The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 13, 1909, Image 7

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MaylcGTvaawcxi ovcxcowo
V)jl vrojec vcawacJJcswVcQS'
ssacc(j c owiVcuty Wt$ca
oxaVV6 waeiy Syxiy tjfigs atVixvr
J Sawo.wcv cwalcs wctojvm wftAar
ftuVAs Aoiy 5oW ajacoo twuic
may Uo ftoAucAty 'wwuc& vv
ukv no loufccr nccicOi.QS c xs cj
ivuw&cs cTC(uTcii arc ooass
Juncovvs,vvvtvwui ApnA uVv
woky wnouvteyw wvsvrafch.
l?4t feUiUwiJltUvo1ayiUy tin dctnutu,
I'rnleeeor'e JllnlMhv,
Mow rnn J'ruf Thtmma Inillifiillr ln
lt Hint the value of it girl la slight,
whtit well known Mot Hint man
U willing tn spend money on tlmm.
with them nml for them, If h can only
have ilia privilege of claiming posers.
kloiiT Detroit Vrr
I'nMlIrr Aulni
"flo you urn raiting chlckenst"
"Yet," answered Mr. Crosstots.
"Vht do you find tho greatest men
ace, to the welfare of poultryr
"Sunday company." Washing ton
Mind Cum,
Prttty CoualnAlgy, don't youi
kn cat rod) In Hut uniform?
Airy (In Highland costume) Daw
Jov, they did at nral, but I aald la
thtmi "Moot) Wtina forget that Vny
aln grandfeythtr wn a Heotamanl"
and, taw Jtue, ihey wanned right ui
to lha Ideal
Wow rormula Cutet Cougha, Colds,
UlonchlUa and lloaraeneaa
In rivi Houib.
Uurh U beta- done In thnied.rt tl .top tht
irnectitea. teach In llie mi
to break up a eM anil car CM(h. brvnchltU,
lb!y nothing
Ine4rneeuea teacain- Ine puMM l
rereeia f consumption, but Mo
tacullilU. etc , with mple. home-miied medicine
free from itilutn. polAn, et A la.etlre rouek
eyrup, free Iran erhUker end i4-i. l tht
prime neel A muih Indlcalc lnr?i,neionand
- a
1 nm 0 ytar old. It la my Orst day In achool It la all ao strange, I
gjet I want to ko home r ght off. The, boys nil atare and atnre. Tho girl
ill emllo nml smile. Tho room la ao big. There la audi a lot of hooka nnd
tletk a nnd rhnlra. Tin. re I audi a bit; crowd. They any I will not bo let go
home far two hours. I know my A II C Ma taught mo. Hut thcra la a
trait Ux lot In all them tonka, nml I have not to learn It nil. Then they
will lanch me out of aomu nitre Mr hooka, yeara nnd years, and when I
am na tlx u Ma I will bo dene with achool. Ohi tho world la ao blict It
tftkta o long tA grew up- I nm audi a Wet thing In tht big crowd of boyi
and glrla I frn Ion I want my Ma. I want lo ko home. Now, I guess 1
will ery. -Detroit Tlmea.
atMilun ami lhla turn iridui laintxtmt
f oMlaanil pUon In lhilm A tonUUi.l
llrtou(h t ilm f (vninlkwl
The aKlftatl of the anulter Mrda U
ihe Vlrglufa ralnplper. uhlcli ha ao
otnpllihed measured tllchta of 7,500
yarda tn a minute.
Japan ha completvd nnd puhllihrd
a geological aurwy of Koroa together
with k detailed account of IU mint'.
and mineral reiourcca.
Tho Argentina depirtmcnt of hy
riuin.n.itiithum fiftkkifiMnr. aJ gln acta aa rcfereo in caaca at ill
will (ktrrr Uik. w aunt tatninuiki mmam puled profaaalonal nrcount between
tnJMaiKl thrMOUMM trrup hll .ln rum.,' . ," , ., ,
roan. Hhki ih bmu nj ui iwrair tfroM phyatolan and patltnti.
vr kftif hour far four liuutv. T1ift tm.kAlf t I ... ........
t.iM.iMUnfuiikrraor fwir ilm d.ur. oi A caloric la a metric unit oi iimi.
equlralent to tho hrnt nccnaary to
ral tho temperature of a grammo of
water 1 degree, centigrade.
Turpentine will reitore to their orig
inal vrbltoneae piano keya that have
turned yellow, while hot vinegar will
remove paint atalna from glaaa,
The largeat electrical cooking de
vlco In tho world 1 an oven nt Mar-
mIIIm, Krance, which la heated by
tklklrwi I fnriln Iom. Oil IkU ovtaaJ
H fr mm f limit.
Amateur Kipcrl.
"floraa wlmtnen apand alxmt half
thalr lime try In' to mak Ihemiatvra
look aomawhere nrar aa good aa a
photographer can." !oa Angelea Cx
CHVlHrlHir I'rouf,
Jood graaloua, Jane, my hand la
-No. It lan't. John, or you would f..l currenta paaalng through roiUtnnco
that lollrr Ultra I trava you to mall. coin.
two waeka aan. tialllmore American.
Hru4Mlo .Nui.
Vice may bo n monitor of hldeoua
mien, but atage n play or write a book
about It, nnd It beata the deuce how
many peraana will welcome tht mon
itor. I.o AnflM Rxnreia.
NtilhliiK .Nr(T Thrrr,
Great Author Walter, thla ateak la
aa lough aa leather.
Waller I've nlwaya heard you waa
an original rJinractrr, air, but I'm
tileaaed If you don't Jlat aay tho aama
aa all on 'em do Tlt-IHU.
Ilrvlrl Xlrltiuloar.
Jnaon had found lliu golden fleece.
"It lan't like dlaeoverlliK the north
pole," he aald. Tv col to take It
Imi'k with m'
Hlllt, even when he returned with It,
thvro were dmibttira who declared
that It wua neither all wool nor a yard
wide. Chicago Trllnipe.
I'ruiuUluu; Vuulli,
"Ton don't know how proud I am of
my younger brother Jerry," aald Mr a.
Impaling, "llcforo he had been In co
lege thrvo ycura he cot ha bacchaim
llan degrve,"
gffKtS. 3
av i.
aa. W. i. !, rmaut M Huuu
PlnlM f.ilriclion
UvrJrrtJ. OgnialM
.I nLi iArlf ilAti A a
Clliaa!. iloJairDI
0t rif toon iiroilfl
nn hilllr ll
(ui'l lulilyaiiulk fli
btl lu on
klltrhtkitf 1 rJ
tA IJ Cf rctli!
H.Ur Cr.i O.Ot
oij rm;ji
r.ut.i riuinii
i.uriiii.ii 2.50
Ota) Rtil.r n.
pi.i.i . 5.00
Bail RJ Ftc -
ktr flilu 7.50
Pttatill Ctli'llM .60
vonK auARANTKKO rpH is van
urk fullwiiur
ilfiUlollai.iit. nMllu.lUbM.
r. M
Mtloarns, Yoocnoo'
Dywutr. All wur
Wise Dental Co.
MW2ir.?rWpoifTKNaoioM (tat4i,IMI,
The Aroatook Knlla tn Maine have
been hardened to projuco electricity
to operato a railroad and furnish
powor for knitting mill In the vicin
ity. Tho big cactus of Arlronn. which at
taint n height of f0 to 80 feet, and
which has heretofore been known as
the Corcua glgnnteus, has bocn found
by Doctors Ilrltton and Koto to be thn
type of n now nnd hitherto undo
acrlbcd genus. It la not a Cere us nt
all, (hoy aay, and they propose to call
It th CnrAcglera glgantcua.
Itcrent experiments, the results of
which Imvo been placed before the
Acidemy of Sciences in Paris, appear
to demonstrAlo that tho tnie romplO'
mentnry colors of tho spectrum havo
not hlthero been rot'ognlred. Ited was
formerly ronslderi'd to ba tho comple
ment of green, yellow of violet, nnd
Mue of oninKo Hut according to Mr.
'tO'Pin'Ifl,. the romplementnrlea of red
mil orange arc neither :reqn nor blue,
hut two grcenlthbhio tints, and tho
ccniploniont of yellow Is blue and not
"lalet, which li tho complemrnt of
Tirrn. Mr llotensllnl hna accordingly
"orntod n now "rhronntlo clrclo" for
V nrt of nrHtti. w'-Jnh ho belleroi
' more carrcet than Its predocossora.
To aveiau render doe not eo
iii'cli dirforeueo in ngrt between human
main found lu tho bods of tho l'luh
ii' i-no nnd I'lluccue, but to the geolo
gist tho rtlfforonco Is very grent, only
tc rnnnot express It In years or con.
turles Until recently tho olduit ro
mnlns of man known dated back to
tho mlddlo Plplatoccne. Among theso
iro tho colebralcd relics from Nean
derthal, Bpy nnd other placet. Hut
In October, 1607, n lower human Jaw
wns found in deposlta attributed to
the early Plelatprcnc, or even the Into
Pliocene. This would glvo It n greater
antiquity than any of tha others, nnd
entitle It to be called tha oldest re
mains of tho hunnn spoclos. The teoth
ire well preserved, Tho most remark-
able feature of the Jaw la the absence
of a ohln. Tho canine teoth are not
unduly prominent, nnd the dlraen
slons of the teeth nre within tho Urn
Its of variation in thing man.
NralHa WnliiHM lt llnnrr of Una of
"Ihr I'liiml Novrltlra
A century ptnut belonging to Mrs.
W. J. MrAIIIster, of Seattle, hat ro
erntly.put forth a full blown, fragrant
blossom, an) a the Tltnot. Tho dower
Is n beautiful ahell pink, about eight
Inohes long and more than three
I in lira In diameter. Tha petals nro
pointed and spread In series out
of n deep center. Tho flower gives off
Save the Babies.
INPANT MORTALITY is Bomothing frightftil. o can hardly roalizo that of
all tho ohildron horn in civilized countries, twontytwo por cont,, or nearly
ono-quartor, dio hoforo thoy roach ono year; thirtysovon por cont,, ormoro
than ono-third, hoforo thoy aro flvo, and ono-half hoforo thoy aro flfteon !
Wo do not hosltato to Bay that a timely uso of Oastoria would savo a ma
jority of thoso prooioua lives. Neither do wo hesitato to Bay that many of theoo
infantilo deaths aro occasioned by tho uso of narcotio preparations, Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for childron'B complaints contain moro or less opium, or
morphine Thoy aro, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
thoy Bhipofy, rotard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Oastoria
oporatcs oxaotly tho rovorso, but you must bco that it bears tho signature of
Ohaa, H. Hotchor. Oastoria causes tho 'blood to oirculato properly, opena tho
pores of tho skin and allays fovor.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
nuxniiNu cr.Tuiv i-la.nt
n delicate and pleasant perfume, Mrs,
McAllister doesn't know how old tho
plant it. Sho has had It six yeara,
"Tho woman from whom I got tho
plant nnd It several yeara," aald Mrs.
McAllister tho other dny.-hut she did
not tell mo how long. She grew tired
or keeping It, waiting for it to bloom.
I do not know whether the plant Is
100 yenrt old or not. or whether thla
It tho time for It to bloom and then
rest for n century. Until now thero
has not been n tlgn of n bud on It dur
ing tho tlx year we havo hnd it. Tho
bud ttnrtcd moro than a month ago.
At first It advanced very slowly, but
during tho last week it grow rapidly
nnd wo have been expecting it to ojion
for tha Inat two or throo tlu. There
It another bud coming on tho plant,
which ought to bloom within tho next
No lltapulv.
"John n. Rockefeller saya tho best
thing he over did wat to Join a Sun
day school."
"Well, so far atI havo learned, It
was." Philadelphia Ledger,
A bachelor la a man who either has
too much tento to marry or uot
F' ' Tin .I
fSe?'1 -" ""-- in-l
K At8elaUIVrraraiIa,Er(U-
H slrailalini()croodanJIWJa
EkjN IUwSiasndaKriDcMdjcf
ie1- ".
Promoles DigeatlonOvnftl-
ness and ftrslXontahJ nnfw
OpiimuMorphinc norMmeriL
IXUinAHLUil u.
Aptrfeci Itemf dy for CmaUt
lion . Sour StODxh-DUvrttxi
Worms JCoin'ulskjnsjcvtruB
rurss anLoss orSlia.
TuSmOe SijMMrt oT (
Dr. A. F. Pooler, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo prescribed your Cantoris
la many cases and havo always found it an efficient and speedy remedy."
Dr. H. Down, of Philadelphia, Ta saya: "I have prescribed your Cas
torla in my practlco Tor many years 'with great satisfaction to myseU and
benefit to my patients."
Dr. Edward Farriah, of Brooklyn, N. Y., gays: "I ha used your Ca
torla in my own household with good results, and have advised several
patients to uso. it for Us mild loxativo effort and freedom from, harm."
Dr. J. D. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past six
years prescribed your Costorla for infantilo stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend its uso. Tho formula contains nothing deleterious
to tho most delicate of children."
Dr. C. O. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: 'Tour Costorla Is an Ideal
medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it "While I do not adve
cato tho Indiscriminate uso of proprietary medicines, yet Cistoria Is aa
exception for conditions which arise In tho care of children."
Dr. J. A. Farkcr, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Tour Costorla holds tha
esteem of tho medical profession In a manner held by no other proprie
tory preparation. It Is a suro and reliable, medicluo for Infants and chil
dren. In fact, it Is tho universal household remedy for Infantile ailments."
Dr. IL F. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Costorla Is ono of tho Terr
finest and most remarkablo remedies for infants and children. In my
opinion your Costorla has saved thousands from an early grave. I can
furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality aa to Its cadency,
and merits."
Dr. Norman M. Gecr, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "During the last twelve
yeara I haTo frequently recommended your Costorla aa one of the best
preparations of the hind, being safo In tho hands of parents .and very ef
fective In rclloTlng children's disorders, while tho coso with -which such
a pleasant preparation can be administered la a great advantage."
Eaara the
J7 Eaara the Bignaturo of m
Guaranteed undcrtne 1
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Year.
thcccnt.i,i.comm.iv, xt awH4T trmtrr, Nn roan CfTY.
Practical Advice,
Nell (seriously) Iletween tha rich
eld man I don't love and the pool
young man 1 do love I am between two
horns of a dilemma.
Itell (filppantly) Then take tht
horn of plenty. llaltlmora American.
rinc Sllntl.
"Everybody saya that Jonta has tha
nnral mind. Insight, and aagaclty he
ever rn across. How did Jonea get
audi a reputation T"
"Knsy. Whenever you make a elate
ment he a) a, 'Hy Jove. Ihat'a so! Why
didn't I ever think of that beforer"
Cleveland Lender
r Mv i v,)44i wvSWi 4? WNM v
I Valuable Item I
for Men
ItMllh and ctrrngth hitherto unknown
IU U Nit uraln In rich rrJ bloat
throtuh the artrrk and vrlni and life'
grcttMt ambition mar b mlliol a
nrver lofor. If the followlnc rptclal
treatment U follow wl lr tlioa mrn, and
onrn, tun. who ar atneken with that
nuMl drraUcJ of aU aOUcikina. nrrvoua ex
h. union, aefompanlej with ufh rmp
lom. a citramc nriTuuanca. IniomnU.
OviVI rxtrcmltlxa, me'ancholU. hradachra.
rnullratlon and Jj-.prp a. kkli ey trou.
blcilnwlfuldrramof direful dl.aitrra,
tlmklity In vcntuilnjt anil a ventral Inabll.
Ity lo act naturally at all time .a other
fieopieiiit. uc 01 poiae ana equilibrium
nmenla aron.lanteiwreeuf tenbarraaa
ment even hi n I he public leaat .uipect
It. Kor lhebnftlof Itioaawhowantarr-
He There was nearly a bod fir at
the theater.
She How waa that?
He The -lltaln lit a cigarette and
tossed the match Into the snow. SL
Louis Tlmea.
i.) i
torn' Ion to full, luurxllna- hralthandatl
the harnlneea atrompanyini' It, the lot- m
kiwlmrhomelrvatment la rven It run.
f) tain no opiate- or habit-fumlns dnia
m hatYr allx it at home ami no vnt
S) willbethewlaera tornurallUctldn
B) The trvatmrnt I alinpie, thorouirh and
S correct. Uwllng- druircWu supply the
1) main tincture, utracta and eewnrea in
S) one-ounce luttl a, Trait y tont'X. (Set three (!
N vuncea ayrup annaparilLa compound, mix w
m with one ounce compound fluid tlmMorti w
to and atarut two hour. Add one ounce com. WJ
e) pound eaeence caTut L ana mc ounco tine m
w ture cadomehe compound (not cariUinom). m
m well and tako a teaapcunful after $
t each inral and on at bedtime, M
i The InurrvdicnU ar uej for yariou. ijl
) prracripttoni. w
Sore throat leads to Tonsllitlt, Quin
sy and Diphtheria. Uamllns Wizard
Oil used as a gargle upon the first
symptoms of a sore throat will Invari
ably prevent all three of these dread
Muf to lie Tempted.
Redd I tee It Is estimated that
there are 20,000 tons of radium In the
Greene nut even that won't tempt
the girl with tho swell bathing suit
to go Into the water. Yonkers States
man. Quick at Wink.
If your eyca ncho with a smarting,
buminir sensation and dizziness, use
I'EITIT'S EYE SALVE. All druggists
or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
Friend t O, .Vol"
"Are you a friend of tho prisoner?"
Magistrate O'Connor aaked a buxom
woman witness In the Central atreat
police station court yesterday.
"No, I'm hla niother-ln-law," replied
tha woman, without any particular
ahow of feeling. New York World.
Ralaea the) dough
and complies with
all pure food law.
fcB&I.Ml.-? 3p'f
Makers of MATUINC
On Rainy Days
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
And giv you fall Talus la
comfort and leng wear
Coll ly flnt-clui BtUilert tat uuatry
eTr. En4 for eu tn fctabgat
J. tower co. .tfrWESs
BoaTON.U. S.A. 1--.
TOng CAMDU.1 CO.. hi. i
ToaoNTO. CaNaaa
NO. 41-04
1 1 KM vrrlttng to advertiser plcuaa
tuelliliiu tin miet.
of tho Exposition, no two alike .
Official t olding rostcanls with 24 colored views 15 cents, or two
for 25 conta, stamped for mailing. ,
60-Cont Ofllcial View Books reduced to 85 ccnta,
25-Cent Ofllcial VIow Books reduced to 15 cents.
Handsomer Book of 96 Exposition Viows, 25 cents.
Postago paid to any address on aU of the above. Address
27 Post-Intelllgencer Building, Seattle, Wash.
Color mora good brighter and faater colors than any other dye. One l.Oc package colors silk, wool and cotton equally wall
End la guaranteed to alvopertectretuiU. Ask dealer, or we will sand poatfiald at too a package. Write far free booklet
ow to dye, bleacu and bus colors. ' UONfcOK DRUQ CKMPANx, Qtilacy, nilaoU.