The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 27, 1909, Image 4

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    hrwil""" ----- ----
in Lnra
Halloween social
Monday evening.
Good team, hack, harness and
buggy for sale, Inquire of Central
Oregon Realty Co. 31 tf
Every hotel, rooming house and
restaurant in Bend is crowded with
guests now, and still they continue
to come.
A. F. Shircman andS. H. Snider
left last Thursday for o ten days
hunting and fishing trip up the
G. W. Triplett was down from
his homestead on the upper river,
visiting with his Bend friends aud
relatives, the last of the week.
C. J. Mock, who owns 120 acres
of irrigable land near Laidlaw on
the Columbia Southern segregation,
was in Bend Monday on business
Miss Anna Johnson returned last
week from an extended visit in
Duluth, Minneapolis, and other
Minnesota points, with relatives
and friends,
M. J. Main, who lives with his.
family on a homestead on the up
per Deschutes, came down the last
of the week to work on the P. B.
D. Co. power dam during the win
Dan Catlow of Portland, a frinde
of the Grimeses on the Pilot Butte
ranch, is in Bend. He is pleased
witL the country and says he will
probably invest considerable money
L. A. Shaw has commenced the
foundation for his building on the
corner lot east of the Hotel Bend.
The building will be 25x60 feet,
one story, and may be used as a
feed store.
Northern Lake county merchants
are baing much of their flour of
Crook county millers again this
falL Several freighters from that
territory have been in Bend of late
on the way to the floor mills of
Madras and Prineville.
After several years faithful ser
vice on The Bulletin without a va
cation, the editor, Cbas. D. Rowe,
is taking a vacation and rest. L.
B. Charles, a printer, who has a
homestead ia the Fort Rock coun
try, is helping set type and the
printer's devil is writin' the items.
Please bear with us 'till the editor's
The P. B. D. Co. sawmill was
"shut down" for repairs a short
time during the past week but is
sawing steadily now. The largest
days cutting since the mill started
was 31,000 feet, but some of the
mill men say that this record can
be beaten easily, after the mill has
been run awhile and everything is
working just right.
J. H. Wenandy reached Bend
last Friday with his new Forty
Chalmers-Detroit machine. It is a
beauty and a fast one. While com
ing in Chauffeur Fox opened up
the throttle on a good stretch of
road and the speedometer showed
that the machine was traveling
along at the rate of 55 miles an
hour. This speed was kept up for
some little time.
J. If. Gammell and son Chester
of Heppner are here to look over
the High Desert proposition with a
view to the son's taking a home
stead. The former has lived in
Eastern Oregon for many years and
believes the High Desert will be an
excellent wheat belt. Mr. Gam
mell says: "Any land that is
growing good bunch grass will
grow good wheat, and the best
bunch grass section in Oregon is
the High Desert."
As near as The Bulletin is able
to estimate, there have been about
fifty homesteaders located, so far,
on the north end of the High Des
ert, that part tributary to Bend.
This means that sixteen thousand
acres of the best wheat land in Ore
Wicst, Miss
the Misses
Markcll, nud Mrs. Mnddock, Mrs,
Vandevcrt, Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs.
Rowe. The affair was one of those
pleasant informal social gatherings
where everyone enjoyed himself
fully aud where the time passed
most plcasantlv,
The Ladies' Librarv Club will
give a unique Halloween social
next Monday evening in Lara hall.
The customary pumpkin with the
grotesque face, will be forced into
use to light the hall and other dec
orative features will lend variety to
the occasion. Pumpkin pie, dough
nuts and coffee will be served to
the hungry crowd that it is hoped
will be present. Let everyone attend.
tvo months. With the land going Rcid, Miss Marlon
at this rate, it will be seen that it Maude Vandervcrt,
i necessary for those who want
some of this choice wheat land to
"get a move on them."
John Smith, n Frenchman, who
resides near Antelope wan in The
Bulletin office Saturday for the pur
pose of advertising for a horc
which had escaped from him while
he was looking for n homestead
location-on the High Desert. Af
ter the horse escaped Smith spent
two days wandering around on the
plains in the hope of finding the
horse but was uot successful and
the third day walked to a settle
ment. He was three days without
food and with but little 'water.
Rudolph Tittrit, a Bohemian,
was in Ikml last week and, being
a harness ranker naturally visited
the harness shop, which is owned
by John Legal. During the con
versation which followed the meet
ing of Tittret and Legal, the two
gentlemen were agreeably sur
prised to learn that they had both
come from the same section in the
"old country," having lived only a
few miles apart, as boys. Needless
to say they have spent much time
in interesting conversation since
they met in Bend. Mr. Tittritt
helped Mr. Legat in his shop sev
eral days.
The Wenandy-Bunten Auto Co.
is securing equipment to take caic
of all the passenger traffic that will
come into this country for the next
few months. The company has
three 30-horse power Chalmers-Detroit
machines and one forty, and
another forty is ordered. The ma
chines are all the iqio model. The
company makes daily
Shaniko to Madras, Prineville,
Redmond, Bend, Silver Lake, and
to any point in Central Oregon.
The regular schedule from Bend to
Sbaniko is seven hours. The ma
chines are kept busy and carry a
load of passengers on practically
every trip.
Remember the Halloween social
Monday evening.
Job Bogue of Rosland was in
Bend Monday enroutc to Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bogue were
Bend visitors Friday, from Ros
J. II. Wenandy has bought of
E. F. Batten lots 6 and 7 block 20
in Bend.
J. J. Dokken has returned to
Bend for the winter. He has been
working near Crescent all summer.
Lee Caldwell and E. G. Rourk
of Rosland are in the city on busi
ness. Mr. Rourk will soon estab
lish a a general store at Crescent
Mr, Currie is secretary of the
Minnesota Wholesale Grocers As
sociation, with headquarters at St.
Paul. He is interested to a con
siderable extent in timber in this
A. M. Drake returned from Port
land the latter part of the week.
He was accompanied by Erskin
Wood, wn of Col. C. K. S. Wood,
Mr. Drake's legal adviser, and a
Mr. McMasters.
Chauffeur Fox of the Wenandy
Bunten Automobile Stage line made
the trip from Bend to Madras and
back Monday in 6j hours, a dis-
K. I'. Notable In item!.
Thursday night the Knights of
Pythias of Bend had a very enjoy
able session- ouc that will long be
remembered by each member who
was present. Several notables of
the grand lodge and other promi
nent K. P.'s were present, includ
ing Grand Chnuccllor Frank Mcnc
fee, Past Grand Chancellor R. R.
Butler of Condou aud Supreme
Representative W. L. Bradshaw.
They came over from Prineville
whete they had been attending the
fair and where they also attended a
big meeting of the lodge. Dr.
I Rosenberg, Frank Elkins and John
Combs, Prineville K. P.'s, came
over with the party.
Past Grand Chancellor Mosier of
Oregon and a Mr. Kirkcndall, n
member of the Washington grand
lodge, were also at the meeting.
Ct... ......-. ...- -,!.. t.. .1 JiYL.-
trips froml"1 P "c " "'-
was said that some very interesting
talks were given.
A Friend ot the bulletins.
We are in receipt of the follow
ing letter which shows what one of
our subscribers, at least, thinks of
The Bulletin:
Editor Bknd Bullktw
Dear Sir: First I want to con
gratulate you on the excellent
newsy paper you publish. It is a
dandy, sure, and a credit to your
self and to your people. I am al
ways pleased to receive it and get
the news of your neighborhood.
I am satisfied you are bound to
have a pood city, which means
your success, which you richly de
serve. I enclose ft 50 for another
year. Truly yours,
W. A. Cumrik.
Tumalo Items.
TUMALO, Oct. Jj, rlowldR mail
baling mre now In full awing in
Htwom! Roberta of Sitters pMcil
through here one day laat week return
ing from the fair at Prineville.
There ia m good move on foot between
the Partners' Telephone Co. ami the
I'ioneer Telegraph & Telephone Co. to
connect the two line by twitch at Iall
law, that making connection with Hem!
and Sister.
Nck Tarbat of Black Dntte ia in Turn
alo tonight on buiitiet.
Mr. Woolley and wife were Bend viiit-
ora lait Friday.
J. L. Spoo and aon Herman are in
Portland on huilncM.
Keporta are that Mr. Stockly and Mr.
IlurUliardt of Qiit have told' their furmt
cnniiMinc of 160 acre each for m con-
tance of 1 10 miles, with a 40 horse ' iteration of 15,400 each.
Chalmers-Detroit machine. Mr. Courtney of tolitlaw It ilolne coi
,, .. 1 r ,. tidertble work thit year with hit hay
Many bands of sheep are passing ' an. . '. . e
through the Bend country of late ahead In this locality.
oh the way from the Cascades to Word hat been received here of the
winter quarters. Monday, Morrow death of Mrt. j. M. Spainhour, which
& Keenan's men of Antelope occurred at I'itttburg, Pa., on the 8th of
' r . mm I.
bcpi. Mr, apainnour wa quite wen
known in thlt Country having lived with
her ton, Chat, tipalnhoiir, five milea eutt
stopped here with a band of 3,000.
A reception was given Monday
evening at the nleasant home of of Tunialo for tome time. She waa laid
. .... -
1 to rett 111 the old home cemetery at ie
noir, N, C, and leavet a hott of friend
at the pleasant home
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Drake in hon
or of Dr. Homan, president of the
Willamette University at Salem,
Or., and of Dr. Walton Skipworth,
district representative of the M, E.
church for The Dalles district.
Light refreshments were served, the
acres or me uwi wueav lauu w uic- j,gai reiresnracnis wereservea, inc (em ut Monday and will arrive toon,
goo has beea filed upon in less than I hostess being assisted by Miss Ruth at they were ordered from San I' run-
in thit tectlou who will be torry to hear
of her death,
1 " a.
Laidlaw News Letter., Oct. av The fnttrumeiitt
for the Laidlaw Concert Hand were or-
cltco, Thlt baud wiu organded about
two week ago with a titctiibcrthlp of t J,
but enough fnttrumeiitt wetc ordered
for a hand of 14, '
Several Laidlaw people attended the
Crook county fair lat week, Among
Ilium who made the trip to Prineville
wero V, I), llarnet, W. P. Thorp, H ro
ver mid Kay Ocrklng, Win. Ilrowu mid
P. It. Dayton.
Prof. J. A. Thompson and MIm lintel
Caldvtcll, teacher ul the Laidlaw tchool,
attended the teacher' institute nt I'tlnc
ltle the flrtt of the week.
A. I). Pnrka raited tome fine apple
thlt teaMiii on hit ranch two mite north
ot town. Hi orchard It but four year
Hev. Radford, the new fliriillau
luliiitter, preached two very lutervtllng
tennon yesterday. Hvcryoue teemed
to be welt pleated.
J. J. Johii'011, ttate lecturer of the
Orange, it in Laidlaw at preteut audit
ing in tome Orange work. An open
meeting will Ixr beld Twexlay night and
an elTorl made to get new member.
Dolpli Mu'.kev, formerly of Spokane,
ban located near taldlaw.
Home Strayed.
Sorrel marc, white star in fore
head; saddled and bridled. Strayed
from camp in Fort Rock country.
Return same to me and receive f 15
reward, or address
John Smith, Antelope, Or.
Clearing and Plowing Done.
By responsible party. For fur
ther information call at The Bulle
tin office. 3336
Partlet in the Powell nutlet tec
tlon, or anywhere In the Ilcnd
country, who have tractt of land
wholly free from rock, or nearly
o, anil who detire to rll the tame
thould lltt them with me.
I have a large number of people
around North Yakima, Wath., who
want land in thlt tcctlon and I
will be able to tell your property.
Large tract a tpccialty.
Da. V. M. Van SNYDHR
Hither at Kcnd, Or.,
or North Yakima. Wath.
$4.50 Per Cord, Delivered.
53J50 I'cr Cord, Delivered.
Phone Me.
F. M. CAFlTEfc.
Kitchen Cabinets
Call at nir tliop and intnect my
Minion furniture. Chair. Tab
let, Cabluctt, etc., etc All work
Harness and Saddlery
Trunks and Valises
mHmmmMUmflmP feaSHmmB .
It has Iwcn asked us scvcrnl times,
"How can you nlTbrd to give away
beautiful $300 Upton Parlor Grand
Piano, as you advertise you will do?"
We prefer to sell too artlclr at a profit of 10 cents
each, rather than to articles at a profit of one dollar each.
It means just ninety more jcoplc patronizing our more.
Thvonly reason for our being in business Is to do business.
This menus that we 'must bring the people to our Mare.
Low prices nnd good values will bring us cuilouicrs always.
Our giving away of this piano is simply to.bring additional
business to our store and it is dofug it, every day. It pays
you and us.
33 Acres--" ""7.7. .:: '"" $1,000
160 Acrcs-rXMW $1,500
tlt.tnl, H ultr dam elm. eu axial? u,, ! Lie fio
80 Acrcs...m"" '"ft.'Kii'"! """ SI.I00
0U ACrCKMH,M ,! Urn It tfr In mill.' lW
'"how it turn istfrlii culllia-
lUM, CfcIM U.
40 Acres Mm t tT - map t $t,6M
ill I Ik-til nlln Mi-cm t lnlf.lfU hem At. AA ... -
441 AcreS""'w,',,,,"zj;j'''",",,u",,oUM ii per acre
City Property anywhere you want It Cheap.
HOMUSTUADS 320 acrM the Ikst there Is,
Before yon loet or buy ANYTHING, tee
Merrill Sb Wilkinson Company
The Pine Tree
OTHKRWISE. I have juit received part of my 1'ALL DRY
GOODS and am going to give you
jfiargains Every Day
and convince yourself. A handsome framed picture given away
with every f$ cash purchase In dry goods. I also have a full
Hue of Groceries, Building Material, Paints and Oils of all kinds,
I'arm Machinery and Ulnding Twine.
E. A. Sather.
St. James Hotel
Silver Lake
J. S. Wakefield, Proprietor
When In Silver Lake, atop at thlt well known lioutc.
Ouettt can be attured that every attention will be
paid to tnako them comfortable. Hrcll attention
to traveler. Good uame cooking. Teruit reasonable
Our llobhyt
Best Mails
h Town lor
Bring your job printing to The
Bulletin office. Our work pleases
Table always tuppllad with tha bait that the town affords.
Neat and Comfortable Rooms. Bkni, Okhgon
I am ready to buy for winter 500 sacks
of Spuds and 3.000 pounds of Onions-
must be in good condition to keep lor winter, A. M. LARA.