Catarrh fliio of ttio most cniiiiiioH oIJiIhoiI ijl. rates, Is iiiutlinCKravntrjl liv ll.o sudden chamlv of weather at tlilii tlmo of v-nr. Ileuln trrnliiirnt at onco with llooit'a Harsaparllla, wlilcli rHrct rail, lonl mnl MTinmiriit rnrM. This rt'at imxlloliio lias received 40,366 Tdfttlmonlols In two rt-nri, which pruvo It wonderful rdllcaoyin purifying mill enriching tbo blood. Urt'i for ml blood ilta'aav. in mini HwM f er ''i001'"!, Mti known m Qnrsataba. iw dot II. II l.litillatlnna, Cutmnr -Whal a beautiful parrot) ( h a. td UIItT ' Itlril DealerYea, ma'ami but hit vocabulary I limited, He dotm'l awear, and li doean't mi nlnnw. IIOWAIUI K, IHimwil - iM.r l rktmkt. nihnr.lM4.ii.oM. miiM. w-i "v',i t v Mllljiilt ( rail tltUfj i.. Lwl, II. IMOUih. 1 I . .' -". ,, rfw !,'- T"I lis lkr (Mil, r tW-l rasa: HI p HI fiif-wiiim T Mi,riT w U imrH .rwie- fiutiM ia. TAXIDERMIST AND TANNER FURS BOUGHT F. B. riNIXY 349 Columbia Portland, Ore. taltt lh dough and compile with II ur IimmI Uwh L H'iiH ClW WiVm ef MAtumt ipettrriMn itopU), 'I ll Tfl'lll ill la On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you dry Aad glv job (ill vals la lempmaso1 itsgwtar s:.oo IUJUUHH10 wATturnwr Ball y flfiUUu KtUlIm U ttastry tw. (iifrtirl'r0ulp a. j. tower co. effiats aaTH,u, a. a. - .- Q! TnwiKi'iiinum.. lu. Teas?, ee 'ZlfBKA inless Dentistry 0.1 f to,;tJ U..I ' it, w.viiK.(M . K iU ?'; irtMle 53. 5C MJ.. Cixi G.Ot &tU,TMi3.b omcii .0 (ia.l fifef 1.0 VtwNibn - I.I.. rn 2.6 - --- i-i rut.. 0.00 iwtuit. 7.00 rtUlMI lllf lM .uu Wise Dental Co. trrtsaaevui it. h.mi f.n. wmki MOOMN CXPfRI DENTISTRY At rrktt ll Ptlr CaroxlKlM TttlM WIHIOUt PUATtS ASPtCIAUV i'Aini.iwh KrrnAcrioM .., m.yr.n mi.ungh ooi.D hi.i.iniw . ,. UK (101.11 CUDWN tionu utiiniKii ri.ATi: TDK Ill'-Sr HtlllllKII rlTKU . BOO ., . ..BOO up ,.,,. ai.ooup 5, 8. . . alo, . --. ..! m B iklili Hat Pal. If txl mv nwnrr I' calllnar at wir ufllt. NOBTUUKNIK NO HAH ' NO CO0A1NK All work iurntd for tan rar CHICAGO PAINLESS DtNTISTS 3JJU Waihlrjloa St., Car. Slilh IUIUl.hJ II )HN, Kara to tUjr. BSBBBBBBBBWmsVssBWl SSaaSaaSBtMlr - vl 1 ' ' 1 IC-sVi' Hw' wB aa i. i anil rMin.n.irn"n MONK UAWANTBaB rOW W" w FARMERS, COUNTRY MERCHANTS Smith wont your fat turkoy. chickens, ducka and other poultry for tho ThankiKlvliig trado. Drosswl turkoya anil Hcoae mul ducka should arrlvo Iwtwcon November 10th and Novembor 2J. Ship to Smith. On November 10th wo are tmylnjr as follow. Tho prices on turkova may fluctuate, but wo oxpeel all othor quotation to hold good Indefinitely. Ship Immediately. prassed hot. Ilrst clais,.,,, ,....,., go praaaod fat veal under 30 loa................... " Chlckena, hens and sprtnea, alive.,.,,,,, vyvAils Shickena, hna and aprinaa, dieaaed J,(?Si,4u2 turkey. dreeMd, at ouaUty aWJ!J2 aeeae, dUsaed, Fat quality ...............lo to 18o You Bnvo commission when you hlp to Sm th. Ho dooi not chare eommlislon on anythlnf. Prompt return. Address nil hlpmcnta to the rRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. Tlihtlng the Beef Truat" Portland, Oregon faMdiltiarlara for Ilia- Jutoa, Our upon n limn a olillil wlui ml l:rd upon an enitnlimlloii piipar l ilttlna a moillilnlii ..inn a rrpllvd, "A Urai. altnl cook atuvn." Ttio aaml iithot of rennoiiliiK apain to to with ltr irowtli, A rrcent (Humiliation puprr Ml lh Hhrniflil Hclrntino Hchool it Vala cnntalneil Ilia quratlon, "Wtiul I Ida oltlca of tlm aualrlo JulcaT" And Ilia ariawar on ana paper aald, 'Tin itoinuoli." Olavaliinil I.i-ni1r. llandlrap uf Hart lloaria, "Don't rnu rlli that you ar niialieUlly hantllcuppnil y Imil timiUT "01 couria w rill II," nmwrrril l"rmr t'orntotaal "No aiilomolilllil dart traval fait rl ouali to kIvq ua nil xcuan for cnllrdllii' a Una. Waililni ton Hlr, "I'llhUnf tho Heaf Trout" H the rrank U. flmlth Oo.'a ad In thin paper. ii iiirt, Jnnr Hut iton't ou l.clliive compa llllot) la tlm lltn of IrmlaT 1'iiKway Hurl Hoonor or later It Irmta to thn formnllon of a truat. and that'i tlio vtay In nmkn inonoy. To ll... Ilrlal.lrr, Uoln' aluiia To Ilia hrUhtrr clayj Uvtry aiorm Una n Milnliow'a my I Allanta Coiiatltullim. U'walad. "Johnny, did you hav a rood vao ' tlon at that llllla ak rraortT "No. air. Mnw wouldn't let ma t awlmmln', and ah mad mt lak a cold bath avary mornln'." I'rlllr I nvinklcy li a sood deal of a crank lin't liar "That dof.n't half deacrlba htm. Ila'i tolna around now Inalatlnaj that If thl poitofflca ditartmanl haa to b inadl etf.iuitalnlna Ilia war and navy da partmanli ouiht to b run tba aaroi way." Tina Rocipa for Cold. Any drugglil can upply thtio In. (jredlcntt, or lie will get tbcm from bli wholetalr homo. "Ml half pint of cnod whlikcyi two ountn of K'y'erlnci half ounco of Conrenlraled pin eoinound, HbnVe Ilia holllo well each time and tine In doe of a traapoonful lo a tableipoon ful four tlmri u day," Thl pirienp tluii I taid to work wonder. The I'oucenlrnled puio I a ipreial ulno n tod net and come only In half ounco bottle, each encloied in an air tiKht rate, but be uro ll I labeled "Concentrated" In order to get the genuine article. IIMor 1110 moat HnatUh railway carriage hail only four wheal, and weighed ten ton. From UIO to I HO thy had lx wheel, and walihtd fif teen or aUtfen tona; from 110 to 1100 they had ellht wheel, and welched twenty.four ton; and alnca 100 the faihlon I twelve whirl for dining and leeplnK car, and the weight I thlrty.nv to riirtvlwn ton. Ilura iHluruiallun. Mr. Chucwatcr -Joilah, what la "awatlkar Mr Chuswatrr (momentarily at Ion) Do you menu to y you don't know what a awuitlka laT A awaitlk l why, tilutno It, Bwaitlka la thi name of the Kakltnq that helped Cool dlirover th north pplal Chicane Tribune. "rishtinc the Beef Troit" Sea thi Frank L. Umtlh Co. 'a ad In thla paper. Kiprnalvp WUr I'orr er. "Tr." ald th defendant In the criminal ca. "my lawyer certainly mad a tronr plea, form. lie vn wept." "What wn hi bllir aiked th oth er man. "Well, nearly aa I can flrure It out, ha charKed nt about 1100 a tear," () l.aaurl I lfl. Mr. Crawfoid You y It la Impoi Ibla to gel any money out of your huiband. Have you gon about It In the rlht wayf Mr. Crawfoid I've tried everything, my dear, axcrot aendlns him a Illaek Hand letter. Ilrooklyn Lira. Worms "CaacarttiaialtrUlalrAa ti. friend et when Iht Uoonr lit tin him for rtnttr I ol the tomtch, The tlll mutnlng ha r-rj fMi,tJwMA(iliB.w(inB. Il thtn vol a Imiz and In lhrtitilitMMla lapa-watf 4Sf Ua. It a ill. Malt rittk.ol Mlllbuig, iMHphlaCa, Ta. lamoullt a woikcrlorCaara t. 1 tua Ihf mlajKlland fin J Ihtm bcntScltl for ml any dtaiat cautcd by Ira pur blood." CbMt, K. Comll a, MwUton, r., (-IIBIo CoJ Hial. TalaUbl. Poltot. Tatla flood. polloo.1. Nf bltko,Wktoor(irtr-. lOo, t3o, see. Nt ir toM la bulk. Tbtnu Id Ubltt impede CC OmtinlttJ lo tun or yea' Dieaey back. W ayVWAArWV I'nr Cream Tval Halnnrr. A simple and armltlve wolghln; In itrtilnent to be known a thn Wlacon. ln hydroatatlo rream balanco baa Ixen dovlaed at the SKrlcultural expert' tnent lUtlon of the Unlverilty of Wl coiiiln. Thl i In triitni'nt inrela the Unit rvcoxnltMl need for a ilmplo and accurate mi'th of wolRhlnK cream In tho Ilabcock teat bottle for tut Inic. The ordinary cheap HCalea are Itinccurate, and the more delicate bal nnce aro too ex pcnilve for general ue by fanner. The new lnren tlon conalat of a ipeclally devliod bra float, similar to a d yd remoter, which l placed In a cylinder of wa ter The Imtru ment float stead ily In a vertical position, and sup port! a platform on which a cream bottle and a nine gram weight are are placed. Small, one tenth gram weight are pi acini on the platform until Iho float sinks to a Una P cur.AU luutMcr: marked on tne mlndlr. Tim nlti-crnm weight la then pur Into tne bottle with a plpelto Mn a sumdent amount to again sink the float to a line of the iplndle. Thl glrea the weight accurately and the devise Is so sensitive that It la effected by a sngle drop of cream. The weighing can be dono rapidly, however. auiai Milk. At tho Weit Virginia experiment latton It ha been found that skim milk for feeding laying henn Is worth from 1H to 2 cent a quart Other experiment hnve fully proved that It has equally a great valua for feed Ing pig. Figuring at thl rate, the milkman who sell wholo milk I telling from CO to $0 cents' worth of skim milk to each can, and the- general market price of a can or milk Is closo around fl.25. Now, this ran of milk contains enough cream, to make four pounds of butter, which Is worth about $1, leaving only about 2t cents for the skim milk sold, or a loas of from 33 to 05 cent "on each can over ranking Iho cream Into butter and feeding the skim milk. Also, when the milk Is fed on tho farm more fertilizer Is mndo, which makes tho difference still greater In favor of keeping and feeding the skim milk. Whero Ine can secure select trade for whole milk at extra price It will pay to sell the whole milk and buy extra feed and fertiliser, but sell Ins whole milk at lea than $1 for h 40-quart ran Is not profitable when one considers Jhe futuro of the land on which ho Is dairying. , Jimrr Com Feedluir. Not all farmers appreciate the value of feeding now corn. When handled properly more good results ran be ob tained from ll than from any- other crop grown. When fed In tho green stage, from the time when grains are In tho mill: til) they become hard and tho blades dry up, horse and rattle will rat almost, If not all, of the en tiro plant, and sheep and hoga..W out much of It, utilising to advantago all thero Is In the crop. New cornt Just after It has passed tho roasting ear stage. Is one of the best feeds for poultry, both young and old.' and hens will lay eggs much better than on old corn. There it uo feed much better tor fattening horses and colts, a well as cattle, than new corn. Wo always plant omo very early, medium and tho patches of corn to be cut and fed wholo In late summer and fall. In thl way we have the bet of feed for the stock In August, Sep tember and October, oilo-fourth of tho year. Whllo the new corn la being fed nono ot tho stock requires much other feed, and (ho grain In tho bin and tho hay In tho mow aro saved. Waateful Keunoniy, Tho number ot people Is small, wo believe, who, knowing that through their fault somo mistake ot an Injuri ous nature ha been made,- would want only to attach the blame to lnnocaat parti. Thl Is generally don thouglittsfsly and Ignorantly, albeit In good faith. Tho IdeH Is to examine ourselves and method before condemn ing another. A patron of a Wisconsin creamery recently sent In some vigorous pro test against Ha products. It tran spired that the creamory wa not In the wrong, except so far a the man agement put faith In a few of the pa tron of the creamory. Beveral ot them had thoughtlessly turned their herd Into cabbage, rape and turnip patches Immediately after the first heavy frosts, and the milk thu tainted was sent In, with the result of causing Inferiority In the creamery' output Aside from the fact that wo should not judge loo hastily or be too ready lo charge moral turpitude, tho discern ing farmer will understand from the rase In point that feeding the stock any old thing to prevent waste may be the means of producing greater de struction. Dairying; B winter. There aro many advantages In hav ing cows come fresh In winter, when all dairy product sell at a high price. In many place- the price of butter i from 25 to CO per cent higher in winter than In summer. When the cow calve in the eprlng they generally milk well until the pa ture dry up, when the flow of milk quickly fail off, so that by the time stable feeds begin the cow are almost dried up. Now, It the cowa come fresh In th fall, they produce a good flow of milk during the winter months, and In the spring, when they are turned on the grass, this acta as a second freshening and thus lengthens the period of milk production. Another distinct advantage In win ter dairying is that during this sea son the farmer is not so busy with other work, consequently he can give more time to th care ot the cows, the milk and the cream than is possi ble during the busy season of the year. When winter dairying becomes more generally practiced, the subject of winter feeds will be given more at tention. Of thesfl silage Is one of the moit Important, since one acre of good sllnge material will yield as much feed as thrco acres of pasture. I-'orina of Combe, No matter how poultry may exce. In shape, color, and size, a malform ed comb and bad lobes will detract from the chances ot success, especial ly In the non-sitting or Mediterranean breeds, whero the ornamental head gear, or comb, Is so conspicuously at tractive. There aro many kinds of combs, a will be seen In tho accom panying llluitratlous, which aro de serving of notice, chief of which are tho single serrated comb, a seen In such breed a Minorca. Leghorns. Orpingtons, Plymouth nocks, Lang shans, Dorking. In different sites; the rose-comb, beautifully worked or cor rugated, and full of small points, aa seen chiefly In the Redcap, Hamburg, and Wyandotte family. Then there 1 tho pea comb, or triple comb, that U, three parallel ridge (or very imall comb), a seen In the Brahman or the Indian Game. Koo.l (or Young flare. Do not make the food too sloppy foi young pig. Keep plenty ot charcoal in the pen. Put a packet ot Epsom salts In the food occasionally. Cas trate pigs at three weeks, not later, Observo regularity In feeding, and let them dut for a run occasionally. A the young pig come In do not allow them to lose their baby fat, but keep them In good condition right from the time they are weaned. rrni Notre. (Jet busy with the wobbly colt and teach him that you aro hi friend and master. It will bo easy. The average ewo requires from 3 to 5 pound ot salt a year, the variation depending largely upon the amount ot natural, salts contained In the paa turea. Cut out and burn all dead and dis eased branches of fruit trees and bushes aa soon aa they aro detected. Often tho removal ot a diseased branch will save the whole tree and savo other from bocomlng Infected. The beca should have plenty ot wa ter. They cousumo a great deal, and will travel a long dlatanco to get It Should there be no running stream or lako ot pure water near, It U well to placo a pall of frosh water near the apiary every day. Water la used by the beea to dilute tho heavy, thlcky honey left over from winter to make it suitable for tho young larvae aid also to make the cell wax pliable. ' mSKt TSB "yiAiUNAif Sflfc' I A I'rrrlih t'lalni. She learned writer for thn pre Are very, ery Rood At proving how we mute 'on drei Or furbelows or food. . Each writer new who make his bow W'tll other tnnei vie I To ahow unhappy mortal how They may economize. Thy tell ua of the thrifty French, I 'JVho all exresarS ihun. .But I'm not nnxlou to retrench) It lin't any fnu. IV weary oi una rnoiea long: I with ome eer wlao Would ahow ua how lo get along And not economize. Louisville '"-iil Tact, X am sorry to have to tell you so fcoy." mild the pleaaant looking visitor , who wua aildreaalnK the Hunday school "but there I not one chance In a thou sand that any one of you ever will In ' l'rraldent of the United Hint." 1 Htlll he failed lo secure their undl-l vldrd attention. "Hut If you live up lo your opportu-, nltlea," he went on, eelna; Ihem keen ly, "omo brlahl toy In this audlrne) may become a ureal l-atll pitcher I or the world' champion baUtnon" JnaUntly tivtry toy aat up alralghl and began to llatcn. Chicago Tribune "righting the Beef Trust" See the Trank L. Smith Co.'s ad In this paper. Krn the lima tValrh 'Km, Hank Utubbs Hen layln' much now, Ulg-eT Dlf Miller Skurce any. Hank Htubbs What's th trouble? Dice Milter Don't her time fur origin them pesky autyinoblles. Bos ton Hirald. Tl not so bad aa that my friend. Thl polar fus will have an end. They'll never make T. It a, hermit Jutt wait till he comes horn with Kr- mltl Chicago Tribune. PettH' lye Salve r.'rst Sold In 1807. ver 100 years ago; sale increase J 'early; wonderful remedy: cured mil lons weak eye. All druggist or Howard Broa., Buffalo. N. Y. Arllalle Vurlfrrllon. "You will miss your ion John wber he goes back to school." "Yes," answered Farmer Corntoisel "I don't know how I'm going to ge along. Ho has got all the critters or the place so used to bis college yel that I don't s'pose anyone else kit drlva 'era" Wablnrnn Btar. CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children. T!i9 Kid Yob Have Always Mg Bears the Signature of Inrldrntal. "Your milk cost you II cent a quart and your butter 4S cents pound? Why do you pay auch exorbi tant price aa that for them? "Diet you. I don't I'm merely add ing In what It costs ma for Ice to keet them aweet." Children Coughs Oaa Mack UnnM Suffarta CURE "wl ttsT timti nt (gjiss Cina kaU ,bf -) k lU U BVci uj ilix wionlii, OAfcaa tl k hr i a tJ la kd tad L m aat nl tMM-M-k AD DrmtUu, 24 caate. PI SOS IJaWMIKBiTMa: oil that mnitwatci aLr!jayrBB THI Oik THAT (N(TRATCI The shoes that Made of tdtcttd every tut. Correct shoe makers, in the best cTViAYER shoes are "bulK on honor-bullt built tor absolute wuafactioa and you can ever hope to get for tba There Is an HonotWlt atyle that wW Ask your ahoe dealer 1 U he haaa't the ACaiftt TnJ Ktk ea tba sole. FREE I f you will Mnd ut th nam of a Maytr iionoieiu snott, wa win ttna you aom pieiurt, u iimv, si utorg wunuww. Wa also make Leading Lady Shoe, t Shoes. Yerma Cushion Shoec, Bpecui wm School Shoe and work F. cTVIAYER BOOT & sum-: m MitwAyHW w.-w- ww. WiacONB aiaaj imkih Destroys Hair Germs Recent discoveries have shovn that falling hair Is caused by germs at the roofs of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de stroy these cerms. Aycr'sHalr Vizor, new Improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Doit net cf.cnft Iht cetof ef Me half. A hmili with iMk Will f Ihw II fa faar ijersji ator ilk h n iVo.t II, tMed.MllUl .'mmtmmtmemmmM Recent discoveries have alto proved that dandruff Is caused by cerms on Hie sclp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing to do Is to completely destroy these dan druff germs. Here, the same Avcr's ilslr Vigor will five the ss:ne splendid results. lUdt by lb t. O.Aftt Co., I tit !. BARBER SCHOOL WE IE tCII THE BARBEK IRA to blh jrn aM wmuh Itlxpert ln.lrotlon: dl plomt rranal. can. mirra up-to-date. Monre-roJ whPa Uaroln- CwriaWta iwnm lot LA. Wrltt tut tt9 partiralara NATIONAL DAROEK COLLEGE a Wrtt Wtilnbrti St. tl. Wuh. GqnorrhoeanGleet AT DRUCGISTS.OR TRIAL BOX Br HAIL50 FROM PLAHTEW.93 HCNftYST.BROOKlYKXX BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Mmm aa anfalllnr water tepply. It trcan that ran wUI hae lb raoat practi cal DofiMMtftc atr tuepty ayitctn now la dh. No rWratot lank, no frown plpea In w inUr. no Uxnnl watar In Kmwf. no water auppb- troubUa of any tort. Taak placed la kar nL out of sight and war. nuJa ot pmatd atL will not rut and wllUaataUfatime. .. You win U plmuot wllb tb LEADER rrt of fumUhln tXxoaiUc Wat Supr'r- Ak lor our nUVxM and t no bnokkt. "How I Sained Ur Water Mippiy rivblem." LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. FNU No. 47-O0 WHKN writing; todvertla plea) I manllaa title papar. I mm proper shoes for men: look 4 fcl and Wtat right leather leather that Is beat by in style. Made by the finest equipped factory in existence. HONORBILT for tomolntj Kyle and service lasUrur etaUert. tHagaat valuaa money. exactly Kk you and fit you. b, wtlte ua. Look for dtalar who dM t baaai rra. poatsM, a oaoa- Martha Washington Shoes. X "THE OLD RELIABLE." 1 P3srML I? I liS r af r 7 aifTsjlPT1"ll f