The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1910, Image 6

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Topics of
the Times
Peary haii the usual hard job In try
tng to Ore tho Cook.
Civilisation will last only to long
a law and order aro bombproof.
If a man Is a liar It Is uiele to
tell lilm 80 Ma knew- It all the time.
A soft answer may turn away
wrath. but-there's likely to I a flare-tack.
My boy. you will learn Urn: many a
en-called orator I merely a human
S 1 ,. . J-
1C ail rlKht to hope for the btwt.
but the fellow who spend aI1 '' Uuu
honing will never set It.
Wilt eomo gentleman kindly volun
teer to go to the polar region ami
verify the Peary and Cook map?
Hitch jour wagon to a star If you
must, young man, but endeavor to
nake a wise Detection of the star.
If Dr. Wu U really atler the plrlta
It will bo necessary for them to be
rery careful about what they admit.
King Edward regards a fleet of bat
tlhlM a sign of peace, especially
when It belongs to the home country.
but In the etrww of Inert nv. In the, so
ciety of now frlemli, In tho hanplneea
of i new home circle, how rarely they
apare an hour for n goud long letter
to tho nglrg mother In Uio old home- -the
loving mother whose heartache, in
tho paaftlng days fall to bring the long
ed-for letter, 'la one of the meet v
thetlc trogedlcu of old age. Tho tie-
el I tut of the letter-wrltlng habit of an
earlier generation haa often been de
plored, but thla fixature of the decline
can neither be excused nor defended.
Tho ixtat-cartl substitute for letlere I
llttlo le than a mockery when the
cunts aro sent to Uio mother who
wants, and should have, eo much more
than that. As youUi Urea In and for
tho future, so doea old age always look
back over Hie slope m 4t nears thr
summit. The parent la wrapped up In
the itou and daughter; hut at the eon
grows to manhood and the daughter
to womanhood, they are atuorbed In
the plans and the processes of build
Ing the structure of the coming year
Such Is the law of life and the basis
of all progress, but it 1 a pitiful
thing when the eon and daughter fall
lo kep In mind their obligation to
the loyalty and love of their parents.
Blessed are the absent ones who wrlt
long and frequent letters to the old
home. Soon, they cannot know how
soon, the precious privilege will nc
longer be thctra.
An Ohio woman opened an old bak
lng powder can and found S3.20O.
nough to raise quite a batch of muf
fs na.
It would be a shame If King Alfon
so should lose tits job Just when he U
beginning to accumulate an Interest
ing family
What a lot or fun Mark Twain could
have with the name of his son-in-law.
AX Mark" time of life wilt he feel like
learning how to spell It?
It King Kdwant lias been hunting
around for a life K he haa probably
.found It In his proposed effort to es
tablish a friendly feeling between the
lords and commons.
The execution of Ferrer will not ex
tinguish tho Influence of his teaching
and It Is -more than-doubtful If It will
-do much to Instill sounder ideas of
Eorernment Into the minds of his fol
lowers. Before getting his divorce J. M.
Harrle settled a handsome fortune
upon the lady and made the co
respondent promise to marry her. Is
ttw age or chivalry dead, as baa been
alleged? '
raying for electric current for a
dim light la the height of extrava
gance, one new light often glvea dou
ble the light of two old one.
The Technological museum of Syd
ney. Australia, has a model of the
famous Strasburg clock which has been
running accurately twenty year.
The only osirlrh farm In Kuropo. at
.Nice, usee, a Mr Inrubtitnr to hnteh
the egg, the suh of tint latitude not
being hot enough to do the work.
' Maps allowing 50,000 100 stars, all
accurately tomled. hate bn complet
ed by nMroaomer of many nations
working together In the common cause.
The quarter of a million electric
lights at the Seattle exposition were
supplied with current generated at
Suoqualmle Falls, fifty miles distant.
At the close of last year there ware
approximately 3.10.000 miles of rail
road In the United States, compared
with ISS.filfi tulle at the dpre of 1S9S.
It Is estimated that the known sup
ply of fertiliser In the shape of nat
ural nitrates will be exhausted by the
world's demands In less than twenty
A St. I.ouls druggist prevents cus
tomers from monopolizing his free
telephone by a switch In the wire,
operated from behind the prescription
Some French fruit culturlsta have
With the country, the world. In fact,
busily divided Into hostile Peary and
Cook camp, the partisans and the
mlddte-of-the-roadcrs seem to have
given little thought to the role played
by Eskimos In the achievement both
of the commander and the doctor.
Could either Pearv or Cook have at
tained to the Pole without the aid of recently essayed the use of fruit walls
these husky little brown men. wlthtor Uss instead of masonry, with m
the unpronounceable name? It Is ex- testing results. With a glass wall
tremely to be doubted. With icy I the "me kinds of fruit can be grown
dimes and frozen temnersture ... on both the north and the south aides.
their native element, habituated to
hardship as the millionaire la to lux
ury, stomachs apparently molded of
Indurated Iron In ability to digest as
founding foods, these aborigines of
the far north furnished the Indispens
able factor of guides and pack-horse
and assistants amidst conditions that
would speedily put even the hardiest
of white men out or commission In a
wny. too, the Eskimos, both or tht
Peary and Cook parties, developed a
aa a.iyliiR that the use of oione will
render coetly nitration plants virtually
superfluous. At llaltlmoro an otoim
plant, wimble or treating 10,000,000
gallons dully, Is about to bo put In
operation, mid In K'uropn the method
has been adopted at Nice, Ureal, Char
tics and elsewhere.
Moment tit I'erll for n I'UUtiiir Cnl
on Hie iSveiitrfuiirlh I'tonr.
From the window ledges or tho
weather bureau ntllce on the top floor,
the twenty-fourth, of the KurmerV
Kink ImlldliiR to the street Is a ills-
tunce ur 3i) foot, tho Pittsburg tin
xctte ). It la Hiiltkivut to give many
eruns the creeps Just to look out u
the window to (ho thoroughfares bo
low For this reason Observer M. 11.
Summers was given a fright the other
day when he observed the otllolal Vat
or the building sunning herself at the
very edge of one of tho window ledges.
Ilu was almost afraid to move at tlrat
lor fear of frightening the cat Into
taking a step that would result in her
falling So he began moving toward
the animal very cautiously. The cat
was a favorite and he was artlculsrly
anxious to aare her
The cat. however, thought Mr. Hum
mers wanted to play, and she made a
leap which took her completely out uf
sight. The frightened observer felt
that It was all over with pussy, and
he hurried to the window to see Jt she
had reached the street. He could not
see her an) where at first. Then he
looked toward another window, and
there was the rat perched on the ledge
as comfortable as you please. She
must have Jumped nearly eight feel
along the side of the wall, hundreds
of feet above the street.
it's all right; talk as you jdeaae
about the performance," said Mr Hum
strange and admirable gallantry, a
The "common drinking cup" must
so longer be used In railroad trains
or editions. In public or private schools
-or in the State educational Institu
tion, according to a ruling of the Kan--ku
Hoard of Health. One Immediate
Advantage or this prohibition ought to
bo t decrease in the prevalence or 0'i
taglous diseases in the State.
The Chicago ft Northwestern comes
.along to add Its name to the list of
' railroads which have not lost a life
among the millions Intrusted to their
care during the last year In this rase
the achievement looks pretty good, be
cause the total of passengers carried
amounted to the combined populatloni
of the States of New Vork. Pennsyl
vania, Massachusetts, Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois. When you come to think
or It. It's quite a job transporting all
those folk without running over one
of them or letting them do any fool
thing that might result In death.
sort of unconscious fighting spirit. In
battling with the heart-breaking con
dltlons which must ever attend explor
ations or this nature. It could onty
have been this driving Impulse that
auulalnail itinm ti pmieti uraaUa aansl
"" """" '" . """"'" "v""" """i
montns or DieaK anu ureary ton in a
struggle toward the "great nail'
They were not buoyed up, as were the
leader or their respective expeditions
by the knowledge or the acclaim ot
history and civilization, waiting tc
lavish adulation as -soon as they re
turn from froxen solitudes In all
fairness, the names or these Eskimos
should go down into history side by
side with thoe or Cook and Peary
Theirs was simply the high courage
and bright Incentive or eheer man
hood: no sordid or vainglorious mo
tive did tempt, or could have tempted
them upon such a bleak and profltlest
Church membership In the United
rBtates Is the subject of a bulletin Is
'aued by the Department of Commerce
and tabor. The statistics show lhat
during the six years following the ren
aus of 1900 church membership In
creased 6.4 per cent Of this Increase
4.4 per cent was In Iloman Catholic
-churches, 1.8 per cent In Protestant
'churches, and the remainder In
churches of other denominations. The
total church membership reported is
32,936,445, or 39,1 per cent or the total
population, or this total, Protestant
churches are credited with 20,287,742
and the Catholic with 12.079,142. Ot
the total church membership S6.9 per
cent are women. The disproportion
totween the sexes Is most marked lu
the Protestant churches. In the Cath-,
ltc church the men constitute 49.3 per
ent of the total.
-My boy' writes a white-haired
mother to her eon, a busy man In a
dlatant State, "write borne often. You
do not realise what your letters are to
jne, and bow long tt Is between them."
No, lie bad not realized it, and unhap
pily there are many absent sons and
daughter -who need a tdmllar remind
er. They would be Indignant at the
sruggeatloa of waalof filial devotion.
The mechanical wave bathtub shown
In this Illustration was originally in
vented by a French nobleman, but li
now being used to some extent In Ger
many. It resembles In form and In
action certain patent churns now sold
everywhere, and Is Intended to pro
duce a wave motion, such action being
deemed more or less beneficial from a
medical standpoint. Popular Mechanics.
Tb Cbla Cow,
The Chinese cow has been bred as a
work animal rather than for milking
purposes, and, beyond feeding ber calf.
It appears that she has almost lost ber
claim to being a dairy animal. A cow
In China is seldom milked without tht
assistance of the calf.
l9lvlBfl .vMtfV - 'i 4. -i i ttjm I JT t -.JMasaVtJxV T HIK1H
koftf r ? J Jr f 7dilpiBifffMittvl
KBU- 'rSfi WylWvitiJjHsJWH
EL i'JKS' mW&nBm WMrjfmTM
The rage for picture post'ard appears u be still ou in Germany, us
It is In this ion n try If we are to tnke the scene represented In our Illus
tration as typical The people ot Ilerllu want to write postcard even when
sitting In an open-air restaurant. The postman Is seen acting In the double
capacity of Ktcard seller and walking pillar-box. The cards he sells are
written upon there and then and promptly posted In the letter-box which he
carries on his back. Note the bugle painted on the box, which Is possibly
symbolic of old times, when the postman announced his approach by blowing
a born. Illustrated London News.
The Count de Cnolseu), a distinguished
amateur horticulturist, finds the re
sult for pear tree most excellent, the
fruit grown on the north side of the
wall being equal to that grown on (he
south side, and even smoother. Other
well known nursery gardeners have
made the experiment with good results
for pers. peaches and apples. The
principal objection made to the glass
wall Is that It does not store up heat
like a masonry wall, to keep the
plants warm at night: during the day
time the heat Is nearly equal on both
sides ot the wall.
The value of ozone as a purifying
agent for water is being recognized
said In many places. Its attack upon in
Then lla Hum.
Office Boy Miss Keyes, please
me look at your face!
Mlsa Keyes What for?
Office Bor Why. tho boss
some of the paint was ncratched off his. fusorlal life Is akin to the process of
typewriter. I didn't know whether h combustion. Any well constructed ap
meant you or the machine. paratus by which air charged with
' . i I ozone may be made to traverse the
It's an easy matter to get married waUr aniwer, the purpose. Professor
on a salary of fl a week, but staying p of Columbia University haa
married on It Is another proposltlon.j found thftt Croton water Is not only
No woman, who has a house that U sterilized by the ozone treatment, but
clean, need over be ashamed of bet that unpleasant odor are removed,
turnltura. ' Professor Osddss of Glasgow Is quoted
mere, "but I confidently believe that
the cat risked trtry one of her nine
UrtM on that occasion."
And erer since the Inhabitants or
the twrnty-fourth floor of Ihe building
have been debating the subject or
whether the cat would have alighted
on her fret had she fallen the long dis
tance to the street.
A HullnUI Job,
Proud Pa That boy of mine Is a
wonder. Very smart child for his
Disgruntled Neighbor Haven't a
doubt of It. If we were living In old
times, I am sure he would be holding
an office for which be seems eminently
Proud Papa (suspiciously) What
office do you mean?
Disgruntled Neighbor Town crier,
Baltimore American.
Kven new things have their faults:
we can never keep new shoestrings
N Till! death of Major General Oliver OtU Howard Ihe United
States has lost one of tin must notable figures of Its military
history for the last half century. He served with itlMlui'llmi
In the Civil War from beginning to end. and after the wnr lw.
came n tlr.ore of national prominence us Ihe head of Ihe Ftei
men's Bureau Hubsxiinitly he commanded the trunpM eiu
niiivnl In the imiiflentlon nf Ihe Indian of Arlmna and New
Mexico In his later enr he Imd Ihe record of having Iteeu In mote eu
gaKemcuU than an) otM living ultlrer of Urn army. Throughout lilt ln
career General Howard was noted for hi profeesUiii of Christianity, Item
known In thla uuiiitry as 'the Christian soldier" and abroad m "tlw IUv
lock of America."
General Howard was born In Usds, Me., Nov 8. 1880 Ife wu gndu
ated from Ilowiloln College In WW. and four ear laler from West I'mm,
receiving the degree ol master of arts In 1863 from Ilowiloln Appointed l.t
aiiny duly, he served a a lieutenant, and at West Point, until the breaking
out uf the Civil Wnr. whrn he was appointed colonel uf the Third Maine
Volunteer Infantry At the rirst battle of Hull Hun he commanded a brigade
of New Kngland troops, and before Ihe war cloned he had taken wrt In
twenty-one engagement and rUen to the rank of major general
nhtltiRulidied nlwin i a rigid dlselplluarlaii. General lluward alwai
found time for religious servlcet. and his slmerlly. though at first iiim
Honed in Ihe Civil War. at last became understood and respected One Im
was asked by a civilian "I there not luarh preludke among soldiers
against the Christian In the military servicer "Oh. no." answered General
Howard. "On the contrary, the soldier, all things being equal, relied mere
upon the man whu feared God ami tried lo keep his roiiii.isndment A man
might be a professing Christian and yet be a weak, sniveling, good for
nothing fellow, and they considered all such as hypocrites; but the tusii
who loved and feared God did his duty better, kept his gun cleausr and
minded hi own business more, and did every duty with eelfeacrlflce and
ftarlessuesH, Became a man was a Christian h lost no credit either with
his company or with his rommstider"
The ktndnew, firmness snd fairness of General Howard Impressed the
Apaches with whom he had to deal In ArUona and New Meilco, When It
was found necessary to treat with Cochise, the Aparha chief, Howard would
ask no one to undertake the dangerous mitotan, but. srcoinpanled by only
an aid and an Interpreter, went himself, unarmed. H remained thirteen
days, and by hi tact and showing of a seme of Justice mad a friend ot the
bloodthirsty savage.
Many stories are told of General Howard's endeavor lo make good
Christiana out of the soldiers or his command, He never failed lo Invoke
the divine blessing at each meal, and he was a total abstainer from Intoxi
cating drinks throughout hi military career "Tb tru beverage nf a sol
dler I cold water." he once said at a banquet In New Vork in this I
pledge you,"
-SjyUifWfc &
It Is possible to prove a good many
things which are not true.
The sextant, to which frequent ref
erriire ha been made by recent polsr
explorers. Is an Instrument small
enough to be conveniently held In Ihe
hand and Is equally well adapted for
maturing the altitude or celeillal ob
ject In order to obtain the latitude
end local time or for meaiui'i, 'ic
angle between the moon and mil or
ihe moon and a fixed star lo ascertain
the longitude.
It Is railed sextant because (he meas
ure is recorded on an aro of 60 degreei,
one-sixth of a circle. It consists of n
frame, usually of metal stiffened by
crosa brnres Ti.e arc at the lioltom
of the frnme Is marked off with dnuhe
Ihe numler of degrees netuallv men
li red This Is dune beraiise the fixed
and movable glnsee Iilln"ln-1 lo the
Instrument give a double reflection of
the object observed ami thus form
an angle with reference In aii other
equal to only half Ihe angular distance
hetweeu ueh objects, one of which Is
seen directly and the other by reflee
Hon. The arc of 120 degree thus re
cords tho actual angle.
Midway on the frame on one ld la
a telescope and opposite on the other
leg of the frame Is a glass transparent
In the upper half and slivered lui the
lower half. Both the telescope (K-T
In the accompanying figure) aad (lie
glass (II) are firmly attached to Ihe
frame. At the top of the frame Is a
mirror (C) which Is movable by
means of an arm (H-M) lo whlrh It la
fastened, C Is called the Index gtasa
and the arm (Il-M) revolves around It.
At M la a shifting scale for making
fractional measurements and uilM a
The observer takes tba Instrument
In his hand and bold the telescope
horlsontally, looking through the tel
escope he may see tho horizon through
the transparent surface of the-horlrou
glass II, Then, If wishing ta brlag
the sun into line, he munlpulates the
mirror 0 as a child handle a bit of
looking glass for-tho purpose of catch
ing the sun's glare and throwing It In
to the eyes ot a companion. He turn
the arm Il-M until the mirror O
catchea It reflection and throws It
back to tV silvered surface of the
glass II, 'When tha sun la thus made to
coincide, with, tat aorliea the Motion of
Bgp-ejgjs--. -.. 'saHBssi
V Lfti ufJmSL
17 jTSiSTjX
fV I WVaV maHLaxslBP IsxsislsW TTl
T H$SZmrZ2s3SEmmmmmmt. ')
"tO1 Jlr vlaL iBlslBxstslsislsW 'vDn
- Viv,r' ff ViGsavv&.sxslsislslflsBE!c ''
Jii Ji lBXsVSl BXSlSlsls SBXSk
At tvHaFBBaBlcler shIbxslT
$ -. ' i 1 ii iIiiWbJsi ' i MI
f-. V , V--' A 4uaBfC7ilMraMsxi . ,j&
M!1' JiHHlKtd '
flMMxHsMMMMv '
' JmmmWBft9NrW$'J'
MMMbbT WbWMbm'
' sxslslslslsE "J Ba5xeWW sbIK
. 9Ki3MsHsMsstBkM
2. mm WJr JULniV
rlsasstsaW'- 'ltrxsssf '"
-JwfVt - iSBBLJ.T jwas.
'.tiSifjff' .SVBxsrjKMl
Ttkiu a oniraAiiux
tba graduated arc cer whlrh the arm
It it has (issued Indicates li measurn
or the angle In degree whlrh la ex
actly determined by the movable frac
tional rae of vernier
Arablsn astronomer are credited
with having used a sextant as far bark
as the year 9S with a radlu or 8
reet 9 Inches, The modern Instrument
was Invented Independently about 1730
by Thomas Godfrey of Philadelphia
and Captain Dudley of the Ilrltlih.
Couldn't Hmw ANflklK,
The boy had been repeatedly warned
about running to the neighbor and
had even that day made Uie he- of
promise before gaining liberty. Yet
no sooner waa the door safely aJhtt be
hind him than he had disappeared' Ilk
"Why did you go to Oarnertir de
manded hi father upon hi return.
The boy looked steadfastly, at tha
"I am waiting for an aaawer." Still
"Come," said hie faUwr, bmta p
Uenoej "don stand life tbatt Sneak
up like a man."
"Well," said the Uy, raising reluo.
(ant eyes, "you've me rlat at
I oan't say aaytUbut