iWSr f PWffTfV Wff ill 1 .'i I'M J. .'.V... -I $5 REWARD. We will pay $5.00 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person or persons who removed the red signs advertising our Third Annual Housccleaning Sale from the outside walls and windows of our store building. A. M. Lara & Co. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Charles V. Thomtbwaitc of Tumalo is having trouble over his homc&tcad claim. The government was contesting his rJRht before Warren Brown, Wednesday. This case is also based upon information sent in to the department. Pnnc ville Journal. Work on the dam at Bend is pro gressing steadily under the direc tion of Superintendent Daniclson. A strong, substantial bridge is be ing built across the river, and that part of the data in which is located the spillways is beginning to make quite a showing. At a mass meeting of citizens at Madras, Kobt. Rca was nominated to run for mayor at the first Mad ras city election to be held Janu ary 31. S. E. Gray, T. B. Tuck er, T. A. Lonp, W. R. Cook, Warren Brown and Ralph Sharp were declared nominees for council men. A. D. Moe, who moved to Bend last fall with his family from Bi inidji, Minn., has opened a tailor shop in the building on Bond street formerly occupied by Mrs. C. D. Brown. Mr. Moe ns a tailor with much experience and guar antees all his work. Read his ad. in another column. Wanted TIMBER We can use more timber in a syndicate now form ing. Owners wishing to sell are requested to call or write us a description of their holdings. Wc will shortly cruise a number of tracts that we already have but must have everything listed that we will handle before beginning to cruise. OUR 320Acre HOMESTEADS Will Make You Rich! Will be glad to give full particulars to anyone inter ested jn getting one of Uncle Sam's big farms FREE! irriflted L,2.nG We have it in tracts from 40 acres upwards, $20 to $50 per acre. On Sale Now Fine Lots in Lytle Addition to Bend, Easy terms Quick action necessary to get these lots. Going fast. Home Land Co., BEND, OREQON. PIERCE ARROW AuTO LINE Between Shaniko and Bend, calling at Madras and Red raond. 1 $5000 Car, 50 Horse Power A. B. BUCK, Manager Address Shaniko or Bend. CENTRAL OREGON LANDS The reason juu vu wion .u oni win iirvwtviow cause you to seek an early sale. We have good outside connec tions that will enable us to han dle readily almost any good nrnnmstHnn. list vniir fnrm nr k. 4a 2.1 town property with us. Bend Investment Company Next Door to Postofflcc. r Keep the Rain Use Mikado Rubber Roofing The Kind that Contains No Tar. The Best Roofing on the market, and you will not be annoyed with the stench of tar about your home. Ifl also have a full supply of TARRED FELT, Roxin Sized Sheeting and DEADENING FELT. N. P. Mutzljr Building Saturday night a number of Laid law folks gathered at the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stur geon, the occasion k being their "housewarming." The visitors were entertained in an agreeable manner by the host and hostess, and refreshments served during the evening. Chronicle. The owners of the building in which Harry Hill has his meat market have notified him to vacate the building by March t. As Mr. Hill cannot secure quarters else where, he has decided to retire from business. The town is in need of more buildings, both for business and residence purposes. Brier Schorr, one of the Hill sur veyors working between Bend and Burns, was recently in the Bend hospital for a week. He was in jured by falling from a wagon and having a rear wheel pass over one bip and his back, tearing loose some ligaments in his hip. He was quite severely bruised. School District No. 73, which is known as the Richardson district, and which adjoins the Bend dis A. D. Moe the Tailor New Suits Made to Order ALL WORK GUARANTEED In residence on Bond street formerly Pipes, Cigars and TobaCCOS. Call In and take a of Meerschaum The best line Pipes. Tobaccos In town headquarters for your Fine Candies f HE CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDQE & HOBfJS. that may be causing ctnll til III llL-ml.- m W Out SMITH Wall Street trict on the east, has decided to build a school house and employ a teacher. At a recent meeting of the taxpayers it was unanimously decided to bond the district (or $1,000 and erect a school building. The Rev. Dr Walton Skipworth, district superintendent of the M. E church of The Dalles district, will be in Bend to hold services on Thursday evening, February 3 Arrangements have been made to Srovide special mustc for this serv ce. Dr. Skipworth is one of the best and nioit eloquent speakers that visits Bend, and there should be a large congregation out to hear him. Road Supervisor Richardson and II. C. Ellis were at the Tumalo this week making a careful exami nation of the stream with reference to rebuilding the bridge which was taken out by the recent fresbct. At present it is impossible to do any work on account of the thick 1ce along the banks, deep snow, frozen ground and timbers, but the bridge will be built and the road repaired as soon as conditions warrant. In CLEANING PRESSING! AND REPAIRING (1IVI2N SPECIAL. ATTENriON occupied by Mrs. C. D. Brown look at our line and French Briar of Cigars and the meantime, soon ns the ice thaws from the banks, the stream may be forded. 1). M. Roberts, S U. Roberts ami A. I). lUm of Grcshniu, Or., were in lleud the latter pnrt of the week looking for Investments. S. 15. Roberts bought the southeast quarter nml Mr. Ross the northeait qunrttr of the A. A. Anthony acre trnct in Lytic, each gentleman pay ing $500 lor the quarter acre. Mr. Roberts expects to move his family to Bend in the near future. The Home Laud Company closed the deal. Notice. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to uic will please cull nml settle by February 1, 1910, us I am retiring from bushiest, II A. Hil.i. G. W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch Repairing A Sl'HCIALTV California Restaurant Mrt. H. Houghton, Prop. Dot of tncal served l nil hour of the day. Hoard and Lodging $25 month. Coffee and Doughnuts 10c. Clean, comfortable bed, 25c a night. 'Vcruna IUVery In connection with the restaurant anil carry everything in the bakery Hue. 'ftMc tfce PieMer Woe4 Yard FOR YOUR WOOD We ate now In position to furnish good wood and deliver promptly. BLOCK WOOD 54,50 Per Cord. LIMB WOOD SJ.30 Per Cord. Carter & Downing U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OKPICK OVJtK DANK Office Hours to to l a. m,: i to t anil 7 to 8 p. ut. Brno, ; Okkgon C. S. .BENSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW OPPICK IN DANK IIUIUUNO, I1HNO, OKKGON DR. I. L. SCOFIELD, DENTIST. oi'i'icit in johnson nuit.nmo Bend, ' - Oregon. Dr. A. A. BURRIS, ?3P!8E8 Ilc.ltr. IHksks HucrnMrully Trcslnl Without the Uk of !ru or Hurgtry, bjr lh Natural HthoJofllrllnf. Chron IcDlKUKsanptcitlty. CouiulUtlouVfcf Mcmbrroflh Matt and National Nalurolh Mocictr, OIBcc in Jobmon fllJg., Brad, Orrgoa Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER KOOM 4 HANK IIUIUMNG I1KNI), OKKGON BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on 01 before the full moon of each mouth, Viaitlrii; brothers always welcome. e. A, OAST, Secy. F, O. MINOR, W, M, F. 0. MINOR I.AWHKNCK UUIMIINO LII'R I'IRK ACCIDKNT INSURANCE Notary I'ubllc and CouveyanclpK All Legal Taper Correctly Drawn, FIDELITY BOIMD8 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE BEST Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. 1'KBIJ AUTOMOUILI! TKII from Bend to the lands and return for nil who locate Write for Particulars, to Merrill C& Wilkinson Company lll'.NI), OIUtOON. " The PINE TREE STORE Just Received a Nice Lot of 3L& A l? w w it d 1 v a J t) Twenty-flve different patterns nU wool changable Panama, Melrose and changafeleSUk. Only one pattern to each piece. Hurry end get your selec Uon before they're ff allpkkedoat. Only JpJKvAj a pattern at SATHER'S FOUR HORSG LIVERY. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. II. WBNANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OP LIGHT AND HKAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLKY, WIIBAT, CHOP WIIBAT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Photic No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. St. James J. S. Wakcfkid, When In Silver fake, ttop at tlita well known houae. GueiU can Us aatureil tint every ttentioti will Ira palil to mtke llittn comfortable. Special attention P to travelers. Good homo cooking. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tblo lw)f upplled wllh tho belt thf the town affordi. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Hum), Okkgon l'OH I'IKST CLASS Meals and Bakery Goods CO TO Erickson's Opposite Aunc's Barn. 1 SADDLI3 HORSES. Light and heavy Horses for Sale. " Hotel Silver Lake Proprietor Our I lobby) Rett Meek In Town far 35c Ternu reasonable JUtlmatei on application Wall l'aper nt l'urtland I'rlcca N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheaiieit nil Heat Wall Purer gmii- pic in the county, Get My I'rlcca. ho 39. llcnil, Oregon. I ! '1 -im , . ijamm