Rheumatism inllnmea llu Joints, tlirin HieTmieoIre, mill In torn ruses, If iifltolri), tallies stif fcrlliK tliMt urn nlmot tuif nililmlilf, Tliutlsetitl (if nrt( fill (tropin Imvo trtl flnl Dial limy have Iwcn radically ami jier insnetitly ciireil of Dili I'ttlnfiil disrate ly ttar great ronatltlllloiisl remrily 1 Hood's Sarsaparill xlilch ntuttslUea Hi nrlil In llm IiIckhI on which tli" disease ilrppnili anil eiivels II. In tiaual llriilil form or In choroUliMt lah It U known as Hsrrnlnlw, 100 tlosits $1, lleerrf helnilnsr imec-eee. Tou have tli ' 'U fare In your lawn now, have you! How does It workT" "Too well. There's only about on person In lulf dnten that can gat a mil In III itrttt care now," DeonciiialTjrociies Instantly ihf Bare Tftnul. llearMnos and papbf. UmkiM l" cliailng the . AWe- IkiUlf lnt Iran afUle ar enrlMog harmful. 'H. 34 (titu, to cants and 11.04 pw Us. ample etnl en rpt. JOHN I. IlKOWM (i SON. sWen, Mm TAKE A DOSE OF ifi PI sos CURE tit im wmi ro (jicmbj. li will Uateatlr reliere that lectio cougk I TeVea raoraialrU will oftra pretrnl Minnie, uioexnan eau iwww iiawa ms lus troubles. Gusisalead sals eal Tart palatable, AU DraeeUU, IS eeote. mwwmmMmmwwn mnummm A nilil Mama. An Mfttmmn iiisii (ells of an old n grn In Dlrmliigham who became po leased of a seedy nnil forlorn-looklni dog, to which ho promptly ".(signed the nsm "Moreover," Th itory It printed In Harper's Weekly. "Jefferson," lie was netted, "how did you hit upon such a nam as 'Mors over for tli dogt" "1 nit It outen il Dibit," h replied "Th UlbltiT" "Bure, sen. Dean' yo' 'membei whsr It cay, 'When Icterus lay at d rich mnn s gate, MorrorcrMd doc Com sn' lick hi soresT'" Stop guessing! Try tha best ana mot certain remedy for nil painful all menu Ilamllni Wizard Oil. The way It relieve all soreness from sprains, cut, wound, burn, icatdi, etc., li wonderful. Jpnlllng! I lie Snorr, Rhowtnan I don't know n we ran give any kind of n (how thl after noon. Aanlitnnt What' the mattrrT HhowiiiHn--That fresh kld' been Ik Ihe cage of the man ruling llon'hav lnic a romp, and th critter I a play ful a kitten, the farmer wo rented the ancred cow from India from tayi th money ain't payln' him for th to of hi milk route, and the wild man of Horneo y h' sot to hurt a day off to register and e th police parade,-llaltlmore American. Their First Kueotinler, Mr. I'ackantrr and Mr. Turveydroi had lnt for tha Oral lima. Tou look Ilka a person of aomi consequence, lr,M pnk Mr. Turvay. drop, "but your Deportment I rial null up to the correct standard," "Mr," quoth Mr Pecksniff, aurveylm htm with lofty corn, "I cannot forget that you probably have an Immnrta) Houl, but you look Ilka an InerfabU Aaa." Chlcaco Trlluina. HKI TMC STEADY WHITE UCMT a& Th RAYO. LAMP la tl(li irmja Itanp toM al a low nlea. That art Uin lhal oat mnrt tmi ihrta la no Uttr lamp al aor 1r. Tha Huroar, tha nick. Iha Miantr llokirr all ara Thai lhln In a lampt Ibna mria ol lha KAYO LAMP ara imtttUj mnnruti4 and Ihrra la nomine known In lha art ol UmtvmaUn ilitl rmild A lo tha taluaollhRAYOaall(bVfJrTncdTlr. Bullal.la for ny mom to lha hoiua Yntr Jlrr arrj"hi. If ftol al our. Mla lor dKilpUt circular la lh orarral icaucjr ol tha Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) m.Tir:o E3cXtU5fcWh.-E feIOcfTtl Thc LnorT MANurCTuntnor Mcn' Pihc Hoca in thc would Waar W, U Douala comfonabla, anayMBlkln ahoaa. Thar nra mnda upon honor, of lha laat laath ar,lr ina moat akltlad workman, Inallla Intaal fnahlona, Bhoatln atanr aiyla and ahap to ult man In all wolka of Ilia. If I could nka tou Into mj lata Inctorlaa nl Drockion, Maaa., and ahow ou how caralullr VV, L. Douk la ahoaa nra mada, tou would than understand whr lhar hold Ihalrahopa, III lialiar.waar lonar and ara ol araatar value than nn othr mnka, iiAimiiNIWMilhatr KItoailu " r:." . ...- naina n.l Ilia raiau rira a niiu vu Ihalwlton. TaVa MoNuballlnla. o 0HHH T mm W tt UifUlI'luiFIA'filtAW -r'i-i!i.irirw't-i-i.ifiinuix.iit Prom Arctic to Tropics u ' HBBaBHeBBfr naV BiBBe in Ten Minutes No oil heater hot a higher efficien. cy or greater heating power than the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equtppad with Smobalaai Device) With it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth off the Tropic in 10 minute. The new Automatic Smokeless Device revent tmoking. Removed in an natant (or cleaning. Ids 4 quarts of oil su (Melon t to utvo out a Blowing heat wick carriers dampor top cool haiullo oil Indicator, finished in nickel or Japan In n vnrloty of stylos. Solid brass font hold for v hours solid brass ' Heater beautifully Kvary Daalar, Evarywhar. If Not At Your. Write tot Daacripllv ClrouUr la lha Naaraat Agancy of th STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) tf rw, !s& -: m '9 nj? rm1 w lllsl W' W'l)sl UHIHIMI l ' .ibl v k. .ain. j Mmm. apk' 'a? m nsh a I M-EI-S-I-HAl-ll 1 1 EM Insomnia "I have been ualiijr Caacarets for ln omnia, with which I havetxen mTJIctcd for twenty year, and I can aajr that Co caret have given me more relief than an otlirr remedy I have ever tried. I aluill certainly recommend them to my friends as being all that they are repreaentcd." Tlioa, Glllard, Jlln, III, flaaiaal. PatataM. I'otant. Taal Oood. a flood NavarNkkan.WaakaBnrlJrlpa. Ko.Uc.SOe. Navaeaoldlabulk. Tkaawa alnaUMalalanipadCCC UaaraaUad la aura or your mooay baak. M4 UpiHirlHBllr, Th two ant nn th park bench, look In at the moonbeam dancing- over th lak. "Juat one, Dorlal" he pleaded. M'HhtM alia whlapered. "I feel a f some other man were walchlriK ulH Juat then tha moon ccotmnodntlng ly went bahlnd a cloud and tha man 'n It dlanpprared. Hard la I'lara lllmaatr. Tniased lo that beautiful sir), and yt not happy?" "Well, aha'a (one In by lurne for rowing and tennl and horia and golf and dog," Hay on." "Homallma t wonder If I am a ewaelhearl or merely a fad." kouta villa CourlerJournal. Too llMralt. "Wretched woman I you took ad vanlage of my hotpltallty to steal my hutband" "I'Ardon rne, but I It exactly steal Ins; where a Riirit, winning a souvenir of an axreeable visit, carries away with her some trifling, thine which her hoiteaa iclve every token of car ln little forT'-.Vew York Life. A CoBllmloua I'arfurmaar. Anxious Wife John, I will have to have some new clothe thl fall, KconomleAl lluiband Good heav em, Kllia, how lone I thl thins to so on? That' juat what you a aid lait fall -Ualtlmnre American. Hmprror I'ranrla Joaeph of Aliatrla iwlcr a week liolila an audience, when I la acreaalble lo ihe rlchrat and ppnrrat of bla aiibl-ia The Etjcceptional Equipment of the California Fig cynip Co. and the scientific attainment of Its chemiit have rendered poulblc the production of Syrup of 1p and nixir of Senna, In all of lU excellence, by obtaining the pure medic (nal principle of plant known to act moat beneficially and combining them moat klllfully, In the right proportion!, with It wholeaome and rtfrtahlng SjTup of California, Flga. A there I only one genuine Sjrrup ol Fig and Elixir of Senna and a ttte gen uine Is manufactured by an original method known to the California Fig Syrup Co only, it I always neeeatary to buy tho genuine to get It beneficial effect. A knowledge of tbe above fact enable one to decline imitation or to return them if, upon viewing the package, thc full name of the&lifornLvFfgSyrupCo. knot found printed on the front thereof MORPHINE MHri VSaal ? laaa H iiMk Uula IM WfcfIJf ,. humw, MrU. t,aMM. owif r4t WI frvit' ani, h lMr Mmli4 la 4m, Ml b4Ml Ml W Um, aftbrto diUrtl tal ! .iit. Hl kM ttmt I fr, ,!. II U t jm, U II a IfM llL Xe ai fta k Uaatoa U.4I,U Cm. 114 lall. Iilsa, it'TmtliJ Italic Ihe dough and compile with all puna food law. Irr'Xjar OIM CKESCENT Mra. CO. Makers of MAKXINI I belter Hum Maple). Painless gaLLBL' 1 BKaLHsK4 sH Bkvv' sHsW ."-.iWai Dentistry &r: H. W. a. m, tmmn m Hum li lux hiimmiu Hinua Oat at ta,rpla laair auia iwoti nu eaa Sal llltlaa r4 li tan ar 'l1 artaalw 3,5 MtUr Cra 6.0 CVBiWnTMtkJ.G curutMi 1.0 r.,a.i run,,. 1.0 8llir finian .60 taUy nitug 2,50 Saalltiitir ... rtii.i 6,80 ku ruia. 7.60 ralaUia ItriUa .66 k ouahantskd ran is vbans ia ra ttBHFmnuTV'wi k fullvauar w Ilia auBliiiaaal. llt tualkcKla, ha all talloa rna, f ? aaaaol al ballaa iiaau aualiina Wise Dental Co. ISXSlviXFi" POHTUAND. ORESON series iovxii s A. u. t s r. at. , I m v Tha Nnlnrnl r.nn. Tlie "actors" that Lionel knows moet bout are the sort that do lofty feats In the circus. He hn a proper appre ciation of tho danger of their calling; and the means adopted 'or their safirty. Hecnntly, declares a writer In the Iluffalo Kxpreaa, he heard hi fath er mention the name of Blr Henry Irving. "Who Is fllr Henry Irving, father?" asked Lionel, "lie wan a great actor," said the father. "What show Is he with?" "He Isn't with any show now. He's de4." "What happened? Did he mles the netr Tli a Cliuaja. Mr. Chugwater Joalah, tht paper talk about "peanut politics." What I peanut politic? I Mr. Chugwater It' the kind they ue In a goobernutorlal campaign. Think you understand It now 7 Chica go Tribune .Vol Knouajlt lony In II. Mia Cheatham I believe 1 ihall have to give up bridge. Mia Frank Really? Wasn't Ihe game worth the candal? London News. , SOKE EYES, weak, Inflamed. rcl, watery and swollen eyes, use I'CTT IT'S EYE SALVE. All dnifgisU or Howard Uro., HulTalo, N.Y. aiDair, The old gentleman went Into the parlor the other night at tbe witching bour of 10:30 and found the lights put snd his daughter and a dear friend enjoying a tete-a-tete In a cor oer by tbe window. "Erangellne," said, the old man, iternly, "this Is scandalous." "Yes, papa," she answered, sweetly. "It Is eandleless because times are bard. Lights cost o much Ferdinand tnd I said we would get along with tho starlight" And papn turned about In speech less amazement and tried to walk out ef tho room through a panel In the wall paper Beclpo for Catarrh. The only logical treatment for ea rtarrh U through the blood. A prescrip tion, which baa recently proved wonder fully effective In boipltal work Is the following. It is easily mixed: "One ounce compound syrup of Bar sparillsi ono ounce Tori compound; half Dint first elais whisker." There lo be mixed by shaking welt in a bottla, snil used in tablespoon uoses uciore aeh meal ami at bedtime. Tbe Incredi ants can b gotten from any well locked druggist, or he will get them from bl wholesale bouse. Ckaaalaar (he t-abal. "Marie, who la Ihe oung equlrt that omea here about alx nights tn the week lo eee HeaaleT "You'd better apeak a tittle more re spectfully, John, of th young man who la likely to be your aon-ln-Uw." "All right. Marts; what'a the adven ture r" a name?" Irtiai 1-robabla. They were looking at that celebrat ed atatue. the Yenu of Mlh "Hut where are th hand?" aiked Mr, Pneurttch. "They were laid off. madam." ex plained the polite attendant. ''In conse quence of a dlaaatrou break In uuxbl stock. Ta Ureal In New Shea. Alwsya shake in Allcn'f l'oot-Eae, apowdtr. It rurvahot, awtatlng, arhlng. awollcn Icu furaa rtirnt, Ingrutrlng nalla and bunlona. At ill itrngc lila and alio aterra.g. Innl arrepl inyauUtltule. Fampie inallt! l(l:. Addrcas auan b.uimiti, iiOKor,n. . Slnrtasary. The dead past wa burying Its dtad. "It's a perfectly absurd perform ance," grumbled th d. p. "I'm only doing thl because Mr. Longfellow tell me to do It." Hack of this seeming reluctance, however, there may have been a con viction that mankind would not begin to act In the living present until the funeral wa over. The long tall of the Shah of Par atu'a horse are dyed crimson for alx Inchea at their tips a Jealousy guard ed privilege of the ruler and hie ions. Preparing lor an Operation. Doctor Your cat I a very erlou on, sir, and I think a consultation had batter be held. Patient Very well, doctor, have as many accomplices as you like. St. Louis Times. Not I'rvparvd fur That. Dlnguss Bhndbolt, how much do I owe you? Hhnduolt (gasping) Water! Water! Quick, somebody, for heaven's sake I Chicago Tribune. Not 1'arllouUrly Avrad. Mrs. Lakeshore I forget faces quit readily. Have you ever worked for m before? New Cook So do I, mum. I don't reely remember whether I ever did or not Chicago Tribune, llandlusr Up for Ilia Native Land, Teacher Tony, why does the Hud son lllvar bear that nam? Bmall Boy Maka de eaaler name for speak dan Verraxano, We Will Pay as Follows: Prraaarl lloea , ,,..90 IraM. Vaal. op to t II 10c Lire Chltfctna. nana and springe., . 140 l;ruyl Chick ma, hens and sprlnre . . ..IS to 103 Iraaa Rama IStOlOO Vtfmtl lurka . 1 to 20O DrfMl Turkrya 20 to 22IVC All pruluce muat be r'l, fat quality. Wa da not charge commkukm on anything, Addrtaa PRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. "risMlog Ihe Deal Truer" Portland, Oregon. MontRN ' cxrtnr DENTISTRY Al Prkes lhal Defy Campetlllon Iff III WllllOtr HtATtS ASPfCUlTV TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING will give you full value for every dollar spent and keep you dry In the wettest weather. SUITS 322 SLICKERS 322 POMMEL 5UC! 3fi S6B CVTHYWNCte CATAlOOfltU AJ.TOWER CO. BO4T0M TOWCRCAHADIAM CaUMtTTO ToscairaCAM. -cmry WHS KESSjrTaaFl I "VU 1 V w ..?-o ,,ss. M 10.O rAIHI.nui EXTKACTlOM , i-j'800 nii.vr.it KII.I.INGO .. OOcup COUJ ntXIHGH , ilJOO Up BK (KII.I) CHOWN , IS.OO VAH)V HUHIir.R TUKTR ....... thk nmr ruiiiikk i-i.atm WIIALF.IIONK H.ATffl Out-or-tmra petlnt can obtain perract werkt and sate money by calling at our eclkea. HOSTUDKNrS NO OA MO COCA1HB All work goeranttad tor ln year CIHCAGO PAINLESS DtMISTS 32IH WMifta SC Car. SJt CaUUUhad U yrara. Ilara to stay. r HU A LEADER WATER SYSTEM !N YOUR HOME e.'rana an unfailing aratar supply. It treene that you will hare the ml prmctl cal Donifatle water au-pty ayatam now In uaa. Noalaratad tank, no frotan pipes tn wlntar. no atarnant water In eummar. no water aupply troubles of any aorL Tank placed In laarmanL out of sight and way, made of priaard ataaL wtU not mat and will lait a hf ttlma You will U plaaaail with the IXADCR ayatam of furnUhlrg Uomeatle Water fiarr'r. Atk for our raUloeroa and f ra 1-ookUt. "How I Solved Uy Water evpply rroblam." LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. Sherman, Clay & Co. Oepetjfe Poitowkc, Pertlui OfCfM Portraits of Musical Celebrities FREE A beautiful booklet, containing 76 splendid photogravures of tho world's most celebrated musi cians will be mailed free upon re quest, providing the following questions are answered: 1. Have you a Piano? 2. Do you expect to buy a Piano? 3. When do you axpect to buy? A. Do you know of anyone who ts going lo buy? Name , Adore Mention this paper. iiMHa.ar r ruv No. SO-C9 w 1IKTC wiitlnr tovWrUlrplMa luvnilna l bit papr C. Gee Wo Tbe CMhsc latter This wondefal nan has made a Ufa atudy of the rropartiae of Rocta. lerbe and Barks, and la glrtng tha world the Leneflt of ale aanrlcaa. N Mcrcory. Foesena or Drags Used. No Opcratloaa ar CnHlng Goarmnteas to rare Catarrh. Asthma. Lung, ntonuca and Kldary troubln.aJdall Prirate Dtaaaara of K aaadWomen. A SURt CANCXK CURT Joat racrlrei from Pckln. CLjna safe, w and reliable. Unfailing la Its worka. I f you cannot call, write for eymptom bleak and circular. Inctoao 4 cents In aumpa. CONSULTATION rietC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Ce. 1 62H riret St cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. FREE! HARP-GUITAR! FREE! A new ad wo&derful muateal Instrument, which ia a rombtnatlon of the rrand lulian harp and guitar. It has a Ucullful tone and U Kiatllvvly the raaWal atrumrnt to play ever made. We teach you at youro?- hiwne. Aaan adrertiaernnt we an COINC TO CITE AWAY one of our lltfO Itarr CulUra to each of the flrat ten narauna In each county who eend ua their name, addreaa and whom tha harp la for. Sit down IUGI1T NOW and drop us a card and he one of the lucky few HARP-GUITAR MfC CO.. 428 lumber fachange Building. Portland. Ore. Ki OaarBBtecd sjadcr all Pure Pood Lawn Improve Your Baking K C Baldngf Powder will do It! Get a can. Try it far your favorite cake. If it doesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, if it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. .OUNCES, BAKING POWDER .VU iuar.vl -6Z??Zjt . r " Pure, Wholesome, Economical. 'jae.ues Mfg. C. Cbicago PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color mora goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. Cm lOo package colon silk, wool and cotton equally we d is guarantaed to aTyaparlept results. As tfair, or W Will sad postpaid at lOo a package. vrK ay tree keeslrt how aye,Waehaadsnlx colors, WONROI DXUQ CO WAItY, Qulacy, niiswl.