i! 'I !' I M .Ml H ! 4 f' hi id n THE BEND BULLETIN CHARUJS D. ROWli HDITOR sunscRirnoN ratk& One jtt ...... ,.-... $i Bit B10Dthw WmWHMMm.,!!! . M Three Rlontnft,......a.M.tM. ...,.. .. 5 (tnnrisMv la itnn.) WKDNKSDAY, DHC. t, 1909. OPPOSED TO THE-ASSEMBLY The other night at Portland, cer tain republican politicians met ut n smoker Riven by the Union Repub lican Club, the object being to per fect arrangement: for the holding of county and state "assemblies" to suggest candidates for office . Judge Henry H. McGinn, a longtime re publican, wan invited to speak, and he responded in a speech that bronstht consternation into the camp of the ossetnbleites. Wc ap pend extracts train the judge's re mark: "The direct primary law- came to us a the remit of tue tnoit corrupt politic nor state has ever known," miiI the iuilce. "K there hail ever Ixen an hon cat election of United Stales senator, or an uncontrolled convention, or ileceul politics of any kind uuder the old ays-te,-tbeie.Toull have been no direct primary law, no Statement No. 1, no initiative and referendum. These things are the result of the protest of the people against the rotteuncM ol the old plan and the old politics and the old leaden of the state. I know this, you ill know it. 1 know it because I was a part of it, he it said to tny sltatne. I, as a young man, went through the school of the old system and I do not waul to see any young man of the present day go through the same experiences that I went through belorc the pawing of the old regime and the coming of the new. For that reason, if for nothing ele, I am against the assembly and what it means." "I do not want to see the republican party in the bands of any self-appointed saviours. If it is right it will need no saviours. If it is wrong its saviours wilt not save it. And I want to know what you mean by 'republicans' in your talk about the assembly, or the convention. If yon he Can nons, then I am not a republican and never will be; 11 you mean the never, idges, the La Pollettes, the Hughes, the Rootevelts of the party, then I am a republican, and no man can read me out of my party. I stand for the progress of the party, for its advance, not for its retrogression." "It seems to be the belief that the di rect primary law ha disrupted the re publican party. The republican pfcrty has disrupted itself. Von cannot deny it Let us be honest with ourselves and each other. In all the history of the state the voters of the state have only oner gone out of the state with a demo- era le tote. In that time there have been 10 governors elected and of five these officials have been democrats, who have beaten convention nominated republi cans. Of this five only one was elected under the direct primary law. "Do you want to know the reason why these defeats were due? Then look ai the records of the politics of the state. Look at the records of Portland politic in 1903, when the Portland club, on Fifth and Alder, made $30,000 in the month of December with marked cards, and when the town was overrun with the thug and the stiong arm man and red lights gleamed everywhere, CENTRAL OREGON LANDS The reason that may be causing F .l li,-l Tl Ollll tlHIl lll..,t.lia, cause you to seek an early sale. We have good outside connec tions that will enable us to han dle readily almost any good 1 proposition. List your rami or town property with us. Bend Investment Company Next Door to Postofflcc. paign expenses and no man had to put up a cent in his own behalf." . "It is because of these memories that I am opposed to the assembly I do not want any young man of the present day to go through what I have gune through I am against the assembly and all that it means, and I intend to fight it in every precinct and village Hnd ham let of the state if necessary to de feat it" and the snprort of its dictates. mean the Aldriches, the Fayues the The Bulletin takes pleasure in calling the attention of its readers to the report of the condition of the First National lUnk of hend which nptears in another column. It will be noted by comparison with the report of September 1, 1909, that the bauk bast gained nearly 550,000 in deposits, and all other departments of the bank's business have increased in a like pleasing degree. The cash ou hand and due from banks totals $81,458.82 or tea times the amount required by the Government. The bank lias money to loan and is meeting every legitimate demand of the community for loans, as can be fully testified to by many of its patrons. The First National ol Bend, is one of the foremost finan cial institutions of Central Oregon, and its omcers and directors are conservative bankers and successful business men. Dad Roads Delay Malls. Bend's mails have been one day late for some time now, and as a result there is more or less fault finding with the service. This is not wholly justified in view of the heavy condition of the roads on the Shaniko-Prinevillc division. It re cently required 32 hours to make the trip from Sluniko to Princville, the passengers having to get out and help build road through Cow canyon. The new road that Wasco and Crook county people built there about a year ago is washed badly and vrcat damage done to it, ac cording to reports. It will be re membered that a subscription paper was circulated last spring amoug the merchants of this section and money raised to improve the Cow canyon road, the county not having authority to expend money for that purpose inasmuch as the road does not lie within the county. Wc will probably have to take our medicine and "put up" with late mails until the roads improve. place throughout Central Oregon. A social, neighborhood gathering was held at the Fort Hock Hchool house 011 Thanksgiving day anil dinner was served to too litiugty jwoplc. A year ago it would have been difficult to hustle together n corporal's guard, This same r.co tion boasts two completed school houses, and arrangements are about completed for n third. The M. K. church has nu organization there, and the ladies have handed togcthtr into au Aid Society. One pleasing feature is thut practically every settler is much pleased with the country. Another ycur will wlt ncss vast strides forward in (level joptucnl tu that section. Timber Lands Wanted. If you have pine timber lands and want to sell at n reasonable price it will be to nur interest to write the undersigned nt once. Give description, estimated amount uf timber and lowest price in first letter. C G. BUKKHAKT, 102 K First Street, 36-39 AlbanytOregou. The Bulletin's subscription list is growing every week. Help it to grow. "Who cot rid of these thine.? Did the republican party organization do ii? Who put the gambling hells out of bust' ness. closed the red licbts. forced the saloons to obey the law? You had to get a democratic sheriff, a democratic district attorney, and a democratic may or to do it. And it was because the peo ple had to do this that Ibey went to the direct. primary law for relief." "You say you are going to have an assembly I ask you who will be there, who will compose it, who will control it? I will, tell you. The agents of the electric light company will be there. The agents of the street railways and the gas companies will all have beats. The men who have franchises to guard, the men who fatten off the fruits of the red light district, the men who own saloons, they will all be there BoU'the wage worker, the small taxpayer, the merchant and busi nev man, the honest people of the state, will not be present. How in God's name could they be? What chance would they have to be se lected?" "In all the history of the state I have known but one senatorial elec tion by the legislature under the old system that was honest, and that was the election of Senator Fulton. There never was a time, except that, when the senatorship was not put up for barter and sale. I know because I was there and through it. I remember the time when the Northern Pacific put up $30,000 to defeat the election of Senator Simon and we only had! r 0,000 ourselves, ado 1 remem ber other political campaigns where the interests paid our whole cam- Beyond question one of the strongest addresses ever del'vercd before a Bend audience was the lec ture to men last Sunday afternoon given oy kcv. Lcwtas. It was a powerful appeal to a man's man hood and a most convincing argu ment why one should live a clean, wholesome life. The speaker held the closest attention of a church full of men for an hour and a half. The unanimous expression of those present is that it was a sterling discourse and would result in much good. Buy Power Saw. W. P. Downing and F. M. Car ter hax-e formed a partnership tinder the name of Downing & Carter, and will engage in the wood business. They have ordered a seven horse power Galloway gasoline engine with circular saw attachment and will saw their wood hereafter by means of the new machine. It is a portable affair and can be moved easily from one setting to another, and the firm will saw wood for their customers in town if they pre. fer to buy the wood in four-foot lengths; or they will sell it already sawed as heretofore. They expect to be able to supply all the demand that will be made on the firm. The machine is now at Shauikoand Mr. Downing will bring it out in a few days. California Restaurant Mrs, H. HousMon, Prop, Best of meals served at all hours of the day,' After I)ecctnlr 1, meals will be Only 23 cents. Coffee and Doughnuts 10c. Clean, comfortable beds, 25c a night. We run a flakerjr In connection with the restaurant ami carry everything In the bakery line. WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD S-4.50 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phono Mo. F. M. CAR.TER.. For Sale, Horse, harness and btickboard cheap Box 120, Bend Ore. 3Sif Many Settlers In Past Year. The settlement that has taken place in the Fort Rock sectiou dur ing the past year is a fair example of the development that is taking PIERCE ARROW AUTO LINE Between Shaniko and Bend, calling at Madras and Ked luond. $5000 Car. 50 Horse Power A. D. BUCK, Manager Address Shaniko or llcml. FOUR HORSE LIVERY. SADDLE HORSES. ", Bend Livery, Feed & Stable Co. J. H. WENANDY, Prop. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY Also HAY, OATS, BARLKY, WIIRAT, CHOP WHI5AT, BRAN AND MIDDLINGS. All Orders promptly Delivered. Order-by Phone No. 18. Horses Bought and Sold. Light and heavy Horses for Sale. I CAN SELL YOUR LAND Parties In the Powell flultes sec tion, or anywhere In the Hend country, who have tracts of laud wholly free from rock, or nearly so, and who desire to sell the same should list them with me. I have a lare number of people around North Yakima, Wash,, who want land in this section and I will I able to sell your properly. Large tracts a specialty. I)a. 1. M. Van SNYOI'.R Hither at Ilend, Or,, or North Yule i ma, Wash. MISSION FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets AI.I, KINDS of HOMIC MAIM'. I'URNfTUKH. my Call at my shop and ltisjct Mission furniture. Clmim. Tub Its, Cabinets, etc., etc, All woik OUAKANTIil'.l) IUKST-CLASS. A. A. ANTHONY. CHRISTMAS IS NOT PAR AWAY What are you going- to give hint or Iter for n CHRISTMAS PRUSUNT? Hyoit are thinking f rtJMAMONI), tome and talk It om with . , , , We can plr )" h holli l,,,ce "'" l,l,r WK CAM, VOIUI IWHTICULAK ATTIINTION to our ir cently enlarged JICWHI.KV IHM'AKTMHNT. We aie now able t show you aom of Hie most lrilhil raamplea n the Jeweler's ail. Our designs ate up to the minute, pillly K'd and at Prices Thnt Will Defy Competition. Come and make your selection of Christmas gU before the Hush Season comtnruces. We now have a few eicluilie drslgns which aie splendid values. With everr putchase jrou make from our Jewelry Department wt-wlll tue you PIANO VOTIWat lh uleol tut oe. (or every dolUr lo the full amount of your utchK MERRILL DRUG CO. taHHHBHMBsssV0MsWBBs0MBs 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS WK HAVE THE WEST Lei the public beware of a set of men who agree to lot-ate you for fAxoo. They cannot show the laud or cornets. They arc not proficient to handle a compavi, and wc are ready to prove it any time. However, wc meet their cut, and uo them one bet ter. Wc will locate you for 55000 and make the trip lit an automobile in two days. NO CAMPING OUT J go them one oct $50 Merrill (2b Wilkinson Company HHNI), OKItGON. I IT. PINE TREE STORE Just Received a Nice Lot of Dress Patterns Twenty-five different patterns inall wool changcMe Panama, Melroteand changaMe Silk. Only one pattern to each piece. Hurry and get your selec tion before they're f all picked out. Only 3sJ,U a pattern at SATHER'S St. James Hotel Sliver Lake Orejpa J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor When hi Silver Lake, stop at this well known house, Guests can lc assured that every attention will be paid to make llieiii comfortable. .Special altenllou to travelers. Good home cooking. Terms reasonable Our llobbyt licit Meals In Town for 35c WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied wllh tlio host that Ilia town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. fli(Ni), OKittiON Phone The Bulletin Office and we will call for ym i Job Printing