i i"i K i H V v f; lj t i What Is Nicer for a XMAS GIFT -a BEND H2Msfia STOP! t-i, ' In and look over our list of irrigated land. We have the largest list in Crook county and are satisfying investors every day. If you have" anything to sell, let us sell it for you. We have more buyers than land. Come in and list your city property with us. Our 'list is almost exhausted and we have buyers waiting. Why pay rent when wc can loan yon money to build a house of your own. The interest Is less than rent and, when you pay, you are paying for some thing of your own. Come in and let us ex plain the proposition to you. You wilt be - " ' glad you did it. We arc agents for the Har ney Valley Oil M.ri'.fci stock proposition "WW.!r v- had better investigate this h. n -v " 1 S , Insurance Strongest Companies ' Notary I'ublic JXeatland accurate. Homestead location Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Loan Agency Best and cheapest. Timber lands bought and sold Best viciuities. ,f; Stenographic work, all kinds Reasonable rate. . Call on or write The Cent. Ore. Realty Co. . Bend, .. , Oregon SBeutel SBi uacoma, i SBumtnetm (Stlueatlon I an absolute nretaslfy for a young person who iltslrrs to ttttectrd In bualntss. s ITUDKNTS oflhe positions as soon as graduated and later se cure promotions at advanced salaries. - A' written guarantee to place graduates dfjpur f . . combined course at a stipulated salary from" the start, f-is given if desired. Write for full particulars and "- ' free catalogue today. Address: J3cutel cjitslness Gotlege, f 7 aeonta, . ,Fr Sale. t Good wheat straw. Inquire of , "Wm. P. Downing, 39tf tt' Bend, Ore. .LAIDUAW NJi'.VS AGENCY can save, yon money on your maga zine aB$ew8p3pcr orders.- - Wrije fiipra irvr-raiea. , ,. .1 f iV-T ' . i . " 24 tL .- - -- - Thnti n Picture of Baby or of Yourself. One Do. Pictures mounted on Special Xmns Post Curds for $a. Good work on Post cards Si 50 per Do, Copying and Kulargtng. Cabinet $4 and 5 per Dot, STUDIO. : feneroiM- llualacumt & Gas Company, the best in , Eastern Oregon. You V Lsolleqc usuiess trasi. Betitel College 'ccure cood l (tufting ton. Notice. If you wish-to have your ex press ana light Height come ini along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on tbe mail line. Tint Coknhtt STAOtt & Stauuk Co. 25H - , , " ' Typewriter ribbons for all ma chinesat this' office. I OENERAl. NBWS NOTES. SCKVKVINO lfQK KutCTKIC I.1NK J. G. Huston, who is connected with the Opal City Townsitc Co., located just north of Crooked rivet, has n party of surveyor at work on the Opnl City Hlcctric I,lne, which will run between that city nitd Prineville. County Surveyor Rice has charge of the party. The present survey is being run on the nuth "of Haystack Butte anil through the Lntuonta country, and will cross the divide on the routh side of Gnztly Mountain in the vi cinity of the mcKcnt county toad The grades will Ire easy from this point to Prineville, Madras Pio ncer. Pkinxvillk's Woon Famink. At the woist time of the year. Prineville is threatened with a wood famine, and those who laid in n suf l Iietent supply earlier arc indeed to be congratulated on their foresight, .accidental or otherwise. A num ber of men are engaged in hauling wood to the city, but it ecms thev litre not equal to the occasion, so I that no one here is heard to com 1 plain of the heat. Review. St'CCKrS WITH ToMATOlt.H. A D. Parks, who lives near Laidlaw, is one of the surcessful farmers in raising small garden truck, and he states ne lias raised tomatoes ever 'since he has been here, and has hnd them ripen. He said of conrcc ' it took some care to ripen them, I but those who said they could not l: grown in this soli and climate were mistaken. Chronicle. I Must Skcukk Licknsk. The county court of Lake county has ruled that it is necessary to secure a state license before one can legally engage in the sale of near beer. The cqunty court asked District Attorney Venator if near beer did not come under the state law in re gard to the sale of malt liquors, and the district attorney held that it did. Lake county purveyors of near beer will have to secure licenses hereafter. Cold Wkathkr. Kight below zero was registered Monday night. Tbe weather moderated almost im mediately, however, and a good sized snowfall resulted. The streams are up too much for forma tion of ice and cutting that com modity will have to wait for better conditions. Review. Shorter Items of Interest. Mrs. A. D. Hatton, who was in jured in a runaway down Grizzly mountain, is recovering nicely. A new road from Redmond to ' Prineville, not exceeding 18 mites in length, is now assured, says the Hub. Prof. A. L. Ashby, principal of the l'rincvillc public schools, has resigned to take up work with the Oregon I,ife Insurance Company, T. J. Brattain died on Friday, Dec. 3, at his home near Paisley I Mr. Biattain was one of the very earnest seiners in iaice county, having moved there in 1873. The Laidlaw Chronicle says that a representative of the O. R &N Co. has been at Clitic Palls for some time looking over that power site, taking measurements, seeking information as to the ownership of property in the vicinity of the Falls, and getting other data. It is thought tbe O. R & N. Co. may secure control of the falls, and in- 'stall a power plant for electrifying the new Deschutes railroad. FOUR HOUSE LIVERY. Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. H. WENANDV, Prop. AI.I( KINDS OP LIGHT AND HIJAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLUY, WIIKAT, CHOP WHEAT, URAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Sale. MrV nuil Mrs. R. I,. DcCuitrcy have been spctulinK n few days "in town, Mr. DcCourcey has just re turned from working 011 the new bridge.at Trail Crossing, the ctew having been laid off on uccoiint ut the bad weather, lie reports that they are building a fine bridge there, and with the new grade not to exceed six per cent the ctokstug will be greatly iutpiuved. Mr and Mrs. DcCourcy expect to go out to Madras nud possibly on to Port land. Tuinnlo Item. TUMAto, l)c. U. The warm wind rtinl ruin of tlut nt few iIiiva is nuking the mow disrtier very lst In then t'ru. AUuit 3j inches of Unlit inow fell here from Siuuly till Thurttlsy of lnt Meek. John Howard and unit ami a Mr. John ton of I lie lower ilctcrt ere in tlili arc lion yesterday KutlierliiK wine airay entile. Mr. Spoo took advantage of the mow fill ami moved the Anilll Ixillrr and enulne to the new mill kite at OUt, lianl. iiiK them on tied. , Hill KditliiMton and C. I,. Wlmtr Mere ilolliN tmsIneiM at llvml Iftsl I'rlday. JtM Knot ia vUlthiti at home now, having returned from Madrna where lie lu hcen workitiK on the railroad We are Ud to hear that Mim Kinina Spoo Is reexiveriittf nicely from nn t lark of the fever and it now able to alt up again. Wr arc glad to hear that Mr. Jack Wlmer'a tirother. Kruesl Umnhlett. of (teudate. Or., who hat been dangerously ill with a rate of ptomaine oliHiiillig, fa rapidly recovering at 1'orlUiul, where he was taken to a hospital, from Grants l'aa. Home Land Company BEND Central Oregon OUR 320Acre HOMESTEADS Will Make You Rich! Our locator has had six years experience here and knows the country thoroughly. He shows you the land and all the corners and assists in every way to start you right. Call or write for lull information. Irrigated Land We have it in tracts from 40 acres upwards, $30 to JV50 per acre. Timber Land Sttimpage $1 50 per M and" up wards. Also saw mill sites. Town Property Will double and quadruple in value, Invest now. Home Land Company, BEND, OREaON. SADDLE HORSES. Sitmu5oo Cokiw op Wood, The local luud otlicc olllclnls have a somewhat tuiusunl sale on hand Just now. It Is that of 500 cords ol wood which were seireu uy n site1 clal goveiniucnt inspector tecetttl) us hlivlng been unlawiully cut fron governuient land on Jack An mountain. Hums News. Hand us your subscription. California Restaurant Mr,. H. MouMon,Pro. heat of meaU tvrved at alt hours u( the day, Hoard and Lodging $25 a Month. Coffee and Doughnuts 10c, Clean, comfortable tiedi, 25c n night. We run a llukery In connection with the rratautaut and carry everything in the hakury Hue. WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD $4.50 CcrCord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Kr Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. M. CAMEH. F. PIERCE ARROW AUTO LINE Between Shaniko and Bend, calling at Madras and Red mond. $9000 Car. 50 florae Power A. D. BUCK, Manager Addreas Shaniko or Ilend, CONTKST NOT1CK. lH4tlmrnl if lhr Intrilor, Unlltrl HUlnLarwIorrlc, The ImIIh, Of, (on, NortmUr r, lv. A ufflrirnlroriU'.tafTMjvU haling (writ Dloilii IhUutlKt lf Il.y IU llivwH.ronlr.Ual. anltut huinraltta rnliy, No. luiv, mad Urrrmlitr I, ivn( lur itn "'H acciiun i). iuwn.nii 17 n , i.nmll J',. Will.Mic le llrrMUn, lr I'.mlly lalmaoii ilwil, nuUlc, In wliknltlof icjrn mi uia cairvwoiaaii mm n of about Atirlt ?. irjvr, that ahr never ra4abluli.il i lct u)oo, oiltlfatnl ot lm.lunl mII rart Knur 10 nrr ncain, uiai ni( nrr drain her rlrt hav wholly lallnl In rraUf uiioii, raltl. valr pr liniif vvr aakl Itactor raua Hit aamtlo lr dont that If there arc au htlia ofaaM entry- -... a... T w w .Mia .MM. Vail, llriH abaiiuanrntnt wat uut ilua (a rnililny iiwni in we army, nary or ruanuc corpaof ih Unilnl Mlalra In tlni. of war HaM arllra art hcrrhy noliflnt lu amx.r imimiuI. anrf i,n. rrdlrnrc louchluc aiM allryallun al la o'clock 4. m un January 0. una, iiofc II C I'.lll., a U. H. Cunimlulnnrr. al hi. lifftt In luml. tHwrnu. and that onat hiatlug will U held al la o'tiiKk a. in. 011 January 11. iaio. Ufoic the rril.trr and rrrrl.er al Ihc Unlleil Malra liud OlfTcf lu Thr rialtre. Orriron. TlKMKicouiraiiiui narinf davll. Bled NnvcuiUr 15, l; I, In a proper affl iw. a foilh (ana illliieiic iwrauiial acrvlcrol Ihla nutlrrrau nut I madr. Ilia hn which mow inai anrr nur iniliriiM im Iy orderrd ami illredrtl Dial audi nolle Ik given liydueaiid upi iiuMlrallou, ill-lj CW MIKIKH, KegUler. NOTICK VOli I'lMlilOATJON I)rarlineiilorih Inlrilor, ,. V, H. Mud Office l ljiklew, Orrgon, DrCTMIlMir 4H1, ryj. NOTICK U hercly slvtn IJiai Andrew I), Anderson, if Kotland, OrrK)li. wlui, on Dec. jMIi, 1007, niadr llimicatead Alipllrallnn No. loJ. Hrrlai No. ODI.M, for Ih. W ft NW , NK U VwU See II, HW U W M Sec J. TwjXil S-, K.U., T, W M.. ha nled nullce of liilrmion to make final Hlvr Year claiiii lo the laud abnva holdler'a l-roof. lo ralaklUh Utbil, Ufoie II. c. I'JIla, M H. CoiuiuU.tnnrr at Ilend, Oregon, ou r mm' FAKMER JONES. You'd l happy too If you t J IpiiikIiI your ? ( HARNESS AND 2 I Leather Goods ( ) OK C JOHN LEOAT . lleud.Or. KrtrAixiNO and Nitw Work: ) Cluliuaiil tMtiira aa wflnrawai Halnli I'aller aoii orilrnd, Oiegon, Harry Kvrrliiihant.fliover Caklwcll and OeorR liuiii of HoaUnd. Orrgou Ujjij AUT1IUK W. OKTON, Kfgl.tcr, THE HILL Meat Market IIAUKY HILL, Proprietor 1'1't.L 1.1 JlK 01' Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton All my meats are slnrrd lu a Uikv Ire Imx jual luitallcd ami are alwaya in the lrt of condition, 1 wllclt your patrnuaie. r G. W. RICHARDSON Jeweler Watch Repairing A .HWIMAI.TV. Two doors toutn ut P.O. Ilend U. C. COE, M. D. Physlcinn and SurKeoii OI'HICIt UVKK HANK Offlce Hour, in to 11 a, in, itujand 7 to 8 p. in. Diinu, ; Oukoom im 1 mill 1 cr-Jizj.-...-. jrcr. e T7 3T" C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OrriCK IN IMNK HUll.tUNO, JIIINII, OKItCON iriia wr r -r.'i -.arg-; DR. I. L. SCOPIKLD, DENTIST. Ol'flCIt IN JOHNSON mni.niNO 11 c 11 d , Oregon. Pr. A. A. BUKRIS,rBTrtuaT,li irralrt. IHr.r M.KTMr)allp TlMtfl WilkiMil (he V of l(tii lit rnnr. lh Milulil MHSul. ut llrallai. Chliw lc IMrn a MtUII)t. CMi.alullwa I'lt McmUf oflb Ml aat Ntlluail N.lMiolh Offer la Jnlinvm I1UI4., Wnl, Otrt mmmmmsmMwmmtmwm!Btertmmmmmmmm IllvNI) LODGI? No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thunday on or before the full moon of each mouth. VUlting brothcra always welcome. e.A.OAST.s.cr. r. o. minoh. w.m, F. 0. MINOR LAWKKNCK lltUUIUNO LII'K-I'IRK ACCIDKNT I N S U R A N C li Notary I'uhlie and Convcyjmciiic All l.ej;al I'acra Correctly Drawn. , FIDELITY BOND8 Irrlcated La ml Tor Sale, l'orty acres fine irrigated alfalfa land for sale, and rcliiujiiiiliincut on i6o-acrc homciteod adjoining. I'or ))articulars address V, care The lltillctiu. 3o-tf. Admlfiltratrl' Notice. Notice la herein; given Ilia Him under. aignni ny an outer or the County Court of Crook County, Oregiiu, hat Ixen a pi tmlntcil ndmlultlratrix of the cttatu of l'niiuy C, Iloyer, denawd All peraouihavluu clalma aalrut audi eitate are required to preactit tliciii within alx mouth from the date of tlila notice, with the pmwr vnuchcra, to Ilia underalKued, cither hy mall or pertou, at Ilend, Orrnon. Dnled thla 341I1 day of No.etiilier, A. D. loo";. I.UKI.LA S OKIl'l'IN, AdmiiiUlratrlx fiek mx No, 14, 37-10 Ilend, Orct(on. NOTICK FOIt PUIIIjIUATIOnT V. 8. Und Office, Lakevlew, Orryon, Novcmlicr loth, 1909. Notice It lierchy uiveii that the Norlh. em raclflc Railway Coiulmny, whuia jxiatollicoaddreaalaUt. Paul, MltiucMila, did 011 Ihe aoth day of Octohrr, 19119, flla In thla office ita application to aclcet under the provliloim of the Act of Con. ureaa. approved July I, 1N0H (to Wat. 597, "Jo) a extended hy ihe Act of Con- fe'm; Jiff,'0? M,y J7lli. l'o. Hi NK .SI'Vi .Sec. 7 Tp. j 8. It. II Kaal, NKJ4 iJU'V, HWJf'sW, See. ai, Tp. 31, h. K, 11 lUat, nnd lUi Ki' See. H, To. i S. R. j I K.t, f.h. ' Any ami all rwrwuia claimlug ndverae, ly the himU deacrllied, or li'lrliia lo ulijcct iM-rmiM; of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reuaon, to he dUpoM to appflcunt. ihould (llu Ihelralflduv taof nroir.i In Mil. .,m on or liefore the loth day of January! ARTHUR W. ORTON. r,.l.ir. 1 i :s i ? U .. . " " 4'J 5. ' " 'm ,j m ;tk.nm:m. v ?. 1 1 .. alWPlMajaPWPIIaaaWaliaMtaa1MMiia ArJI )'.' ! .'WlUr lTTmTrTmT"ia 1 1