i.UtiitnU ii-. : SILKOLINB Tlic bent quullty 1oii lit If tit prln ted Mttcriiti or ptuiu colorH, nt Per yard 15c There Ih nothing better for com fortiTH tliuii nitkoliuci JUxtLIxtL Says COTTON BATTS Pure white Inminntcd cotton no cotton wnste in these goods. i lb. Unit 25C 3 lb. Unit 75C The 3 Ih. Imtt in In one piece just the mc of a large comforter. tiTrifles Make Perfection and Perfection is no Trifle. II' YOU rcnlly wnnt to nccompllMli anything lt thl world nml moit people linve some sort of n desire to do something Just p.iste this In your lint mid reincmlcr it. The more you rcmcmlicr it, the more you will nccomplMi. The tiinn who thinks trifled don't count, makes the mistake of hi life. The merchant who think trifle don't count, soon finds hi customer going 'he M("L" where trifle do count. The housewife who watches the triflctt in her houHchold expenses will hood put her huibatid on cany Ktrcct. "Watching the trifles" menu Inlying her goods where the price ore right, where the stock i kept clean and fresh and the qunlity of goods always kept up to the highest tan dnrd. And nuother thing some stores figute that when the goods ore old that cuds it. I figure that the good I sell mutt lc worth what you pay for them. If they don't give you siillsfnctioti I am here to make it light nud I will refund your money if you want it. I buy the lcst good I can get mid I guarantee all my goods to give you satisfaction just try me and nee. You will always find me nt MISSION FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets AM. KINDS of HOMU MAPI', I'UKNITUKK. Call nt my shop find irmprct my MImIoii 1'iiriiltiirc. Chair, Tab !, Csfolnrts, etc., etc. All work GUARANTEE!) l'lKSTCLASS. A. A. ANTHONY. lk I ' -ii - THE BIG STORE The llest Known nnd Known to he the ltest. Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIAL. EXTRA STANDARD BARTI.ETT I'EARS-solld pack a delicious table fruit, a't only 20c Per en n H- 1 MKN'S HEAVY Kill I'LEKCK UNDERSHIRTS blue, brown and pink, Reg. 6oc value At Only 35c MKN'S PANTS Summer Corduroy, half peg top, best wearing goods made, Reg. f 3.35 Val. nt Per pnlr $2.65 j TUB STOKB THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT LARA'S BEND, OREQON TUB STORE THAT SAVES YOU A10NEY HOMESTEADS LOCATED. I 150,000 ACRES OF THE BEST Wheat Land In Central Oregon. Just opened tc jio-ncrc homestead entry. Two railroads now building into this country. Get n homestead before they nrc nil gone. I'or further infor mation call on or write to HUNTER & STAATS ItONI), owmoN A peacherinol That's what they all say about the shaves nnd hair cuts they get at Joe Iune.V shop. There will be n meeting of the Ladies' Library Club next Tues day afternoon in the reading room. Roy P. Williams, a nephew of Mrs. A. M. Drake, has come to fiend and accepted a position in the sawmill. Just received, nt Rend News Co.'.s ' this .section. store, a line of tinware, crockery, nud notions. It will pay you to sec them. 28-29 LAIDLAW NEWS AGENCY can save you money on your mngn sine nnd ijcwspapcr orders. Write them for rates. 2.tf Judge Ellis returned to Bend Thursday evening from his Eastern trip, Mrs. Jims remained for a visit of several weeks in Illinois. Rev. Mitchell left yesterday morning on his vacation to Port land nnd other outside points. He will be gone two or three weeks. There will be considerable build ing in Hcnd just as soon ns suitable lumber can be secured. Several are contemplating putting up nouses. The Portland Journal of the 22nd had a three-column picture of the Rend Concert Band, with a short mention of their concert tour to surrounding towns. W. J. McGlllvray returned Mon day evening from the Cove orchard where he had secured a load of ap ples aud prunes, part of which be retailed to Bend people. W. It. Sellers has bought the lot and building on Bond street at one time occupied by the photograph gallery. He has ordered lumber and will t it up for occupancy. The consideration was 5600. A. P. Donahue came in last even ing from Portland on his way to Sisters to be present at the takinc of testimony iu the adjudication of water rights on Squaw creek, the hearing of which begins today. As evidence ot the activity of Bend real estate, we can state that Hunter & Staats, during the past to days, have sold nnd bargained for sale 28 lots in their addition- corner lots at $150, inside lots at $100. Joe Buckholz brought In the king of all lettuce yesterday and left it at the Pilot Butte Inu. It was an immense head that stood 18 inches high and full 22 inches in diameter. As an example of the productivity of Bend sod it can't be beat. "Uncle John" Sisemorehas re turned from an extended visit in southern Oregon on both sides of the mountains. He visited with J. M. Lawrence at Roseburg and re ports that Mr. Lawrence has pur chased an automobile. "Uncle John" had n fine time and returns much improved in health, P. A. Young, n sheep man of Mitchell, Or , is very well satisfied with this section of the country as a sheep range. It is understood he has again leased the Mueller com pany's timber holdings for next season and has also rented several of the meadow ranches on the upper river, among tlicm being the Dick and Walter Vcndevcrt places and G. W. Triplett's homestead. Young runs about 6,000 sheep tn The First National Bank OP BEND REND. ORKCON I - - . - - - p - - W -W . Or. U. O. OOC, Pratldtnt e. A. OATHS n. Vie Praildtnt O. fl. HUDSON, CMr Capital fullr raid ... 2S.0OO etocVhold.rt'llabWItr . . S26.00O The STEADY GROWTH OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND should be gratifying to every citizen ef the town and community. LOCAL BITS. VANTKD-Chiekcns. Hotel id. 28.30 Milken is nt the Bend News nd. vSee him. 38-30 lend hns a first-class barbershop. hi joe nines'. tilllucry opening noon, Rend I ad. elsewhere. pood shouts and pigs for sale nt 10 (ten Bar; Rnnch. s6tf Mrs, H. A. Griffin is expected home from her trip to Minnesota in u few days. Hugh I.okln, n former Bend boy now employed itt Prlueville, was iu town Sunday. Mr, nud Mrs. Prank Kulp nnd sou returned Sunday evening from their Kastern visit. Work wanted-cooking preferred. Address Mrs. Huntington, care Prcd Shoiiquvst, Beud. Or. Apples $3 Per Box Come early. They wont last long: Pull Line of Seasonable Fruits. TH CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDRIDQB & TURPIN. ON MARCH 20th, 1909, the day we com menced business, our deposits amounted to $35,328.00 APRIL 28th, 1909, Gov'm't Call, deposits $53,379.23 JUNK 23rd, " " " $67,777.48 SEPTEMBERS, 1900" $76,060.63 The Government require u to keep 15 per cent ot oar depos its in ch and with Ranks subject to demand draft. Our statement of September 1st, show we have 64,719.27, in catli and with Hanks, or 8s per cent of our deposits, 60 per cent more than is regarded as safe per cent by the United Stales Government. Doesn't this appeal to you as a safe and sound way to conduct a flank? Isn't it also satisfactory to know that you can borrow soney at the Pint National llink of Bend, in your HOME TOWN. at AN V TIM U.Mf you are entitled to the credit or can give good security. When you want to make a deal come and see eg. V. C. COB DIRECTORS: B. A. SATHKR C. S. P. SMITH II. C. KLUS HUDSON CRUSHED SHELL AND GREEN GROUND BONE Doors, Windows, Paints, Oik 0b, Glaes Agent for the Celebrate! Studehaker Wagons and Oliver Plows Stoves and Ranges asd Geaeral Liae of Hardware and Groceries. S. C. CALDWELL, BEND, ORE. " Buy Now- SELL LATER Ilut if you must sell now, list your property with Deschutes Realty Co. BEND, ORCOON. WE HANDLE RANCHES, IRRIGATED LANDS, TOWN PROPERTY, TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS A SPECIALTY. THE ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE TO BEND, OREGON Automobile runs dally between Madras and lend. Stages pass through Madras, Culver, Redmond, to Bend and thence to any point In Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line. For further information call on or address J. PRUYNE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHANIKO LIVERY & STAGE CO., BEND, OREQON SPECIAL ATTENTION TQ EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable Furniture... call oh MILLARD TRIPLETT BEND, OREGON