The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 22, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 41
Laying of Rail Will Begin
About June I.
Koad In Heine Constructed 'a Rapidly
a Hmplnymcnt of Men and lln
pcndlliiro of Aluriey Atako
t'otalble All Should lloost.
The Orcgouian of. the tSth sayst
"We expect to begin lalng ndl
on the Oregon Trunk Line not
Inter than June 1, next, and by the
following Autumn will have our
railtontl constructed Into Cenirul
Oregon," suld J. J, Hill, veteran
rullroatbbuildcr, yesterday "The
work jirclltulnury to laying the
truck is being proiccutetl just m
rapidly on the employ incut of men
and the expenditure of money tunkc
"No." was tlic terse but positive
reply of Mr. 1 1 III whcti asked if he
would extend the Oregon Trunk
Llncto Suit Francisco, However,
there prevails a very strong sus
picion locutly that there is no uc
ccsslty for Mr. Hill to construct n
road into the California ructroo.
There is every reason to sutcct
that the empire builder has acquired
an interest in the Western Pacific
and that the real terminus of the
Oregon Trunk is LukcvicW, to
which jwlnt the Western Pacific is
now extending its line. This would
afford Hill au entruuet! to Cull for
nin, the goal he long has coveted.
Kill Replies Uvaiivc.
When asked what feeders were
contemplated in rouucctlon witli
his Hue into the interior of the state,
Mr. Hill answered evasively, but
intimated that the policy of the
Hill system was to go after busi
ness wherever it was offered. He
refused to commit himself definitely
on the subject, but made the sig
nificant remark that the purpose of
building the Oicgou Trunk was to
aid materially in the development
of the sta(e, unit that that develop
incut involved the invasion of nil
centers of production and supply
ing such sections with needed trans
IKJttutlou facilities.
OptlmUtlc a to State's Future.
"Willi the iMtuiltlc exception of the
stale of Montana" ld Mr. 1 1 111. "Ore
gnn Iim ilium unoccupied land than any
oilier state. Until recently there Mere
many opt ordinate lor the liumctceker
In almost any of the Wcsti'tlt Mute, hut
the public ilumalii available to the man
who U desirous of establishing '1,r hi"'
tell a home hut lecn pretty thoroughly
culled. Hut here in Oregon you have
llfUtamlii of acrea of choice laud await
ing devclupuiclit by the Immigrant.
Oregon Needs Atore farmers.
"I really think you nplc do not ful
ly appreciate the klluatloii. The future
of your Mate li moot promising and you
should he even more active In Inviting
Immigration. I( la up to you to rople
sour itale. You hutu (ha oportuifltlcs,
What you neeil la the eoplc. Your
coiiiuierclal organisation arc doing good
work. It ahould Ixt continued aggret
alvcly. "What Oitl'oii need It men to locate
oil ita landa and cultivate them, The.
disposition of the average hometeeker
from the Batt it to own mine land of hlr
own and contribute to the stale' pro
iluction, That tendency ahould In every
way Ini encouraged, I would not ilia
courage the wonderful development ol
the horticulture Industry, for It will he
a (.'real many yenra before the aupply ol
Mich applraiu) on raise lu Oregon will
exceed tint deiuurid for the product, lint
1 think you should eneouragu the grow
ing of grain, which contribute to ma
terially to the cotciitiucnt of the pro
ducer n well at the prosperity of the en
tire atHte,
Publicity Work Needed.
"We feel that we are doing our part
in rontrihulluu both to the development
of the atute mill the prosperity of busl
ueta iutereata by constructing 11 railroad
Into Ceutrul Oregon mid providing need
ed facilities for transporting to the mar
ket! of the world the product of the
Interior. I pirdlrl that within the next
two yraraOirgou will wltnra the. blub
tide of iiumlurailun to t,iil ulnlr. There
It a Momlnfiil moveineiit westward
among Iniiursrckert, and Oregon olfert
vranil opirtunltle. You nre sure to
get your full tharc of thl Immigration,
hut under the cirruiusiaurr It la up to
OrcgniiUu without reeitailou to an
nounce to the world the wonderful put
tlblllllri you have to offer."
Vork Started lor Improvement of the
llarrlman Line.
Twohy llros,, contractors, nre
putting nu nrmy of 700 men to
work on the trsckngc of the O. K
iSc X. Co. between The Dulles nod
Deschutes for the purpose of re
moving curves nud reducing the
grade, says the Jaiirnnl,
The project U one of the largest
put under way fur a long time, out
side of new construction, and will
involve the expenditure of at least
f 600,000.
While not admitted by the rail
road officials tit this time, it is tin
dcrstood thnt the work menus the
preliminary and essential step to
wards double tracking the com
pany's line from Portland to Des
chutes. It Is known this stretch
of road will U subjected to unusu
ally heavy traffic when the new
line Into Central Oregon it- com
prclcd. The above contrnct Is to
be completed by April I.
In Honor of Six of Ilend' Young
Ladle and (ientlcmcn.
Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
G, W. Hall entertained in honor of
six young Indies and gentlemen of
Bend. The guests of honor were
the Miscs Dorothy S. Mulzig,
Helen li Kowe, Vurii II Whitsett,
Ruth C. Smith and M niters Merle
Triplctl and John R. Williams, Jr.
Other invited guest were Mrs. R.
IJ. Mnt.ig, Mrs. Clias. D. Rowe,
Mrs. II. L. Whilctt, Mrs. N. P.
Smith, Mrs. Creed Triplctl. Mrs.
J. R. Williams, and also. Miss
Knthcri'ic It. Mtttzig nud Maulers
Lester Williams, Rimer C. Smith
and Lester W. Smith.
The affair was unique in the an
nals of llend's social events', as the
oldest guest of honor had barely
passed the first milestone in life's
pleasant journey. Hut because the
guests lucked in age is no criterion
that they could not nppreciatc the
effort of their kind hostess and the
afternoon was otic continual round
of pleasure. The afternoon's favors
couniMed of a dainty little cup and
saucer given to each guest of honor
by the hostess, nud light refresh
ments were served to the mothers.
, The hostess feels an uuivmal in
terest in the young Indies nud gen
tlemen in honor the reception
was tendered Innsmiicli as she was
present with open arms nud gener
ous care to welcome each .of them
as the stork delivered his precious
burden to their vurlous hotnes.
Winter Short Course.
The Oregon Agricultiirnl College
winter short courses which com
mence on Junuary .tlh and continue
for a jK-riod of six weeks, will lie
the most complete ever offered,
i'rncticnl wprk. iu every line oi
agriculture, dairying, horticulture,
domestic science and art, road
building and business methods will
be taught. An exceedingly strong
staff of instrttciors will huve charge
of the work, The equipment lor
demonstration nud cxjierimcutnl
work is the best mid most complete
ever used nt the College.
TheCnrnett Stage 5t Stnhfe Co.
It's the mull line, the only direct
stage line from Shnuiko to Silver
Lake, by the way of Prineville nud
Ilend. Stopover privileges and
tickets good until used.
Typewriter ribbons all kinds
at The Lulleliu office.
Walter Alcvlu files from Injuries Re
ceived from Stump Puller.
An accident resulting in the death
of Walter .Mcvius occurred last
Wednesday about noon on the W.
K. Scott ranch six miles northeast
of Ilend. Mcvius wus driving a
team mi a stump puller when, the
clevis slipped off the end of the
sweep, which flew back and struck
Mcvius across the abdomen, inflict
ing injuries from which he died,
death occurring Sunday morning
about 2 o'clock at the Ilend hos
Utxin the I en 111 refusing to go
over the cable, Mcvius struck one
of the horses, which gave a sudden
jump forward. The arrnngement
which held the clevis had been'
partly broken and the machine
was being oerutcd by simply slip
ping the clevis over the end of the
sweep. When Jhe horse jumped
forward, the clevis slipped ofT and
released the sweep, with the above
fatal results.
The deceasctj was .17 years old
ami came to Ilend from Pomcroy,
Wash., with C. W. Hoceh. He
has two sisters living in California,
where the remains were shipped.
For it City Beautiful.
L. D. Wicst started Monday to
run a contour survey of the Lytic
townsitc property, of 40 acres of
Mr. Wicst's homestead, und of quite
au acreage lying cast of the present
platted portion of the Bend town
sitc. This work is being done in
order to obfaiu n complete topog
raphy or the lanu surrounding the
present town, and thus enable the
owners to adopt some uniform plan
for streets and roads and then plat
their laud to conform to this gen
eral plan. l)y this means uniform
ity will be possible in the future
platting, and the laud laid oiT to
the best possible advantage to make
here nt IJcnd n'"city beautiful.;'
Ordered Lumber for Addition.
A. O. Hunter has ordered lum
ber for the addition to the Pilot
Huttc Inn, and work will commence
on it as soon as the weather will
permit. The addition will be
38x53 lect, two stories, and will
contain 18 rooms, besides a parlor
on the first floor. Jim McCoy will
have charge of the work. The Inn
has been leased to Mis. Aldeu of
Seattle, who will take possession on
January 1. Mrs, Aldeu has had
much experience iu hotel manage
ment In the Hast.
Christmas Bxcrclscs.
Christmas exercises given
Friday evening in the union
church. A short musical program
will be given, but the chief attrac
tion of the evening will be the tree
itself. Special pains nre being
taken to. mnke the tree an unusual
success nnd nil are urged to do
what they can to help. Iiting your
prcsejits nud come yourself, Kvery
inun, woman and child in Ilend
and vicinity is invited, especially
the children.
Tunisia Items.
. TUMAt.o. Dec. to A licut driftinc
snow fell here yesterday.
w. I Mvera, who it now located at
Portland, wat a butlucaa vititor here one
day latt week.
I. I. winter and lets Hoot
through here ycaterday.
Geo. w. Winter & Sona put up tome
fine ice from their pond latt week.
rrenaratlona arc lieiuu made for a
lnod time at the llaylcy tchoot houtc
ChrUtuiat eve.
Courtney' hay hajlng crew arc at
work for O, w. winter & Sous Hilt week
finUhiiig the txiting of their hay.
I. I,, hlioo report that the mow of the
putt three wctka hat ileUyed him great
ly lu putting hi hi mill.
There teem tu lw n ureal ruttllnc
itrouml thcte duv tit net hay and feed
for ttock, and thete teem tu be a ten
dency among the farmer to hold their
nay lor no per ion,
Winter Term Begins Jan, 10.
The winter term ot the Ilend
school will begin January to, Pu
pils are requested to enroll if pos
sible during the first week. First
grade pupils, unless they have at
tended school before, will not be
ncccptcd after the second week.
IU'Tii L. Ritii), Principal.
High Prices Paid for 'Cattle at
Portland Exhibition.
Annual Christmas Show of Pat Live
stock Launched at Portland Will
Mean Much to Stock Industry
of Crook County.
An event that contained much of
interest to the stockmen of Crook
county and that means much to the
livestock industry of the entire
Northwest was the Christmas ex
hibition of fancv cattle, held in the
Union Stock Yards at Portland on
Tuesday of last week. The Port
laud Livestock IJxcliangc had of
fered certain prizes for the best
Christmas cattle, which resulted in
bringing out a goodly number of
competitors from all pat Is of the
Northwest and from California.
The prizes offered were:
rtt 2nd
Car itrer. not let thin . ,f 150 $75
tar cowt, not lett tutu so... 150 75
Ileal alriRlc tteer 35 15
llctl tingle cow 75 IJ
This was the first premium sale
of Christmas cattle ever held in the
Northwest and a keen interest was
manifested in it, record prices be
ing paid ior fancy fat stock. The
Oregoniau says that $25 a hundred
pounds was paid for a single steer
When it is taken into consideration
that at the international show at
Chicago two weeks oko the top
price paid was 518, some idea of
the success of the Portland event
can be formed. The bids for the
grand champion cow ran up to
f to 35 a hundred. This is the
highest price known to have ever
been paid in any market of the
world for a butcher cow. ' Old
timers who were at the sale, men
who got their training in the big
stockyards of the Kast, say they
never knew of such a phenomenal
sale as that held at Portland.
The judges awarded the prizes
as follows:
A. I). Goodale, Gazelle, Cat., fint car
of tteer. f 150,
A. I). Goodale, Gatelle, Cat., tecond
car alccr, $75.
A. I). Goodale, Gazelle, Cat., first tin
gle ateer. 15.
K. L Wtler, 'allowa, Oregon, second
tfngle tteer, f 15.
A. U Dcman, Walla Walla, Wash.,
drtt car cow, fljo,
George Chandler, Hiker City, Or.,
tecond ear cows, fjs,
Kidwcll it Guwell. Walla Walla,
Watli., irtt tingle cow, f 15.
C. C Clark, Arlington, Or., tecond
tlnulecuw, 15. ,
W. I. UUhinan, Wallowa, Or, Grtt car
heifer, f 150.
In the afternoon the cattle were
put up ut auction and sold to the
highest bidder. The greatest ex
citement prevailed, suys the Ore
goniau, when the grand champion
steer, from California, was put un
der the hammer. The bids came
thick and fast, four and five bidders
raising the limits $t and $2 at a
time until Auctioneer Lively's abil
ities were tuxed to keep track of
the bidding. Finally, with a roar
of cheers Irom the spectators, the
extraordinary price of $35 per cwt.
was reached, and the grand cham
pion became the possession of the
Union Meat. Compuny. It was a
superb 1300 pounds, and
brought to its uwuer, A. I). Good
ale, the sum of 335.
The enthusiasm continued tin
ubuted throughout the remainder
of the sale, and reached n high de
gree when the grand champion cow,
belonging to Kidwell & Caswell, of
Walla Walla, was bought by Sten
sloff Hros., of Salem, at the record
price for a meat cow of $10.35 a
The Portland Livestock Kx
cbauge proposes that the Christmas
stock sale shall be an annual agair.
In the future, however, it will not
Ik- confined to cattle, but will in
clude ,fat sheep and hogs. It is a
part of the educational policy
mapped out by the livestock men of
Portland to build up a great indus
try in that city.
The raising and fattening of stock
will be one of the foremost indus
tries of this section for all time. In
past years it has brought thousands
of dollars into the county, and it
-.-ill continue to bring many thous
ands more. The First National
Hank of Ilend expects to perfect ar
rangements whereby later it will be
able to put out money to the farm
ers through this section to aid tbcm
in raising and fattening stock.
This arrangement will be of much
.assistance in developing the stock
industry here, which will assume
larger and larger proportions from
year to year The annual Christ
mas exhibition at Portland will al
ways arouse much interest.
Hill Plans to Start Fight for Central
Oregon TonWtee, and liarrlmati
Forces Will Enter the Struggle
with Atuch Vigor Competitive
Rates are Assured.
According to reports of the past
week, the Hill forces have already
begun a campaign to secure the
traffic of this vast Central Oregon
country, soon to be tapped by tbeir
Oregon Trunk Line. It means a
bitter warfare between the Oregon
Trunk Line and the Deschutes
Railroad, which again means that
this section wilt have the benefit of
competitive freight rates, a circum
stance of great importance in the
development of any section, new or
Speaking of this pending strug
gle for traffic, the Portland Tele
gram said:
AlthouBlt the tracery of tteel will not
be teen, nor the throb of enable and
rumble of wheels heard in Central Ore
Kon for fully eight month, the warfare
for butiness between the Hill and Harri
man roadt will be inaugurated within
the next 30 days. The keenettof freight
traffic nteu in the Great Northern tervice
arc to be the vanguard of ton nape hunt
ers that will make that inexhaustible em
pire their camping ground. Prepar
ations are even now under way to dis
patch a force of freight tustler all
through that territory.
That it will be a picturesque battle, no
one would undertake to deny, for the
entire 60,000 Mjuare mile of fructiferous
country that has lain dormant ever tince
Oregon became a ttate has been looked
upon by the llarriinan interests as their
exclusive domain, though they have
never undertaken to develop itt re
tourcea until forced to do so by the
aggreuive invasion by their rival, Jatne
J. Hill. This will mean without any
question of doubt that at toon a the
Great Northern trsffic department seek
to contract for freight out ot the land ot
"milk and houey" which the Oregon
Trunk Line wilt tap, the O. K. & N. will
move its men Into the territory tribu
tary to the new Deschutes Railroad
Clashes in the struggle to Und the pre
ponderance of this butiuc arc presumed
to be Inevitable. But one great factor
ttaudt out potently in favor of the Ore
gon Trunk. It was the first to lay and
carry out the plans for blazing the bafll
ing trail into the waiting wilderness,
atd this has developed the ttrougest
posMble tentitnent tmunii the stockmen,
farmers, mining ami timber interests In
Middle Oregon in its favor.
It all means that Central Oregon,
which is to be opened up to the eager
markets of the world by two practically
jkirullcl and rival railroads by the first
of next August, is to be the gnatcsl
triAiic batttegrnund upon which Hill and
hi ancient enemy have ever locked
II. A- Jackson, assistant ceueral freight
am passenger agent of the Greut North
ern, denies specifically that he it now
figuring on sending hit trauicKoutt into
the interior, but from other sources it is
known that he has commenced the work
of contracting for next year's wheat
crop, for the immense lumber tonnage
that Mill be developed out at the hun
dreds of thousands of acres of yellow
pine along the Deschutes, the thriving
livestock movement thut is receiving
vigorous Impetus iu the great cattle and
Mieep ranges, 10 say uollilng 01 me agri
culturnl and kindred interests which ure
attracting millions of dollar, in capital
and inaugurating the most atupendous
colonization movement this state hat
ever knonii.
Hand us your subscription.
Baldwin Sheep & Land Company
Will Dispose of Its Flocks.
Mas Built Up m Reptrtattefl m Oreatest
Breeder of Pure Hooded Sheep hi
the World-Clashig Is Due t
Restricted Summer Rnge.
Tbe world-famous Baldwin Sheep
& Land Company's ranch at' Hay
creek, in this county, is to cease
business. It has been authorita
tively announced that all of the
flocks, numbering upwards of
20,000 high bred sheep, are to be
sold isaediately and the ranch
closed down. Tbe cause for this
is because the company has been
restricted in its range to such an
extent by tbe U. S. forestry de
partment that it is no longer prof
itable to continue the business.
J. G. Edwards, manager and
principal owner of tbe company,
said recently to an Oregon Jonrnat
"The flocks of the Baldwin Sheep &
I.and Company have for many year re
quired a certain grazing area In the for
est reserve. Prom time to time tbe for
estry department has reduced this area
and each time we bare been compelled
to cut down the site of our Socks. We
are now notified by tbe lUpartcsent that
another cut baa been made and this will
reduce our flocks to a number much be
low what we mutt necessarily have to
run the Haycrcek breeding plant profit
ably. Our original grazing area permit
ted us to run 40,000 sheep; the last re
duction made by the department cut u
down to a little over 12,000, which prac
tically put us out of business? I mean
no criticism of the government, but the
facts are as I have stated. Twelve
months from the present date we expect
to have our entire sheep holdings closed
Kaown the WarM Over.
The- Journal continues: Hay
creek ranch is known in sheep
breeding districts all .over the
world. It has exported annually
about 4,000 fancy rams. Its ewes
have never been sold for breeding
purposes as tbe company has for
many years owned the only pure
bred French Rambouillet flock in
this country and has jealously
uuarded it from competition. The
Rambouillet sheep originated from
the Spanish Merino, which is the
basis of all high bred sheep. King
Louis Phillips selecWfrom Spain
the choice Merinos and established
a government flock at Rambouillet,
Prance, from which tows this fam
ily of sheep takes its mme.
At aboat tbe sane, time tbe Thi-rouin-Sorreau
flock was established
RtCherville, France. This latter
flock never exceeded 300 sheep and
is now extinct. The government
flock at Rambouillet is still main
tained with about 500 sheep, and
trora this flock the Hay creek ranch
has purchased prize winners, often
at a cost of more than $3,000 for a
single ram. The Haycreek flock
of Rambouillet sheep is maintained
at about 800, making it the largest
iu the world. In addition tbe ranch
keeps the finest Delaines and
Kept High Priced Shp.
The policy ot this rauca has al
ways been to purchase the highest
prire winners in this country and
abroad, recardless of cost, and the
ftlosing of this ranch will be consid
ered a national calamity by muuy
American "beep breeders.
The deeded lauds of the Hay
creek ranch comprise about 27,000
acres. Due to the enormous out
put of this ranch Shnuiko has for
years been the largest point of or
igin for wool shipments iu the Pa
cific Northwest. The ranch was
established In 1873 by the late Dr.
(Continued ou page a.)
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