I Jl I J iwjwii it igti affcigjjJEiEiaataa ' 1 ..... T ', ,' 11 1 1 1 sasssasUsMI I I I 1 1 sa '' BEND STUDIO. Now I'ully Itquippcd for HIGH GRADE PORTRAITURE DEVELOPINQ AND FINISHINQ FOR AMATEURS Enlarging:, Etc. proaaa;! ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A 320-Acre Homestead, Irrigated or Timber Lands or Town Property? DO YOU WISH TO Insure with the Strongest Company on Pacific Coast? DO YOU WANT Stenographic Work of all kinds done at a reasonable rate Notary Public neat and accurate and have Money Loaned you at the rate of five per cent interest? If so, call on or write Central Oregon Realty Company BEND, SBeutcl Bi Ctacoma, ? ' Business (Education Is an absolute necessity for a young person who ileslres to succeed In business. a iuucaid 01 me O I positions as soon cure promotions written guarantee combined course at a stipulated salary from the start, is given if desired. Write for full particulars and free catalogue to-day. Address: cSeutel Sous st PIERCE ARROW AUTO LINE Between Shaniko and Bend, calling at Madras and Red; raond. $5000 Cmr. 50 florae Power A. B. BUCK. Manager Address Shaniko or Itend. I CAN SELL YOUR LAND Tarries in ill Towel) Duties seJ tlon, or anywhere in the Bend country, who have tracti of laud wholly free from rock, or nearly so, ami who desire to aell tlieumc should list them with me. I hate lare number of people around North Vaklma, Wash., who want' land in ttiia section and I will be able to aell your property. Large tracts a specialty. Du. V. M. Van SNVDKR Hither at Bend, Or., or North Yakima, Wash. ktytM Overall for every we. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled team. Contiauou fly. tiUKilMn. MHW.OWTXCa. MMtctm OREGON LsQue usiness Koaeaa yi IVasi. ucuiei toiicgc -ecu re gooa as graduated nd later se at advanced salaries. A to place graduates, of our 60A n ess coe, "Washington. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, December 13, 1909. Notice U hereby Riven that the State of Oregon, has riled in this office its ap plication, Serial No. 05681 to select un der the provision! of the Act of Congress of August 14, 1848, and the Act supple mentary and amemlstory thereto, the o i ow M See. I, M '4 &K Sec. 7, NH V NK X Sec. it, and N jf NW U, NW U Nl. X, SB U NW tf of Sec u, Twp. 20 S., R. 17 B., W. M. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the lauds described, or detirint; U object because of the mineral character of the laud, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant should file their affidavit of protest In this office 011 or before the first day of Tebruary, 1910, d-J36 C W. Mookk, Keener. N0TICK FOR PUBLICATIONr PI'.rAKrMHJfT OK TIIK INTHKIOH, V b. Land Office at Lakevlew, Or., Uctcmbtr , 1909. Notice Is hereby glreu that i;i.tl! J I1!KKILL, of ItcwJaud.Ortrou, ho, ou January ilh, 1905, I nude iloiatstcsd liritrv No. 1KJ1. ferial No tioa 1. Tp i r . K. a l!.. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of iutentloa to mske fiual Ave year proof. 10 cumuli claim to the Unit above described, before II C Kilts, U. tt Cominluioucr, at Vend. Oregon, up. lbs 15th day of february, 1910. Claimant names st wllnraaca Wm II. Hoi. llu.hrad, Joarpb Tsggs'l. Cbe.ler liollinahcad, all vfKoalaud, Oregon; W, Kay Wilkluaou of IJ-I-) AKTIIUK W. OUTON, KcgUlcr. Irrigated Land For Sale. Forty acres fine irrigated alfalfa laud for sale, and relinquishment on i6o-acre bomeilead adjoining. For particulars address W, care The Bulletin. 3o-tf, MURDERER nniNQ SHADOWED Silver Lako Aan Say Sheriff llarnc Kno Where Olo Hamilton la. "Sheriff Barnes of Klamath coun ty states that Ole Hamilton is In a 1oRK'K camp in Washington, and Hint he can put his hund on him at any time," said S. S. Ward well of Silver Lake to n Bulletin man last niKht. Mr. Wnrthvell further said that Hamilton was bciug shadowed and would ptobably be put under arrest if a sufficient reward were offered, according to report!. Hamilton, if will be remembered, is the man who it so strongly sus pected of the murder of Julius Wallcndc at Silver I,nkc about two years ago. Wullcndc, who was known to have had n considerable turn of money on his person, sud denly and mysteriously diapcarcd one night and 110 clue wni found until several weeks later, when his body wat found floating in Silver creek, about a quarter of a mile above the town of Silver I.akc. Hamilton was present ut the coro ner's inquest and stood calmly over the corpse and watched the exami nation of the wound that had caused Wallcndc's death. Later, at a public meeting to raise n sum of money to be offered as a rewirYd for the capture of the murderer, Hamilton donated ten dollars. Shortly after, when suspicion had grown to the point where Hamll ion's arrest was being urged, he disappeared and wan not captured He is also supposed to have killed a man named Messenger who left Silver Lake in his com pa ay some months before the Wallcndc tragedy and never returned, although be had left several hundred dollars behind. It is believed that Mes senger was murdered and robbed by Hamilton and his body buried somewhere in Klamath marsh. Tumalo New. TOMAto, Jan. 9. We are still having a little winter weather. Mr. McCallister, who owns land cast of here. Is busy hauling lumber to build a house and barn soon. J. B. Wimer had the mWfortune to lose a valuable marc from distemper last night. A meeting was held at La Id law and j. tons of laud plaster was ordered by farm ers in that vicinity. Chaa. Spauch and family spent today wilt! air. ana Jlrs. Baker. I A large crowd greeted Mr. and Mrs. Swisher Thursday niRUL Mr. I'rank V. Swisher and Miss Olga Hasselberg were united in marriage by Rev. Mitch ell of Ilend at the residence of the bride's J parents Wednesday, January 5. and that was the occasion of the meeting. The jolly crowd treated them to the tune of many bells cans, guns and any old thing that would make a noise, and in return for their music they were treated to re- 1 freshments and returned home happy to j know there waa one less bachelor in the country. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Charley and Jimmie Merrill won the December prirx for selling the most Saturday Evening Posts in towns the sire of Bend. The prire was $2,00 and Ueud's two youngest business men are consequently jubilant. The boys arc selling about 55, Posts each week; and it Is their ambition to run the weekly sales up to too copies. J. H. Wcnandy was up to Cres cent last week and reports from two to three feet of snow in that see tion. He says that Ed. Rourk lias his new store running full blast at that place and is doing a very good business. Coming home, Mr. Wenaudy drove from Crescent to IJeud in one day, a distance of alwut 53 miles, He reports the roads in fine shape. Henry Linster was down town Saturday for the first time in four weeks, having been confined lo his home during that time by injuries received by having his clothing caught on a revolving shaft in his Vernon A. Forbes LAWYER KOOM 4 HANK UUII.UINO IJJ'.NI), OJtilcoN j planing mill. The accident left him in n much weakened condition and he still is fur I rout being an strong as usunl, although he now is 011 the road to a complete and rapid recovery. " Wanted t Once. A girl or woman to do general housework In family of four grown people. Good treatment. Apply by phone or letter, giving wages wanted, to Mxs. Glto. W. Wimicx, Tumalo, Or. The Cornett Stage ft Stable Co. It's the mail Hue, the only direct stage line fiom Shaniko to Silver Lake, by the way of I'rincville and Ilend. Stopover privileges and tickets good until Used. A LIBERAL OFFER. Its Effect Upon the Customsr to Whom It Was Mads. A luilneni ninn vf Ottylnii, O Irlls thla atury of sonic etmiini'rclnl friends of bis: A ruMomrr who IkhibIiI hi a sum 1 1 wny from tho wholesaler and whose credit nni tint of the sort known as cllt rdcrd rlsltrd Hip rlly and pup chased n S2.KX) bill of good, paying $2,000 In cash and giving bis note for the rrumlnlng 100. Aflft the transaction had ln closed and the MiHr and rurrvney had ehang rd hands Ihr rtiMntnrr said: "Nntv. nflrr n ileal of that alto It I rustnninry to give n pnrrhnser a prra. rnt. Conn ttrrtwa with It." "WpII thmw In a pair of t)sprn dr-m," laughed tho aaleaman trniporla Ingly "A pair of itxndrrn, eh! Hay, quit foollnc I rrnlly niran It. t expect yon to do something In acknowledgment of my patronage" The salesman went to the manager with the problem, and tho manager said: -Well. If he fcela that way lont II we might rncntirnce him a ttll. We'll do something that nttcht to please him crratly. (lire him bark his $300 note Make htm a prrnent ;f his pnper. That will make him a rash customer and raise hi credit and save hint money besldca." The salesman went hark, pleased to he the hearer of such Joyful tidings of liberality In business. "Well, sir," he aald. "we've arranged about that present, all right. Here," with a flourish. wla your note. Wo give It beck to you." Tho customer did not seem enthusi astic. Instead, without looking at the note ho asked: "Ii it Indorsed r "No," said the salesman In astonish ment. "Then I guesa you belter gimme the suspenders." said the disappointed cus tomer. Chicago New. HOW A HORSE GALLOPS. Ths Natural Way and the Cenvsntlonal Pass In Art. How does a horso gallop? Owing to tho rapidity of action it cannot bo seen by tho human rye. However, Just as the Individual spokes of a rapidly re volving wheel can be tnado risible by a flash of lightning, so the action of a galloping horse can bo and has been analyceU by Instantaneous photogra phy. The statuette, of Syoonby, tho thor oughbred, has lou timdo from photo graphs taken at the Instant when all four legs are off the ground. Tho back Is arched, tho hind feet are directed forward, the fore feet backward, so that all are tucked under tho animal' body. When the limbs again touch the ground the first to do so I one of the bind feet, which la thrust far forward so as to form an acute angle with the Ime of tho body and thus servo the purpose of a spring In breaking the forco ot the Impact of the hoof when the horse la going at top speed. In thn conventional utodo of repro seating a galloping bono all four leg are off the ground at once, but the front fwilr are extended backward In such a way that the iindcrsurface of their hoofs are directed skyward, the body (wing at the same time brought near the ground. Thl conventional poao appear lo havo been derived from a dog running, when the front and hind pair of leg are respectively ex (ended forward and backward, with me sotc or 1110 tuna root turned up ward. This tose, It Is thought, was adopt ed to represent tho gallop of tho horse by the goldsmiths of Myccnao lictween 800 and hxjo II, 0 whence It was transmitted by wny of Persia and HI hciia In China and Japan, lo return In tho eighteenth century ns tho re sult of commercial rein I Ions to west ern niirope.-C'hlciign Tribune, What Old 6h Mssnf lTarold-What did she sity when you turned out the and kissed Ijit? Ilupert-Bnld sh felt If alte neyer wanted to see my face &-ln,-Pulla. dolpbla Record, Typewriter ribbons at this office. I SIIAITY FARMER JONES. You'd le happy too if you ( f bought your I AND 4 ) Leather Goods I f JOHN LGOAT I lleud, Or I UKrAHUKQ AND NKW W'OUK 1 California IN WINTER Is the ptsre to vlilt. Orsitge stoves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous ho tels, hUtorle Old Mlulons, attractive watering place, delightful rllmstr, make litis favored section Hie Nation's most popular wlnir rstroat. Yuu can see litis section at Its beat via the Shasta Route AND "Road of a Thousand Wonder." SOUTHERN 1'ACIFIC COMPANY Up-to-Oate train, first cla In every respect, unexcelled dining car service, quick time and dlrrct connections lo all lnt south, Spsclsl Round Trip Rao of $65.00 PORTLAND TO LOS ANQELE8 AND RETURN Willi corresponding low rates from all oiher section of the Nnrthwut, with liberal atop-over In ech direction and long limit. Interesting and attractive literature on the atlou Winter Kesorts of California ran lie had on application to any S. I', or O. K. tc N Agent, or from Wm. McMURRAY Oanarat Pasttngsr Aftsn Porland, Or. Typewriter Supplies We have hi stock ribbons for the following mschlnes and would bo (pleased to receive your orders. Underwood VMble (One color rOilion) Smith Premter Vb&te (Two color ribbon) Remington Vk&Ia (Two color ribbon) RemUiftoft OH Style (One color ribbon) We also have In slock CARBON PAPER Mall orders will be given prompt attention, THE BEND BULLETIN III'.NI), ORl'.GON Application for (Irator I'ermlt. , NOTICK U hrrrl.y (rn thai sll application for Mrunll lo sraar r.ltlr, tioiara, aixl tlirrn within Hie DKiAllUTIM NATHlNAt. I'nKIWr ouiingitiMaMnori4io, mu4 lie AM lu niy oHVt at frluavtllv, Ottvoa, on or brfotf I'cbrusty 6, 1'jia. full Infvim.lWo In ftiatil lo Ilia srai' IdflVra lob thacgril an4 Mask furm. to y UKtl In iuaklD(aillcallout will U fuinUhtil lij A B, IKHLANI), Hupcrriaor NOTICK FOH I'UllMOATION IHtliutnloftli( Interior, U H. I.aud Odics at Mkrvlrw, Oiraon, IXtf uilxr 4th, tyj. NOTICH I hcnliy glvtn that Amlrtw 0, AixUtsou, orHoilanil, Oirgon, who, 00 lite, a-Hlh. un, niadc llomcatrail Aripllcatlnn No yin. Ikilal No. ojHuo, for ths W (i H W tf, Nl! U N W U hc. if. W U W Hc. H. T.j7. 11 it , Hang. 10 II W !., fiaa Blcil nollra of liitciillon la make final l'le Vrar Holdltr'a 1'ieu.r. in r.i.l.11.1. rtalm loth land abgitacrllil, tufole It. C. Itllla, U H. Cnniinlaalniirr al lit nl, Oregon, on Claimant Uainca aS wltnrauai Ualith l.n... aim of JIcimI, ()rrou, Harry Kvtrlnshain.Oruvtr VllwllsiiIOcoriiiu(Uf ofKoaUml, Ortgou. dljlu AKTIIVK W OKTON, KegUlcr. Till HIM. Meat Market MARKV III 1. 1., Proprietor VVUU LINK 01' Beef, Pork, Veal and Million All my meals are slotrd In s large Ice Un Just Installed- ami ate always III the lU of condition, 1 lotlclt your pationage, W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch Repairing A Sl'KCIALTV Two door south of I'.O. Ilend J U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Or-IMCK OVKK HANK Office lloui loloua 111,, 1 lo j im 7 to II u, lit. DltNl), OHIttiON C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OrriCKIN HANK HUIUUNO, llltNl), OKIIOON MMsssQVttSUMCassaCal 1 si'i 1 1 DR. I. I,. SCOlMUIsU, DENTIST. Ol'l'ICIt IN JOIINAON HUM.DINd I) cud, Oregon. Dr. A. A. BURRIS, r:yS..K5!I HraUr. tUnM KMOillf Ttf.l'il WIIKomI th Vm ot Ih or asittty. t-r IhtKalsiat MHkut.d lll.llas Chltm l Dtwatr 11 alall)r. CwtiultatbMi frt UcmUtuflht SUta ami Ntllaotl Malmoptls tl)r. OoV Is JuhswMt RMf , istml, Onto IIUNI) I.ODOK No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meet on Thtirwlay on or before the full moon of each month. VUltlnir brother always welcotne. 1. a. oar. tscr. r. o. Miwott. w m F. 0. MINOR t.SWHX!(CK nilUlINO I.IFKVIKK ACCIDKNT INSURANCll Notary I'tibllc and Comcjaticltiu-All IxrsI Tajters Correctly llrawn FIDELITY BOND8 CONTHST NOTICK. kcxitinrnt at las latttlor, U . UiHlORKf,TliltalU4,OrtsaM lktmU(lilh ti A au(nrlfslcnhlrt(sBVIafll haln( ln Slrt la thl. oAk by ChaiUa II IdkkauH, oinle.Un" agalnat llumr.lr.it llntrv No. i,), ni.'lr Mat h 17, li.lH 14. t,,, hit NW l(M.j, T" a , M. IS 11. W M . by ru HJulBil.t, nHllir to whldi It It sllrinl thai hU Jn lljufn-lji Sit holly txnlHirl MlJ Hart fur nan Ibis la munlh. la.l a.t, that mhI sbnlonrarn as uo lu to hit trai-loynifnl Inllitarmr navy air matin cutp i4 III Pulled Mttra in lluia tA oar IkKl.OffioM.and thai Anal br.ilua wltllia firkl at loo'cl'Kk a m oniaauatyil luis UMtlli- K.lMrl and Htrrlfir al lha tlnlll Malra Lair I Oiltca lu Tka llallra, Oirgon Tlie ikald nuilr.lalil ha. In. Im ..rmi. atT Uarll. Alnl w I. w, art faith tacta rhkti show that atll iluaillllatnc twrMXial rllrr ( thl. notln tan not U mad' If la hrlrl-y oidrtr I ud illirctnl lhal audi notln lx glcn ly dua and proper tniMlrulion dJi C W Moosa, kcgUlrr rr T ill 1 CONTF.ST NOTICH. IllifAKTMItNT l' TIIK INTKKIOM II H Land Oltvn, Tl IMllr.,Ot IHctuiUt is, IDJU. A aiiRUIrnt ranlral affldavll having lcM dl ' In thla olhcc by ItLHIlH NIHWONOHK, conlt.l snt, agalntl Ifiiliy No, lioM, mads IkrccmUr IS. tVH, fur NHNWJ4, NWIHWU, ItVVUNUu Vl(ou IJ.T-p i4.,M. 14I? Willainctlr Mir Mian, by TIIOMAH II I'AIM, Contr.lra. In whlth It It sll'gtii lhal aald Thuma II fair hi wholly sbandounl aabl hointalrad fur mors than sis uumllil laal wal Slid has faitrtl lo Imixu a and cullleatt the sain as rniulrcil by law, Ihtl aaldaltfgnlsliMncswsiiioliluvIo hit (nitly I United malra In llmi .war ' tuitl paitlea arc hcitby nollfled lu apnea sr, rt- ahoim ami i.ner evident touching said alleia lloual loo'tlixk a in oil I'tbiu.ry 16, 1910, l oil I'fltiuary H. Cfjlillula.fij ln oHles In lleud. liirgun, an ik1'. -, iiii., n v n, vutimiaiuiier , ami thai Dual liratli.K win i 11(111 si 10 o'clock s in lot, before Ihr UegLlcr 1, on I'riiruary ? gUlcr sud hecelver si l' In Tlia II.IImi. ilr.unu. uniini Biatca Mud I TIlP ..111 t-iitilr.l.Hl huwttiw l.. ......... .fit davit, flint IXreiiil-er l, If). Ml fotlli Ucl) whkli thaw lhal sflar ilu ulllnence pettoiial acivlcc of llil. nolle cauuol lie uiaVle, II It hetcby urdried and dliccled thai such uollc b gldi by due sud ptoer publication, Ji- C. W, MOOMK, Kegtrlcr Jcfo Hand us your aubacrlntlou. kkadsaUaaMBaiiaaiH