The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 26, 1910, Image 1

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    111 m m Mtmm n iswn
NO. 46
New Koiilc Will Run vln Mndrns,
Laldlaw, Redmond mid (tend.
Lonjc Desired Arrangement Mm at
Last lleen Approved by llio lut-
allien Department -Will He-
ult In Heller Service.
The long desired tiling is nlrout
to be realized. Tlic Pustofliec De
partment has nt last listened to the
prayer or all of Western Crook
County, anil has placed its approv
ing cal on n west side mail line.
Tlili good new wan telephoned to
Hcnd the latter part of last week,
with the further information (hat
the new line will go via Madras,
Redmond. Laidlaw and Demi.
Service over the new line will be
Marled as noon an final arrange
menu can be completed The Cor
licit Stage & Stable Company,
which has the contract, stales that
it has Its Mages and horses all
ready, mid a soon an the schedule
Is provided, will begin carrying
mail tinder the new arrangement.
Till should requite not longer
than n week or 10 days,
While full particulur. arc not
known, the mail for this part of
Central Oregon will probably be
carried from Shauiko to Madras
and there sorted, the cait aide mail
going on to Priucville and the west
aide mail coming over the new
route. With the uniformly good
road from MadraH to llend, this
should result in giving Ilcnd coplc
their mail .several hours earlier each
day. Since the mails have become
so heavy and since the wet weather
set in, our mail has been on an
avciagc from one to two days late.
This condition should be cntiicly
changed under the new arrange
incut. It will also result in giving
Madras, Redmond, Sisters, Laid
law and nil other ititcrmedlata
points their mail several hours
earlier, these places having hereto
fore received their mail after it had
been carried into Prlncville, sorted
ami then carried to various pnrU of
the county by local mail lines.
At various times endeavors have
been made to secure this service
for the western putt of the county,
but they always ended in failure1
However, the development of Cen
tral Oregon has made the mails so
heavy that it became an almost im
possible task to carry them all into
1' r 1 11 c v i 1 1 a and then dis
tribute them from that Mint. As
this was not necessary and was en
tailing n heavy expense on the
stage line, its officers finally joined
hands with the west side people
and petitioned the Department for
the new service. It nhoultl hove
been granted long ago.
Reward Offered by Cattlemen
linds In Ills Death.
The large timber wolf spoken of
last week Is no more, says the
I'rincville Review. A reward of
l 17.50, together with the bounty
and market price of the scalp scut
thtec oung men on his trail, The
men, Oscnr mid Irvlu Cialn and
Tommy O'Kelley covered his trail
with traps, and yesterday his wolf
ship was nipped. He was a large
brute and broke the chain or the
trup which held him prisoner, and
dragged the trap for a long dls
(aucc through the snow, which left
n plulu trail for the hunters to fol
low. The wolf was the largest ever
seen in tins pan ui incwuunj,
weighing about tao pound-
The brute was an old gray one,
stood about 30 inches tall nud
measured 74 feet fiom the nose to
the tip of the tail. He is charged
witli the killing of fiom 40 to 50
yearling calves during the past two
Threshing Urn 1 11 in Jnnunry.
Ernest Gnrrittt reports that on n
trip to I'rincville last week he saw
C. II. Foster threshing grain in
the l'owc'll Unites section. The
grain was being threshed from the
shock, having stood In the field
luce cutting. The queer part of
It was that the graiii was appar
ently unhurt, not even being diuu
uged in color Mr. Foster cleaned
up 1 1.15 bushels of grain for him
self, Boa bushels for 1'earl Fulkcr
soiifjud 800 for Krucst Reynolds.
I.. II. Ilslrd and J. V, Masters ol
lUrllesvllle, Okls., Will Start
Slate Hank at This I'luce-Open (or
lluilnesa In Few Wecka.
Ilcnd is to have a new bank.
I., II. Haird and J. W. Masters,
both of Ilartlcsvillc, Okla., who
were in Rend n week ago, have de
cided to embark in the banking bus
iness in tliis place. They plan to
have the bank open just as soon as
the necessary arrangements can be
completed, probably in about six
While complete plans have not
been fully worked out, yet it has
practically been decided that the
new concern shall be incorporated
under the Oregon laws and will be
a stale bank, with a capital of prob
ably $13,000. It is not known
what quarters Messrs. Haird and
Masters have scoured for the new
Mr. Haird will come to Ilcnd nt
once and will look after the details
of opening the business. Mn
Masters will move to Ilcnd later,
but will first dispose of his inter
ests nt Ilartlcsvillc where he is en
gaged in n .large mercantile busi
ness. Mr. Haird was also formerly
interested in the mercantile business
but of late yearn has had invest
ments in various enterprises, lloth
these gentlemen are successful busi
ness men and can commaud con
siderable capital. ,
It is understood tliat a small
amount of the cnpital stock of this
bank will be subscribed by Uend
men. j
Had Weather for Stock.
Alf Ellefson, who with R. W.
Long spent most of last week hunt
ing in the Howard country, report
things there very bad on stock,
several head of which perished for
want of grass and water while he
was in the vicinity. Snow covers
the ground and the streams were
obliterated entirely by ice. It is
hoped that the chiuook of yester
day did much toward alleviating
the sulleriugs ot tue cutiie. nine
ville Review.
Washout on Columbia Southern
Ilcnd will le without mail for a
few days. The rains nnd melting
snow have caused a washout on
the Columbia Southern line, and
A, C, I.ucas, the stage company's
agent at Hcnd, reports that it will
tcquitc three or four days to repair
it and have traitis running again.
Later Word was phoned to lleim
last night that a train is expected
to reach Shuniko this evening.
For Sale.
Ninety-three acres of yellow pine
timber laud eight miles north ot
Hend, three miles to sawmill. Trice
$750. For particulars address
332 Glisan St.,
46-47 Portland, Or
Nine and io-lncli envelopes, just
the thing for mailing or filing away
legal documents, for sale at The
Dulletlu office.
Enjoys a Prosperous Huslncss
Since (lie Opening Day.
Cashier Hudson Makes Pleasing Re
port at the Annual Stockholders'
Meeting $2,000 Placed to
Surplus Officers Uicctcd.
At the annual stockholders' meet
ing of the First National Hank of
Hcnd, held recently, Cashier .Hud
son submitted a rcxrt which
showed that'll very satisfactory bus
iness had been enjoyed by this pop
ular institution in the first nine
months of its existence. The First
National ocncd for business on
the soth of March,' last year, cud
hence up to the 1st of January the
span of its life had been but a little
more than nine mouths. Starting
with deposits of only f 23,000 the
business has grown to such nn ex
lent that on the day of the annual
meeting, the deposits totolcd the
neat sum of f, 168,000.
After hearing the cashier's re
port, it wos unanimously decided
bv the stockholders to place $2,000
of the earnings to surplus, and it is
their intention to follow tins policy
Town Booming
VI. How Is Your Front ?
A frontlcM man
Is nn "alio ma,"
But the man with the front,
He gcU there t
The Author of this poem is un
known. He wasn't strong on versification,
but he was long on hone sense. Ho
knew that the winners in life are.
It's just the same with n town.
body living in it or doing buiineti
in it should boost at all timet and
in every place.
One of the best ways to boost is
to boom your own business by
ple will realise that you are living
in a live town and move in.
We are doing what we can to put
up n front tor our town, jsna n
hand, or, better still, let us help you
do it.
The right kind of stationery will
help your business front and the
front of the town.
vout business. Don't let your town
be ilassed "among those men
tioned." When a new business or
the opening of a new factory ii un
der disoussion get up to the front.
Arranging and repairing business
'ronts is our specialty. '
rn. svss
in the future, declaring only small
dividends and placing the earnings
to surplus, hy this means the
bank will be strengthened and will
be enabled to even still better serve
the community.
In an interview with a Uullctiu
reporter, Cashier Hudson said:
"Since the day that the First Na
tional opened for business it has
satisfied every demand made upon
it for a legitimate loan. The chief
feature of its policy has been to
serve Hcnd nnd vicinity, and I be
lieve I can truthfully say that this
has been done. This shall continue
to be our aim, and the bank is
ready at all times to give substan
tial assistance to every legitimate
business enterprise in these parts
which mn) coll upon it for aid."
The bank's conservative manage
ment is evidenced in the amount of
cash it always carries ou hand. The
last report submitted to the U. S
Treasury Department showed that
the First National had cash on
hand amounting to f 8 1,000. The
law requires that 15 per cent of the
deposits of a national bank shall be
kept on hand, but this report shows
that over four times that amount
was held by the local bank.
The old board of directors and
officers were unanimously elected
to serve for the ensuing year. Thev
arc: Directors, Dr. U. C. Coc, E.
A. Suther, C. S. Hudson, F. F.
Smith, Judge H C. Ellis. Officers;
President, Dr. U. C. Coc; vice pres
ident, E A. Sather; secretary and
cashier, C. S. Hudson.
Strong Uellef Among Well Informed
Circles Thst Said Office Awaits
President Stevens of the Oregon
Trunk Line Other Railroad News.
The retirement of Daniel Willard
as vice president of the Burlington
is looked upon as a move that will
give James J. Hill just the place he
wants John F. Stevens to Gil. Wil
lard has become president of the
Baltimore & Ohio. Hill took Stev
ens away from the New York, New
Haven & Hartford last June, and
made him his personal and confi
dential adviser iu the matter of
future extensions for the Great
Northern and Burlington. N o
definite executive title was conferred
ou Mr. Stevens, but be was in real
ity consulting engineer for location
and construction of new lines. His
salary in this capacity is reported to
be $35,000 a year.
Stevens' first coup came when he
took chorge of tlic Oregon Trunk
Line, of which road he is now pres
ident. To various friends iu Port
laud, Mr. Stevens has stated that
he did not expect to make his head
quarters in Portland permanently,
but would stay here until the or
ganization of the Central Oregon
line has been perfected. It is not
generally believed that President
Stevens will remain here much after
the middle of next summer, when
it is expected the Oregon Trunk
main line will be completed, so far
as now under construction, and
that such feeders as may be needed
to protect the Hill interests may
have been taken care of.
The official denial of the rumor
that Darius Miller is to succeed
George H. Harris as president of
the Hurlineton will in no way in
terfere with the plan to put Mr
Stevens in the place recently vacat
ed by Vice President Willard. At
the same time the change may not
tnke place for some months. Mr.
Stevens is now in the Hast. Pott
land Telegram,
Nstroii-Klamatli Palls Line Will
Completed In That Time.
We have not been heralding our
doings down in that part of the
state with the blare of trumpets,"
said Judge Fenton, "and hence lit
tle is known of the work going ou
(Coullnued on pogc 8.)
Sheriff Hlkins Submits Extracts
of Law For Publication.
In Order to Obtain More Correct List
of All Taxable Property, County
Court Arranges to Have Por
tions of Law Published.
The county court is putting forth
crnesl efforts to obtain a complete
and correct list of all the taxable
property in the county, and at its
last session instructed SherilTElkins
to have published such portions of
the state law as he thought neces
sary for the information of tbe
tax payers. Accordingly we ap
pend below certain extracts of the
law which the sheriff has directed
to be published.
Each year there is more or less
taxable property that evades the
notice of the assessor, the board of
equalization and the county court,
and therefore the county court has
instructed Sheriff Hlkins to delve
into this matter and put all the
property liable to assessment onto
a "sheriff's assessment roll." This
very thing the sheriff has been do
ing for the past three years, and
says he has dug up property and
put it on the tax list thereby sav
ing the county thousands of dollars.
The task of digging up this prop
erty is now iu progress under the
direction of Sheriff Hlkins and
Clerk Drown. It is a good thing
for taxpayers to understand the tax
laws, and The Bulletin would urge
Its readers to preserve the following
extracts for future reference.
Sec. 32, Page it. At the time
prescribed by law (1st day of March
each year) tbe assessor in each
county shall ascertain by diligent
inquiry the names of all persons
liable to taxation in his county who
by law are assessable to (by) him,
also all the taxable personal proper
ty, aud all taxable real estate
therein which by law is assessable
by him, and make out an assess
ment roll of all such property, and
appraise the same according to the
provisions of the statutes relating
Kvery assessor shall require any
persou liable to be. taxed in bis
county and to be assessed by him,
aud the managing agent or officer
of any corporation or association
liable to be taxed in his county and
to be assessed by him, to furnish
such assessor a list of all the real
estate of such person, corporation
or association situate in his couuty
liable to taxation, and a list of all
the pergonal property ot such per
son, corporation or association lia
ble to taxation iu this state, and
shall require such person, manag
ing ageut, or officer to make oath
that, to the best of his knowledge
and belief such list contains a full
aud true-account of all its or hts
property liable to be taxed iu his
couuty; aud if any psrsou shall re
fuse to furnish such list, or to
swear to the same when required
so to do by tbe assessor, sucu per
ou shall forfeit and pay to the as
sessor, for the use of the county,
tfie sum of $50.00, which sum may
be recovered bv actiou iu any court
havintr jurisdiction of matters of
debt ur contract to the amount of
$5 00
fhould any such person, manag
agent or officer when required,
refuse tp furnish and to swear to
such a list, the assessor shall ascer
tain the taxable property of such
person, corporation, or association,
and shall appraise the same from
the best information to be derived
from other sources.
Sec 24, Page 34. Whenever
after the return of the fcsscssment
roll to the county clerk by the
board of equalization, the officer
having possession of the roll shall
discover or receive creditable in
formation or if be has reason to
believe that any real o- personal
property has from any cause been
omitted in whole or in part in the
assessment of any year or number
of yeas, not exceeding five years
prior to the last roll equalized and
returned, or from the assessment
roll or tax roll, he shall proceed to
correct the assessment or tax roll
in his hands and add such property
thereto and charge such property
and the owner thereof with the
proper amount of taxes thereon, at
the rate that tbe said property
would have been taxed had it been
properly upon the tax roll, for tbe
year or years as to which it was
omitted. To enable such officer so
to do he Is hereby invested with all
the powers of the assessor, board of
equalization and county clerk, un
der the laws in force during such
years and thereafter.
Adding to the assessment roll
property not assessed is a correction
of a roll and not an alteration.
A statute empowering the sher
iff (who .is the tax collector) to add
to tbe tax roll without notice to
tbe owner, property omitted by the
assessor, and to collect taxes there
on, is not unconstitutional where
there; is a board of equalization
which holds a public meeting at a
stated time, with power to add to
and correct tbe assessor's roll, the
taxpayer has notice by the statute
that this board will meet to correct
errors and omissioas, and it is his
duty to appear atid see that all bis
property is correctly listed; if he
neglects this duty and this oppor
tunity to be beard he cannot object
when his omitted property is as
sessed by the sheriff and made to
bear its share of the public burden.
Land acquired from the United
States is subject to asessment and
taxation, although patents therefor
have not been issued, whenever
final proof tbereou is made before
tbe register and receiver, or the
person acquiring such land has
done everything, including pay
ment of ojl required fees and the
purchase price, entitling him to a
patent therefor and such proof and
paymeut has been accepted by the
officers of the United States author
ized to accept tbe same.
The supreme court has held in
one case that where money is de
posited for investment, is the place
where it must be taxed.
Everybody Is Buying Bend Lots.
Lots on the Drake lawn have
proved ready sellers during the
past week. A. O. Hunter has al
ready disposed of eight of them to
Bend men. J. S. Parmenter got
the corner lot next to the Lawrence
property, and A. C. Lucas, George
Hobbs, W. B. Sellers, H. C. Ellis.
W. J. McGillvray aud C S. Hud
son each bought lots on this tract.
Lots in Lytle are also going with
a rush, 26 lots having been sold
Will Drill for Artesian WaUr.
F. H. Audersou, of Lake, spent
a couple of days iu Silver Lake the
fore part of the week. Mr. Ander
son is enthusiastic over the artesian
wvill prospect iu his section, and
says that as soon as the casing ar
rives, which will be in about three
weeks, the active, work of drilling
will b- begun, and continue until a
c usher is struck. -Silver Lake
Fine Seed Rye for Sate.
ANo beardless barley, at Tieo.
M. Post's ranch two miles east of
Gist main county road from Laid
law to Sisters. . 4553
For Sale Fully equipped saw
mill. For particulars address X,
care Bulletin. 38-tf