The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 24, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. VI r v
SOLD FOR $8,500
Purchased by (lie I). H. Ilunlcr
Really Co. of Dnyton, 0.
Will Rulld 11 Large Addition Jo the Mo
tel at Once, Containing a I'arlor
and Itt Room- Think Ho nil
IU Promising I'tilure.
Undoubtedly t!ic largest trnusfcr
of real estate in Ikml during the
past week w that consummated
when I), I',, ami Chaa. M. Hunter,
representing the D. K. Hunter
Kealty Company of Dayton, Ohio,
closed n deul for tlie purchase of
the Pilot Unite Inn and the lot on
which it stands, and the property
owned by II. I.. Whitsett at the
intersection of Bond, Oregon nud
Hawthorn streets. The price paid
for the hotel was fH.500, while the
Whltsclt procrly brought 5,1,400,
The .two deal were doted Inst l'n
To a Bulletin reporter Mr. Chas.
M. Hunter dated that they would
Iwgln, In the immediate future, the
building of a substantial addition
to tin Inn. The addition will be
51x18 feet, two stories high, and
will be on the north side of the
hotel. It will contain 18 rooms,
beside a parlor on the first floor.
All the new rooms nud the parlor
will Ik more than usually well fur
nished with modern, comfortable
furniture. There will bctinchangc
in the present administration of the
hotel, and Laniard Sturgeon will
Mill dispense hospitality to its
"It I possible to mnkc a very
good town of Hcnd, "said Mr. Hunt'
cr, "if it is handled piopcrly. You
have valuable resources in your
limber, water power and udjniuing
agricultural lands, with the natural
location for a town. If handled
properly, as I said before, Hem!
should have 35,000 people in 10 or
1 3 years."
Mr. Ilunlcr expects to remain in
Item! during the winter and stated
that if they secured large enough
holdings here, undoubtedly one of
the firm would locate permanently
nt Hcnd. The Hunter Realty Com
pany Is an extensive dealer In large
tracts of farm lands lx)lh in the
United States and Canada.
desciiutes applos to kings
J. J, II Hi WW Sen J Them a Chrlatmaa
(lifts to Uuropenn Monnrchs,
More glory for the boundless but
highly productive Central Oregon.
Some of the tasty apples of the Des
chutes river volley will grace the
Christmas festal boards of kings,
queens, otcutatcs, and other gold
lespauglcd royalty nud nobility.
Not satisfied with showing that he
made no mistake in invading Ceii
trul Oregon with a railroad; not
satisfied with showing the World
what the Deschutes country cohld
do when its produce carried off
the highest individual invnrds and
three additional prircs nt the dry
farming congress nt Hillings, "Jim"
Hill is determined to boost this
great empire to the limit. He hns
notified by wire from St. Paul his
representatives nt Spokane., who
tire attending the Nuliuunl Apple
Show, to buy 100 boxen of the best
upples there and pay $10 u box or
more if necessary. These jomes,
he siyn he desires ns Christmiis
gifts, the Inllowing prospective re
cipients being mentioned! Koynl
nud titled licmU of Kunc holding
stock In Hill toads, the queen of
Dculimrk, the king of Knghitid, the
emperor of Germany, titled mem
Iters of ihc Ilritisli .parliament, nud
German nud Swccdish peonages
of roynj blood,
Mr. Hill nsks his representative
to select npples grown iitoug the
mnlu line nud branches of the
Great Northern nud from the While
Salmon nud Deschutes river valleys
to make up the too boxes. Tele
Searching Parties Sent After Forcat
Ranger believed to he Lost.
Much uneasiness was cutiscd nt
Hugctic and Roslaud last week due
to the fact that It was Icared n for
est ranger by the name of Marlon
Hurd had been lot In the moun
tains while attempting to cross on
horK-luck from Kugcnc to Rosland.
Hurd wns caught by the severe
snow storm of to days ngo, nud for
a time it was feared that he hnd
Supervisor Scitr, nt Ktigcne, tele
graphed to Rosland for a searching
party of four to be sent out, and a
similar one was dispatched from
Kugeitc, headed by the supervisor
himself. Later Hurd turned up nt
a small place west of the mountains
and telephoned to Kugene that after
traveling Into the mountains n con
siderable distance he hnd turned
back on account of the heavy full
of snow.
In the meantime the Rosldnd
searching party hnd gotten beyond
telephone communication and were
seurching for the man who had
been found. A mc.sscnvcr was fin
ally scut out after them and they
returned to Rosland.
A Financial Success,
The girls of the lleud basket ball
team gnvc a "basket" social at
Lara's hall last Saturday evening.
To sny that it was n success finan
cially is putting it mildly. The
receipts for the sale of the baskets
totaled 573-75 atul the expenses
were only 56 50, thus leaving the
team the very satisfying balance
of 567 35 for future, expenses. J.
I. West acted in the capacity of
auctioneer, and it was due to his
zealous efforts that the occasion
was such complete success. The
highest price paid for n basket was
57 75. The members of the basket
ball team aic Misses Angc Young,
Margaret Wiest, Alice Caldwell,
Sarah WormstalT, nud Luetta
Boosting For Hcnd.
Nampa, Idaho, Nov. 15, tooo. -The
Hcnd Uullctin, Hcnd, Oregon
Dear Sir: Unclosed please find my
check for 75c for The Hullctiu for
six mouths. Please send to J. II
t.raymil, Nntntvi, Jtiano. tie ns
well ns myself thinks you you have
an excellent paper. I got him in
tcrcstcd in Hcnd ns-well ns many
others. Send him n paper of Nov.
10. Yours,
CjiAHMts Wttidinx.
Timber l.ands Wnnted.
If you have pin timber, lands
nm want to sell nt n reasonable
price it will be to jour interest to
write the undersigned nt once.
Give description, estimate d
ntnottpt of timber and lowest price
in first letter. '
io3 H, First Street,;
36-39 Albany Oregon.
Confers with His EtiKincQrs nnd
Examines Surveys.
Curves Are Ton Numerous and tirade
Is Too Sleep Prom Itend to Lava
Untie Means More Work for
the Surveying Crews.
John V. Stevens, president of the
Oregon Trunk Line, accompanied
by his chief engineer, G, A Kyle,
arrived here lut.t Thursday evening
nud spent nil dny Friday In Hcnd.
Knginccr Wakefield, in charge of
the survey south of (own, and Hn
gincer Rockfcllow, who is locating
the line between Hcnd and Red
mond, were called in from the field
and u general conference wns held
Mr. Stevens, accompanied by his
engineers, went over the survey ns
it runs through Hcnd and gave it n
general examination.
No one in Hcnd is much the
wiser in regard to the railroad situ
ation than Iwforc Mr. Stevens'
visit. It was learned, however,
that he was not very well satified
with the survey ns ft runs through
this place and gave his engineers
Instructions to locate a better line.
The fault he had to find was that
curves were too numerous and that
the grade wns too steep for n con
siderable distance through this sec
tion. For several miles through
here the grade is the maximum one
percent, mid that wascvideutly too
much to satisfy Mr. Stephens, who
is recognized as one of the greatest
location engineers in the world.
The problem that confronts rail
road engineers in this section is to
get 11 line with n suitable grade over
the high ridge in the vicinity of
l.uvn Hutte. The lift, of they land
is very rapid to the south of Hend
between the town unci Lava
Hutte, a distance nl 10 miles nud
it is no small trick to survey a line
and keep it within the one per cent,
limit, nothing to exceed that grade
being allowed on the Oregon Trunk
Line. This dictum by Mr Stevens
menus that the engineers working
In this vicinity must put in con
siderable more time locating a line
from Hcnd as far south as Luva
may mi retimed.
Hx-Congressman J. N. Williamson May
Again Have to Stand Trial.
"While I am not prepared to say
so positively tonight, J. N. Wil
liamson, ex-representative from the
Second District of Oregon, muy be
retried on the indictment charging
him with conspirncy to defraud the
Government of public land in Crook
county," said Francis J. Heney,
special usshtuut to United States
Attorney-General Wickershnm, on
his arrival in Portland from San
Frnncbco. .
"One thing Is certain," he con
tinued, "as has been published nl
ready, Hiugcc Hermann, who was
jointly indicted with Williamson
and others in (he UIuc Mountain
Forest Reserve case, will be tried
tin this indictment just ns soon as
the Government nud Hermann's
attorneys can agree 011 a date for
the trial.
"There is little more to be isald
concerning the pending' Oregon
hind Irnud prosecutions. I wilj pot
Ik- able to make nny npnouncebieut
as to which and how many of the
pending indictment will bejdis
missed until I have conferred with
United States Attorney McCourt
nnd the other officials representing
the Government, Thai U why I
have been sent to Portland nl this
time." On-gonlan.
Speclnl Notice to Men.
Hvnngclist John Lcwtns will lec
ture to men and young men next
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in
the Hend church on the subject,
"The Mnn for the Twentieth Cen
tury." Mr. Lewlas has delivered
this lecture bclorc thousands of men
all over the Northwest, .as well as
in Kuglaud, Ireland nnd Wales.
The press nnd clergy Mpeak very
highly of this lecture as one that
nptcals to the highest nud noblest
instincts in man. Kvery man in
Hend and vicinity should make an
effort to lc present. Remember
the date, November 3B.
Menvy Rains Swell Deschutes.
The heavy rains of Sunday and
Monday resulted in a rise of alwut
18 inches in the riv.-r nt Hcnd,
rwhich is about ns much of a rise
ns the stliid old 'Deschutes ever reg
isters. The increase In the volume
of the river resulted in washing out
a portion of the upper end of the
small retaining dam, built to keep
the water back from where the big
power dam is being constructed,
and let quite a flow of water down
through the works, work having
been sitscnded on account of the
storm. The break was discovered
bv Foreman McCoy and remedied,
however, before any damage was
done. The heavy rain undoubted
ly melted much snow in the moun
tains, which accounts for the un
usual rise in the river.
Town Booming
I. Cackle! Cackle!
When Ambassador Choate west
to England he made a reputation as
a wit with one joke.
He tat at the breakfast table be
side a sprightly young lady.
In England they serve soft boiled
egg wrapped in a napkin. The
young lady fumbled, and the egg
fell to the floor.
"Oh, Mr. Choate," the cried In dis
may, "what shall I do? I have
dropped my egg!"
"CACKLE, my dear, CACKLE I"
It's a mighty good thing to do a
little CACKUNO once in awhile.
CACKLE about your business, about
the town you are living iu. Let all
the world know what a good thing
we have here, and our town" will
Whenever yon have a chnnce to
CACKLE about your town and boom
it don't Imitate. Itemember the fa
ble of the old ken that observed
that every time the CACKLED some
one came and took the egg away.
She thought it would be much wiser
for her to hide her nest and keep
quiet about it, and she did till a
Sunday school plcnle was organlred.
Her owner was asked to contribute,
and he said:
"Well, that old hen is not laying
any more, and I guess she'd do first
rate for a fricassee,"
If you want to keep outt 0
tht.joup pot,' CACKLE.
Idaho Capitalists Plan to Irrigate
Land Around Madras.
Would Hulld Large Diversion Darn
Near Cllne Falls, at WMcli Point a
Canal 60 Feet on the Bottom
Will Take Out the Water.
On Monday of last week. G. B
Rogers and his party consisting of
his son, R. IS Rogers, Engineer D.
O. Stevenson and a. Mr. Rounds,
all of Uolse, Idaho, arrived in Mad
ras from Crescent Lake and the
headwaters of the Dscbutcs, where
they had been examining the
prospects for securing sufficient
storage reservoirs for the purpose
of furnishing water to irrigate all
the laud north of Crooked river to
Trout creek, comprising about too,-
000 acres of good tillable land.
If permission can be gotltn from
the government to use these lakes
as storage reservoirs wherein to
store the flood and surplus waters
of the Deschutes, the work on this
project will be started tn tuc near
The Pioneer says that it is the
purpose to allow the water to fol
low the present bed of the Des
chutes river to a point at or near
Cliuc Falls, where a large dam will
be constructed and the water di
verted to the main irrigation canal
which will be 60 feet -wide and
about four feet deep on the level
where the canal leaves the. Des
chutes. It will then take the most
natural course across the Peninsula
to Crooked river, where a crossing
will be made near the surveys of
the Oregon Trunk and Harriman
railway lines. There a bridge
flume will be constructed across the
river. The canal will then follow
the high ground around the west
slope of Juniper Butte, going
through Opal Prairie and watering
the Haystack country on the right
and covering the little plnins on the
left before reaching Willow Creek
canyon, which will be bridged. sim
ilar to the crossing over Crooked
river, when the waters will, be
turned on Agency Plains and the
lands to the east, one of the largest
sections included in this project.
It fs estimated the main canal
will 1 about 50 miles in length,
and laterals will be construct to
water all the irrigable lands, ad
jacent. ,
Petitions have been prepared . nnd
left at the different sections ic ter
ested for settlers to sign, calling, the
attention of the Secretary of the- In
terior to the fact that this scctionTls
In need of irrigation and thai it is
thought it can be secured more sat
isfactorily by vesting the right to
this conserved water supply in an
association under the Carey Axt,
which would probablv coturaejice
and complete the project sooner
than the government could passably
do it.
, ,
Wnter Is Not Scarce.
The Prineville, Journal says that
for the first time in many years
there is a shortage of water at 'the
old Milligan place on the old, river
lied on the High Desert, aiul ns a
result ,Mr, Milligan has badtoituke
a large part of his stock to Sand
Springs, Several people who Save
f no. 37
-.'-r '
been at the Milllgan place during
the past two weeks report to The
Uullctin that there is no shortage
of water, but that Mr, Milligan's
windmill gave out and he could
not pump water for bis stock. He
has. had Sand Springs cleaned out
nnd now there is quite a lake there,
(fiKiscd by the water from the
spring. Sand Springs is located
fa miles southeast of the Milligan
PoweH Btittes Notes.
(Tod Ute for tel eM
A. D. Morrill has been drilling rye for
Jat. Turner, bnt had to (top on account
of snow. Powell fintte ranchers abonld
adopt the lvgn, "we never sleep," as
there U not a month of tbe year that U
not seed time or hanrest except Decern
ber and January.
N. P. Turner is at work on the new
automobile road to the High Detert.
Chat. Trott's new bouie it ncaring
completion. It is a large bouie and will
be a mot t comfortable home when fin
Idled. C. H. Ellfi U Join tbe work.
C II. Bill bat just finUbed the addi
tlon of a kitchen to his bouse. It 'is
J. I. Jonea is hauling bay from the
May place to Bend.
A Mr. Titus, who la stopping at tbt
station, Is baying good success trapping
coyote. He has caught four lately, not
counting the neighbors dogs. Mr. Titus
ii an experienced trapper.
Butte Valley school now baa an en
rollment of 18 pupils.
C. M. Davits of Seattle, a brother of
Mrs. A. D. Morril, if here aa a guest of
bis sister and family. Mr. Davie,
while at Seattle, was in charge of a crew
that via laying a pipe line to conduct
water from a reservoir to Seattle. This
pipe line (a 3$ miles long and 31 inches
tn diameter. Mr. Davie' crew enjoyed
tbe reputation of being tbe fastest crew
on record in that work, having laid 333
feet of the pipe in one day. Mr. Davies
comes- to tbe Bend country with the hone
of securing, similar work later, aa die
country develop.
Tumato Haws.
TumaIjO, Nov. so. Ralat Rail Ratal
We are getting some now.
A deaf man cannot hear; a blind cam
cannot see; a man who never goea out
doorr cannot feci. Now, which one wa
the Mr. Sloan from Prineville who re
ported to the Grants Pasa Courier that
there hadn't been a drop of rain is Crook
county for two years?
Geo. W. Wimer returned last night
from a business trip to Prineville. He
report the hotels crowded and many
new people coming into tbe couutry.
I. R. Wimer and Cba. Spaugh are
busy hauling baled hay to Bend.
There will be a big time at Laldlaw
Thursday, the event being a chicken,
turkey and beef shoot. All who mis it
will mik it.
U. II. Root left this morning for Shan
iko to meet bt ton, George, who U com
ing home on a visit.
Mr. Spoo and partners are moving the
Spoa saw mill from Tuinalo to Gist and
expect to have it in running shape soon.
We arc clad to say that Ml Rmma
Spoo, mIio ha been very ill, has taken a
turu mr ine oeuer under tne careiui
care of Dr. Coe of Bcud and we trust
she will soon be out of all danger.
I'. O. Minor of Bend passed thronch
here today.
Answerinsa report which has been
circulated tti4t Geo. W. Wimer & Son
had sold their Star Ranch at TumaI-
they have to say it Isn't a fact, although
they had it on the market and have had
several chances to sell, but satisfactory
term could not be agreed upon. Since
Mr. Wimer relumed from Prineville
yesterday they have decided to take
their property off the market until the
railroad is built, then when it fs sold
the v v. ill tell you so straight out. But
they will wait for the car.
Uatray Horse.
Two bay horses, one branded 4
on left shoulder nud one branded
V on left shoulder; both have
roached manes. One has a few
white spots on back and both shod
iu front. Came to my place about
September 1, 1909. Owner can
eet same by paying pasture and
(feed bill and this uotice.
John Atkinson.
Wood For Sale.
The Lewis & VanMatre Wood
Co. Js cutting 500 cords of choice
libjijirvood, which they are deliver
ing at $4.50 per cord. We are able
to supply 'ie entire demand lit
Rcn'd.V 4t-.J 34-37
IKv:s't& VanMatrw Wood Co.