THE BEND CHARUtS D. ROWB KDITOR SUnSCRiniON RATKS: oorf- Bta tnoatht Thrr months.. (Inrsriabtr In ntlnncr.) to WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29, 1909 . , - -1 Bend the Trade Center. In view of the especially good crops that arc being grown in the Powell - Buttes section esc be readily seen that that terri tory some day will be one of the most fertile sections of the Des chutes valley! Grain crops exceed ing all expectations arc being har vested; six tons to the acre is being cut from alfalfa fields; and potatoes and roots of all kinds are yielding proltfk-ully The Powell Butte sec tion is living up to the good things that have been predicted concern ing it. This has no small bearing on Bend's future development. When settled and developed this section will consist of thousands of produc tive acres. The cultivation that has been accomplished is only a scratch on the snrface. Practically all of the trade from the buttes now goes to Prineville. The county seat is the nearest trading point and the flour mill there provides a market at a fair price for the farm ers' grain. These are two quite sufficient reasons why the butte farmers look to Prineville as their trading center. But this condition of affairs will be reversed when the railroad reaches Bend, which now is assured within two years at the latest. Then the natnral grain and livestock market for all the fertile section around Powell Buttes will be at Bend. The building of a railroad through a section always readjusts, to a greater or less de gree, the trading centers through out that section. The same thing will happen in Central Oregon, and the business around the buttes will find its logical market at Bend. It would be very difficult to com pute the amount of this business the acreage is so extensive and the soil so fertile. In that portion that comes under the Central Oregon canal and known in the D. I. & P. Co.'s offices as "the shoestring," there arc 12,000 acres. This is on ly a blot on the map when one con siders all the land lying in that sec tion. On those 12,000 acres there will be from 250 to 300 families, with many others on the land ad joining and on part of the Oregon Irrigation segregation that extends out cast into that territory. These figures give only a small idea of the tons of farm produce that will "be raised in tbit section; of the hun dreds of bead of livestock that will be fattened for market; and of the vast quantities of boots, shoes, hats, caps, clothing and groceries that will be required by its pros perous farmers. When all this is considered, it can be seen readily bow great an influence the trade of the Powell Bultei section will play in the growth and development of Bend. BULLETIN i United States senator ouce himself, and was snubbed and ignored in Washington, so he cannot bear to sec n successor basking in the sun shine of presidential recognition. Wilcox is a man who covets the senatorial toga but wishes it huudctl to hitn for two hits, and Doc Wethcrbcc is a bright little bantam roaster wLo thinks he is the only strutter in the barnyard that is worth noticing. These politicians, anxious to Ciscrcdit and destroy the primary taw, nre willing to sacrifice the interests of the state at Washington to gratify their politi cal spleen and open a way if pos sible to a return of the system by which they dictated in all the af fairs of Oregon for so long. Sena tor Bourne, as the exponent of the people's rights in the choice of officials, must be squelched at any cost and the Oregoninn is the trum peter for the gang that is pledged to the job. The Unemtes of Direct Primaries. Saturday Krtnlnc l"ot. There will, of course, be a direct primnry law in New York. Prob ably there will be such a law in every state. Enough is known of the workings of the system to show that it isn't any patent, automatic, political renovating machine. In Wisconsin, for example, direct pri maries have made elections more expensive than ever before so ex pensive that some observers say a poor man is practically barred from an important office. In Illinois about the same men won at the pri maries who would have won at old fashioned conventions. The pri mary, indeed, seems to have played into the hands of the hard-pressed bosses by enabling them to plump gang democratic votes for gang re publican candidates. Nearly every where defects appear. Some will be cured and some will not. Yet. undoubtedly, the direct pri mary idea grows in the affections of the people. If you wish to know the reason don't bother about de tails of its working in this place and that, but just look at the men who, everywhere, are head and front of the opposition to it. That alone will settle the question. Thanks to long and painful ex perience, the popular inclination to get on the opposite side of the fence from the most determined foes of the direct primaries has become almost an instinct. Notice. If you wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line. Tim Coknktt Stage & Stadlk Co. 25tf TUB UULI.BTIN PLEASES. Words of Appreciation by Some of Our Readers. Hollowing are three letters re ceived in our mail of recent date. Such cgmimiiticutions arc always pleasing to the uiuuHgciiient. We copy as follows; Junction Citv, Or., Sept 10, 1909. The Itcml llulMlu. Html, Or. I)cr Sim; Hnoloitil find check lo i1y on our sub scriptioti. Of the several small town lrtr we luxe The llulletlii U )' nlieml of them In news Hems, etc Yours reccl(ully. C. It. Mkku. 1'AS.vnK.SA, Cal , Sept. 7, 1909. Hetnl llulletlii. Ilcnil, Or. Dear Slr. l'lejic find enclosed money order for ft.50 for one year's aultscripllon to your pnpar. Received the sample copy and was very much pleased with it, and a I intend to locate in Hcml or vicinity nillilu a short time, would like lo keep in touch with the country. Youra respectfully, K. S. UARNARD. Walla Wall., Wash., Sept. 4. to"9 The lleml llulletlii, llcitd. Or. Gentle men: The shear you sent some time j;o was received O. K. and I wish to tale that I appreciate them and The llulletlii very much. VihiiiK)ou every success. Very respectfully, I.kwis P. l'oss. Notice We arc missinir one sorrel marc, wearing bell, weight about 1,000 lbs., with shoe brand on right shoulder. Has n small slit in point of one ear. Has n swinging gate when walking and is a natural pacer under the saddle. Had a sucking colt on the range which was found with other horses. If stolen was taken between the totb and 25th of Aug. We will pay liberal reward for any information leading to her recovery. If stolen "we will pay $100 reward for return of our mure and arrest and convic tion of parties having her in their possession. G W. WlMKK&SONS. Tumalo, Or , Sept. 1, 1909. a6 Send sample copies of The Bulle tin to your friends and help adver tise our growing town. bvhbbbh j Bsk vllsBsIBsBHSSSJssryrKSJDiaHanr SBB l.BBsBl jB. LBVBHBft& KjHlKSplaMrr W&FJWT A nJswi mWs taw Hwftwa .122 9hk5T RBBH jCfp.c&9f is. r jaiaMimf FSiVfssvppvT isssVaw dBBL J faflHSHMMH- J.JMJBMBjJSJ T f i.iJSSjT ti p I 1 n i T' lii Al V 1 asw VAwl BMiCiflnYflYAuB9BaWMEHHBMHflaHYAHHHHHnVMvAYAl BHl eH H'' ''iS HniHHW- -7 , v,yTyy- -ysirJMWIHltffMB HI Vbm' ! BBBBPL" . --- t - MMVHsWP WI UL WBnSM:!msss MmKBfBMJW PscWc tttnc IMmtrt k wtwri ttftiuiyhr titt nttiiot heft imtn ui rsadweit II b a pemrrM ui feat trtif Mmeirt. a remedy lor mutt cks. A sooIMm emsrouttefl fr tbt reSei el eIa. cm Ike esl Mmtnt loc sfrttas and serrnets. UMauted ler cartof tfce wounds tad injarlcs of BAR8EB WIRE and tf beabX cuts. aVasiom. sore and prahes. Pacific Horse Uabncnt is (ally faerantted. No orter bio rood or helpful in w maay way. IHI fails to sJtlsly.tteaatfcerMC D tttkrt to rtfaad the parduw price. urss isssf stmts t"Tf tints KOTT CMtkHCAU CO, IHSTUS. 0C booklet a""SavV ntu CO.MMENT BY OTHER PAPERS Portland's Tempest. Bura's Timrs-Hersld. The Portland politicians just now remind us of some classes of women at a reception in a country, town given to some celebrity. Mayor Simon, Theodore Wilcox, Little Doc Wetberbee and a few more fel lows who think they are some "punkins," are torn with jealousy because President Taft has con sented to be a puest of Senator Bourne during a part of his stay in Portland, and Mayor Joe, at the dictation of Wilcox and Wetherbee has telegraphed that Portland is unwilling to share with any indi vidual the honor of the president's entertainment. .Mayor joe was I imm -v RestRompRecuperate AT THE SEASHORE NORTH BEACH Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation -perfect bathing boating fishing ridinu driving, and ex ploring, make North Beach the most charming and popular play ground on the' North Pacific Coast. The O. R. & N. HAS A Special Summer Excursion Rate to North Beach Points of $12 FROM SHANIKO Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer 'P. J. Potter down the Columbia river. Abk for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." R. J. WILSON, Agt , Shaniko Wm. McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, ORE. T tfl SMALL POSIT. VM V utiiiiin vnii i n't) Tiiitt iiPAimiMU PIANO AS A I'Wr.SIJNT? VH (1IVU IT 10 S0MI2 OP OUK CUSro.MURS. Come to our store, see and try Ihl. .plrmlhl Instrument We h.II jell ! ?V4i,!,"nKlr,;fri,Jhr,,U" '"" This ii u nteseiil worth havmu This piano Is of Ihe celehraled t 1'TON liwkr It carries tnr This I ,;;;ifc,,,;;,t,r,lVTrn Y!,r oiauntee We cordially mt lie your liiMrrl.ii. THE MERRILL DRUG COMPANY IIIIND, OKIIOON The Pine Tree Store IS STILL IN BUSINKSS, CONTRARY TO KKPOKTS OTHKRWISK. I have just received jurt of my l'ALL DRV GOODS and am going to give you Bargains Every Day NO SPECIAL DAYS KVKRY DAY AM Kit. Come in and convince yourself. A handsome framed picture given away with every $5 cash purchase in dry goods. I also Ijave a full line of Groceries, Building Material, Paints and Oils of all kinds, Farm Machinery and Binding Twine. NO HOT AIR PKDDLUD HHRI5. E. A. Sather. COUNTY FAIR AT Prineville, Or., ON OCT. 19 TO 23 INCLUSIVE LAKQU l'URSl-S It UNO Ul FOR Races and Exhibits WATCH THIS MENTS FROM P SPACE FOR FULLER ANNOUNCE WEEK TO WEEK. WRITE FOR It IS M I U M LI S T. First Central Oregon Agricultural Ass'n. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Table always supplied with the bust that tha town affords, Neat and Comfortable Rooms. TliCND, Oiotr.ON Timber Lands Wanted, If you have timber laudH cither in eastern or western Oregon and desire to sell the same, it will be to your interest to at once write the undersigned, who hn buyers wait ing. . C, G. IJUKKHAUT, 102 East First street, Albany, Or, AllnrcnlnlnLnnd. For sale, nt less than company prices 80 acres of irrigated land. Close to town, partly improved. Can be Iind for part cash and bnl. ancc on time with approved secur. ity. Address X care ol Uullctin. U. C. COE, M. D. Physician anil Surgeon OI'I'ICK OVKK HANK Ml lliabt Cclcpbouc Connection 1AV Tltl.Kl'llOHK NO. 31 IlKNII, - OXIU.OM C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW omCH IN MsNK (trll.lllNI-, II UN I), OKIKION 4. "i. DR. I. L. SCOFIELD, DENTIST. OI'I'ICK IN JOHNSON llt'U.IIINO He nil, Oregon, F. 0. MINOR fJkWKKNCK IttllUUNO LIFE-FIRE-ACCIDENT I N SU R A N C 1 Notary Public ami Cotivryanclnc JK1 l'apr Corrccilr Drawn, FIDELITY BONDS All E. I) A U M L E R Painter & PaperhanRer Plrst Class Work Ouarantrol l'uwcll llilltrs, OrtKotl Will work In anylocallly. Write or rail. II F.N I) LODGE. U, I). A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or Iwforc the full moon of each month, VUitiui! brothers always welcome. e. r.o. MiMort, w m. 1.M)K" IlliPOlU! IJUYINU SGH" Jones Land Company d(K? AT KHDAlONf). 0RIK10N "THE" Hub of IbcDescrHles Valley We have for sate the larcrst list of lw provcil uiiil iiii(iiiitovcl farms ami ranches In Crook county, Irircr lilt of irrigated lands with prr pel us) water tMxli, titiilcr the Detchutri lrrltiallon &. l'owrr Co. and ColumliU Soullirru Irrigation Co.'s contracts with the 8lte of Oregon under the Carry A"l. ClMMsssBMssSPiS" ftfifakBm tBs8ISkjlMHsVWKPsiBib& lrsllrllBHBHkJiK:sl9 EELHHIHrli 4 Ja. w JOHN LEGAT IIKAMtK IN Harness ami Saddlery Trunks and Valises Repaired jar N-