g.4,iLrt'i. imM THE BEND BULLETIN CKARLUS D. ROWH KIHTOR SUnSCRIPTION RATKS: One j-r.r.. Six month.) Three month.. (InrsrUMf in mtmner.) WKDNUSDAY, JAN. 19. 9o. Rascals, Kcp Out. The dictum has Rone out from Crook county that misrepresenta tion and fraud in the sale of real es tate will not be countenanced by the business ujcu of the county. Wildcat townsites and like scheme; arc to be tabooed and shown up in their proper colors if the commer cial organizations of the county arc able to do it. The commercial club at Prinevillc started the movement against these dishonest tactics and now all the similar organizations ol the county have united in an en deavor to make impossible all form of fraud, chicanery and cheating; in the sale of Crook county real estate insofar as it has to do with the floating of townstte propositions. This is a most commendable move and should receive the support of all honest men. The direct cause of this action are extravagant and mi-leadm,: statements made by the promoter of the Hillman towusite. If current reports are true, their literature abounds in fraud and misrepresen tation, and as a tesult many people have bought lots in Hillman who can ill afford to lose what thev have invested, many of the purchasers of lots being widows and poor work ing men and women. That sort of business Is pernic ious in the extreme. It is con temptible. The man who, through deliberate fraud and lies, fattens his own pockctbook ofTthe earnings of widows and of the hardworking laboring class is a most contempti ble rascal wherever found. It is to be hoped he will not be allowed to thrive in Crook county. Hundreds of honest people looking for invest ments will be attracted to this sec tion during the coming months. There is room for all of them and there are openings for a great num ber of legitimate business enter prises. It would be most unjust to allow many of these people to be duped and robbed by wildcat real estate schemes. After being fleeced they would leave the country bitter ly disgusted and would be justified in giving Central Oregon a most unsavory reputation. This the commercial clubs of the county will not allow if they can help it. By their recent action they have posted a sign warning rascals to keep out. Those of that class who are wise will heed the warning. CENTRAL OREGON LANDS The reason that may be causing ( you to wish to sell will likewise cause you to seek an early sale. We have good outside connec tions that willennblc us to han dle readily almost any Rood town property with us. Bend Investment Company Next Door to, Postoff Ice. should address the Bend Hoard of Trade. The men at the head of affairs in Crook county hold out every en couragement to legitimate business undertakings, but they have open condemnation for wildcat specula tion, fraud and deception. They have" announced in unmistakable terms that all branches of the com ing development must be along honest lines. T. H. Sbevlin, the Minneapolis lumber baron, when in Bend two years ago, said that Rend would have 25,000 people within 10 years after transportation is provided. It begins to look as though Shevlin might be a prophet. The many prophecies made as to Bend's future will all be fulfilled. The second city in Oregon will be found in a few years on the banks of the Deschutes river and clustered about the foot of Pilot Butte. A block of Bend real estate 300 feet square sold this week tor $30,000. Not a bad price for a small patch of that "worthless Bend country. Even in Chicago, the metropolis of the Middle West, people are talk ing about Central Oregon as note a news item in another column. AUNV NEW IDEAS. JgS EEDS And now it is a woolen mill that the owner wants to establish at Bend. This is an industry forlH which Bend affords an ideal loca tion. Situated right in the heart of the great wool growing section ot Oregon, with plenty of water and power, and with ample railroad ac commodations, a woolen mill at Bend would possess, to a very large extent, those advantages necessary to success. Bend people have long expected that woolen mills would be one of the future industries of the town. With the railroad now assured, the movement has already started this way and an owner of a woolen mill will soon be at Bend to look over the situation. Frttfc.llllskli.rVt CkS'istM!. Flint Etrrr n.Har 4 Pl.Mrr.hmM UM IM snrrtof mrft'.of Ovr JUnterUroalM4. spxciai. mrrtn FOR 10 CENTS wilt tnt p.l palil oar FAMOUS COLLECTION l)i.Hhrt.u. . . . . s ,. rl ftXk . I. I ,1. WHmlH t.l . . I . tmfif rr. . r....r . . I .r. filter Lu . . .UalliMlMlMCfeh.rt.rrM . It . I . tt. IIIM Write W.r' t It mk t Mr Mr 4 ftriuic 4 rrl lUM .- iMm," w gur Ml r Ml I..,!.. Um Ut4. I OUKATMIllTIIKIlN HKr.lt HI. I 171J llom HU Uorfcrorr). IlllmiU Q. I. Putnam Says Ho Is Primed with New Plan (or UcnJ lloottlng. About a month has elapsed since I left Rendand cameeaMward. llcfort another month h patsed I hope again to have opportunity to read The Bulletin on a Wednesday evening, instead ol the (ol lowing Tuesday, at In now the cafe. I'rom your column and from those, ol the Oregonlan, 1 have kept in touch with the development of affairs In Ore gon, and pnrtieulirly in the Bend coun try. And although it looks a hit ai il the daily Oregonl!! ha rather neglected you of late, I want to congratulate you upon the splendid advertising we got in the New Year number it look all Bend to me. Ami the talk Joe Hunter ha handed out are the bet ever Hoard of Trade ought to give him a salary. Dut it alt sounds good the continued railroad activity, the booming and the great interest focussed upon the country even if reading It one know it i practically nothing in comparison to what will come tbi next sesson. There if a lot to be done, and Bend will do it, with The Bulletin, the Board of Trade and the cititent behind the work. In fact, I see no reason why 1910 should not prove the greatest year of develop ment that the Bend country ha ever teen if we alt get out and work for It Which lead me to venture the remark that your transcontinental secretary of the Board of Trade has primed himself with a bunch of new idea in publicity and development work, and looks for ward to a return to greatly enlarged campaigning. Now a brief word concerning my trip, believing it may be of some interest. In coming Kast, St Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago were stopping place. At the first of these cities the exhibit of Oregon and Washington product under the auspices of the Great Northern Rail, way are of great interest and value for home and investment seekers; at Chi cago, I was lorlunate cnougu to make connections with the great land show. My Kastern visit has been varied by a trip to the old home of several Benders, North Carolina, and by a very Interest ing stay in Washington, 1). C. At the capltol I was fortunate in meeting many men who are interested in the far West, ond was able to ghr thrill much desired Information concerning our country. It Is a ptritMtrr to iell you what a tre mendous Interest is felt cen in the cv ttoitie tinst concerning Oregon opening, und jutt nt ptmont, of course, Cvutial Oregon I best known of all section ol the Nurthwcst; thank to the recent article In "l'uttiauis, I am appioached by many for Information, and you may rest assured that Bond gets all the "boosting" it poMible to give. Now a couple of long weeks in New York, chlelly arranging for future north western woik, then back across the routlitcut to the coining Spokane ol Oieguii en if 'lllllmaii' has borrowed our walciiwordi With best wishes to Itend and The Bulletin (or n brilliant New Year, I re main, enthusiastically, OKOHOK I'. l'UTNAM, Fnt ting Urlngs $61.20. An example of the big money in hog raising was given nt Portland during the past week when rt single porker, weighing 680 pounds, brottcht $61.30. This is the high est price that a single hog ever brought at the stockyards there The hog wan rnied by Henry I.ar kin of Colfax, Wash. Hogs reached 59 ao during the week. Wanted TIMBER We can use more timber in a syndicate now lorm ing. Owners wishing to .sell arc requested local! or write us a description of their holdings. We will shortly cruHe a number of tracts that we already have but must have everything listed that we will handle before beginning to cruise. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE BEST Best Wheat Land IN CENTRALnOREGON. FREE AUTOAlomi.. TWI from Bend to the Iniids mid return for nil who loente, Write for Particulars, to Merrill 2b Wilkinson Company MINI), OltKGON. OUR . Is Money an Object to You 320Acre HOMESTEADS ill Make You Rich! Will be glad to give full particulars to anyone inter ested in getting one of Uncle Sam's big farms FREE! Irrigated Land We have it in tracts from 40 acres upwards, $30 to 550 per acre. Town Property Will double and quadruple in value. Invest now. The PINE TREE STORE Just Received a Nice Lot of Dress Patterns Twenty-five different patterns In all wool changrirle Panama, Melrose and changable Silk. Only one pattern to each piece. Hurry ami get your selec tion before they're all picked out. Only wiww a pattern at SATHER'S The man who wants to locate a woolen mill at Iknd is but the fore runner of many others who will come here to establish various mer cantile and manufacturing enter prises, The Board of Trade al ready has several prospective enter nrises on the strinir. and inanv of them will eventually locate at fiend. Those who are looking- for locations for legitimate business enterprises My stock of Builders Hardware and Supplies is nearly all in now from Shaniko, and if you are planning to build I would like to submit figures on your bill of Hardware, Doors, Win dows, Roofing, ttc. If Money is Any Object to Yon, you should call on me, for 1 can make a saving to your pecketbook. N. P. SMITH Mutzfjc Building Wall Street Home Land Co., UEND, OREGON. City and Town LA AiN FIVE PKR CKNT interest, NINR years' time with privilege of paying at any time. Return payments monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, to suit borrower. For paiticttlars write Th Jackson Loan and Trust Co. 310 Century BIdg., Denver, Colorado. California Restaurant Mrs. H. Houghton, Prop. Rest of meals served at all hours of the day. Hoard and Trodlng $25 a month. Coffee and Doughnuts 10c. Clean, comfortable beds, 25c a night. Wc run a lUkery In connection with the restaurant ami carry everything In the bakery line. FOUR MORSE LIVERY. SADDLE HORSES. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. II. WENANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HF.AVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLF.Y, WIIKAT, CHOP WHF.AT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by I'honc No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Sale, I WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. F. M. CARTER. St. James Hotel SilrerLake QrcgM J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor When In Silver Lake, stop at this vrcll known house. C.uc.ts ran be assured that every attention will be tMid to make them comfortable, Special attention f to traveler. Good home cooking, Terms reasonable Our llobbyt Beat Meals In Torn for 35c WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tablo alwaya supplied with the beat that the town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bund, Oukoon l'OK I'IKST CLASH Meals and Bakery Goods GO TO Erickson's Opposite Antic's Darn. Kstlmates 011 unpllratlou Wall 1'aper at Portland I'rUes N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapest and Heat Wall Paper Sam- pies In the county. Get My Prices. llox 39. llciid, Oregon. 4