The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 29, 1909, Image 7

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    Not a d
Doctors prescribe very little, If
any, alcohol these days. They
prefer strong tonics and altera
tives. This Is all In keeping
with modern medical science.
It explains why Aycr's Sar-
saparllla Is now made entirely
free from nlcoliol. Ask your
doctor. Follow Ills advice.
W pwVllth 9nr rrnU
nai.ll yaur
The pirate of
Author of "Tli Count at Harvard," ale.
Coprrlitit, 1000, by J. n, Llpplncoll Company,
All right! reserved.
! ftfttfHft9f
Unlet there li dally- action or the bow
cli, nolionoiii product are abtorbed,
causing headtclie, hillouaneis, nmiei,
dyspepsia, X'e with you would 111 your
doctor about correcting, your cotiiilpiilori
by taking laxative doaea of Ayer's I'llla.
HtSl by 111. J, 0. Aft Ce., Le.ll, .
In All llraxiii.
Illngley Oolite iJast, ara you? How
UlriKlry Well, I want to go to Pitta.
burg, tun I'vo got only money enough
to tnko ine ne fur aa Wheeling.
IlliigleyWtll, that'f ua clot as I'd
want to gat
'trust Trouble.,
Oil Trust-Isn't It a aliama titer ara
hounding ua so? It makes m burn
with Indignation.
Ico Trust It certainty la a froet for
Hilar r Truit And talklnc about
euillnif mn to jail and I o uaeq lo
refining- Infturueestr-Ilaltlmore Amor
"Hay, I've got a now ono on Htnlth.
"What U ItT"
"Why, Ilia other day " (etc.,
ate, etc )
"Yea, that'a a new atory on Hmllh.
Hut tin. Inat time you told It, It waa
on Peters" frveland Leader.
Now Homo-Made nyrup.
(Cut Thl. Out)
rtom lioaton Pieaa.
I'roera.. In medical romiwund. narrrea.aa,
aikl iMfW it It it.xl l'ir a rnrnilnml mnlk.l hin
lt,al any dri .mad ruu.h trrukl on tha tut
ran ba actually rured In Ilia hour, liy therlvrk.
Opium and mri hlna hate l-a ivaorlnl lo In Ihe
il. rU( himiui.1 llul now II I. learned
thai ihe ey.irm rnu.t iihH to ru II r In
flammation and rvflrrallan. A Ionia laialife
mush rru dm In- work eouuUklr and thor
oughly a tubalm.l magical What heretefura
ha. taken weeka to euro ran I errwiUheil In
hour, llel thla formula filled or mil It at h.n
ami alwara keep II vn hand Una-hall wki fluid
wllil cherry Writ, una MMf runHwund aiwn
earUM and three oun'e rvi Mte ilna run.
pound Ilia l.iltle ami take twenty drop,
wry nalt heur for feur hour. 1 hen lake one
hilf to una leaapu-ai ul or four time, a day
unlit Ilia ar.Lm u punned ami tuned up, (
htktren Im a.illa' l a. Una ftlllna will
muallrcuiaaohaUlanilljr. aathailuM la mall,
llypnllirllrnl lurlluna.
"What will your mother aay lo you
when you get hornet" aald ono boy.
"Hhe'll atart In by aaklng ma aoma
hypothotlcnl quvatlone," anawerad pro
corloua Willie,
"What ara theyr
"Queatlona that alio thlnka aha
Vnowa the anawrra lo lirforo aho atarta
to talk." Waahlnglon Blar.
iiiitiikf iu Hi I'lur.
MI ahould think It would bo a aim.
plo matter o Induce a woman to Ret
roady In tltua to attviid an aTenlnf
"Whafa your aohomaT"
"Aak her to go lo the matinee."
Kama a City Journal
Kill JIlM.t.
"livcrybody aiiya itnit Jonra haa tin
flntat mind, ImlElit. mul angaolly he
ver ran ncroae. llow did Jonea get
audi a reputation?"
"l'.ny. Whenever you mnko n atnte
incut lie ariya, 'lly Jove, tlint'a aol Why
didn't 1 ever think of that beforor"
Cleveland Leader
Cccvscs t vsc
Dispels coCls at llcaiQttcs
oo Cos.oXo;
Aqs cvwva, acXaXvv as
Bcs5or MwJVowoxv a0iCni;
To $cl Vs moJVcAo cJSccXs,
ayxys buy c Qcvumvc
inanufaclunKi by (Kt
Fig Syrup Co.
no sue only, reiular price 50pr boitll.
(IIAITKIl XVI. (Coirtlrme.
Tim larder waa well atoekrd, thaulca lo
riiarlf' forr.lglit, nml Ha made a tnot
tuyllairt aiippr of jxittpd ham, IkimiiI
rhlrVen, pilot blanill, and rofTrr. k)I
only Charlea knuwa how. While aupMr
wna being iirepared lliiiMinrenii and I
liuida Iho round of the houae, imttlnj up
llie great aluriiialiultrri Willi which I II.
tullr prnlK'teit the wliidiina from the
winter galea, and piling iHirklng-lxitr.
and rxlra-heavy furnltiiro again. t the
doiire, an that Ihry might U fMily In
Villli.laiid any auddrn attack, 1 waa nur
priaeil to flrnl how anug we could make
the (iiltaae. It bad Ih-ii built to weather
the roiigbr.t of ofT-ahnre galea, but I
never tlimighl of It aa liaefill fur a ng
hnn In rare of atlark by land. I waa
very proud of It when we barred the laat
.Meanwhile Oharlra waa apreadlng the
table, and Itodfiey, reollnlng umn a rniirh
aa berama a wonuded warrior, waa jnif
flng ruiitriitrdly at the first rlgarette be
bait had In three daya,
"Utile did I think, Heldrn," aald he.
"wbeu lunched with you that day, that
I'd be eomlng txack aa n tneuilKT of a
midnight giirrWou, defending a myaterloua
gentleman In a black eluak, who tapped
lip nut of the ara. Not but what I enjoy
It." he added, aa Dupiinreail looked Ida
way: "I haien'l had aurh a good time
tlnee I went Iwar-huntlng In Mhrador;
but I aWlId like lo know what'a happen
ed to the market."
"IVrhajia I ran amugale Ctiarlea
thningh the enemy'a line, to the club In a
day or lw," I an.nered.
Ilolury grunted. 'You talk of a day
or two aa tbough lime were nothing. The
whot laittnm might drop out In leaa than
an hour. Ilnnerer, I don't care o long
aa aiippar'a mtna."
We dlapoaeil of a prodlgloti. meal, and
when wa had flnUhed Duimnreau eiam
Innl with great Intereat an armory of old
awnrd. and other war-like In.trumenta
that hung over the mantrl-plec. Finally
he unhooked two long and nuty bladra,
mniiarrl them carefully, and, carrying
them with him, went to the atalre.
"You're no! going to kill hlmy I ti
"Certainly not: but poaalbly we can
end thl. camimlgn to-nlgbt. Coma with
llodney and I follnweil him up lo my
tildy, where our prUnnrr waa atretched
out In the Morrla elwilr. I)unnreau
Hung the tno anonla on the renteMable,
and I amid e a ipilrk look of alarm
Hare up In the enptlve'a eyea.
"I am about to iroMne," aald )inoii.
reaii. "a happy aeltlemeiil of all our dim
riiltlea. Instead of your Intid of all or
right outlatia fighting my three comradt
and myvlf, what aay you If you and I
fight It out. you lo withdraw your party
If I win, I In go with you if I loael
Come, that pound, fair enough," lie
looan! the bandage from the prlaoner'a
mouth. The wry ainlla reape,ired.
"What do you take me fori I'm no
fencer, and the partlea back of me
wouldn't aland for Mich a game anyhow.
jney want you taken tpiieny, uriivereil
up, and ilon l cure what happen to any
number of me."
iHliHinceau looken tnken aback; he
thought over too man a worn, for a mo
men l, ihen turned to ua. "You II Jedr
wIlnt-M that I've done erro tiling In my
iwer lo aettte thla affair with the lo.
of notMxl)'N blood but my own, and that
my offer waa refine.1,"
Itodney and 1 agrenl. "What shall we
do with hlni)" I a.led.
'Turn him looae.' mild Itmlticy. "It'a
Iwllter to bare all our enemlra on the
eatne aide of the houae."
l)uMmvan waa of llko mind, so w
took Iho man down-atalra, and, ojienlng
Ihe front door, ant him out Itito the
night. "I'll tell Ihe chief about what you
offered," he aald aa ho left, "and If he
n) It'a a go, we'll bring our bvat fencer
with n Hag of truce. Hut you needn't
expert him, for from what I've heard the
Uvia won't rlak no obanm of lotlng you."
I closed Ihe door, and douhle-bolted It
Cbarlra had laid a fire and lighted It,
for wo were all stiff with our life on
board the Klilp, and aa I stretched out
comfortably before It I remembered the
old linxllah sajlug that n mau'a hou.e Is
his cattle, and waa determined that no
men In the pay of private schemers
ahould enter mine without my full consent.
I waa dreaming of lini thorp crackle of
musketry when I awoke to find small
itonet rattling agalntt tha shutters of
my study window. Duimnceau had slept
In my bed aa became tha guttt of honor
and I had fouud lodging for the night
upon tha divan that graced the den. I
went to lh wlndaw, nnd, cautlomly peep
ing through a crack's opentug In tbo aliut
tera, looked for the atonc-throwar. I
could tea only the whlto top of the nearer
dunri, and a sky of cloudless blue, the
whlto and bluo aa perfect aa ever painter
dreamed. Although I could no) tee my
visitor, It waa evident that the opening
abutter waa visible, for a larger ttona
struck tbt shutter and fell on to ttio bal
cony. Curiously enough, It waa wrapped
la a handkerchief, and ono which I In
stantly saw was not a man'a property,
With this lure, I oH.ned Ilia abutter wide
and alepiied on to the balcony. Now be
low ma I saw llarbara, dreased for rid
ing, the color In her cheeks high from to
much cannonading.
"Uood morning," aha called to me. "I
rod ibiwn to the Hbln. but found Hint
you had all flown, so I left my horse In
the woods and eame here. I thought you
mint have gone for Ihe aeaanti, by the
looks of the haute. -May I cumn luT"
"You may," I cried, my heart lamnd
Ing with new delight at Ihe aweetnrtt of
her tulce, " remrmlxr a day when you
wouldn't enter."
"You forget, Mr. Heldeii, tiiat that waa
when there waa peace In Ihe land. Many
Ihlnga hapMn In a elcge."
"Many delightful ihlnga. One minute
nnd I'll be down at (he door."
I hurrle.1 down-tlairs, but Ixfore I
could ojien Ihe front door I heard liar,
bara'a voice crying, "Walt, wait J"
Itodney Jumed from hit coudi and
Joined me. lie aa well aa I hail slept In
hit clothes. "What la It, Fella. V he
".Mis. (Irahain la otittlda ami wanta to
come In. but the'a Jiitt called to me to
wnlt. I'll open the Utile sldo window
I slid the window-bolt and looked out.
Two men. the dftagreeablo chap of our
nrst meeting ana another surly-faced Indi
vidual, stood some twenty feet bark of
llarlsira. I placed my revolver on tho
window ledge.
".Vow, Ihen, what do you men want?"
I demanded.
"We don't want the lady to gt In," tbo
dlaagrrealde-luoklng one replied.
"IWa ihe lady want tn?-S I akcd.
"Khe does," said Ilarbam, In a most de
termined tune of voice. ,
"Then she shall. Slide back Ihe bolt".
IMney," I wrhltpeml. "Now If any one to Interfere with her entering my
bouae, he ran reflect that he'a looking In
to a ttralght tteel barrel."
The door oN-ncd, and Harrura, her
head high, walked In. 1 thtit the small
window and ut the revolver In my pock
rl. "There's a pretty mad-tooklng pair
out Ihere," I said. "Welcome lo Ihe log-
house I"
Hut Haruara waa not regarding me.
"Why. llodney," k'io exclaimed, "what
haa hippened to your arm? They didn't
almot you, did Ihey)" Kb had caught
sight of Itoduey'a arm In a sling.
"It's nothing, llarbara," he said, beojn
Ing: "only a arrateh. I might have been
(oiled by that badly shooting sntpV."
Khe liatked at Jilm, her face all admi
ration. "It's llko you to apeak lightly,
hut you've been In danger, and partly on
my account, for you'd never have laid
e)ea on Monsieur Duponceau If It hadn't
lieeu for me."
I would have drifted out of the room If
I could, but I waa caught between them
and the door.
Itodney tmlledj I could Imagine bow
pleated he must be feeling.
"We've had several scraps on tha
Ship," he explained, "and when our food
gave out we came up here.
"You poor draret' aha exclaimed, and
thla tlmo I was Included In her words.
"I've been thinking of you every minute
of the last two daya, and wanting .to
come over to join you. Well, I've stolen
away at last, for a morning ride, and now
I'm going lo stay here with you."
"Stay hero Willi us I" we both exclaim
ed In amaiement.
"I'ntll after brrakfaat. I'm going to
M't your table, and pour your coffee, and
llx jour rooms, and show you In general
what n wonvaii can do In a house."
We both had had vltlont of that al
ready, I fancy. I caught Itoduey'a eye;
he smiled, and Ihe color rose, to his face.
"Where'a Charles?" llarbara demanded.
I led her Into the kitchen, where Charles
waa hulled, mid Itodney and I sat on the
dresKcr taiid watched while Hnrbara roll
ed up hrr sleeves, pluiiep a napkin oer
hr dress as an apron, and proceeded to
direct Charles aa to the cooking things.
Hither one of ut would have been su
premely happy If the other had not been
When the table waa aet and the break
fast an Its way from tho kitchen to the
dining-room, Duponceau appeared, for
the flrst lime free of the cloak he bad
worn on (be Wilp, but still all In black,
nave for Ida gold chaliit, and still euvel-
oeil In Mint peculiar air of myttery
which Instinctively tet him apart from all
ordinary Mugs. llarbara curtsied to
hi in. and he raised her hand to Ida lips
and kitted It With tha grace of tha old
time school.
"Wo are not Quito forgotten by tho out
aide world," he aald, with almost a tlngo
of royalty In hla voice, "very far Indeed
from forgotten, when so charming an cmli
sary Joint us,"
llarbara looked pleased I could seo
that Dupouccau waa atlll her paragon of
romance, -
"Will you tako tha head of the table,
montleur?" aha asked. Ho carefully seat
ed her behind tho coffe-urn, took hla own
place, and llodney and I sat at tbo. sldea.
It waa tho fjrt state breakfaat my cot
taga had over known.
llarbara contrived that wo ahould all
forget tlitt wt were cooped up In a lot-
houte. Khe amlled at llodney and at b
Impartially, nnd listened attentively to
(wrylhlug Diiponreau aald. Kven Charlea
frit her Influence. I could tm him linger
In tha doorway on the alert to servo her.
Ilrrakfast cams lo an end, and Harlsira
Inalttrd on bandaging Itodney'a arm. 1
think be waa sorry tint she ahould know
how alight tho wound really waa, for he
demurred, though with a look of great
Mllfnrllon j but ho finally consented to
roll up hla sleeve. I drew Duponcrau
nnay to m den, and tho two were left
nlone for a long half-hour. Montleur
I'lerre and I dlarote matters of defense.
When wn returned lo the llvlng-mom
Itarbata'a face waa flushed, and Itodney'a
fii.ika were red. Ills arm waa wound
with a oiw bondage and a little gold pin
fnnl.-m-d It.
"Will ou take me over lo the house?" llarbara, Jumping up; ami now It
wa my turn lo gloat, for she Insisted on
loklnr Into every nook and cranny, on
learning Imw two men left to their own
devlcea lived, nml on Improving what she
found. I, who had onre lieen averse to
feminine Influence about a houtr, aurreu
dered, Khe straightened the pictures, re
arranged Ihe oruamentM nnd knirk-knackt,
and finally started In tion my dek,
"Oh. ph-ate don't touch that I" I ex
claimed. Khe stopped and looked at me. "Itod
ney lei ma fix hla arm when he didn't
want to, ami you"
"I'lea- do," I raid, motioning towards
Ihe (uiiars, and she placed them In little
idles, quite regardless of what they were
"Now I've been horrid enough," the
said when she'd finished. "I daro aay men
are better off living alone. Think how
angry you'd bo If a woman should do that
nttj day."
niat depend on the woman. I could
Imagine "
I alwaja told you you were Imagina
tive." aha broke In. "Tho woman you
rould Imagine would protnbly bo a
"Yea." I agreed; "abe Is."
"And nymphs aro proverbially allppery
"Yea. no I've bean!."
"Ko alio might slip away from you with
out a moment's notice."
Khe tat down In my big deak-chalr.
"I'oor Itodney." she sighed. "It armt
as If he were sacrlficfug a great deal.
Think of hit stocks and bonds"
"Yea," I agreed. A moment later I
added, "I haven't written a line for ever
so many daya."
"And It'a so Important that a broker
should keep In touch with his office," aha
"Aral that a writer ahould write."
"Then why did you give it up?"
"Duponceau," I answered. Our eyea
met, and we both laughed.
There waa a brief silence, and then abe
rote. "I have a feeling that the crltla It
coming. Kemember that I tru.t you to
thleld mj pirate. I mutt go lnck to the
We went down-atalra, and llarbara
mads her adleux.
"I'll go with you to your horre." aald
"I shall I- delighted lo go," I put In at
the tame-' moment.
"I am not en valuable a man aa you."
Itodney explained, "In case they ahould cut
ua off."
llarbara looked from one to Iho other
of pa. "llodney " she began.
I iKiwcd. "I yield." He waa the older
friend, and, much as I feared him, I could
but admit that ha was entitled to the
Isllp smiled with plearurr. "Thank
you." he tald.
"llodney mutt not go," the flnUhed,
It was my turn lo start for the door.
"Nor mutt you," she continued to me. "I
am much safer alone than with either of
you." J
The matter waa settled; we could only
hold tbo door open, and let her pass out.
We watched ber aa aho went down the
beach. Once ahe turned and waved her
rldlngcrop In farewell. I' waa cruel that S
we ahould be penued up within four walla g
when the world waa crying aloud for JoyjS
cf the day, and she was going out to It. g
Wo turned back III at east toward, each 2
other, and Jutt then a bullet ploughed Into g
the home to the right of ut. We Jumped )
In. tlammed tho door, and bolted It. v
There waa a cry from Charlea. "They're S1
coming up tho balcony!"
(To be continued.)
Ism lo plar wane mutlesl In.trumenL Mo.lcUnt ma' a money am matte It eaar. Wt
tah CVifet, Clarinet, Panphone, Hula, I'kenkt, SibfeTrornfare. Valra Tromlmna,
Alto or,hTie. Tub and Haritooe, dlrrt from Cnramalnry to po, at bnma.
Kaaytolrarn. CuunuM ilmpU, thornuah ami enmpla e. Cmloranl br UnltM But'.
Gwrrommt am amoua muilrl.nt. IImuIU ruar.nlwd. Writ u. mm fur rt sam
ple laaons tor Instrument you dwlr lo learn. I'rlraa and Unna rraaenalj.
Wltr Hie Hunt Up.rl.
Helen Of court he clasped you In
his arms when tho boat uptetT
Ilaxel No; Jutt the opposite.
Helen Juat tho oppoalto? What do
you mean?
Hazel Why, tho boat upaet when
ho elaipad me In hla arms. Kochcster
Democrat and fhronlele.
roullrr .Vole.
"Bo you 2 re raising chickens?"
"Yea," aniwcrod Mr. Croatlota,
"What do you find tho greatest men
ace to tho welfare of poultry?"
"Sunday company." Waahlngtoo
One Thing That Will Live Forever,
l'KTTIT'S EYE SALVE, first box told
In 1807, over 100 yenrn ego, galea In
crease ycarlv. All drueglsta or How
ard liroa., IfufTuIo, N. Y.
a Ilrfurmrr.
little Itollo, "what
Teat of
"Father," aald
a reformer?"
"In numeroua catea, my ton, a re
former la a man who conaldera him
aelt peculiarly qualified to hold office
becauie of hit profettlonal Inexperi
ence." Washington Blar.
"Don't you think you could make
aoma Improvement in that orebcatraf
They could hardly hear rny tong, laat
night, for the drum," aald the sou
breite. "Well," replied the manager with a
mile, "I mlcht add another drum."
Yonkeri Statesman.
Mother, will find Mrs. VCImloW. Boothia
Pyruth t..t rewi-lr Wi uso for Ihslr c&Udrsa
Sutlug l& Ua thing parital.
Ttut i:eiuiK,
An crangelltt waa exhorting hla
hearers tc flee from tbo wrntb to come.
"I warn you," he thundered, "that
there will be weeping and walllnz.
and gnashing of teeth!'"
At thla moment an old woman la
the cillery atood up. "BIr," ahe ahout
cd, "I have no tectht"
"Madam." returned the evangelist;
aovercly. teeth will be provided."
Hamlini Wizard Oil is over fifty
yeara old, and, like an old friend, it
can be depended upon juat aa surely as
the family doctor who may be miles
Mlajrexa (at door) Well, my dear,
what Ji It?
Little Olrl Pleaw 'm, our kitty Is
lotted. Did you see a kitty go past
here by the name of Nuddlea? Doitoo
Por Infants and Children.
"My father lua been a sufferer from tick
headache for the but twenty-five yearaand
never found any relief until he began
taking your Caacareta. Since he haa
begun taking Caacareta he bat never bad
the headache. They have entirely cured
bim.. Cotcareta do what yon recommend
them to do. I will give you the privilege
of bit name." 11. M. Dickaon,
Iiso Rcainer St., W. Indianapolis, led.
Plr.taot. Palatable. Potent, Ta.ta flood.
Dotiood. NrrrrtUcken.'Waak.aerUrlp.
10c. 23o.5oc Ntrrr , old In tralk. The ceo
tUDUtHltatnrlCCC. Usaxantead to
euro or yuur money back. tag
The Kifid You Have Always Bought POWDER
ot Gu&ffi&cZfa
Bears tha
CRESCENT feartffiS
hlah prirtd baktna
ur. II rtitea th.
docsh and sulirt light.
rr. twrtlrr and bcttcj
ritrn fooji. Sola by (I
rtt 25c prr pound.
yoa will hbA at yoo
. . ... ara ana aaair... wa
arUl md yoa a book ea brail h and baking pew do.
CTESCEiT MTG. CO. Seattle, Ws.
Would Hae to II Labeled.
"What do they put under these cor-ner-stonesT"
"O. current cotna, literature, and the
like. Wo want posterity to know
about our peculiar cuatoma."
"Then why not Include ono of tho
current hataT" Knnsaa City Journal
inless Dentistry
Item Welcomed I
By Many Men
This raclpa ran ba fillrd at home, so that
no one ne know of anothrr'a truuUaa. as
tha liurradlrnta can ba obtained a.paratcly
at any well atackad drur atora. They are
la mroUr u and muir ditfnant pro.
arrlpUooa ara rwuUnlly kaina t-ItI with
Thl. wilt prora a welcome Ut of Infor
mation for all Uhw who ara ovcrworknl,
aloucnr. dnpondrnt, -nerroua and bar
trrrnbLiur Umha. heart p.'plutlon, diul
IMaa, cold itramltta. InaomnUL faar
wluat raaM. tlmklltr In wtitarlnr, and
veneral InabiUlr to act naturally and ra
tionally, aa othrra da, becaaaa tha treat
ment can ba prcparal arcntly at noma
ami taVrn without anyona'a knowledge.
Orcrworkrd effica men and tha many
vlctlro'a of aoclety'a lata boura and diaai
patlon wilt. It la aald. Hod tha rwtoraUta
I ar Mmli'r Q.UO
Oat of Im. pmtle
cma Bin ibvir ?
and trliUifcrfc tn-
i.ova in aaa oaa,
It .NIMftrf.
W. J1 an. it. a rati
tlk tH H Mmlir
UtUt Cm
cuneatt 100
taaaal HSajt 1.M
sanrnrcari .69
Uiracn 2.51
Dm RUVar - .
rum S.HI
Bait Btd -,ranamiaiaiuu tarruut !.
it nui tmaLwai HMuat r.jM uiriiaa .opj
lauia or firui. wetai
Pmtaltaa uirctloa r rwa w baa el
Uoraarad. ODaaaliatlon Crraw Y
anirrd. ilodralartrlaaqalpDMAU
thry are In need of.
If Hi
Perfect C'uundenee.
A physician was summoned to n
vory sick man, who was very much
preoccupied with troubles of hta own.
On arriving ut the sick mau'a bed, ho
Bald to bts wlfo:
"Your husband Is In tho last throes.
Kvcry movement shows that tho end
Is nearlng."
At this moment the sick mail's head
foil over the pillow, when tho doctor
sntd; "Tho end Iuib come, your hue
baud la dead."
In a shrill, thin voice the sick man
'Taln't so, Maria."
At onco tho wlfo laid her hand on
his head nnd remarked: "Don't dis
turb yourself, Hufua tho doctor knows
beat." Harper's Monthly.
Iu ttio Wrung l'lnce.
It waa not until threu batsmon In
succession had Btruck out that a dis
gusted patron In tho bleachers yelled:
"Hey I You mutts oughta be up
hero. You're nothln' but fans." Kan
sas City Times.
Hoe Preference.
IMyth Would you marry n inau to
rvform him?
Maymo Not If I could got u luuti
who didn't need reforming.
ilia reader decMra to try It. art thrM
ounce, or ordinary tyrup aaraar.rllU rooi
pound and one ounce compound fluid behn
wort: mix and 1st ttaul two houra. thi-n
E'tona ounce compound raavnea cardiol
and one ou ra tincture radomrn com
pound (not carvlaraom),mlaaUtothrr.
ahaka writ and take a traipoonful after
m earn mrai ana ona worn retlrtnr.
? A certain weU known mnl Iral expert aa-
w, acrta that thousands of mm and many
ju woman are tulfrrm all beraure of dor-
J) mant cu rotation ot tha blood and a consa-
i quentlal Impairment of lha nerroua forca.
m wnicn urcaia ma moil areaarui tymptoma (;
g and untold misery.
Item unwl ant betlaa
Alt worta rally ruar.
PbmaU liaat a&UOila
ema S9IHI I iu U. ta t r. U. Saatay.. tut.
. m
a T
S I - T
'! aaaaaaaaLlaaHI
ll LJ I
Sand fur our ackct Uat of
You can Insert display ada
In lha enure lut for
47 So. kl.In RL
1.03 ANGKI.K3.
U Geary St
Of Uio world's population there ara
sixty-four to tho million who ara
UIT5 32S
Caoim fact
A. J .Tower Co. bottom, uaa.
ft3 W
Meana an unfalUna water supply. It
mean, that you wlU have tha moat practi
cal Doracatlc water auepty sy.tera now lit
. ho .laratcd tank, no f nuan plpea In
winter, no stagnant water la summer, no
vatrr supply troubles of any aorL Tank
placed In baxment. out of sight and way.
made of prwaad steel, wlU not nut and
will last a lifetime.
You will ba pleated with tha LKAtlER
intern of furnUhlna- Doroa.Uo Water
Supply. A.k lor our rmtaVyua and f ro
tuklt.'lQWlSolcdMr Water tupply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
New 39-09
WHXN writlna- to adTerUier please
uantlon thla paper. I