The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 19, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 45
Commercial Clubs Alinck Wild
cat Townsilc Schemes.
Promoters of lllllmnn Towmlltf PHI
Advertising Matter with I'ako I'lc-
lurci and AtUrepresentatlons.
Work for Oranu Jury.
The promoter of the lllllmnn
townsite are In trouble. dross
misrepresentation in advertising
matter nml alleged intent In deceive
the public arc the causes or their
difficulty. A prospectus Issued by
the promoter contains luuny Irri
gation, agricultural and develop
view which are labeled m being
"Near Ilillmitn" when in fact the
scenes from which the photon were
taken aic many miles from Hill
man, in some instances not being
even within the county. Ait a re
sult of this misrepresentation, it i
reported that many poor people
hive been induced to invest their
money In lllllmnn lot with the ex
pcctatlon 'of getting bit; returns,
when it is very doubtful ifthev
will ever realize anytbiuK from
their investment.
One example of the misrepresen
tation practiced through the illus
trations in the prospectus is a view
of tlio Deschutes river in front of
the A.- M. Drake residence at Bend,
said view being labeled "Irrigation
Canal Near Hillinan." The Des
chutes ought to make a pretty fair
irriga.ion cunal, hadn't it?
Deputy District Attorney I'll
gerald of Portland stated that if
the facts M reported by Crook
county people ore verified, he will
lay the matter before the grand
jury, believing that the charge of
obtaining money by false pretenses
would apply. Postal inspectors
will nlito be usked to investigate the
matter because it is believed that
the fraud order can be applied, and
a prominent member of the Port
hind Realty Hoard stated that if
the charges were proved, Cooper &
Taylor, the promoters, would be
ejected from the real-estate associa
tion. The advertising matter put out
by the Hillman people aroused the
ire of several prominent Crook
county men, who at once started n
move to put nu end to Mich mis
representations. Thereupon the
l'rlncville Commercial Club adopted
resolutions bitterly condemning cer
tain wildcat townsitcs which were
being exploited in Crook county.
These resolutions .were sent to the
licud Hoard of Trade mid the'eom
mercial clubs of Laidlaw and Red
mond with the request that these
organizations adopt the resolutions
and Join hi the movement to stop
such gross deception, the plan be
ing to forward the resolutions to
the Portland Commercial Club and
have all join in n united move
against wildcat rcal-i-state schemes.
The resolutions were adopted by
the Hcnd Hoard of Trade nhout n
week ago nud forwarded to the
other organizations.
The men In Crook county who
nre behind this movement object
strenuously to having a lot of peo
ple duped and thus disgusted with
the country. The coming develop
ment will open up many oppor
tunities for legitimate investments,
nud these men state they will not
allow n lot of wildcat kqIicuich in
Crook county real'cstate to be
foisted upoil the ricoplc. It Is n
move to keep clean Crook county's
reputation before the world.
The Portlnud Telegram has start
ed mi aggressive campaign against
such tactics as those employed by
the Hillman promoters, and in dis
cussing the misrepresentations of
their prospectus has this to say:
Only Dream So Car.
"On the front pugc of the pam
phlet npinrars thcciiptlon.'IIilllman,
Leading City, Deschutes Valley in
Central Oregon.' Many of the
people purchasing have been led to
believe that HiUman is already n
city, as this front-page caption in
dicated. In fact, Hillman is noth
ing but 1 barren, sterile tract, with
no town or other evidence of de
velopment prior to the scant atten
tion given it by the present promot
er, and Instead of being the lead
ing city of the Deschutes Valley at
the present time, is nothing hut the
dream of a bunch of promoters, the
realization of which is gravely ques
tioned by a multitude of the best
business men of Crook county.
"The first photographs in the
pamphlet show n beautiful valley
scene, with a stately snow capped
mountain Ik hind and a broad grain
field. On cither side of the first
are the words 'Hillman,' in large
letters, which the reader construes
to mean that the surveyed uud
platted tract, with cottages and
trees, is the Hillman townsite.
Crook county people say this is n
positive fake, as there is no such
scene an that depicted in the coun
ty, and, above all, it docs not exist
on the tract that is being floated as
the Hillman townsite. The grain
field, with tie for a railway laid
through it, is labeled 'Showing
Grade Through Country North of
Hillinan.' Men familiar with the
country believe the picture was tak
en somewhere along the Columbia
Southern line, perhaps So or 100
miles from Hillman,
I'ako Pictures Used.
"A scries of six pictures appears
next, depleting agricultural devel
opment. One, a beautiful irrigated
tract, is labeled 'Hall Ranch, Ad
joining Hillman.' This picture was
taken of the experiment farm that
was operated adjacent to the town
of Hcnd, 39 miles south ofllillmnn.
Another picture is of a strawberry
field of great area, and is labeled
Strawberry Patch West of Hill
man." There is no such straw
berry patch as this in Crook Coun
ty, so far as can be learned, and at
any rate it cunuot be found within
miles and miles of Hillman. An
other picture 011 this page is of n
great melon patch, adjacent to n
thriving orchard, and bears the
label, 'Orchard mid Melon Patch
West of Hillman. ' It is notorious
that 110 such scene is near Hillman,
and if it lies west, is probably on
the other side of the Cascade
" 'Cattle on Range, 10 Miles West
of Hillman,' is the title of another
photograph, showing a big herd of
Mooley cattle of blooded strain.
There is 110 such .stock as that on
the range near, or on tfic range of
Crook County, informed men of
that section say.
The most glaring nnd palpable
deception is set forth in n series of
nlcttircs. which nre calculated to
show that extensive Irrigation work
has been done and is now in prog
ress near Hillman. Three pictures
show irrigating canals and a diver
sion hcadworks, and one, showing
n big crew of men at work, Is In-
(Continued on ptKe 8)
J. P. Wilbur of Alliena, Or., Has
Ills Eye on This Place.
"Do You People Want a Woolen fttlll
at Hend?" Asks Mr. Wllbur-WIII
Come nnd Investigate Iho
Conditions Here.
One by one men arc looking to
Hcnd for a place in which to es
tablish manufacturing plants and
industries of various descriptions.
The latest inquiry received comrs
from a man who is looking for n
location for n woolen mill, and who
writes, "I own n woolen mill and
am looking for a location for same.
Have read up some oil your part of
the country and the future looks
good. Do you people wnut a
woolen mill nt Hcnd?"
The inquiry conies from J. P
Wilbur of Athena, Oregon. He
states that he will come to Hcnd
soon to investigate conditions
Town Booming
1 -
V. Where Is Your
Talcnl ?
Remember the cue of the man
who took hit talent, wrapped it in
a napkin and buried It?
Not only did hit matter punish
him for hit folly, bat his conduct
has become a byword.
The world has progressed since
his time. Modern conditions have
developed a kind of man who Is
even more useless than the one who
buried hit talent. HE IS THE MAN
The man who buried his talent at
least had the talent to show for it.
If we all spent our money out of
town in a short time we would have
nothing to show for it except
The man who patronises home In
dustries benefits the people he deals
with nnd benefits himself. His con
duet is like that of the good and
faithful servant who so used the
talents intrusted to him that they
greatly increased. He is n good nnd
faithful citizen who is worthy of
the success he is sure to win.
The next time you see an attrac
tive advertisement of a mail order
house go to your local merchant and
try to buy the article of him, IF
If ho has It ask him why he never
told you about it in your local pa
per. That will be a boost for us. But
we'll stand for it. And we'll boost
book 5 remember that.
Do your share of the boosting
and you'll get your share of the
nnd if he is satisfied he wilP es
tablish a mill here that will con
sume .( pounds of wool an
nually and employ too people.
C. S. Hudson, president of the
Hcnd Hoard of Trade, has written
Mr. Wilbur stating that the citizens
of Hcnd would be much pleased to
have him locate his mill her: and
promihiug him the fullest cooper
ation nnd substantial nid in the
wny of n free site, etc.
Heud is situated in the heart of
the great wool growing district of
Oregon, and it has always been be
lieved by Hend jcoplc that a wool
en mill would eventually be one of
the industries located here. Mr.
Wilbur's letter gives promise that
this extwetation will soon be real
ized. Shnuiko, the point nt which
nil the wool from this interior coun
try is marketed, enjoys the distinc
tion ol being the largest wool ship
ping point in the United States.
4,000,000 pounds having been
shipped from there last year
With a railroad at Hcnd a great
amount of this wool will come
here, and wooleu mills at Hcnd
would never suffer for a supply of
raw material.
tiiulpiin-nt Ready for Construction of
Line Across the State.
Parties who have just returned
from Vale report a large amount of
railroad building equipment at that
place, together with men who arc
considered contractors, with be
tween 600 and 1000 head of hordes.
It is confidently believed that active
work will begin early in the spring
grading the road toward the Har
ney country. ,
The recent visit of railroad men
to that place and their mysterious
visits to the interior is further evi
dence of t'ic intention to begin con
struction work. Hums Times-
Vale is in the eastern part of the
state mid is the present terminus of
the Harriman line in that section.
If work starts as above expected, it
undoubtedly will be on the Natron-
Ontario extension, cast nud west
across the state.
Married to Alls Utile Dobbs at tilers
Noon Last Sunday.
Deputy Sheriff John Combs of
I'rincville nud Miss fifiie Dobbs
were uinrried at the home of the
bride's parents near Priueville, at
high noon lust Sunday, Rev. Hailey
officiating. Later in the day the
newly wedded couple went to I'rinc
ville where they were tendered a
reception by Mrs. C. W. Elkins.
A host of friends over the county
extend beit wishes to the popular
deputy sheriff and his charming
Typewriter ribbons at this office.
The Hend Board of Trade has received several in
quiries from parties who had read in The Bulletin regard
ing the Oregonian's New Years edition and who wanted
to know where they could secure copies of that number.
Many letters are coining in lrom outside people who have
read the New Years Oregoninn and thereby became de
sirous of locating at Bend. The good work is going on
apace and Bend people should help it along by sending
out many copies of this edition. Remember, they can be
procured at the following places:
The First National Bank,
The Bend News Stand,
The PcKitoflicc, '
The Bulletin Office.
BRINGS $39,009
Hunter Really Co. Buys A. M.
Drake Residence Property.
lllock Will Be Subdivided Into Lots
and Offered for Sale lias Been
Most Unique Residence Prop
erty In Central Oregon.
During the past week the D. E.
Hunter Realty Company, of Day
ton, Ohio, bought the A. M. Drake
residence property In Bend, com
prising all of Block 4 of the city
plat. The price paid was the neat
sum of 30.000. The deal was
closed by A. O. Hunter who is
spending the winter in Bend look
ing after the interests of the com
pany of which he Is a member.
Under the stipulations of the
sale, Mr. Drake will continue to
occupy the property during the
present year and will keep the large
lawn in its usual excellent condi
tion. To a Bulletin reporter, Mr.
Hunter said that the block would
eventually be divided into lots and
put on the market, but no endeavor
will be made to dispose of them at
the present. "Of course," said
Mr. Hunter, "we might sell two
or three of the lots to parties who
wanted them for Immediate busi
ness purposes, but a stipulation of
any surh sale will be that there
shall be no building on the property'
prior to ly 1 1. That beautiful lawn
and unique residence have been one
of the greatest assets Bend has bad,
and we would not want to spoil it
during the present year. By 191 1,
however, there will undoubtedly be
many other handsome lawns and
residences in the town and we can
then better dispense with the Drake
Mr. Hunter's plan is to run an
alley through the center of the
block parallel to Wall street. Fac
ing Wall street, there will be one
35-foot lot on eaoh of tbe two op
jkjsuc corners of the block. The
land lying between these two cor
ners will be divided into 35-foot
lots. The block has a frontage on
Wall street of 345 feet, and there
will thus be 13 lots facing this
street. On the opposite side of tbe
block, facing the river, there will
be a 72-foot lot on each corner of
the block and four so-foot lots in
This property has been occupied
by Mr. Drake as a home since he
started the town, and has been the
admiration of all who have visited
Hend. The lawn covering the en-
tire block and dotted with stately
pines and clusters of junipers, the
turbulent Deschutes washing it on
one side, the beautiful mountain
view, and the log bungalow, have
combined to make it the most
unique and attractive residence in
Central Oregon. It has been the
special admiration of all strangers
visiting Bend. The property stands,
however, In the very heart of the
business section and It has has al
ways been known that when Bend's
dreams of a railroad were realized,
this block would be sub-divided
and sold for business purposes.
That time has now arrived.
The Hunter Realty Company Is
investing quite heavily In Bend
propert) , but this purchase is its
largest investment to date.
Awbrey and Nkrtef Falls, Near LaW
lw, Sold for $50,000.
A deal was closed here last week
whereby H. H. Humphreys of
Kennewick, Wash., and Mrs. Cam
Kirkham-Swafford of this place
bought the two Awbrey Falls and
the 11. P. Nichols falls, close to
Laidlaw, and contracted for the
purchase of nearly 1,000 acres of
land adjoining the present townsite
of Laidlaw from the same parties.
Tbe consideration for the power
sites was close to 5.50,000, and tbe
price to be paid for the land con
tracted for, while not yet made pub
lic, Is said to run way up in the
thousands. The land contracted
for has a frontage of three miles on
tbe Deschutes river, and joins the
town of Laidlaw on the north.
The new owners will soon begin
building a large power plaat, and
will cut up tbe land into small
tracts, tbe plan being to dispose, of
it for orchard purposes. The pur
chasers are well supplied with cap
ital and plan a large development.
O ray Wolf Kills Stock
A large gray wolf, with head-
quarteis about so miles up Crooked
river, has been destroying jearlings
to such an extent lately that tbe
stockmen have become desperate.
A subscription paper has bceu cir
culated and now carries a combined
purse of 590 for tbe huntsman who
is lucky enough to kill the nuisance.
Some stockmen put in as much as
$20 to the fund. It seems a big
price to pay, but cattle are cattle
these days Prinevitle Review.
Chicago People Leek to Oregea.
A letter from a Chicago trades
man to a Bend friend explains that
there is a great tendency among tbe
people of his class in Chicago, "to
ward the soil" and many have their
heart set on coming to Oregon.
He says: "I, along wkk msny
more, am getting tired of this hum
drum life, and long for tbe quiet of
the country. There Is a lodging
for the freedom of the soil a hark
ing back to the joys of childhood
days on the farm. I attended the
Land Show here at the Coliseum
in November and will say that Ore
gon bad one of the best exhibits
there. After the show everyone
had a notion that they were to be
come farmers. Living expenses in
Chicago are getting to be so high
that even the most common of food
is gettlug to be a luxury and rents
are going up all the time, so that
a mau making a small salary has
to be a geuius to make both ends
meet. Hence tbe tendency toward
the farm, and the desire to 'Go
West. "
Watch found. Owner caa kave
same by proving property ami pay
ing for this ad.