The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 24, 1909, Image 2

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CtlMQtria Not AnxlHS ta Stir Up
TratMe at PriMBt.
Chilean Engineer Abandon Scheme
ol Building Second Waterway
Across Itthmua.
Facstatlva; Colombia, Nor. IS.
Arturo UnUurrags, tho Chilean cngt-
neer, baa definitely determined to abau
don Ms efforts to obtain from the Co
lombia government a concession for his
canal project, owing o the fear enter
talned by Colombia of reprisals on the
part of the United States. Undurra
ga'a plan was to construct a rival to
the Panama canal.
In furtherance of his plan for a
canal, Undurraga sought to Induce con
gressmen and members of tho diplo
matic corps to Inspect the route at his
expense, but all declined.
A Colombian official has stated that
it appeared inopportune to grant a con
cession to the Chileans before the
adoption of the treaty defining the
boundary between Panama and Co
lombia. When this matter had been settled,
he added, tho government probably
would grant tho concessions. Letters
exhibited here indicate the willingness
of German and British capitalists to
build a commercial and non-political
canal that could not be closed in event
of war.
Unless the concession is granted it Is
feared discontent fomenting at Antio
quia and Cauea will culminate in a re
vival of threats of secession.
Undurraga will sail on November 27
for England by way of New York.,
The president and congress have ap
pointed a commission to investigate tho
separation of Panama from Colombia.
Francisco de Bonis, recently ap
pointed minister to the United States,
sailed for that country today.
Discovery Will Mean Much to Coast
Misers ln Small Way.
Los Angeles, Nor. 18. Davis T.
Day, United States geological director
of government petroleum work on the
Pacific coast, left here tonight to make
a report to the government in Wash
ington. Mr. Day alio is in charge of
the research work in connection with
platinum mining on the coast.
For several months be has conducted
an investigation of tho beach sands
from Capo Flattery to Lompoc Before
leaving tonight he said;
"I believe that when the facts con
cerning the platinum- mining Industry
as we have found them are known, a
great stimulus will bo given.
"Platinum can be taken from the
sands of this coast in paying quantities
by a simple mechanical process at lit
tle expense. While the industry is not
likely to attract the attention of the
big corporations, it will prove of im
mense interest to the miner in a small
Colorado Family Beneficiaries of Vast
English Estate.
Pueblo, Colo., Nor. 18. After being
in controversy for over 100 years, an
estate in England which may repre
sent several million dollars, will revert
to several Colorado persons, according
to a decision of tho English courts,
notice of which has been received by
Mrs. C. O. Dafug, of Pueblo, who re
cently removed to Denver.
Two children In Pueblo William Du
fug, a clerk, and Miss Vnnda Dafug,
a society girl and another son, Au
gust Durug, a clerk in uenver, win do
beneficiaries through their mother. Mrs.
M. S. Harden of WaUcnburg, a sister
of Mrs. Dufuc is also an beir.
Mrs. Dufug before marriage was Miss
Kate witnlngton, ana the property was
owned by her great grandfather. The
estate includes Sydney castle in Eng
land and had been in litigation since
Dlnan Cleared of Charges.
San Francisco, Nov. 18. Cleared of
the charges of conduct unbecoming an
oflicer, preferred against him by As
sistant District Attorney Francis J.
Heney two years ago, former Chief of
Police Jeremiah Dlnan today returned
bis old rank as corporal and was de
tailed as a plain clothes man under
Captain of Detectives Anderson, Dlnan
was reinstated last night when tho po
lice commissioners unanimously de
cided that tho charges against him
'mkt wero not substantiated. Ills back sal
ary, amounting to (3,009, probably will
.bo awarded to him.
Drown When Steamer Sinks.
Home, Nov. 18. Eighteen men were
drowned when the steamer Adalgsla
sunk off Brlndisl, according to advices
received here today. The vessel is re
jiorted to have struck a reef.
Qxe)Jvll from tat rk J
I am told that Germany spends several
million marks annually to raise trees,
and receives annually mora than twlco I
as ruuca money irom (do saio 01 uniuvr
than sho expends.
I would also advocate tho imposing
upon all logged off lands a basio tax,00 Ne ?-00 M,ul8 ln Whitman
sufficiently high to insuro their revert
ing naturally to the stato for a reason
able compensation, tho lands to bo util
ised in raising trees for futro genera
tions; tho levying of this tax to bo sus
pended in caso private owners should
wish to set nsido their loggod-off lands
for tho purpose of raising timber under
state regulations; this timber to pay a
cutting tax at tho time it is cut.
The details of such a tax and tho set
ting asida of logged oil lands for tho
raising of timber by private owners are
matters that can bo worked out; tho in
terests of the people protected; the rev
enue which the timber and lumber in
tcrests should rightfully pay the state
provided, but collected in such a inau
ner as will help conserve our forosts in
stead of encouraging owners to cut and
wasto them, as under our present system
of taxation. I am firmly of the opinion
that if our forests are to bo conserved
and new forests grown, tho first step
necessary is the revision or evolutlonlx
ing of our system of taxation.
The following table shows a list of
trees under observation, with age. diam
eter, and estimated number or feet,
upon which data the accompanying ar
ticle is based:
Diameter Estl
on Stump mated
(Inches) No. of
S3 20 1200
40 24 1000
40 .' SO 030
40 1U Ovv
-10 IS 400
40 10 ISO
40 13 ISO
40 IB 20U
IV I'm -I
"U 45 ivU
w " HW
v t IwW
iW 3 lvv
40 SO 050
"iv J JwU
4U J5 Vw
40 15 S00
tU JUv
tU ' J . J5U
40 14 175
40 10 250
""V -! JUv
120 32 2400
122 31 2000
120 SO 1200
JsbU t JU iOUU
105 t... S3 1500
130 44 4500
lv 3v J&vV
74 '.. IS 400
135 28 1500
J 13 J Jdvv
130 SO 7000
13) Um 1 4O0
1-10 52 7300
135 44 4500
105 SO 1200
125 31 2000
125 32 2J00
1S3 ,30 3000
Ex) io 400
120 24 1000
125 S5 1100
00 SO 050
125 30 1800
133 33 200
t j 4 IwuU
Ii'm wO IwO
85 ...,f 22 800
80' ( 18 ' 400
112 '. 22 800
40 18 400
4v 2 4
40 23. 000
v o x i uy
4Q 24 1000
40 10 600
105 ..........,. 30 1800
00 30 3300
02 30 1800
105 34 SS00
' Yellow Tir.
iW) ......, ..,,,, B. ...
41U ...., a .... f ...... . o4 ....
My conclusions regarding the growth
of timber are as follows:
Bed fir will attain an average diam
eter of 10 to 18 inches in 40 years; hem
lock a diameter of 18 to 20 inches in the
same length of time. The growth of
the timber examined by me is about (wo
inches in diameter during the past 10
years for trees 40 to CO years old. and
one inch in diameter for trees 125 to
250 years old. The growth on trees 400
years old is bard to read without a
glass. The Timberman,
Heney Will Horry Cases.
San Francisco, Nov., 10. Francis J.
Ifeney, former prosecutor in the local
graft eases, started last night for Port
land, whore ho will immediately take
up 4be Oregon land fraud casos, under
ms reappointment as special deputy at
torney genoral, Ifeney will endeavor
to brine the ease of former Congress
man Dinger Hermann to trial first and
will have it set for trial at the earli
est possible dato. He oxpects to take
up all tuo cases at onco, ana saia touny
that It would De xiis purpose to uis
poso of all cases as quickly as possible.
Pendleton -As n result of the confer"
eneo between Furcst Buperiutenuent
Ireland of tho Whitman reserve and
the advisory board of the wool growers,
nearly 2,000 less sheep will bo allowed
on the forest ranges next year than,
this. Tho cut Is a graduated pno and
does not affect the. small sheepman,
but the largo owner suffers consider
ably. Tho cut is ns follows!
The man who owns 1,200 or less Till!
not be subjected to n cut: owners of
between 1,200 and 2,000 will be cut 10
per cent, providing tho cut does not
bring his allotment below 1,200; own
era of between 2,000 and 3,000 will be
cut 15 per cent, providing It does not
reduce tho number below 2,000, and
owners of mora than 3,000 will be cut
20 per cent, providing it docs not bring
his number below 3,000. Tho total
number of sheep allowed on tho reserve
is reduced from 1S3.000 to 105,000.
Nearly 40,000 Acres Now Under Suc
cessful Cultivation.
Klamath Falls During the past 12
months between 30,000 and 40,000 acres
of land have been placed under Irrfim
tlon ditches in this section, while the
population of tho irrigated districts has
more than doubled. Unirrigated lands
have advanced from (5 to $20 an acre,
and It Is certain that values will gu
much higher with the approach of the
Oregon Trunk line, which, In Its tir-
tides of incorporation, makes Klamath
rails its terminal
About 100 homes havo been built In
Klamath Falls, while the country round
about has made a wonderful develop
ment. The arrival of the railroad last
spring brought no boom, but there has
been a ateaiiy movement in rami lands.
Raw Land Brings $10,000.
Hood Blver A big land sale took
place at Hood Itiver a few day ago.
when Charles and J. K. Hall, loeol enn
italists, bought 100 acroj uf undevel
orwvl fruit land, from W, II. Mnrshnll,
of Dee. for lu,000. Tho property for
merly belonged to the Yelgitth family,
or rortiand. it is said to io the inten
tion of tho purchasers to clear and set
the land to fruit immediately. Extension
of the Mount Hood railroad, which has
just been completed, is causing consul
erable activity In upper valley real
estate. .
Hope for Artesian Water.
Paisley The settlers in Christmas
Lake valley havo raised 13,700 with
which to pay expenses of boring for
artesian water. It Is the plan to put
down a well 2,000 feet, if necessary,
The boring plant was received at Bend
last week, and is expected to arrive on
the ground within a day or two. ine
sito chosen for tho woll is near tho
Phelps place, In the west end of the
valley, about av miles norm or raisiey,
Record Price for Land.
Central Point Bert Anderson has
sold 180 acres of his farm two miles
from this plaeo for 127,500. It. D.
Hoke, recently from Florida', is tho new
owner. Mr. Jloko was formerly exten
stvely engaged in the growing of pine
apples and grape fruit on the west
coast of Florida, but has sold out his
holdings there and will become a fix
ture In Southern Oregon.
1200 Sacks of Onions on 3 Acres.
Milton J. J, Williams, who resides
on the interurban line three miles north
of Milton, this week completed harvest
ing his large onion crop. The yield
this year was a record breaker, more
than 1200 sacks, averaging 2', bushels
to the sack, being taken from three
acres. Two years ago (517 an acre, net,
was taken from, tho same field.
Packing Many Prunes.
Salem Six million pounds of prunes
are passing In a steady stream through
the Tillson packing home. The pack
ing, facing and shipping will continue
well into the new year. Already 38
cars have been shipped out, several of
which have gone to make up European
Onions Yield WelL
Freowater J, J. Williams has juit
finished marketing 1,203 sacks of onions
taken from threo acres or land three
miles riorth of Freowater. The onions
ware sold ot $1 per taek, A few years
ago the land was considered worthless.
It Is now worth iDOO per acre.
Wallowa Sawmill Ready.
Wallowa The Nlbley-Mlmnaugb
Lumber company's band mill, having a
capacity of 50,000 feet per day, is com
pleted. This mill, with nine smuller
mills, will produce 30,000,000 foot of
lumber annually, all of which will be
marketed from this city.
Top Price for Ttrm.
Crcswell J, W. Stono has sold to O.
L. Ouyer of South Dakota 240 acres
of his farm for 110,000. Mr, Ouyer has
gone back homo to bring bis family
and they will take possession. Mr,
Stone will movo to the residenco ho
owns in Crcswell,
Traveler Will Have Orchard.
Medford O. W. Cottom has bought
23 acres from Anderson & Green for
1000. Mr. Cottom is a traveling man.
He will establish a large orchard on
the land.
Fancy Hood Rlrer Spltienborgi Bring
$3.50 Per Box.
Hood River The npplo picking has
come to an etui in iiooii uivcr vauey
for tho year 1000, and soveral crews
are busy at present packing the fruit
for market, A number uf tho larger
growers havo concluded their packing
am! their fruit has been hauled to thu
cold storage, plant In tho city, await-
I ui: shipment to New York. Tho union
ti sending out several cars each day,
consigned to Bteluimnit A ivciiy, who
purchased tho entire crop of fancy
stock, Tho fancy Spltscnbcrgs were
sold to the New York firm for (3.35
per tax, and sinco this deal was made
tho Davidson Fruit company of this
oily has paid as high as i.1.00 por box
for fancy Spltzcnbcrg. The fruit In
Hood ltlver valley this season has
been of a higher standard thau any
marketed in previous years. Thero has
been n uottceablo decrease In rust and
other infections that mitigate in pro
ducing a lower grade of apples. The
scason.'a profit Is very satisfactory, not
withstanding tho fact that tho crop
was cut n little short.
Experiment Farm for Sherman.
Wasco Realising that something
mutt be done to conserve the native
fertility of their soil and knowing that
the continuous cropping to wheat will
eventually rob the soil of tho active
principles promotive of vegetable life,
the farmers of Sherman county have
secured the assistance of the federal
government and of the state experi
ment station in an effort to establish
an experimental farm for Eastern Ore
gon in Sherman county. They have
purchared 40 acres of average land
near Moro, the county seat, and II, J.
C. Umbergcr, an expert In dry farm
ing methods, has been appointed to
take charge of the farm.
Railroad Improves Line.
Dee The big steam shovel of tho
Mount Hood railway is digging ballast
for the new track from Dee to Park
dale, a distance of six mites. When
the work is completed passenger and
logging trains can bo run. The now
lino extends well up toward Mount
Hood and through an excellent body
of fir -timber. The contract for the
extension of the telephone line front
this point to Parkdalo was let to Harry
Bailey of Hood River. The Home Tel
ephone company of Hood River Is fie
owner of the line.
'Asylum Blda Awarded.
Salem The board of trustees of tho
Oregon Stato Insane Asylum has
awarded to tho Northwest Bridge
works of Portland the general contract
for tho new receiving ward building
at tho hospital for tho Insane.
High Prico.for Land.
Irving C. J. Fasiett has sold his
30-ncro ranch west of town to G.
Tonlke of Iowa, the price paid being
(110 nn acre. Mr. Fnssett has moved
to Eugene, having bought property and
will build a modern homo.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Bluestein, 11.0.7; elub, Otic;
red Russian, 01c; Valley, OSaOCej Fife,
f5e; Turkey red, OOe; 40-folil, OSc
Barley Feed, lt7J50j brewing, IS
per ton.
Corn Whole, 33; erneked, 134 per
Oats No. 1 white. 120 ner ton.
Hay Timothy, WHIametto Valle,
20; alfalfa, 15q10; clover, (14; cheat,
i3firn.ou) grain hay, snyio
fancy out
-City creamery oxtras, 3Ce;
sldo creamery, aSMiGMOc per
lb.: store. 22l(iftMc. (Butter fat prices
nverago IVjfl per pound under regular
nutter prices;.
Eggs Fresh Oregon extras, 42W(3I
45c por dozen; Eastern, 30JJ'34c per
Poultry Hens, 13l314Vc springs,
ia'jWli'ic! roosters, ogpiuc; ducks,
15(7M5c; geoso, lOVic; turkeys, live,
ICuTilSe: dressed, 20(222c: snuabs.
1.732 por dozen.
j'ork rnncy, DfitU'e per pound.
Veal Extras, J0(h lO'ic j,cr pound.
Fruits Annies. INTM box: pears, tl
1.50; grapes, 11.C0 per crate, 1214
(KlCc per basket; quinces, $I,23(31.50
per box; cranberries, 0(3 0.50 per bar
rel; persimmons, tl.50 per box.
Potatoos SOOOe, per sack; sweet
potatoes, HlfijSc per pound.
Vecolableg Artichokes. 75e per
dozen; beans, lOe per poundt cabbage,
i($le; eaullllqwor, VOcOfil-'M per
dozen; celery, 60(I?85c; horseradish, 0
10c; peas, 10c per pound; peppers, 91.50
per box; pumpkins, 11 He; radishes,
15c par dozen; sprouts, flo por pound;
squash, ll,10; tomatoes, 75 c (Till;
turnips, 75cftl per sack; carrots, 11;
boots, (1.25; rutabagas, (1.10; parsnips,
(1.25; onions, (1.25(1.50 per sack.
lions tvuv crop, :.';:(i::i,jCi iwa
crop, 20c; 1007 crop, 12c; 1000 crop, Be.
Wool Eastern Oregon, lfl23e lb.;
Mohair, Cholco, 21c.
Cattle Best steers, (1.23(3 1.50; all
to good, (3.854; medium and feed
ers, (3.60)3.75! best cows, (3.6O3.05;
medium, (3.503.25 commons to me
dium, (2.50(772.75; bulls, (22.50;
stags, (2.503.S0i calves, light, (5.25
(35.60; heavy, (47?4.75.
Hogs Best, (7.058; medium, (7.60
($7.75; Blockers, (104.75.
Shoop Best wethers, jM.254.60;
(W4s fair to good, (3.6Q3,75; Iambs,
I(58.35. ,
Honlfs , of Cossncka Massed Near
Frontier Towns. I
llflstngfurs, Xov. II'. Following Ilia
dlsiulutluii of tho diet It Is feared hero
thnt Russia will proceed with the an
nexation of the province of Vltorg,
and It Is expected that this lllttit oasis
of civilisation and constitutionalism of
tho north of Europe will be overrun'
by hordes of llusslnn Counfks sent
here for tho purpose of "occupation.'
Tho coming of tho Cossacks, who nro
bloodthirsty eighteenth century sav
ages, is suro tu bo followed by the
usiml aceoniNiiilmviit o( massuero ami
Nominally, llunala means only to nn
Hex Vlborg, but thu I'lnns know that
out i tho HumI.iii Ciime Into the (Hiuu
try thoy will inner leave. They ro
nuking why 50,000 ltusilau troops have
already been uumed at nearby strategic-
Fur years the Itusslan reactionists
have been urging tho Incorporation of
Yiborg with IdiMla, on tho ground that
It nuuld be supremely useful In eaio
of war, Not much urging was needed
tu obtain the consent uf the llusslan
government. Some weeks ago tho In
corporation was decided upon and It
wtiii arranged that It should take place
before Christmas,
In preparation tho Russians lv set
up new batteries directed against llel
Ingfors, In the forts of Sveaborg.
ItiiMlnn garrisons everywhere In this
vicinity have been redoubled, live
regiments of Cousrks already have
been let Imxn over four towns Tavas
tohut, HeUlifgfors, Viborg and Fred
Heroic Work Prevents Holocaust
8au Francisco Institution.
Han PrftHelfreu, Nov. 10. Only the
hrte wttrk uf the phpmm at tit. Lukes
botjiiUl prevttnltil n Wktenmt early to
day, whan a firv which gtlsl the Call
forsm l,adl-' Maternity home la the
Mill annex uf (he InMltHtloti was dls
eovertsl. Tlmwns HawndeM, a porter
reent!y discharged from the home, was
arretted today and taken In ebnrgo by
Captain of Detectives Amlruon.
Dr. Hhlcldi, a member uf the hoipltal
staff of physicians, told tho polieo that
he saw Maunders at the hoipltal late
yesterday, aud thnt the former porter
"I'm sorry I've got to do this, but
you will read about It In the morning
Dr. HlilnhU did not pay much atten
tion to the man, as ho suppotcd he had
been drinking nnd did not know what
he was saying.
Maunder was raptured In saloon,
In the net of washing his bands. He
made an effort to eieapo, lint the ploio
bad lfn surrounded. When questioned
by Captain Andersou he refined to
make any llwient. Maunder' wife
U dead, lie bos a 1 1 year ahl sfl, wihi
Is In Denver.
There were 111 patient In the Mater
nity home WMtm the fire started. None
was injured.
Russian Crar to Tsko Possession
Finland by Force.
London, Nov. 10. Tho Finnish diet
i has been dlsnilved and the prospect nf
military occupation and subjection of
t,o t,0 nal ,y R,in ia, ,0.
duced n s!iok throughout Europe,
though it had been expected,
Finland one of the bright sjots
of Northern Europw and ii place of
special attractiveness' to the traveler.
For ninny years it has been tiuo nf the
most plensaut holiday resorts of Europe.
Visitors havo found themselves wul
combed by the kindly Inhabitants. They
havo wandered happily among Its wide,
quiet lakes and Islands, and they hnvo
amused themselves In Its gay Parisian
littlo capital.
Ki tho crushing nf Finnish Indo
nondenco is felt keenly and personally
by thousands, as well ns being looked
upon ns a slgnlflcniit political event.
Ask Uncle Sam to Smite Zelaya,
Blneflelds, Nicaragua, Nov, 17 A
petition Is being circulated by those- In
sympathy with the revolution against
President Zelaya demanding that tho
United States Interforo in favor of
tho revolution, which, tho petition al
leges, Js a result or the misrule of
Zelaya. One paragraph of the petition
recltest "Ulcht nftor the election of
rresuont Tort. Zclaya'a chief of po
lice In Granada offered an Insult to
tho American flair bv taklna It from
. a. I ... . .. "
the hands of a man who was waving
ii. ami caning u uown ns -a miserable
pleco of trash' on the streets."
aood View of Oomot.
FlngstafT, Ariz., Nov, 10. A good
vlow of llnlley'a comot, which a n(w
approaching tho earth, was had by Pro
fossor Lowell nt tho observatory horo
lost night, Ho reported that "nn ob
servation of liulloy's comet shows a
tar llko head nnd a scmblauco of a
Tatt Inquires About Execution ot
Americans by Zelaya.
President Upholds Cause of Revolu
tionists and tUO Precedent
In American History,
Wiislilngton, Nov. JO. Ann.Min,-,
mriit that this' government l tired of
the high handed nstlnn of shirII t'en Amertraii republics practically was
contained u a illtpnish sent late to, lav
tit tho lllueflclds Hteamshlp coinpuiv,
which sought tho protection of the ttni,
department from Interference by uuur
gents nu ir operating against l'rei Inn I
Kelnyn, '
An hour later n peremptory note
couched In diplomatic langusgx, bu'
none tho les direct, wns delivered to
Menor Felipe Rodrlgues, charge d'af
falres of the Nlcnragtian legation, de
mandlng n full anil complete vsplsna
lion of the execution of two Americans,
Leonard Grace and !eroy t'annon:
killed by order of Zelaya when they
were found In the Insurgent army.
Feuding a satisfactory explanation of
tho occurrence, President Taft has re
fiiMMl tu recognlsn Isidore Hasera, new
.Mcaraguan mlnitter. .Mr. Tart Is
thoroughly aroused by actions of th;
elayan government, and apparently Is
determined to mako the lives of Allien
can eitUens much safer and inn eh morr
respected In Central America thau Ihcv
have U-en hitherto.
The nttllud of the government ws
rlearly shown in the dispatch to Hie
Illni-nVliU steamship company, the his I
qnartem of which is in Nrw Orleans
Tho enmHi' steamer was alMut
set sail r lllneflelds witH a mlt-1
laneons cargo, In which were a tttiml-i-t
of riilee and other munitions of wsr
The efltrUoB was warned by agen'i
uf the Nicaragua!! Insurrectional
force that the veel would bo liable
to seisnre, nnd the steamship pe...,'r
promptly called on the stato depart
ment to declare the protection of thli
government In such eases. The ilstiy"
department replied promptly. The anf
swer was the result of a conference lie
Iween President Tnft nnd Secretary
Knox and carried full weight.
It gavo the steamship concern no en
eourngement, and Yrsctleslly reeoguifed
the revolutionary force operating
against the Zelaya administration, a
proceeding for which there probably is
no parallel in the records of this gov
United OUtcs Makes Demand for Met
tlemeitt of Old Case.
Wniblnutan. Nov. 10 Tim Ali.m
claim against Chile for more Minn
(1.000,000, iiendiag Ur 35 vrnrs. hst
aMnsHix) a eritlenl stage Mr lMn-
merlenn mlnlntrr to Chile. U u.,w 1 1
hi ay to Washington, having left Mr in Charge or the legal mo
It Is nut Improbable that. If fm
Chilean government doos not eonii-n'
to n final settlement within the nex
few days, the American legation hi
Mantlago will bo closed and Its orehie
placeil In tho hands of tho American
consul rr safekeeping. Intimation t-i
this affect ha been given to Minister
I'nif, representing Chile in Washing
This action on the part of the state
department Is not to be taken as an
ultimatum to Chile, but this govern
meat's purjioso In withdrawing Its dip
lomatle representatives from that conn
try Is a protest ngnlnst Chile's In
termlnnblo delays concerning this elaun
It Is not thought probable that (li.t
will willingly continue to be exhibit, I
beforo the world as a country which
resorts to every possible effort to avoid
tho payment of admittedly Just debts.
Only a week or tan days ago Minister
Dawson entered Into an agreement with
the Chilian forelirn ofllco ns in the fY.rm
of a protocol which was to be tho ba
ror n reference of the Alson claim j
Tho Hague tribunal.
Dm Chilean uovernment. hnwevor. re
fused to comply with conditions agree I
upon, and In effect .repudiated it own
foreign oiuce.
Stock Unpaid, 73 Sued.
Kansas City, Nov. CO. A suit wn
filed hero today against the Union Mf
Insurnnco company to collect unpaid
stock subscriptions of (175,000, and
asking the appointment of u rocclver
W. H. King, of Memphis. Tonn.. nnd 11
other stockholders from various por
tlous of tho country aro plaintiffs, nn-l
73 persona who lind subscribed for .tn.-k
nro dofendniits, Tho principal reason
for tho company's failure, tho petition
stntes, Is that the state requires a dr
loslt of (100.000 beforo tho company
can begin business,
Flood Create Havoc,
Capo Hnytlen, Nov. J.'O.'-Aceordlng
to advices from Monto Crlstl, SnnM
Domingo, thu Vnqul river has over
llowod Its banks nnd inundated vir
tliully tho entire town. Tho river In
somo places roso 15 foot. Inhabitants
wero forcod to tako rvfugo on rocks.