The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1910, Image 8

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ilx.... .hiatJ2!0? ? " ' iii '
MliWftjfr' i "''WW.-'r
-- .;. - V
Now Fully Hiulpped for
Enlarging, Etc.
A 320-Acre Homestead,
Irrigated or Timber Lands
or Town Property?
Insure with the Strongest
Company on Pacific Coast?
DO YOU WANT Stenographic Work of nil kinds done at a
reasonable rate Notary Public neat and accurate
and have Money Loaned you at the rate of five per
cent interest? If so, call on or write
Central Oregon Realty
) Company
Kjjcutcl Jji
t Business education is an absolute necessity foe
a young person who testres to succeed In business.
rtiiuuu.Mo 01 idc
O I positions as soon
cure promotions
written guarantee
combined course at a stipulated salary from the start,
is given if desired. Write for full particulars and
free catalogue to-day. Address:
CD CD . ?)
ijjeuiei. justness ouet.
a com a.
Between Slianiko and Bend,
calling at Madras and Red
mond. $3000 Car. 50 Horse Power
A. B. BUCK, Manager
Addresa Shauilco or Heiul.
Rostand News.
Koslani), Jin. 16. Prank llogue ha
been building a bridge across the river
at Rutland and has It all completed with
the exception of the planking.
A.O. Anderson went to Jlond Satur
day. He will make final proof, on his
homestead Monday.
We Have a little more snow rerv
night, not much, but It all counts at ft
tails in liie roacu every ingut,.
Airs. Uealey now has the 'Koslaiid ho
tel and from reports in giviuj; excellent
Mr. Corbin intends to make a trip
Kast for his daughter In a short time
Mrs. Richie will Hay with Mrs. Corbin
while he is away.
Hay has become a scarce article in
this country.
Joe Howard drove a bunch of betf
cattle through town today.
A Splendid OraH
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
trt (arrt.
uscness sOueae
ncmci iwoiiegc ecure goou
as graduated and later se
at 'advanced salaries. A
to place graduates of our
Uultrd States hand Office,
The Dalles. Oregon,
December 13. 1909.
Notice is hereby given tliat the State
of Oregon, ha filed in tbu office its ap
plication. Serial No. 05681 to select uu
der the provisions of the Act of Congress
of August 14, 1848, and the Acts supple
mentary and amendatory thereto, the
S H SW H Sec. 1, SB X SR U Sec. 7.
Mi U NB X Sec. ii, and N tfNW X,
NW U, SK M, SB X UW X of Sec 11,
Twp. w S., K. 17 B.. V. Mi
Any and all ncrsons claiming adverse
ly the lands described, or desiring to
object becaute of the mineral character
of the land, or for any other reason, to
me uisiioaal to annllcanl snoulil lile their
affidavit? of protest in this office oil or
before the first day of February, 1910.
1I22-J26 C w. Moohk, Register.
IT. H. IaoA Office at Lakcrlcw, Or ,
December u, l'rj '
Notice It hereby firm that
Kt.HI! J. Ml'.KRILt,,
of itoaland. Orriron, who, on January ilh. 190J,
I maue nomc.iraci r.uiry no jyir, hcrial No
oisji. for IMs 1, 1. K!NKI(. NKKK9(
Muni. Twp jjH.K q It, Willamette Mrilllau,
I has tied notice of Intention to uikc final Av
year proof, to caUMItb ilalia to llie land above
dcactibcd, before II C Itlllt, U. H. ComtnlMiQiicr,
at llcnd. ijrexou, 011 the iUi day of February,
Claimant same at wltntsac. Wm. II. llol
llnahrad, loaeph Taggarl, Chtatrr llollliithtad,
all ufkoaUud. Oregon. W. Kay Wltkluaon of
llend. Orcgou.
ij-fv AKTIIVK W. OKTON, Rtgfttrr
The Cornell Stage dc Stable Co.
It's the mail line, the only direct
stage line from 'Slianiko to Silver
Lake, by the way of I'rinevillc and
Bend. Stopover privileges and
tickets good until used.
(Continued from page I.)
as TT- in -u.' ttusn-a&lSfgg srrz
helcd 'Otic of the Irrigation Proj
ects ;sciu itiiitunn, ruts .scene
might have been nt some of the
work lieing done by the Dctclittlcs
Irrigation & Power Company, in
the vicinitv of Hentl. but is not
1 1 trlhutnrv In tin- llitlmnti Wvilitv in
the sene that the promoters con
vey. Neither of the other two pic
turcs is of any work ncur Ilillmnn,
and they arc wholly misleading.
More Deception,
"On still another page is a pic
ture of the Baldwin Sheep & I.ntitl
Co 's home much on Hay Creek,
the lnln."l under it being 'On County
kouti Between Hilltuan and I'rine
villc.' which is false. On another
page is a threshing scene, which
bears the title, 'O'Kelly's Thresh
ing Outfit. Near Ilillmnn.' This
in 11 photograph taken of n wheat
field and threshing outfit near
Madras, many miles from Hilltuan.
"The mont deceptive for the
homebuilder is found on next to
the last page, where there is a
great stack of wheat sacks, bear
ing the title. 'Sacked Wheat Ready
for Shipment near Ilillmnn.' The
nearest point where this picture'
could have been taken, say the
Crook county people, is Sherman
county, poHHibly too miles from the
Hillman townstte.
"Another photograph on this
page shows an alfalfa field, with a
white peak rising above the hori
zon, which is said to be an impossi
ble picture in Cronk county, and
another picture is of a great corn,
field, which, if not impossible, is at
least improbable, and has nothing
to do with the Hillman location."
Messrs. Cooper & Taylor "defend
their literature by saying that
"Near Hillman" may lie construed
to mean miles and miles away.
They also insist that they purchased
the photographs used Irora a special
photographer, as having been taken
in Crook county. And finally they
say that they are boosting Crook
county and Central Oregon, that
they have been the most progressive
and that rival und jealous interests
are making complaint.
Objections have also been made
to the literature put out by the
Opal City promoters, but the ob
jections are mild compared to those
made against Hillman.
W. A. Bates is enjoying a visit
from his brother, T. W. Bates, of
Seattle, Wash. This is the first
chance the brothers have hud in 32
years for a good visit, aud they re
port they have been embracing the
opportunity to the fullest extent
during the past week.
The firm of J. C. & M. A. Rob
inson of Madras has this week com
pleted the sale of its store and mer
cantile business to the Central Ore
gon Mercantile Company, which is
composed of R. T. Olson of Seattle
as general manager, who is asso
ciated with other Seattle gentlemen.
Mr. and Mrs O V. Persons arc
recent comers from -the irrigated
sections of Idaho. Mr. Persons
has bought the Barney place on the
tipper river, aud will make his
home there. He thinks that pari
of the Deschutes valley will make
a great dairy and stock country,
and undoubtedly is correct.
Dr. H. P. Dencer attended the
meeting of farmers in Laidlnw last
week and put in his order for a ton
of landplaster. He stated that 75,
000 pounds of this iertillz-ir has
been ordered, and many farmers
will give it a trial on their land the
coming season. The, price pa'd is
ft) 00 a ton delivered at Slianiko,
Monday the Home Land Com
pauy closed a deal whereby the for
mer Prank Glass property nine
miles north of Bend was sold to
Prank Pitzgcrald of Pomeroy,
Wash., the consideration being
$3,800. The tract comprises 160
acres and lies under the Swallct
ditch, is fenced and has 50 acres
under cultivation,
W. B Sellers is circulating a pe
tition praying the cotiutv court to
condemn the old county road known
as the Bear Creek and Paulina road
insofar as it docs not coincide with
the street'' of Bend The road,
running cast of the Pilot Butte Inn,
cuts up some town property quite
badly, and ol course there is no
need of this within the city liniiiH.
Joe Howard and Z, M, Browu,
who have the contract for supply
Ing beef for Porter llros., wcte in
town the latter part of the week
mid are making nrrntigumctttH to
btiBd a large slaughter yard near
Mndtns. They have leased n piece
of land southwest of town ami will
begin the construction of the build
ings as soon us material can be
placed on the ground. Pioneer.
The Bulletin Is in receipt of a
copy of "The Student Engineer"
in which is nu interesting article
rclntivc to railroad construction in
to Central Oregon, nud which is
entitled "The Great Rare for Cen
tral Oregon " The Student Engi
neer is published, by the student of
the state pciumI at Corvtillls, and the
copy was sent by J. McKay, who
is now attending that institution ol
Porter it Conley, who have n
sub-contract under Potter Bros.,
arrived In town last Thursday with
to or t2 wnguulonds of camping
outfit nud equipment. Ycsletilny
moruing the p-irly started for the
Deschutes canyon, where camps
will be pitched a short distance he
tow the ICd. Campbell place. Por
ter & Conlcy's contract reaches
from the Campbell place to near
the mouth of Tfottt Creek. Pio.
J. K Morson, president of the
Deschutes I.ind Comtwny, writes
Ironi Portland to the Iltilletin ns
follows: "I sec by your issue of I
January 5 that your Hoard of Trade!
has very patriotically purchased
5,uuu cvjpic-i 01 iiiq vregmuaii 4-scw (
Years edition Permit me to say
tltnfr tlit mitmniRi Ittitf tmrolinaM.!
"- " "I "" "iini-iu J
uu irec unimiuimii iu,uuu tipic.t
of the same edition, and I would
tliatik you to say through your'
paper that if any of your readers
will scud the names mid addresses 1
of any persons whom they wish to
have n copy, we wilf lie glad to
mail to such persons, without cost,
that part of the paper which deals
with the Deschutes river aud Cen
tral Oregon."
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Grimes re
turned the latter part of the week
from a New Year's visit at the old
home at Salem. They went out
during the stormy weather of the
latter part of December, and had
quite a hard trip out to Slianiko
Mr. Grimes brings in the same re
port that nil others do, namely,
that when it becomes known that
one is from Bend, he is simply be
sieged by people who are interested
111 this section. He says there is
great interest in the Valley concern
ing Bend, and thut many will come
over in the spring. Mr. and Mrs.
Grimes enjoyed the visit very
much but say they are glad to get
back. Mr. Grimes is local man
agcr of the large ranch of the Pilot
Butte Ranch Company.
Tumalo News,
Tumalo, Jan. 16. The snow Is ilouly
going off In these parts and n few days'
chlnook will take It all.
Prank Arnold of Gist was in' these
parts one day last week,
I'. A. Wooley and wife nude a business
trip to Luldlaw yesterday.
There is some talk of a new sawmill
luring installed In the vicinity of Tumalo.
I'. A. Wooley is expecting some friends
from Wnahinctou who intend to locate
in this country.
Chat. Vt'lmcr was at hem! yesterday
on bushiest.
I,. If. Root went to Slianiko last wrek
after freight for Mr. Horner of I.aidlaw.
Dr. Cor of Ilcud uiucd through here
one day Inst week in his auto.
I. B. Wittier killed a wild goose last
Pacific Hone Unlracnl Is prepared
ciprcstlv for the needs l horiernca and
rsncliincn. II Is a powrrful sod pene.
Irallnr linlmcnl, a remedy for emergen,
ties. A loothlnr enibrocsllon for llie
relief of p.iln. und the best liniment for
sprslns and soreness. Unequaled lor
curinf the wounds and Injuries ol
DAKI1C0 WIKIi and for fieallnf cuts,
briilons, tores and bruises. I'adllc
Horse Unlment It fully (usranteed.
No other Is so rood or he ipful in to many
ways. If If falls to satisfy, v. e nuthnrlic
ell dealers f 0 refund the purchase price.
fitsa taao somia urtv eits
foaruas, Osc.
aHKa yaV VKStHal.Cf 'Bt Jf
week Ihnt iiir-nan-d j feet 8 Inches I10111
Up to tip ol lis King and wu fat i
Scleral Hocks of grew have jnml
over here In the last ueuk, going suulh
AUnil .o tit our young people inert
last 1'ililiy night at Mr Unol'a and pto
eveded to.Mr. Mock'a wheie they gnve
them a complete surprise. !iin and
other rtiiiieinciit weie Indulged In
until 11 o'clock, when n delightful lunch
was served. The merrv nmkris ni'oi-d
themselves until 1 o'clock. Mr. and
Mrs. Mock showed their apprretal'011 of
tlit pleasant surprise hy turning "r.
house over to the merry makers and
joining with the crowd, and to y they
Imd a hilly good lime Is only telling the
least of It.
Wnntcd nt Once.
A girl or woman to tlo general
housework in fiimlly of four grown
IK-ople. Good treatment. Apply
hy phone or teller, giving wages
wauled, to Must. Otto V. Wimiiu,
Tumalo, On
Nut Ice.
If you wish to have your ex
press and light Height come In
along with your "letters and dailv
papers, have it come? iu 011 the mail
line Tint Coknwtt Stauk iSt
Staiiuc Co.'
iFiti ttr
) Yt3b9 S
s jt w m 1
r -sLir aBL IV
--is?2sWw:' ?
I "aKslfsa
I S You'd It hsppr loo If you f
J bought your
and 2
) Leather Goods
Ileiid. Or.
Is the place to vlalt. Orange groves In
full bloom, tropical flowers, famous ho
tels, historic Old MIimIoiis, attractive
watering places, delightful climate, make
this favored ection the Nation's most
popular winter retreat. Von can see
this section at IU best via the
Shasta Route
"Rood of a Thousand Wonders'
southern Pacific company
Up-lo-Dale trains, first i'Ism In
every reaped, unexrellcil dining
car service, quick time anil direct
connections to all points south.
Special Round Trip 11a of
Willi corrrsDoiidlue low rates from all
other sections of lite Northwest, with
liberal stop-overs In each direction anil
long limit. Interesting and attractive
literature on the various Winter Itewirn
of California can be bad on application to
any a. r. or u. 11. n. Agent, or fioni
Qoneral Passenfisr Agen
Porland, Ore.
II. H I ami inner. Hit lull, or .
IwcstuWr is. i.
A sufDelrnt roiilr.l a(THlall hating In-fit fl
In Ihlaottic l.y lit,SIIU MiiWUNIliiK. cualral
ant, asalual Kntry Nu I4'VI marie D.rrtntr
H. IVH for NINWK, NWKrtWU. hWINlvu
iKCllou t7.Twi 1641 ,M. 14 If WllUiinlle Her
litlatl. Iiv TIIOtlAH II 1'AIM. Cuuualtr. In
which ll la all.urd lhal ulil Tlinmaa If I'.ir I...
wholly alatiiiiuiivct aaui tiumrauail tur more Ihati
altr tnunllialaat tia.l ami haa fatlMl In iitii.,M..
aiilcultllelliMinearr'ulrril ji law, thai
salil allruni atiMIKe wai lint due to (ill c tmtUiv
...H. ...
UHlUilhlalfSln lime ur war
11. ii, ii. . m. iiir . ii.ti.
11 Iht army, navy, or marine rou urtlir
aiMud ami olfrr evidence louchlini
lil iMitlraar
irrcliy liollflcil to stitiear
llun at loocliicka. iu uu I'cuiuar
.. IT"
V 16. lula. tic. I .
omcclti lirnd.Otrit'iii, and Dial Anal
lure ri 1 I'.uia. a u h, luiiiimi
n, LuiiiniiHiuii.r ai nu
. .. r - " - . ' : r "
will I held at 111 o'clock in. uu I'cbruary ,
lyio. Uluie the Kcgliltr and Kecriver at t tie
Uollcd Htalca I j nd Tit Th )4llca. OrrKOti.
The aald eiiulcatant liavlnn, in a inoiKr affl
davit, fllcil IWfmlr 16. ijna. art forlh facts
which allow that sflrr duo ililixirnce personal
service of Ihla nut Ice cannot he madr, II la licrchy
iirdcrrd and dlrcctrd lhal audi notice be give 11
liy ituestid proper pulilicalluu.
Jl h C W MOOKIt, Hmlatcr-
It Pays to Advertise in
Till! MILL
Meat Market
HARRY II I l.l.i Proprietor
tteef, Fork, Veal and
All my meats arc stored In a
large Ice U Jt Installed and
aie always 111 the beat id roudillon,
1 solicit ymir patronage
1 wo doors south of P.O. Ilcnd
U. C. COE, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
orncit ovitK hank
OiTirc Hours 10 to U a. in , 1 to and
7 to H p, m,
DR. I. I,. SCOP I HI. 1),
oi'i'icit i.v joiinson' huildino
llcnd, Oregon.
Dr. A. A. BURRIS.ftTCCrV,.
ItrsUr. IXmimi KtMrrMlitlly Tltalnl
Without th UMortHuitof ftltifir. ty
irte NalHial Mrtbwla or lliatlas. Chruw
k tHrr a Slalljr. CuntuiUlloa l'r
MtroUrutlhf Slalt atxl National NalBtur"!
OaW la johnaen tM , f n,l, Orf a
Vernon A. Forbes
IIIJNI) laODOK No. 139
A. F. & A. A..
Mcetn on Thursday on or
before the full moan of each
month. Vliitlni; brother
alwnyn welcome.
K. A. OAtr. ?. r o. MINOII. w M
aaaaTaatasataastastcaaj.! ill aan-i r -j&
Nolaiy I'uMIc and Conveyancing-All
Legal lAvrs Correctly Drawn.
lrirtimul bf Iht Inlrilur,
V, B, Und oftce. The IMIIta, Orrion.
iHCf HlUr nib, y;,
1 "'"I''"! c"l' tiim ImnHlxl
la IhlaunVw bv Chait. 11 Kii..... .....ii....
aalnt llonir.lrad Kntry N Mv, inailr llallli
17. t-zt lf lt 1. 4, B M NW 1 tw v Twli i1
HmK. IS It- W. U by f7n. Mj5iUI.Vll"
la whUli It la atU-grd that aald jnlijandai
Haa wholly ahanitunnt aalil tract fur moic than
a inunlha la.l m., that aald abanduHltiriit
waa uut du to hit rniploymtnl Inlhasruiy
navyuriuatiMf colt of Ilia Unlltd ItlaUs in
lime if war
Hald irllra art hrrcby notlAnl l antar, re
bond and l.If.r tvidtltia luocMni aald allraatlmi
r ,i?iK'C,"C,li "l"'..0" 1,."' K' fl H
L lillli, at' K, CuiiiniUamiitr at hi. urfic i
ImimI, Orteun.and that Anal litatliig wlllU h.U
at Mu'cKk a m 1111 jauuaiy . ii Uloia ,
KruWer ami Hrcrlm at Hit Unlltd Matra Uml
ORiralnTlit llallfn, )tri(on
Tha aalil r..iii..i.iil l.kli.M 1.1 - ........ -..
all Ud lc. 1, iu,., act forll, t whirl,
ahuw that alter due illllnciicc taoiial afivlte uf
Ihla nnllcv can nut lie mad. It la hrttby oidttcd
and dlrrclrd that aucli liollcw U Mlrtn by duo
and pruticr Imbllcallon " ' '
dJ., C
W all.iaM HtylaUr
Application for (Iralnc Permits.
,!'0!c.,1'h",,liill'st sll sppllcallutta
fuT lffii lit lo araae rati c, hiiracl, ami alictn
T, 't)"ll?. OHAumnt NATi.iNAi?T'imimr
, . ."""""i "'"I I nlol In my
1.7": .' f" l,!,0"","ii in tegsril lo Iht rs
IUV ten lu iw and blank forms to I
US Jj'lisppllc.ll..ila will U fimUhcd
Jj Js4 A. M. IKIU.AND, Hupervltor.
Nine mid io-iiicli eiivclotics, Just
the thinir for iiinilltit. nr nn.,f, .....,
l..i .1" . P """to ''"
Iftrnl f1itniii..u...u
for aulc utThu
lliilletin oirice.
Ilaud us your subscription,