owc )owcs; dcoxvsca o sysXcm GJ5ccvuxYy ; QSS88 0XVG0VCXC0VW cxbvvo cosaXQ To Oes dcwcJco cjfcc8,aw(xs)ux lc, " rUMurnCUJMCD S TWl CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOlDDYltADINO DRUCC13T3 50ADOm Took IIIm lor Tarn, "fleorge Monro, the author of Either Waters, Ilka to talk," said ft magasln editor of Now York, "about hi own cbscurlly, Tory obscure. Lunching with mo ono dsy at Clarldg'. ho Mid he had recently mot a young American girl whoio warm praW had pleaeed him much. M,Ve think a hp of your writing out Katun way. Mr. Moore,' the young girl aald. ''How Jelly!' cried tho novelist. And what story of mtno do tho good people of Kansas Ilk bestr "Oh, 1.alla ItnoVh far and awayl' aid alio " . COUGHED ALL NIGHT Till ThU Itf do Waa Tiled. Cuia Fol lowed In nve Hours. A inomlnenl hw.tl1 nun "ho v(Tr"l with eerra much end rVI cm the hine. often twins kept awel nil nleht. and weakened by ! of lrp anally dUr.nert.1 lmpl 'ihthuU hlh will rut any tvuh In lit hour br the kk. It U a Uaatli tunle Midi mi whUh ran I ma.le I Imn by any ana arvl the fnfinul U her tn fuf Ike tnnt f th -ha f4 lUrrUM nlhli in pain ulperoiiem IKuMt.no bat tiled It ear It I. maakat and tila anr Mah-plkeai, .low-aeU In with medttlne eer wit. Mil In a lot IK ana-half mint fluid will eherrf bark, ana oune rompuund eaemr rapltel end trunrerrup hit pine Compound. Take twentr drupe eteey half hour fur 'our hour. Plan lakeona-kalf la ana teain.mful tkreoor four time a day flit children Vm aerordln- m a. ThU will ton, up ami rU lha ereleaa of deep-Mated rot bi et.f r lima. awprama Tret. "There," remarked Ilia dentist, aa ha look oft lha rubber dam, "you'll navar Ihew on a place of beefsteak touch mouth to Ionian that nlllnif" "Hut, doctor," queried lha wal fount thing with lha tooth equally ewret. "will It Hay In whan I tat car niU and molna candr' Avoid Vnur Frlrade, "I hear you spent your vacation with friend" "W wrra friend during lha first week." l-otilsvllle Courier-Journal. Ailments of Men Happily Overcome mir.r.r.tiiiriitA.'r ruirn by MANY. X . i UnJoublaill lha fatkmlnt praitrlptlnn will work wowlar fur that ataat claaa of J I man who, Ihrouik dUalpatkm of thalr T natural llanitk, finilthamaalTaa In thalr acorxi chllllM..!' Vt Ulora lha thraa acuraantl UnaUtlnl to llfal ptaaauroa il njuymrnU aia irarawt It la pmutnol to La Infalllbla, ami hlihlr rnViant In uukalr miming In Wnruuaaihauallon, naak vluUtjr, mal aneholl ami tha (unctkina Ural aai flltr ranU worth of com pound Ituhl tolrnwort In a ona-unca park Ml, ami ihira uunra ijiup aaiupaillla rumpuunJi taka rwaiia, ml and la I .Urn) two houra. tliMiiiatunaounra (unpournl auanro rani lot ami una iiunro tlclura a,lomma rumpunl 'not rarlamom) Mil all In al or alant ounca Mlla, ahaka wall, and lake una trapounful aftrf rrh maat and ona whan rallrint, fol kl Inr a ilrlnk of watrt lljr mhlna- It at hmna no nun ntd M lha wlaar an to atwlhar'a ahurlcanlnga, ml eipan.lva fapa aia avrilnl lark of p.ta ami Kiuillhr.um In man la aronatanlauuiraof aiiiliaitaumaiit aran whan tha puttie lewt auiHKU It. Fur tin lianalltof Ihuaawlnwanta rntoratlon to rull, Iminain,! Iiaaiui, ami an ma nappi- naaa acrumpanrma' It, tha alura hotna 4 traalmanl U lm It runtalnt rtoopl 4 al or haM'-furmlna itiu "hil.t.r allx It at hum awl no on will U tha wltar Mtd)rotirarHillofl 'ainless Dentistry rTit4, n. m i.Awn titrtbla ,,),. .IbulrvUlii ai.4 lr'lvautk tin. f.lial lu tna iur It BMrF. WUI llit ) ft ilk rU r V'"' ironl.r $3,50 Mttir Cf.M 6.00 2A0(IJlTMtk3.6g 0.IJ rilHtli J.00 Cmml ntn 1.00 8htr rWlaia S2 li.,riirn Z.uO pi.lti . O.UU Out M fS-1 rn . W, 1. WW, 'MMUI 1M MWU ralalai atrita .DU . WOHK aUAnANTKKO PON i vbah; II viu. inuimi rf.niM I" w voil r'aiu n r.iiiacnon tiaiiar;ii""r"- -- Vi'.Ur.J liuii.ultllou Vit, Voriinottlialtr l!uirwprKuuiia any antra., ii wu.n ...., f"",--nlaoit. iltfJaraarKlilo)alual. )ImIwIUou, Wise Dental Co. uianaWiu.Hi. PORTLAND. OBKCJON mm, VZ tiiaiiiniHiBIi f f armi niu aoviit t a. m. u i r, m. (. a a a. a U liuina. lui. BCJ100L EXTUACT FROM TEACIIER'B Ol'EMINO ADDUESS. "Children, I can't tall you how much It ploaaea mo to ato ao many brlfht d happy facaa haro thla morning, all radlallnjr ambition and rnerpy for tho comlnjf yar'atwork.M - ,, - . A ,-a -i-J' i H-nfifTtrtirr Hi i ami! . 'i i MimxjfT"'riTTy wnwiTD I f i y i ianyyt K3 JV rrnrsiyHvr&w ViiU LWU XJ Liai ataitaaaa A year no tho announcement waa mado of tho dlKoury of petroleum on the aboro of tho Ited Bra. Hlnco thru a well hna boon auuk to a depth of 1,400 feel, tho emlmated dally yield of which U 300 barrela. Tho potrollf eroua at rata nro found at Jemaeh, on tho Afrlwtn ahoro of tho aea. about 160 tillra aouth of Huet, Vory lltllo I yet known In Huropo and America of tho many varletlea of muthrooma that Krow In Jaiwtn. Tho moat famoua of thwo la tho ahll toko, which la tho name of tho ovcrgroen oak on tha wood of which It I princi pally Krown. Trcea nlout alx Inchea In dlamotor are fulled and cut up In to lengtha of al fret- The log nro ecarred on tho back, and laid on the Kround for about threo yeara. Then they aro atacked In rowo In a ahaily place, and aoon become covereil with tho nuihrooma. Two cropa aro gath ered In a year. After yloldlng ono crop tho loga aro aoakod In water, beaton with ft wooden mallot, and again act up. In a few daya now muahroome be gin to aprout uton tbom. Tho ahll take I a great favorite In Japan, bolng ued In many dlahea, hut more fre quently In aoupa. It la also largely ex ported. Tho opening of a railroad from a (mint near I.uxor Into tho Libyan dee ert haa rendered coay tho nppronch to tho oaala of Khargeh, which la regard ed o a typical rxatnplo of theao lao latcd contera of llfo. For threo year juat pnat II. J. 1 lloadnell ha roalded In thla oaala. atudylng tho phenomena of spring, moving and. well, and o forth Tho Libyan oaao nro doep de pression In a lofty plalcau. which ha a maximum elevation of nearly J.000 ft, but tho twttotn of tho oasos nro only from 100 to 300 feet above sen level. They, aro underlain by bods of anndatono which aro tho source of tho water-supply. Artesian well 400 feot doep form practically Inexhaustible mean of Irrigation, and auch dcop well havo been used frevn nnclont time. Tho depression were- once tho bed of lake, and tho water In tho snndatono probably hua It source lu tho Abysilntnii hlghlnnd. Although tho object nro often only such a would bo called "sentimental," thero aro no stronger supporter of movomenta for tho protection of ro mnrknblo natural phenomena than sci entific soclotlo and Individual do oled to scientific work. Prof. John M. Clarke call attention to trm lend that aormnny ha taken In this matter There' a hmidrtnl motive. Induce Interference for" tho protection of "natural monuments," In tho forests of Luiioburg nn old gnarled llr treo I guarded "for It vory tigu and fntoliintlmt UKllnes." Near Hamburg n patch of dwnrf birch la protQctod a n raro mirvlvor of tho poalglaclal Horn. BoIiIoiwIk haa set nsldo a low knoll crowned with n hugo glacial boulder. IlrniulonburK chor laho n swamp wliorolu rare twtanlc sptolmens nro found, and Marlonwcr der a llttln Inko In tho wood whuro rare wator-blrda nost. Profossor Clarke romarka upon tho richness of our coun try In such monument, and tho con stant daiigor of tliolr extinction, Odd I.llllo I'n nil a lu Jniinn, Laud 1 so acairo In Japan and tho people aro so numoroua that a farm rarely consist of more than an aero or two, Theao little forms aro divided uM-'l ratai !Lrr& DAY3, up Into tiny fleldi. DurlnK tho an Kin of Um ytflr In which wo mado our Jouriivy olio of Uiaao fleldi la filled with apruutlnic bnrley, HkIH xrcon In color; another fluid porlmiia tho next with votch, a layender-colorod, dor irllku fodder; a nelRhborlng field with n dark Kreon Krn, from Uio artxl of which a lit nip oil I manufne turnl; another with Uio utlo yellow (lowen of the tnuttard, and Mntttred hero and there flelda Oiled with what looked like a variety of Illy aorao white, oomo red, aonio yellow, but all equally brilliant. Then, to Ret Uio completo picture you mual InuiRlno imtchca of flower ing nuilttu ilottliiK tho roaditdo; tow orlnK, round'topjiod camellia Uvea bnttklriK Uio akyllno with frequent aplaahea of brlRht irrecn; uaunlly In tho ahadn of theao trvea houaoa with whltii plaatertMl walla and red Uled roof i ; about tho more pretentious of Uieao houaoa worn white plaatcrod walla, aboro which appeared a profu alon of pal ma, ruaea and atranKo tiA Ure flower; and In Uio doorwaya of tho garden walla klmono-chu! Jainnoao gtrla, Uio ktmonoa aa ninny and as myly colored aa Uio garden that framed Uiom. Outing. OLD KAILnOAD STBIXOEHS. IlimdtiiPd t'aad llrforo th Tint ok Iron llnlla ana (alla. Tho warehousa of O. S. Mercler tn this vlllngo has homo curious and his toric timber in It, a l'olnt of Ilock correspondent of the llalUmore Bun wrltea. Tho Jolsta aro made from tho "stringers" which were uaed on the llalUmoro A Ohio Railroad when tho cara were drawn by horse, before tho daya of tho tocomottre. Theao "strin gers" were oak tlmbqrs, about 0 Incho square, laid longitudinally on tho trnck Juit a tho T rail are now laid. Upon theso timber Iron strap about two Inches wide and a half Inch thick were spiked, and upon theso strap the wheels ran. To fit uion theso thin strap tho flanges of the. wheel cnust have been ery slight. Now and then tho end of a strap would get loose, the -wheels would got under It nnd tho Iron would pcnclrato tho floor, and some times passenger were novo rely wound ed by them. They were known a "make head." To aoveral of the stringer now tiesd as Joist In Mr. Mercler' warehouse tho straps are (till attached, and It Is doubtful whether nnywhero In tho world thero la anoth er apcclmun Intact of thla kind of 'rail" used In tho Infancy of railroad construction. The warehouse waa built about sixty years or moro ago, at the time tho prlmttlvo mils wore supplant ed by crositlca and Iron mils. For a year or two, beginning In 1832, Point of Ilock va tho wostern termi nal of tho llaltlmoro & Ohio llnllroad, ponding tho litigation and tho lottlo tnent by tho legislature of tho right of way between tho river and the moun tain nt thl place. Largo quantities of good nml produco were brought here, and the old warehouse In which thoy were stored Is still standing and In good repair. It Is now used a n ho tel. llt-ulllliluir i( IliialUllli-a, Mr. Perkly Oh, If you could only learn to cook nit my first wlfo did! MrH. Porlily If you Moro aa smart a my dear first husband was you'd be rich ouough to hlro tho host cook in tho land.- Drooklyn Cltlton. fVrodt-il lllulit-r Wuiica, 'Thero, Fanny! You have broken Another vase. Your breakage UiU month amounts to moro than your wages. What shall I do?" "dive me a ralso." Fllogendo Dlaet-tsr. Biliousness I have uaed your valua'ole Caicarcts anil I find them perfect. Couldn't do without thi-m. I have iimiI them for some time fur lnill(ellon and billouanet ami am now cotnplclcly ctitcd. Krcoin uieml them to everyone. Once tried, you wilt never he without them in the family." IW want A, Marx, Albany, N.Y. Itaatant, t'alalabt. Tolrnt. Taila Gno4. Do UooVl. Hr Hkkcn.Waakira or Orlp. 10c. ZV, 50c Nr told In bulk. Th(cn utntLUt ltmp)C CC. Uuaiaalard lo cut or roar inopar tack. K3 OlIlllilNllipilrllo, One of tho charm of music la that tho musically uneducated person docs not havo to "understand" It, With "Imltntlvo" music, however, the case Is quite different, and every passage has either an obvious or a thinly con tested meaning Occasionally It Is hard to decipher certain unusual noises, as the following story from Fllegende Ulaetter Indicates: Tho composer haul Juat played his Issl piece to bis friend, the critic. "Very flno, Indeed," said the critic. "Hut what Is that pastago which makes tho cold chill run down tb backr "Ob," returned the composer, "that I trhero thn wanderer ha the hotel bill brought to him" WHY suffer with cyo troubles, quick relief fro-n using VETTIT'S KYB HALVI-; 2c All ilruxKlsta or Itowaru JJro., JJuffa'o, N. Y. A Ua.fnl flrmra'r. Little Jamie, aied 2, waa playln, with bis little friend. Jack. At tb time Jamie chanced to have a rather heavy cold and was sneezing qulti often. Jack's mother heard him eer 'iral timet and sympathetically asked: "Why. Jamie, what a cold you bavol Doesn't your mother give you any thing for Itr "Yes. ma'am." Jamie yttj reipectfully answered, "she gtvi me a clean handkerchief," whereupon b prodi'd the prascrlbcd "remedy." Tha Del' inr CtmrUr Md Ilia Hand. "You r your husband occasionally consults a palmist?" "Y." answered young Mr. Tor kin. "You a. Charley plays crda a great deal." "Uut he Isn't so superstitious a to think be can foretell hi luckr "No. He take It for granted that his luck will be bad nut he says It' worth the money to have somebody tell him he ha a hand worth looking at." Washington Star. louotntna- ftttt. "Tea, he Is established In Wasting fon now at the head of a flourishing arrangement bureau." "What sort of a bureau?" "Why. H'a something entirely nw. It takes cbsrge of the cases of dis missed Weit Pointers and arranges for their reinstatement." Cleveland Plain Osaler. Iowa) Satlafacllun. Bafa In his mountain retreat, the train robber opened the boR of coin he had secured at th cost of ao much trouble and danger. It contained nothing but Lincoln pen nice. "Welt." he aald. aa ha took ona of them between hie thumb and finger and gated at the rugged profile on the coin, "I never voted fur 'tm, an' I'm durned glad of It nowl" Coaalalrnl, "Senator, may I ask what you real ly think of the new tariff?" "Aa to that, younc man. I must re fer you to my record." "But you haven't any record. Sena tor. You voted on both sides of the question." "Then I should probably talk on both aide ot It Good morning." ConOdaue) nf (lenltta. "You say your dirigible ballooa li a success?" "Yes," answered the Inventor. "But It came down to tho earth with a terrible bump." "True. Dut It hit vory closo to the spot I was aiming at." II Uld. "We are told," said tha Sunday school teacher, "that we ahould love our neighbor. Now, who Is your neigh bor, Tommy?" nut Tommy Tucker merely blushed, hung hla head, and said nothing. He didn't want to tell the little girl' nam. Chicago Tribune. Had BuiiKht I.tittitiitiia; Hod. Hotel Clerk Juit sign your name pleaie. The other guests would liki to register." "Don't you hurry me young man. I don't sign nothln that I ain't read carefully." Life, There Is a union ot hatmaker at I-e Mans, France, In which the odlces ot presldont, vlco president, secretary and treasurer ra hold by one man. SAVES TIME, LABOR AND CLOTHES Elactrla Laundry Ounwound waihea cloth without robulna No lima. Ir or add, tight waihlna. t& eu. Money back If not Uaed. uintic coarouw ca, m jAS:si,uJuk.ci PUTNAM Color more rood brighter and faster color than any other dye. Ona lOo package and is aruaronteed to tttvo part eat result. Ask dealer, or wo Will aend postpaid at laow to dye, cloaca and mix colon, Am Analnmleal I.neallnn. VcMurf met Pleader, the lawyer, not long ago, "Ah," said ho, "you're Just tha man I've been looking for for n week. J went over to your offlce, but found you'd moved." "Yes, I'm a block around the corner now," said Pleader. "A dentist ba my old place." "BoV ventured McMurk. "Then after this when w want our teeth pulled wo'll have to go where we uied to get our leg pulled." New York Times. A Ural Conaolallun, Little Molly's father can't quite see whera Molly got her Information. One ; day when her unmarried aunt was vls-i King at the bouse Molly became Im pressed with her aunt's solitary state. "Haven't you any huiband, Aunt Molly?" she asked. Aunt Molly's pre tended grief over tho fact that she was husbandless was to real to Molly that she undertook the task of consolation. Never mind, dear Aunt Molly, hus band scold" Tha nellnealnr. Filled for Ifae Jab. The general consulted the topo graphical chart- "You understand colonel." he aald, "that thla charge oc tha enemy's fortification neceialtatei the moat reckless disregard for humor life?" "I underaund, general," th colonel replied. "The forlorn hope thai leads the movement will be compo exclutlcely of amateur chauffeura." Cleveland Plain Dealer. The right hand, which la more sen eltlvn to the touch than the left. Is less sensitive than th latter to th .effect of heat and cold. CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children. Tlie KM You Have Alwajs Bought BIgnatnro of C6aCffifi&&t Juat aa Daaerrlo. "Bo you were deeply touched by the poem young Mr. Ouffsum wrote to your "Yes," answered Maymle. "Out It was not a good poem." "1 don't care. It was Just as much trouble for him to write It a If he bad been Shakspeare." Washington Star. ReTlral of Illalorr. The Greeks were entering Troy on the wooden horse. The first Joy ride." they chortled. Then the slaughter commenced. New York Sun. altera. "What do you consider tho best of alt the so-called 'beat sellers r" la quired the rnllef. "Well, I have always liked old CoL Mulberry better than any ot the oth ers," anirrered the Information editor, turning again to hi work. f( Children Like ) CURE Tut llll Vt.Kt TW (SUtMM k : so pleasant to take stops the cough so quickly. Abtoluteiy safe too and coauin no opiates. AB Drucabla, IS caata. pi SOS KM ifyouVe "WOI N EVER WORN IIAKv' iMkyrak-arnthebodily N Vx ll comfort it gives in lit filJ tl II MAosros - JTiy 111 OUARANTEEO (jj I II I WATTJlPBOOr AW ll 3S252 - W 1 Iatmicocostoou jW-aa-BrJ" CATALMmt u fBsViS ijtwacaou. - jB KlOMMAiaiwnuivwitlM UQtloito. SPOIIN MEDICAL CO, ChtmhU and FADELESS DYES MONROE Our New Hair Vigor Aycr s Hair VlRor was good, the best that was made. But Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im proved formula) is bejtcr. It is the one great specific for fall ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your drucelstio show it to you, "the new kind." Does ml than ft tht color of the half. A XrraJ vim tub bui ar U roar d9rtr lik bin aatrOUt II, vers A we now make our new Hlr Vigor It does noi have the slightest effect upon the color of the hair- You may use It freely and for any length of time with out fear of changing the color. Stops tilling hair. Cures dandruff. -If a4e j lha J. C. A jr Ca., Lawall, Umj Ilanarerona Oda. Once when Monti Ilruugh gave his humorous tntcrtaloment at a northern lunatle asylum, he npent the hour he had to wait for his train In playing one of the Inmatee, a harmless old gen tleman, a game of billiards. Mr. Itrough offered the patient 40 la 100, and was beaten easily. "If you go about Blvlnar odda Ilk that." aald the patient, "they'll put you in here with me." London Opin ion. Srrr'ttr "t Beanly. Schiller lu hli esthetlcal and pblla sophlcal essays wrote that "De,autj alone confers happiness on all," tha) under Its influence men forget thell limitations. Happiness is our being! end and aim. And without beauty evet happiness In its perfect flowering is Impossible. RaJtea the dough and compile with all pure food laws. (Mir CRESCENT MFO. CO. Makers ef HATLXXMC ibettcrtaaaMaate). A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Mean an unfaiUnr watar uppty. It rocan that rou wiU bar tba meat practi cal Ducoeatlc oitir u plr rtn now la ua. No tWraUd tank.no froaan p'pa In winter, no tajrRjint water In dimmer no wairr tuppty trouble of any aort. Tank placed in baaentent. out of aia-ht and way. maj of preaanl atevl. wiU noi ruat ana wrill Uat a Welimo. You will bepleajej with tna LEADER, yitrm of furnUhlna- Domeitlo Water Bupply Atk tor our catalogue and freo booklet. "How t Solved Uy Water enpply ProUem." LEWIS & STAVER CO. Portland, Ore Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. vnv N0.4J-G9 TT7IIKK wrillnc toadrartUaiaplaoja It menlluu tlita paper. COLT DISTEMPER oidnwUu.n4hnM)dueiOTia H tl'IridtriM 9 jmmb Can t naaia t ry etuii, tm taK m evrM. ui m otntn m MuotUble. aoro(irrhowVipo)air from hm lnatja4U. mm, tr uU BlHJllVa LXQU1U l.3TllVlUt TCIJUE. OitfOfi It. loosTu or la fxrJv, AoU oath) blool abiI eirtli crai of U foxmo(dUtmr. IVt jrvtuod evr Jown for mar lqjl Ona bottla BTUavtmnteiM to euro aa trtutv JUka auul ll . boci Ui M and IimmmMm lnAaufivctarera, Oulvbowahow lo ponltlr throat. Oar Frt4) aOokUl8Urfvi7)uifa Loau gywnU wtAUd, Xvr(l miIUjj i.orM ruoJ la xUtt4icr-ilT jor. BacUriologlita, GOSHEN, IND U. S, JC colon sUk, wool and cotton euaUy wH too a package. Write for tree book DRUQ company, Quioey, am