The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 17, 1909, Image 7

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Dangerous couchs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear tho throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu
lar medicine, a doctor's medi
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral.
We pakllta eur f.reiul.
w we vanita aieonti
' tfm r N.dl.lnt.
We uri r.a.le
Any rood doctor wilt tell you lint i me ill
clna like Ayer'i Cherry rectors! cinnot
do In best work It tlia bowels arocon
itlpiied. Ask your doctor It tie know
anythlnc belter than Ayer'sl'lllsforcor
reetlng tills slugRlihness ot lite liver.
M4 !(! C. tjtr Of.. Lewill. XUI,
Wlirr III Work ('mil Ik.
Mr lUcnn I untlertnl your hui
l.nntl It at work on a ntw poem? Mr
i:i)frt-ll I. Ilr' trylnn to set
omt innsntlnt to cctpt It Yonktrt
To art rid ot lUiubitrs. It Indium
mrr llirm to flown. When ihi flow
m art .trail tti flrU r widow, and
widows ran t sold lip.
A liunii taer.
''Can you recommrnd tne young
man ot good tUylnic powarr
"Oh, yes, ilr. My dus:liir'a young
run,"Iliitlmoro Amerlran,
Thousand of country tir-ople know
that In lima of autlden mliliap or acci
dent Hamlin WUanl Oil I tho bst
itibstltuta for tho family doctor. That
U why It It to often found upon tha
She llmnl l,rorlt.i:r.
At tbt younx nan cArostod tht
riitnk ot ht lady tort tbt drew away
"I think," he nld Indignantly, "you
bad better father flrt.M
"Why, what do you meant ask ad
tho iMirplncd lover.
"Father, aha replied, at tbt nurted
her cheek, "U a barber," Suceo
Wear your Hint thoet for fathton't
rlraldrt, 'tl lot ot fun
Two corn with but ilngla actio.
Two loea that tnrnh n on.
A a Staller u( Jaellre.
"fllr," one ot your reportrr referred
to in In your paper Ihl morning a a
1ltf. grraiy, drunktn loafer.' I want
tlmt corrected. It' an Infamou lan-
"I ice It I. You ar gaunt and thin.
We'll rorrrct It to-morrow. Qood
Timn llh a l'nlHr,
Iarta la a wonderful renter nt an.
clal an) fly nnd popular xeltn-nt."
"VM. anwrri sir cum rot
tlioiictilfully. "I alinuld not l aur
nrld If Tarta might on day clalsi
rrrognlllon a tha I'lttitiurg o
Kranca," Waahlnatnn Hiar.
rtttlt't Cit Salve 100 Year OW.
rcllevca tlrtxl eye, quickly curat eye
icnot, innamcii, tore, watery or uicor-
itixl nvni. All ilniinrtata. or Itnwanl
Brot., HulTtlo, U. V.
'Col. who? t don't think I vr heard
tf th man. What 1 lhr o ramark
tilt ahmit hlmT"
"lly CloorKc. lr. h' got tha long!
beard In tha Htat of Oklahoma, and
tlial'a laying a hp. tt ma tall your
rraparalury llvlny,
"Did you vr try gardenings tkd
Mr. Crolot.
"One," anwril tha man who at.
waya haa a dlicouragtd look. "Ily the
tlm I had rad all th publication!
necntinry to Inform m on th tub.
Jret, th ttaion for flower and vege
table wa ovr" Waahlngton Btar.
I'mlene and Taste,
X'nder tlm tlwira of l'rotrti, Ilia old
aiau who In many form wna nlwraya
tho aam iinplruaunt customer, llio an-
elrtila prriunlriy lypinml tli oiiarge or
lualcub. Nw York 1'otl.
Ilrr I'rlrinle,
Nnn llow It poor dear I.ll tlili
morning T i
Kan Hho look dieadfully.
Nun O, I know that; I'm tiklng
you how aliv ferla.
Don't Cough! Use
l 1151 WWl TOft (OUUiWJ
Wltl loitintly relltvt your aetitnf
Ihrott. Thar U nothla like It for
Aithmt, BrouohltH nnd lung
trouble, Conttlat BO optttH.
Vary pleaitBt to take.
AH DraiikU. U aaat.
Tho unmet of tha niakara of tho nation, Washington, Jeffornon, Jnckson,
Madison, Monro, nra cnslly recognized, but tomotlmo a minor hero win
rutiown, It eialteil In tho mliuU of tho people, tilt nnma It uacd, mid lntor
men forget why.
Nino Btalea of tlila country Imvo In their lUt of gcogrnphlc nount, ntv
pllixl either to town, couutlv or county tent, tha name ot Jniper And New
ton, And' the lUt dot not Include tho Newton which tnrnnt Now Town,
nor tho other two, nninod, one for Hlr Immo Newton and the other for nn
Amerlcnn Unoo Newton.
Tha United Hlatet UeologlcAl Hurvey, bulletin No. 258, give the origin
of rrrlitln placo unmet In till country. It Ray, brlofly enough, that the
Jntper of Arknimnt, (leorgla, lllluolt, Indlnnn, lown, MlMlttlppI nnd Taxn,
and Newlon of Arkitmuit, Oforgln. Illlnoli, Indlatwi, lown, MlttUklppI nnd
Tern nra named for two tergeaata of the ltevolutlonary Wnr Hernennt
Wllllnm Jnepcr of Port MoultrK H. 0 , fnmn, nnd Hergenut Wtlllnm Newton.
In Juno, 1770, when tho llrllUh thlpt woro nttncklng Tort Moultrie, tho
errtcont ring of Honth Carolina fell outtldo tho waltt of tho fort on the
Ixjaoh, Hergenut Jnpr lenped outtldo tho defending wnllt, wntkrd tho
length of tho fort, picked up tlm flag, fattened It on n tponga ttnfT nnd, In
tight of tho flnnt, fixed It on the bnttlon. At ho camo back lilt companions
gitvn Mm thrno cheort, nnd he had patted Into the rnnkt of Immortnl hcroe.
Kergennt Jntper having dlitlngulthrd hlmtelf, Colonel Mnultrto gnve him n.
tort of freo-lnnco Mtlgnment, telling him to go. where he willed, to watch
and ) whiira he could bett tervo hit country. Ifo wnt privileged to select
from hit regiment tuch men at he wlthed to Accompany 1ilm on these per
tonally conducted expedition, and having (elected Bcrgeant Wtlllnm New
ton, the two pr(pard to do that which hat placed their nntnet on tho map
of the We tern continent
A Mr. Jnue wnt In great nnd natural dlntrr-n becntmo her liutband,
with other Amerlrnn war prltouer. waa to Im tnken Into tiuvnnnnh to b
hanged. Japr. thinking Hint the guard accompanying thrtn American
prUonert would In all probability ttop for water nt a certain tprlng, hid
with Nowton In the buihet near by. When the guard of eight IlrltUh tol
dtrr cntiie two wero loft with the prlnonem while the other went down
to the tprlng for water. Jniper nnd Newton leaped from behind the buthoi
and that thn entlne The other turp'mtrrrd. Mr. Jonet wnt rettorcd to
hit family. Tho tprlng wa henceforth cnllml Jaipcr't Spring.
At the tlrgn of Kavarnah. In October. I779, Jaiper met hit death, nt
did perhnp a letter rememberi'd man. I'ulnikt. Tho French nnd South
Carolinian, workltiK together, wero trying to fix their color on tho par
apet Thrrfl Amerlcnn lieutenant had ctaayed In vnln to rnlne the color
given by Mr Klllol nnd fatten mortally wounded. Jaiprr eclicd the natulan!
of the Houth Carolina regiment, fattened It where It nunt victory, nnd fell
Into a ditch (hot. A monument nt Charlciton nnd nt lentt two poemi, "Tho
Death of Jniper" nnd tho "Bwnmp Steed," thow that a later generation I
no unmindful of tho bravery of the pant It I Well that oven between the
rover of a text-book of geography there thould Im' emhrlnrd heroic deed,
and that (he niunr of town nnd county thould per'petunte the bctt momcnti
and acta of thorn who luivo pniaod on.
ij&cience I
Tha frdernl forrt tervlca hat de
veloped n prorrat for making pacr
from rrub pine, which covert exten
tlvo nreat on the touthern Atlantic
teAboard nnd I llttlo mrd except for
A tondon tclentlfla journal that
nnnlyxed (Ample of mow tnken from
tho roof of lit building found that
week-day tnowt contained ntmut tlvo
timet tho Impurltlet of thoie gathered
on Rundny.
It hat been tatlifnctorlly demon
atralcd that the blue ray from mer
cury vapor Ivnp kill bacteria and
tterllUe water In which the lamps are
placed without appreciably Incrcotlng
it temporAturo.
Hecauio ot nn IncrcoM In the num
ber of CAtca of malaria, tho city ot
Lelpxlg Ima declared war on the mo
qulto nnd will fine nny reitdenl who
faU to carry out certain regiilntlont
Intended to exterminate tho tntect.
ItecAiKo tho blowing out of ttuct hat
muted imnlct Among paicuuer, new
rnn being bult at St. !uli nra carry
ing the fiiiet on tho outside, the tmoko
ntul discharge material imsulng
through tlatteit opening to tho outer
Hitherto the use of the falls of tha
river llhone for the production of elec
tric powor hat been almost confined
to the Swlu part of tha dream, but a
project In on foot for Uio utilisation
of tho fAlIt at aotilttlnt, In French ter
ritory, for tho production of oloctrlo
power to be ont to I'nrU. Tho fall
have n detcent of over 200 feot, nnd
It it estimated Hint thoy will produce
110,000 kilowatt per hour, nn nmount
of energy tho production ot which
would demand tho consumption ot
more than 00 ton ot conl.
Sir Wllllnm llnmtay And It V.
OrAW have llijuetled nnd, they bellovc.
lolldlftcd tho emanation from rndlum.
which It popularly famoiit tor chang
ing ipontatieoualy Into hollum. The
boiling point of tho emanation nt nt
mosphorlo pretaurQ It 48.5 degrcet bo
low xero ccntlgrndn. Tho llijuld I
slightly phosphnrotcent, but If It U
cooled with lhiuld nlr It begins to glow
with a white light, which passoa llrtt
to yellow mid then to oraiifo. In tho
mlcrotcone tho light retomblet a llttlo
'rectrlo nro. On removing tho. liquid
nlr tli a colon auccucd encn other in
the revuwo order, nnd a bluo color ap
pears, followed by A change at It the
crystal i ot n tolld were dlttolvlug.
The experlmentert bcltave that the
brilliantly luminous tubatnuco teen la
the emanation In the tolld state.
Slnco 1000 diamonds . have been,
found In Pike County, Ark., In ronk
similar to that of tho diamond fields
of South Africa. It It a pcrldotlte ot
Igneous origin which hat been pushed
up through rnrbonlferou nnd creta
ceous formation. In tomo place tha
rock I very hard and dense, but In
other It hot weathered to a toft yel
lowish nnd greenish material 20 to 25
feet deep. About GOO diamond have
been found In this rock, the largest
weighing 6Vj rnratt. The usual colon
nro white, brown and yellow; but one
bluo diamond nnd (overnl block one
have been found. Ono boro for ex
ploration ha been driven to a depth
of 20S fret At to the protpcett of
more ttonet being found by deeper
mining, geologist only tny that the
tpatmodlo exploitation thut far teecnt
to Indicate a good promise.
ax orricAt nxiiHio.x,
Hero la n method by which nn opti
cal Illusion ot length la plainly shown:
Judged by nppenroncci tho lino A D
In tha larger figure It considerably
longer than the line A 11 below It but
tested by measurement they are ex-
ACtly CqUAl.
A Wwy Out.
Ix-ndlng Man Darling, since yout
rich aunt cut you off In her will It you
marry nn actor I will not be to aelfiih
nt to presa you to keep our engage
ment. Society Dud Hut, Harold dear, wa
ran easily get over that You know
nil tho critics nay that you nro. not an
actor. Halllmor.o American.
Meleele.l Homrtlilnv; Itaajr,
Wife I'm going to cook dluner to
day mysolf. What .would you like,
HuBbnnd Er cold bcot nnd
plcklost The llytandor,
How dull a "story" sounds it'er
you hnvo heard Itl Your actions nro
that tiresome to thoso who havo
known you a long time,
How a llttlo girl lovea to tay to a
llttlo boy, "Oh, you are going to catch
Ill HriirjMir.
Somewhere In tho' pages of hei
plcnwuit "Hook of Joyt Mr, l-iicy
Fitch I'erkln tells a delightful ttory
of her New Hnglnnd clerical great
grandfather, who was a man of Ingcnti
Ity nnd resource. Hho says!
Ho employed mora than one devlct
to secure wakefulness on tha part ol
hi weary congregitlon. Standing dur
Ing tho prnycr wa but one of many
My grandmother mod to tell us wltb
flrlde of an Instanco which occurred
nt n tlmo when a new church edlflci
had been proposed, and wa undet
warm dUcumlon. Grfnt-grandfathet
thought thl a worldly nnd unnecca
nry expenic. and pmphntlred hit opln
Ion by pausing In the midst of hi top
mon on a Sunday, saying Impressively
nt he Cxed the somnolent members ol
hit congregation with a ttern look:
"You nro talking about building I
new church: It seem to me quite un
necessary, since tho sleepers In the old
ono nro all -n-.""
UniikiruelluM atl l.mttltumttr.
An absurdly worded statement ot n
fact which wa not In Itnclf remark
able recently tried tho gravity ot tho
llitenert. 11 wn on the occasion ot
tho funeral Of an elderly woman In n
Now Kngland town. She hid left an
old mother, nearly 90 year of age, and
an only son who was well on toward
The services wrra conducted by a
timid young clergyman, recently set
tled over the parish. After praying
for many nnd various things, h said;
"And two, w especially pray that
the ford will comfort and austaln la
their loss and sorrow. One Is the or
phan, who, although no longer young.
la an orphan still, tnd must to con
tinue; tha other It tho mother, far ad
vanced In yoara, who ha survived hr
daughter, although considerably her
Ilarnr.l lb HUM.
City Friend ((pending tht day In
distant suburb) Didn't It evtr itrtkt
you that your servant Is Impertinent
ly Inquisitive?
Bubberbt My dear fellow, It'a only
tht way of a privileged old family re
tainer. Why, would you bellev It,
that girl ha been with u over flv
veek! Harper's Weekly
It Cart WMIa YoaWalk, "
Allrn'a ronMUMi Is aetruln rurefor hot.
rwvaitnr.raUui,ani1iwollii,arhln((ret. hold
by all Unif glut. 1'rlraafr. IKm't xcriit any
uUtllut. Trial txckaia NICE. Aildrtu
Allen B. Olm.tcl, Ulloy, S. Y.
llpoll. lb Plctura.
Mllllcent What made you refust
Mr Wilder' invitation to go walking
with hlmT Don't you like him?
Mildred Oh. yes. I like him well
inough, but hit red whiskers don't
look well with my new pink hat
Summervllle Journal
"I have ufleral with pile for thlrty
aix year. One yvar ago last April I be-
Ea taking CaacartU for constitution. In
: ooune of a week I noUccU the pUea
began to disappear and at the end of all
weckt they did not trouble toe at all.
CaacarcU have done wonder for me. I
itn entirely cured and feel like a new
man." George Kryder, Napoleon, O.
riaaiant. Palatabl. Potent, Taatt OioJ.
Jo uool, Dim OKl.n.n aaato or unpt,
Oc.ZSa.seo. Narar ioM la bulk. Thro-
nln tabid HimMlCCC UusraataaJ to
car or yaur nasay back. Ra)
249 Columbia Portland, Ore.
RaWea the dough
and compiles with
all pure food law.
Makers otMAIUUNS
(better tnaa Maple).
cheapest In the
end because it
Wears lonqe&t
- &1.aIVtWIa CrVaVaiMaa 111.
Ibwmn Cxkacmam
" t. " T" cr- TT'jfT rr1"
Lmitce TbaxjttTa Camaa.
VvfaffWM tlv
x sKlfuWllV
mw vsyK
yx XyS vvv?Vv
k$K vim
tl' v
Ootor mora food brlahter and faatar colon Uun any othar dye. On 10c package colon aUk. -woo ad cottea eay wtg
aaiilatrviarantaodtoanvapaiJactraaulia. AakdaaJar.orwe wlilaaadpoatsaldat 10c a ntw. VttM lor traa toaolalaa
sMwu3yo,bUaobsm4BiIxea4Cjta. " lMONK)t DKU i?ANf,lW. iaaaia.
fiW. .lil.VLIIIti
llflgllu: StocaJa ondBovtljci"
Promotes Di&sllonfknfil
OpiuniJorphinc mrHmai.
aaHMaaaaaaaaaaaiiai t mmmma
Aperfcct Itanedy forfft;
lion ,aour aw aJt.ui.w-
TacA Stunrt of
Exaa Copy of Wrapper.
iniess Dentistry
0t at ton pl
ca . nir pj-i.
ana brt4tDa
W l .
WJlfW a im
Zi M T M-U'lS
IK iJ.
M.Ut firwattl 5
nkBrUnTMtl 3.5( l.n I.UL
CmmI nssf tOt
t3.w rat .50
ltUnnn e.ou
ruin o.uu
B..t i fN. -
twrui. i.ou
n nim m rw.
rvrim4T0wMiuUo JTiwa. "aai
i . mi trft.
:.Trr.rk4.urwbM. ll U fxllr rur-
wm -111
tjfafaTafaT&r araW 'V
JaMsaalaVvT' aaal
USfaaaaTau ' H
-Bam tlar Tat ' aarararJ
Baaaaam. Baaaal
MMd. lonilrinwai. iwn
" Wise Dental Co.
sV a taatA ) ATKO
MMd. Slonilctrtlau nn
t"ly" w5TiNri.oHEaoN
A all taw a " m aa at a - --
ernes aosu: ii.ili.imi. suar. -
C. Gee Wo
Tft Canme Mta
ThU wenitt al man Kaa
mada a Ufa study of tha
rroparU of Root.
rba and Barlu.and
I" tiring- U worM tha
tanallt of bla Mtvicaa.
N Uartury, Polaeaa
oi Drvt Uacd. No
QfKtratloaa or Cutting
Gaarantcaa to nn Catarrh. Aathma. Luna.
(Itomatb am! KUntT Iroublca. aod ail I'lirata
DlMMai of U n and Woman.
JatrNlvcdfrora Pcltln. CLina aafa. aura
andrallaUa. UTalllna In lU works.
I f you cannot call wrlta for aynptora blank
and circular. Inckaa mil In atamn.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
lntt rir&x si.. rr. SMOarrivosm. w-ainiaioa. utr. .
Guarantead BiaJar
all Pure F.ooil
Stands for
In providing the
be satisfied with anything but tho
best KC iaguamnteedperfec
Hon at a moderate price. It
makes everytlilng better,
For Infanta and Children.
SSJ MaatsaiUSSaMawaiJllMBVajSMSjajHMi)
The Kind You Havs
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TMt atarava er, mm w anv.
VnM an unfainna- watrr topptr. It
craana that rw wlU ban tbarnoat pratU
cai Dunn'.lc water au- plr arsum now In
uaa. No .IcvaUd lank, no I roam pbwa In
winter, no atasnant waUf In waiaif. no
watrr aopply troublra of anr asrt. Tank
placed In baarmrnt. out of alarht and war.
mad of pnaaid ateaL will not ruat and
will laat a llfatlma.
You will U plnued with tha LEADER
T.Um of fumUMna- Donatl Water
Snpplr. Aak lor our rmuloeoa and frea
looklet. "How I Solrl Mr Water fupptr
Portia mJ, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
WHKlf wrillr toiularUiara
uianllua tli la paver.
pleaao j
Japiea M. Co.
family's mcak, don't
jff TVl
ba m
iSX At
Try and see. JPerfcct
Money back.