The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1910, Image 7

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Acta directly and peculiarly on
tlio blood; putlfltm, onriclicH and
rovllllr.oH It, and In tlila way
bulldrt up tlio wliolo HyHtoni.
Tnko It. Got It today.
In ll'titl liquid fmm or rhoeiilntnl tnla
ra railed HsraNlah. 110 J)oe a It.
On iiri-alnl Cnao,
"Doctor, (iu'ri nut so fnnllah im to
think you run mult people good hy
I'rrforinong irn tloiin on llmm, ra
Tim I drpends upon wlmt you mil
mnKltia people jnod. Vmi cnu vli(ck
lirlP Oltoallltiii Id conimlt crime."
A, for smpl"
' Writ, I nnrn hnw n man wlm wnn
rtirtil, by n simple uptirntlim, of n i-n.
ttrnry to ruli banks mill hold up rull-
ny trains"
'Did um ptfiinii It. iliwinrT"
No, I mm mrrrly called on to vnr
IfV tli result after tho opcraUtm wm
ivrr "
'Well, hIio Old perform II r
"A frontier sheriff. Chlen.o Trlu-
T-lla ami 't 'IwrrntT.
Ilapi men are full o( the present,
for It bounty sutnen them and wlo
turn also, (or II duties nKRn Iheun.
Our irnnd tuilna undoubtedly It
not to see whet lire illnily at a dis
tance, hut to do what Ilea clearly at
band. IM-nnl ntiOcrald. Tolonlus,"
Hto Thli Heclpe for Colds.
"Mi half pint nf (oed vrlilikcy with
Imii ounrea nf iilwrinn ami add line
I nit uHnrn ('nareBtraled plan rftwmHHil
The Imltle la In Ih well a halt en eaeb
'imp and ttaed In do f n laftatManafal
UlilwxmNfHl every four hour "
ny ilrwKX't ba lh I mkmnI !! nr
1 1- win art idmm irtwn MM HMlmlW
(.jhi. Tnlt t nnaderfally effiwtlvr
Th l'rrHtralMl plan a weUl
I a pMHlavi a4 et only la half
i.unra Imitk-s, Mirk rarkl In an air
'tCht raM. km Wa Nil it U liWM
vaerfctrntoH "
lllr.t a I:ImM.IM lfJlrll(
I'rophetjliiK early III life that aim a can opener ?loveland leader,
would live to ee htr elchty elKith I Tne 0, Bly llBI, ha(1 B MV,re m
birthday. Mlaa Julia II. Hancock, ojnfM( nnA l0 -, roBti5 t, vlcU-1-Hrockton,
Maia. din! a few daya eo tudw to a friend or two'ln the uro.
on the day the had prevloualy aet fot Mr,g ,,10p ,n ,, n,niter came In
her death. Inflrmlllea of axe are given.. .if. nnv .. ., !,, m.v- .1...
aa the ranee
. ... ..L ...!. I
nne gave no parucuiai
faMn for her prediction, although h
termed ttnburd with the belief that her
ptophecy wnn'il e
Tbe next time you lael that iwal
lowInK aenMtlon, the aure algn of aore
throat, varcle Hamlin Wltan! Oil Im
mediately with Ihre part water, ll
will cave you data ami perhap weekf
of mltery.
Wlml'a In ft Mmef
An amuelnx atory ha been told con
rernlns Mr I'hlllltm' clnailc drama,
tllyiate" When It waa being played
In America, two young girl were lt -
ting together In the UIU at a matinee j
iwrforiiiam. and before the curtain
roae the following converwitloii wa
beard: "Hy. Maude. I know thl play
I Koing to 1 tunny . v nai mane.
you tklhk nor aaked Maude. "Why.
anybody could tell that from the
name!" waa the reply M A. P.
Good lor Sore ret.
(or over 100 yraw PtTTTtT'S KYF,
SALVK hoa tialtlvclyruml cvo.lU-
raj, overywl.orc. All ilrugRbiU or
llowonl Ilrua., ItulTnlo, N. Y
ralHt ! lliHrrenee,
"Yet," said the bride of three short
month, "I had made up my mind to An r,hnmn fell from a house and
remain In the iplniterclau, then John 'anrrd on n wire about twenty feet
appeared upon the scene and I no- from tn9 unnind. After he hnd strug
rrpted Mm became ho wa 10 unlike gM a moment the man let go and fell
ether men." t0 ti, grouml. Borne one naked till
"Oh, of cour he' dlfTere,nt," re- 'rrai0n for letting go. "Faith," waa
joined the envious lauy menu, "u
uroiiosed." Yonkers Htntrsman.
Your Hair
Is It Inclined to run away?
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and combl Feed It, nour
ish It, save It with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new Improved formula.
Then your hair will remain at
home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
Doit nl thangt Ih4 totofj IhihaU.
rr-aU with. III
Atk kin ! It,
We certainly believe this, or we would
not say 10, Ayor'i Hair Vigor, ainow
mide from our new Improved formula.
l , jrc.t preparation for the hair and
cslp. Stops falling hair. Curei dan-
Hrulf, Promote the growth of hair.
- t, 0, rr 0.. Uwall, Mm.
"Did your iinw chauffeur turn out
all rlRhtT" "No; llm fa why he'a In
tilt) hospital." I'tiok.
"Talk," cald Unrip I5beii, "U aumpln
llko rain. A certain amount la wcl
roiiin uti' uereastiry. Hut iIokkouc a
dflUKl" Wnililnxton Htnr.
I'eter and John ( I m: n larao
plain glit Kine Miik put In) Wo
nmy ni well no hnnm. They urn not
KtilliK lo let II fall. I'llejciMiiln Waller.
"How ilo you wvtrooiiin IiimuiiiiIhT"
"Hay llm multiplication Inlile up lo
twelve tlmea twelve." "Hut I inn't
net the Imhy tit un It." Clevclnad
Mra. UpalliiK In'illKimnlly rr-pudl-itln)
Hie hlun (tint her comln llrury
wn nn ntheUt. "llii lan't nuythlnK of
the klml." aim wild, "lltfa wlmt they
call an cKnoititlcM I.lfo.
"I wlili iiwuetl nn aeroplane In
alentl of nn, auto." "WhyJ" "I could
then look at my nelKhtinrn without
frrlliiK Hint avoryona of Ilium wn
wUhliic that I would take hi in for it
ride." Detroit I'ree Preaa,
Itallwny tluant (to man mnoUltij;)
You rnn't amoke. Bmoker 80 my
frleinli .ny (limrd Hut you muitn't
atnukr. Hmoker Ho my doctor anya,
(loard- Hlr. you ahnn't amoke. H1110V
er Ho my w(n aaya. I'unrli.
"Ho )ou think that woumn'a tint
huahand treale.1 her badly V "I hould
My ro," aniwered Mr. I'IIiiikIII- "He
emplnyeil In w) era to cut down her nib
ttteiiy In n way tltnt waa poilllvcly
nimtardly " Wunliltmlnn Htar.
Her Itlchardl Why on wirth are
yti cutting )our pie with n knKvT
Him lleennne, darllHR now. under
aland, I'm not flndlnic any fault, for
1 know that theee little overaUhta will
occur beenuae you fornot to nlve ma
" " -' .... - ...-., ....-
..lonalv declared, "that I'm not In
heaven to nlht" Aritnnnut.
"I'm aure I don't know why I hey
call thl hotel the Pnlma. Do you?
I've never ,en n patm anywhere nenr
the place." "You'll ae them before
you K.O. It 'a n pleaiutnt little eurprlae
the wnltera keep (or the icucita on the
lait day of their atny." Pick Mr-l'p,
Mra. Hardcnah I want you to uet
me n divorce from my huaUniul ntitl
an allowance of $1,600 n year taw
er How much la hi Income Mra
ardcaah-lt'n about that. I wouldn't
nU for more Ihnn a mnn innke I
Bm not thot kind.-New York Wceklr.
..Ynur twMrn BntngonUt I calling
ym, aV,ry , CM lnk of mM
, BKU,wl txlenA )o.t interrupt
h)).. ,,nHWfrf(j atnMor Horghum. "It
( MlfT (o nftvc a , (.rohlnK the
dictionary for epithet thn going aft
er ynur record (or (aot.""WnhlfiR
Ion Hlnr.
A loveemltten youth, who wa
aludylng approved method of pro
"" " keV onV
'; " .' on"
friend !( he thoi
of lit bachelor
thought n young mnn
ehoutd propone to n girl on hi knees.
"If he doen't." replied hi (rlend.
"the girl aiiouMRetoff." Kver)body'a
,, re0yt was afraid the domn'd
wire would break." Medical Sum
I "That I n tender old poem." "la.
,M" "Hut what dltl the not mean
here where he apeak of the children's
hour?" "Why. I e'poso under tho
term of the divorce decree each par
ent wa entitled, to have the children
at certain hours. The Judgea don't
usunlly drnw It so fine, though,"
Kansas City Journal.
1 "That woman next door la rcnlly
dreadful, John," said a young married
,womnn to her huibnrifl, "Bhe doe
nothing but talk the whole day long.
,8he ennnot get any work done, I'm
sure." "Oh." remarked the husband,
I "I thought she wa n chatterbox. And
'to whom doe ho tnlkT" "Why, ray
dear, to me, of course." was the reply.
"Bhe talk to me over ma uae leuco.
Mr. Hrown (ruahlng excitedly Into
the room) Mnrle, Morle, Intelligence
haa Jut reached me . Mr. Hrown
(calmly Interrupting him) Well,
thank heaven, Henry. Ilrooklyn Ufo,
Algernon Arrtuppe Can't you make
me nny better rnto for room nnd board
,.. h,.. Vou advertlso. nve dollar
1 '" M namand Yo. In your
WT M"; ' J JJJ 0wD.Jc.
.case It will b nvo doiion uown.-wu
ga Union.
nntl will )ay n follow for K'xxl,
fnt atuir wo nevor churo com
milon on nnythlnc!
Veal under l.'W lbs 110
lruu veal lc, nccorilliiK bu
Uo unit qunlity,
Droasci! IIok 0O
Hon unit Sprint;, nlivu 14o
Hen nntl SjirinK. dronncil,.
10 to 16o
Turkoys. drosactl , 22iO
(ii'cv, urrMNiil , , . ICo
Duck, (IreMctl , .200
Trgnlinj ll Bexf TmU"
A l'ee Aliemf.
They wer ubout to open the Pana
ma miml In tin a furin.
"What are we nulling fort" asked
the mnn who was lo deliver the ora
tion. "We Mrn walling," answered the mas
ter of ceremonies In n husky whisper,
"to see l( we ruii'l seure up (ew
Ainerlrun built ships to go through
flrstt" Chli'Mgn Tribune,
Al l'l lhal Ottr CmtHUi
irtm wittiour rutts a mtciaitv
,...,. BOO
$1.00 up
... .s.oo
IHIU) III.UNtlH . .,
t!K o.oijj ritowM
wimw ituiiiirii ttrf , ,
THK lltittr Itlllllll'.ll I'LATt- ....
ttllALKIIONK I'lJlTtM . .
. ,PO
IMil-l-luin ptknt ran obtain prfcl work
att4 MtM tnMiry bf ralllna- at our 1Vr.
All mb ruaranlml lor ln tn
3I1W VfaMilM SI.. Cae Slilh
RaiaUUhnl Ii if IUi la alar.
Unix an nnlaihna water upplr II
iiwu Dial uu IU ha ll iwl prutl
cal IkMnilla ralr au'ipl yalem how In
KM. No aWratl lait im, fivaMt elM In
wlnuv. no aUsnant atar In umm. r
ratr urlr trvubW of anr aort. Tans
tlari In tawrotil nut of aubt anJ war
m la nf tr M !, wlU not nwt ani
III -t a llfrtlKM. . , .
v. iii .! with tha tJiADEH
r.ln of funtlhin tsunaalle Watw
juer y ak ivr our ri.uuT.T-
WL "How I Bolted Mr Watoc Hipply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
To tnval I at
la via ttia
Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company's
Oregon-Washington United
Portia nd to Chicago
Cttkago-Portland Special
Chicago. BU louU, Cto.
'Train da Luis" to 8U l'aul
Latest equipment, Pullman,
Tourist and Dining Cars, electric
lighted unci up-to-date. Block
Signal System Portland to Chicago.
For llteruturo, rates, reserva
tion, etc.. call on or writo to any
0. It. & N. ogont, or to
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Nd M
lluotio Aire ha the finest opera
houso In the western hemisphere. It
cost 110,000,000.
Statistics just compiled show that
the average Is .118 rnr rides a year for
each Inhabitant of New York City.
Fire Chine government school arc
teaching railway engineering, and a
sixth probably will establish a course
The flte largest ofDce buildings In
New York contain 2,300 mile of tele
phone wire mnl almost 10,000 tele
ph one.
When dusting or cleaning the ne
tungsten lamps the lamp should U
burning to prevent accidents to the
delicate filament.
Tho nterage icron ilooa not exjierl
en co any sensation from an electrical
current until tho prewture reachw
about thlrty-fho volts.
Tho largest electric sign In ' th
Houth ndvertlees the city of Montgnm
rry, Aln. The sign Is "5 by 83 feet and
contains about 2i00 lights.
Hlnre Manchuria was converted Intc
a province Its expenditure has Increna
ed rapidly Its balance sheet last yea!
was six million tacla on the wrong
Illo Janeiro, with a population ol
000,000, spent more money for public
Improvements last year than any city!
I- .... !.- . n., -..!.... K I
ill tun umini msica, rLCiiiiih ..v
The aubmarlne cables of the world
cover a total of 278,208 miles, distrib
uted among 2,053 cable. Three-fourth!
of this total mileage la owned by prl
vate companies,
There baa been much dispute aa tc
whether whale can utter any sounda
A writer In Kosmos says that he and
forty other person who witnessed the'
throwing of a harpoon at a whale of)
tbe Hnulllnn coast heard n distinct
groan tfhen tho animal expired. I
Publlo watering trough for horsci
were condemned aa disseminators ol
dlseoso by the State veterinarian oil
Missouri. Dr. F. D. Luckey, and by Dr
Hcboenleben. of Kansas, at the session )
or tne interstate Association 01 l.iv
Stock Sanitary Hoard In Chicago.
Mrs, Wman, age 70, of Pltlaneld.
Mass., recently broke all records In her
ple-maklng career. She made seventy
two plea of nine different varieties at
follows; Custard, apple, cocoanut,
prune, raisin, squash, chocolate, blue
berry and lemon. Mrs. Wymau did the
work alone and bad It finished by
X shell which will hit two marks
will be tested thl fall. The solid steel
head of the shell contains a charge ot
high explosive which Is detonated on
Impact. Hack of this Is the shrapnel
chamber, containing 120 bullet and a
charge of high explosive. The shran-
' ncl portion can be timed to explode
' above a body of troops, leaving the
solid head of the shell to pass on and
strike elsewhere.
J A woman In Worcester. Mass.. was
surprised at receiving extra laie bills
for gas used the last two months and
on Investigating the matter found that
I her new maid wa keeping a teakettle
' singing on the gaa stove all day long.
1 In auswer to her query a to the res
son the maid Informed, her that she
j felt more like working whlje the kettle
was singing. The maid now works
without accompaniment.
I Japan can boast of the most luxurb
ous prison In the world It Is about
fifteen miles from Tokyo. In the
midst of gardens, where flourish med
lar nnd cherry trees, encircled with
ponds bearing fine crops of water HI
lea, rise the mas of spacious nnd Airy
cells. Lighting (throughout is by elec
tricity. Among other features are
bathrooms with marble baths, hot and
cold water, dressing rooms and read
ing rooms.
In olden time thumbscrew were
used to torture prisoner Into confes
sion, nnd thus gain from them secrets
that only Intense bodily pain would
bring forth; but this, with many other
1 fiendish means of torture, wa left be
hind by advancing civilization. Now,
however, It has mndo It appearance
again, but, aa a mean of aclf-Infllcted
torture, say Popular Mechanic. It Is
the newest aldto-beauty fad ot Eu
rope, and its cnlsslon Is to aqueexe the
tips ot the fingers until they change
t from fat and pudgy to long and taper-
Lion are said to walk about the pal-
'ace ot Kruperor Menellk of Abyssinia
and Injure no one, and are docile at
the least sign from their master. A
iltusstan visitor demanded ot Menellk
how It wa that hi gentlopets respect
ed such nnd such a visitor. "They
have scent," replied the emperor,
'They know the smell ot an ambassa
dor. They know thoy must not cause
trouble between me and tho foreign
powers. They are dlplomatto lions,"
The queen addod: "They once devoured
before me an Italian consul, It was
afterward found that he had sot nil
lettera ot credence. lie waa not ia or
der, and I excused the lions."
t pw ami wn'tful
muafeal li-tri rtifil.
whh U a rombtnatlofi
of tl.a erarwl Italian
harp awl guitar It baa
ntMautlfi.1 Umn anil la
1'ialtltrlr lb M!4t
intnjmnt to plajr etrr
mal We leach tm al
ymir own bfna Aa an
a.ltlrnfit w ate
coinc to an AWAT
Mia of our lll.tfl Harp
flullare to -h or tho
Aral ten if mi In eoth rnuntjr who nd oa thatr nam. aHilteM and whom the ham ia lor. Sit
down JtlOIIT ffOW snd drop ua a eard and U om of tha luekjr few aa lhr ara tiAnt faat
MARP-OUIfAR MrG. CO.. 428 lumber rjUia..f Uulldlnc, I'ortland, Or.
Chnnro for llarcnln.
Dejected Youth I would like to re
turn thl engagement ring I purchased
here a few dnya uao.
Jeweler Didn't It suit the young
Dejected Youth Yes, but another
young man bad. already given her onn
just like It, and I would like to ex
change It for a wedding present. Tld
Hit. ,
Taking lllm "t III Word.
UpKrdson- It goes without saying
Atom Then suppose we let It gc
that wny lively afternoon. Isn't It
"Before I began using Cascarets I bad
a bail complexion, pimples on my face.
and my fowl wss not digested as It should
have been. Now I am entirely well, snd
the pimple have all diMppesred from my
face. I cau truthfully uv that OucareU
are jait as advertised; I nave taken only
two boxes of them." .
Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind.
I'lraunt. PalalatU, Potent Taato food.
Do Coral. NvrrHkWn. WaaaanorGrlpo.
10c. Kc, (6c Ntvrr ant! In bulk. Tbo sen
ulna UtUt atainpw CCC GiureManl to
euro or wir money bark.
. awUt car. ar ai-l Kl. oMte4
M w mu .. Uaaa fffnm af
rf .
n k. ! tal.a la 4. a
1 lmnl Mat to Uaaa ! Mkri
aa l tt 4f. R.alaa V TW4 IW 4a, It
'II aara ram. Ua It a tl WUt M ara to ht
taaariajaaia. 44nu
MnlM MaOala Oa.
r.itjWii'S" ii i m j ji "i is i ilil'm '"'iiiWiiiM V,
is as safe as it m effective. Cuar-
inlml In rnavtsln no onutei. It k
very palatable too children Eke k.
All Brojatat. M Cento
j liaWUMurt i mtwunLtmmmmmt!Mr
On Rainy Days
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
Aad flv job foil vain la
comfort snd leaf wear
83. OO
timHTtto WATiRPRtmr
Bali by flrtt-cUti Batilltn til catstrr
otu. BBilfcrrrrCUlp
A. J. TOWER CO. attf.VERr
BoaTOW.U . A. Osmfl
Toaonro, Canaoa iSHWt
From Arctic
1 -PVt1L-
Im al&HlV
Solid bnm font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat
for 9 hours solid bran wick carriers damper ton cool handle oil indicator.
Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles,
Evtry Dtiler Everywhere. If Not At Yourt. Writs for DtKrlptlr Circular
to tbe Ntarcu Agency ci tits
, (Incorporated)
f& W ftft9ftftft9S ' 'ffi 2 W 4f S
-VOiES(BnvwaiP'U f"lr
Aa ftiimetlineo llappena.
"You'd like to have me give this a
notice, I presume," raid Ihe literary
"Indeed, I would." answered the au
Ihor of the book; "the best In lhs
Hul the consclantlnu literary editor,
after residing It. classified It as on of
tbe worst In the world.
NlniilrflnBT II.
"Jnalah, what Is the house of lords T"
"It's one hrnneh of Ihe Ilrltlsh rar
llnmenl. You've henrd nf Ihe house of
commons, haven't you?"
"Well, the lords are the uncommon."
MOWARU K m'BTUS - ,r aao lliU
Mll.rr 14. II lioll, Mllitr
-!, IM. UM.M& HI.
Hlrli-n .rtt liofct.
Mll.rr 14,11 Hoi I, r. uoi inrj Zmw
trOovtr. It Mlllatlnfa4 fall rk-IUt
ot oa arHkatlOA (Votrnt a-rf I'wplr wotkew-
JulalMuol UluaiK uaal wu.
l fOWUNnLO.t. )
inless Dentistry
Oat af iff aeJ
raj, Sato tkatr aiala.
aai tarmk ta
(& la o 4ai
It oanaurr.
WtaalllrtrM raJ
U ftU or aana'aa)
tmalar $3.58'
IttUr Cnoaa 5 .W
Gu ra-tt 1. Jt
tauwl raclt IH
lahr nilo. 2.S8
Beta St. tar .
rum 5.W 'rjv.j-it
at aui una. at nmim . a-m ww
TalalMa rolrHtloa raa.baa laUaotat
.orJarai. Ooautloo r, A?'V?frJ!tl
raiala-wVa wat All M5"2P
ata. Moanala.trtaaqalMl. Kak.
Wise Dental Co.
SSSlfSSTrZ POrri0AD."o,rlSOM
ejTicaaoBMi s --. s.ra.sux.
No. 1-10
TTTilKX rltlnc toadaortlaoi
I tnanllott thlo papaif
A fluorine uted th umt at krocn or TaallU.
lie diHulrtnc craDnlattd iu-ar la water sad
llr dlMolimc iraouuttc iual ia wsict ana
ddlac MapkUe. a dtliciosa arnip la mad and
a imp better than naple. HaBkiaolaaoldbr
KTorera. II not acno. cor a oa. uonio .wt
rrdpobook. Croaeaal tff. Co. SaatOa, Waw
to Tropics
BB- '''"llL I
--flP'ak 'f'iM
rR9lai 'H
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater has a higher efficien
cy or greater heating power than the
Oil Heater v
(Equipped with Smokeless DevlceP
With it you can go from the cold
of the Arctic to the warmth of tha
Tropics in 10 minutes.
The new
Smokeless Device
prevents smoking. Removed In an
instant for cleaning.