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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1909)
tHrnvmrnwimfm. -rrm sr v: .? fr . ismrj 4 4 .- SOCIAL EVENTS NUMEROUS. (Continued from page 1.1 fearful description were produced, and several hitbetto unknown poets were disclosed to an unsuspecting public. The Indies then nctcd ns jttdges, tbe majority agreeing that Mrs. Drake's poem excelled nil others and she consequently won the prize, n hand made lace handkerchief. Later light refresh stents were served. The guests present were Mrs. A. M. Drake, Mrs. K. F. Smith, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mrs. F. O. Minor, Mrs. W. B. Sellers, Mrs. C. M. Redfield, Mrs. R. P. Williams, Miss Kershaw, Miss Reid, Miss Wicst Miss Coleman and Miss Redfield. ThJr 20th Wedding Anniversary Ob December 35, from 7 to 10 o'clock, Dr. and Mrs. Dcncer en tertaieed a company of happy peo ple at their beautiful home. The guests were Mr. and Mts. E. J. Titus and son William; Mr. T. 13. Titus; Mr. and Mrs. Neil and fam ily, Mamie, Myrtle, Eunice, Ruth, Ray aad Roy; Masters Herman, Dewey, Chester and Fern Moore; Fay Dcyarmond and also Rev. Mitchell, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Bend. A beautiful Christmas tree had been prepared containing gifts for all present. A very interesting program was rendered consisting of music, prayer, recitations and an address, and an abundance of good things was relished by all. The host and hostess enjoyed so much the evident pleasure of everyone present. What added to the interest of the occasion especially was the fact that tbe evening was the twentieth an niversasy of tbe marriage of Dr. and Mm Deacer. Dr. and Mrs. Dcncer understand the art of entertaining so perfectly that all departed with heartfelt good wishes for the hosf and hostess and a loving prayer that many happy returns of the joy of the evening may come to them. CENTRAL OREGON LANDS The reason that may be causing yuu iu wish 10 sen wm iiKUWisc cause you to seek an early sale. We have good outside connec tion:; that will enable us to han dle readily almost any good nnnnnclf Inn 1 it?t ft town property with us. Bend Investment Company Next Door to Postofficc. IT IS TO LAUQH. Upper Deschutes Raachers Have Fear ful Experience whh a CJrlzzly. Mkadows, Or., Dec 26. Editor Bead Bulletin, Bend, Or. Dear Sir: Here is an account of a very extraordinary occurrence, which took place on the John Usher ranch in tbe upper Deschutes country. Ooe day not long ago Usher went out to tbe barn on some errand and was somewkat shocked to find an eaoraous grizzly bear lying curled up ia tbe manger sound asleep. To say that Usher was frightened would be putting it altogether too mildly. From tbe way be per formed when he reached the cabin a few steps dUtant, where David 11111 ana naroia t'aimer were hugging the stove and enjoying perfect quiet, one would think he had experienced something like a Kansas tornado or had narrowly es caped a maelstrom. After a hurried consultation it was decided that they should at tack tbe monster on tbe right and left flank and from tbe rear. So Uther equipped hlm&elf with a 35-30 Winchester, Palmer with a 38 ipedal Colt's revolver, and Hill with a 13 gauge (Ingle barrel .botKun. At a given signal a terrific volley was poured into tbe unsuspecting bear. With tbe roar of an enraged demon, bruin bounded from tbe manger and made for tbe open door, where Usher's old dog, being attracted by tbe gun foe, met tbe ferocious animal and after one glance changed his color from coal black to iron gray. As the brute pasted through tbe door be was within a few feet of Hill who declares the bear was branded and earmarked. Evidently there bad been SJiue dUpute over tbe ownership of the animal, however, for he lore W, P. Van devert'a brsnd and C. D. Allen's ear mark. Another fact worthy of note was tlmt ie bear was toothless except for oue huge tusk, and it was au enormous onet-a gigantic one. Ob, it was wonder ful: you would hardly believe it. The bear swiftly made its way to the river and bounded upon a log which lay in the edge of the water, and the jar be ing so great caued the log to roll over and float away with the current. Hut here bruin bad another narrow es cape for Mr. A. D. Lewis, who lives but a short distance from the Usher ranch, bear in ir the yelling and shooting, thought someone was drowning and came with 75 feet of rope which did service as a clothesline at home made n slip-noose and began to out tbe same at tbe wrathful bear. Ilniin smntlng dan ger extreme, broke a large limb from the log and, using same for a paddle, proceeded to reach a safe distance front Mr. Lewis, who by the way is no slouch with the rope. Mr, M. J. Main, a resident of the up per river, happened to be crossing the new bridge at Spring river, saw the bear and having no gun with him, gave c haw on land until be came to a canoe down near Mr. Atkinson's place and, taking an ax which he had with him, paddled out and attacked bruin, but at the first stroke from the stnnly blacksmith tbe handle flew out and the ax flew iu ami he never saw ax nor handle again. Dear Editor: If you ahould wonder why we didn't kill the bear, we with to say that the weather here was so cold that our bullets and shot were all frozen and bad na effect on the monster. Respectfully yours, John W. Usiirr. II. R. Palmer. P. S. Mr. David Hill is so overcome by the exciting experience that he It un able to attach bis respectful signature to this report, and is now under the care of Dr. Harold Palmer at his new log hos pital. Mr. A. D. Lewis is on tbe other side of the river and we have no pen long enough to reach across. Tumalo Items. Tumalo, Dec 37. We still have a lit tle snow in this vicinity. J. L. Spoo moved his family from here to the new mill site near Gist yesterday. Cbas. Spaugh snd Jess Root passed through here yesterday. C L. Wimer made a trip to Item last Friday with some turkeys, which be dis posed of very easily there. I. It. Wimer and Clus. Spaugh were here last week getting their summer's supply of ice. J. W. Ilaker and Clus. Thornthwaite made a trip to Laldlaw one day last week. Milt Roberts of Redmond passed inrougu Here last batunlay going to Bend. A large crowd gathered at the HayJey school bouse Christmas eve, where an excellent program and Christmas tree had been prepared. Thejirogram was a lengthy one and everyone pronounced it excellent. The Christmas tree was well loaded and beautifully trimmed, and alt expressed themtclves as well pleated with having availed themselves of the opportunity of going. Will Use LanJplastcr. The farmers of the Lntdlaw sec tion were so well pleased with the results of the use of lahdplastcr on their land last year, that they arc determined to use it much more ex tensively next season. Yesterday Jas. R. Benbaru was in Ik ml to see if arrangements rould be made with C. "H. Hrickson whereby he would manufacture a supply from his gypsum dciwsits at Hear Creek, but Mr. Ilenham reported that no defi nite arrangements could tie made. Failing to secure a supply from the Bear Creek mines, the farmers have about decided to order 30 tons from a manufacturer in the Valley, getting quite a liberal reduction in the price by taking that amount Those interested have called a meeting of farmers to be held at Laidlaw on Saturday, January 8, and are anxious that every farmer, who may wish to give lundplaster a trial, shall Ik present. Nearly but not quite all of the 30 tons has been subscribed for, and it is de sired that the full 30 tons may be sold Jn order to get the reduction in price. . Remember the date and attend the meeting if you are interested. PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. Mint Anna Mocu was absent from school the first of the week. Mls Held was absent front school nn Monday forenoon on account of illness. Mist Mnrgnrct Wicst wns absent from school on Wednesday on ac count of illness, The Holiday vacation Iwgan Fri day am! the students will enjoy the respite front their work until Janu ary to, 1910. The eighth grade presented Miss Vaudevcrt with a hmidiome foun tain pen, which was highly appre ciated by the recipient. We arc sorry to lose Miss Fern Hall from the high school ranks. However, we are glad she hits se cured a higher position. Kvcryonc, not only In the grades hut in the whole school, was glad to welcome Miss Sarah Wornstaff back to school, after her brief Ill ness. The Bend school was entertained tit a Christmas ttce iu Miss Rich ardson's room on Friday afternoon. A short progrum- consisting of songs by the school, a violin solo by Robert I lines, and a recitation by Ruth Caldwell, was tendered The chief source of enjoyment was the presentation of gifts and the treat at the last. The tree was beautifully decorated and greatly delighted the little folks. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE BEST Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. Write for Particulars, to Merrill (Sb Wilkinson Company lll(NI), OKUOON. (8a I'OR F1KST CLASS Meals and Bakery Goods CO TO HftPHaMHlil -.1 ITCHING OGAIPL. DANDRUFF AND IPv Erickson's Opposite Aunc's Barn. Home Land Company BEND Central Oregon OUR 320Acre HOMESTEADS Will Make You Rich! Our locator has had six years experience here and knows tbr country thoroughly. He shows you the land and all the corners and assists in every way to start yon right. Call or write for lull information. Irrigated Land Wc have it Iu tracts from 40 acres upwards, $ 30 to $50 per acre. Timber Land Stumpagc J5i 50 per M and up wards. Also saw mill sites. Town Property Will double and quadruple iu value. Invest now. IB. PINE TREE STORE just Received a Nice Lot of Dress Patterns Twenty-five different patterns In all wool changeMe Panama, Melroeaiyl ckangafcrt Silk. Only one jwtttwn to eacfe ptec.x Hurry ami get your selec tion kef ore they're ril picked otit. Only !b) a pattern at SATHER'S FOUR MORSB UVURV. SADDLC HORSES. GET THE BEST . re M Mttwd sfeas of Hie evil we In secret by myriads of das Jrafl (eras uppfef tbe life Moos' e-t the half. Micro kills tbe para site, soetbes tbe Itchlsr scatf, Ives bistre to tbe batr aad stops ItfaJasgoaL Allele application gives relief aad proves its worth. Save your bair before too late. Micro revest btUons. It to a ikUihtlu! dressfe 'for the bair, free from grease and' sticky oils. Ask yew dratxlstfof free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO. rvflTHHB, O,C0f fLuLakTvaflHrjUel Home Land Co., BEND, OREQON. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. II. WENANDV, Prop. AU, KINDS OP LIGHT AND IIKAVV LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BAULKY, WIIHAT, CHOP WHHAT, I1RAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18, Horses Bought md Sold. Light and Iteavy Horses for Sale. Recently Enlargod WITH 25,000 Now Word New Gazetteer of th World wfili mora limn 21,010 titles, Ut on tbe uttt cciuu. return. Nnwlilographlcal Dictionary roniniriinir i uo immnriovor lOJUaO UOloa Vcrtoiu, dale ot;irtli. death, etc UultcU Btulci CuuiiulMluucrot lilucntloa, 1 2300 Quarto Pagea VtufUut. MM Jlkutnlluu, Itlrfc JUi&lwp. Needed lex Every Home California Restaurant Mr. H, H.uahlon. Prop. IJc.t of tncal acrved at all hour, of the day. Hoard and J .dicing $25 a month. N Coffee and Doughnuts 10c. Clean, comfortable Iwdt, 25c aj-rijeht. We run a Ilakcry In connection with the rr.taurant and carry everything in the bakery line. St. James Hotel SilrerLake OregM J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor Mm Wttitr'aCoUlal Dictionary ll'thin. 11M IBiutnllcu. RceubrttJltli7jiliiJllM. lUtJbn ubui(MmenchiiHl'u. rrii " r'lx. a mw vvr. bnutirul mi.ii,'malat,fyiriHU.-ia,iUitnfkUu. G. Q C. MEKRIAM CO, rubllah.ra, Sprlaafiald, lU4 fro I I Ifuipklrti, I co c I Ma. I WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3,50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. r. M. CAR.TER.. W. When In Sliver Lake, atop at tills well known houtc. OueiU can U auured that tcry attention will he paid to make them comfortable. fidl attention to traveler. Good home cooking. Term, rcaaonahle Our Hobby: Heat Meals In Towh for 35c WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN TabU always auppll.d with the bait that the town affordi. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. IljtNii, Ohhcon J A Bio Pkoimt. An estimate compiled recently Mates that the in come to Colorado fanners from the production of sugar beets during the past year totals the neat sum of $7,500,000. Iiantcrn Oregon is sTmllar in many respects to Colo rado, and the Bend country has produced beets that tested extrnnr. dlnarlly high In sugar. The above note regarding the Colorado Income Is but a nronhecv nf what win i duplicated sorac day la the Bend I country. ILtlmates on application Wall Taper Portland l'riio N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger "Cheapest and Heat Wall Paper Saw Get pic. In the county. aiy I'lice. Box 39. Ilcuil, Orction. "I j. H Uwn::'jj, r.'Ji'j.iysjamwu::- -?- mm