What Is Nicer for a rim HILL XMAS GIFT SANTA CLAUS WILL BE HERE SATURDAY. ARE THOSE STOCKINGS READY? Meat Market MAURY HILL, Proprietor l'l'Ll, LINK 01' Beef, Pork, Veal and Million i Than ft lMctutc of Unby or of Yourself. One Dor.. Picture mounted on Special Xmm Tost Curds for $a. Good work on Po.st cards $t 50 per Dor, Copying ami KuliURitiR. Cnbincts $4 nnd 5 per Don, -SI BEND STUDIO. C um.iii' I'inui'n murc ) HAITI irtlWlUH jwiuj. v k 011 d I happy loo If you ( i Uiuj:lit our r ? HARNESS - !b k" h &?$ IV MsMild STOP! In ami look over our lit of irrigated land. We, have the largest list in Crook county jind arc Mitlsfylng investors every day. If you have anything to acll, let us yell it for you. We have raor buyers than land. Come In and list youi city property with us. Our list U almost exhausted and we have buyers waitiuR. Why pay rent when we can loan you money to build a house of your own. The interest is less than rent and, when you pay, vou arc paying for some thing of your own. Coroe in and let us ex plain the proposition to you. You will be glad you did it. We arc agents for the Har ney Valley Oil & Gas Company, the best ' stock proposition in Eastern Oregon. You bad better investigate this. ,t hxi ' vfcp' J Insurance Strongest CompanJe. Notary Public -Neat and accurate. ..Homestead location Satisfaction guaranteed. Ijnan Agency Best and cheapest. Timber lands bought anil sold Best vicinities. Stenographic work, all kinds Reasonable rate. Call' on or write The Cent Ore. Realty Co. Bend, . .. Oregon 3$cutci 9$i xJaconta, at 4pfwt wJtt acVaiWa TUDKNTS sTUre pointer. ai co ue prowatten . written uratee osabtwed are at a ttijveUied alary frost ifee start, U Rteea if desdred. Write & fall partknUr and f roe ct'ioae la d ay. Address: -5v? SBttsiness Gofetpr, lrrirat4 Lxl Fr Safe. Vorty are c wncattvl &?a , land for aJe attj wiwjtessa,e yrtxs wd Heat Jrescfct oawe n 6dser feseei 4tJtVSf. TOcwig 3cr Setters vni dtllr y&t BurtieaUr Jrxi v. carei papers, fcrav It cawe w wa tbc asal lie fetiWetim. StitjlSwe Tmw Cowcrrr Srjuas & IRM-Safe. Itorsft, 5arws a.A VtkKviti A SpfeftH 0xraW for every uie. Cut generotw ly full. Two hSp pocket. Felted seittn. Continuous fly. taUt-ttllNfat. Mtim.sKiyiitro. MutlMvm Swhwkn tafana) Lsoieae iistniss flash. A -awe i jixx. BeuteJ CXege -retire paod as graduated -d Uter at advanced salaries, A to place graduates of oar Nrtfc. If vw wWJi ta kavc 5r ex- ISTASCEC. 25it Typewntcr rtbMi fc- R ss. We have Ikcii ttolng conlltrahle lmliica at LARA'S the latK cat in onr hiatnry but c villi have vtry (lr awortuicnl to (elect liom only you liclalcd one had better luitry. We have juat received a large Hue f JAl'AN'KSH WARH-tra jxUa, cupa and Muccr. cream ami augur nets platen, IxukeW, etc. Don't thcic miggcat Ktinething tu youf t But Do Hurry! Vlieiultel(KV of TOYS Mill on haml, and there are lata o( thtna on our vhclvev that will plcaac the older membcrv ot the (amity, COME ON TO LARA'S BEND, 9c has Ja5t Wkat Ym are PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. The Bend teachers attended the bazaar Friday night in a body and bought their suppers of the ladies. The grades are preparing a pro gram to be given Friday afternoon, the Inst day bctorc the Holiday va cation. Owing to severe illness, Miss Sarah WornstaiT was taken home and will not return until after the Holidays. The basket ball girls are elated over the (act that they have gained one victory over the boys, the score for the Gtst game Thursday nigbt being 6 to 7 in tavor of the girts. Miss Lita Richardson and Mrs. Inncs were visitors at school last week. We are very glad to web come visitors at any time and cor dially invite them to come, espec ially me parents. The eighth grade also debated on the nutation. "Rcsolvrd. That the Mreets of Bend should be graded." The affirmative was taken by Claude and Lloyd Keltey and Har ry Spining; the negative by I.uetta WornstafT, Bevsie Main and Hlna Schultz. Tbc affirmative won. The seventh grade had a debate last Thurday. "Resolved. That summer affords more pleasure than winter." Those on the affirmative side were Robert Inncs, Clarence Sather and Willie Linster. On the negative, Ruth Caldwell, Gladys Brandenborg and Hay Deyirtaood. The negative sWe won. LcdfonMVIUUmson. William Ledford. commonly known to many throughout this section as "Keotuck." was married last Wednesday to Miss Jennie F. Williamson, daughter of Mr. and) Mrs, J. N. Williamson of Trine ville. The boneytaooa wdl be! peat at The Dalles and Portland. ' r FOUR MORSE LIVERY. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. H. WENANDY. lnp. ALT, KINDS OF MGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY A&o HAY, OATS, BARLKV. WHS.T, CHOP WHEAT. BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. A8 Oriers prwewj-ftly DcKwm!. Orw Sy PSeoe No. iS. Hatm. Bb c;tit 4td SJA. Lwl au4 heavy Herw for Sale, OREQON Lwirg fr, at tk RljM Frkc. Home Land Company BEND Central Oregon OUR 320Acre HOMESTEADS Will Make You Rich! Onr locator has bad six years experience here and knows the country thoroughly. He shows you. the land and all the corners and ashts in every way to start you right. Call or write for full information. Irrigated Land We have it in tracts from 40 acres upwards, fso to f 50 per acre. Timber Land Stumpace $t 50 per M and up wards. Also saw mill sites. Town Property Will double and quadruple in value, invest now. Home Land Co., BEND. OREQON. SADDLE HORSES. . n . ; L.cniui:rvjuuu 1 OK i ) JOHN LEQAT T II lleinl.Or. i RwrAiwiHO ann Nkw Work- 1 PIERCE ARROW AUTO LINE llctwecn Slianiko ntid Iletul, cnllinn at Madras and Red mond. $3000 Car. 50 Itorae l"ower A. U. niJCK, MnKer Aililr ShaniVJinr lml. I CAN SELL YOUR LAND I'attlr In llir 1'm.tll niilt?ec tlon, or anrwlwrr in thr Itcml nuntry. Imi bar? tract of land wholly (rtr I mm rxV. or narly k, ami who ilctltc to mtII the Mtuc bbouM lut thm with ni. I ha- UrK nuittlro( jxt'p'e round North Yakima, V.1., who want lanl In Ihu rctton and I will he able to cll your pru(rty. LarRC tract! a prelalty. . Da. J'. M. Van SNYDKR KUbtr at IVnit, Or., or North Yakima, Waah. CONTIiST NOTICE. Itrfltawat mtbr lalnWr, VmtifX auif Lal Tkr lwltr. Onroa. KumWr f. A eidct cvatrM iftlirt Immbc tint la tkUaOct WylMUf K. atviii,twiin(.irilM haarfwl ratty. No. t4. """ mtaWr I. r.arrtl K KWimU MnIU f ttntly ) anrunt. watrtrr. ta wkxk HUM (rrl IkU Mkl wnian 4w4 m afcowl Aftli n . lat iM m?T rrtaWtwi m oVarr r. raM'tln tv4 m4 Km MX la brr otk Iktl war r nth Un twin fcJ.T mbmj Ui4t4 f null . tM nltwi.mruti uulor caa h aafw kta tkli(lhtatr MrknnrfuUnur roai IWr rr aakawva lkl U tKrrvl aoM Mt mA 4a la tfUr airlBlvanar MT ar Hm (arjwat lt t'uHnl Malr w UM i war aU fitr at kty aauad la imhi mpamt. a amn rtrwc taMktaf mm aMxUw al ta a,MVck a aa laaaar a. In Ww II. C Win, a V a. Ca aimii it. al luaaavnawrai.OtTraa. aa4 Ik.t al kmua " kt rU al ta 'lUtl a. m aa Jaawatjr a nta bttxx IW ttrf n4 mI.Tf at Ik t MU4 MaK Law4 OtVcv la Tk law.Oniia TktakltMlMM uur. ttfWAcv &&. 4a.W. ainl KavnaVr iL trH. a walk Una Ink iki Uaal tJUt 2m alkaian ftwaal vnvt aatlca caa wrt V aaatr. H Wtr ! walk Una kr arart ap4 4rtr4 Ikal (Vrta kj Aaa a4 KPt Uvmt. 45 a C w- kiuoaru arjHr- rr - 1 -., s ra NOTICK FOR I'L'RIalCATIOK twuruxaxala lumn, r LaMftalLarMr drrraa. tnratat k. aw. M1TCK H krrrVf ft tkat Aaiarra 6- Awatrv. aftaaiiail. Q'.wa- "V. aw Hw- atkh. a naat Haaantta iaaMaa ka jnl kaU Sw MU IrrlVr t, XW V KKVAwTICkw U.IV"A f a- I K H. r a. , ac aa C. Mtanr a Nanaiitwi a aaaka idlir-a hw. to naakiatk tUulttt ar idHir-a trmi. to naakfitA r j m, ua UlaakUarfawTrwaMa. Wf II C tw c oatwaMaf al KW unfta. aw aifflju way aa f aiwaay aM CUmuI aMir, aa wawi.i. KaIaA rat aaa a ttrnt. Oma Hun kwwtia.a.Bw.i caaaatwaart wax awira aawi.au, awtYk acTMra w van. txu NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. I'Wol S4atra Law4 k&ce. The IXaMrv OrsR. VafttM likfnlfV f4ta 1hl ik. Ci.u I Orrxww. liSvJk tktad&rcha JleaM4v. Strta N Wfcii m Kim r U fitaa U W Act 4 CerrM 4 AmretJl if. iJi, aJ tW Acta Mffir bothwt a umaMMy Ibrtvtw. lor XK V XB V St, it, a4 X S vV It. XU XR V. $. XW '. Sw 1,. Twjv WiSu. K. IJ It. W H Any a.iJall fvMii HaanaSf; Jivn IrUe Stiiia 4rkU4, wt kruKc to 4nic4 tinctHiw l6.t ntaxral nJharketr ii tiir Ban4. r 9c aj mIkt rhm, la t3irjiEmka9 twaffflacaat aJbosU 4t Uku a.'ffiitiwa 4 1 rM(na ks tVa oftrr w r lirfwc iif lra ttar 4 KiriUT. icml 4s-j96 C W. 14coit, KrciMtr. Tbc BI5rtsi't noir4iea lut ii ipwatwig erwy wxet. Help it to War. All my turn! arc Motel In laiue Ire IhikjuM liuUllril anil ate nlwaya In tlir lwl olconilUloii, I M)llcl your alriMtKe ) G. W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch Repairing a antci.M.TV Two iloora aoulhol I'.O. Hen J U. C. COE. M. D. Physlclnn nnd Surgeon OfPICK OVKK ItANIC Oflicc II win. to to 11 . m . 1 to j ami 7 to 8 p, 111. llK.Nn, : OHKOON C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OfKICK IN tUMK mJIUU.Nrt. Wtjrji, OH MOON DR. I. I.. SCOFIKIaO, DENTIST. ' . OCPlCIt IN JOHNSON M'U.!)1.S'0 Bend, Oregon. Dr. A. A. BURRIS,?i.E:li llralar IKMawa mWH; TtralHt WUWil Ika Um of tMa(a w kwttf'r. W lk Ntl.r.l Mrtkola aT lUaMac Ckro. k tMwaan a k(ialtjr. CoaltalkMi tit MnaUrwrilM M.it a4 Xatiaaal Matatafwth Mklrt (Macr la Jakaaow BVif , ma4.0fTfa IIKND LODCK No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meet on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. VUitioK brothel a altrays welcome. 1 a. cast. at. r o. mimoh. w. w. F. 0. MINOR LAWRttXCK MMLB!W LI 1K HI RF-ACCI DKNT 1XSURANC I. Notary labile aad CantTjaoeJac All Lcal Taper Carrretlr Draws. FIDELITY BONDS CONTIIST NOTICE. lrrlawal aT Ikt tatntaf . V . Laa4 ObV. IV IteMra. Orx Irrrwkt ulk. rv- A aaara4 nalM a KAartt Vartaf Ua (Ir4 la Ikaa aK r CkatVa II ISrwkM. n.l4ul. I I 4ia llaair.ta tiatr Ha. nr aaa4 Max J IJ,intWkl.SNV . Tap. t .1 K, k. t K w- V . ka taaa Iwaiil. naititn In la wkwk la aa4tk mM tratliaUl kaa .Uwy akaa Im I aaal wwt ur awi laaa M anaatka taM M. latt a.al atwatiaia.w m aaa 4r ta fea a. w-al lalkatff aaay rf aiiaaa ( "t Ik I awr4 Matra a Haara4wac ?a taalir. aT Waaka a.ailrl ka arai t. afnail4 6n riw.a lMk aaal ilk(MW a( aaa-akk a la aw J.twt ,. H kt II IAm. a r w. Caaalii ma n al kM aavta M kwwa. Orrcw.aa4 IkM Itul k'tt aOllw fcM at taaraiwa a. aa aw Jaautf at, a Wm Ik aanwrt aw4 lnt al Ik Laarrf Malta Laa4 aMH- a IVt tkrikn. una Tkvaaktaaaanaaa Vaa Hitntntk 4am. tknt w aw, art fewtk fMa alia ak ii Ikal aKat 4aa Hafuratr (aaaawal t,v. (kit ama cm. wrf nr .!. H t k. t tky akm4 awa .a Ikal afc wnara l tw kj ar aw faair waihomMia taai, c w M.oaa. .(UIt NOTICK FXJU Fl'IiLICATION. t". S. Lasd O&tr, I-aVte. Onxwe. NoitsUr iwtK. iy. XUe U Btrrtry Rirto that It Xtwtb f rcfcc Rat! war Centwar. kkM wtUnrak ii St. I'aoi. UlonrtoU. aj cm lh atHh dar of (VtoWr. ion. 6tf ia lM w&cc lU applacatlwa ta k4t ea.U-r tbc ranaanaa al iht Act al On rr. amretxU Jalr I. SS tjo Mat w. bl at cxtcakda.1 br lb Act o( Cow Ixrrfct. amoirtl 41ay Ijih, 19 ibr K V, xe- in. h, K. I Han, NH SV,. hW'V Stt'V, Se- Tfv. S. K. 11 HaM. aw.1 RJt SK! Sue. ir Ttv at a K. 11 Ban, W. M. Aay aai all rrrHMt cUialwc lirs ly the taada dKiitii, at dosntsx to 4jfwt 1k al tbc Hra! cKaractcr el tbc U4. ar far ar athcr rratoo. to tbc dianokal la ajTWaat. aJatnvi He tbeir aSMlaitta a( trat ia U-iaa&t. Itfen tbc iah day af Jaaeary, l$kn. ARTIU'R W. ORTX)X, Rc-firtcr. itf aww:. wMariiij.. im.