S f " v 9 "" n I - rW n II M i A CHRISTMAS LEOE.VD. A soldier In a seurlet epat. One winter Ions ago, t Went out and met a pretty maid In woodlands white with snowj She stood teneath nn ancient oak; Her name was Mistletoe. 7Ier cheek -and lips were- glowing red. Mice popple In the wheat: Jler lock were t tried with milky ' pearl. .Tiler eyes were blue and sweet: 3Ie looked and lurvd and, kneeling JII saber at her feet. Prom iojf rej-loris df-thf I'ela The norther blew all night. And nunc the hrancTies of the pli With tinkling frliiHes bright. And made beneath the aged tuk A frozen mound of white. Hut when the panes are thick with ? frost And nights are bitter ehlll. And alienee, In a cryalat at. f Ilaa eased the' silver rill. The pair of faithful lorrs haunt Tit ulntr wwdkjnd UL "When with the burden of It ytars The oak la beirillnr w. Th soldler-bollr. stiff and straight. (Stands bravely In the Know, Ita slender iwlwr still unsheuthed To guard the mistletoe Minna Irving in the Criterion. Itt6tgur2$&i , The Runaway 5 Christmas Tree Jf All the little Or tre In the forest were very mueh excited "To-morrow e shall be cut down." they cried, "and then we alia 1 1 be car rled to the big city" Now. none of the little fir tree knew what the city was like, but they murmured and rustled and whispered of tho wonderful things that they should see. ( Tiut there was one little tree that kel: "Do we all gor 5 "Vos," ald the other trees: "to inorrow wo start on our travels." Then the little tree sighed, and jahj: "'flut I Hii promised to the children of the lumberman." ' ? "The lumberman Is poor." said a big oak, "and these are hard times. This year they must go without a tree" t The next morning; ery early, the -children came trudging through the enow and stood under the branches of lltUe flr. "This Is our tree." said one of Uiem proudly "On Christmas It nil! be lighted with candle, with an angel on the toimot bough " "Such a iloar little tree." said an other; "how we shall love It" ffTrafJ.rllftrtri h:' n' D V 4Bfc ' ' 91. x Jav "Hint a pkab iiTTLe thh: And the little tree trembled as It heard tbem, but the children though' that It was the wind that shook It Then they went away, and later NEAMNG ilL&rr' came men with axe and cut down all the young tree and laid them on a great sled to be carried away And In the evening, when the (tin made a red path of light on the mow, the children en me again, and when they saw that tree had bcon cut down they cried: "Where li our own little treer And the little tree that lay on the top of the aled answered loud ly: "Here I ant. here I am," but the children did not understand, they rub bed their eye with their rough red hands and sobbed. Whit'i the matterr asked their father, as he came tramping through the wood. "Oh, our little tree, our own little tree," nailed the children "It Is cut down and piled with tho other trees that are to bo sent to the city." "We aro too poor to have a tree this year," said the tired man, sadly, and the children went away mourning. And the sun went down and the moon came up, and allowed the dark forest and nil the Utile fir trees lying on tho great aled.jind presently the animals of the forest began to creep. creep among the new white stumps. "So you are going to the city," said the white-tailed deer, nibbling the niftiH beneath the snow "Yes," whispered all the little trees. THIN ICE, excivMiy. nut trio mtle nr orlodl 1 dont want to go." "Why notT" asked tho whlto-Ultal deer, mid tho little tlr told of the rhlt droit. And tho dror dime donor, and for a long time tho twn whlspored togvlltar, nnd presently A Idg Krity rubhll Jolntxl thwii, nnd a will to owl ttow tlmvn and mldd wIik) counsol, nnd nftor n while tho door nnd tho rabbit nd the owl wiMit away, nud tho llttlo tree Iny ory, very Htlll tiuUI midnight. Then wiirn nil Iho other treet slept It rolled from tho sled Into tho snow, ntnl tho wind, which blow through tho forest naked. "Wlmt are )ou trying (0 do, llttlo truo?" Ami the ilttlo tree saldi "lli'lp mo to stand.' Ho tho wind blew under It until It u upright on Its stem, nnd then tlm little tree went hoilly-JHp. hoplty'hop. until mine to n K)ielteiHl vnlley. nnd there It Iny down and went to slreii. It Iny there sleeping and waking In tho sunshine until Iho men ratuo nnd rnrrlol off tho sled full of young trees, but no one notlred that the little fir was gone. And the night before Christmas the wind blew and blew agiiln until the llttlo fir tree stood upright on Its stem, ami the little fir went hoplty-hop, hop ltyhop until It emtio to the borne where tho ohlldren lived Then out from the forest came, tho white-tailed deer nnd tho big rabbit, and the llttlo white owl, and the deer punned softly against the door of the cottage, mid the owl peeked nt the lock, and tho rabbit humiied nnd hit with hU hind feet until the door was opened. Ami then the little flr tree botit Its head and went In and ntond In the corner of the room, and the threo wild things of the forest went oftly from room to room, and came back with things to hang on the tree, And last, of nil the llttlo gray owl flew to the topmost branch and hung there the pink wax nngel with golden wings 'They are good children.' said the llttlo white owl, m he flew down again "When the winter Is cold, they hang ivraiM of meat for me on the trees" "And they put carrots In Iho path " anid the rabbit, "and rabbago. so that I may not go hungry." "And behind tho bun they drop armfuls of weel. Juicy hay." said the ' deer, "that 1 may come In the night nnd feM" And Hie little flr tree raid: 'They are good children, and I would rather bo here than In the big, big city And then It whispered. "Oood-nlght." and the wild things went away. And lit the morning when the chil dren came, they cried. "Oh. father, father, look at the beautiful tree!" And the lumberman came In and cried In nstonlshment. "Who brought It herer And the little' flr tree whisper ed and anng: "I ran away from the forest. I ran away." Hut they could not understand, and so (hey stared and wondered, and at last the lumberman said, "It U too lute to curry It now to Iho rlty. so It can stay" And at that the children cried. "A Merry Christmas to all'" And the flr tree whispered happily, "A Merry Christinas!" And out In the' forest the owl and the rabbit and the I whlte-tnllrd deer wished eaeh other "A Merry Christmas!' as they hur j rled away through the snow. Hvenlng Wisconsin. Prlrr NluyrMNl'a ,Ner 'ear's, Tho eustcn of celebrating No Year's Day In our own country Is largely due to the Dutch. Old I'eter Ktuyesant mndo much of the day, and cheery assemblage were held at the governor's homo In New Amsterdam Tho Dutch method of kissing the wom en for "a happy new year" was ob served and toll taken of all who wore young and hundsome. In fact, during tho reign of I'oter Htuyvent New Amsterdam was tho most thoroughly bekliued country In all Christendom nnd formed u marked contrast to tho staid Puritans, who thought the ob servance of this day savored strongly of reverence for tho god Janus nnd who made no note of their first New Year's Day In the now wo Id save to record, "We went to work b-tlm.." New York Kvcnlng Toil. A .rr Vrnr'n Wlsli, God keep thee, ilwir. through all thv years. , Through nil the Joys, tl('urrow. tears Of life lis oiiiinoniiluPCK, ton. Ood keep lime sweet, (tin hruve. anij true Amid thu iloubta nnd fcnra that rlss In every life thu mysteries, Things tluil are Imrd to uudvrstand, The movings of a mysllo hand, Ood keep thy reason sound nnd sure, Thy mind ntort, thy heart still pure, Ood keep thee always this 'I pray l'or thee, upon this Now Year's Duy. II. McM, lli II. In tlio llitrb. "Well, havo you bought your wife Clirlstinnu present yet?" "I dunno. Hlie has nil our Christ man stuff locked up In one of the clos ets, whore 1 can't get nt It." ll lloiiey llriiuulil lliiiiliira, If money only brought hupplnoss, there would ho llttlo Christmas cheer In a majority of homes. FREE I HARP - A n il wwvlHfiil niHlcl huimniMil whlfh Us etMiiWiwIw nt lh stmxl llsl'sii hntlmtulir ll h RliraulKul Ki ml w iiiillr U' , '! lntltuiniltnUrrr iwmI Welmrhnmst ywiriiwnlinmc An a.lvxlrtwuimt M COISC TO f,IU AWAT Mintmir 119 W Unfit "m" J'. J.'. In "h n urns wh.. ..1 u. Sn HI(IIITNWsnillM us srMi.l I IIAHP'tillllAK Mftl. t Ilmr lie tenl An, I t vim really IIM-U(leil (tint awful mountain wh) dlil yun Iwve vlslblo trnceT' "Tho footprint left by the n.tral body Is not n tangible thing," lespund ed tho explorer with n dignity slinoJt frlgld.1'hlliulelithln llner. The .iiriltiin. "I timlnrstnud Mint she Is ispnrAled from her husband" "Ves." "Oh. tell ins all about It. What did sho do?" "Nothing He died." If Vou llavs Common Socs t. If lines blur or run tPireUier, vou nce.JlU; ,, w(mt m,m ,r rrTTTIT'S KYK MAl.vr., Sic All dnwlsts or llowani uros., iiuuwio, ....... .. '--- .. il. la A Mmlrrn lHliare, Ths mlshiy Cssey liml strtick out "I had lo do It or spoil ths poem." bs etplalned. Vears aftsrward. however, when ha , saw buw ths elocutlonlats had over worktd It. hs Utterly rrstttud ths act. Baby Smiles When He Takes a CURE m IW1 WKllt !0a (VCKtfi(gps Mll..a Im4. II ltM. Slb.f ta O-ff W S x MlVrtf,IL lalll(ia.l-t 111 kl"4 alailrtllaWM rlal vSI ! "Ilw UallW. fulnaMl CMUM4l)lak4jUk. rortlsnd, Or.. )c 10. 1009 Tho rullnir market quulatlons In Portland tuluy am as follows Dressed Turkeys, per pound. 10 to 231c Live Chickens, per pound 140 Dressed Chickens, per tiouml, IB to 100 Dressed Ileus, twr tiouml 90 Dressed Vrsl, up to 130 lbs., per pound 110 ItSiye Veal less. Wo havo 'i markets. We can use any amount of procure We want tons and tons of j tool try boforo Christmas. I.ct every thinif be of KM"), fRt quality Wo never charge comtnlaslon on anything. Ship anything you havo any day In tho week. Ad dress all shipments to the rRANK L. .MITII MtAX CO. "riiMUgllMlttclTrw!" (Oil 1 1 AND, ORtCOFI From Arctic ':!2frk in Solid bran font holdi ll 4 nuarli nf f?RVi KENT I 5. U.i sMU lrpJ -f fftf' I I yd-. 3 a imh Ui it-ii W Uh. I Jr sa eoffoo. s c A ''VitiisssfsastsssisWtsswisi asii sinwwswff for 9 hours solid bran wick carrlcrdaiimer to-ruil handle nl Indicsiofa Heater beautifully hmihcd in nickel or Japan hi a arlcty of tylci, Every Dlr Hviiywhtn. 11 Not At Yeuii, Wills for J)cilpllvs ChcuUr to the Nrtt A(incy ol U STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) IIIIWIIIIIIIIIII GUITAR! FREE! Il...r ti. ''''r."-' "t",W "" ,',,,, " ,of "' ! of ' ' " !""' ni "f", rwiiana, (,,, .ilM(inllitn. "Ml I'rlni ( larv liaril, ,il... -i . . no imvlug evwylhlng npptupriitie Hh even wrrles this Idea lulu her etH. tnntlnns." "Hhe does?" MAt least, I Siipposo tn Tho nthsr day I (old her that MUs I'ottr, of whom she has a very poor opinion, had offered tu umkn me soum rrm for the fnlr, mid what do you tlilak sho saldr "Whatr , -ob. fudgei" nakr. " ' ' - ttey , And now. children." shIiI tti m.h. et, addressing lite questnm lo the j In snstemy Hid phyilnloif, tn )0l) I ?! -HS- ( M.lsht cents nuart'' hoc, it,, ( cIK1f r. In un.on -(tsw Trltmns MORPHIN Iff tss ,M 14 b4,MWf isU. lMstsv taM m sw -- - W It.l kA. lv4 44 ft sWasMf ft4 Mf)i, fall tskU slsst ! Uswst &V4 kWH ! f syi'fc rl t4 r ruls t sm t- l !' Vtol l w w ii Ultl4l .lM-kt Rsttea the dough and compiles with II pure I mm! lawt, OttOKTrKT MIU CO. MasrrsofMArtUNC itxtteritiM MstJe . iniess Dentistry (Nl t fe f4 lil.U4 '1 ! It mnf I M fvifs i r4 4 f W jnvS l'.l- .S mtuitMftj. Oil, fZ.it I LLai I Ata laWffAn 2.&I ruin B.M iMfuit. 7.51 .. -'-'-- '-1- im "" K OUAHANTBRB rON IS VfA"f. lltak t iiawannwa i IWaWtAiU. rrv Tiajr(atl litja -fl aW uttUn., All ." flll l.l, inlaUirllMl. K4.ia4 Wise Dental Co, ernes isvssi s a. m. u , m. . rxu Na fll-OS w II KK wrtileg lo-trlrfl MuniixM nn ir- to Tropics Tftn Minutes ?,k'J3 BVTaTiTHSK-' km FiaBtl aBI Pti, V WTT1 rSBSSBfS STSW ' .. m wo-i criniJ No oil heater lias a lilclicr efficien cy or crcaicr licoilng power than iho PERFECTION Oil Heater (equipped with Omokslsss Dcvlcs) With ll you can ag from the cold of the Arctic to the u-urrhth of lh Tropics In 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents smoklnc. ' Kcmovctl In Instant for cleaning. nil inffirlnK in ,.!.,. n,.t n nlnulnir tirst PUs-1-sJ .Afc.'XV "' 3-st