RMtefld. News. R 03 LAND, OcW 9. Grover Cnldwtll ht been hnnling lumber for the Paulina tchool house. Mr. Cook niu np the river vUtttnj; Mm, Wife Thursday. MIm Laurel ShulU commenced teach III); the Konlaud school tiut Monday. The furvero" are making thing lively at the sawmill these day. Herb Cook ami Charlie Carmlcael rc turneil frum their crating trip lait Sun day evening. While their experience were quite extensive antl somewhat varied, the two most exciting, from tlw conclusion we are able to drew, were having a cougar come up between the boy and their camp and wagon and practically scare them to death, and that of Charlie teeing a lynx coming to ward bltn. The lynx saw him at the tame time. They both turned to run and by the time Charlie had made camp he knew that Mr. Lynx wa beyond reach and It wa perfectly aafe for him to take a gun and roam the woods. They brought home one teal duck and one small trout, but you ought to hear the tales, twice told. W. H. Caldwell returned from the mountain Friday. Joe Rlngo will teach the Crescent school this winter. Mr. ami Mr. W. II. Holllngshead and family moved down to Rosland last Satnrday. Tumalo Items. Tukat.0, Oct 11. We are having beautiful fall ' weather after the heavy rains oi the past two week. Mr. Potter of Powell tlutte was in this vicinity last week with hi steam threader and thrashed for several of the fanners. He report oats on thl side of the river running about y bushels per acre. Several of our fanner attended the meeting at Laidlaw last Monday called by the new water board to adjudicate water right on Tumello creek. P. A. Wooley' family arrived one day last week from Des Moines, Wash., and have taken up their residence on their new place lately purcbaed of T. A. Jen sen. M. G. Coe and a Michigan party were in Tumalo last week looking over the country. We understand John Kdwanlf it entertaining a deal with them for hi valuable piece of land four miles north' west of thl place. When Price Sloan of Prinevllle told the Grant Pass Courier that thi coun try bad not bad a drop of rain for two year and that the country was literally burned up, be was just making a big blow to hear his head roar. PeweH Butte. Last week Mrs. J. I. Jones remem Tiered her on Ralph' thirteenth birth day in a very pretty manner by sending beautiful cake'to school with him, to enjoy with his teacher and school mate. The flag, bell and clock for the new school bouse have arrived and have been put up. The, with the lights pur chased with the proceeds from the bas ket social, complete the furnishing. C II. Bill ha told all his bogs but two to J. W. White of Bend. A. I). Morrill is improving hi home stead by building a barn. Mr. and Mr. Morrill have decided to stay on the ranch thi winter, and not move to Bend as usual. The dry rancher who have towed winter wheat are wearing the smile that won't come off these day, on account of the late rains. Mr, and Mr. Henry Tweet of Bend are new neighbors among us. Mr. Tweet has rented the Geo. Hobbs place, and will alto do blackt mitbing, Hitch In, Ye Homesteaders. All that Central Oregon has needed to open up the Pacific New West wheat belt is a railroad, and with two lines now entering that section it will be a matter of only a short time before the country will develop. Increasing the wheat yield will not reduce prices. James J. Hill says that within six years the United States will be importing wheat. If he is correct in bis pre diction, wheat and flour, instead of being shipped from the Pacific New West to the Orient, will be sent to the East, and we will be raising wheat for home consumption ex clusively. With such a condition of affairs there is not much danger of price falling through the ex ploitation of wheat fields in Central Oregon. Pitch in, ye homeseekers. Moro Observer. Bring your job printing to The BulktiB office. Our wort pleases. Bid AEN ON TUG O. T. L. (Continued from page I.) struction of n branch line into Cen tra) Oregon, but to push un the road and develop it into n main highway to California. John I. Springer, when in Bend lastVeek, stated that it would cost $35 000.000 lo build the the Ore gon Trunk Line through the Des chutes canyon. So much money wotitd not be put into n road, nnd such prominent mid high priced men would not be placed in charge of its construction, if it were not intended as a most important link in the Hill system. The Hill road up the Deschutes will be a "trunk" line. Secures Beet Supply Contract. The coutruct for supplying beef for the railroad construction camps ol Porter Bros, on the Hill railroad up the Deschutes has been secured by a Crook county man. According to the Prineville Jour nal, Joe Howard, of Lower Bridge has landed the contract for furnish ing the fresh meats to be consumed bv the husky laborers, and the basis on "which he figured was for the killing ot an average of about 18 beeves daily, or somewhere in the neighborhood of 8,000 pounds of dressed meet each day. Mr. Howard plans to feed the beef at his big hay ranch at Lower Bridge and Co butcher at Madras, Grass Valley and aX one other con venient point for delivery to the different camps along the line. MrN Howard's contract calls only for the supply until the road is con structed as far as Madras, but even that much railroad building will re Apples $3 Per Box Come early. Tfiey wont last long Full Line of Seasonable Fruits. TUE CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDR1DQE & TURPIN. ResHRompRecuperate AT THE SEASHORE! NORTH Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driving, and ex ploring, make North Beach the most charming and popular play ground on the North Pacific Coast. The 0. R. & N. HAS A Special Summer Excursion Rale lo North Beach Points of $12 Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer T. J, Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." E. J. WILSON, Agt , Shaniko Wm. McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, ORE. W quire six or seven thousand head of beef to furnish the sinews of whr. Joe Howard, the veteran stock mnn, has secured the contract for supplying Porter Bros.' construe" tiou camps with beef. 1 his inci dent has called to mind n bit of earl day history, W. II. Stnats stating that he sold Mr. Howard tlic first cattle he ever ran in this country 200 head some ao years Roller feed mill always ready at Liustcr's mill. 30-37 A (lood IHisltlon can be had by ambitious voting men and Indies in the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became el fcctjve, and since the Wireless com panies are establishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good dinner for advancement. The National Telegraph Institute of Portland, Ore , operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. K. aud Wireless Official and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and dally papers, have it come in on the mail line Thk Cohnktt Staou & Stadlk Co. 35tf A Barsata hi land. For sale, at less than company prices 80 acres of irrigated land. Close to town, partly improved. Can be had for part cash and bal ance on time with approved secur ity. Address X care of Bulletin.- BEACH FROM SIIANIKO Every Tub Stands On Its Own Bottom. off HL 7LIFI And o does every town. If too tattora or thl town dropa oat, what aro wo Rolns to tnd on? And the hoMom will drop out If wi fall to aland toother and work together for the jcood of the commiinl-tjr-mynelf. yourself and thtolher fel low. In enter to balld to tt top, tber mint be a solid bottom. Send 35c for three recent tiurn bera of The Pacific Monthly, the mapnzlti- of the West, iust to get acquainted. If you are not already a reader ol I He Tactile Mommy, you have a surprise in store. The Pacific Monthly is a live. UP to date, splendidly illustrated maga zine. Send direct to 1 lie racinc Monthly Company, Portlaud, Ore gon. 25s8 Hand us your subscription. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Ol'flCK OVKK BANK , nil ftlfibt Celcnbone Connection DAY TKLItl'tlONK NO. 31 Bkno, :- Okkcon C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Officii IN tUwc nuii.niNO, llltNl), OKHRON DR. I. L. SCOFIHLD, DENTIST. OFFICII IN JOHNSON MHI.IUNO Bend, . - Oregon. F. O. MINOR I.AWRKNCK IIUIM1ING LIFE PI RB ACCI DENT INSURANCE Notary Public anil Conveyancing All Legal Paper Correctly Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS E. DAUMXKK Painter & Paperhanger I'irtt Cl Work Guaranteed, Powell Ilutica, Oregon, Will work In any locality. Write or call. BEND LODGE No. 139 A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. E. A. OAST, S.cr F O, MltfOtf, W M. JOHN LEQAT DIUt.KH IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired ra? flrsHlicBaaiflJDIfSaCHlMB' HsHHCvwli) The Pine Tree Store IS STILL IN IIUSINKSS, CONTRARY TO RKPORTS OTHERWISE. I hove Just received putt of my V ALL DUY GOODS nnd urn going lo give you Rargains Every Day NO SPHCIAL DAYS-KVKRY DAY ALIKE. Come In and convince yourself. A handsome framed picture given away with every 5 cash purchase In dry goods. I also have a full Hue of Groceries, Building Material, Paints and Oils of all kinds, 1'urm Machinery and Binding Twine. NO HOT AIR PEDDLED HURL. E. A. Sather. r 1 ! ! '" CHOICE BUYS IRRIQATED LANDS 33 Acres--,'"""l,7.T.rf,k ""' $1,000 80 Acres--""" niUnSLffrtM,f $1,600 80 Acres...Hft",&T&'ffiS,"rih' $1,100 0U ACrkS,l(MiMn.ltMrn-lsnrlii rulll WU tkMI Cht.il i,m. 80 Acrc "H-i5J, WkT TSXiST 53,200 40 Acres uim ! Mni $1,691 NON-IRRIGATED LANDS. Hi i mtlr nut nn b Irtlf.lnt fioni A,- ipJft --- 448 Acres"" ""ijsy x,m ,,,h" "boU - per acre City Property anywhere you want It Cheap. HOMliSriMDS. 2t) acres the Best there Is. 1IMUUK LANDS RSTIMATfil). Kcfore ynn locate or buy ANVTHINO, we Merrill 2b Wilkinson Company ' IllliSIJ, BUy NOW -SELL LATER Hut if you tnuit tell now, lit your property with Deschutes Realty Co. BUND, ORIK10N. WB HANOLK HANCIWS, IRRICATKI) LANDS, TOWN I'ROl'HRTV, TIMIJUR LANDS. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS A SPECIALTY. V. THE ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE TO BEND, OREGON Automobile Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, to Bend and thence to any point In Central Oregon. ' Stages connect at Redmond with SNtcrti line. I'or further information call on or address J. PRUYNE, local ngent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAGE CO., UCND, ORKOION SPRCIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGOAGi? When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... Call WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tflblo- always supplied with the best that Ilia town affords. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. BitNl), Ohhoon UKlU.Wn. s runs daily between Madras arid Bend. on MILLARD TR1PLETT BUND, ORfidON i r 1