The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1910, Image 3

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(Newsy Hems Gnlhcrod from All
Parts o! tlio World.
Less Important) but Not Less Inter
tiling Happenings from Points
Outside (ho Slate.
IlkiirnHil uffl. InI unit wllrliinttn
lil eimf ileum In HI. I'nlll.
Vain if I lie lliirriman natal In miw-
tinned lv kimIu In tlm ikuI.
Ilrtaii uiri'fliitf from pneumonia
' Hint in loo III to miike a tpeccli.
.Utierl I lit clowned kltiif of lln.
Cumin mill prondae ritform In Congo,
Mi'hler , demand tlitii 1'i'nry nUu mill
Imit lilt reroriU to Kin Danish unlver-
f' The Northern- Pacific linn Iwmirlit 14
Mitofkn for li'tinliiHl itroiimlii In North
. l'rnlllllll Xrlnyil lllia fled from
IMrutagus mi J taken refuge on a Mrl-
tiin gunboat.
IMgbt nil killed nml hundreds have
iimioM i'Mitiii fruin eijilmlon In llll'
linn nml mini'
fierce aliirin awonl llip L'orcan
ail, dctUuylng t1tilntc. fleets ami
l.lniwnmit '.'.noO.
Hitfrlory Kimx bn notified 1'rf t Madrlt, Zrlayw'a uiii'iMr. that
Mill If tirltl Ji-lHiiali fur llll? fe-
li v iff American In liU country.
(.lorn ft ml Ibiil lli UriiMirra of
i lie Uland uf Tlliiirun, lu the (lulf of
I niifornu, ore mythical, tint I lie (aland
III ume with ileer mnl wllil pigeon.
Mark Twain baa returned noma with-
I out benefit to hit braltb from bit ocean
It It definitely known that II Mr
oat perished In a department store
grits in IODilon.
A monster benefit wss uiven In New
5drk ellv lo heln the cauao of Lome
Iru'e fur Ireland.
I. ook a flrt prUe waa 8,000 from '
wo newuHipvri for hla .'
i.jiivr atory of hi trip to the 1'ole.
Ali.tmallnn nf tlm klni nt flrn
It conaiJered Inevitable and the crown I
fJ'IIB'W "n't lint IViVtl WMWVVM VJ INU
.. m aA at tia. Kjiiin alimaH ! lliaa
.Military priy.
Ltoi-uld' legal wife will not at
i tempi to put her ton on the Itelglan
throne, but will tight for hi fortune
l-o f many million.
K rne toeeewrui upriiingortne .oung
rLiV,y,B ?t"'y. .?' , l.Vml
-Mine .or mo urai nine amco me
thritlian era began.
The eoinmltteo from the Uolvenity
l inuagen report that UUok'a re-
rd are wholly Inaiifllclent to ettabllah I
B 'nt cUtu that he wa at the l'ole. i
John II. llradley, who fitted out tbe
ook expedition to thn l'ole, say be
i thoroughly dltguttcd with tbe whole
Oregon contervatlonltt declare that
two or three varlrtle of Inicctt do
mote harm to tbe forett
wetl than forett llrci do,
m w-w r v . w . v w virauH ua m
i fiai nnrnniti riniiri nr iirtiitnn rtai
Enlerd that the l'urtland llallwav I
Lf - - . " I ... I
eompany muat reuuee larea to Mllwau-1
io m o trui., nun w. uruTo io tv
1'wenlyteven pertoii were drowned
n me rolimnn or a wooileu lir ilae Ini"'""' " e uiiiieiiiiir.
Two negroe ami onn white man wore
hilled ana lx nrgroe wounded In a """""" ",II.' ''"Krapner in n.e em
race war In Uulalana. I ',or ?f 'J"' ,'" ,",r, nttnax romplelml
tonight, J , I, Dermnily. fourth vice nrea-
i lie pronaiion omcer or inn nigni Ment of tho Order of Knllwny Telegrn
,irt In New York y tho white alave pbera, aiimniiiteil that t(0 per cent uf
trade it on the Inereate.
ta . i I . a. ail
M, ausua. baa riueatel orilclul reoV. I
rinv imnii rneiiiifinv r.iirniiri r '
union irom me state department.
i ' .. " -. - . : - i
MIm Anna Mori;an,,ilaiiKhter of J. V,
Morgan, nnd Mr. O. II. I'. Itelmcnt
ii waian. eonvicien uanaer, na iieen ;
made to tbe United States supreme
leader nf the American Kederctlon
of Labor urge Secretary Nagrl to make
a thorough investigation Into the varl
out phates of Industrial education.
Dr Hrathear, a noted astronomer of
the unlyeralty of l'ittaliurg, aya lie
ice not believe either look or r
e not believe either Cook or 1'eary
ii furnlah nny good proof of having
tii furnlah nny good proof of having
reached tbo pole,
Havanla of the Djnlah unlvorlty are
deeply embarrasaeil by their former
I chaiiipioii.lilp of Dr. Cook, as thev nro
ft minlilc to M nny acceptable proof that
he reuched tho pole,
A party of American explorer re
iiorled to have been devoured by canni
bal on tho Inland of Tlburon, In the
gulf of California, -hnvo arrived af
at a iinnll towu on the Mexlcnn const.
Grand Duke Michael, of Itunln. I
The T. W, W. of Spokane tins given
up the fight for freo speech,
A sliver loving eup has been present
ed to Peary by New York friend.
i.i,,-. ml.H it,. .,... e ii.. .1.11.1. ..iwiiu omciaia nr inn nig
birtwnitv worker uf New York City, "i""'' rejected all demand, but ald
Itbe qurttlon of a ttrlke wa now up to
A flnnl appeal In tbe eate of John tlm roininltti of seven, whleh, with the
Ooulil Cripple Oovernmoiit by Uefuilnir
to Buy liomU,
New York, Dec 31. flo clow linvn
licrmne Hut nllluiieo nml amalgamations
of lending financial Intercuts In Wall
street during tlm lint I lire" mouth Hint
nliuont tlm nbidluto control of tlm coun
try 'n flnntielnl affair In now eeiitriillreil
In tlm hands of n few men, who urn
nellng In concert. A money trutt tin
Mine Into existence, with J. J'. Morgan
nt Hi head, tlio most gigantic rouiblrin
tlon.of eapllnl In tlio world,
Them I no concrete definite organlan
linn to till latest t runt i mi loaiiilncor-
jHirntlon, no dueled dlrixitor, no lltof
stockholder, Jo " tlm descriptive
phrnte. of tlm financial world, It I slm-
piy n "community of Interpat."
Itepreaenlnttvo member nf tliln com
munity of Interest, men wlm would Iip
director of mi inenrmirated rmiiimny
nrei J. I'lernont Morirnu. itrivnin
tinnkpr, It unquestioned lenders George
I' linker, chairman of tlm hoard of
director of the Tint National hnnk;
Jnme Hllllnmn, chairman of thn liourd
of dlrrctora of the National City bnnkt
U'IIIU. tr,..L.rll-. ..I.. ,'.... ;
if iiimiii vbitfiii'iirr, Ticvrrriifirni 01
tlm iStandard Oil rompanyj Umry O,
I'rlck, capltallitt William K. Vnndpr
bill, at rpiirrtpiitatlvn of tilt fmnllv
It Would be Imnoiiibln lo fltrnrn lh
total of illrptt ami Indlrrct eapllnl now
eentralirrd In tblt money trutt. To be
gin with, the banking firm of J. Her
pont Morgan k Co., bring n private co
tiarthprihlp, inake no nubile rrnortn.
yrt report itinera Ita drpmlta nt DlflO.
(K)0,OOr), whleh Iti dlreelora can utlllre
to advantage In flnnneial opemtlona.
The aaaeta of the three Inmiranre torn
pnnlea controlled b the group, Inveatrd
largely In )onda bf railroad nnd Indua
trial eompanlp.. aggregMtn eonalderably
more than 11,000.000,000.
Here are tome of the thloga tlio trut
fnulil dot
It could call (20d.o00.000 of loana
orer night and ruin any adveraary.
It could reduen eredlta to aurh n de
gree aa to eaute eatrrinn money ttrln.
gene and great commercial illtrr,
It could tie up the caah holdings of
New York bank by demanding cerllll
atlon of check for euormoua amount.
It could deplete bank reiervr In New
York by muting alilpmcntt of entb lo
any part of the country.
It could make money rate of Interett
almoat ni It rhone, from S per rent to
100 per cent on call loana.
It could cripple the flnanrlnl opera
tion uf the government lir rrfatiHg ti
bmxi... ...u i.i i '
-.,,,, M1V. )t0r,,i lMHe. w
fM,,, ; h flBallc,,
nB, n( th0t Ktfitt Mwy ,,,t
torn and
JOaHlllNff InJuilflll fOHlrn.
l'rom 3 to 40 Ter Cent Ha I to Atked by
75.000 Men.
ritttburg. Dee. 81. The llrntherhood
of Itallwny Trainmen Monday will
,prvp -, , fomJvallrI
t '' Mlllppl river that an
!,. ,n WBR W,1C ,, ,,miu,rte( 0f
rom c , 4ft (fn, w ,r
'national pretident nf the brotherhood,
lionigiit reruteii to intimate wnnt nrtlon
would lie taken In ene the demand It'ln tk 'iliir trtinVarniiirotlntreaafla
tefiiaed. It I anld the recent refer I
en.ium vole of the trainmen regarding re,u thit woud UrKj to the Pa
Lhi:':ri:r,lff'"n,J!:"T"V"V.rJ,Anelflc Ocean. "Ithaa been discovered
,fCkiriIT MltHHllllUU- iur III 11 IH
vor. About 7S.000 member of tbo
bintherhood are employed on the rail
roada affected.
s of the north-1 1Jf,r Vork- N''- 2'- The action of ;whlch was a former United States cus
). ih" brotherhood ef Hallway Trainmen, ton,, ofllclal, who made his headquar-
,f Oreoon ha ,!.".nn.,!,n?.'' t1." """''"W. ",'r- "", tr In Pari, and who has since died."
r uregon ha not unexpected In New ork. c , j '..v. i,.-. ... .,.
. u.a
nm i n n i nee kii in .- ar i nrv
i--.i' - .i.' . .i.. ',' ' i... .....
iw 'nil siifsa i- iriririiMMin tur
w lrnK tken, mllrnsul bead are pre
paring to meet the altiintlon. and aev-
ernl rnnfereneea have been held within
'' I"'1 week, looking to a mi! tie
rinrlnnnll. Dec. 21 Wllk a refer
endum vote of telegrapher tn Ihe em-
the members had voted for a atrlke.
llAI-titiiili Mml. I tkit-1ilflin . wu.
m"i sreetta mihi nuiir tit- iiiiii nw
prnetlenlly unanlmoua. the result did .
... ...
not neeraarlly menu there would be a
atrlke. He admitted that thero win
little probability of future conference
with nfiiclnla nf thn illg In lir, who have
national body of
ly of the union, would settle
the matter. About 1000 men are In
volved. Elks' Club, Called Bar.
Tteno, Nev.,,Dec. 21. Thero I much
comment concerning the trlnl of tho
Klka, whleh will occur tomorrow after
noon. Every lawyer In thl cltv who
"" K,k,hn" tcmtlrrrtl hla tervlee to
tlm KIks lodge. More thnn M lawyer
will appear to defend the Elka, who
I Imvn !i(-n nrrateil nn thi. elmrtvA nt ,An.
,u!jn, n J,,, wt,out license. One
luWyrr ,ad today that the dlpenslng
of ,)UOr n tll0 K)ks. club do ,
nmmlt ,0 ,aie, nH nl ,), Klk owu
thn liquor, and whnt thev nny for tho
liquor served to them, Is lined In ro
plonlih stock.
Liners Swept by aides.
London, Doc. 21. Incoming trans
Atlantic liners report torrlflo weather.
Tho Ciirmnnln, New York nml Amcrlkn,
arriving at Qiiccuitown nnd Plymouth
retpectlvcly, today, woro nil greatly do
lnycd, Four days out they mot hurrl
cune from tho eastward, with moun
tainous seas, whloh contlnuod until Sat
urday ulght,
Tiicmtay, December 21,
W'Htlilnglmi, Dee. 21. Itoprctentn-lii-ci
lliimiT, Mntidoll nnd Martin to
ihiv held n ciiufcrmicft and ngroed to
iinllii In preaalng for coiialderatlon the
bill rvlliiviug homcateador In the
mirlliwoNt front tlio necrtilty of rctld
ing on their hind through the winter,
Jtnporti Imlleatd that the weather I
uiitiwMlly anvern and many rs'jucita
fur till relief tire bolng reevlved,
It U uiMurtod tliul now aottlor are
finillHg It impoaaihlo to remniii on their
In lid.
The nnl today eonflnne'l the nom
iiintinn of llolxirt Ilaeon w York
to be ninlmwxulur to I'rntire.
I'reatilent Tnft aent to the annate the
NoinluntluiiM of Cloneral Ueorgo Utone
of (.'ullforulii lo bo naval ofllccr of
eiitiouia at Han I'rnncltco, and Howard
(', Hhober of Koutb Dakota to be audi
tor for tho interior department. In thl
The Mmiiii "while tluvo t radio"
bill wua favorably reported to tbe
houte today by Chairman Mann of that
committee. The report accompanying
the iirrwntntlou of the meaaure dla
tlnelly itlaclalm any purpote to uturp
In any way the police power of the
llecommendatlon for change In tbe
pretent law regulating trantportatlon
coimianlea nro contained In too twen
ty third annual report of tbe inter
atatn rommerru commlaalon trantmltted
today to rongreaa.
The report, however, I notable rath
er for recominendatlona it doe not
Five of tho luggettlort made by the
aiireiai committee eicctej by 1'reildent
Taft to draft change In tbe exittlng
Interatato commerce act aro offered In
the re-urf,
C'ongreaa-adjourned early thla after
noon lu TburaUay, January 4,
Monday, December 20.
Wnnbinglon. Dee. 20. Doth tenatu
and houae concluded their labor by "
o'clock today. Tomorrow a holiday ad
Joiirhment fur two week will bo tnkeu.
Aaiile from the confirmation of the
nomination of Horace II. I.urton, of
Trnneme. to be an natoclnta juatlce
uf the tHjireme court, thn principal
feature of the annate procccdinga war
a pck laden with optlmltm and good
eheer for the Clirintnint aeaton by Hen
alor Dej rt. The aildreM of the New
Ynrkrr waa ealled forth by what he
edNrarter-sml aa the ncMlmUtlr prclie
tio In Senator I.a Folletlt)' uiagannp
and Ih mnny Newtpapen n to the ef
fe1 of the tariff upon prleea and nt to
the watle ef natural rrwHirce.
AVnthlnglon. Dec 20. "We will re
port a ceneral river nnd harbor bill
aliOHt 1'ebrwary 1." aald Chairman
Aletander. of tbe bnutei committee on,
rlvem and harbor, today. Mr. Alexan
der aald hl bill would carry much more
than 30,000.000.
Think Frauds Reach Pacific
New York, Dec. 2C Collector of tbe
Pnrt f-fh has doelared the arrrata hare
ware but the brcrlnnlnir of a series of
I., . A. i
that tbe Importation of costly goods
through this port without payment of
duty," Mr. Loeb said, "was the result
of a far-reaching plot, the head of
(Several dressmakers have been ar
irc,Mro nere'
a a
Henate Confirms Many Diplomats.
Wnalilnglnn. Dee 24. The aenato eon
flrtiu'il tin- iioinlnntton nf ltnbert llacnn.
nf New Yoii . aa nmbaaaador lo I'rnnce,
n aiilimllli'il by 1'reatdent Tnft
Twenty alx other dlplomntl-' iiiimlnn
tiona, iiieludiiig thixe nf diehard C
Kenma. nf Mimiri, ninlnaauditr to Vila
trla lluugnry; Henry Kiue Wllaon. nf
Vnahlii;tnii, niiibaa4.idor tn Moxlro,
William .Ininoa CVilhouii, of Illlnoi.
minltter to China; nnd Henry T. (Inge.
. .. . . . a
""'WT! I.?..",",,,,, WCr"
uln roiillrnied by the tennte.
Labor leader Confer With Nagel
Wiithliiglnn, Dec. 21. A enmmlt'eo
repreaeiiting tho Ainerlcnn Kedetiition
of Labor ealled upon Secretary of Po.n
mo re e and labor Nngel nnd iirged iquin
him the ndvlaabllity nf hi dcpattnu'iu
innklng a thorough inyeatigntinn Into
the various phuao nf p.lin-n
lion. The committee, which wna np
pointed for the purpote by the recent
Torn nlo convention nf tlm federation,
emulated nf I'realdent Samuel (lomprt,
.lame O 'Council, .lolin Mitchell nnd
I'm nk Morrison,
Appeal' Advance I Asked
Washington, Dec. 21 Application
is to be made to the Supreme court
early In January by the department
of justice to advance for hearing the i
appeal of the government from the
decision of Judge Holt at New York, '
practically exempting from prosecu,
tlon certain officials of the sugar trust
because their acts are barred by the ,
statutes of limitations.
Assistant Weigher Indicted,
New York, Dec 25, -Another Fed
eral grand jury Indictment In connec
tion with the sugar underwelghlng
frauds waa found today against Thom
as Doyle, assistant superintendent of
the Arbucklo Sugar Refinery in Brook
Proplincle of Lazy Seidon Not Ful
filled Oy Home.
WBahlngllton, Dec. 23Far betUr
progrca la being made with lleglsatlon
In the homo than wan anticipated.
Uofore congrew convened, llttlo or no
activity prior to the holday adjourn
ment waa expected and that the dl-
poaltlon to do but a small) amount of
buitlticM woud probably characterize
the entlm aeadon waa niscrttd openly.
Since the houto convened, December
C, many vi ry Important bill and rco
luttona hav bet ii introduced, two Im
portant meaaure havo pared, while
othen have been reported and many
aro under consideration In Itbe home.
In all a total of 1,006 houte bllle,
188 bouie rctolutlon, 06 bouie joint
reaolutlcm and 2C concurrent reeolu
lion have been Introduced. Two
meaiure for railroad regulation bea
ring the name of Representative Each,
of Wiacontln, have paned tbe home.
Two omnibui pension bill, carrying
a total of 4 07 claims, also have passed.
Two Important piece of legislation
are now pending, the District of Col
umbia appropriation bill and tbo Pan
ama government reorganlratlon meas
ure. The arfy appropriation, carrying
upwards of one hundred million dollar
is out of tbe military committee, while
I the Immigration commtltce is prepar
, Ing to report Ita bill regulating the
white slave traffic
Department to Add Laboratories for
Stricter Enforcement
Washington, Dec 21. A compre
hensive enlargement of the activities
of the department of agriculture in ad
ministering the pure food act Is con
templated In order Issued today. The
object Is to Inaugurate for porta where
the department has no chemical labo
ratory a systematic Inspection of
foods, as Is done at ports where such
facllitica exist.
A complete chain of laboratory dis
tricts has been established, with head
quarters at the principal porta, to
which will be sent samplt a of import
ed goods when found necessary. All
imports, regarding the right to enter
which under the pure food law any
doubt may exist in the minds of the
customs Inspectors at the smaller
places will bs referred to these chem
ists. Official! aay that the method will
tend to do aay with any tendency to
Import goods in violation of law at
the smaller porta, where there are no
laboratories, Instead of at the larger
porta, although their ultimate destin
ation is the tame. Headquarters are
to be located, among other places, at
Galveston, Denver, San Francisco and
Harmony Between Mexico and U. S.
Washington, Dec 23. Tempor
arily, at least, the relations between
M exlco and tbe United States grow
ing out of the former's friendly offer
of her frlendl offices In the affairs
with Nicaragua havo been forced to
the front. Whatever the purpose of
Mexico may have been at the begin
ning, however, she may have desired
to rescue Zelaya, give him a safe con
duct and assist the United States in
restoring peace, it Is quite evident
from a statement Issued this afternoon
by Senor Creel, special envoy of Pres
ident Dlax, that Mexico is prepared
now to give at least a passive acquiea
enca to allof the plans of the admini
stration with regard to Zelaya and his
fallen government
M'Veagh Favors Postoffice.
Washington, Dec 21 The secre
tary of the treasury haa reported fav
orably upon Bourne's bill for a new
poatofflco building In Portland. The
report recites that an adequate post
office building will require an expend
iture of (1,600,000. The report haa
gone to the aenato public buildings
committee and Bourne will try to se
cure an early report from tbe commit
tee, and the passage of his bill through
the senate, making it eligible for In
clusion in tbe omnibus public build
ing bill, if one is paseed this season.
Loeb Walts for Automatics.
Washington, Dec. 2-1. Collector
William Loeb, Jr., of New York, said
here today he was looking for the ar
rival of tho first automatic scales
which It is proposed to place on the
1 docks in New York for sugar weigh
ing purposes. If found satisfactory
1 20 of the scales will be installed.
Bootleggers Stand Convicted.
Washington, Dec. 24. The United
States supremo court yesterday reversed
tho decision of tbe circuit court of
Washington In the eases of Harvey Sut
ton nnd ltobert Miller, chnrged "wlthi
tnking liquor to the Yuklmn Ttulluu
reservation. The contention of thui
goverumout was upheld. (
Worst Winter In Yoars Cannes Many
Wrecks and Delays.
Chicago, Dec. 20, Ibillroads In the
Wett, northwest, nnd In the central
tle are experiencing tho greateat
dlfllculty of year In operating their
train. Conditions which cxlt now have
not been equaltod during any winter
for the paat decade,
Tbo trouble of tho oncrntlnir men
teem provalunt everywhere. In Chicago
liataonger train from nil directions ar
rive ttom five hour to one-half day
aie, ami in a lew mmnee train be
rnme o Inte they were abandoned be
torn reaching tho terminal.
To make matter worae, the dlffiriilt
operating condition whleh have arlaen
imvo been accompanied by n long torie
nf wreek on the various railroad.
which have retultod in arnutlng appre
hension everywhere. For moat of these
wreck the Hidden cold snap I being
held reanonalble by tho railroad men, na
tho marked drop lu temperature eauae
the rail to become brittle.
Within the territory limit of Chicago
the operation of train I made exceed
ingly difficult by reason of tbe cold and
the moke. Early In. the morning su
burban trains are compelled to crawl
into the station, the engine crew un
able to ice the (ignal at times on ac
count of the low-banging imoke.
Throughout the weat freight traffic I
more or lea paralyzed. In an effort to
get passenger trains over tbe road the
operating men have been compelled to
sidetrack freight everywhere for a long
period. Tbe result I tbat all the aid
Ing are full of delayed freight and the
terminal yard are congetted to an
equal degree.
In ir.sny lection thn audden extreme
cold has been followed by a heavy fall
of anow, which ha drifted and thui
blocked traffic in man.r-jilate for hour.
In Chicago tbe operating men- on the
variou roid have been working day
and night in the hope of clearing up the
line and getting traffic moving nor
mally. Passenger train cannot get out of
Chicago on time, beeauae of tbe non
arrival of Pullman equipment, wblch
I in ue o delayed train.
Itailroad men itr one of the irfMlml
eaute of delay ! the difficulty of team
ing engine during evere cold. Another
eaute It tbe dlfllculty of operating coal
chute, trains often being delayed from
20 minute to one-half hour in securing
coal or water.
Monarch of Tonga, In New Zealand.
Orders 600-Pounder.
Tape Town, Dec. 20. Hy command
of King George of Tonga, a baker of
Auckland, New Zealand, has deilned
and built a cake for tbo coming nuptial
or inai potentate, in It splendor ami
Imposing proportion the eakej to quote
tbe local pre, "ha never had nn
equal in tbe annal of Auttralaiian
It weigh 500 pound and stands
eight feet high. Decorating various
panel are tbe Tongan coat of arm,
tbe Tongan royal crown and the initials
of the king and hla bride.
Curioutly enough, the lady' initial
are concealed from the gaze of the
crowd who admire the eake in the
baker' hop window. Tbe identity of
the future queen is in tttt a mystery,
and one of the condition imposed on
the baker wa to complete the secrecy
regarding ber Initiala. It i understood
tbat theie ha been tome competition
am;s the ladle of the Tongan eourt
for the kingly bridegroom, and tbat In
order to defer the disappointment of
the untucceuful ones till the latt po
vlble moment hi majenty will not ro
ral tbe name of the bride until tbe
day of the ceremony. .
Chicago Landlords Lose Test Cue In
Chicago, Dec. 20. Hard-hearted Illi
nois landlords nnd :1st ngents must not
shoo tho stork away from their prem
tie. The law hud ita first test today,
and was upheld. This bode ill for
landlord who refuse apartments to par
ents, actual or prospective.
Holla It. Lougcneckor, father of a
boy of 3 nnd a girl of 3. brouuht mil
agninat W, L, Boylaton, an owner, and
iinbert r. schencH, as agent, for re
futing to renew his lease. They made
it clear that the reason was that he
had children. Lonccnccker. who 1 a
lawyer and son of the famous lawyer
and judge, Immediately began a tet of
the law passed latt winter covering
uch cases, and Municipal Judge Hlme
decided that children nnd their parent,
under tbe constitution, are entitled to
'fa and reasonable liberty.
Bank Guaranty Attacked,
Oklahoma City, Okla., Dee. 20. He
(training order agaiust State Bank
Commissioner Young were asked in a
suit argued in the district court today.
The United States Fidelity Guaranty
company and the Southern Surety com
pany, sureties for the state school land
commission In the protection of funds
deposited with the Columbia Bank &
Trnst company, asked the court to pre
vent the bank commissioner from mak
ing tho state guaranty fund and state
banks preferred creditors in closing up
tho bank's affairs, Judgo Clark reserved
Flax Reaches Record Price.
Minneapolis, Dee. 20. Flax went to
$2 a bushel on the grain market here
today, a record prlco. According to the
government's cstiinnto, Minnesota and
thn Dakotas raised 25,000,000 bushels of
this grain this year.
Talt Grants Demand sf Secretary
for Investigation
Joint Committee to Be Appointed Im
mediately After Holidays Party
Leaders Give Consent
Washington, Dec. 21. President Taft
today yielded to tbo demands of both
Secretary Uallinger and bis critics for
a public investigation of the wholo sub
ject matter underlying the to called
llallingcr-Pinebot controversy.
Mr. Itelllngcr thl afternoon served
upon the preddent virtually aa ulti
matum to tbe effect that such aa In
vestigation wa Indeed tbe price of his
remaining in tbe cabinet. He made it
clear tbat he was no longer willing to
sit silent and wait for the thing "to
blow over."
Mr. Taft, it is said, reluctantly ad
mitted the disappointment of hi hope
tbat tbe country at large would accept
at1 final hi own vindication of Mr.
Uallinger in hlr dlimina of charges
brought against tbe secretary of the
interior by L. It. Ulavis, ex-special
agent of the land office, and hla con
clusion tbat the investigation demanded
by Loth sides wa Inevitable.
Mr. Balllnger's attitude has the sup
port of the leading Republicans In con
gress senator and representatives
who feel that, entirely apart from the
merits of the controversy itself, a fes
tering sore of thl character must
poison tbe whole system of the party
la power, and that it is high time tu
resort to the lance.
Tbee leaders, determined that a
cleansing of this wound is necessary,
have not hesitated to go to tbe White
House and impress their view upon Mr.
Taft. Conferences of a confidential
character, in which members of the
cabinet, party leaders in both house
of congress- and the president himself
havo participated, have been held in
the last few days. Tbey culminated to
day, when Mr. liallingvr, Attorney Gen
eral Wiekcrsban and Postmaster Gen
eral Hitchcock met in Mr. Wieker
sham's office and proceeded thence to
the White House, where tbe matter was
laid before the president.
The president was given to under
stand that Mr. Uallinger 'a demand car
ried with It tbe indorsement of both
Mr. Wiekersbam and Mr. Hitchcock. It
is known tonight tbat be ba the V"1
patby also of other members of th cab
inet. Mr. Ilallingcr told tbe president, it is
said, tbat tbe situation bad become- in
tolerable to him, and that, though tbe
constant charges against him hnl come
from irresponsible persons, be wonld not
loner sit supinely by, and. ,n justice to
blmaelf, be felt compelled lo inaiat upo,t
an Investigation.
Oregon, Washington and Idaho Have
Wheat Crops of Enormona Stse.
Washington. Dec. 21. The depart
ment of agriculture today made public
it statistics of the winter and spring
wheat crop of variou states for the
pat year. This report show that 11,
233.000 bnsbrls of winter wheat were
produced in Oregon, an average of 21
bushel to the acre. The total farm
value of tho crop of December 1 was
t0.44fl,000. or P3 cents per bushel. The
apriug wlirat crop of Oregon is givea
at 3,142,000 bushels, or 18.7 bushels to
the acre. Its value December 1 was
J4.7S2.0OO. or 0.1 cent per bushel.
Tho winter wheat crop of Washing
ton was reported as 20,124,000 bushels,
worth $18,713,000. This It a production
of 23.8 bushels per aere, valued at 03
cents per bushel. Washington' spring
wheat crop is 13,030,000 bushel, valued
at 14,360,000, being 20.0 bushels per
acre, and tbe same value as winter
The Idaho winter wheat erop was
0.133,000 bushels, valued at $7,947,000.
The yield was 29 bushels per aere, and
the value as below that of other states,
being only 85 cents per bushel. Spring
wheat In Idaho was reported at 5,330,
000 bushel, which, at 87 cents per
bushel, represents a farm value of !.
ft.17.000. The yield per acre is 26
Wreck of Maine Ouarded.
Havitnn, Dee. 24. Port Captain
Aguirro said tonight thnt tbe report
that the anchor chain of the old battle
ship Maine was Included in the cargo
of so rap Iron in the hold of the Cairn
loch, which arrived n few days otro at
Philadelphia, was absurd. Tho wreck
of the Maine, Captain Agulrro said, wat
carefully guarded to prevent depreda
tions by rcllc-seekcrs.
, Wrights Voted Medals.
Paris, Dee. 21, The Academy of
ecienco announced today mat gom mea
nt for aeronautic achievements would
be awarded to Wilbur and Orville
Wright, Blerlot, Farman, Couut d
Lambert, Latham, Santos Duraoat, D
.la Yaulx, YoUln and Count Zf pella.