The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 20, 1909, Image 6

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J "What Gold
Qannot ay
Author (4
"A Cnk.t l'.lh." "MaLL Wife
Vrdow," -irWnen'eVru." "JlMton'e
llarsem." "A LU Inter, st." ''Nona'a
Choice." ''A Wrcun'ellratt."
' Mr. Sayvllle had stayed unusually
long In town, and, at the moment cho
sen to open thlt story, war sitting nt
tbo wrltlngtablo In her private room.
a rlchly-furnhhed and luxurious apart
rnent with yellow brocade curtains and
stained Bias windows. She was a
small, slight woman, with regular, del
leato features, quick, dark ayes, and
hair nearly white, combed back and
urmounted by tiny cap of exquisite
laco with n tuft ot scarlet relvet rib
bon. The small thin hand which held
her pen was loaded with rings that
flashed and glittered erea In tho sub
dued sunshine, while the other gently
caressed the head of a small, silky,
peart-colored dog which lay on a chatr
beside her.
She was speaking with a fair, large
lady about her own age, who occupied
An arm chair at the other Mile ot tho
table, and who. was rather gorgeously
attired In out-door dress.
"I am sure I Interrupt you. You
are always so busy," said the latter,
with a comfortable smile, but showing
no Inclination to more.
"I do not mind being Interrupted
this morning," returned Mrs. Sarllle.
not too graciously; "ray eyes are ycry
tiresome. They smart so when I read
or write for any time. I really must
sot an amanuensis."
"Is It pojulblet I should neTcr sus
pect your eyes of being weak. They"
teem strong enough and sharp enough
to s through anything."
"Thank you: they hare tenred my
purpose well enough."
"When do you leaTe town?"
"I am not quite sure. I do not care
to go until Hugh returns. He ought to
be here now. This vre about trouble
with Itussla may bring him his ap
pointment to a ship any day, and he
ought to be on the spot. He has been
ashore now for nearly a year."
"I wonder he chose the nary," said
the visitor. "I should think the army
must be much the most agreeable pro
fession." "My dear Lady Olivia! who can ac
count for a young man's vagarlesT My
son Is positively enthusiastic about his
profession. Ha Is very scientific, you
know, and will, I have no doubt, rise
to great eminence."
"Oh, I dare say he la very elewsr.
but he Is not a bit like other young
men. I confess I do not understand
"No," returned Mrs. Savlllc, with
much composure, "I don't suppose you
"Not clever enough myself, eh?"
raid Lady Olivia, with a good-humored
smile. "Where Is this bright partlcu
lah star of yours Just now?"
"When ha last wrote he was still
at Nice. He has stayed on there too
long, I think. I trust and hope he
doe not visit Monte Carlo too often;
I am not much obliged to Lord Ever
ton for introducing Hugh to his gam
bling friends there."
"I don't fancy poor Everton' friends
are generally what would be consld
ered eligible acquaintances for the
young and Inexperienced, especially
when they have pretty daughters who
Ing like angels or prima donnas,"
he added, with a comfortable laugh.
"Pooh!" cried Mrs. 'Savllle. with a
flash of anger In her keen black eyes,
"Hugh la quite Indifferent to all that
"Is beT What an unnatural mon
stcrl" said Lady Olivia, rising. "I
wish I could say the same ot my
George! However, he has taken to
admire married women lately which
Is a great relief."
Mrs. Savllle also stood up. and rang
the bell. "Where Is Everton Just now?
I want him so mueh to write to his
cousin, Captain Ilrydgos, on Hugh's
behalf. I don't understand bow It was
be did not do so before on his own ac
count." "Ob, nobody knows where Everton Is
to be found. He Is coming to us In
September at Herondyko."
"Lady Olivia Lumley's carriage,"
said Mrs. Savllle to the man who an
swered the bell.
"Good morning, then, dear Eliza
beth. Don't try your eyes too much.
Shall wo meet you at the Montgom
ery's to-night?"
"No; I am really sick of society."
"My dear, you must be seriously
tilt" cried Lady Olivia, with another
good-humored but rather silly laugh,
and the sisters-in-law shook hands, and
Mrs. Sarllle picked up her little dog
and took a turn up and down the room
with It under her left arm, a look of
extreme anuoyance quivering In her
yes. "What a fool that woman 111",
4 murmured to harself; "not even a
I well-bred fool I ami to look at her, who
I w
would Imaglno oho was tho daughter
ot one earl, the sister ot another? yot
there she Is, started by tho moro acci
dent ot birth In a position which cost
me all my fortune, my aristocratic
marriage, my brains, to achieve. Still,
I do not complain; had these class dis
tinctions not existed, there would have
been nothing to strive for, nothing to
attain. Still. Lady Olivia Is a tool;
yim aro a wiseacre to her, my pre
cious Prince," she continued, ratting
the dog'a head; "you aro a natural
aristocrat; so Is Hugh, though he has
somo abominably radical tdoas."
Hero the footman opened the door,
and said, deferentially, "If you please,
'in, Mr. Rnweon would like to see you,'
"Yes, certainly. Show him up."
In a few minutes the door again
opened, to admit a gentleman, a short,
stout, well-dressed man. slightly
breathless, and apparently well braced
up In his admirably-fitting clothes. His
hair and complexion were ot that neu
tral tint which Is termed "pepper and
salt," hi eyes light gray and twink
ling with a perception of the ridicu
lous, and his air, though It was po
litely respectful, showed a certain as
sured familiarity Indicative of a con
fidential position.
"Well, Mr. Itawson." said Mrs. Sa
vllle, resuming her seat and placing
her small favorite on the chatr beside
her, "what has brought you here to
day?" Her tono was considerably more
amiable than It had been to her pre
vious visitor.
"What will, I hope, give you satis
faction. I fancy we will succeed In
getting that piece ot the Everton prop
erty you have been so anxious to pur
chaso, for your price, and It will be a
decided bargain. I am to see the
vendor's solicitor finally on Thursday,
when I fancy ho will come In to our
"I am very pleased, Mr. Itawson,
very pleased Indeed. I must say, you
always mansgo my business most sat
isfactorily. Dut you say several farms
on the property are unlet. Now, I
want my money to bring me In a de
cent percentage. What do you pro
pose doing with the land?" Whero
upon solicitor and client plunged Into
an animated discussion. In which Mrs,
Savlllo proved herself to be a shrewd
woman of business.
"Well. Mr. Rawson." she said, after
a short pause, "respecting a smaller
matter, yot not an unimportant one.
Have you made any Inquiries about an
amanuensis or companion for me?"
"I hardly thought you were serious
In the wish you expressed "
"I am, exceedingly serious," sho In
terrupted. "My maid, who has Just
left me, was really a very superior
person, and could read aloud very
well; now I have a totally different
woman. I must have some one who Is
fairly educated, who can write, and
keep accounts, and read French I like
French novels; she must be fit to asso
ciate with, yet ready to leave me to
myself at a nod; I cannot be hampered
with any one whose feelings I have to
consider. She must have pleasant man
ners and a sweet voice, and look fit
to bo seen at luncheon and when she
comes out with me."
"My dear madam, you have Indeed
set me a task! You must give me
some time to find out such a treas
ure." "I cannot glvo you much time. You
must And her as soon cs you possibly
can. Advertise In all the papers;
heaps ot young women will apply;
pick out one or two, but on no account
lot me be worried with an Indiscrimi
nate string of candidates; I know I
shall be disgusted with them. I will
not ask any of my acquaintances; they
always recommend the most unsutta
blo people and are offended If you do
not take their proteges. Then they
bore you with pitiful stories. No, ray
dear Mr. Rawson, let It be a purely
business matter."
"I shall do my beat. Suppose I try
an advertisement In a provincial pa
per "
"Do what you like; only remember
1 must have a presentable, well-edu
cated. well-mannered young woman
young, mind, who will save me trou
ble, not give me any."
"The labors of Hercules were a trifle
to this," sighed Mr. Rawson.
"Oh, you will do It as cleverly as you
do everything. Now, tell me, have you
beard anything ot my son lately V
"Of which, may I ask?Mr. Ba
"No; of Hugh."
"Well, no, not for a week. Ho was
at Nice. I think."
"I know that, and It makes me very
uneany. Why does he stay there? It
Is not the season."
"Are you afraid ot Monte Carlo? I
don't think you need be. Mr. Hugh
Savllle never was Inclined to gamble."
"I am afraid of something much
worse a designing woman,"
"Indeed!" And Mr. Rawson glanced
curiously at her.
"Yes," continued Mrs. Savllle, strok
ing the little dog's head thoughtfully.
"When he was abroad soma time ago
he made the acquaintance ot a horrid
old gambling, disreputable frUnd of
Lord Sverton's. This man has a daugh
ter, and I heard accidentally that
Hugh was a great deal with her. Wnea J
my son returned I warned him agntnst
such penniless adventurers. He laugh
ed In an odd, bitter way, and sAld,
'Don't trouble yourself, my dear moth
er; Miss Hilton would not look at mo.'
I at onco saw somo doop scheme In
this; don't your'
"Well, I can't possibly say; there
are so many sides to human nature
feminine human nature especially
Tho young lady must bo rather pecu
liar It sho would net look at Mr. Hugh
8avtlle. I should say ho was rather a
pleasant object."
"I know you are fond of Hugh, Mr.
Itawson; your regard for him strength
ens the old ties that your excellent
service has created."
"Humph!" said Rawson to himself,
"does she think I am her footman?"
"Yes," ho observed, "your son was a
true friend to my poor wild lad. It's
owing to him that he Is what he Is
now, and has n chance ot a respect
able life."
"I am very glad he was of use to
your son." returned Mrs. Savllle, with
an air of Infinite superiority. "Hut,
Mr. Rawson, do you not think Hugh's
answer evasive?"
"Mr. Hugh Savlllo Is never evasive.
He may have been a llttlo huffed with
the young lady."
"Then sho was on tho track of soms
other prey," said Mrs. Savllle. scorn
fully. "I navo an admirable match for
Hugh, deslrnblo In every way; so,
when I found ho had wandored back
to Nice and was lingering there, I felt
not a llttlo uneasy."
"Did you say the young lady's name
Is Hilton?" asked Rawson, suddenly.
"Yes; her father Is, or calls himself,
Captain Hilton."
"Then I don't think you need dis
tress yourself. I saw tho death of a
Captain Hilton about a fortnight ago
In a newspaper. He died somewhere
In Franco, but not at Nice. I noticed
tho name because oh. because I have
beard Lord Everton speak of him."
"How can you tell If It be the
rame?" Mrs. Savllle was beginning,
with great animation, when the butter
appeared, carrying on a salver n large
envelope bearing the Inscription "On
Her Majesty's Service" and addressed
to Lieutenant Hugh Savllle.
"This Is some appointment for my
son," cried Mrs. Seville. "I knew It
would come In this unexpected way. Is
It not maddening that ho should be
hbsent?' As sho spoke, she toro the
letter open and glanced at It. and ex
claiming, "Yes, as I thought!" handed
It to her confidential adviser. He took
It, and read as follows:
"Admiralty, Whitehall, July 20.
"Sir I have the honor to Inform
you that you are appointed to H. M. 8.
Vortlgern, Flag-ship of Admiral Ward
law, on the Wet Indian Station.
"You will proceed, by the Mall leav
ing Southampton on the 2Cth Instant
for Tort Royal, Jamaica.
"If H. M. S. Vortlgern has left, you
will report yourself to the 8enlor Na
val Onicer, from whom you will get
directions where to Join your ship.
"I have tho honor to be, sir, your
obedient servant,
"Secretary to the Admiralty."
"To Lieutenant Hugh Savllle.
"Stafford, Square, H. W."
"There, that Is Just tho opening
Hugh has wished for lieutenant of
the flag-ship on the West Indian Sta
tion. Why. If this threatened rupture
with Russia comes to anything, tho
West Indian squadron would most
probably be ordered to the Rlaok Son
nothing Is more probable; then he
might havo a ehance of distinguishing
himself I want to sex my son an ad
miral! How Infinitely provoking that
he should be ahsentl"
"You must telegraph to him without
a moment's loss of time." said Mr.
Rawson. "If he starts to-morrow, or
to-night, why. he'll be here In thirty
six hours. Very little time need be
lost. Shall I wlro for you?"
"Oh, yes, please; and reply to this,
too. Let them know ho Is coming."
"Well, there Is little danger of your
son bolng caught now. Mrs. Savllle.
If Venus herself had her hand on him
ho must break away, when such a sum
mons may mean fighting. Good morn
ing. Leavo tho telcijrnph to me, and
accept my best congratulations." Mr,
Rawson bowed himself out.
Mrs. Savllle mechanically rose and
rang the bell. Then she stood In
thought for n minute, and rang again.
This time the butler presented him
self. "Atkins," said his mistress, "I ex
pect Mr. Hugh on Wednesday or
Thursday. He will only stay to col
lect bis luggage, and goes on to Join
the ship to which he has Just been ap
pointed. I want you to look out his
cheat and all his things. Lot mo know
whatever you ran seo Is wanting, and
order the carriage Immediately after
lunch. Send Jcssop to me. I really
think I might as well go to tho Mont
gomerys' this evening," she thought.
"I feel so relieved.
(T M continued.)
Aaklup; Tiio Sluch.
Jenks (ringing up the theater gets
the wrong number) Can you let me
have a box for four to-night?
Rones (the undertaker) I'm afraid
not, sir. I only make 'em to hold oat, '
Tit-BIU- '
JVeal Morn us lliis ftir Vnttil
Instead ot keeping tho vegetables In
barrets or boxen scattered all over tho
cellar, I have made a sot of storage
bins. I took six drygooda boxes and
bolted them together as shown In the
drawing. I put legs on them to hold
them off tho floor and a covor on the
box. Then I painted on tho boxes tho
names of tho vegetable we generally
store. This makes a neat and handy
storage bin. ami is welt worth tho lit
tle time It takes to mako It. Hefore
we had this bin wo stored tho different
vegetables In barrels, boxes, wrtshtubs,
lard cans, or any receptacle that hap
pened to bo nt hand when wo harvest-
tr-urrAM.SA tfronAoe tot.
ed tho crop. Those woro scattered
about tho cellar promiscuously, and
sometimes wo know where to find what
wo wanted and sometimes we did not.
There Is nothing more satisfying to n
farmer's wlfo than to bo abto to take
a friend Into a cellar where everything
Is neat and In order. A. O. (Irlner In
Karvtn and Home.
Ventilation of StHtil.
Hero's a good method ot ventllatlug
an ordinary stable. Intake flues are
constructed In the sldo walls. The ven
tilation flues will take up considerable
space but are more efllclent than a
single flue. Openings aro at or near
tho floor level and the tops several feet
above the rldgo of the roof. Caps or
cowls may be placed over them to keep
out rain and snow.
Another arrangement of flues which
is qulto eflectlvo lu securing vcntlla
tlon. Tho opening In the center of II
may bo provided with a shutter to,
prevent too nptd movement of air.
Heparato outlets may be provided or
'he' slnglo cupola as shown.
To Slnlta Ilia ltua Lay,
If tho hens dou't lay, turn thorn out
and lot them dig and hunt In the
ground for food, Is the advlco of T. K.
McOrew, In the Country Gentleman.
Uury small grain whero they will find
It when thoy dig. This will Induco
them to hunt, and whllu thus employ
ed they will find bugs, and worms that
will quicken the production ot eggs. It
Is well to follow this plan as soon as
tho spade will turn tho ground, for It
adds vigor and strength to the hens
and Insures strong, healthy chicks. The
lazy, Idle hen Is ot no uso but to sit
about, eat and grow fat. If she will
not work, she will not lay. If she will
not lay, her llfo should end, and her
fr carcass graro tho tnblo, You can
rest assured that the Indolent hon Is
a nonproaucor; soon she becomes too
fat to lay and too tough to bo eaten,
Ilnlelnif Chlekeua.
The greatest drawback to the chick
en business Is that thoro Is not a duy's
let-un in the steady routine nf work
from the time an egg Is pipped until
I A.tfX- .m T "" JVr.'XW ktJWi, 4JI
n " j i . - . aYi-TH 1.3 .- T.
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-n ss ear i aarjaaw s- iftji .. r j-rJ--m
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CAHR0T4 nttTS TUrtmrj k
ON,0 , WAWg fjgfi
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TG g-
aH Jfie c . a
ii , ,L1-- yjiki .
T - .yxj v w. a "-.Law.
raK - w - 73i!?fet.uj
nx closes the hen's history. It
nntural after tho pullets are feathered
ud weaned and Inn loostora '
nrated from them to let up a little
III the rare bestowed on them This
Is a great mistake It winter eggs aro
expected, If there l one thliiK ml
than another that tho nvernge poultry
man Is liable to err In It Is lark ot
fresh nlr In tho coops at night Hllp
out some hot night about II o'clock
and you will perhaps hear the thump,
thump of restless chickens crowding1
around against each other, fighting In
vain for a cool, airy spot to sleep In
comfort. Or In the morning take a
whiff of the fetid, unwholesome air tie
fore letting tho chickens out, and you
will reallie that night spent under
surh conditions must prevent tho
steady, healthy growth necessary for
best results. This condition of affairs
Is liable to to worse with Incubator
chickens, because they are raised In
larger flocks and tho tendency Is to
crowd them moro after taking them
from tho broodors.
Whrn llrna Art MotiltlnsJ,
One of the difficulties in poultry
raising Is to get the bens to moll ear
ly, so that thoy will bo ready to lay
In the fall and winter, when eggs are
high. Lett to thomselres, hens will
lake a long tlmo to molt, and will not
finish until cold weather sets in. They
will not then lay until early spring
and all the profits for the winter
months aro lost At the poultry In
stitute held In Denver by the Colora
do Agricultural College, W. J. R. Wil
son, a (toultry man of long experience,
gavo his method of controlling tho
molting of hens. As soon as the hens
are through laying he turns them onal
falfa, feeding them dry bran only. In
addition. Under this treatment they
get thin. Then ho feeds them a mixed
ration of grains and meat, giving n
light feed In tho morning and all they
will cat at noon and night Under
this trea'ment thoy finish molting
quickly, get new feathers and begin
laying In September. Hy Oetober I
they aro In full laying condition and
make a profit through the fall and
Al'al'n for I lie lllarr.
Successful dairy farming depends a
great deal on gruwlng the necessary
feed on tho farm City milkmen can
buy hlgh-prlccd feeds nnd make a
profit, but farmors who ship longer
distances require all the advantage
they ran got Alfalfa Is getting to be
one of tho most Important dairy feeds.
It can be grown in almost any part oi(
tho country whora there is sufficient:
molsturo within reach of tho long lap-1
root, provided that there Is no rock!
Ia lnl.,r.ra Mill. ! m.m.1. I wa.. '
nover tried alfalfa, commence now by
fitting a small piece ot ground very
carefully and mako It very rich on
top. The new plants nro delicate and
require careful feeding until they get
started. Most failures aro caused by
Insufficient preparation of the seed bed.
lllultl Time lu I'lclc Apple.
Apples Intended for cold storage
should not lo allowed to becomo loo
rlpo on tho trco. When an apple Is
fully grown, highly colored, but still
hard. It Is In prlmo condition to be
picked nnd stored, It has then ob
tained Its highest market value bo
en uso It Is most attractive In appear
anco and best in quality. If picked be
fore entirely rlpo apples deteriorate
moro rnpldly, and it is best to allow
an nppla to becomo a trlflo ovorrlpe
than to pick It In an Immature state
Many pooplo have tho erroneous opln
Ion that apples should bo picked bo
foro fully rlpo lu order to keep well
lu cold storago, but this Is n mistake,
Aula Mint I, lr.
When tints aro seen running .up ana
dawn fruit trees an examination will
usually dtscloso the preseuco of plant
lice on tho branches nnd leaves. As
Is well known to expert orchnrdlsts,
most plant Ilco are attended and cared
for by ants, and tho presenro of ants!
may torve as an Indication of Infesta
tion of plant Ilco, Under such clrcurn
stances the ants do no harm to ths
plant oxcept In tho way of assisting
In tho distribution or plant lice.
UrMdloK on Wlllotv,
A horticultural curiosity Is to bo
scon In the garden of Gloucester
Ixdgo, Portsmouth Road, near 1-on-don.
A goosoberry bush, a currant
bush and an elderborry tree are grow
ing high up on a willow tree, to which
they havo by some means become
grafted. All are duorlshlng and fruit
is forming on mo gooseberry nnd cur
rant bushes,
1 1 uir Cholera Ilspenslve,
In Missouri there aro about 4,000,000
hogs, worth at market prices noarly
145,000,000, Hog cholera costs tho
growers of that Statu alono moro than
a million dollars every year, and the
loss sometimes Is more than 15,000,000.
Toa qui ok,
There were three at the title Unit
In tho cafe, a lady and two men,
Suddenly the eleotrlo lights went
out, and the lady, quickly and iuti
lowly, drew back.
An Instant later there was Hit
smack of a compound kiss, As thi
eleotrlo lights went up each man wsi
cen entiling complatsantly.
"1 thought I heard a kits," saIiJ
the lady, "but nobody kissed me,"
Then ths men suddenly glared at
aeh other and flushed And lonkrd
painfully shssplih. Clsvsland TlaU
llaenanlilna lilt OlH'nrlnwllr,
Gentlemanly Cellar Of cnuraa yru
Mill want soma new books now.
Mvinbar of tlehool Hoard 1 llilnk
not. All our purohatas are made and
sra In the hands of th children, or
wilt tie In a day or two,
nentUumnlr CMUr Yss, but your
ographle are oliMtshtoned, yon
know. We ar runnlns a specially pra.
purtJ. up to tlata aJltlon thrnush our
prtssra rich! now, with lha north pals
plainly marked where Dr, Conk itttcnv
srail II, I low many thousand coplea da
you think you eaa usa? Chicago Trll
In proeats of lima It was ohsarve
that lha multimillionaire philanthropist
kail ctaaait living rosily library build
Inis la towns and eltlaa
"Why la this. Mr. t'anssiyr ths ra.
portara aakad Mm.
"Young man," ha said, "what Is lha
usa of building crest houses for II
brarlaa when alt a man needa for a
education la nve fast of hooks?"
Whereat they niarvrlrd. but they
ould not answer him Uhlcafo Trib
une, rr im ii (Hmiwsmi,
"As to this polar discovery," said the
distinguished naturalist, "1 have only
one resrei"
"And that la "
"That the ahlp In whleh J'ttry sslletj
for lha sretlra bears the nsme of
troplenl eiplnrer and wild animal kill
er," Chlsean Trl.n
Annlhar llmu TumWa JImsI.
(Contributed by a depraved outsider.)
A lien than eprans Into view.
And roared, "There's no usa nyln'l
I'm solng to make a tnl of youl"
Hut he eaiirht . He lylrt'.
Elahlr la I'l.air.
The other morning we saw a man II
years old solna" Into a doctor's orris
II sstms to us that If wa were 19 we
would have anaush -l.acon (lit) Jeur
m 1X2,1 ttUUUU fOH (UWWi5$
For the liaby often means rest for
lolh mother and chiki. Little ones
like it too it's so palatable to take.
Fieo from opiates.
AU Drwaiku, ZS eaaU.
Katies th doufh
and compiles with
all pure food laws.
ciiescent ura. ca
Makers of MAruiNt
better tbaaMsple),
Mn an unfalllna- watrr supidr. II
maana tlist yuu will hava Ilia inuil praetl
talpomaiilewaursu ilryitm nuw la
um. NoiUvalwt nk. no fruiwi iilpae In
wln(r, no sUimani water In suminrr iw
wal supplr Irnulilm of any aart Tank
pUrnl In l-mrnt out of sight end war,
mad; of prnunl a(l, Mill not rust ami
will but a llf.tlma.
You wtU U plaatal with Ihe I.KAI)EH
r.trm of furnlthlnf Kvmetllo Hater
Hupply, Aik for our rataiovue and free
UxVj.u "How I Uolred My Water Hupply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.