itf . LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Recent new members of the Hcnd Sand are Messcrs. Wooley and Cote on the clarinet and Philips ou the baritone. M. J. Morrison received word last night that Father Hickcy is very ill in a Portland hospital and that he is not expected to live. Henry Suttong at rivwl Saturday from Wadena, Minn., end will maT:c his home at Beud. He is an old-time friend of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Griffin. George Brostcrhous began work this morning on a building on his lot at the corner of Bond and Min nesota streets. It will be 34x40 with 14-foot posts and will be occu pied by a blacksmith shop. M. E; Rogers and family moved to Bend from Prinevillc this week. Mr. Rogers and one of his sons, K J. Rogers, have desert claims under the Swalley ditch, on which they will reside as soon as they can build houses. There won't be any wood famine in Bend after the first of the year, if I have good luck in getting my new saws in from Sbaniko. I will then have eight men at work if I can get them. I pay the top price for wood choppers. F.M. Carter. Engineer Wakefield's crew last week finished its work on the Ore gon Trunk Line survey running south from Bend and the crew was disbanded. Mtlliken and his crew are expected to arrive in town in a few days on their way to the rail road having also finished their -work farther south. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoc Howard will leave omorrow for Portland where Mis. Howard and the chil dren will remain during the winter but expect to rciurri to Bend next summer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard drove out to Sbaniko during the stormy weather of two weeks ago, and bad a very trying journey. They frore their faces while driv ing acros5 Sbaniko flat and were caught in quite a severe storm. Brosterbous Bros, are doing con siderable work remodeling the in terior of the building recently va cated by The Bulletin, just west of CENTRAL OREGON LANDS The reason that may be causing I ...... ...I.. I. . ....II ..fill Ibnui un J'UU tu lil iu ai.ii win nivv-ivicn- cause you to seek an early sale. We have Rood outside connec tions that will enable us to han dle readily almost', any good nwinn..U Inn 1 let- mtl- f fl . t VJ U'UCll.llMI. L.IOI JUUI 1. II 111 VI J town property with us. Bend Investment Company Next Door to Postotftcc. the Hotel Bend. Mr. and Mrs. O'Kanc will occupy part of it ns living quarters, while the old bowl ing alley quarters will be partitioned' off into room and used as nn an nex to the hotel, this arrangement having been made necessary by the increased amount of business that the hotel is enjoying. The Misses Market were hostesses to 15 of their young lady and gen tleman friends last Saturday even ing. The time was spent in a de lightful manner, otic of the chi'f features and surprises of the even ing's pleasures being a kitchen shower tendered the hostesses and planned by the Bend teachers. The Mures Market are "setting up" housekeeping and their friends took this means of showing their good will and desire to help. The Dutch Market and baraar given Friday evening by the What soever in Lara's hall was quite a pleasing success. A goodly num ber were in attendance to partake of the good things the ladies had provided. Booths containing the tempting viands were arranged along one side of the hall, and in oneend -on the stage was a ba zaar containing a multitude of pretty and useful articles suitable for Christmas gifts, and over which Miss Fern Hull presided. The band dicourscd sweet music later iu the evening, the little folks umde lots of racket, and everyone, old and vomit;, spent an enjoyable evening. The receipts totaled $90 Prinevillc Election Returns. The Prinevillc election last Mon day resulted as follows: For mayor D. F. -Stewart 98, O- N C'tilton 97. For councilrocn J. H. Rosen berg lit, George Storktnan 107, A. H. Lippman 96, Clias. b. Iwl wards 89, George W. Noble 83, J. H. Gray 82. The first three were elected. t For treasurer Claude H. Smith 143. For rtcordcr R. W. Breese 105, Earl McLaughlin 79. For marshal Joe Kelso 10S, Wade Huston 84. A proposed drastic ordinance rcg ulatiug pool rooms, card games, etc. was defeated by a vote of 90 to 93. The "wets" elected their en tire ticket with the exception of mayor. The Bend Bulletin advertisers are getting results. That's why our patronage is increasing. KENWOOD Just Across the River" t r " L-v"r ii ' V' ' FAMOUS RANCH WILL CI.OSH (Continued from pj;e 1 ) U-'LU J I JJ HnlAvviu, who hnd been n breeder of'fine Merino sheep in Vermont The ranch took nit a character of national importance in 1893 when it passed into the control of J. G Ivdwaids, who for some yenrs had been recognized ns the sheep king of Wyoming, Mr. Hdwards had been grnrlng Hocks aggregating 100,000 head on the Wyoming range mid was look ing for some locality moic perfectly adapted for tlto highest t)'e of a combined wool and mutton sheep He selected Crook county, Oregon, and there has built up the type known ns the "Baldwin sheep," which is the only established and reproducing sheep known that is covered with long, heavy, criuklcy wool from its nose to its hoofs with out wrinkles or grease, thchc latter objectionable perquisites having been eliminated iu the breeding. . CHRISTMAS DINMIR Hotel Bend MF.NU: Oyster Soup. Baltimore Style Sweet Pickles. Cold Slaw. Roast Turkey with Chestnut Dress ing and Cianbcrry Sauce. Brazed Suckling Pig Comotc of Apples. Saute of Veal Kidneys en Ilordurc. Duchess Potatoes. Cabbage au Cream. Genuine England Plum Pudding with Haul Brandy Sauce. Coffee. Tea. Milk. RECORD Pacific Norte Uatacat It prepared uprmly for the nerdt of boo emeu aa4 ranchmen. It U a powerful aed jxw IfillflX liotacni, remedy lor etacric de. A tootMflf embrocation lor the reiki ol pita, and the tat Himt tor prate and orene. Uueqwled lor carliif the oundt and Injtirlct ol BARIIEO WIRC and fv beiUf rati, abrailoitt, torn and fcmltt. Pacific Hone Liniment It lull (tiiraalrrd. No olher It to jnod or helpful (a to miny yt. HIlfallttoMtlfly.MCtBtlMrlie id detlen lo refund the purchite price. lit.. 1 MMIII lim (INI Korr Cmcwical Co , nuiKi, oi BOOkLCr gKSfavt0 into California Restaurant Mrs. H. Mouchton, Prop flctl of meal tcrvril at all hour of the day, Board and lxlKlng $25 a Month. Coffee and Doughnuts 10c. Clean, comfortable bedi, 25c a night. We run a flakery In connection with the rraUurant ami curry everything in the bakery line. Ultimate on application Wall Iacr at Portland I'rli'ca N. P. WEIDER PAINTER & Paperhanger Cheapen and flett Wall I'apcrSaui- plea In the county. Get My I'rlcei. Ilox 39. Ilcnd, Oregon. r CHRISTMAS IS NOT PAR AWAY What arc you going to give him or her for n CIIKISTMAS PKUSIINTr If you are thinking of a DIAMOND, tome ami talk It over with u. We can pleae you In both pfjee and ipiality, WU CAM, VOUR 1'ARTICUUK ATTENTION to our te ceiilly enlarged JltWHI.UY DUI'AltTMKNT. We ate now able to ahow you aotne of the most beautiful eiamplea of the Jmrlet'a ail. Our ilctlgna ate up to the minute, ipullty guaranteed and at Prices Thnt Will Defy Competition. Come ami make your aelectlont of CbrUtuiai glftt befoic the HuU SeaiKin commence. We now have few eacluiUe deilRiit which ate iplcnilld value. With ever purchase you make from our Jewrlry Department wr will vt you PIANO VOTItS l tlte tale of iu otca for every dollar to the full amount of your purrliate. MERRILL DRUG CO. (); 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WE HAVE THE BEST Best Wheat Land IN CENTRAL OREGON. Write for Particulars, to Merrill Sb Wilkinson Company 1IKND, ORl'.OON. The PINE TREE STORE Just Received a Nice Lotof Dress Patterns Twenty-five different patterns In all wool changable Panama, Melrose and changable SUk.jOnly onejraUern to eachpiece. Hurry and get your selec Uoi beforetbeyVe ff all picked out. Only k)J a pattern at SATHER'S 5t James Hotels6 WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 I'cr Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 I'cr Cord, Delivered. Phono Me. F. M. CAR.TER. J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor When In Silver take, atop at thli well known Iioiih;, Ouetta can be auurctl that every attention will le paid to nuke them comfortable, Special attention to travelcra. Good home cooking. Term rcaaonable Our Hobby: fleat Meal In Town for 35c WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the- bait that tlio town affordi. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. llitNi), OuKOON so -J 5 o t y Job Printing jj The Bulletin Office asd we will tall far your 1 v j i HtfTrT'r - ' -- T 1 Itfif Piiai rr' f-r"!-""" Phone .rf L, :.- -