departmeiila. aa well a municipal hoapltnla To private pcraon drum will be eold nt !0 per rent dlacount on tho normal chancea." HaalnK hi itatemcnt on a nerle of experiment with the ltet pattern of military firearm. Ur. Keler. of I)reden. aaya In n recent number of Oer .Milliner Attxt Dint In the next urrnt wnr the mortality from itumlint wound will be "frlKhtfully larre" SMITH WANTS anil will piiy n follow for good, ft Ntuir wo novor char(o corn mlaalon on niiytlilni;: Vcnl under L10 lb llo Uirco veal lew. r.ccorllnjf to hUo mid (uiillty, Drt'imod llo(( , .9io Hon nml Spring, nllvo 14c Hon and Spring, drecd., m 10 to lo Turkoy. drvucil., 22jc (h'cm, ilrcicd . . .- lGc Duck, ilrcMed , . . . ,20o FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. TiXDlinbBctfTnr PORTLAND. OREGON. S0METII1NO FOR EVERYD0DY A IVr AlifHrt. They were iibout to open the Pana ma cnnul In due form. "What are wo WHlllrur forT" anked the man who waa to deliver the vra tlon. "We are wnltlnir," nnawered the ma. ter of crremorile In a huky whlaper, "lo e If wu eun't aeure up h few Arnerlfiin l.ullt lllp to eo throuch flmir ChlrnKo Tribune. . MODtKri CXPtRI DENTISTRY At t'rktt IhM Otlr CrnnpIHUn irriii wmiour piaiu a stccialtv C$ 60C ...Slo up ss.oo ii.oo iio.oo CAINI.IMH r.XTACTION,,, nu.vr.li rn.iJMiiH (U)U rll.MN(SH . ......,.. JK nOI.ll CKIIH'N IWMIII KUIIIIKK I'l.ATi: iiik nwr iiiiniiim rijvTia . WHAlJfllONt: pituh . Out-oMinrn Mllrnl ran obtain nnttel work aikl moo.; rf rilnnr at our Utir. NOHTUDKNni NOOAfl NO COCAINE All ok (varanlMal for ln yrara CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 32JH W.thlftM S.. Cor. Sl.lh rUlal4t.inl I r. Ilara lo ilar, - '---j hqiiiiiih win . a neria.. "'""-" "" "; lie decrll-. one kind of nillltnry rifle llu lKelker In tke UIU . matinee lp ,, ,rom whf,, w .. perfo.In.ne. al befer lb. curtain ,,,,, ,,, w, ,,e ,,.,,,, b. ,e r INe :MI v'rw"il' w" allKhteat rcal.tance after It atrlke the heard; M.y. M.ude. I know tbl play My Mll, w, ..tm,,,. on. mttklllc n !"i" rfi, ?"'!!!J"rt "l "" nU wllh Ihc on. yon Iklnk .or a.ked Maude. "Why, ,,,, hc, ,t rM,cd le , . anybody could tell that from lb Thn -W0llniln mnariiv nt o,- !. Iiaine!" wa Ihe reply -M A. P. wM,win la m.nr ti..... ,r..., .... Good for Sore to, for over 100 year PfnTIT'S KYh HAI.VrJ lina iKitlvcly curl eyotll vain.' ovorywhurc. All ilrui;nhU or Ilowanl llro., llulfnlo, N. Y. fuiMt nl IMiiareHea. "Vet," ald the bride of three hort month, "I had made up my mind to remain In the vplniler claw, then John appeared upon Ilia, icene and I no rcpled him becnuxo ha waa o unlike other men." "Oh, of courifl he' different." re JolniM the fiivlou lady friend, "He uropoied." Yonker Htnteeman. ajH' Your Hair Contrary? Is It inclined to run away,? Don't punish It with a cruel brush and combl Peed It, nour ish It, suvc it with Aycr's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps tho scalp healthy. Dm nef cAan Iht refer M halt. A tiers rarnul wllh 4k lilt 9 kw II It r Mltr ilk kirn abaal II, liiaaiiBiii Hint of the rifle now In ue." nnd tbl. he m)b, "make It a tangible arKiimenl In favor of peace," An apartment hotue exclualvely for women lu Imdou waa filled with ten' anta a week after completion The' ttni.BA la nftftrn!,.! in n i.ln. ,llnl I ..w.... . ..,-. .. w B')M., n.t.U.I found fnvor luunrdlutely with fem inine worker, and tho Men might be ' adopted with profit In thla country. Kvery woman enjoy poelou of nn apartment all her own Tho building I form a quadrangle and consist of ' apartment of two, three and four room. All the trouble of the kitchen 'I elded by n common dining room, 'nnd thl I the mo.it popular feature of the houxe. Servant aro provided at a miall weekly charge, nnd there la a long llt of Application for vn ranclea not likely lo occur The bouse wa deilgnvd by n woman. It I planned to build aevcrnl other on the ame model. Now York Pre. I There I n curtain Philadelphia phy. Ulan of conilde rnblo prominence who J I renowned among inn menu n mo wort penman lu the Quaker city. Ho 1 imcd to write them letter nnd then feel hurt when they could not read them. When he wrote to person who were not familiar with hi acrawl they frequently would not know whom the letter were from. Some tlino ago he Introduced a typewrltor Into hi otnee, and thl rendered the body of the let ter Intelligible, but did not clear up the difficulty over the lKtiature. Now, however, ay the Ilecord, ho hna had made a rubber stamp bearing hi name and addrcaa lu printing, He B1Kns hi nnnio In tho uminl acrnwl, ' but alongsldo he Impreanoa Ills atamp. ' It Is a little humiliating, ha nays, but A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME tlaaaa an unrailm wal.r aupptj. l roani that ,uu 'II h lha naal practl ral lwnaalK vatrrau pi .r.trrn now In b. No aWvatn! lank, no f ruaan pipa In olnl.r. na .lacnal wator In aununar, no nalariupplr IrvuUna of any aort. Tank plarail In lanrnt out r alaht and war nuula of pfan aUol will not ruat anj IUUla llf.llm. YwUIIplaMlIUi Ua LKADKK r.tmi of futni.hi OomoaUc Watar Hupl V A.k u our raiakvu an (m luAWt. "Haw I Sol.ad Mr Wator euppl I'raUam." jumfh LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. THE SAFE WAY To trl Katt la la Oi We certainly believe thli, or we would not lay 10, Ayer'a Hair Vigor, ainow matin rrtm am nu lmnMw fA,mil. ...... ...... wm. ..vw iiuil.lll luilliuia. ji B ft HUIO liuiuumnuh, no n.j o, uu. lit) great Preparation for the hair and ,, no ong(ir has any troublo about SeiVX Si.p' S.' E! .h.,'l'.,.?,uW.dtn: Derson. to whom ho write, not kow K..;;u.j.o.i,.,o.;,t..ri.Ma.;.--- i whom lho ,etters ftre- Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's NEW FAST TRAINS Oregon-Washington Limited t'orllaiul to Chlvaco Chicago-Portland Special Chicago, 81. UuU, Eto. Soo-SpokaiPertlaw. 'Train da Luaa" toBU Paul Latest cnulpmcnt, Pullman, Tourist and Dining Cars, electric llifhtod and ui-to-late. Block Signal Syilem Portland to Chicago. For literature, rates, reserva tions, etc.. call on or wrlto to any 0. It. & N. ngont, or to WM. McMURRAY General Pussongor Agent fortland, Oregon Lontion'a fire brigade cost 11,420, 000. The annual whaling catch at pres ent la about ICO, OerniAa pianos cost In Australia from ISO to 1200 wholesale, Hwarmlng bes send out acouta to look for desirable locations. I'arls baa a (tore devoted exclusive ly lo the sale of tho accessories of aerial flight. When completed the new White Star liner will be the largcit vessel afloat, being 890 feet long over all by ninety two feet beam. Tho culmination of over 400 file at tho Connecticut agricultural experi ment station showed that they carried an averugti of 1,2CO,000 baclerla each. Athena has sixty natlvo dentist. There are also three foreign dentist, who have modern equipments, charge high prices, nnd have bo many client Hint they are obliged to turn some of them away. All note or legal paper executed In Mexico must bear revenue stamps, and all paper executed In the United Blatoa or other countrle must bear these stamps before legal action can b commenced In Mexico. The woman's nine hour law ha been algned by Governor lludley, of Missouri. It limit the employment of women nnd girl In factories, res taurant and such place to nine hour a day, between S a. m. and 10 p. m. Tbo potmatergeneral of Egypt, who ha Inspected the new boring In the Jezah oil fields, states that the dis covery I of the greatest Importance to Egypt and the Hudnn. Tho flow of the well In question waa estimated at three barrels a minute. The Iowa agricultural experiment utatton ha found out that on rail roads ruunlng east and west It Is uec- -ssary to plant a different kind of gra on the north aide of embank ment from the south aide, because of Uio dlffurent amount of sunlight that each aide receives. In Japan government physicians make a thorough physical examination of all school children once a year, and there la a monthly Inspection of them by the medical corps every month. There Is alio a monthly sanitary In vestigation of all school building, their contents, water supply, sur roundings, etc. Mrs. Fannie Kern Andrews, of Bos ton, has been appointed to take charge of the prlxe contest of the American Kchool of Peace League. The league has offered two set of three prize each, for the bent essays on the peace movement. Mr. Andrews haa. been Interested In peace societies for many years. She also I an enthusiastic club woman and an ardent advocate of equal suffrage. Mr Arthur siade, of New York, Is tho president of the Kly Club, which haa Just opened a clubhouse where young women studying for a profes sion can find a home In New York.' A small charge for board will be made and the applicant for membership have to be recommended by some one of the graduates of the Kly school who organised the club and have It In charge. The applicants were no nu merous for the present school term that an extra house had to be taken a a dormitory, And there are 'still in the neighborhood of one hundred on the waiting list. Ileccnt experiments on ehowy flow er like tho poppy tend to show that Insects are not always attracted to flower by tho brightly colored iwtals, but rather by the perception doubtless by means of smell that there Is honey or pollen. In those experiments the unopened flower bud Is Inclosed In a gnuxe net, so as to protect It from In sect, nnd when It expands the petals are carefully removed without touch ing the remaining part with the ring era (for bees avoid a flower If the smell of human finger I left on it), and the petnllesa flowera receive prac tically aa many Insect visit ns un touched flowera do. ' Major Sylvester, Washington' chief of police, haa mado what the Post calls "a wise and timely suggestion," that the horde of guides In the capital be subjected to examination a to their fitness and bo compelled to pay a It- censo fee. Tho Post aaya: "It Is a step which should have been token long ago, nnd the proposal can not be 'put Into execution too Boon, for some .of the Washington guide Have dis played a fund or Information which, It 'generally accepted, would necessitate ' the rewriting of many of the chapters of national history. Not bo long ago one of these historians waa heard de scribing to an opon-mouthed gathering of credulous victim bow Sherman marched his army to the aea over tho Anacostla brldge.polnttng to thebrldgo In the distance to prove his new ren dering of history, .while his auditors responded with a chorus of 'Oha' and Aha.' M FREE I HARP-GUITAR I FREE! new arwl ww.'rful muaieal lnln mwit. nt.Wh to a r'nltatWjfi nf ll.a araiul Italian h.p ami MJlur It ha. a U-autlM tula ami M pnaltl.Hy lha aailaat in.trummt t plar ever mail, Via laath Mi at yuur own hun. Aa an adtartkamant mm at coiACTocrrr.mr nnasfuur Will) Harp (lultara to aarh of lha 1ni ,7?il??Zmi?.?tii ""nlr who land ui Oiafr nama. uMreaa an4 whom th nam m tnr lit down ItJOIIT HOW anH drop u. a eard and Lo una of lha liKkjr fan-, aa that art roln- fiat, HARP.COirAR MfO. CO.. 42S lumbar tuhantc OoHdln, Portland, Or. C'bnnro for a llarjraln. DJected Youth I would Ilk to re turn tills engagement ring I purchaacd hern a few cay ago. Jeweler Didn't It suit th young lady? Dejected Youth Yes, but another young man had already given her one Just like It, and I would like to ex change It for a wedding preaenL Tld WU. Tablnir lllm nf Ilia Word, Upgurdaon It goes without laying Atom Then suppose we let It gc that way Lovely afternoon. Isn't It? Bad BLOOD "Before I begsn using Cascaret I had a bad complexion, pimples on my face, and my food was not digested as It should have been. Now I am entirely well, and the pimple have all disappeared from my face. I can truthfully uv Uiat CascareU are just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes of them." Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan. Ind, rUaaant. PaktalU. PotanL Taata On.l Do Gout. Naarr SULmi. WaaVtn or drip. lOe, Z&c Um. Narrr aoVI In bulk. Tbo ten ulnatabUtatampMlCCC Guaranteed to euro or yvnr muniy back Aa aninrllmra Ifnpnrnn. "You'd like to have me glv? thl n. nolle, I presume." said the literary edllor. "Indeed, I would," answered the au thor of the book; "the best In th world." Hut Ihe ronsrlentlnu literary editor, nfier reading It, clasniried It aa one of th norst In the world. Mninlrrrlnn; II, -Jnnlith. whnt la ihe house of lordsT" "Il'a one branch of Ihe Ilritlsh par liament. You've, heard of th house of commons, haven't you?" "Ye-ea." "Well, the lord are Ihe uncommon." . .. l'-lla. Coturaao. Hpr.ia.aa irmai ifoli. All.ar. Iaa4. II. Mi Miliar. &t OiU, tot, aW ortlnMr.ll. UlllaaanTaltaaa4 fall arlrall. a-aloaaf-alimim. tVmirol a4 ITiapIra oorkra lialtad. Uafamxoi Chrhuaata MallooaJ Ilaafc. MORPHINE Ha faj taf i Hil Wttl a T I tral, U-4Man, Opicm aMJUf It) I farfr fcal faaiakaf. l aJaanao ttkll HKa. tMtvUaaMil M Uw ftf&rte4 wrUamt a (UfanML (- aVM W4 II I ). II til . li. ft tit WU1, TM M tola) Mo M M. V44rM H MlM CillM Oaw Mrt lM II, lLtasM,f, refni773!n , COFFEEl TEA 3PICES aUKIrte POVYOCR EATKACT3 just nimiT I CLSSSCTfiDEVESS roniwia. one. j IXiiXdMmm r iwiaain in i iiiiininLnn)iH.iiii A DOSE OF 1 'S pi so CURE ivit usi M.va.t to (gut$jgps ii as safe a it it effective. Guar anteed to contain no opiates. It it very palatable locj children like it- All DrstfBlala. M Cento wnaaaaatwoaagaajyoaanii iuujMjigaaaa 'THE OLD RELIABLE" GONORRHQEAandGLEET atdruccists.orthialboxbymailSBc FROM PLAHTCN.93 HCNRYST.OROOKLYKXy BEWARCOF IMITATIONS.' On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you dry Aad give yoa fall talus la comfort aad long wsar so.oo BUARaHTKO WATtRPROCr Bali ly f InUUu Batailtrt Us estty erir. Sisd for sir Tim 0Ulfot a., j. TOWER CO. ctflEflS BOSTON, U . A. -V- , y? Toni cniDua co.. tu. Toaonvo, Canaoa GHHJi& Mess Dentistry HaaaaaA. ..-n-'..-15 alllllK m. a. :M aBaHBaflEBfet ' fl faaaalBalllllHaBalv' JflK fiHUaalllK! aaaHf ISVKaViaS lnrom. aaW -aaaTaTaK BBafaafaV BBafaB afafafafafaV. - affBl Oat at loam aaeaba ran Sa.a Ibalr aJarn in4 bvldoraork Sn- aaa in oao aay Wa .ll ana faa s ai VX tM ar aart.o. (raatlar S3. SB K.Ur Craau 6.0 Z2kSrUcTMM3.5t SaMrXnri LO? CtaaainiSen LOB E3arriBft .5( latunsact 2.SK Bm RiUar -- rui.i 5.vW Bail fti 'SV- ea.W.LwM.rwaamanaa-ia ."' . '"! n.u.Moaawua raiauu uiroaa .01 WORK eUARANTBCIl TOR IB VStAUB rwao i atcaorbrl I 1alalua Litractloa a ma whan rial, UonlaffaiTllbaaalUtioaa'raa. loaanolaltaiUa 4aJa vorfc dona aayoLara. All work. fuUrauar anlaau. Mvlaraalwuiaou9aiasi. wnaiimii., Wise Dental Co. ernes booui a- tr. ta t. k. saaaaja. a. PNU No, l-10 WHKX wrltlne toBdvsrtlaaraplaaua inanllnn thla papor. MAPLEINE A flaTorln otad the unuu kosoa or TaaCU. Ur dlMolrtn' craanlalrd ausar la waltr aad M din U.plrlar, a dtkdoat (Trap It nuda and. a Ijrnp brttrr than maple. UaplrUe Ii uU ba it net ma Iw I m. bottia anil Itdpabook. Craaaanl Mf. Cav, SaaUla, Waw From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes No oil heater has a higher efficien cy or create r heating power than the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless DevlceJ With It you can co from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of the Tropics In 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents smoking. Removed In aa instant for cleaning. Solid bran font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finiihcd in nickel or Japan lu a variety of style. Every Dlr EYtrywhtre. If Not At Your. Write for Daacxlptlre Cireatac to the NcareH Atncy ol tin STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) tint Itiiti ii 1 1 1 1 V KT4aaiBB jSJrKiiBB. afak laaalB