The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 08, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 39
.- - - - - -
Hoostlng Interview by J.N. Hun
Icr In Portland Telegram.
Swears That Yuu Con Not Slop Cen
tral Oregon lu In Onward March
Now That the Railroads Are
Building Ihruiijth Hero,
The Porthnd Telegram of No.
vcinlwr jo, said:
Joe" Huuicr, one of the pio
neers of llcncl, haa laid nsldc the
weighty care of ntntc long citouli
to come to the metropolis of the
Northwest nuil tell of the IorIc
of the vat Interior empire whotr
latent energies will Mipxrt n city
as big or ten time as big as the
Row city, whose destinies nre sim
ply walling- the magic touch of the
railroad builder's wand.
Hunter brought with him the
fit M photograph of the now famous
dry funning exhibit of Deschutes
Valley product which knocked the
everlasting sot olf of nil othrr
competing sections rtt the recent
congress held at Hillings. The
photograph is heicwlth reproduced
and shows it as it wus
nt Ilcnd prior to shipment to Bll
Illicit. It not only curried oil the
biggest silver trophy offered by the
congress but the big f 1000 cash
prize offered by James J. Hill for
the bent general exhibit ol dry
farming products. H contains tim
otli, oats, wheat, barley, apples,
(Baldwins, Autumn Glows uud
Yellow Newtown), turnips, cal
lygcs, corn and several varieties of
Open Van! Territory.
"ThH fine array of fruit i( the earth,"
ICMXrVrtl "Joe" vtith Heltllik Iiomimi,
' Mat all raited In the dry firming ill
lilrt tributary lu Ilcnd mid the actual
tlTccl that winning tln prire hat luil
uioii the country in lhat ncijjhlNirhood
hat lie ti aliunat at electrical a the fact
that lite Mill Mid llarrliiMii Ac are
now fin'ili'i; 'or priority and prettic In
conquering the hlihcrioaolltudmtif the
Central Oregon empire.
"I'erhap the inott tiultut clriuent
In tirtngiiiK new- ami thrilly pupulillon
Into our country U the opcnliiK lo entry
under the Muutcll act, latt Augutl, ol
vyi,u) acre near llcml ( excellent
tillable land, ulMtlvlded Into jxtactc
hnuictlcad. Since the ocnliie, only
Ihtee month ao mure thin .vumm
am of thl hat hecn taken up and a
evidence that Ihcrv will he a tlcady in
vailou, I need only rail attention to the
(act that lust Tuesday. fj pcrton Irlt
hhanlko lor llelid to tile .in Oil land
livery avallalde pagou and H'Ke each
I IicIuk impleaded into service to trau
nrl the new comer Into the virgin em
Hic In the Interior where thrte U atill
an ahuudinre ol lutl a Due wheat land
at may lie found In the I'aloute or Hitf
llcml rouutrlra. Till may miiiuiI atraiiKc
tail we who hue heell invetUKalintfeoii
iliiuin In a good many tectum ol the
Northwest know thl It so. Hut the
vat ami howling wllilcwr in the mid
dle of (JrcKou ha leeu a drterl entire))
titclcta to clvlluatlou or development
until the news rsiuc lhat the two ureal
railroad system weru Koine I" knock
oil the galling shackle llut have hound
the laml in solitude lor the half century
Hire (heir potential worth wa Ibtt
Ilcnd llaa Hacking.
"One of tlie very fiit thluitt the com.
h'K ol the railroad will do will Ik to put
life and niuney Into fully V",." "ere
d Immeutely productive lenitory in
the teuton Imiiirdlalely trllnitary to
lirnd. In the lirtt place, there are m
' ncrea ol dry larmluu land, hir
Nnihllitiewerchown at the llllliiiK
innre. Next llieie are .vo,ihi aero
thutiuay he put under waterund made to
r.ilkc BldiKu, clover, timothy, ont,
wnrat, xutoc and Miiull (mil, liver)
Ixxly know tlml the lurucut prlvato va
K'eKuliiin III the woild U located around
livud, a private eulcrpilte tlic I). I.
I' Co. eoiitrulllim upprnxlmatvly VV
000 acre.
"Next wo come to the thiilier re
nource. There are JJo.ikh) acre ol yelj
low uiul miuur nine, ulth u vtalld ol
ao.ood.dw.ujn feet, Miflkient to upnly
the world nmiketa with $uo carlo.wli.11
dav fur the imxt fifty )ear, It hm thl
wallluv tiuiu.iKi that attrntlrd the raule
eve o( the ahnwil John I' Mlrvena, who
I now ihtowluK Hie lireou Trunk Mm
lulo the HcM-liuiei V.iliv That 'the
hit nviidli-nlr ulilih control IhU Dm
lientl wcdlll will he ready lo make
heavy turunda iixin mmiii nt the
lrilllKitUllon (ipr Imve Urn pio
vldeit It lndl.-i!.il l.y the prelluilnuiy
plant alrvHily under way (or Hie eon.
tlrmilou of four lre mhiiiIIU at llrnd,
the imlural iluirllailiiiu point T. II,
Mlrvllu mid atMiclalet, who own
acretof tlmlier, will toon have one mill
alarted. Two othrr Mlnuriiota con
teriit, Kovera h suit, .mnlii ,vi,J
acre, in addition lo the DckIiiiIih. I.iiiii
her Coiiimuv. a I01.1t firm, will have
plaitta In operation within the next year.
Koad llirouxh lown'a Center,
"The OrrKiui Trunk Line will proh
ahly heat the rival iimiI Into llrnd, for
John I' rllevelit wat In llrnd a few dava
auo, and iueelrl the Mirveyi which
have lieen nude in thai neluhlxirhiMMl,
1 11c line 01 uieOrcKou Trunk runt al
mott ihiouuh the renter of town, follow
liK Twellth Mreel, The rluhtt of way
uatc orro K-rurrti, ami ine receni aeuv
I lift of Hill eriiillirrr to the xiullirntl
ward teem to l the U.l evidence that
the ureal Umpire lluilder will twluu hi
road over to Hum In the one direction
ami ilowu lo Mkrvlrw In the other.
"At for improiemcuta In our own
little iiiriviiiK town, we arc now watch
Inn withilecnlutcrctl the conttriictloti
ol a f;s,u loncrele dam aeroat the
De.cliutc', IVifret lu It'tiltt and will
raite the river 11 fret. A modern bridge
wiiitiMuiue river over me nam, ami
till fmpiuicmciit will he fiulhel hr
May I, opening up not only great powrr
for IndiiMrlal iiiinr, hut al the tame
time relideiluK eily aeeelhle a Tine
region on the npMnfte tide of the rlirr.
"The iHitineM men of llcml have nl
ready luiltl an automohlle road 73 mile
In Irnglh from town In Hampton Unite;
tint runt MMiiheatl and U u tdendld
wheat 11 1 "
Mr Hunter concluded by Raying'
that there 1 no more active com.
inctcial oigauizution in the Mate
limit the litisttiui; Ilcnd Hoard of
Trade, and he nays that an won ns
the people ol that sect Ion get
through rubbing their eyes over
the lewilderinK news of two rail
ro:uN coniliig to their door-t "you'll
hear the whole darned interior
hum with industry."
H 'inter bait lived at Haul for the
Inst ocvcii yenrs, nnd ndmils that
until u few months ago he wasn't
iptltc nine about the inline of that
region, but the patient waiting of
veals has been rewarded, for now
he rmcari that you can't stop Cen
tral Uicgon.
Robbed Mall Sack to lluy I'lnery fur
Charged with the theft of n regis
tered letter containing f, 108, with
which he is declared to huvc pur.
chased finery for his sweetheart,
William H.Craig, in-ycar-oIdMagc
driver, is occupying a cell in the
county jail toduy.
Craig, who for several mouths
has been the driver of the Mudras
Hcislcr stage, was arrested at Griz
rlv, Or., by Deputy United States
Marshal Griffith of Tortland, and
brought here .on, the late train
Unable to furnish a $3500 bond, he
is in jail.
The theft Is chaiged with having
licen committed October 30, of this
year. According to the author
ities, n mail sack, which had not
been carefully locked, was placed
In Craig's charge, lo be transferred
from one town to nnother. When
the sack reached its destination,
one registered letter, containing
$loH, had disappeared.
Craig will lc nrrainged .before
the United States commission cither
Friday or Saturday. He swears
he is innocent. Oregon Journal
Illds will bo received by the
school loard for the finishing of a
room in the school building. Work
to begin Dec. 35th and to Ihj finish
ed Jan. 8, 191a. Hids must be In
by Dec. 15
Dated this 3th day of Nov. 1909
It. A. Smith, U C. Coit,
Clerk, Chairman.
Munch for Sole.
3.0iicrcs. For particulars in
milt! of M. Nisvvonger, Powell
Unite, Oregouj 36 .19
For Sale Fully equipped saw
mill, l'or particulars address X,
cure Hulletiti. 3tf
Mooted Point Settled by Depart
incut of the Interior.
Certlflcatesof Stock of Irrigation Com
pany, when Offered In Plnnl Proof,
Should Show Amount of Water
Untryman Is Hntltled To.
Throughout Crook county there
arc several private irrigation corn
panics which arc diverting water
from various streams for irrigation
purjuiscs. In most cases, the men
who have built these private ditches
own land which is reclaimed or
which is to lc reclaimed by these
systems. Also the men,whosc land
is to be reclaimed generally own the
stock of the companies. When
this stock is owned by a desert-laud
eutrymau, the question has often
arisen as to what the ccrtificatco of
stock should show regarding the
owners right to the use of water
from the irrigation company. Some
have maintained that the stock it
self should show on its face the
amount of water to which the own
er is entitled.
In order to settle the mooted
ixiiiit, II. S. Commissioner Kills ol
Ilcnd recently wrote to the Depart
ment of the Interior asking for in
formation on this question. The
Department replied: "It is neces
sary for claimants to furnish with
their proofs record evidence show
ing their right to the use of enough
water with which to properly irri
gate all of the Irrigable laud In
their entries nnd the amount of
water to which they are entitled to
the use. It would therefore appear
that it would be n good idea to have
the certificates of stock show how
much water the owners of them are
thereby entitled to the nse of."
The Department gives further
Information in regard to desert laud
proofs in the following circular scut
out from Washington:
"That portion of .section 18 of
the regulations governing entries
and proofs tinder the desert-land
laws, approved Nov. 30, 1908,
(37 I.. V., 313), which relates to
expenditures for .stock or interest
in irrigating companies, Is hereby
amended to rend as follows:
"Expenditures for stock or In
terest in an irrigating company
through which water is to be se
cured for irrigating the land and
which owns the right to the use of
sufficient water to satisfy all valid
claims therefor acquired by owner
ship of its stock or otherwise, will
be accepted as satisfactory expen
ditures when claimant shall file and
make n part of the annual proof
"(a) A receipt or other writing
signed by the proper officer or tgent
ol the company showing a payment
of cash for stock or interest in the
company, and the affidavit of the
claimant showing that the payment
was made in cash, and when made.
"(b) An affidavit of the claimant
showing the nature of the contract
or agreement ho, has with the com
pany entitling him to the use of
water, nnd the quantity of water to
which he is entitled under such con
tract or agreement, or proper show
ing that the ownership of the stock
or interest entitles him to the use of
venter and the quantity of water to
which he entitled by virtue of such
"(e) A statement, under onth, of
the proer officer of the company,
showing the right of the company
to the use of water; whether such
right is based ou a decree or decrees
The Htilletin has moved its plant
into the former Hledsoc building,
directly opposite the Anne l'vcry
stable, where w.- will be pleased to
meet all our old customers and
many new ones. Call in and see
our fine new quarters.
rrtr r -7T -t x
of court, or upon appropriations or
filings made in conformity to State
or Territorial laws; the source or
sources of its water supply; the
quantity of water owned or appro
priated bv It; the total quantity of
water which is under contract or
agreement to deliver to its patrons
and stockholders, and the date
when, no uuforscen obstacle pre
venting, it will be able to deliver
water' on the laud of the. entry,
which land must be described in
the swoin statement."
Woman Uaaly Hurt and One llors
Killed on the Shanlko Stage Line.
Mrs. A. D. Hatton, a passenger
on the Shaniko-Princville stage,
was seriously injured in a runaway
accident last Wednesday about
noon coming down Grizzly moun
tain. Mrs. Hatton was riding in
the front scat with the drivcr.Chas.
Johnson, when her hat blew oil".
The driver got down to get the hat
and II. S. McCormick of Portland,
a passenger riding inside, also got
out, and while the driver was re
covering the lady's headgear, en
deavored to stimulate his circula
tion by clapping his hands togeth
er. This started the team, and Mr.
McCormick, seized one of the
wheelers by the bridle and tried to
stop it. Failing to do so he let go
and endeavored to get on the seat
to get the lines, but the ribbons
were down by that time and the
team started on a wild run down
the mountain. The driver called
to Mrs. Hatton to jump out, which
she did. She struck on a rock and
was consequently seriously injured
in the back.
The Prinevillc Journal siys the
team ran down the mountain, keep
ing the road. After running be
tween a quarter and half a mile
one of the wheelers fell and the
stage ran over the horse, upsetting.
The horse had to be killed. The
stage was not injured much.
Frank Smith, the county roarl
man was working along the road
and the runaway team passed him.
He soon went to kelp the party
with the injured womun.
Johnson, the driver,' telephoned
to Prinevillc from the Gibson ranch
and Stage Agent Geo. Reams nnd
C. I.. Shuttuck went to the scene
in one of the company's nutos,
bringing the woman to town with
ull speed, where Dr. Belknap was
called to attend her. one rested
quite well last night and the pros
pects are that she will soon recover.
Mrs. Ilutton was on her way to
Bend where she expected to file on
The Redmond Dank of Commerce Will
Soon Open for Business.
Redmond is to have a second
bank. The Hub says:
The Redmond Batik of Com
merce, a new institution incorpor
ated to carry on business at this
place, has filed articles of incorpor
ation with the secretary of state.
Two of the Incorporators are G. H.
Dobson of Portland, Oregon, and
G. M. Slocum of Sioux City,
Iowa, who were here a short time
ago looking over the field. It is
understood that the new incomor
ation, which has u capitul stock of
f, 10,000, will erect u building nnd
commence business here iu the
ueur fututc.
More Interest Displayed Than
For Many Years.
Defeata S. C. CuldweH by Narrow
Margin of One Vote II. J. Over
turf, J. If. Onell and W. U. Sel
ler arc elected Aldermen.
The closest and withall most ex
citing election ever witnessed in
Bend was the one of yesterday, in
which city officers were elected for
another two years. Dr. C. W.
Merrill wen as mayor with only
one vote to spare, S. C. Caldwell
running a close second, 36 to 35.
W. B. Sellers and H. E. Allen each
secured 43 votes for alderman and
when straws were drawn as the
statute provides in case of a tic
Sellers won. The other victorious
aldermen arc H. J. Overturf and
J. II. Oneil.
The question whether the sale of
near beer should be prohibited in
Bend injected no small amount of
interest and some hard feeling into
this election. There is a strong
element in the town opposed to it,
while another element believes its
sale should not be prohibited.
These two forces did considerable
electioneering, with the result that
the vote on the near beer question
showed 38 in favor of prohibiting
its sale and 46 against said prohi
bition. The story of the election is told
in the following returns:
l'or Mayor
C W Merrill J6
S. C Caldwell 35
Henry WhittetL 7
l'or Aldermen
H.J. Overturf 45"
J. II. Ouell 43
W. n. Seller 4'
U.K. Alien 4a
J. II. Wcnandy 39
UL. l'ox 74
N. IV Smith 15
J. A. Ikiyd 9
l'or Recorder
It. C. Kill. 86
l'or Marthal
Olcun Kyrc , ja
I'carl l.ynes 35
l'or Treaturer
S. J. Spencer 66
H.J. Overturf 16
M. J. Coc..,
Ninety-one ballots were cast but
three were thrown out on account
of errors.
The citv council for the ensuing
term will be composed of J. N.
Huutcr, M. J. Kelley, T- V.
Triplet!, H. J. Overturf. J. II.
Oneil and W. B. Sellers.
Three tickets were in the Geld as
l'or Mayor:
C, V. Merrill
For Aldermen, Two Yean:
J. II. Weitandy
II. J. Overturf
H. K. Allen
l'or Recordertr
II. C. lUlU
l'or Treasurer:
S. J. Speucer.
l'or Martha):
Glenn Kyrc ,
l'or Mayor;
S. C. CaliWll
l'or Aldermen, two years: '
W. li. Sellers
I,. I., l'ox
J. II. Oneil
l'or Recorder: .
II. C. Rills
l'or Trensu en ,
II, . Overturf
l'or Marshal:
Pearl Lytic
l'or Mayor.
Heury WhiUctt
l'or Aldermen, two year;
J. A. Boyd
J.,H. .Onell
N. IV 'Smith
l'or Recorder:
II. C. Kill
S. I. Spencer
l'or Martini:
Glenn Kyre
An Army of Men In Deschutes Can
yon BuHdtar Uttr&4a.
Thirty-four miles of steel rails,
40,000 tics aud nn abundance of
brige material are piled in the Har
riman yards at Deschutes, accord
ing to C. K. Lewis, conductor of
the construction train which is at
work on the line to Central Oregon.
While in Portland recently Mr.
Lewis said to the Journal:
"A bridge 95 feet high is being
placed about five miles up the can
yon, the first to be built. By Jan
uary t steel will be laid across the
bridge and a loag stretch of grade
ready for the ties will be reached.
It will not be a long job then to lay
39 miles of track before another
deep canyon will be encountered.
Delays in construction will occur at
the bridges, for the task of con
structing such high trestles is slow
and exacting. But the work is be
ing rushed despite the inclement
weather. Not a day has been lost
on account of rain or snow.
"From information that filters
down the Deschutes, there are
about 4000 men on the grade.
Practically all the work is being
made by section work, and for
nearly too miles gangs of men are
at work every quarter mile.
"Seventy-five pound steel b be
ing used on the road, with contin
uous rail couplings. The McCoy
track laying machine, which hand
! ties aud rails without any of the
old time hard labor, is being used
successfull) on the line. Derrick
cars are also part of the construc
tion equipment."
In Adjudication of Water Rights from
Paulina Lake and Creek.
F. M. Saxton of Baker City,
superintendent of water division
No. 2. was in Bend last Friday to
take testimony in the matter of the
determination of water rights from
Paulina lake and creek. This was
the initial step in the adjudication
of these water rights and not much
of importance developed.
A matter of some interest, how
ever, was the application by D, L.
McKay of Portlaud, in behalf of
the Mueller Lumber Company, for
a water right of five cubic feet per
second of time at the head of
Paulina Prairie, said water being
desired for engine, domestic and
stock use. It is understood that
the Mueller company will put in n.
sawmill at that place when the rail
roads now building are completed.
A large number of Rosland peo
ple are interested iu this adjudica
tion, Those present at the hearing
were Ralph, Lee, Bert and Grover
Caldwell, Kd. Rourk and V. G.
Fordham, all ol Rosland; and also
D. V, Rease of Coos Bay.
The Cornctt Stag & Stable Co.
It's the mail line, the only direct
stage line from Shaniko to Silver
Lake, by the way of Prineville and
Bend. Stopover privileges and
tickets good until used.
, For Sale.
Good wheat straw. Inquire of
Wm. P. Downing.
39lf Bend, Ore.
The Bulletin's subscription list is
growing every week. Help it to