The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 12, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 44
Hoard of Trade Wan (ft Uovcni'
mcnt (0 Take Up That Work.
Oregon Delesatlon Ueitiestcd t In
ilucc Reclamation Servlco tit lla-
glti llulMInz Crooked River
Project, Above Prineville.
The Ik ml Hoard of Trade linn
tiikcu steps to do what it can to In
ducc the Reclamation Service to
take up the Crooked River Project
above I'rincvillc. At a special
meeting of the Hoard held last
Saturday, resolutions were adopted
urging the Orcirmi delegation in
congress to do all in their power to
secure the pannage of the act where
!' 530,000,000 will Ik: made avail
able for reclamation work by a U.
S. bond Itiue, and also urging the
delegation to induce the Kcclama
tlon Service to take up the Crooked
Klvcr Project if possible.
Thin action in taken by the Demi
organization under the broad and
liberal policy that development in
any part of Central Oregon will
help us alt and that where one .ac
tion benefits others arc bound to
oectire some advantage also. The
Hoard desires the substantial de
development of all of Interior Ore
gon, nut. would be much pleased
to have the Keclamatioh Service
start on the project on uptcr
Crooked river. This project In
volves the building of a large reser
voir above Prlnevlllc, and the
irrigation of land along Crooked
river valley and also ju the La
mouta and Madras sections.
Another feature of the resold
tlons requests tho Oregou senators
and representatives to secure the
cxtcuMou to Oregon of the "Utah
provision" of the dry-fanning net,
whereby settlement on homesteads
is not required when water for do
mestic purposes is not available.
If this provision Is made for Oregon
also, It might help considerably in
the development of mucji land
hereabouts thnt will be dry farmed
but upon which it N very difficult
to secure water for domestic pur
jK)ci. It would benefit develop
ment on certain portions of the
High Desert, although it is com
nionly reported that water there is
nvaitablc over the greater part of it
nt depths varying from 10 to 30
feet. The resolutions are as fol
lows. Whereat, The stale of Oregon lia not
participated to the extent to which It Is
entitled miller the National Reclamation
Act; nml
Wherrat, The railroad Are now open
ing up Crook county thus nuking tome
of, the latent iirlKattou projects feadble
iiiul ilcilrnlilc, and jiarllcuUriy the no
called Crooked River Project; therefore
Keaolved, That the Ileuil hoard of
Trade hereby requests the incirtlicri of
the Oregon deleuallon In Congress to
support the appropriation for reclama
tion wntk and to urge iqiou the Recla
mation llureau the taking up of the
Crooked Hlver Project, to the end that
this large area of valuable lamW may be
rendered available for settlement at the
eurllcut iotlble tuoiuent. And he it
Resolved, That whereat under provl-
stalls of Sec. 6 of the net of Cougicst
; permitting Aiu-acra hometteadt In the
J setuharld districts (35 Slut. P 640) actual
residence a not required in the state of
Utah on such land w here domestic water
U not available; uud whereas the new
railroad now lrng built are oriilng up
large nreaa of that cUm of land In Cell-
Iral Oregon, wherr the Mine condition
prevail, nml the ilrvelomiirut of thr
country would In- greatly forwarded by
Ihe cxtcnilou of the (ttali proviilona to
(hi stale, wr hereby urge tixn the
iueiuKra of (he Oregon dclruatlou that
(hey uc their lt endrnvur to nectirn
the extension of the tltah provision to
till tlnle alnl, nod that coiile of Hicm
resolutions Ik- tent at once to each of the
Oregon senators mid repreeutatlvr in
The Hoard ulso discusst-d the
qucition of starting some move.
niciU for the extensive advertising
of Hcud. It is believed that the
time is ripe for such work, and
that the advantages nml resources
of this section should be kept be
fore the public by some plan of
judicious advertising. It was sug
gested that the Hoard of Trade
should carry a modest ad. iu one or
more of the city papers, these ads.
to state the genuine resources of
Hcud and also should enumerate
front time to time, and in n suitable
manner, the opportunities for busi
ness enterprises afforded by our
It was finally n greed to leave
this mutter with the Ixmd of di
rectors of the organization with the
understanding that they should
evolve some suitable plan for ad
vertising the town, and report at
the next meeting of the Hoard, to
be held Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 13, at 730 o'clock, in the
office of the First National Hank.
Ice Gorge Dams River and Turns the
Stream Through the Heart of the
Town families Are Driven From
Tliclr Homes.
Silver Lake people who passed
through Hcud report that mi ac
count of nu ice gorge forming, Che
waucan river has cut a new chan
nel through the town of Paisley.
The accumulated ice choked the
river and the diverted waters rushed
down the canyon upon Paisley, in
undating the town. It was thought
nil danger was past as the weather
had begun to moderate and the
high waters of the Chewuucan had
begun to btibide. Hut 12 below
ro wcatiicr the record cold in
thnt section augmented the ice
jam iu the Chcwaticau und deflected
the stream into a course that crossed
the towusitc of Paisley.
Since the unparalleled weather
conditions that have prevailed dur
lug the past few weeks it is the con
census ol opinion that Paisley's
towusitc in dangerously situated.
While the name of Paisley will be
retained, the town will In all prob
ability be moved to n safer site.
Paisley is at the mouth of n can
yon, just where it begins to open
out into the Chewaucutt marsh.
The town is probably not to feet
above high water mark iu the
marsh. The main street across the
bridge is not n half mile long be
tween blu lis, In this narrow space
are three river chknuels,
The high witter lorced the people
to leave their homes. Some of
them, before leaving, propped pia
nos and other furniture up on saw
horses. Others were able to store
things iu the second story. Klght
families thus far hnve been forced
to vacate. Some before deserting
their homes calked the doom in
hopes of keeping the water out.
If a sudden thaw should come
with the channel of the stream
choaked with ice, buildings In
Paisley would be swept awuy with
the flood. Merchants and house
holders have their all at stukc.
Tux Levy for Current Year Is
Placed at 15 1-2 Mills.
Madras Submits Petition for Incorpor
ation as City and Ulectlon Is Set
for January 31 Three Town
site Hats Approved.
At the January session of the
county court, the tax levy for the
current year whs apportioned as
follows, a comparison being given
with the levy for the year 1908:
1009 IfA
I.evy l.cvy
In Mill in Mill
General County & Slate.. 9 9 a-io
School i &
General Road (except
Prinev I el a 3-10
High School (except Dis
trict No. II) lU
Library o i-jo
a i-jfj
Total levy liX i$K
The county roud fund, general
school fund, county high school
fund, nud library funds each have
small balances on hand.
The general county fund Is in
good condition considering the fact
Town Booming
IV. -Rah! Rah! Rah!
Two Americana meeting is En
rope, one of them said, "I am from
Jones' Siding1."
"And I," said the ether, throwing
out hit cheit, "am from Chicago."
"Secmi to me I've heard of that
I lace. About how far is it from
onet' Siding."
The Jonei' Siding: aptrit 1 the
kind that helps a town. This mu
eoniidered hi own home THE FIN
there are many more there like him
Jones' Siding: will tome day be
crowding: other places off tho map.
He was the kind of maa who
tpendt his money at home, who pat home industries, talks np his
home town and helps to build it up.
Tho mail order houses couldn't do
buitncH with him unless they were
located in hit own town, for he
knows that, as far as he was con
cerned, Jones' Siding was the center
of the earth.
Think it over and tee if wo can't
work up some of that Joaet' Siding:
spirit right litre I
lex us ukt tuukthek and
Every letter that is posted here
should be an advertisement for the
town, even the love letters, for we
want the right kind of people to
come here and settle.
Let's advertise ovrselves, our home
industries and onv treed nretBeeta
that the new court bouse is entirely
paid for.
However, the general running
expenses of the county and the fall
payment of the state tax (about have necessitated register
ing warrants to the nmotint ol
about 513,000, Scalp bounty war
rants to the amount of about $900
have nlso been registered. The
payment for the furniture and vault
fixtures amounting to about $4300
comes due In 1910. Crook county's
proportion of the state tax this year
Is 517,454. at. The following sum
mary shows the amount that must
be raised for the general fund:
State Tax ,I7.4S4 34
Registered Warrant. 13,00000
KegUterrd Warrant, Scalp
llotinty yx 00
furniture and Pixturct 4,300 00
tutu 34
It ii assumed that taxes will be
actually collected on about $7,400,.
000 and at 9 mills this will amount
to $66,600, thus leaving about
?3i945'66 for salaries, supplies,
paupers, expenses of elections, two
terms 01 the circuit court, current
expenses, etc.
Other business transacted by the
court was as follows;
Petition for the Incorporation of
Madras approved. Election set for
January 31, 1910, at which voters
can vote for or against incorporat
ing and also vote for mayor, re
corder, treasurer, marshal and six
Plat of sub-division of certain
parts of Palmain (Madras) ap
proved. Plat of Madras approved.
Plat of Fairvlew, being an addi
tion to Madras, approved.
Plat of Kenwood, just across the
river from Bend, approved.
Couuty road established from
Redmond to Cline Fallss
Ctcrk instructed to adv'crtise un
til March 1 for bids for 130 cords
of juniper wood, to be delivered In
Priucvillc before September i, 1910,
Married, at the home of Mrs.
Pctra Hasselberg Wednesday after
noon, January 5, Miss Olga to
Prank V. Swisher. The members
of the family present were the
Misses Thorn and Lottie Hassel
berg, Master McKiiiley Hasselberg
and little Dertha. The father, Mr.
John Hasselberg, and his son Her
gcr are in Washington and could
not be present except by their good
wishes aud concratulutions. The
wedding was private and was fol
lowed by a most excellent dinner
prepared by the mother and prom
ised bride.
Rev. J. Anthony Mitchell, pastor
of the Presbyterian chtirch at Bend,
pronounced the young people hus
band aud wife. Mr, and Mrs.
Swisher will be at hone on their
ranch 4 miles west 'of Laidlaw
after Jauuary 10. The Bulletin
extends best wishes and congratu
lations to this excellent young
couple. '
The bulletin would again urge upon Beud people
lite abvisability of sending to their frieuds copies of the
New Years edition of the Orcgonian. That number con
tains exceptionally good advertising for Rend and all this
section, and it shquld be sent broadcast over the Land.
Copies may be secured at
The First National Rank
.The Rend News Stand
' The
The Bulletin Office.
So Says . Writer In New Years
Number of the Orcgofllan.
In a nighty Complimentary MeaUan,
He Pictures the UihmimI Ativan
tajres of Bend, and Expect to
See a rlctropelkt Here.
Speaking of the towns of Central
Oregon the New Years edition oi
the Orcgonian says:
"The story of the man who once
let slip by an opportunity to pur
chase for a song the lot on which
now stands a towering office build
ing will undoubtedly be repeated
again and again in Central Oregon,
some day, to the generation now
growing to manhood.
"It Is inevitable that in the
awakening of an undeveloped coun
try of the magnitude and resources
of Interior Oregon several sub
stantial cities will grow from what
are now country villages. Perhaps
one will be another Spokane sev
eral ersbryotic cities in Oregon's
Inland Empire are already claim
ing the title and if any man lives
who can point an unerring finger
toward the city that is to be, a
boundless fortune awaits bits.
More probable is it, however, that
Instead of one great distributive
point and several minor ones, there
will be in Oregon a half dozen sub
stantial cities perhaps a dozen.
"In strictly Central Oregon there
are now four towns that will receive
early railway service, each of which
is a substantial city ' of promise.
These towns are Madras, Redmond,
Bend aud Prineville, the largest of
which now bos a population of
but 1500."
Following along the route the
railroads will take, the writer Erst
discusses Madras and Redmond
aud then makes the following high
ly complimentary remarks regard
ing Bend:
"For miles, as he journeys south
ward, the traveler can see in the
dbtauce a cone-shaped bill rising
out of the plain and which bos been
known since early days as Pilot
Du'te. Pilot Butte now is a land
mark that rises over the thriving
town of Beud. Bend reached, the
traveler is iu the edge of the pise
timber. Unlike the timbered coun
try of Western Oregon, the prae
belt is free from underbrush, aud
Beud, located iu the edge of the
forest, is in n natural park. The
Deschutes roars through its there
shallow cayon on the edge of the
town, and along its bask property
owners have built a tow of pretty
cottages and have had foresight
enough to leave a few of the tall
pines to beautify their lawns.
"Timber is counted on to make
Bend a large city. It Is estimated
by timber owners that 18,000,000,-
000 fett of timber can be brought
to Bend on downhill grades, about
half of which Is now in private
holding. South of the tewa a short
distance the Deschutes forsH a
natural millpoud. As iacxpeasive
dam will increase the area of this
pond to 145 acres and give pond
room for fire mills cutting 1,000,-
000 feet of lumber daily. la the
immediate vicinity of BeBd the
Deschutes river will provide 350,-
000 horsepower. On the edge of
the town the Pilot Butte Develop
ment Company has well under way
a power dam wnica will provide a
head far generating 1700 horse
power and which can be .increased
to 3500 horsepower. BeBd will be
getting electric current for lights
and power from this plant aext
spring, and then it is the ptas of
the company to extend trans saawioa
lines to Prineville aad other Kwm.
"A sawmill having a daily capac
ity of 30,000 feet is now ia oper
ation by the same company and the
two projects give employment to 55
men. Bend is also the headquar
ters for the Deschutes Irrigation &
Power Co. For its age Bend is a
lusty youngster. In 1901 the town
had three houses, and school held
ia a log cabin was attended by four
pupils. Today the towa has a
population of 850, two good hotels,
a bank with $100,000 la deposits, a
scboolboase that coat $7,300 and ia
which 250 pupils are now receiving
their early education, a public li
brary, Board of Trade, good stores,
charches and handsome hosaes.
There is a sasall real estate boom
on. Business, lots, similar to loose
that may be purchased ia Madras
for $500 and ia Redmoad for $200,
are selling ia Bead for $3,000. Lots
have beta platted far into the tim
ber and are selling at $150.
"A boom ia Beud is sot without
reason, for the town Is In a strategic
location for becoming a railway and
manufacturing center. On the
west side of the Deschutes is a large
area of country cat off from a rail
road outlet eas-t or aorta by the
bluffs overlooking the Deschates
and Columbia, rivers aad barred oa
the west by the Cascade meuataias.
Rend is practically at the bead of
the Deschutes caayoa aad the trade
of the west slope of the Cascades
north of Bend is likely to go south
ward to Bead ifgovereaed by steam
or electric railway transportation.
To the east are the 'High Plains,'
a vast uadevelopcd agricultural
country, aad for a branch or cross-
state liae tapping the High Plains,
Bead k ft natural diverging point.
Exteasioas on southward open
other rich countries aad if Bend
oace secures a hold ea the trade
that will drain its way its future is
Bill latredttcc-i ferOT.L Bridge
Congressman Bills has intro
duced a bill in congress which will
grant permlssioa to the Oregon
Trunk Line to bridge the Columbia
river at Celilo. Joha K. Stevens,
president of the road, is very anx
ious to have the hill pass as his
t company is ready to begin coa-s-uctkm
011 the bridge, which, it
Is reported, win require two years
to c omplete.
If you wish to have year ex
press aud light ireieut come in
a loo g vulva your icuers iw unuy
miMri bave it come iu oa the mail
liae,- n. Cornktt Stack &
STAflUt Cp. 3jtf