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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1909)
''-'' -'' lmitm '" ' ' I i " 1 'J' '-' ' '' ' ( ( If vvvSviv rrwrerferm?&&??' WRITING CONTEST ie Open to Every Student in the Public Schools of Crook County. FIRST PRIZE $5.00 CASH SECOND " $2.50 CASH THIRD " $1.00 CASH Did you ever write nn Ail?' I venture lo ay you never did. Looks easy thntiKh, docmi't It just scribble it ofT take it over to Mr. Rowc and have him print it. Sounds cany viLH HOT JIIHT TKV IT. Now, I have a pruKtitfiti to make to every boy and girl golnR to scbool in Crook county. I waul you to write an Ad lor me. Not a freak Ad; but tbe kind of an Ad you think the jKople will read and I wilt pay you for it. Here In the proposition: 1 have revived us much of thU page an wc shall need in next Wednes day's Bulletin and for two or three weeks theicaftcr if we need it. I want to use the entire p.ijc if you will help me. I "tit Kid")! to divide it into space two column wide and six inches long and I wont you to write an Ad for one of thce spaces. Remember- no freaks but a Kood, rcudaltlc Ad, that you think will "get the business." Bring your "copy" to tuc at the store uud I wdl go with you to Mr. Rovve and yon can tell him just how you want it set tip. No names will le published but each Ad will be numbered. I am not going to l the jtidpc. The people who read the Ads will vote on which is the best one uud the Ad receiving the largest number of votes will be given $5.00 In cash, the next largest f J.50 in cash and the third largest $1.00. All votes must be registered at my store and coupons will 1 furnished (or the voting. If I should get enough Ads to run for two wicks the winners of each week must compete the third week for the prires. I will pay 50c for all the Ads I publish whether you win a priic or not. This contest Is entirely free you don't havr to buy anything to enter. Just write tbe heat Ad you know how and bring it to my store- The only condition is, all votes must be registered at my store by the one castiug the vote, or be scut to mc by malt. Come Into the store und I will tell you all about the merchandise that you want to advcitlsu. You can't write an Ad for any goods if you don't know the goods. SOME THINOS TO REA1EMBER. Write only on one side of the paper. The space your Ad will occupy is two columns wide and six inches long. Write your Ad to cover home particular kind of goods and do notary to rover everything in the store. Do not try to get too much In this space a crowded Ad never looks good. Write your Ad just as if you were talking to a friend. Remember these thiugs and Vou can write a good Ad mid staud a good cbaucc of getting fhat 5.00. ,-v' 1 iiagaggBgBMgaBBgMBBa v f) 1 1 I 1 THU STORE 1 A Rj A 9 A T,1G ST0RE THAT I ft U fl THAT ) W TREATS YOU J M MM m SAVliS YOU W ) RIUIIT L F I I m U MONEY ) fo I ir 1 1 ( g BEND, OREOON g 1 mmm ms ssssssssssssaissssssss sb sshsm (""""""""i""" MISSION FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets ALL KINIIHof HOME MADE I'HKNITUKE. Cull nt my simp nml Itmix-ct tnr Mlmlon I'lirnltiirc. Chair, Tab In, CaMnrls, tr., etc. All work GUARANTEED IMESTCLAS.S. A. A. ANTHONY. LOCAL BITS. WANTKD-Chlckcns. Hotel Bend. 3830 A. M. Drake left for Portland this morning. Cabbage and dry onions 4c lb. Jok IJuckuou. Bend has a first-class barbershop. That's Joe limes'. I'ine pasture. Inquire of P. C. Rowlre or at Anne's barn. 30-33 Pifty loads of wheat straw for sale. Richard Meyers, Powell Ihittes. 30-32 Mrs.J. W. Baker and Miss Spoo of Tumulo were visitors in Bend Monday. The Storkman's Best cigar has never seen the north pole but it has seen Cuba. A peacherino! That's what they all say about the shaves and hair cuts they get at Joe Inncs' shop. Sylvester and Prince Staats left Saturday for Salem to continue their studies at Willamette Uni versity. The Presbyterian League will meet with Mrs. A. C. Lucas Fri day afternoon. Please bring your thimbles. Chas. Boyd arrived In Bend last night from Seattle and will be here several weeks looking after busi ness, matters. Something interesting in Lara's ad. for the school children of Crook county. Read it, and theu compete for tbe prizes. Mrs. E. A. Griffin returned to Bend last evening from her Eastern trip. She was accompanied by a cousin, Mr. Boycr, who will go on to Pott Keck. Roscoc Howard, V. D. William son and C. L. Eaton returned Mon day from a bear hunt pn tbe upper river. They har a very enjoyable time and bagged two bears. P. II. Benson has secured a posi tion in Washington and will spend tbe winter in that state, returning to Bend next spring. His father, Willis Benson, has arrived to took alter tbe ranch bcrc during r. 11. s absence. . There are persistent rumors to the effect that the Batten ranch, just cast of Bend, has been sold to parties closely connected with tbe Orceon Trunk Line. As yet, Tbe Bulletin has been unable to verify the rumor. P. A. Wootey, formerly of Dcs Moines, Wash., arrived in Bend Thursday. Mr. Wooley recently purchased the Jensen place at Turn nlo and will move onto it at once. Mr. Woolcy's family is also com ing in, but Mr. Wooley left them at The Dalles and came in ahead ot them in order to be present at the taking of testimony in the adjudi cation of Tumalo creek, which took place at Laidlaw Monday. HOMESTEADS LOCATED. 150,000 ACRES OF THE BEST Wheat Land In Central Ort:pn. Just opened tc jao-acre homestead entry. Two railroads now building into this country. Get h homestead before they urc all gone. For further infor mation call on or write to HITNTPD & ftTAATft HUM), OKliUON Apples $3 Per Box Come early. They wont last long: Full Line of Seasonable Fruits. THE CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRlfXiU & TURPIN. The First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON Dr. U. O. OOr. U A BATHER, Vic. Pr.tldtnt O. fl- HUDSON. Oaihltr Capital tullr paid 1 . Jfl.OOO niOcVhold.r.'ll.bllllf 20.000 The STEADY GROWTH OF TUG FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF BEND should be gratifying to every citizen of the town and community. ON MARCH 20II1, 1909, the day wc com menced business, our deposits amounted to 535,328.00 APRIL a8th, 1909, Gov'ni't Call, deposits 553,370.23 JUNE 23rd, 567,777.48 SEPTEMBER 11,1909" " ' 576,060.63 The Government require u to keep 15 per cent of our depof lit in cash anil with Dank subject lo demand ilraft. Our statement of September 1st, tliowf we have J64.719.17, In cash ami with Dank, or 85 per cent of our ilepoit. 60 per cent more than is regarded aa a safe per cent by the United Stale Government. . Doesn't thi appeal to you aa a aafe anil sound way to conduct a flank? Isn't It also satisfactory to know that you can borrow money at the First National lUnk of Rend, in -your IIOMR TOWN, at ANY TISIII, if you are entitled Wj, Ifcie credit or cau give good security. ' When you want to make a deal come and see us. n DIRECTORS: , U. C. COH K. A. SATIIKK C. S. V. P. SMITH II. C ELLIS HUDSON CRUSHED SHELL AND GREEN GROUND BONE Doors, Windows, Paints, Oils & Glass Agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Wagons and Oliver Plows Stoves en! Ranges and a General Line of Hardware and Groceries. S. C. CALDWELL, BEND, ORE. BUY NOW- SELL LATER But if you must sell now, list your property with Deschutes Realty Co. BEND, OREGON. Wfi HANDLE RANCHES, IRRIGATED LANDS, TOWN PROPERTY, TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS A SPECIALTY. THE ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE TO BEND, OREGON Automobile runs dally between Auroras ami bhmm. Statics pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, to Bend and thence to any poiut in Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further information call on or address d. PRUYNE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHAN1KO LIVERY & STAGE CO., ' BEND. OREGON SPECIAL, ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... 1 Call on MILLARD TRIPLETT OEND, OREOON