I EVENTS OF THE DAY! Newsy Items Galliercil from All Parts of the World. PREPARED FOR THE RUSY READER Lou Important but Not Lose Inter aiinjj Happening from Points Outildo tho Stale. .1. J. Hill says lit road firti prepitr lug la ) tullrt n heavy Immlgrullun to lb eusst unit year. m Follette, In hit weekly mngazlne. liar ply frit Mmw Prcalduiit Tuft and lit recent niossogc, Prince Altiort of Flanders, n nephew if thn latn King Iropold of IMgliiin, Mill Oeeupy ttip throne. An exoltlon company has tiecti In corporated In Hun rrniirlsro to cele brate tlie completion nf tint Panama anal. The United Slates Hleel corporation In phMmrlnu to abandon Pittsburg ainl s-stiij.llsh Itself at Gary, Indiana, on ae votint of labor trouble. The Monarch Oil company nf Call fnntln bwned by .1. It. ntiil A II. Hprcek fl will establish a northwest refinery jihiI distributing stnllon at Portland Sulking switchmen In Hoknne nay -very mm Ion railroad man In that city wilt bo sailed out If Hit mail do nut agree to nrl'ltrnt lutt before t'lirlitmai. Iksron Hklliusawn, wlio Iiuk recently returned to Tnklo from a vlilt to Amor Ira, My Americans nro Japan' lint friends nnl at tbe same ttinn Iter dead liest nemle. A bailer iui.Ui.Ioii at tin Hoyal Hay works. Ml New Philadelphia, Ohio, killed two turn anil wrecked the entire itiatii. A third ion ii i missing. Ono lly mi Mown St hi yard. A MntloHnl attack upon Secretary HaHlHger hh tli" llMtr nf the house waxen It practically rerlalN Dial a thorough ill vl I gallon of lb general land ! will be wad soon nftfr kHatmat. Carnegie will give 1 00,000 for a pub lie library building In Honolulu. J. J. Illll declare tho strike of the awitrtwetl la ever, v far a the Illll rwd arn eoncerned. Mora U aro raised than any other kind uf grain, the world's crop for 1W)S bing 3,300,000,000 bushels. The state supreme court of Indiana h drcbirrd the county local option law of that lain to be constitutional. Three ilar I hi: robber amaahed the combination of the vault In the Kxetrr tank In Tulare county, ( al., and gut away with $7,000 In cold. Keniesentatlve Httcbrock started a Difht for an Investigation Into the ef fori" nf Halllngcr and tho Guggenhclms to control tlie enllro mineral neid or Alaska. The house committee on expositions says San Prauslsco and Han Diego 'must settle whleh one la to Hold u rnir in I HI A. or neither ouv wtll gel any pub lie money. The O. It. & X. mad wilt apeud ((QO.ihhi Improving It line between The Dalle and Ilea Chutes, and will s-tentually tluublo-trnek the entire line to I'ortlaml. Mn. Caroline W. Martin, 01 yean of a iff. and a resident of New York, haa been arrested charged with tiiur tlnrlaj: her daughter, who arrlel In kHlnure of 81,700. The bflillca of two men,' ninntilrd by nu exploaUin uf nltro Klvwlnu, were foHiid in Oklnhoinn, with n eoinplctu et of craekaincii'l tool. It I thought they were bnnk robbvn, Henry will lecture through the ioutli. wettern ttatee. One boy wn hilled and 14 orlouly Injured iii n conitlng aeeidont In Iu diuna. Kili Leopold turvlt'cd a aovrro op eration, but hit taken it turn for the wore The aecretary of wnr ha ehoien Oon ornl Wood ehlof of itaff to luceeed (loueral Hell. jV Xorlh Carolina pacui(er train iiluuitcd over a troitle, killing 13 and Injuring nbout -10. 1M1 will bejfln Iminedlntoly tho con atruciion of u railroad from Vancouver to Kooteuny, II, C. StrlUInu awllehinon In lltitte nro ro tu rm pc to work and one mining coin puny employing 3,000 men ha itartod Iiiji. Zrlayn offor to reilcn In favor of ptiidrlz, hi ehlof mpporter. It I bellovod thnt botb Arltoim nnd tNovr Mexico will bo ndmlttod a atatca If thi'lr comtltutlon aro found lutli- Ifaetory. A pnrtrnlt of 0. H; McQornilck, lit- kventor ot tho reaping mnehlne, ha CW'Oii unveiled at tho Unlvonlty of fllllllOU, Arbueklo llroi,, tho Inmost comnoti- tor nf tho American Buirar Hoflulnif Icoiiipnny, huvo paid Into the United tatati'N tronaury )Ut3,573 a back du I tic ou iugar, INTERVENTION IH CONSIDERED Moxlco May Join United Htatei In Hub ItiS Nicaragua. Wnalilnglon, Doc. IB, -One of tho project fur tho solution of tho Nlcnra ipiaii ltuntlon thnt ha been trongly urged upon tho tnto department I tho elnbllhmeiit of a protectorate, either alngly by tho Uulted Htntc, or jointly wild Mexico, 'J'hl tuny bo regarded a ncceaaary in the event that the Iniurgnnt fall to illiplaco Zclnyn by their own effort, nnd It mny follow nu Inaurgent triumph that would leave the c6untry without refponilblo louilcrx. It I aitlil precedent for tuch action could bo found In tho enaoi of Hnnto bdinlngo and Cuba, In tho flrit In atnnco largo luma of money, duo to American citizen, could not bo col lected from the Dominican government (then In a atato of ehaoi) by diplo matic mcntu, In the raae of Nicaragua the gov ernment ha defaulted In payment In agreed allotment on tho Kmory claim. In the caie of Cuba atate of dliorder that threatened live nnd property of Americana and other forolgneri was the warrant for Intervention. There I reaton to bellove that a forward movement will bo adopted by the government perhap a noon an a ufUcTcnt number of marine have been gathered off tho Nlcaraguan eoat. To day' new from Managua, indicating tlio Imminence of rioting beyond the lability of the local government force to upprcai, tmgiil erve a a nan ror landing the marine and their dlipateh to Managua If ncrcnary to malntalu order, Juit a wa done on the latbmu of l'anama a fow year ago. It li not part of the plan to maintain tuch a foreo In Nicaragua permanently, but only long enough to permit of a fair and frco general election and the ei (abllihiuent of a preildcnt pledged to obterve constitutional obligation. WATt DCOLAIICD ON BTEBL TRUBT American Federation of Labor Open right to a rinUb. rittburg, Dee. 18. War wa for mally declared upon the United State HI eel corporation by leader of organ I red labor throughout. tho United Htate and Canada at tho eloao of a two days' onference today. Tho declilon to bat tle agaleat the tand taken by the tteel arporatlon. In It policy of "open hop" wn reached after hour of de bate. At the conference Hamuel dampen, president of the American Federation of Labor, presided, and through him the tneasurn wa put upon the record book nf the executive council of the federation. The grievances of organlred labor against the steel corporation, a set forth In the resolution, have been for warded to President Taft, to the United tilates senate and to the house of rep resentatives, Uovernor of the state In which the United State Steel cor poration own plant or ha Interests also will receive copies. Aeroplane for Three, Worceater, Mass., Dee. 14, A remark able assertion of the practicability of aviation Is embodied In the announce ment today of Wallace K. Tilllnghast, vice-president of a Worcester mnnufne turlng company, who asserts that he has Invented, built and tested secretly an aeroplane capable of carrying three pas longer and In which ho say he has down from Worcester to Now York, thence to lloston and back. A speed of ISO mile an hour wa mado at limes, ho declares. Mr. Tilllnghast say the machine Is a monoplane, weighing 1350 pound, equipped with a 120-horscpowcr gasoline euglno. lie refuses to tell where the machlno Is, but says ho will bring It to Worcester for a public demonstration. nig Four Strike Favorod. Cincinnati, Dec. 15. Hallway teleg rapher employed by the Daltfmoro & Ohio Southwestern railroad, In demand ing n new wngo scale and a ebnngp In working condition, are meeting with tho same opposition from the company as are the Illg Tour telegraphers In their demands, It wa announced today. It I understood the Italtiinoro & Ohio men ask for a 10 per cent increase. C C. Dent, goneral manager ot the Ilnltimoro A Ohio Southwestern, do- claros the domnnds aro unreasonable. Tho Dig 'our telegraphers have not yet completed their referendum vote on a strlko, but 00 per cent o tho votes that aro now In favor of n strlko nnd two-thirds of the total hnvo voted. Roosevelt Send Slave Skulls. Washington, Dee. 10. Tho Smith- .A.l.i. A !.. .n..lllta L.h.I.iI I... union ,iiiigku OAjruumuii, uraucu uj ox-1'resldent Hooievelt, had taken 0,003 akin un to Decomber 10, lower than ono-hnla have been received at the in stitution. Tho collection consist of 43 largo mammal, 1,600 small mam mal) and 1,33U birds. The collection has a sorle of human skulls picked up along tho line of ancient slave trail. Thl statement of tho work of the bx- iioditlon was mado today by Socretary walcott at tho annua) meeting of tho board of regonts ot tho Smithsonian institution. Russians Meet Chinese, Harbin, Manchuria, Dec, IS, A con ference was oponod hero today between representative of tho railroad manage ment of tho Ituislan consulate nnd of China for tho l hi r no to of worklitg out tho dotail of tho Itusso-Chluoso agroo mont for tho govornmont of tho Man cburlau railroad tone. PROCEEDINGS OF I'rlday, Uecembor 17. Wnahingloii, Dec. 17. l)iiiiiiniutliiii j of iilllrinla of Hie KXeeutivo dopfirtmciitii of the government who erltlclae wltli out jual rnune wna inmlo In n njiocolt by lli'iriiiitnl)vr Mnnu of JlllnoU, And iiloo iinollinr Hpreeh of almllnr ten or by IteprtMenlntlve I'itrgorald of N'rw York, who wibl "n certain dii llligillahed oUlrilil" wfl rwiOIIllilo llii-rcfore, beenuiii of tho bad exiimiilii he hull Ml for hi aubordluato. Tlila mi 1 1 vmiwl no olherwiae dull new I on of the lmii tmluV. It wh ilideratood generally that Mr. ntsgerHld had ex J'reiMcnl rmievet in mind. The District of ''uluinbm nppi'ria lion bill wo rend, but was not put iiihiii IN pnxtnge, nnd will be tnken up Monday ngnln. Homo saving wn ef fected by reducing appropriations for I IneriMises in nalurles for district officer by ellmlnntliig nllngether pnragrnphs mn king provision for new oillces. Ilepresentatlve Mncon, Arkansas, ngaiu nuumed the role of Iho "watch dog of Iho treaaury" and made point of order agaiimt several sections of tho bill, uud not wholly without suceeaa. Hnther unexpectedly thn limine agreed to Insert In the bill nn amendment ap propriating 1 7,000 for playgrounds for children of tho district. I Washington, Dec. 17. Senatorial (friends of Viecrelary llnlllnger aro pro paring lo Introduce nml pass a reaoiu lion niithorlxlng sweeping congresalonal inveatlgntion Into conduct of the Inte rior department, general land office nnd foreat aervlee. Nccretnry Ilatllnger Is in hearty nreord with this purpose and satd today he would welcome such an iuvealigatioii In his department, for he ia satisfied thnt n fair and Impartial investigation will bring forth satisfac tory nuvwer to every accusation that has' been made ngainat him nnd ngninst other ofllrlala nf hl department. Army engineers, in a report sent to congress today, rerommtmd un approp riation of 40,000 for dredging n chan nel -10 feel wide and two and n half feol deep in the Cowlltx rvrr, from Cattle Hock to Toledo, and the annual appropriation of 42,000 la mnlnUiln tho ebattnel, Thursday, December 10. Washington, Do. 10, Performing the function of a municipal legislative Ixidv the hoiine today devoted nearly rive hours lo consideration of the Dls triet of Columbia appropriation bill. The meanure carries IO,loil,t73 for tho expenae of tho district for 1011. ilciinwntutivo McUrcdle today intro duced bill nuthorlxlng the erection of public buildings at Vancouver, lioqulam and Aberdeen, Wash., to cost lftO,000 each. The same bills were introduced In Iho senate by Senator Junes. Washington, Dee 10. Iu a brief session of the senate today a resolu tion by Cu I In in was adopted calling on the secretary of the Interior for In formation rpsxctlng mining disasters nnd facilities of the federal government for rendering aid In such cases. Senator Poster today Introduced a joint resolution authorising the war de partment to return lo tho state of Iou Isinnn thn original ordinance of seces sion ndopted by tho people of that state. If favorable action is tnken upon the subject nf Louisiana, it Is exHcled that other states which seceded prior to the elvil war will request similar returns'. Hcnntor Piles today introduced the following bills: Increasing tho limit of the cost uf Helllngham public build ing from lio,ooo to ftQO.OOO; Increas ing tho east nf the Kverett building from 1 30,000 to t 00,000; appropriat ing MO.000 fnr the Kllui Island light house; appropriating 410,000 fnr launch for Puget Sound customs service. hVimtnr Jones today Introduced bills authorising the piirelinso of sites nnd the erection of public buildings at Weiiatclme, Wnlervllle nnd Kllenaburg, Wash. The senate today confirmed the fot lowing Idaho postmastersi John K. Jones, nf Kellogg Henry II. Curtlss. of Illnekfoot; l.eola Wymnn, of Mullau, and ulso Presley F. llorno ns reglstur of the Hnlley land oflico. Wednesday, December 10, Washington. Dec. 0.Sittlug until after nightfall, tho houso buckled down to business today, passed tho Ksch bill, requiring railroad to make full month ly reports' to the interstate commerce commission of oil ncoidents, nnd a measure giving tho commission power to compel railroads to provide uniform equipment for their can, and then took up for consideration the Maun Pana ma canal bill, on which general debate was concluded. Vigorous opposition to the proposed plan to abolish the Isthmian cnuul com mission nnd to vest building ot the Pnuuiuu canal nud ot governing the canal rouo In ono director-general, ap pointed by tho president, croppod out In tho house today Iu genoral dobate nu tho Mnnu bill, reported by tho com mittee on Interstuto and foroign com merce. Scnrcely less Intonso wn tho protest aroused when it woe learned that tho eommitteo had recommended thnt tho judicial power of tho canal tono bo vestod in ono circuit court nnd such Inferior court ns tho prosldvnt may constitute. Thl would requlro tho abolition ot the oxlstlng sunromo court ou tho tone. An appeal direct to tho supremo court of tho Uultod States la author ised, however, In questions arising out i . CONGRESS IN BRIEF of the constitution, treaties or law of tho I 'nl I cd Slates, involving n (loath sentence or Imprisonment. Similar ap peal is allowed In civil cases Involving moro than ffi.000. Hopreaenlntivn Mnnn (Illinois), au thor of tho bill nnd cbnlrrnnn of the eommitleo, attempted to explain the necessity for hi measure, "What nre the sources of authority from which tho presldont (Iloosovolt) derived tho right to claim to govorn the en ii a I r.ouof" Interrupted itepro tentative Harrison of New York. Tuesday, December 14. Wnshlngton, Dec, 11. Taking up the president annual metago to congress, thn house of representatives today went through llio formality of referring it and distributing It among tlio various committees, Mr. Payne, who brought In tho reso lution for reference, offered an amend ment providing that those paragraph relating to appropriation be referred to what he designated a the "deep ing" committees on departmental ex penditures, of which there is ono for each department. - Washington, Dec. H. A bill provid ing fur a central bank of America to bo established at Washington with branches throughout the country wa Introduced today by Keprcientatlve Kurnes, of New York. Tho bank I to have a capital of 100,000,000, three fifths of which is to bo subscribed by tho United State treasury through an issue of 50-year f;old bonds. Tho remaining two-fifth to be offered to national bank of the country, Ilrnnebcs are provided for in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Dotton, Denver, St. Louis, Atlanta, San Fran cisco and Portland, Ore. Iteprcscntatlve MeDcrmott of Illinois spoko briefly in favor of free wood pulp. The District of Columbia appropria tion bill, carrying an appropriation of more than 410,000,000 tor expenses of tho district In the fiscal year of 1011, was reported, a were also several in valid pension bill. Tho latter were read and passed. The houso today agreed to take re cess Tuesday over the holidays, voting to reconvene on Tuesday, January 4. At 2i47 p. m. tho house adjourned until tomorrow. 8TANDARD OIL UNDER DAN. Secretary Dickinson Shut Octopus Trom Oovernmeut Contract. Washington, Dec. 10. Tho Standard Oil and certain subsidiary companies were placed under the ban today by Secretary Dickinson. Order were is sued to all branches of tho war depart ment directing that no contract were to le mado with them. This action was taken by the secre tary on tho ground that if a corpora tion had been adjudged an illegal com bination or trust by a court of law, it wa not proper for tho government to enter into contracts with tho offenders. Similar action was taken some time ago by him with regard to the tobacco trust. The present order includes not only supplies for the various branches of the department, but for the Panama canal as well. SLAVE BILL IN COMMITTEE. rorelgn and Interstate Transportation to Act aa Bar, Washington, Dec. 13. The white slave trallle bill, introduced by Chair man Mnnn, nf the house committee on Interstate and foreign commerce, will be taken up by that committee today. The intention is to press the measure, and its advocates oxpect It passage by Imtli houses ot congress. The only stumbling block sighted is the hairbreadth nf distinction as to the jurisdiction of tho interstate commerce law over such a matter, but those urging the bill bcliuvo members of both houses will have no differences ns to tho merits nf the proposed legislation. i he .Mnnn bill Is designed to regulnte and prevent the transportation in Inter slate nnd foreign commerco of alien women and girls for immoral purposes. Would Help Antt-Ttnut Law. Washington, Dec. 13. Without ex pressing any personal opinion as to the probability for or against tho passage of such a measure, Representative Manny chairman of the houso commit tee on Interstate nnd foroign commerce, today gave a hi "legislative opinion" that if a bill should ba passed by the houso amending the anti-trust law, that law would bo strengthened rather than weakenod, Mann Bill Sent to House. Washington, Dec. 13. Tho sweeping change In tho administrative workings of the Panama canal proposed by the Mnnn bill to provide for tho govern ment of the canal rone and tho construc tion of tho Panama canal, was discussed by the house eommitteo on Interstate nnd foreign coMmorce today. It was ordored fnvorably reported to the house, Hoybum to View Canal. Washington, Dee. 13. Henator Uey burn will leave Wednesday with the sonnto naval eommitteo on tho cruiser Dolphin for a trip to Pannma. The party will inspoct the canal and return to Washington about January 4. AMERICAN MEAT SHUT OUT. Gorman Conservatives Strongly Oppose Tariff Concession. Ilorlin, Dec, 13. In thn conservative party convention today at lierlln, Count Sehwerln LeewlU, one of tho most prominent agrarian member of the rnlchstog, took strong ground against liermany's making concession on American moat in order to secure bet ter tariff rate. "Tho higher duties In tho new tar iff," ho said, "aro especially unfavor able to Uermany, but Uerruan ngrlcul turo 1 practically concerned about the question whether tho Herman conven tional tariff will bo accepted ngnln by American without something equiva lent in the way of concessions, because ot tbo fear in agricultural circle tbat tho federal government might make the provisions for the American meat im port adopted for tbo protection of the health of our people and today moro necessary than ever the subject of commercial treaty negotiations. This fear I regard a unfounded, in view of the certain Information which bas been conveyed to me, "Such a thing I would expect even less from the present chancellor than from bis predecessor. Ho values too highly tbo interest of our public health and it ,too just toward our Ger man livestock growers to do such a thing, Moreover, the chancellor know too well the sentiment of tho country and the great majority of the relebs tir." BREEDINO IS ALL PROFIT. Paper to Be Devoted to Enrichment Through Better Stock. Omaha, Dee. 13. WHIett M. Hays, assistant secretary of agriculture, with his associates, will start a magazine devoted to the scientific breeding of plant and animals. A new department ha been organized In the American llreeders' association to study the heredity in man, and David Starr Jor dan will bead the work and conduct this department in the magazine. This was decided at the dosing meet ing of the American lireeden' associa tion today, when 1200 new members were obtained and the organization voted to ask manufacturing, commer cial and transportation interests desir ing an Increase in farm products to provide tho association with sufficient funds to put the publication on a busi ness basis at once. Assistant Secretary Hays, of the llreeders' association said: "Wo have at least Induced tbo public to believe that a billion dollars can be added to our plant and animal products by scientific breeding. Another billion can be added by bringing moro acres under cultivation and adding fertilizer. "The sclentlfict fact, however, is that tho billion added by breeding will be almost all profit, while the Increase from more and better farming will cost 000,000,000." ST. CROIX OIL SOAKED. Former Engineer on Burned Graft Tea tine Tanks Leaked. San Francisco, Dec. 11. That the fuel oil tanks of the steamer St, Croix, which was destroyed by fire off the coast of southern California, leaked badly and allowed seven barrels ot oil to ooze Into the bilge daring one trip, was the statement mado today to the federal tnspecton by John D. Druillard, formerly tint assistant engineer of the burned craft. Druillard was not on the St. Croix at the time of the disaster. He stated tbat the eondition of tho vessel was such that bo did not care to go to sea aboard of her, and left tlio employ ment of tho company after making bis fourth trip. Druillard said he discovered tbo con dition of tho tanks and reported it to Chief Knglneer Doe, who ordered that they be loaded only to the point where tho leaks wcro located. This order was later countermanded by Captain WarnCr, according to the witness, and tho tanks filled to the top. The wit ness stated tbat lio measured the oil in the hold, and found it was several inehea deep. From this ho computed the total Icakatro at "!Vi barrels. Or ders wcro Issued against open lights below decks, but Druillard said trial ho twice found lamps burning and threw them overboard. Druillard bellovod that a lighted clg- arotto might havo been thrown down a vontilator by a passenger and caused the Ore. Tho inquiry closed today. Arbitration Will Begin. Chicago, Dec. 13. Negotiations be tween the railroads conference eommit teo, representing tho Genoral Managers' association, and the switchmen' eom mitteo will begin in Chicago on Mon day, according to an unauthorized state ment issued here today by tho General Managers' association. Interstate Com merco Commissioner Knapp and Labor Commissioner Nclll on Monday will take u,j also too dispute between tbe ;uinois Central railroad and its tolegrapbcrs, who havo asked for an increase of 10 por cont in wages. Oldest Oddfellow Bead. Tlangor. Me., Dec 13. Phincna Bach- eldor, said to havo been 'he oldest mom bo r of tho Independent Order of Odd fellow iu tho world, died last night, nged OS years. He had been an Odd fellow lor moro tuan nair a century, nud had held tho oflico ot grand patriarch. BELGIAN KING DYING Hind Remains Clear, Cifldlllffi Is Practically Hopeless, MAY OPERATE AS LAST RESIRT Dying Monarch Calmly Makes Will, Receives Sacrament and Bids Farewell to All, Ilrussels, Dec. 14. At D o'clock this morning the condition of King Leopold was unchanged, Ilrussels, Dee. 13 Leopold II, king" of tbe lielgiaes, tonight is making a desperate effort or bis life, and the odds aro strongly against tbe aged monarch. A a last resort, the surgeon' knife will be tried tomorrow. If tbe opera tion is successful, King Leopold may live. If it falls, the end is Inevitable. All will depend on the king's strength and vitality, which are ebbing fast. Rheumatism bas already conquered tbo aged and waited frame. Dropsy has developed, and an obstruction of tbe intestines, which must be removed, ha greatly aggravated bis eondition. Tbe general opinion i that tbe king will not survive the operation. Indeed ho may die at any moment. The mon arch is rather optimistic, and today exclaimed to his pbysieiaa: "Operate, and tbe sooner tbo bet ter." Out ho added with a wan, wist ful smile: "Perhaps, doctor, the long, long jour ney is at hand." King Leopold Is still as lucid of in tellect as ever. This masterful mind, which conceived and carried out the gi gantic Congo project and roused tho whole world Into bitter indictment and discussion, calmly directed what seem to be the final chapter In bis spectacu lar career. Tbe picture was pathetic enough. Separated from bis two eldest daogb-ten-by a tragic skein of events, with scandal of bis own personal life whis pered by etry tongue, Leopold lay tonight in "Tbe I'alms," a little pa vilion of six rooms, close to tbe great Laeken attended by hi faithfnl daugh ter Princess Clementine, Crown Prince Albert and tbe royal household. The day was a mixture of anxiety, hone and despair. A his strength failed the king, his chaplain, an aged priest with tears wetting his cheeks, approached the bed to hear the king's confession and administer communion and extreme nnetion. Ia the morning tho king, assisted by a notary and so licitors, settled his private affairs. To Count Oultremont, marshal of the court, hi majesty said: "You have served me well for more than SO years. I am grateful. Before I die, I want to tell you so and give you my thanks." The king tben summoned Princes Clementine, whom he kissed several times, telling her not to cry. 8be wa led fainting from tbe room. Other rela tives followed. Subsequently be received the papal nuncio, who brought tbe benediction ot the holy father, and the Spanish min ister. The mayor of Brussels came to the castle a tbe bearer of the good wishes of tbe peoplo of Brussels, and to express the popular hope that his majesty would recover, but tbe king wa too tired to receive aim. SEVEN DIE IK FIRE. r Cincinnati Tenement House Scene of Fatal Panic. Cincinnati, Dee. 14. Two women, two jnen and three children lost their lives and seven other persons were seriously injured In a tenement fire at Third and Sycamore streets, which broke out at midnight. Three of tbe dead were burned to cinders. Tbe frenzied inmates cathcred in th windows and climbed to tho root whenco they jumped into blankets. Six men ned to tbe roof, w&ere Bre men had to use force to prevent them from virtually committing suicide by jumping to tho street. A woman, clasping ner s-ycar-oid son In her onus, jumped from a third-floor window. Both were instantly killed. JDwollcrs in the tenement were so overwhelmed by panic that somo rushed beadlong Into tbe names. Tbo nro was extinguished with slight trouble with a total loss of about $23,000. Ruin aa Oovernor Snaps, Camas, Wash., Dec. 14. The governor on ono of tho high-speed engines used for runnlnc a dynamo at tbo crown Columbia paper mill broke about noon today, causing tbo ongino to tear it self to pieces. One large ploco ot tho flywheel went up through tho second. lioor, tearing out Heavy limbers ana. seriously injuring 8am McKevor, who., was working on a paper macmno oat the second floor. One papor machine; was also badly wrecked. Several men wero near tbe engine when the accident happened, but wore not injured. Part of the mill ia shut down for repairs. Siccntlfic Data Burned. Los Anceles. Doc 14. The "Mon astery," the home of the scientists and attaches of the Mount Wilson observa tory, wa destroyed by nro today. AH the valuablo records nnd papers of the observatory, together with tbo solev tifio library ot Professor Hale, wern burned, . s.ssMSarT i i i. MisgtJjMWsWH