rsL 3D.gwT m H ' r f m .rr ( Hi! IWH 1 i Si I I 9 ill 1 ItR a :I: It! -8 I What Is Nicer for a XMAS GIFT -2 BEND "II KaH-Ha STOP! In and look over our list of irrigated land. 'j? We hrtve l,le !,rSest ,,!l " Crook county and are satisfying investors every day. If you bave anything to sell, let us sell it for you. We bave more buyers than land. Come in and list your city property with us. , Our list is almost exhausted and we have buyers waiting. Why pay rent when we can loan you money to build a house of your I own. The interest is less than rent and, when you pay, vou are paying for some thing of your own. Come in and let us cx i plain the proposition to you. Yon will be glad yon did it. We are agents for the Har ney Valley Oil & Gas Company, the best stock proposition in Eastern Oregon. You bad better investigate this. Insurance Strongest Compnie. Notary Public Neat and accurate. Homestead location Satisfaction guaranteed. Loan Agency Best and cheapest. Timber lands bought and sold Best vicinities. Stenographic work, all kinds Reasonable rate. Call on or write The Cent Ore. Realty Co. Bend, AS I WAS 29 YEARS AGO IN CHICAGO- AND STILL AT IT YET. ccfrstvirth JOHN BEND, - - Than n I'ic'turc of liuby or of Yourself. One Do. Pictures mounted on Special Xtnas Post Curtis for $a. Good work on Post cants ft 50 per Dor. Copying nnd liularRniK Cabinets $4 and $5 per Dox. STUDIO. ASpMOvcratt for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pocket. Felled seams. Continuous fly. fatal sill Heart. sea Muilmum tMfnakn bttais Oregon LEGAT - OREGON. UliNliRAL NEWS NOTES. Nitvv Flour Mim, at Madras is. S. Isaacs, a milling mun of Walla Wnlln, expects to build it large mill at Madras, It is pro poed to form n company with $15, 000 capitalization, and Isaacs hopes to get iarmers ut Madras to buy stock to one-third of the capitalization. CttMATK F.VOKAR..1t TO FKMT I) Frank, a prominent cnutractot .vml builder of the Twin Fulls conn ry, arrived here a few days ago ti petul the winter on his place neat Redmond. Mr Frank expects to set out an orchard on bis place am us the climatic conditions on much more favorable here for frul ban at Twin Falls Hub. Fail Grain Poino Fink. A t6 acic piece of Forty-Fold wlicui that W N Riv of this place sowed the fit week in September is show mg up well. Samples taken from the field last week show the grain six inches high and the root five niches This piece of grain is be ing grown in dry laud without the aid of irrigation. Chronicle. Mork Tuuti'iioNit Links The Dochutcs & Harney Valley Tele phone Company is the name of a new corporation that will soon filet) pspers, according to Manager I.oui Ooonar of the Pioneer Telephone Company. The objects of the new company will lie to build a line from Roilatul to Silver Lake, to extend the Paulina line from liar ilin to Bur,ns, and to build a new toll line from Redmond to Madra via Culver and install an exchange at Modras. Prineville Journal. Shorter Items of Interest. F P. Cooper, piesident of the Hilliman town-die company, sayr the Oregon Trunk Line will build a brancn up urooiccd river to Princvillc. "Porter Bros, have just completed a second large warehouse at Shan iko, and last week unloaded two carloads ot horses to be added to their freighting outfits. Porter Bros, have leased a saw mill on the Deschutes near the Warmsprings ferry, and will manu facture their own bridge timbers and other lumber. Timber has been secured on the Matoles and the logs will be driven down that stream and the Deschutes to the sawmill. Karl Benton, a young rancher who resided at Bend lor several months, was married on Nov. 17 to Miss Clara Woods, Rev. Lill officiating. Mr. and Mr. Benton are excellent young people and The Bulletin extends best wishes. They will reside on the v room's ranch three miles north of Redmond. Excursion to the Orient. The Seattle Commercial Club It or Harming an excursion to the Orient for business men, their families and connec tions, to leave Seattle by the S. S. Minnesota on December 31, ami return about March 5, 1910. The Minnesota will touch Kobe, Yokohama, Shanghai, Manila, anil Hongkong. I'lrt data round trip will be f 350, Space for exhibit on board will be provided. Slop will be made of from one to three day at all port, anil sctcntccn dart at Manila. Application, for full particulars and rctervationt should tie made to J. M. Shawhan. chairman of the publicity committee, 700 Kiler'a Mu.ic iiuililing, Seattle, Wash. 320ACRE HOMESTEADS 300,000 acres of Wheat Land lies south-east of Bend, and can be bomesteaded in 320 acre tracts. Beud Is the mobt convenient point from which to reach the land. THE HOMIJ LAND COMPANY will locate you upon the best of this land at actual cost of the service. No Locating Fee Charged PLATS OF ALL LAND KKPT UP TO DATK AND OPF.N FOR INSPECTION. You can locate yourself if you prefer. We want to we the country hc-ttled as boon as possible. THE HOME LAND COMPANY, BEND, OREQON Short Course for Fanners. In order to keen pace with the rapid development in the science, art, and practice of agriculture and home-making ' and to give those who And It IlilPO'siblc to tnke it regular ctillegeiMiitse, the (he uoii Agrintllurnl Oolleve U nlferiiig Winter .Short Conine, which bruins Tuesday, January 4, and extends lor six weeks, mm also one-ween course, - . ter known as fanners' Week, which lie f gins Monday, I'ebruaty 14. and extends Uiroitgboul the week. Instruction I , tieniil either of tbe abine courses In v.-ni-r.l m-rli-nltnrr. dalrvlllL'. bortlClll- Hre, mechaiile arts,, doiiicalle science. ,lld art, and commerce I Tliere arc also, no Mown, many aire farmers and iHucv.le, ill past ihc uual school age, who desire to at .ualul IhctiiscUes more lully with Hie : . - a .1 -I. ...I. Ill ltilr It' Host ctcui irri.'i'u'"1- --. qctlvc lines of IsUir Tlie wtftk ottered eill lie adapted to the practical needs nl 'aimers, fruilgrotters, dairymen, me Itanlcs, or of women In the home and .! to teachers who desire to rrwe thetuschc lo teach elementsry agncuf ture now required In our public schools. The various court- are so planned as . to pros Ide the latest amount of practi cal liifonnalioii In the short lime avail able. There will be no fee whatever tor attending the exercises of Parmer. Week. Those who attend the oilier courses will be cxiwcUil to pay a regis tration fee of f I .. In addition, slu dents In the six weekscourse In dairying will pay a laboratory fee of fj 00 and a breakage depoalt of fa.00; tluwe In me chanlc arts will pay a fee of ft 1x1 for woodwork. thtMC tn household aetence and art will pay a fee of ft Jo to etiter costs of materials urd in the course of the cookery, and esch student will l catiected to furnish her owu material, lor all other cla.wa. Hoard and lo.lcln may t had in Corvallls at ti 50 to M-Jif per week . No entrance examination or other edy. catlonal testa will be required; but no one will be received who is less than f years of age Nearly 7000 men and women registered In these courses In 1909, their ages ranging from 16 to jii A pleasing and pruritable feature of hese courses will te a series of lecture ly some of the mo.i prominent men of the slate men who are especially well qualified by succeulul experience to peak upon some particular phaic of .tgriculture What Christmas Present? Which makes the better Christmss present the 51 Is.ues ol The Youth's Companion, costing only 5' -75 for the whole year, or one book, cutting lofl.csv? In quantity, variety and value of read ing The Companion excels, la not Mich, a paper, bringing every week into the home circle charming stories, aril cleaon a thousand subjects by lamous men and women, delighllul short sketch es, humorous anecdotes, and an infinite variety of other wholesome, entertaining reading is not such a lr the very one for an appropriate, acceptable Christ mas prevent Think of 111 In a year The Companion elves you as much read ing as twenty 4m page books of travel, history, fiction, niUcellaur, biography and humor, and not a line in it that .hakes one's faith In truth and honor, not a phrase that makes light of tbe things that are sweet and pure. Is It not a Christmas gift worth having Christ, mas gift that is "worth while"? Send your suberlpllon fl 75) at once so as to receive free all the issues of the Companion for the remaining weeks ol 1919, as will as The Companion's "Ve netian" oicmiar lor 1910, iiinograpiici. in thirteen ailnrs and gold Tint Yotirir Coupaniok, Companion llullding, Doston. Mass. Ranch For Sale. 340 acres. For particulars in quire of M. Niswongcr. Powell Uutte, Oregon. 36 39 For Sale or Kent. The property known as tbe Ros land hotel. For particulars address, C. V. Cammiciiakl, 37-38 Koslaud, Ore. The Cornell SUrc & Stable Co. It's the mail line, the only direct stage line from Sbaniko to Silver Lake, by the way of Princvillc and Bend. Stopover privileges and tickets good until used. Hand us your subscription. Oregon Agricultural College Winter Courses Jmary 4th 10 Fcbraarj fSih, 1111 Practical work, lectures and demon. ll.ii will ! ..Ilrll 111 .tlh Wll.t llllta ... it...- - ...m. ... - -.. - -...- I...M f?ti-ral I'arttilliif. l'rillt i'lltlllfr. Animal Husbandry, lUirying, Poultry keeping, the llu.lnrv. Side of Panning, rorcswv, larpemry, iiiacxsmiiuiug, .tie. clisnical Drawing. Cixiklng, Sewing, lire..inKiug, noiue .iiaiiaKrnieiii, no. All regular course begin January 4th and end I'cbruary nth. I' r me is' Week I'cbruarr Mill to iHth A cordial invitation Is extended to all Interested. OomI accommodations may be secured at reasonable rates. No age limit atwve 16 years. No entrance requirement.. Prominent lecturers hsve been secured for special topics The Instructional loree of the College numbers loo. Hx cedent equipment. A special leature Is the farmers week which comes this year I'eb. 14th to iHth. Lectures, discussions, and a general re union. I'or further Information address Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallls, Oregon, CONTEST NOTICE. IHixttweal of Hi lattrtor, Uniltd turn La4 onk, Th lllr, Orrtoo, Nomlr r, !. A wfll(ialefMln.MJ.ii(h.tlacbea IM la (bit OAK by Italiy K. anHn, .r.loat hoaiic.itwl ralry, No. IVllf. lrmtr I, !. lur HM KKV Mrtloa J. lowmfilp is it, i.aee it K. WilUmel MrrMl.a. tnr Kmllr ohaioa tUetimd, roatmr. In ka ll Ual if nt Ihsl Mid talrvwomsa dkl oa ue about Sptll fj. Iy;, Ih.l ahs mr cMsblhkrd tnl dae apMt, eulllrstnl or Imptorrd ukl Itacl Ertor lo hf iW.ih last Mare hr death b cit. kan wholly UUd tn rrMr uam, colli .lr ae Imfov .kl ll.rtor cum Hi mm Id hr done Ih.l If tact sr say heirs of uU talry .re aahnma lo sSUal, Ihsl all .Heard .haadoaaieal wA ia la tiaploy raeot la the .iiajr a.y sr rotpsoilM Ualled UtM la llais of w.r IUU hereby ootlted lo .upear, respond, and offer ertdenc. luuchlaf uld .lteritton St IS o-ctock . m. on t, i.ia. WToe II, C 1(111.. a V a. Coraml4oBrf,.( hi.ororela OembOrcioa, a4 Ih.l Bad he.rla( wilt U heM at I o'clixk a. nt on J.auiry n laio. befurc the rtjltier ad revel. er si the Called States LaadOSxsta Th D.IIn. Orecoa, ThSMldeooleiUal h.ta(, la a peepr .IB d.rll. Bled November I), lyoo. al toelk bet. whkh .how Ih.l sflrr lk dlllgene mihhi.1 erhefol lhUnulrcaa not be h.iI. III. her, by ordered and directed that wKh notice b 3Itea by dac and uropev buhllralkm. Ilj CW MIKIKK. XriLler. IBM ' U. I I .J U .IJ'I I' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of lb lalerlor, U S. Land OtSc si Th Italle.. Oregon, October tth, isr9. NOTICK Is hdreby flren that Hdw.rd r Drotlerhons t uf Rend, Orecon, who, on rctotr tsih 'fH. made llomr.lead Ktitfv fKeflal No etait na. Ilrt, fur IhekKIofhrc ,Twn. iSHoulh. K It IU. W M h.. nlednollcaolliitcRtl.nloin.kc ria.i rirvvear -roor,ioiubiik cuna lo Ik lanJ above drwtlUd, Ufut II C i'.IU., Untied at.lesCommlMloner si his office si Hcnd, Ore gon, on Ihc .th d.y of December, t w, name... wilneiae. Kred A. Hun mil. Latent O. Keed. KrmH A Smlih and l)c.r(C B, Jlroatethoui, all of Head, Oregoa. otr-dr C W. MOORK. Kegialer NOTICE FOR FUIiLICATION. Iep.rttuenl of th lalerlor, V h. Land O Itce .1 Tk Dalle., Or , Beptniber Sylh, yva Nolle, la bertby glees Ihsl James I). Datldaoa, whoa rjo.toflif addreaa la Rend. rtr..nn MA on the 14th day of May, iw. III In Ihlt office nwurn maienieiii ana ApiMKanon no, oewt, lo twrchaa tht HW U HW U Hee, r and NW U NW Ultec j, loaiuihlp aoulh, rang 11 W M and the timber Ihctcon. unJrt lk. ,..n vUlwn. of III Act sf June 1, ily. and ct. amend aloejr, known a. th "Timber and Moat Law," al.uch value ss mixhl be Ased by neul suit Ih.l, purausnl to .uch apiiUcallon, the land and limber thereon baee been ap pralwd si f moo, Ihc Umber e.llm.lrd 6y board feet at M cents per M, and lh land no value Ih.l said applhanl wl ofTer flusl proof In aupport of hi. application and swom Hale nicnl on the 15II1 d.y of lleccinbcr, lv. Ufut 11 k tuna, uuueii m.ic. loniiuiatluUTr St his offlcc at lleud, Oregon. Any per.on I. sf liberty to proleal Ihl. pur chaae before entry, or Initial a roule.l at any lime before patent laaui., by nllng a corroborated aRid.eit III till, oftlce, alleging (acts which would ilcfeai Ihc entry 0-IJ1M C W, MOOKIt, Hegi.ter. It Pays to AdvcrtUc in THE BEND BULLETIN . M II I I I ,. TIKI HILL Meat Market MARRY HILL, Proprietor I'l'lib LINIt Ol' Reef, Pork, Veal and Mutton All my meats are stored in a large Ice Inix just Installed and are always In the hot o condition. I solicit your patronage F G. W. RICHARDSON jeweler Watch Repairing A RI'HCWi.TV Two iloora south of I'.O. Ilcnd U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Ofl'IOt OVUK MANIC nil Wlflbt Cclcpbone Connection UAV TKLItl'IIONK NO, 31 Hiini), Ohkcon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW omCK IN HANK MHI.IIINO, llltNII, UUKKON savasaHBBHanbs sa. r - tttt t sms - 3 DR. I. I.. SCO F I HI D, DENTIST. OI'FICIt IN JOIINfiON ilUll.WNO II end, Oregon. Dr. A. A. BUHIIS..NrM..:7,l Healer. uceaafutlr Tfeatnl Without the tlae U IMag. or hargery, by th N.tar.l Melhmiaof lle.llag. Chron ic Diacaaea a tsUlly. ConaalUllea flee UemUroflk UU and Nation.) N.laroplh Saatlely. OBk la Jokaaon Mlg , Head, Oregon HF.NI) I.ODCF. No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. ViajlitiK brothers always welcome. C A.OAST, aUcr. f. O. MINOR. W M, r . . F. 0. MINOR LAWKKNCK WUIUUNI1 I.I FIJ FI RK ACCI DKNT I N aS U R A N C K Notary Publle and Convayauclng All Igsl I'atier Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY B0ND8 Irrigated Land For Sale. Forty acres fine irrinotal alfalfA land for sate, and relinquishment on i6o-acrc homestead utljoinlui;. For jurticulars address W, catc The Hulletin. jo-tf AdmlnlstratrU'a Notice. Vnllr fa !tirl.v lvi, lli.l llt iimtiir signed by an older of the County Court tl r.fUlV failt.,k ).K..a... I.aa !.... al. V . whiiij, .iva.iiii, II., IITCII f. tailnted aduilnlstralrlx til the estate of I'atiny C. Iloyer, deceated All rtersona having claims against such estate are required tn present them within six mouths from the date of tint notice, with the proper vouchers, to lliu undersigned, either by mail or person, at Ileuil, Oregon, Dated this 14th day of November, A. I). 1900. I.UI'.I.I.A S OKII'l'IN, Adtnliilstratrlx IxKk box No. 14, J7-40 Ilcnd, Oregon, am- . -- .' . j ! j NOTICK VOW 1'UHIilOATION. U. S. Uud OiTicc, lUkeview, Oregon, Noveiulier 10th. 19(19. Notice Is llcrrbv ulvnii llial III.. Nnrlll eru 1'aclilc Hallway Couiiuiiiy, whose postoilice address Is St. l'auf, Minnesota, did on the 301I1 day of Oclolier, 1909, file III lllla tlfTtrf lla a,nilinlni. . .Inrt under the provisions of the Act of Con gress. amiroycd July I, 1H9H yi Slat. 397, 6jo) as extemled by the Acl of Con gress, approved May 171I1, ioA the NH8I, Kec. Tp. 31 hf K. II lUst, NI'.U SWV, 8WJ4 ttWtf, Sec. 31, Tp, 33, H. R. 11 lUst, and KM HliUi , Sec. 18, To, 3 8, R. 11 Kast, V. M. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the lauds described, or lieairliiK l' object iK-cause ol the mineral character of, the laud, or for nity other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office, on or liefore the joth day of January, i 1910. ARTHUR ORTON, Register. H34J5. y I