1 mm 1 ,', .T.. ..,. . , ,. , .!i.L'iL '."' ". '.' ', : ; "i ' ' ,-.. ,,- "'' ' ,j-- .if r.; ryrr 'iirmwiiriHiHf WivSvvSvSv ( ( ( Watch This Space Noxt Weok for the Announcement (m ' of the : THIRD 3 IV : HOUSE CLEANING SALE : At Bend, Oregon LARA'S Bend, Oregon ) ''It Will Be Different." 5 (&V&e&S&3&G&&&G 1 1 1 J 1 1 J 1 Is Money an Object to You My Mock of lltiitdcr Hardware ami Supplies In nearly nil in now from Shnniko, nml If you arc planning to build I would like to submit figtues on your bill of hardware, Doors, Win (low, Hoofing, etc. If Money is Any Object to You, you hliotttd call on mc, for I can make a saving to your icckctbook. N. P. SMITH Mutzljc Uultdlng Wnll Street HOMESTEADS LOCATED. 150,000 ACRES OF THE BEST WHEAT LAND In Central Oregon. Just ocncd tc jao-acrc homestead entry. Two rrdlrnads now building into thU country. Get a homestead before they arc all gone. I'or further infor mation call on or write to Free Automobile Trip from Bend to Lands and Return for All Who Locate. HUNTER & STAATS IIUNI), OKtmON Pipes, Cigars and TobaCCOS. Cull In and take a look at our line a("Mccrscliauni and French Urlar Pipes. The hest lino of Cigars and Tobaccos In town headquarter for your Fine Candies TUH C0RNER CONFECTIONERY ALUWIXm & IIOUBS. LOANS Farm, City and Town FIVE PER CUNT Interest, NINK years' time with privilege of paying at any time. Return payments monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually, to suit borrower. I'or pnitlculars write Tti Jackson Loan and Trust Co. 310 Century Bldg., Denver, Colorado, LOCAL BITS. Good morning. Have you thawed out your water pipe? Typewriter rlblxms all kinds at The Bulletin office. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Davenport have moved to Hcnd for the winter. Wonted Work between school hours for a boy of 16. Call at this office. Mr. and Mm. Ed. Brostcrhous left Saturday ou a business trip' to Portland. I'or Sale Fully equipped saw mill. I'or particulars address X, care Bulletin. 38-tf Veda M. Williams, graduate of the Chicago Musical College, will take a few pupils. Inquire at the Drake residence. 4jtf Nine and ro-inch envelopes, just the thing for mailing or filing away legal documents, for sale at The Bulletin office. Sylvester Stoats will give a social dance in Lara's hall next Friday evening. The band will furnish sweet music and everybody is in vilcd. Jas. Boyd left Saturday Tor the Hast where it is understood he has gone to remain permanently. Mrs. Boyd and Orson will follow later in the spring. Frank Orcutt writes that he has moved from Cashmere, Wash., to Seattle, where it was necessary to take his mother for treatment, she being quite ill. Inquiries arc nlready beginning to come in to Bend from people who have read the New Years num ber of the Orcgonian, and thereby became Interest in this section. M. J. Cline, a long-time friend and former business asMxiate of John Stcidl, is spending a few davs in Bend, with a possibility that he may move here to reside perma nently. C. C. Stevens, traveling salesman for a Portland paint house, was taken quite ill in Bend the first of the week and was removed to the hospital. His wife is coming in to be with him. The furniture for the new room in the school house has not arrived and therefore that room could not be opened at the beginning of the term. It is expected to have the room ready for occupancy soon. SEEDS m MKKHrSMtMMKCtMi SPECIAL OFFER: 'Utt U l.fU N tUtl.Mk AtitelwIU 1 iu. 10a oaf Mnu&at&t imtMur. Pritccgimmn kh:h!ke:i fti.1 1 !. . .W-I wnliui slE "t lt!AHANTY.r.B TO rutA.lL Write to-day 1 Mention inn rttr. WWWIAAAAAA SEND IO CENTS M "? M ' ! Ill Tft mHrmtiirnmitf t4 " Vt ' Itiues & Davidson's. That's the place. Carbon paper, the best, at The Bulletin office. Four room cottage for rent. In quire at barbershop. Lost Gold class pin, monogram W. 13. C. Mahion L. Wiiwt. Watch found. Owner can have same by proving property and pay iug for this ad. It is returned that the Stacer crew has the Oregon Trunk survey run nearly to Milllgan's. There will be a social dance in Lara's hall Friday evening and you had better plan to attend. Don't bother to send away for your typewriter ribbons buy them at The Bulletin office. All kinds. Last Saturday broke all records at the public library. On that date there were 56 visitors and 29 books were taken out. Another Improvement at the pop ular Itmes & Davidson barbershop is a new hot and cold water faucet to be used with shampoos. The surveyors under F.nginccr Stacer moved camp Monday from the J F. Fierce place to several miles further cast. Stacer ' has a large crew and they arc pushing right ahead with their work. Messrs. Wilkinson and Houston were out on the High Desert yes terday and report only a little snow there. Returning with the auto, they ran at an average speed of 15 miles an hour. They will take out a party of bomeseekers in a short time. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lara, ac companied by Mr. Lara's father, M. Lara, left for Portland last Sat urday morning to buy their spring and summer goods. Patrons of the Big Store can be assured of having a well selected stock to choose from during the coming season. The Merrill-Wilkinson Company report that they have a large num ber of people who will come in just as soon as the snow leaves. They arc prospective settlers on the High Desert, and naturally are waiting until they can sec the nature of the land and soil upon which they ex nect to locate. Philip Frances writes from Hood River and says: "I was thinking about Bend tonight and comparing it with Hood River, and I am com pelled to say Bend has the prefer ence. The snow is about 18 inches deep here and has been for two weeks. We have had but one day of sunshine in that time.", Vernon A. Forbes, formerly ot Minneapolis, Minn., has come to Bend to locate and will engage in the practice of his profession, that of the law. He has secured office quarters in the bank building. Mr. Forbes is a graduate of the law school of the University of Minne sota, one of the lurgest schools in the country. The cold weather has been play ing hob with the Water pipes in Bend. The mains are down only from 18 iucbes to two feet, and the continued cold weather has finally setit the frost down that far, with the result that the water fn many of the pipes leading from the mains to the buildings has been frozen solid. This has necessitated dig ging down to the pipes through the hard, frozen ground and thawing them out, Auue Bros, were forced to uncover the pipes across the en tire width of Bond street, and others have had to do likewise to a greater or less extent. In some neighbor hoods only one faucet remains open and it is consequently visited by many for their daily supply of water. Now don't smile when we say that this experience is "most unusual" in Bend. Nine and io-lnch envelopes, just right tor tiling away or matting le gal documents, for sale at this office. The First National Bank OF BEND VEND, OREGON MJMWHMMIMMMBlJMMMIMMMMMMIMMMWWMi Dr. U. O. OOC, Pfold.nl K. A.-0ATMftt. Vk. Pr.tld.nl O. . HirOMHt O.ahl.r c.piui fuiiy p.id .... ais.eee Stockholder.' ILbllllr 2S.OO0 w A RE HANKFUL To the people ofBend and vicinity who havs to liberally' pat ronized us daring the last nine month, snd'who by. their kind word, and influence have Induced tbeir. friends to-do their business with tjieir Home Dank. During the nine month we have been iff basinet we hare increased our deposits from f 13,010 to. over. J l5o,oevnd have made (air per cent on the iaveitneat for-eu? stock holders. It will be our constant aim to Improve the service we offer our patron., and we with to aasist every worthy enter prise now in or to be established is Bead tiering 1910. We feel that the lose delayed prosperity will be in fall sway in tbe Hcnd country daring 1910 and that unlimited op portunities will be open to tbe man who is able to accept ihets. A fUnfc account in the First-National Rank 'of Bend will enable you to take advantage ot some ot these opportunities. 1 DIRECTORS: U. C COB K. A. 8AT1IKR C. S. HUDSON V. P. SMITH H. C. BLLIS A Largs ShifMwimt of BUILDING MATERIAL JMt Arrived. Doors, Wfariows, RMr Roollag and a full line of everything you nay need for that new building you intend to put np this spring. LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR BILL. I also carry ia stock Denatured Alcohol s. a caldwbll Bend, Oregon J. H. WENANDY BKND OK. F. L. BUNTBN SHANIKO, OR. WENANDY- BUNTEN Automobile Stage Company DAILY AUTOMOBILES between Shaulko, Madras, Redmond and Bead and all interior points. For further iaforasatioa write Wenandy-Bunten Auto. Co., BEND, OReQON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE BUY NOW-H-X UATBR Hut it you must sell now, list your property with Deschutes Realty Co. BEND, ORUOON. WE HANDLE RANCHES, IRRIGATED LANDS, TOWN PROPERTY, TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS A SPECIALTY. - When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... en on MILLARD TRIPLETT eeND. ORBOOM lliUl f