Which on is th bwt? Cost your vote at my store. Your vote may be the one needed to give someone the first prize. t ftf t LARA The A4s feslow are ntereel in my "AD-WRITING CONTEST." W8 9,9S9999'Sl'99'S At NlMMK VOPR AI Nl'MKKK VtVK At) NUMIIIIK 81X 0 ) ) ) ) oi Customers TABLETS! TABLETS! TABLETS! n 1 1 1 1 'l! ( ( ( tit ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ( ) () &? of yesterday nrc our pntrons or today nml likewise of tomotrow. The custom ers who come luck nre the ones who count because it proves that they hnvc been perfectly satisfied with the SHOUS wc sell and want more of the same mnke. The Shoes We Sell will brim; you back not once but every time. That is what makes our business grow; steady growth comes from satis tied customers. We would like for you to be one of them. Will you? run jomo high-toppiiD siiok FROM $6.50 to $8.50 IS JUST right. Corner Store LARA'S Uend Oregon AJ1 itlM!lKlt RKVKN Buy Your Winter Supply of Groceries AT A. M. LARA'S (Bend, Oregon) , The Largest and Most Popular Store in Bend. Fresh Cranberries per qt IJC Fresh Quinces perdoz.... 75c All Kinds of Dried Fruits. Apricots at Joe per lb. two lbs. for $$c Peaches, Pears and Applet at 15c lb two lbs. for. ...35c Prunes at 10c per lb. three lb, for........... 35c Bacon per lb 31, 31 and 34c Pickles per qt , 35c anil 30c M. J. B. Coffee per lb 45c tjiree lbs for ft. 35 Dependable Coffee per lb 45c White House Coffee two lbs. for ft 00 Coffee in bulk per lb 35c, 30c ami 35c The above prices arc picked at random from a larjje stock. Uend Oregon Lara's Bend Oregon Make LARA'S Store Your HEADQUARTERS and look ovjr the line of Poultry Netting the best for the price. t PITTSBURQ P.ERFECT POULTRY NETTING 58 inches high per roll $7.75 ' 46 inches high per roll $6.75 Ten rods in n roll. Don't let your poultry pet out nnd ruin people's gardens and make enemies, hut get Mime of Lara's wire. livery farmer should gel it. AvjyfC go to Lara's. Why stand and rxi , - wait, trying to get your things at some other store when I A W A you can get the 11KST at JL t IV The place for bargains the reliable stote. Ml VUMtlKH Kinur Now Is the Time to Buy Vour Winter Supply ol BLANKETS 7IIK most complete line of Blankets i ever shoMti in a'Crook county store v is now at Lara's for inspection. It Is the policy of Lara's .Store to share Kd fortune with our patrons, so when they secure a pick-up of a splendid lot ol Blankets direct from the manufacturer they are realty, willing and anxious to give you the benefit. These Wool Blankets are standard goods of excellent qusiity and pleating designs. There are all kinds that will In sure to please everybody, so you mutt not forget to enter lira's Store. JUST A FEW PRICES. Nashua Cotton Blankets, assorted colors, gray, tan white $1.25 Klamath Blankets. 73x78 $1.90 Guaranteed all wool gray Blankets, 6 tb $5.00 "Wool Nap" Blankets, white, 73x78 $3 50 Heavy Wool Camp Blankets, navy blue, red bonier..,. $3,75 Strictly H Wool Blankets, plaid, tan, pink and blue... $8.00 The Store That Treats You Wht Lara's MIND, ORfifJON The Store That Saves You Money SOMKTHINO TO USK ALL TH It YKAR ROUND. When you start out to buy n TAHLHT, Sir, be sure you sl'att In the right direction. St utt toward The Big Store On The Corner. THAT has the best reputation of bcIIIiik the V15RY BUST tablets to be fottutl iu town. If you know just what you want, you will find it here If you don't know, then wc will be pleased to help you find what you need. Don't fqrgct the place Lara's Lara's Lara's AtlNttUnitKNINIt Groceries. Groceries. Groceries. LARA'S OUT PrlCCS n Groceries are always the same, all the time and tu cvcrylody. Our Prices are just uioiit, the low- HST CONSIDMUNO QUALITY. OUT PrlCCS are bscd on ACTUAL VAI.UIt, and don't stand "reductions," We suture you the best and tnntt liberal terms, and alrwlute satisfaction. LAKA carries the (hi est line ol Groceries In Crook county. EVERY. Til INC. for EVERYBODY. Be eniuomtcal and trmle at Lara's the only store that rait give you satisfaction, JUST A FBW PRICHS. Ceylon Tea (call and get sample), wr lt. fine M, J, II Collec. per lti.., ...,,..... .........a...... "ISC Orange Marmalade nerjar .15c loganberry Preserves iter Jr .15c Apple Butter (Monopole Brand) per jar -4 IK Cranberries first of the season per qt 25c Saratoga Ctiipp per box,.,,,,, , 20c Also a fine line of Canned Vegetables and 1'iults. Bacon in glass cans very belt. Lowest Prices Possible Lara's BEND, OntQON The Stote on the Corner MISSION FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets ALL KINDS of HOME MADE FURNITURE. Call at my shop and inspect my Mission furniture. Chairs, Tab les, Cabinets, etc., etc. All work GUARANTEED PIRSTCLASS. A. A. ANTHONY. ' JOHN LEQAT DEALltK IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired I CAN SELL YOUR LAND Parties in the Towel! Buttes sec tion, or anywhere in the Bend country, who have tracts of land wholly free from rpek. or nearly so, and who desire to sell the same should list tbem with me. I have a large number of people around North Yakima, Wash., who want laud In this section and I will be able to sell your property. Large tracts a specialty. Dr. 1. M. Van SNYDER Either at Bend, Or., or North Yakima, Wash. Bring your job printing to The Bulletin office. Our work pleases. L WOOD FOR. SALE BLOCK WOOD W.50 Per Cord, Delivered. LIMB WOOD $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered. Phone Me. F. M. CAR.TER.. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. The new bank at Madras Is open for business. Roller feed mill always ready nt Linster'a mill. 3'37 Dr. C. V. Merrill was at Prine ville the first of the week. Good shoots and pigs for sale at the 10 (Ten Uar) Ranch. a6tf C. J. Mock ancf S. II. Drown of Laidlaw were in Rend yesterday. Wm. Ilollingshead was in Bend Monday on his way to Prineville. My office will be closed for u week or ten days. Dr. I. L. Sco field. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wimer of Tutnalo were callers in Bend yes terday. t Patronize home industry by smoking Eagle, La Rosa and Lead er cigars. J, H. Wenondy will be in the 21st with another new Chalmers Detroit auto. The Bend baseball team will go to Prineville tomorrow to compete in the tournament for a f urse of $100 and a 20 silver cup, A. C. Lucas was called to Prine ville as a witness iu the Kotzmau Woods cow case. The Hend teachers are in attend ance at the teachers' institute at Prineville this week. Miss Helen Johnston left Mon day evening iu the Bunten auto mobile for Shaniko where she took the train for Portland. Diphtheria has caused the death of au eight-year-old boy at Lake view. The town is rather nervous and is under quarantine. The Ladies' Library Club will give a Halloween party the latter part of next week. More complete announcement in our next issue. O. W. Richardson has opened for business iu the Lawrence build ing and is ready to do jewelry re pairing. His specialty is watch work. Read his ad. in another column. t 15. P, Brosterhous left on Mon day of last week for North Dakota on account of the serious illness of a brother. News received later stated that the brother died before Mr. Brosterhous reached his bed- Aide, Try the .Stork man's Best Cigar and you will be convinced that it is the best on the market. Wm. Holder, editor of the Silver Lake Leader, spent last Wednes day in town on bis wa home from Grass Valley. This office is in debted to him for assistance in "getting out" our issue of last week, Last week Alec Green killed a large brown bear near Christmas Lake with a .11 calibre rifle. A few years ago it was thought that guns of the largest calibre were re quired to dispatch bruin. Silver Lake Leader. The Merrill & Wilkinson Co. have had n busy week locating peo ple on the High Desert. The lat ter part of the week they located Horace Brookings, John W.TImm, Wm. S Stinsou, O. Swuuson, and M. McMttllln. Pacific llorie Llntntnl It prrpirtd firmly for Ihs ndi of horicmcn and rnKbmtn. Il Is a porrful sad prnc Irillof Unimtfti, rrmtdy lor wKrr.fi. clc. A soolhlM embrocation lor the reiki ol pain, and the best liniment lor taralM ind larcneti. Uncquilcd lor cttrlM Hie wounds and Inlurlei ol BARBCO WIRE and hr httllnt cuts, aeration, tores and Iruhtt. Pacific llorie Llfthntnl Is fully tuinnleed. No other Is 10 inod or helpful In no msny ways. IIHUiislOMllify,ulhorlie all dealers to refund the purchate price. tat maiMimi imi cft HOVT CHIMICSI. CO, Po.tuo,OM. nonnicr xf a WTPIT1V J nnl mu,y l0 ,n,.y for willter 5 Knckrt XTI A M2mJ of Spuds and 3,000 pounds of Onions must be in good cotidition to keep lor winter. A. M. LARA, ) ) ) ) ) 5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 5 ) ) ) ) ) ) 5 ) ) ) ) ) )