The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 29, 1909, Image 2

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UaltH. Stitis Treasury Receives
Evidence In Trial That Employ Was
"Caught With the- Good" and
Would "Squat."
New York, Dm. 16. Arbuckle Bros.,
generally credited with being tho larg
et Independent rlvnli of tho American
Sugar Boflnlng company, havo acknowl
edged that from 1S9S to 1007 they
have failed to pay to the government
all the money duo as cuitomi charge
on imported iugar.
In settlement of all civil claims
against them tho Arbucklet havo of
fered, and tho treasury department,
with the concurrence of tho attorney
general, has accepted payment of
SC95,573. llut criminal prosecution of
those responsible will In no wise bo
hampered or conditioned by this ac
ceptance. The government haa now received
the following voluntary restitutions
and fines from importers of raw
The American 8ugar Refining com
pany (voluntary). 42,000,000; the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company (fine Im
posed by the court), 1135.000; Arbueklo
Bros, (voluntary), 0W,573. Total re
covered, 2,830,573.
Today's announcement of new irreg
ularities in tho sugar industry, rami
fying into quarters never suspected by
the public, was made in a recess of
the criminal trial of six employes of
the American Sugar Refining company.
Messrs. Stlmson and Donnison, special
counsel for the government, then gave
out a statement in part as follows:
"In Juno last an investigation was
begun as to duties paid on sugar
landed on the docks of tho Arbueklo
Bros.' New York refinery. The firm
voluntarily gave us access to its books
and a thorough comparison was made
between the books and tho custom
house records. As a result a sbortago
was reported to tho members of the
firm. As soon as they had verified the
government's figures they voluntarily
offered to pay this sum into the treas
ury of tho United States."
The statement admits reference to
methods by which tho frauds were ef
fected. 'The matter is now pending before
the grand Jury," is tne only repiy jar.
Stlmson wonld vouchsafe.
Rail Scads Passenger
Over Trestle.
Greensboro, N. C., Dec. 16. Local
passenger train No. 11, on the Southern
railway, known as the Richmond and
Atlanta train, doe in Greensboro at
R'id o'clock, was wrecked this morn
ing at 0:32 o'clock at Reedy Fork
trestle, 10 miles north of here, and at
0 o'clock, tonight 12 dead bodies had
been removed from the wreckage. It
is reported that II are dead and 24
injured are being eared for at St.
Leo's hospital.
George J. Gould, who, with his son,
Jay, was in one of the Pullmans when
the train jumped tho traek, and who
was reported dead, escaped uninjured.
lie, his son. Jay, and a friend, H. B.
Russell, of New York, ex-editor of the
Metropolitan magazine, had just got
out of their berths when the wreck oc
curred, Mr. Russell was badly hurt by
coming in contaet with a car stove,
and is at the hospital.
Mr. Gould and bis son came in on tho
special bearing the dead and injured,
lie left this afternoon for his hunting
trip, IS miles from here, stating that
tbo wreck bad sot disarranged his plans
for a week's outing.
The derailment was caused by a brok
en rail about 200 feet from the trestle
that spans a small stream. The train
was composed of two baggage, express
and mall ears, three day coaches and
two Tulbnans. The engine, baggage,
mall and express ears passed over in
safety, while the day cotcbes and Full
mans were thrown from the trestle into
the creek and along the banks 20 to 30
feet below.
At the point where the first coach
Jeft the traek, tho right rail was brok
en into fragments for several feet and
torn entirely from the ties.
Big Railway Union, Flan.
San Francisco. Dee. 10,Tbe Order
of Railway Employes with an an
nounced membership of more than 30,
000 on the Pacific Coast, has been re
organized uud hereafter will be in
charge of railroad men in actual serv
ice. At a raeoting here tho resignation
of F. W. Voogt as supremo superinten
dent was accepted and new supremo
officers were chosen. Louis If. Ledger,
of the Santa Fe system, was made su
preme conductor; Samuel F. Veateb, of
the Southern Pacific, supreme treasurer;
and A. LIndsley, of San Francisco, su
preme socrctary.
Oklahoma Bank Law Wins.
Keifer, Okla., Dec, 10, Every depos
itor of the First State bank of Keifer,
which closed yesterday as a result of
the failure of the Fanners National
bank of Tulsa who demanded bis money
today was paid in full. The bank is
protected by the state guaranty fund.
Soya Tate Wm Against Mm Successor
Not Chosen,
Managua, Dec. 17. Joso Santos Y.o
lays has resigned from tho presidency
of Nicaragua, die placed hi reslgnn
tton In tho hands of cougre. jester
Apparently thero was no other course
to take. Tho peoplo wore aroused at
last. Tho guns of tho revolutionists
threatened. Tho warships of tho United
States lay in Nlearnguan port.
Managua haa been seething for days.
Tho spirit of revolt ha spread even to
tho gates of the palace. Zelaya has
surrounded himself with an armed
guard. Unchecked tho populace has
mnrched through tho streets, crying for
tho end of the old and proclaiming the
new regime.
Who will tako up the reins no one
knows or cares. It Is sufficient thnt
Zelaya as dictator will bo known no
more. Thero Is no doubt that cougre
will act quickly on his resignation, for
tho people havo demanded It.
Dr. Joio Madrlx, judge of tho Cen
tral American court of justice at Car
tago, who has been clow to Zelaya, nnd
Is now his choice for president, is on
his way here. Ho will arrive on Sat
urday. Madrlx haa his following,
strong and Influential, even among the
revolutionists, but Qencral Kstradn, un
der whoso command the body of fight
ing insurgents now faces Vnsque'
troops at Rama, will havo none of him.
Kstrada't word will bear weight in
tho choice of president.
Zelava has known, too, that Madrlx
is not 'acceptable to tho United States,
and ho has sought to lern who would
bo looked upon with favor by that
government as bis successor, but the
American government, so far as can be
learned, has named no man, and tho
choico probably will Ho with those who
have gained the upper hand.
rawed Suddenly After Mating Brave
Rally rrom Operation.
Brutls, Dee. 17. King Leopold
died at 2:35 o'clock this morning, his
aged and wasted body unable to stand
the strain put upon it. Tho collapse
occurred suddenly and at a moment
when tho doctors seemlugly had the
greatest hopes for his recovery.
Throughout yesterday bulletins Issued
from the sickroom indicated progres
sive Improvement. The bulletin posted
at 0:30 o'clock, gave the king's tem
perature, pulse and respiration as prac
tically normal. Apparently the drain
age of the wound was perfect, as no
torcr was present all day. Tho king
had been able to take nourishment.
The pnblie at large was satisfied that
tbo king would recover, but within the
pavilion where the king lay, anxiety
was felt, chiefly becauso of Leopold's
great age. After a restful day the
patient was able to sleep for a. brief
period cany in too evening nu mo
night passed quietly.
Tho king's coolness and courage In
the heroic struggle won tbo admira
tion of all, for at no time did he seem
to fear the result. Now that ho Is
dead it is considered remarkable he
was able to survive so long by the
force of his mentality.
When Gofllnet emerged from the high
walls of the royal garden, bis pale
face startled tho newspaper correspond
ents outside. Ho paused for a moment
and said solmnly, ''The king is dead."
Two Dynamiters Are Dynamited.
Tulsa, Okla., Dee. 17. That tho in
tervention of death frustrated a well
arranged plot to dynamite tho safe of
a Tulsa bank Is the belief of tho local
authorities, following the discovery of
the bodies of two men terrtmy man
gled by the explosion of nitroglycerine,
two miles from this city early today.
Near the torn bodies were found com
plete kits of cracksmen's tools. A
battered reeeptaele that had contained
the explosive was found on tho river
bank several rods away. The police
believe the men were making their
way toward Tulsa.
Wind Blows Cars Eight Miles,
Sheridan, Wyo., Dec. 17. Burlington
passenger train No. 41 ran into five
ears which had been blown by the
snow storm from a switeh at Wyola,
Wyo., tonight, demolishing the cars and
wrecking the englno. No ono was in
jured. Tho runaway ears bad been
blown eight mile before the passenger
struck tbcra. Other ear started by the
wind havo not been found.
Wheel Grind Up $250,000,
Pittsburg, Dee. 17. More than 1250,
000 worth of Internal revenuo tax paid
whisky stamps, the property of tho gov
ernment, were mutilated or blown away
today when the iron arm attached to
a mail car on a fast train failed to
eounect properly with a registered mail
bag and threw it under the wheels. The
occurred at Olbsonton, near
Longer Oar Grant Loses,
Kansa City, Dec. 17. Tho proposi
tion to extend tho franchise of tho Met
ropolitan Streetcar company which
now holds the traction right of tbo
city up to 102320 year, or 42 years
from tbo present, was defeated at n
special election today by a majority of
7,001. This was the first election held
under the referendum law.
I --t ssss-ww - -"sss"-
improving O. R. & N,
Contract Signed for $000,000 Worth of
Work on Des Chutes Line.
The Dalle Twohy Dro., contract
ors, am putting an army of 700 meu
to work on tho trackage of the O, R.
,k N. Co. botweou Tho Dallca and Dcs
Chutes for tho purposo of removing
curves and reducing tho grade to
maximum of IS per cent. Tho contract
wai signed just prior to Vice Preldcul
J l O'Brien 'a departure for New
York rt few days ago.
Tho project Is one of the largost put
under way for a long time, outside of
new construction, and will Involve the
expenditure of at least $000,000.
While not admitted by tho railroad
official at this time, it Is understood
thnt tho work means the preliminary
..! .illil mlnn inward double track
lug tho company's line from Portland
to Dos Chute, which dlManco will le
subjected to unuually heavy traflle
with tlio completion oi n urnncu un
central Oregon by way of the Dcs
Chutes canyon.
Umatilla Troject Near Completion.
Pendleton Tho Umatilla. Irrigation
project it now S04 per cent completed,
according to an announcement from the
reclamation office in Washington, D. C.
This announcement Is based on report
furnished by the engineer In charge of
the project.
It Is said that the project represent
an investment to date on the part of the
government of $1,139,42,1. Tho final
cost will bo closo to $1,300,000.
Tho canal system is completed tufll
cienlly to permit of tho irrigation at
the present time of approximately IS,
000 acres. Tho total number of acre
Included in tho project as it will stand
when completed Is 23,171.
WVer right applications have Won
made to date for 0,300 acres, nnd set
tiers have begun to mako payment of
t.raWt eliiriMM for the return to the
I iM.iirMiiiABl nf thn ltftAr'tf lnvtttmmt.
As fast a this money is repaid It will
be available for use In tho undertaking
of other project.
Two Cars of Taper for New Code.
Salem It will require two carloads of
papor to print Oregon's new code. The
code will consist of two volumes and
there will bo printed 3,000 sets, or a
total of 10.000 volumes, a respectably
large library. State Printer Dunlway
estimates that tho printing will take
70,000 pounds of book paper.
The first volume ha already been
compiled and the copy is being placed
in tho hands of the printer rapidly.
William F. Lord, James B. Montaguo,
James Godfrey and William P. Lord Jr.
compose tho commission created by the
last legislature for compiling a new
code. It will be ready for distribution
in November, luiu.
Ontario Scholars Chosen.
Ontario The faculty of the Ontario
High school lias chosen two debating
teams, one of which will debate with
the Baker City High school January
7, and the other with a team from tho
Covo High school on tbo same date.
Tho six student to represent
Ontario are Herbert Williams, Kddlo
Draper, Mis Margaret Dunbar, George
Hardman, Howard Mallctt, aud Mis
Kthol Mllllkin.
Gooch Gets Foitottlce.
Shelburn A postofllec has been es
tablished in tho new town of Gooch,
located ou the Corvalllt It Eastern,
about 20 miles cast of this place, and
will bo supplied with mall by the O.
k K. trains dally except Sunday. The
Inhabitants of tho town are chiefly on-
gsgod in logging and lumbering, Tho
large sawmill of-tho Fred Gooch Lum
ber company is located at Gooch.
Big Orchards for Douglas.
Roseburg Five thousand acres of
land have been planted to orchard In
this section this year. Tho goneral
success of fruit growing in Oregon ha
stimulated tho Industry near Roseburg.
Next year the orchard area will bo near
ly doubled,
New Theater at Medford.
Medford Excavation ha begun for
the Pago building, the work to bo fin
ished by February 1. Tho basement Is
83x150 cot. The plan for the build
ing include an up-to-now theater and
also storeroom and offices,
W. U. at Klamath rails.
Klamath Fall The Western Union
Telegraph company ha been granted
permission to enter the city of Klam
ath Fall. It is tho Intention of tbo
company to open an office at once so as
to handle the business of tho city.
Oregon Wants Wood.
Salom The largest wood contract
ever offered by tho stato is to bo lot
December 20. The boards of the sev
eral stato institutions want 10,000 cords
of green cut wood delivered early next
New Depot at Milton.
Milton Milton Is to have a now
depot. Tho prcsont freight houso has
become entirely Inadequate to accom
modate tho business, and arrangements
are being mauo to erect a largo uncx
Big Crop Alfalfa Seed. '
Lakevlow Oeorgo Gerald, of the
Honey Lako valloy, threshed 40,000
pounds of alfalfa toed this season,
which at the tailing prlco of 13 conts
brought him a nieo income or 10,20",
Three Hundred Men Pushing Klamath
Line to Reservation.
Klamath Falls Andrew lirlekson,
railroad contractor, has taken a tub
contract to build the last IS miles of
the M miles of traok to be built from
Klamath Palls to Bprnguo river by
K.rlckson & Petterson. Hub Contractor
Krlckson has already established his
camp on the Indian reservation nnd
has atK)ut 100 men employed, and In
tends to start a steam shovel In the
near future.
Thero are now over 3tf0 men em
ployed In the railroad camps from here
to Hprnguo river, and this eud of the
work la being rushed as fast as pos
sible. ,
The traek Is laid on tho main lino a
dintnnen of iilunit thrco miles. The in
'dimtrial spur from
m Jho main line to the I ' to start an uprising In hi favor
,1 Jnd the railroad can n Zemyn's siiwoMur, but whether with
laterlal to be used lnZelayn' consent It mil known. It It
Inke Is completei!
construction work to tho lake and then
by water to the different points along
ll,o lake shore where tho men aro work-
now tako the ina
At the waterfront tno Houtnern ra-
clfie I building a large wharf an I
warehouse. These waterfront Improve
ments will be used In connection with
the railroad construction, and when the
work is completed will be used at
freight houses, etc., In connection with
shinning on the upper lake by the
Southern Pacific.
Farmers rian Irrigation System in In
terior Country.
Andrews In the Wild Horse valley,
north and south of Andrew, many
farm are successfully trrlunted by
means of flowing wells. A. II. Mollis,
south of Andrews, ha lx or seven of
them on his tdare. and there are many
ethers having similar and twwer num
ber. AJI tho way south lo Uenio,
through tho Pueblo and Trent errek
valleys, these well are found, and In
a short tlmo there will be n grent many
nf them drilled and put to good use In
a goneral irrigation system.
Taking tho character of the toll and
tho favorable climatic conditions, the
possibilities for fruit and vegetable
production under a genernu water
supply aro beyond present calculation.
Where-n flow can be obtained at a
depth of 03 to 123 feet, tho cost It
nominal, and the water can be used at
great profit. Under such nit Impetus
Harney county is ture to make rapid
Increate in School Population.
Lebanon The school centus of the
tabanon dlttrlct ha been completed,
nnd It shows that thero are 333 children
of school ace In tho district, of which
204 aro girls nnd 237 ore boy. This Is
an increase of 111 over the enumora
tton of 1009, the total number latt year
being 414.
Wheat Bluestem, $1.10GJ1.20j club,
$1.0; red Russian, $1.00; Valley, $1.01;
40 fold, $1.09.
Barley Feed and brewing, $30 per
Corn Whole, $33; cracked, $30 per
Oats No. 1 white, $33 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette valley,
$18(f20 per ton; eastern Oregon, $180?
2U.0; alfalfa, 10lfl.60i elover, $13
(JplO; cheat, $1510; grain hay, $15
Butter City creamery extrat, 3Pe;
fnney outtldo creamery, 3tf$3nc per
Ih.t aiore. 22U.(ft24e. (Butter fat prices
averago l'c per pound under regular
butter nrlecs I
Eggs Freb Oregon extras, 43e per
dozen; eastern, 31t37fAo per dozen.
Poultry Hem, He; tpring. lie;
rootters, OffHOe; ducks, lCflTl(IV4e;
geese, lir3le; turkoyi, lire, 21i22c;
dressed, 23c
Pork Fancv. 10Ji WAe net pound.
Veal Extras, ll($lltte per pound.
Fresh Fruits Apple, $13 box;
pears, $l(M.S0 per box; quince, $1.23
(d'l.fjO per box; cranberries, $9(20.50
per barrel.
Potatoes 0(cgon, G073c per saek;
tweet potatoes, 1952e Pr pound.
Vegetables Artlehokcs, 7Cc per
dozen; beam, 10c per pound; cabbage,
l'ic per pound; enullflowor, $2 per
dozen; celery, $2.733.B0 per crate;
horseradish, $1.60 por Dox; pumpkin,
VAf$Wi6 tprout, 8o per pound;
squash, lCil',cj tomatoes, 7Se$l;
turnips, $1 per sack; carrot, $1; beets,
$1.30; parsnips, $1.60; onloui, Oregon,
$1 30 per sack.
Cattlo Best steer, $4.504.73 fair
to good, $l(f4.23; medium and feeders,
$3J30(fr3,7S best, cow, $3J503.7fl;
modlum, $3(3.75; common to medium,
$2.303.73; bulls, $22.50j stags, $2.60
(??3.S0 calve, light, $3.2303.30; heavy,
$40)4 73.
Hog Beit, $8.40(i)fl.00i modlum,
$70(558; ttocker, $0.80ff?0.78.
Sheep Best wethers, f4.765; fair
to good, $1.2304,50) best owe, $2,73
??i) fnlr to good, $3.50(38.73; Iambs,
Hops 1000 crop, 18224c 3068
crop, nominal; 1007 crop, 12o 1000
crop, 8c,
Wool Eattern Oregon, 10Q23o
pound; Mohair, choice, 25c pound,
Catcora bark Vje per pound.
Hides Dry hides, 18(!?10c per poundj
dry kip, 1718c pound; dry calfskin,
1021o pound; talted hides, 10(7?
lie; saltod calfskin, 15Q10o pound;
green, lc lost,
Eelaya Dald to Havo 000 Political Pris
oner In Chains,
llliiifldd, Nicaragua, Doe. 14. It
it learned from an nuthojltntlvr. source
thnt a reign nf terror Is being main
tained In Managua, and that nut less
than BOO persons identified with poll
tic are In chains In the prisons. A
Catholic society has been ordered to
cense sending supplies to the prisoners,
who may starve to death, as they are
allowed only 3 cents a day for food.
Corporal punishment It meted out dally
to vartous alleged offenders
Zrlaya, to create an Impression that
the sentiment of the people of Managua
1 hostile towards America and Ameri
cans, recently ordered Amello Kslrada,
n prominent liberal nnd a btolher of the
revolutionist chief, to organise a dem
onstration against the United States.
This he refused tn do.
It I understood thut Dr. Julian hint,
minister l'viipmI. ha been making at
lt. - a so that Iris' home has been
.jurrourj.Wt JV 1'". Y "
I'orlta Ivo dispatches state that S00 of
l Zidayn forcps have been entrenched to
prevent American marines from passing
uvrr the bridges into Corluto.
Since last Thursday, when ticnrrai
Kstrada bocama crrtnln that Genera)
Vaiduez. fn command of a wrtlon of
Zelaya 'a troops, was attempting to make
a detour of Rama to telte an unguarded
river point and descend upon illueflelds,
forces of thn provisional government
have lieen acting with great energy.
Kama ha ben occupied, and lest I in
portant river landings havo been strong
ly guarded. All available boats have
been held In reserve to rush relnfflrce
ments to any potnt that may be threat
General Chamotra and 3A0 men ar
rived today to assist In guarding the
entire 0) inlliM of tho KeRdltUt river,
front Rama to BlMefteld General
Clinmorrti loft X men gnardlag the
Innd Msag between lllueflelds and
Three Rescued After All Night StruggU
With Death.
Rulnler, Or., Dec 13. Pour yong
people, resident of Maygers, Or., met
terrible death by drowning In the Co
lumbla river early Sunday morning,
when a launch In which they were rid
Ing turned turtle at Burton' landing,
spilling the party of seven Into thn ley
colli water. Three of the party were
rescued after hanging to grim death
for seven hours, which to tbem emtd
like centuries.
The dead aret Mitt Selma llftitdriek.
son, ngeil 17; Anna itrmirlcnian, aged
10: Grace Waud, aged 10. and I,ee Bar
ber, aged 20.
The rescued nrfli Pyrl Proctor, aged
20; Prank Knspcr, aged 20, and Amos
Card, aged 1U.
A party or in or 12 young people
from Mayeors. 10 miles west of Rainier,
amo horo Saturday to spend tho even
ing at the skiting riiiK. After the eiot
inir of thn rink at 10 P. M a party of
crn loft Rainier In the gasollno launch
lli-mlrlekson Tor Maygrrs.
The seven elung desperately to the
overturned boat.
Leo llarbur, who hung on for nearly
an hour and a half, was first to let go.
"I'm getting sleepy," ho said "I'm
going to sleep," nnd he slipped back
Into the water and did not rise. The
next to drop off was Miss Selma llen
drlckson, who held on perbapt a half
hour longer. Soon after Anna Hen
drlckaon, her titter, went to a watery
The survivors clung to the Imat until
tl A, M., making Just seven hours In all,
when tho tugboat Burton enmo along
and nnswerlng tholr erles rescued them.
Troops Arrive at Panama.
Colon, Dec. 14. The United States
trnntport Dixlr, with 700 marine
aboard, which sailed from Philadelphia
December u, arrived at o o'ciock nut
Tho Dixie proceeded to dock 11,
Cristobal, where ear wore In waiting
to transport tbo men, provision! and
ammunition Immediately to Panama.
Washington, Dee. 14. A hurry call
for marine to proceed with the cruller
Prnlrio on her Interrupted trip from
Philadelphia to Colon wai madn upon
tho three Now Kngland navy-yardt to
day. Fire Cry ratal to Three,
Cleveland, O., Dec, 14, A cry of
"flro" that started when a woman fell
downstairs from the balcony of the Ma
jostle theater tonight earned a panic In
tho crowded houso and the death of
three women,
Mr. William Rlehtor, MUt Mary Cor
rlgan nnd Mlts Mary McCafTorty wort
crushed In tho crowd nnd died In am
bulance. Many other women nnd a
number of children luttninod minor In
juries. It took the effort of squad from
near-by pollen stations to stop tho
struggling of tho mob.
Mlno Burns, Six Entombed.
Woathorport, Ky Doe. 1B A retcuo
party ontorod tho Baker tnlno of tho
Wott KontucKy coal company today in
search of six negro minor Imprisoned
In tho iceond lovol by nn oxploilon yes
terday, Flro In tho mlno has boon burn
ing steadily, anil it is hardly posslbVi
mat tne reicuors win ponoiruto far,
Dissolution Suit Will Bo rough!
To Finish.
Claims 8lirmn3Antl-Trust Law Wat,
Not Violated Competition
Ooi Kxlit,
St. Louis. Dee. H Ailnniey rr
the Standard Oil riinmny of New in
spy, It tuhaldlnrlfi and thn tcvon ladt
vlilimt ngnlhtt whom the governmnt
r.witly won It dissolution suit. ioUr
fllml nn appall frmii Ihw advr d
Ion of Hi" fiMttrul elrrult roiirt
MUt fir ii iiiitanctw In which iv.
trial eoiiri I Mllegstl to Imvi' rrl are
riled a rmiMiiis fnr nppr-ntltig tn tii
federal tuprnm rnttrt.
t'ollwtlvely, thw aMlgmiienU of err..(
are that (he eldnnre did nut show u
violation .if the Hlicrinnii nutl trust law
The finding In respeut tit coniptiti
llun between rorporutlun occupying
contiguous territory are aalled, at r
also ciilicluslon of thn court regarding
the part that John D Itoekefcllvr It
II. linger. John D. Archtmld and othrr
Individual defendant look In the foi
iimtlnn nnd conduct nf the various r.,w
wnlr. The order granting the appeal
a signed by Circuit Judges llouk
and Adams
Krrur Is nln alleged In th
that a holding company owning t
stoek of eotnpaHle that otherwise
mmld be romtirlltUr, It a form f
trnt prHhlhltwl by the Hhrrman
The dnt'twintit then turn ! it
court 't reference Ih the Northern
nrltlM eHse, ami alleges that "r
was etmimltl! in deciding that
en wM ruled by the older dteumii
The atlltHd nf tb rultagt regarding
the ilnfrtHlaal .ltdiary wmw
Mit nllaekml. error IwUg ntrte. it
ike iiMimg a In iketr relations w "i
tkf tHAftdartl f New Jersey
t'rlllelwi ttf the detren Ix-glm , it
tgNtnent Na. I The eHUt enj-iard
the New Jereey etwitNiHy from Vulmg
thn ltk nf the snlHldlary eeneems,
smaller eouipante from paying divi
dend lu the larger, Individual defead
ant from continuing the combination
which It found lo exist or the forma
tion by thrni of any similar arrange
rnrnt looking In the control of pri'e
or transportation of ielroleum. .Ml
these ardent are declared to be in er
Will Leaves $3,000,000 tn Be Divided
Among Throe Daughters.
Ilriituds, Dee IH. -The filing of Kag,
IeHld ' will today show that u
divided $3,000,00(1 between his Ihrrn
daughters, Princes louW prta'-es.
Hlt-phnnln and I'rlneesi Clementine
This prnetleal dlslnherltanto of hi
children signallto the l-eglnalng of a
gigantic legal battle to obtain tb
king' wealth, similar to that wsi'ii
eA on Ike death at their Mother.
(Jurea Henrietta.
The exact aumMBl of l.H)joId s for
tune probably never will be retetie-1
Ifpnry VlHr. thn king's friend lad
runfldentlnl legal adviser, told the As
satiated Press today that leipold
turned over a large irtlon of i to
tho Bsrune-s Yaugkan nod her call
ilren nnd created a stock company uf
his rktates In forestall a possible raid
li mi ii it by tho Princesses taulso and
Stephanie or their creditor.
Seiinlnr Winer said that later per
hap large portion of tho estate would
lin given to Belgium. Tho Princ
Clementino, ntldn from bequests she
will receive, I provided for by a sp
eiul Income from Congo property
Investigation shows that (lie rlgat of
4urcelon to thn tlironn of the child
of King Leopold by thn llaroue
Vaughan Is nut worthy of serious '
tendon. It It Klnted out by Senator
Winer that If there were only a rebg
lou ceremony, law of tho kingdom
would prevent tho ' ncretslon of the
child of such n union. The senator,
however, dons tint hellavo thero was
even n religious marriage.
If It I established that tho Bsron
on Vaughan I of foreign birth, the
probably wlt bo expelled from Bel
glum, liko the favorite of Leopold I,
thn llaroness Mayer, whoso houso was
attacked nnd destroyed by n mob after
tho king's death.
Tamlly of Eleven Marooned,
flt. Paul, Minn., Deo. 18. Levi
I'rnuk, hi wife nnd nlnn children were
brought In an oxhausted condition t
thl city yesterday from n point tcv
-rul inlfct up tho Mississippi river. In
thn recant big blUtard tho throe open
rowbont, lu which thnv hnd fought
thiitr wnv for 400 inllct down tho
Pnthcr or Water, were stranded on an
Island in midstream. Frank braved
tho crush of tho river ice, endured
thn privations of cold nnd hunger and
Ntrugglud In vain for dnys to swim
through tho chill current of tho Mit
slssippl to secure help,
Wrecked Ferry Is round.
Krlo, Pa., Dec. IS. Tho wreck of tho
ear ferry Mnnpiettn Si Ilesiqinor No 'J,
which foundered during the- groat storm
nn Lnko Krlu December 7, resulting In
tho death of 9.1 porsont, found
Into thl afternoon by tho tugboat
Item! of thl city, nt a point 12 nillci
from Conncaut, Ohio,