EVENTS JjFTBE DAY Nowsy Items Gathered from All Ports ot flic World, SFREFARED FOR TIIEHUSr READER Lett Important but Not Lou Inter estlng Happening! from PolriU Outside tho SlAte. Mr. JliMimivrll nml family aro on tlio way to New York. An ex nlllelnl of the augur truil has tn'i'ii Indicted fur fraud. ('libit' expense for tlm next year nr estimated at nlmost 10,000,000, Tlio letter of Hniilli American repub lic nro to in ret ill n conference next July. President 'Mnyn, of Nicaragua, elillin siilmtnlillul victories, both on Itilnl nnd sen. Tlm Ponvrr k Itln.Orntulo road Imi Increased the pit)' of alt It ehop cm. lloi .1 renin mi hour. Tho conference mi Infniit mortality At New Haven. Conn,, resulted in tho forming of n society for work. A in nn lu been nrrested nt 1'rmno, 'al., who It wanted In nearly over osi tny for passing nail checks. Thirty fishing vte are n shore ami n Imlf-tforen missing i th result of tlm Mlorm o(T tho eoast of Now I'ountlland, A vfto prrstnllwl to President Tnft by Japanese while hn wn nt Seattle tm been valued at fW.S0 by tho cue loin official. The donor gavo tho Im prrn.lou I tint It wai north 8,000, Tho Milwaukee road hn just ordered SO locomotive to Ih used on Iti Pacific roust Unci. Ailolph llnekmvlr. of Francisco, ha liven appointed consu supervisor of Alaska. Heavy mini In llnvll have eausod tcrlmn damage. The precipitation ached SI Inchon. I'imr turn have been found guilty of rubbing m mall ear on the Union l'aelfle near Omaha, May tit!, Th Knn l'mnln Chinese, who are iigMg.l in n tonic war, bldo their tlmo Jt ollre surveillance to tola I. KnrnUt in conference nt Now I Invert, t'unH., ioHMit plan to pro miiI the hvy infant mortality. A lxy tank robber nt New Albany, Inil. killed thn cashier nnd wounded the president and hli negro chauffeur. A Winnipeg ijlrl dashed Into n burn Ins building In nn effort to avo her .young brothrr. but 1ml h were burned. Two masked robber nt I'ortlalid tied faintly nnd then ransacked tho houio for money. About 1100 wai secured. An nttempt a made to burn a col ored ajilrltualHtt nnd hit family at Chi .ago. ton I nil wai (mured on tho front mrt of tho hmio nnd a match applied, mt tho tiro ima extinguished. Two prominent Oakland banker have ticen arreiled for making dummy lonui. A timber eruUer hai offered to climb Mount MeKlnloy, In Ataika, for 10, O00. Tho Plnchot-Ilatllnger tight hai again lirokcii out, and Taft may havo to take idea. , An explosion of kcroscno In A War road, Minn., homo cauiod tbo death of a family of seven. Tho court of appeal hold that oral jetting is not n violation of tho Now York nntl gnmbllng law. l'urllior lldc on tho Southern Pa clflo bnve delayed Irallio botweon Port laud nnd Ban Franelico. New York lms unonrthod a graft Jiniony tho pollen who nro attppoicd to TvRuiato speeding nutomoblllVta. Aitrologltta now declare, that tbo tall of tho big comot wilt trlko tho earth .next May, but no harm will como of It. Two vemoli collided off Illock Uland, In tho Aliunde., nnd cloven mon worn drowned. Omf vend I bollovcd to linvo U"no down. Tho body of tho Into ompreai dow- vuor of China, hat atnrtud on It R0 iiillo journey to tho flnnl tomb of tho impcnni rnmiiy, A henvy itorm nlonir tho Alaikftn : ont ha driven tovcrnl vriiel nihore. Ono of thorn la In tho atrcota of Nome, o ilorco urn i tuo gain. Colleotor I.onb of Now York will : tight hard to retain hi plneo. J)r. Cook dare l'cary to tubmlt hi rocordi to tbo Danlih nuthorltloa. Tho itriklnir nunll of tho Clovoland, Ohio, high ichool havo all roturnod. Swodon la dolnu all noialblo to atop 'tho honvy Immigration to America. King Kdwnnl VII of Great Drltnln Ima Jnit colobratod hi 63th birthday. Whlto aottlora In Ilrltlih Columbia nro preparing for an attack from In ,11am. Bonttlo cuatom ofllcor bavo loUod n qunntlty of illk that wai bolng mugglod In. niine.tnw nml PtilAlfna,i Tmlmna tiftVA Inaf I)ia1 lnmls nml ..IHwAnalitn 1.j.MnaA of many Irrogulorltloa. WAitMNJin Tiinn aitowH, Dig rour Rallrond Man May Havo Taken $2,000,000. Cincinnati, Nov. 10, Alleged black nmllorn of clinrlea i. Wnrrlnor, ox-lncnl Ircnmirer of tho Illg l'our Itnllrond com puny, ncciinod of nmberr.llng (Oin.000, will be denlth with by tho atnto autliorl tie. County IVxpculor Hunt atntod. today Hut ho linn Invent Igntod charge inndo by Wnrrlner against n man nnd n woman, nnd that ho would proceod ngnlnal tlioin If ho woro ublo to collect tilllaloiit ovldcnco. In tho meantime, apparently well founded report! maintain that tho War rlnnr dofnlcntliiiin nro far In piccm nf tho mini mentioned by Vleo-IVoildaiit llnrria,' of New York, and that they may eieeed 11,000,000, and may nor ilbfy reach 12,000,000. Thcio report are aubitnntlated by thn fact that railroad odlelal eauied Wnrrlner' nrcit on a charge, of embox rllng .Vl,fl00, and wheu preited Inter nilmlttod (ho amount would bo at leant 1100,000. When that mm wn rained to mora than "00,000, (peculation be. canto rife, and It li practically autirod now that tho total ombatxlomeut will reach a record-breaking figure, Whntever mny bo tlio culpability of peraon connected with Wnrrlner, It ap pear that, a far n tho railroad of ficial are concerned, they havo no In-ic-atlon of proceeding ngalnst other than the defaulting treniurrr. Clffneral Couniel llnckoney declared he wn In tKiocMlon of no fact that would au- thorlro hi prosecution of any ono any Wnrrlner. nuruau waou inokuahb. Itillway Offlciali Say Men Selected Foor Tlmo for Demand. Chtcaso. Nov. 10.- Uallroad official today declared that no wage Increase would bo granted their employes nt this lime, and that they did not expect erl ou trouble. Tho demand of tho men wero declared to have been presented at an Inopportune time, just a tho rail road are emerging from n period of bulnen depression, when earning must bo applied to equipment that should havo been purchased a year ago. Though the railroad aro Insistent they cannot advance wage at thl time, they aro ready to meet tbo brotherhood committee and discuss tho aituatlon. Conference nro expected to begin the first "week In December, Immediately following tbo expiration of tho 30-day notice. W. H., grand chief of thn Ilroth- erhood of Uallroad Trainmen, left tho elty today for tils henduarter in Cleveland to look nftnr tho volo which the men have recently taken on their wngo demands, and to make arrange ment fnr presenting the notice to tbo Kastern roads. Ho I expected to ro turn nnd to hnndlo the situation in the local yards before taking up tho mora comprehensive movement In tho Knit. Uno point on which n railroad man ager wa emphntlo today I that the railroad will not recognixo tho claim of tho llrotherbood nf locomotive Fire men and Koglnomcn to legislate for en gineer or In encroach on tbo jurisdic tion of the llrotherbood of Locomotive Knglnecr. i ' BMUObLEnS BOUGHT TOR. Chlneao Aro Believed' to Bring In Con. traband Opium. Victoria. It. C. Nov. 10. Kor aomo daya past Inquiries havo been made hero by tho United Htate authorities concerning report that opium and Cht- neso aro being imuggieil from Victoria to Washington by way of the Qulf islands in a gasoline launch. Jiecontly a number or Chinese wore brought across a itowawaya on tho tenmur Mlnnetota and Cymric, bolng round liy tho united Htate immigra tion officer when tho ntenmar wcro at ruiret aound port. On tho Cvmrle n number of ene of opium wero shipped from llong lvong to thl port some month ngo, nnd wero returned, being found on arrival back at Hong Kong to contain treacle, tinged with opium water, wuicb had been aubitltuteii. Wko Fiftbt Expected. Plttiburg, Pa., Nov. 0. Thomaa L. Lowfa, nrcildont of the United Mine worker of America, Indicated In nn Intorvlow hero today that tho mlnera will mnko a itand for higher wages In the prlng. Mr. I.owia declared that work at the mines wai Improving nnd wai bound to contlnuo doing ao. He nUo cxprcMcd confidence In bis ro election to tbo presidency of the organ isation, explaining thnt two locals havo nominated him for every one that nnmod his opponent, William Green, of Ohio. Hurrtcaao lilts Pansy. Manila, Nov. 10. I'anay Ishnd. of tho Vianyna croup. Philippines, was , crossed by a typhoon last iJunday. Tho I atorm was especially' aovcro In Cnplix. provlnco, whoro many homo woro do-J atroyed. Flvo thousand persons nro, homoioM, and much property nnd crops woro destroyed. Tho wind, which wn of hurricane, forco, was nccomitanled by rains. Much of tho country I flooded. 7 Rescue Vessel Wrecked. Vancouver. 11. C. Nov. 10. Follow. mg (no wrecK or mo sioamer umineca In tho Bkoona rlvor on Saturday, tho Distributor, n alitor stenmor, wont to fho rcicuo ot the first voisel. Owing to tho extromo low water, abq grounded and with Ice and swift current this winter she will nrobablv become a total wrock. Sho was worth 10,000. I ... , , , , , i.i I NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL I'UAUIi IIAIIIIOU I'LANH WIN, Hawaii Naval Station to Be Greatest In I'aclflo Ocean. Wnnhliigton, Nov. 1,1 Tho pronldont tins npprovvd tho recommendation of thn joint nrmy mid iiuvy bonrd for mnking I'ourl hnrltor, in tint Jiawallan Inbuilt, the grontcxt naval station in tho 1'nclfle. In doing thl, It was con sidered that n temporary unvnl ntntlob only would bo constructed nt Ulongapo, and thnt the projioncd Improvement in Mtililli hnrbor would bo abandoned, Tbi will lenvn tho protection of tbo irt to thn army. Tho dolcriiilimtloii to mlnlmixo the fortlflentiou In tho Philippine and to mnko 1'unrl hnrbor u groat navnl sta tion wn not hecsuna of uny Intention nf wlthdrnwiiig American control from tho Inlands. It wn purely atrateglcnl, it wn ald. For years n Ilorco contro versy hn been wugod us to whethor tlm principal fortification in tho l'hll IpptiiM ihould bo located at Olongspo or Cnvile. The naval ofllcor favored Olongnpo mill tho nrmy Manila bay. The big floating dock I now nt Olon- npo, ninl under the present, plan wlJI liu retnlnt'd there. MAKE TOIU'EDOKB ON OOABT. Navy Department Beekiug Location for Button In West. Wunhinulou, Nov. 12. Tho navy de pnrtment hn decided to ostulillsh a lor jifxlu Kiatiou on tho Pacific Coast to iniiuufnetun mid repair torpedoes for um ou thn Pacific Const nnd by tho ships of the Pacific float. There I but ono torpedo plant In tho United Hint is nt present, thnt ut Now- orl, anil it I entirely lnndwunU, bo lng nble to turn out only 100 torpedoes a yoar. More than twice that uumbcr are purchased abroad. Tho ili-purtment propones ultimately to mnnufnetiire nil its torpedoes In thl country, ami to that end a plant will be established on tho Pacific Const a soon n Congress make tho necessary appropriation. The exact location of the plant ha not yet been determined. Changes Msdo In Nary, Washington, Nov. 10. Commander ltuger Well, executive officer of tbe battleship New Hampshire, ha been ordered to duty in command of tbe cruiser New Orleans, Commander 1U C. Kvan has been dotacbed from duty a recorder of tho board of inspection and survey in this city and ordered to take command of tho scout cruiser Sa lem, He will relieve Commander A. L. Key, tho former naval aide to Presi dent lloosovelt. who will be tendered to tho battleship Connecticut, tho flag hip of the Atlantic fleet, for duty as chief of staff of ltoar-Adinlral Bcbroeder. California Busy on Fair. Washington, Nov. 10. To farther tho project for a world's fair In Snn Fran cisco In 1013, State Senator Kd I. Wolfe of California today conferred with llepresentative Kahn, Mr. Kahn will Introduco a bill nt the next Con gress to appropriate money for tho ex position. Xfr. Wolfe recently Intro duced, and the California legislature passed, n bill to appropriate 1300.000 a year for five year for the oxposltlon, which would have raised 12,500,000, tbe eltiiTins to subscribe an oqual amount, making a total of $3,000,000 available rroni tbo state. Ballinger to Answer alavls. Washington. Nov. 13. Secretnry Hal linuer will avail himself of the first opjnrlunlty to tnke up with President Taft the Intent publication of tho Olavl charge nffeetlng tho attitude of the Interior drpnrfmcnt toward the Alaska conl lands. Ou the result of tho con- oultntlon will depend tho next step in tho matter. Hecrctary imiiinger ex pects to hnnd to Preiidcnt Taft n copy of hi first nnnunl report. Iuterest at-' Inches to thl document ns it will con tain Mr. llalllni'c.r's views on the gen eral -treatment of public land question. Iory Seeks No South Pole. Washington, Nov. 11. Commander Holiort K Peary, who tins taken up hi ronblrnca with his family In Washing ton, Is not contemplating nn expedition to the south pole. Mr. Peary declared Into today, when Informed Of a report that the cominnndor would bend an ex pedition to seek the south polo within tho next flvo years, that she know posi tively this was untrue Doctor Commands Snip. Washington, Nov. 13. Secretary Mover tndnv settled the controversy a to whether a lino officer or medical ofllcor shall bo placed In command of tho hospital ship 8olnco by designating Surgeon Oeorgo Pickerel), of tbo medi cal corpi, to command tho vessel. Tho navigation of tho ahlp will bo In chargo of a merchant sailing master. Lahm Not In Disgrace. Washington, Nov. 10. No reflection was Involved In the ordor detaching Idoutonant Frnnk II. I.ahm from tho Aeronautical scrvlco of tho signal corps, nnd directing him to ioln tbe Sixth cavalry. This war made plain today by officials of tbe ar department. Carrier Examinations Set Wnnhjngton, Nov, 13. Civil service itYnmlnntlnnn will tin hold Dceemlinr 4 nt Portlaud, Troutdalo and Dnytou for! rural letter-carriers. I ItKADJUBT COABT ItATEB. Interstate Commcrco Commissioners Bo turn to Washington. Waihlnglon, Nov. 0. When Inter stnto Commcrco Commissioners Clarke nnd Coekroll arrive In Washington to morrow morning all tbo members of tho commission will havo returned from a trip that will probably result In a com plete readjustment oi irolgbt rates in the far west. Growing out of tbo now famous Spo knno rato caie, In which tho sblpners of tho inland ompiro claimed a radical reduction of rates on commodities both from tbo east and tho Pacific Coast, tbo case now under consideration com prise a list of rnoro than 100. These Inland cities allego unjust rates from tho east and from the Mississippi Itiver point In particular. They claim that rate to tho Paclfle Coast are etneh cheaper for a much longer haul and nsk reductions. Tho decision In tho Spokano rate cose, which, It I believed, will be fol lowed In all other caios, was based on tho theory that tho railroads' conten tion that water competition toward tbo coast rates was correct. All complaints that bavo been tiled slnco the Spokane differences have been based on tho allegation that the rates in themselves were unreasonable. It Is not likely tbat decisions In any of tho cases will bo handed down until early In January. 1-IHIIEKIE8 BEING MILLIONS. Facinc Canneries Industries Furnish Work for Big Army. Washington, Nor. 11. Tbe prelimi nary report of the eensns bureau for the fisheries of tbo Pacific ocean for the yenr ending December 31, 1009, which is now complote. give statistics con fined to the fishing industry and doe not Include wholesale flab dealers or canneries. Tbo final report will eon tain an analyil of tho total and will present statistlea for other phases of the Industry. ' There are 0901 Independent 'fishermen, 0931 wage-earning fishermen, and 237 vessels employed, vnlued at tl,731.C52. Outfit, such as bait, fuel, provisions, valued at 507,022 j 720S boats, tl.214, BOt; apparatus of capture, $8,4SS,7s0, consisting of dredges, tongs, etc., $9770; 0732 gillnets, 1, 135,300; lines, J.r.l70; 3ME pound and trap nets, $700,300; 593 seines. 1131,030; 2537 trammel nets, CM,fS70; H wheels. $830,000; miscel laneous tackle, (33,050; shore and acces sory property, (317,010; cash capital, (117,370. Argentina reeds England. Washington, Nov. 11. Dritons aro reusing to look to America for their supplv of "tho roart beef of old Eng land,'' and aro turning more and more to Argentina for meats and cattle. It. N. ITartlettan, consul general at liucnos Ayrc, Informed tho department of com merce and labor today tbat tbo traDIe In beef from Argentina to England was growing rapidly, and thnt tho British isles aro becoming more and more de pendent on tho South American republic fur their meat supplies. Gain of Exports Huge. Washington, Nov. 12. An Increase of more than (21,000,000 in the value of the exports of domestic products from the I'nited States Is shown for last Oc tober, compared with a like period last year, the respective total being (123, 013,720. against (I01.7S3.01S. Exnorts of wheat decllued from 12,032,110 bush el ror October, ll'Os, to S,7t!U,-ll9 bush els In October Inst and tho value of ox port of meat nnd dairy products fell from (11,933,312 in October, 190S, to (S,3(1I,S10 In October, 1909. Bridge Plsns Approved, Wiuhlngton, Nov 12. Tho netlnc secretnry of war, on recommendation of the ehler or engineers and the judge ad vocate general of tbe army, has np proved tho plans for the new O. It, &. X. bridge neross tho Willamette, river nt Portland. . Notification of this approval win ne sent to tne railroad company through Major Knvnnnuuh at Portland. This lenvos tho- railroad without ro Mtrniut In Its construction of tho bridge so far as tho government is concerned. Test Monster New Gun. Washington, Nov. 10. Preparations to test tho bistros t run tbo navy has' yet undertaken to try out will begin at Indian Head proving grounds when tho new 11-lnch cannon just completed by tho Mldvnlo Steel Company, of Phila delphia, arrives at tho Washington navy ynrd. Tho monster Is on Its way hero and everything is prepared to rush tho fluiihlng touches on it. Wlckerohara May Succoed Feckham. M'fialtttifvtnn TJnv n Tt u nntr Mr. slstontly rumored litre that Oeorgo W, ' WicKorsbam or cieve vorK, attorney general of tho United States, Is to be nppolnted aasoclato justice of tho su-j promo court to succcod tho late Eufus Pcokhnm. It is not known whothor, Wlckersham will accept If tho appoint ment Is offorcd to him. Honduras Called Sown. Washington, Nov, 0, Tho state de partment has takon steps to corrcot tbe Ill-treatment which the govornmont of Honduras is charged with having ao rordod A. It, Miller, an American cit iron, who has business Interests in San Pedro and Puerto Cortoz, and has made representations concerning tho matter to tbat government, COHEA FI0HT8 HARD, Rebellion Against Japanese Rulo Ooes Steadily Forward. Kobe, Japan, Nov. 0. Meager now from Cores Is to the effect that, tho up rising started by tbe natives us n pro test against the occupation of tho kingdom by Japan, while actlvo In spots, In other places has quieted down through the efficient service of tho Japanese soldiers. This Is taken here to mean that tbe Japnneso censor ( busy, for It Is well known tbat the Koreans, animated by equally as great lovo of country as tbelr Invaders, will never resign them selves to be governed by the batd Japanese until they are completely brought under subjection. A correspondent of the Japan Chron icle writes that the resistance offered to the reforms desired to be brought abcut by the stronger nation Is mora matter of misunderstanding than anything else. Tbe Corean officials, it Is said, know lull woll what Japan is trylntr to do. but the soldiers sent to occupy the land re responsible for the hostile feeling mat has arisen. The cool fo class sees the havoc wrought by the military force, the plundered stores, tbe out raged women, the ill treatment afford ed the men, and does not know what Is behind all this. The poorer classes are unaware that the good of their land la whst Japan Is seeking. They look upon the occupa tion merely as a pretext to gain pos session of the country, and their blood bolls and they rise up against .the in vaders. Incidental to the improvement of conditions in the empire may come an nexatlon to Japan. In some circles this is felt to bo the ultimate object. Whether that be true or not the fact remains that Japan has already worked numerous and appreciable reforms among the Corenns. POLICE FORM OLIGARCHY. Chicago Patrolmen's Union Refuses To Be Governed by Chief. Chicago, Nov. 9. The organization known as the United Police nf Chica go, but which Is more aptly dibbed the "Policemen's union," today at its an nuel meeting sundered all ties which bound it to beads of the department The organization virtually declared its independence by ousting from office all present officials and electing an Injur gent ticket, the members of which are avowedly hostile to control of the union by tbo chief of police or any of the men responsible to tbe taxpsyers for the way the police department does, or falls to do, its .work. Briefly, today's action means that hereafter the mayor and chief cannot discbarge or discipline any member of the United Police without calling down tbe wrath of their organization. It means the police will work to suit themselves, regardless of the public or their superior officers. It creates In Chicago a modem Pretorian Guard, which recognizes no ruler but those it chooses. TWELVE NUNS HEROINES. Organize Bucket Brigade and Fight Fire From Orphans. Cleveland, Nor. 9. Twelve brave nuns at St, Vincent's Orphan asylum organized a bucket brigade, put out a fire at the top of tho building tonight. and quelled an incipient panic The older boys' asylum, which houses 400 little ones, was the first to learn tbat there was danger. The sisters, passing buckets of wa ter up the stairs and pouring it on tbe blaze, sent the biggest boys to oversee the little ones at their studies. Those who attempted to rush out were or drsd back, and when help arrived from the outside, the children, some of them still unconscious of the peril, were at their books, while the nuns, almost dropping from fatigue, held the fire under control. Santa Fe Loses Money. Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 8. The Santa Fe railroad in Oklahoma has Buffered a great loss slnco the 2-cent passenger law went into effoct, according to an affidavit filed in the United States Dis trict court today by that company. The document asserts that the Santa Fe carried 237,441 more passenger in 1908 than the preceding year, U pas senger earnings showing a 'osa of 65, 126. Owing to the compulsory low freight rate, it Is claimed that the re ceipts showed a decrease of over 200, 000. Japan to Meet Russia. ParlB, Nov. 9, A special dispatch from Pekin saya that in spite of official denial M. Kokovsoff, tbe Russian min ister ot finance, who will confer short ly with a Japanese representative, M. Kuraehl, director of the political bu rea ot Toklo foreign office, hai arrived at Dalny, SHIP SUBSIDY URGED President Tells SMlhern Statis They Should Work for It. feOOSEVELT'S POLICY ISJPBEL1 Taft Also Wants Federal Health Bu reau, to Look After Sanitary -tJ Conditions of Nation, Augusta, Ga., Nov. 0 President Taft yesterday played at golf witb bis host In Augusta, Major Joseph IJ. Camming, defeating him, 2 up and 4 to go; opened the Georgia-Carolina Interstate fair; rode through the streets of Augusta amid tho cheers of his "fellow citi zens" and left the city at 3 V. M. for 1'Jorenee, S. C. A call upon the president at the golf links on bis Invitation by Tjr Lobb, tbo baseball player, the extreme cordiality of tho reception of the president in bis "winter eapltol" and the good fellow ship extended to bis entourage, were the features of the day, In his address at the fairgrounds the president touched upon a number of matters of national Importance. The keynote ot his addre was national sanitation, that a national board of health should accomplish for the nation itiolf what thn nation hail .nmnllalia.l tor others in Cuba and Panama. 'I no president also talked ahlp sub sidy and suggested that the plan mer ited ihA lunnArt nt tfi QyiMtk .ia- dally of cotton manufacturing states like Georgia and South Carolina. Mr. Taft's spceeb in part follows: "It seems to me that the most Im portant subject and the most important cuiiccuoa oi suujccis is mat wnica re lates to the conservation of onr nat ural resource. ITnleu wo run a,... uniform state co-operation, uniform iaiu jcguiauon wun reierenee to tne preservation of onr forests and the euqalization of the water, wbieb falls from the clouds, and the preservation of our soil from being washed oat to sea, we shall not be alio to carry out tho program set for ns by Theodore lloosevelt, which to overy thoughtful man must commend itself as of tho highest importance to the safety and preservation of our nation." Jtuirurdlnt? national sanitation ft president said: "o now nave various bnreans In Washington which have functions con nected With the innnrAliInn nf Aj. cases and tbe stndy of the different uucjuri, on. moy are scattered and they need to be united in one bureau Which lhall dirtet It nttontlnn tn k. study of questions of health under all (vuuiuuui prevailing in mis country, so that by the circulation ot tbe knowl edge obtained It miv n),l h nu.u to live hygienic lives. "ow it U true that the health of the citizens Is directly committed to the state, but It ! lm (mn thf !, question of agriculture is committed by the constitution to the state. Never theless tbe agricultural department has found much that it can do to assist tho sgriculture of the country. "I expect to recommend to Congress that thero be a union of all the experi mental denartinenta of thA cmvmmint for tho discovery of lines of health and ...iM . .it . . ituu u uivcaic." TRAINMEN DEMAND JKCREASX All Lines on Atlantic Side of Chicago to Be Involved. ChleaPO. NOV. D. fnr nnl. form schedules and a wage Increase of about 12 nr iAnt ar in Yu m.1A k. conductors and trainmen on every rail- "wu ooii-m ai oi limcago. rne movement Invnlvo 1?.fWin n,n -..! In. eludes every railroad east of the Illi nois Central' main amitd Hn t.J north of tho Chesapeake -as Ohio Rail- uau. xi is iam io ue mo most stu pendous wage movement ever mado by the railroad brotherhoods, and has been under consideration two years. There aro hints tonight that all western rail roads will bo drawn into the struggle. Incident to the eastern demands, the swItehmAn nml vnT.lmAn In ei,,.,.. who are controlled by the Brothorhood oi itaiiroau xrainmen, are assiog a wago advanco of 5 cents an hour. Kightcen of tho largo trunk lines with tnrmtnala In thm Altv w... .,., I with notico November S. Under exist ing contracts 90 days' notice must be given by either aide of a contemplated cbango in wages or working conditions. Eight Porish In Flames. New York, Nov. 9. Iron-bound win dows provented tho escape from death of eight workers in Itobort Morrison & Sons' comb faetory In Brooklyn, which caught fire today, and five other men Firobably wcro fatally injured in mak ng their cscapo from the structure. William G. Morrison, son ot the owner of tho plant, lost his life In the flames wullo trying to reach tho safe and close its doors. His father was among tbe injurod. Forty employes were in the factory when tho fire started. Many jumped from the third floor windows and wero injured. Cold Strike In California. Nevada City, Cal., Nov. 9. Word, was received hero today that a rich strike had been made in the Omega, mine nt Forest, near here. Several pounds of nuggets have been taken, from the gravel, one ot which weighed tuft ounce