EVENTS JjFTBE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Paris ol tlio World. PREPARED rOR THE DIM READER Ceil Important but Not Lou lntor siting Happening from Polnti Outslds the State. Tin New York Ico trust l on trial fur lt life. Oimti'iuiitn In t 111 accused of aiding NlenrHguii rebels, Hnn Francisco It almost Joy iimil over tlui Purloin festival. Oklahoma VmnVcri think tlio bnnk KUitritiitce )nw I n failure. Tin' entire Spanish enblpot I'' re sdgniM unit Liberals All most of tlio places, Mnrjorle OiiuM swim nil foreign miltnrs, ami sny mi American will do for her. Tlit Municipal naanelntlon of Portland Insist Unit mural condition tlioro aro or limit ever. The government ha dropped thn Inml fraud prosecution against Dr, 1.'. 11. IVirln, of fnllfornln, lAiVflt bus been elected President of the Union 1'ncllle, ami will practically do llnrrliiiaii't sotccssor. Heath by tuberculosis urn said to be on III" clwrcnii) on account of the (l(lil Hint I being made ngnlnsl tha dlscna. A man died nt Hastings, Neb,, rlnlm lug to be Hchlntter, tlio illvlno hosier, I tu I U Mir vim I to have tire ii mi im nnl(ir. H-Mintnr Ncwland, of Navada, pro H)c thiil nil Wustern congressmen mull' to olitnln fund for waterwAys nnd Irrigation. A Swedish professor, accused of ImjihIk) throwing, has become Insane, Angele women have won their flgkt ngalnat smoking on trcct ear. Russia is preparing to enforce her rule "vrr Finland by arms If neeossary. The American Kpilrntlan of Labor lis drnoutu-ed tho axpeutinn of Ferrer. A itrint celebration was hold In York town In commemoration of tho surren der of Lord Cornwallls. President MsCroa, of tho Pennsyl vania road, predicts Another pnnle If more nnti-rnllrond loUlutlnn U passed. A imnd of Chippewa Indians aro re l-orted to be t n r v 1 ti ti In Montana, ami tho government l rushing luppllei to them. The enptnln ntnl crow of ton men of n lirlllsh trading vessel were murdered by New Itrlialn savages and tho ihlp looted nnd burned. F.atrnda. thn Nlraraguin revolution fit, hold the eastern eoait of that coun try, mid In making good headway ngalnst tho government force. The motor of Wright' acroplAne stopped ihort during a flight, but ho lAnded safely. The gasoline tank had not been filled brfure starling. Prealdcnt Illdder, of tho Amerlran Jfewapnper Publisher anocUtlon, nay that Taft ha been misinformed regarding tho InrltT on print potior, and that n trado war with China will remit. Ran Francisco' report 1RO,000 vliltor to tho Portoln festival. Tha last of tho five escaped Oregon convict hai been recaptured. , There I much speculation a to who will be tho next mlnlitor to China, Bovernl Jnpnnesa bank nt Ran Frnn leo nnd Ix)i Angeles hnvo failed. Japanese editor In Honolulu hnvo confoMod misdeeds to escape prlion, Wright eontlnne to glvo lesson In Hying to ilgnal onicer of tho nrmy. Ilnllrond hnvo Agreed on n uniform nod much tlmpllflod form of railway ticket. Count 1e Iinmbert mndo n. 31-mllo illght in hi nuroplano and rcaohod a height of 1300 foot. An cditenled Mexican nltorney nnd nuthor lmi been nrrcatcd In 1) An goloi, charged with bolng nn nnnrchlit. 1'rcaldent Itooiovolt wm chnrged upon liy nn nngry bull elophnnt, but wni naved by n quick shot from ono of hi pnriy. 'Dm Ktnuifilli T.nVn Knv-ltpnflnti rnm puny hni mod Hnrrlman for 130,000 for ...lllt.... a .1.. . :. iri..n. iiuiiiiiii u kvkiu nuiuas iviuiuubii utrnlti. iToimor v. v. i.owo, or j.owo ou nervntory, Callfornin, olnlim Hint In 1801 ho mndo n balloon voyoga of 700 nine, which i uouer man mo nuegou Avorld'a record recently oatnbllahod. ltuuln nppoari to bo planning n war of rovongo on Jnpnn. Anaroliy li rampant In Loudon on ac count of tho execution of Ferrer, Official flguros ihow a total attend ance nt tho A,y.,. oxpoltlon of 3,740, C01. Tho trolloy linos of Vnneouver, Wash., hnvo been oxtonded sovon miloa toward Orchards. ANAnOHY HAMPANT. London Mob Condemns Alfonso nnd Illumes King IMvard, London, Oat, 18, -Tho rod flag was rnlsed In London this afternoon and n lnruo mob moved unon tho tinnnlth omlmiiiay to timko n ileinoiiilmtlon of Its disapproval of the execution of Fro ri'Mor rrnneisco i error ni imrceiona, I'ollco drovo olT tho crowds In tliolr umifil bloodless elTeetunl way. Hut un ensliK pervnded tho neighborhood, Tito irouiiio began At a mass moeimg In Trafalgar souiiro orgnnlred by uv- ifral soclaiUls And labor bodlo. Rov prnl huudrod member of thoso organl- rJition iimrclinl to tlio stpiaro carrying rnd Hag draped with eropo and bearing Inirriptlon deuounelng King Alfonso, A black-bordered banner was loft stand ing ngalnst tho Kelson column with big letter, "To Hell With the Murderer Alfonio." Bovernl luborito members of parllv mont spoke, Victor (Iraysun. of Man rliesler, tho socialist member, capped tho climax by declaring thnt If tho head of every klug of lluropo were lorn from his body, It would not pay half tho price of Ferrer's life. Un callod the Illusion emperor a "dirty monitor." mid ald King Kd ward, who could have prevented the oxeeutlon, was responsible for what might happen In J.ngianu n a rsuu of It. Ha demanded tlin expulsion of thn Hpanlsh minister. Tho socialist societies, carrying ban ner, than mnrched to tho HpanUh ein baisy, singing revolutionary songs and h iki ll ni Klni? Alfonso. A rabblo ac companied them,' tilling tho itreets. It was nark when iney reacneu mo opou ipiaro In front or Ibo embassy, ami they round too square niicu wuu poiicu Tho eiubaiiy windows wore dark and invra was no sign or me. me pouco would not let tha procosslon enter tha "imnre, nor even stop. The crowns lurncu hack nnu xnn movlnir ui Victoria street, toward tho Parliament building, singing, shouting and groaning. Tha reserves drovo tho mob Into tho side streets, dispersing It without trouble. WOMEN riailT TO HEAR CAKUBO. nerlln Hss Small Iltot When Halo of Seat Begin. Derlin. Oct. 10. lterlln had a riot at the opening aalo of seat for Caruso' three-day enticement at tho Iloyal Opera during tho coming week, Fren xlrd woulibbo purchasers pummelod other morelloMly In a struggle for pieces of vintage In Ibo lino leading to tho box oftleo, women and girls taking a leading part In the fray. It was noeeuary fur a squadron of mounted and unmounted polka to luterveno bo roro the silo eoum progrots. Crowds began aasrmbllng at 10 o'cloek the night beforo and by day break nearly luOO persons wero on the ground. Local pollco regulation did not permit a lino to bo formed beforo S o'clock. When tho signal to form tho Una was given the multitude nail in creased to 000. A serious scramble for position nearest the box-office followed. After half a dosen women had been taken to a near-by emergency hoapttal, suffering from hysterical fits, the pollco contrived to got tho Caruao enthualasts Into lino, which itrotcbod twice around tho opora-houa building. ONE CONVICT SHOT DEAD. Two Others and a Second Deputy Wonndod In Battle. lluena Vista, Or., Oct. ID. Shot to death on tho bank of tho Lucklamute rlvor was tho fato of O cor go Carter, ring-leader of tho quintet of convicts who escapod from their guards at tho penitentiary at Halem Friday night. Two of Carter' companions, Duncan nnd Albert Ferris, ard seriously wound ed, tho former probably fatally, n tho result of a pitched battle botweon tha outlaw and John (Irani, sheriff of Folk county, and four members of tho posaoo. Llmer "Chorokeo" James ono of tho men who was with RhorllY Grant, was slightly woundod in tho right leg, but is still with the pnsao on tho hunt for Mlko Nlehntlch mid Albert Murray, tho two outlaws still at largo. Wright Races With Train. College Park, Md., Oct. IS. Wilbur Wright today introduced an element of the spectacular In tho otherwlso mo notonous training flights nt tho govern ment aerodrome, when ho raced his mnehlne with a awlft Ilaltlmoro Si Ohio express train. It wns whlin making a four-mlnutn flight In a.slx-mllo wind Into In tho afternoon thnt tho aviator enme abrenat of tho fnst-movlng train. To tha epcetntnr it nnpearod thnt tho train was gaining on tho aviator. Six Hundred Drownod. Victoria, Oct. 10. Advices wore brought by tho l.mpress or India that COO neopla wero drowned early In Sep tember In l.nt Java, ns n result of ho bursting of a crater, which had boeomo tilled with wnter. whon tho mountain top Inks wa reloasod by a breneh In tlio crater' siuo, tho wntor swept enor mous quantities of sand and mud down, overwhelming tho knmpongs nt tho foot. Itlvors overflowed, nnd tho railroad near Lumajang was swept away, Heney Leads by Forty Votes. San Frnnclsco, Oct. IB, Francis J, Honey, enndldnto for district Attorney, imlnv Yinil n IahiI tf JO vnl.i I. IIia . count being conductod In court nt tho lnaugniign oi mi opponent, u. iu, Fickort, who alleged Honoy was nof entitled to tho Domocrntlo nomination nt tho rocont primary clootlon. In tho original count Honey was given tho nomination by 80 votos. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL OAN'T UIHIC TAIU1T WAR, French Action In Raising Duty Not Alarming to Amorlc. Washington, Oel. 23. Government oMeinls horn tiro not disposed to regard ma netiun or j rnnro in deciding to as sess tho minimum rato of duty ngninat nil limiorU from tha United Htates ns mi evidvnro of hur liitvntlnii to onter iiito n tiirllf war with this Govern- mont. On August 7 lat President Tuft. In piirsunnco of tho provisions of section -t of tho new tariff act, gavo formal nollco to France, Hwltxorland and Hub gnrla that thn unitod Mates eommnr eltil agreement with them would bo terinluiiteil on October .11 of this year. I'm ii en moro than any other country In lluropo hn dlaerliiilnnted ngainat Alnerloan nroduets, Uurmnny gives to tho United Htntes her minimum rote on about M per cant of our oxportA lions Into that country. Franco, how over, has ehnrgel this country her minimum rates on all our cxportAtions with thn execution of a very few arti cle enumerated In seetlon 3 of tho I)1iil'Ii-v inrirr. The elleei or Having 10 pny mo united Htntes maximum rato would un doubtedly bo to put Franco to a tre mendous disadvantage as compared with practically all other Kuropeali na tion in Damning American guoui. America I probably Franco' beat mar ket for her chumpagnos. brandies nnd other wluos. TLAN TORTS TOR OANAJU Taft Want Great Waterway to B Inr pregnable When Completed. Waslilmilon. Oct. 21. Tho Imtiortont work of constructing fortifications for Iha entrances to tho Panama canal, it wns said today, will bo given careful consideration by a joint army aud navy board during tho coming winter. This board will vlait tho Isthmus and go over tho entire ground, Investigating conditions, so that eongrras may bo pro nared to act Intolllcently. Colonel Ooethals, chairman and chief nnctneer of tho canal commission, has promisnd that tho oansl will bo ready to bo oponed by January 1, lOlfi, and tho president nnd his cabinet reel mat too work of placing that waterway in an Impregnable position should be finished, or ul leant well undor way by tho tlmo tho canal Is ready for practical use. Western Navy-Yard Fit. Washington, Oct. SS. After n month' trip devoted to an inquiry into an Inflection of tho conditions nt the navy yards and naval atatlons in tho Wt nnd Northwrnl, llcekmnn Win tftrop, assistant seeretary of tho navv, ha returned to Washington. Generally speaking, Mr. Wlntbrop reporta that lio found conditions in n antiafnetory stato at the various yards and stations that ho visited. He was favorably linpretaed with tho poaallillitles of tho yard at Ilremorton, Wash., with its deep water. This yard is capablo of great develop ment, and becnuae of it splendid loca tion I practically aocure from any oper ations that might bo undrrtnken by a hoatllo fleet. Market In East Expands. Waahlngton, Oct. 19. Extensive pur chases in tho United States by members of tho honorary commercial commission of Jnpan of a fargn variety of manufac tured articles wnicn nerotororo nave not found a market In tha Oriont eauso American trado oxpert to look for a heavy incroaso in trado between tho Unltod States and Jnpnn. In spite of the fnct that tho distinguished Japancso visitors hnvo been recolved hoapltablv by overv city thoy bavo thus far visited, it has been apparent In a number of places that tho real purpose of tho com- miasion in coming to una country is not fully understood. Decldo If Lira I Anarchist. Washington, Ocl. 20. The warrant for tho arrest of Gulterrex do Lara, a Mexican attorney and nuthor, In Los Angeles today, on tho chnrgo of utter ing threats ngalnst tho Unitod Rtntos government nnd of being nn undesirable citixen, was signed by Aaatapt Secre tary Mellnrg, of tho department of eommorco and labor. Tho accused man will bo given n' trial to dotermino whothor ho is nn nnnrehtst. Undor tho law n person found guilty of such nn olTonao ns giving expression to threats ngalnst this government can bo deport ed within threo years after his arrival. Like Heated by Volcano. Washington, Oct. 2. Report of cu rious phenomena In a crater lake on Ilngoslof islnnd, Ilorlng sen, woro con firmed today In a report received by tho treasury department from Captain V. 1.. Jacobs, commanding tho Ilcrlng sen rcvomio cuttor lied. Jacobs reports tha oxistenco of boiling steam jots in tho lake, while nt only ono plnco nround tho Islands could soundings bo found. The obsarvntlons tend to show that tho lnko I tho erator of tho submerged vol enti o, Qrand Bounce Receives O, K. Washington, Oct. 21. Immigration Commissioner Keofo's recommondntlon for tho dismissal of P. I). Dnvics, in spector In chnrgo of tho Chinese Imml grntlon station, was npprovod today by Secretary of Commerce nnd Labor Nagol, Davlos Is aoousod of Irregulari ties in his accounts. Among tho chargos mndo ngalnst him Is that his oxpouso vouchors woro piddod. DEATH THINS GRAND ARMY. Net Decrease In Number of Pensioners, Sum Paid Increases. Washington. Oct. 20. Death's Inva sion of the fast-thinning ranks of tho war veterans caused 48,312 names to bo dropped from tho pension rolls of tho United States last year. Of this num ber, 32,831 wero survivor of tho Civil war. Tho total loss to tho pension roll from all causes wns 61,581, In striking contrast to tlicio flguros, comprised In tho annual roport of Ves pasian Warner, commissioner of pen slons, Is tho itatoment that tho govern ment paid out In ponslons In tho fiscal year onded Juno 20, 1009. 4101,030,703, which tho commissioner declare Is tho largest amount ever disbursed for pen iton In ono year. Huminarlzod, tho report shows tbeso fact. Number of pensioners at tho beginning ot the year, 031,087; number of new pensioners added to the roll. 40,083) pensioners on roll at closo of l. aa nil in, - HA .1. - . tiju -L-tu, viv,r. n nut ucvicuou III G,4t3: survivors of the Civil war on the roll now number JUJoi. TIN SOLDIERS ARE FAST. All Members of Militia Most Hereafter Bo Real Fighters. , Washington, Oet. 10. January 21 next will bo a critical ilsto In tbo bis tory of tho natlocal guard, It was an nounced today, for thereafter no portion of tbo monoy appropriated by congress for tho support of tbo militia can be paid to any organization that fails to conform to tho standards of the regular army. Soxt year, for tho first tlmo in Its history, tbo militia, or so much of it as remains under tho caption, "Tho Na tional Guard," will bo found a changed body, with tbo latest pattern of military rllle; clothed from head to foot In reg ular army gear; supplied with all reg ular equipment, and with ranks tilled to the requirements of the law. In Novada, It I sold, there Is not a single company of tbo national guard ablo to eatablisb a claim to a dollar of the large appropriation mado by con grcas, Foreigners to Register. Seattle, Oet. 23. Foreigners entering tho Stato of Washington from Canada with tho Intention of becoming citi zens of tho Unittyl State must regis ter in four towns deaignated by the Government from the soulh sldo of tho international boundary or loso tbo time npvnt here beforo application for citi zenahip is mado in the Federal or Hu purior Courts by tho terms of nn order received from the Department of Com- merco and Labor today. Secretary Charles .Nngel nnnounecs thnt un-jer tho new congressional act governing immigration, the department has deiig nated a tho towns of entry Sumas and lllulno in Whatcom County; Marcus In Stevens County and Orovillo in Okano gan County. Closed Ports Sanctioned. Washington, Oet. 22. Tho United States government today officially rec ognized the action of Nicaragua in clos ing her Atlantic ports. Tho closing of the ports was proclaimed by. Nicaragua several days ago, and the Nlearaguan government ha notified the state de partment and tho latter tho department of commerce and labor. According to Soeretnry Mellarg, tlio department of eommerro and labor lino telegraphed collection of customs of tho fnct, and directed that, pending termination of tho trouble, issuance of clearances to the Atlantic roast ports of tho Xiea raguan government will be refused. Says Lara Is an Anarchist. Washington, Oct. 22. The nrrest of L. Gulterrex do Lara, tho Mexican at torney nnd nuthor, of Los Angeles, was authorised by tho department of eom morco nnd labor hero nt tho request of Immigration Inspector Rldgwny. Tho requeat eamo yesterday In a telegram setting forth that Do Lara should bo taken into custody as an anarchist nnd ns n person who entered tho United Rtntos without inspection. Tho request was immediately granted by Acting Secretary Mellnrg. Horses Supplant Dogs. Washington, Oct. 10. Horses aro su perseding dogs in tho transportation of mails in Alaska, A load of mail weigh ing not loss than 3000 pounds Is ofton drawn over tho frozen roads of Alaska by ono horse attached to a sled. In a short tlmo, It was said today, tho post ofllco department expects to make an nouncement of tho awards of contra"ci for tho transportation of mails in Alaska for tho four years' period from July 1, 1010, to July 30, 1014, Oar Shortago Not Found. Washington, Oct. 20. Interstate Commorco Commlssionov Proutv, who was called away from tho Pacific const on Important business, said whtlo hero today thnt nlthough railroads of tho Northwost had nil tho business they could bnndlo, ho hnd not on his recent trip obsorvod any signs of car shortage In that part ot tho country. Two Admirals to Retiro, Washington, Oct. 23. It wns an nounced nt tho Navy nopnrtmont today thnt itoar-AUmirai uotirnoa iiiock linger will bo transferred to tho retired list on account ot nco October 19, nnd ltearAdmlral Thomas O. McLean will bo retired on October 23 for tho samo reason, OHEAT rAIK IS CLOSED, AUsksy-Yukou'Paciflc Exposition Ends With Many Ceremonies. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 18. At midnight Saturday tho 1CO.O00 electric lights of tho Alaska Yukon-Pacific oxposltlon wero extinguished, closing tbo prosper ous lifo of tho world's fair of 1009, which, from every standpoint, was moro successful than its most zealous frlonds hnd dared to hope. Tha final moments of tho fair wero as dramatic as it beginning on Juno 1, whon 40,000 peoplo gathered at tbo natural amphitheater and waited for Prosldont Taft's signal. The last day bad been devoted to saying good-bye. Tho sun shono bright, tho flowors were novcr moro beautiful, and tho wbolo ox position looked as now and fresh a on tbo day of tho opening. Tho attondaneo was large, and, while tho carnival spirit possessed tho young, tbcro was sorrow for tho passing of tho brilliant show. The exercises of the closing hoars be gin nt 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon with a display of Japanese fireworks. Tbo exposition band paraded from building to building, serenading each. Tho United States Oovcrnment building was roached at 6:30 o'clock, its daily dosing hour. A eornet sounded "taps" and the band played "Auld Lang Hyne." Tho flag was hauled down, tbo lifo-saving crow on Lako Union fired 21 guns, and tho buildings' doors wero locked. At nlaht a crcat throns of neonlo as sembled at tho natnral amphltueater, beside Lako Washington, and listened to a classical concert by a band which played waltzes for tho frivolous and Chopin' fnncral march and other som ber pieces for the sorrowing. At 11:30 o'clock tho oxposltlon officials and em ployes marched from tbo Administra tion building to tbo amphitheater to await tho stroke of midnight. On tbo stage, Josiah Collins, chairman of the committee on ceremonies, pro sided, and spoko briefly. President J. li, Ubiibcrg made an address or tnanks and farewell, and exactly at 12 o'clock opened a switch that darkened tho wholo fair. A single bugler blew "taps," and then in darkness, but for the stars overhead, the vast audleneo sang "Auld Lang Hyne," accompanied by the band. Tbe street lamp wero lighted and tho people went home. On tho Pay titrcak tho celebration was noisy, bdt orderly, and closed with fireworks, tbo last pieces being "uood Night," "Oood-Byc." FERRER WAS ONLY AU EDUCATOR Sought Revolution Only In Education, Say His Fiicnd. London, Oct, 18. "Francisco Ferrer was my personal friend." said W. Tohcrkesoff, Russian liberal and news paper writer, today. "Ho was the modern l'ostaiozzi or Spam, iio was ardont with enthusiasm, yet regular and a hard worker. This was tho secret of bis success in creating In Spain, espe cially in Uareeiona and Catalonia, a great popular movement for free na tional lay schools. "I flrat met bim and bis beautiful young wifo four years ago at Brussels, in tho home of tbe great geographer, t.liseo J.eelus. x'rofessor tenet then said: " 'It is evident that I shall not bo allowed to conduct our national schools in Spain, but hero in Brussels or In Pari I shall continuo my pedagogio work. Capablo and devoted friends will tako my placo in Spain.' "Professor Ferrer bastoned back to SnaU, owing to illness thero of a littlo niece." MAN IS TOSSED BY RHINO. Adventure of Roosevelt's Porter Much Bis Oame Killed. Nalrob, B. E. A., Oet. 17. The Itoosovelt party arrived hero this after noon from tbo north of Quaso Nylro. All are well. A porter accompanying tho party was tossed by a rhinoceros, but ho Is roeovorlng. Colonel Roosevelt has killed tbreo moro elophants completing the group intended for tbo Smithsonian institu tion at Washington. Ho has also killed a bull elephant for the American Mu scum of Natural History, in New York. Other game bagged Included a rlil noceros with excellent horns, a buffalo, a girafTo, an eland, a zebra, an ostrich and nn oryza, Sonio skins bavo boon preserved for tho Washington museum. ICermlt Itoosovelt killed two ele phants and an exceptionally largo rhi noceros. Mulal IlsJJd Goads Spain. Paris, Oct. 18, Tho Matin's corro. ipondent at Oran, Algeria, telegraphs that Mulal Hafld, the sultan of Morocco, hai sold the RltT mines, which wero tbo cause of the trouble botween Spain and tho Moors on tho Riff coast, to a German company, Tho correspondent explains thnt such a transaction -was now per fectly feasible., as tho Spanish held tbo mines by reason only of a payment of 15,000 to Roghl, tho pretender, who was recently put to death by tha sultan. Consoquoncoa of the gravest character would appear inevitable. Storm's Fatalities Grow. Memphis, Tenn., Oet. 18. Tho total death list of tho destructive wind storn: of Thursday was increased today by the belated reports to 40. Eleven more dead woro discovered. SOARS AT 1,300 FEET French Aviator Firlerms a Most Asfw RdlBg Feat. CIRCLES AROUND EIFFEL TOWER Receives Tremendous Ovation Olves United StateiJGredlt Greatest Feat Since Dumont's. Paris. Oet. 10. -Count do Lambert, French aeroplanlst, just beforo dark to night accomplished ono of tho most re msrkable and daring feats yot credited to beavier-than-alr machine. Starting from tbe aerodrome at Juvlssy, bo flew to Paris, about 13 miles. After maneu vering over tho city at an average height of 400 feet, be ascended In grad ually diminishing circles, and passed several hundred feet aboro tho Eifel tower. He then returned to Juvlssy. Thousands who watched him hardly could credit their senses when they saw tho aeroplane, a tiny objeet, gliding swiftly far abovo the tower, and tbe sensation created was more profound than when Santos Dumont circled tho structure in his dlrgible balloon in 1000. Count do Lambert was given a tro mendous ovation on his return to Ju vlssy. Orvllle Wright rushed forward and wrung the band of tho aviator as ho alighted. He was led to the pavil IIod, where his health was drank, the crowd meantime cheering lustily and crying: "Long live Count do Lam bert I" "Long live Russia," Do Lam bert being of Russian extraction. Tho count held up bis hand nnd shouted: "Cry long live tho United States, for it is to her that I owe this success." The aviator said that the only incon venience be suffered was from the throb bing of the engines and from difficulty In seeing toward tbo end in tbe gloom. The official tlmo of tho flight was 49 minutes, 39 seconds. Tbe distance was roughly estimated at 31 miles, and the height varied from 300 to 1300 feet. Count do Lambert and Mr. Wrieht left tho Held together In an antomobiio. Dragoons were obliged to clear a way through tho crowd, In which there wero many enthusiasts, who showed a dcslro to carry tbo aviator in triumph on their shoulders. ROADS ADOPT PLAINER TICKETS. Simplicity Main Point Stopover Priv ileges Cut Oat. Chicago, Oct. 19. A feeling of relief has been' experienced by tho Western roads over the way the question which for moro than four rears has baffled all attempts at solution, seems at last to be approaching a settlement through out tho country, and has just been Anal ly disposed of, as far as the Westers Passenger association lines are c'oa corned. The difficulty which had so long proved insurmountable was presented by the inability of tbe railroads to arrive at an agreement as to a standard form of ticket contract to cover all contin gencies. The roads of the Western Passenger association have Anally sig nified their acquiescence to a revised report of tho committee on standard ticket contracts, and steps will begin immediately for the gradual substitu tion of the new forma of tickets. It is understood that Central Passen ger association roads have llkowisa taken an affirmative action in the mat ter. The new ticket will be conspicuous by its simplicity. Efforts will be di rected to eliminating every useless word and making the ticket so plain and brief as to be understood by any pas senger. It Is proposed to cut out near ly all stopover privileges now permitted; 10 cut our an veroiage and make me ticket a plain contract by the railroad and its connections to carry a passen ger from ono point to certain other points for a certain sum of monoy with ing a certain tlmo. Blood SpiUed In Battle. Capo Haytlon, Oct. 10. News reached horo tonight, but somewhat delayed on account of bad weather and roads, giv ing brief details of a sanguinary en gagement between the insurgent and the Dominican government troops at Canongo. Tho insurgents were in am buscade bohlnd a hill and mado a sur prise attack upon the advancing troops. There wero heavy losses on both sides. Making a feint to re-enter Dajabon, in surgents then proceeded to Guayubln and SabeneUt, which they captured with out resistance. The loyal forces pro ceeded into Dajabon. Cossacks to Awo Finns. St. Petersburg, Oct. 10. Two regl monts of cossaeks and a battery bavo been dispatched to Finland to overawe any opposition to tho new measures which will bo put in force if the situa tion In tbo duchy justifies it. The Finns aro maintaining a passive atti tude. Tho ouly positive step taken has been tho refusal of six senators to com ply with tho emperor's mandate that they rotaln their posts. Suicides Alarm Russia, St. Petersburg, Oct, 19. Tbo acting prefect ot police for St. Petersburg hai applied to tho ministry of tho interior for permission to apply rostrietlve and precautionary measure to the sale ot certain drugs on acesant of their ifMs spread employment for purposes of suicide.