' ' -i-i -r r 3 ( m ; ( ( ( c ( ( Meet me at Lara's "Rest Room." Thanksgiving Thursday, November 25 The "Rest Room" Is always warm. Tills In the ilny when you want noindliitiK on your tabic alittle different from nny other day of the 365, A few dainty "tritiimliiK" to go with our old friend the "TURKEY." A relish and a hit of sweets add much to n meal. Where can you get these "out of the ordinary" dainties except at "THE BIG STORE" 1 1 1 1 j 1 J J J If Good Things to Eat" for tbe Thanksgiving Table Heinz Olive Oil, per bottle .85 Maraxchina Cherries ,60 " Tomnto Chutney ..10 I.ojjnulwrry Preserve ..15 " Imlln RelUli ' ..)0 Orutittc Marmalade .35 " Sweet Gerklns .35 Stuffed Olives ' .15&.40 " Sour Pickles t .35 Queen Olives . t .J5&.35 " Select Onions .35 Caper Sauce .'? ', .30 " Chow Chow .35 WorccittcHhirc Sauce , ' .35 " Prepared Mustard ' .so Catsup k .35 & .35 " Currant Jelly .35 Mushrooms ; .40 " Grated Horseradish ,30 Oystcia il ' .I5&.35 Cranberries, ajcqt. lllack and White Pigs, 15c lb. , 0,f'. j Kieslt Dates, 30c lb, . i ' ' Caudlcd Oritnge Peel, 30c Candled Lemon Peel, 30c Candled Citron, soc Saratoga Chips soc KyjkMrn Cheese 30c 1'rcsh Sweet Cookies, all kinds, 35c And Popcorn that will pop, 15c per pound. These and many other ' "Good Things to Eat" are waiting for you at "THE BIG STORE i THR STORK THAT SAVES YOU AlONGY A. M. LARA BEND OREGON THE STORE THAT TREATS YOU RIQHT LOCAL BITS. Whiskers artistically removed at (Joe Inncs' toti5orl.il parlors. Wm. Dorrell of Rowland was a visitor iti llcnd last Saturday, J. D. Davidson has filed on a homestead iu the vicinity of Powell Unites. Tlie Merrill Drug Store is re sident in intcriqr. It. A. Sathcr will soon install a j new hollow'Wire RObolInc lighting ' plant in his store. Get your hair cut where they know how to do it. That's Joe Inncs' barber shop. Mrs. K. V. Amnions was suffer Iiik the first of the week with a se vere attack of tonsllitis. The Merrill Drug Co. makes a bid for your Christmas trnilc in this issue. Read the ad. elsewhere. I splendent in a new coat of paint on tlie Morton Hognrt, formrrly of St Andrews, Wash., has moved onto land Iu the vicinity of Powell Duties. Carl II. Anderson will offer final proof tomorrow on his homestead, which lies in the vicinity of Ros land. Inncs & Davidson have ordered new as lights for their barbershop. They lights will be similar to those In A. M. Lara's store. Woman's plush cap found be tween Lytic and Swalley ditch. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. I'rauk Paul, who recently moved from Sisters to Uend, is hautine lumber onto his lots in Lytic with which to build a modern bungalow. Editor Walker of the Redmond Hub and V. Redmond were in the city Friday and Saturday on busi ness They made The Bulletin 11 pleasant visit. John Vricdt has been an Inmate of the Uend hospital for some time. He had a tumor removed from his hide and is recoveiug from the operation nicely. N. P. Wcidcr has been busy dur ing the past week papering six rooms at the Rend hospital. Some very fine paper has been used and the hospital now enjoys a much im proved appcaraucc. The young men of the high school gave a dancing party in Lara's hull last Saturday evening to which they invited a number of their schoolmates and fiicnds. A very enjoyable time was reported. fi. M. Lara, a cousin of our townsman, arrived in Dend last week from the Kast. Mr. Laru comes to look over this section and undoubtedly will locate with us, Jim McCoy returned to Rend from Redmond the last of the week and is working on the P. II. D Co. power dam. He has charge of the construction during Superintend- ent Danlclson's nbicuca on a bus! nsss trip to Portland. Vor Sale: 160 acres good land under Swalley ditch, 100 irrigable acres, two shares niaiulalnnncc. just help keep up repairs cheap; li will pay to look this up. Call al this office. The following interesting item appeared In the report of the last session of the county court. "Pur suant to statute til- county court did this day burn and reduce to ashes the scalps of 358 coyotes and the front feet of 43 bob cats and 3 cougars." L. II. McCann, who lives on an irrigated firm, raised a crop of fine potatoes this year. After digging them he sorted them into three (trades, Iu one pile Mr. McCann hns a thousand pounds and says there is not more than 1200 pota toes in the pile. Rev. John Lcwtas, an extensive traveler, writer, and lecturer, will begin revival services in the Bend church tdnlcht. Rev. Lcwtas en. joys the reputation of being an in tensely interesting speaker, and the services he is about to inaugurate undoubtedly will do much good in Uend. Several nights recently the mail stage from Suanlko has been very late, Bend people not being able to get their mail until the next morn ing. It would ccitaiuly be a great benefit to Bend it the postomce de partment would establish that di rect line from Shaniko, through Madras, to Bend. The Merrill & Wilkinson Co. had a party of homeseckers out on tbe High Desert during the snow storm. They report that their new auto behaved nicely in the storm, plowing through tbe drifts like a whirlwind. They arrived home in good time, with ijo adventures worth mentioning. D. L. McKay, western represen tative, and member of tbe firm of Mutter Lumber Company, returned to Bend Saturday for a short busi ness visit. He reports that Mrs. McKay has been in tbe hospital at Hot Lake for some time, and was improving in health when he left her. Mr. McKay's son Clyde is also in Bend. J. N. B. Gerking ofLaldlaw was a Bend visitor the latter part of tbe week. Mr. Gerking is a farmer of that section and has great faith in this entire section as a farming community. In tbe matter of fruit, he believes that more than enough for home consumption will be grown here. He is of the opin ion that those who are selling their land since the rise in prices arc making a great mistake. Hunter & Staats received this week a postal card with a view of the room iu St. Paul, Minn., which contains an exhibit of agricultural products of the Northwest gathered by the Great Northern Railway Co. The Deschutes Val'cy dry farming exhibit whjch was Kent to Billings, appears in this collection. Tbe postal was sent to Messrs. Hunter & Staats by John I. Springer, Ira vclinc freight and nassenccr aecnt of the Great Northern. Special Notice. Rev. John Lewtas will deliver a lecture tu women ouU on next Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sub ject, "The Woman for the Twen tieth Century, Ail women and young women are invited. HOMESTEADS LOCATED. 150,000 ACRES OF THE BEST WHEAT LAND In Central Oregon. Just opened tc 330-acre homestead entry. Two railroads now building into this country. Get a homestead before they nre ull gone. 1'or further infor mation call on or write to Free Automobile Trip from Bend to Lands and Return for All Who Locate. HUNTER & STAATS U13NI), ORHOON Apples $3 Per Box Come early. They wont last long Full Line of Seasonable Fruits. THI CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDQB & TURPIN. The First National Bank OF BEND BEND. OREGON Or. U. 0. OOe, Pr-ld.nl . E. A. SATHCR, Vic. Prtild.nl O, ft. HUDSON, 0.iht.r O.pILl full- paid 36,000 Btockhofd.rs'M.bllltr 26,000 Every Good Bank Tlut conduct id attain with tbe tote idea of receiving the deposit of the community anil lending tfaeru out to iU customers, engaged in legitimate enterprise!, on good aecur Itjr, either of business credit or collateral, at reasonable rate of interest, will prove a benefactor to the community and wilt enjoy peace in it tmsinet affairs, knowing that it asset are real onw, and that the solvency of the Battle is absolute. With this confidence In itself It will inspire confidence in other. TI1K PIRST NATIONAL DANK OP BEND rnns this kind of a Rank, and attribute it steady growth to adhering to this policy. Development in the Bend country will be rapid in 191a Are yon prepared to take advantage of tbe opportunities that will occur for the man with money? If sot, start an account with the First National Bank of Bend and add to it each week. DIRECTORS: U. C COH B. A. 9ATIIKR C. 3. HUDSON V. P. SMITH H. C. EU4S CRUSHED SHELL AND GREEN GROUND BONE Doors, Win-lows, faints, Oik A Glees Agent for the Celebrate Studebaker Wagons and Oliver Plows, Stoves and Hanges and General Liiw of Hardware and Groceries. S. C. CALDWELL. BEND. ORE. J. H. WENANDY SEND. OR. F. L. BUNTEN SHANIKO, OK. WENANDY-BUNTEN Automobile Stage Company DAILY AUTOMOBILES . between Sbaniko, Madras. "Redmond and fiend and all interior points. For further informatioa write Wenandy-Bunten Auto. Co., BEND, OREGON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE Buy Now--- SELL LATER Hut If you must sell now, list your property with Deschutes Realty Co. BUND, ORf-OON. V VB HANDLE RANCHES. IRRIGATED LANDS, TOWN PROPERTY, TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS A SPECIALTY. When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... Call oh MfLLARD TRIPETT BEND, OREOON