MMhiMMahMttMMJ ( ( J " ( COMFORTS ; OMN!t both Hides nllkc, bond tied, pure while cot- d a Cheaper ones down to..., $1.S0 Ilcttcr ones tip to $4.50 Says c I rn mpodts ht in 1 Iri ANIk'PTQ six-I ) I l 1 I AHSOMJTllI,Y l'URK WOOL, ) MqJL .m.JL . I'.my mottled, bound C' 40 SBSL'JLL'J.'J O.VU 2 Another one, ulmont ns good, for h.t )nlr.i $5.00 "TRIFLES MAKE PERFECTION AND PERFECTION IS NO TRIFLE." THIS IS NOT ORIGINAL I think lien 1'rniiklln first put It on the market. And It In n mighty Kod thing to rciiR-iultcr. Try to look out for the trifles. 1'or Inxtaticc how ninny (linen hnvc you Marled home with n bundle and have had the pacr tear nud cause you nil kinds of trouble. Cheap paper that' all. I use the Sulfilwr," touh and Mrong the brit I can buy. If you know of a better one tell me I'll buy it. I want every pitckugc that leaves my store to reach your home whether you no one block, one mite or to miles in perfect condition. It is not very profitable to buy ft oo worth of sugar and when you net home find most of your sugar in the bottom of your wagon because- it wit put up in a cheap sack. This Is one of the "trifles" that is worth watching. Thursday, Friday and Saturday SPECIAL Last Call on Men's Underwear IN TIIU LIGHT and MEDIUM WEIGHTS. Winter weights coming In these must go. "l'OROSKNI T," the best nude Regular, 6oc SPECIAL DAM1RIGGAN double seated drawers, French neck, knit cuffs on drawers and shirts. Nothing better. Regular, 6oc, QALI1RIGCAN same as above only not as good quality. Regular, 50c, SPECIAL 2 Zsr MISSION FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets AU, KINDS of JIOMU MA UK I'UKNITIJKU. Call nt my Imp Ami Insttcct my MImIoii I'urnlture. L'IisIm, ThIc leu, CfllilntU, etc., rtc. All work OtTAKAWTKHI) I'lHHTCl.ASS. A. A. ANTHONY. ) ARr ! 9 3 ) fa RIB 1'LEECE, light weight, very claMic, just right for this time of year. Regular, 50c, 9) H i40c ' )t ( , . , . Yi ( TUB STORE I M A J fk THE STORE ( ) THAT I il IJ ft " THAT ) ( TREATS YOU I 11 W Ml J SAVES YOU ( 2 I ri"t I L n. II r U 1 money 1 2 BEND, OREGON 2 ) I ' ) HOMESTEADS LOCATED. 150,000 ACRES OF THE BEST Wheat Land In Central Oregon. Just opened tc 33o-ncrc homestead entry. Two railroads now building into this country. Get a homestead before they ore all none. For further Infor mation call on or write to HUNTER & STAATS IIUNO, OKIXION Elwood Roberts was In Bend Monday from Roberts Bros, ranch at Sisters. Wm. HolliuRshead was in Bend over Sunday night, from his ranch near Roslaud. G. V. Richardson has arrived in Bend and will open a jewelry store He is negotiating for rooms in the Lawrcnrc building. Mrs. Allen Wilcoxson visited in town the first of the week. Good shoats and pigs for sale at the 10 (Ten Bur) Ranch. 36tf Mrs. A. M. Lara visited at the Vundevert ranch home yesterday. Work wanted cooking preferred. Address Mrs. Huntington, care Fred Shonqucst, Bend. Or. VVnr;l rnttnx frrim Pliirvum Mint 1 A. I.. Goodwillic has sold his ranch at Sisters to IJ. C. Wyman of Chi cago. The Ladies' League of the Pres byterian church will meet at the pastor's home next Friday afternoon. It is gratifying to note the in crc?se in the patronage of the pub lic reading room these days, mostly by adults. J. G. McKay left yesterday morn ing for Corvallis, where he will en ter the state college to take a four year course in pharmacy. Where there's life there's hope; where there's fire there's smoke. And where there's an Eagle cigar there s a contented smoker. L. L. Fox has accepted a posi tion with J. II. Wenaudy and will act as his agent here at Bend. Mr. Wenaudy will spend much of his time on the outside working up business. Mr. and Mrs. II. If. Palmer of Laidtaw were visitors In Bend Saturday evening. Mr. Palmer is an experienced newspaper man, aud has just purchased a half interest in the Chronicle, and will hereafter boost for Central Oregon. Rev. Mitchell will hold services at the church next Sunday morn ing and evening in the morning at n, in the cveuiug at 7:30 in stead of 8 o'clock as heretofore. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be observed at the close of the morning service. To advertise my business and In cidentally to reduce stock, I will sell at public auction some regis tered and grade Jersey cows, heifers and bulls, on Saturday, October 3, 1909, sale beginning at 10 o'clock a. m. Good stock and liberal terms. Free lunch served to all comers on day of sale A. A. Bonnky, Tygh Valley, Or. George P. Putnam has an excel lent page article, fully illustrated with local views, in Sunday's Ore gonian, descriptive of the possi bilities for the sportsman in the Bend country. Across the top' of the page is the heading, "Sports man's Paradise in the Deschutes Region. Big Game and Small Game in Abundance and Easy to Get at. No Fishing Equal to the bport near Bend The Cornett Stage & Stable Co. It's the mail line, the only direct stage line from Shaniko to Silver Lake, by the way of Prineville aud Bend. Stopover privileges aud tickets good until used. LOCAL BITS. For the verv best service in bar- I bcriug, call on Joe Inncs. Mrs. A. M. Lara will leave for Portland next Snturdav to buv Hoods for their popular store. Mrs. Mike Morrison, who is Just recoverlnc from a serious illness. 1 spent two duys asihu guest of Mrs. John Edwards of Gist was in Bend yesterday, t Aitir Aur wifu'u AfiifMnv enn save you money 011 your maga zine aud newspaper orders. Write them for rates. a.jtf It took one Cook to find the pole, but tunny gcuerutions of cigarunik. ers to discover the "Storkinau's FRESH FRUIT Hereafter, we will have shipped in to u each wrvk a full line of seasonable fresh fruits. We expect to keep a complete supply on hand at all times. For the first week, we would call your attention to the following list anil prices; ORANOKS, per dot , 50c l.HMONvS, per dot 5QC CANTALOUl'ItS ' 10c UP TOMATOH8, per lit 15c AI'l'MtS, per lh..,.' flc 1'HACHKS. per crate $2.00 CKAI'ltS, per lb 20C We carry the largest and most complete line of CIGARS AND TOBACCO . of anyone in the city. T! CORNER CONFECTIONERY ALDKIIK1B & TURIMN. 1 liTe First National Bank OF BEND BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOe, Pr.ldnt t. A. 8ATHCR. Vlca Prttldtnt O. 0 HUDSON, CMr OsplUI fullr pslrf . . . 3U.OOO Slockholrt.r.Mlnbllllr - - 28,000 The STEADY GROWTH OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND should be gratifying to every citizen of the town and community. ON MARCH 20th, 1909, the day we com menced business, our deposits amounted to 535,328.00 AI'RIL 38th, 1909, Sov'm't Call, deposits $53,379.23 JUNE 23rd, " " $67,777.48 SKPTKMBERist.ioog" $76,080.63 The Government requires us to keep 15 per cent of oar depos its in cash and with Hanks subject to demand draft. Our statement of September 1st, shows we have 4,719.37, In cash and with Banks, or 85 per cent of our deposits, 60 per cent mare than is regarded u a safe per cent by the United States Government. Doesn't this appeal to yon as safe and sound way to conduct a Bank? Isn't it also satisfactory to ksow ttiat you can borrow Boner at the first National Dank of Bend, in your HOME TOWN, at ANY TIM I'., if you are entitled to the credit or caa give good security. When you want to make a deal come and see u. U. C COK DIRECTORS: K. A. SATHKR C. S. HUDSON P. SMITH II. C. KLUS CRUSHED SHELL AND . GREEN GROUND BONE Doors, Wimtows, Paiats, Oik Jb Glass Agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Wagons and Oliver Plows Stoves and Hanges and a Geseral Line of Hardware and Groceries. S. C. CALDWELL, BEND, ORE. BUY NOW-SELL LATER But it you must sell now, list your property with Deschutes Realty Co. DEND, OREQON. WK HANDLK RANCHES, IRRIGATED LANDS, TOWN PROPERTY, TIMBER LANDS. HOMESTEAD LOCATIONS A SPECIALTY. THE ONLY DIRECT STAGE LINE TO BEND, OREGON Automobile runs daily betweea Madras and Bead. States pass throuRh Madras, Culver, Redmond, to Bead and thence to any point in Central Oregon. Stages connect at Redmond with Sisters line For further in format ion call ou or address J. PRUYNE, local agent, Shaniko, Oregon, or BEND-SHAN1KO LIVERY & STAGE CO., BEND, OREQON SPECIAL ATTENTION TO EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE When You Need Modern, Neat and Serviceable purniture.. cii en MILLARD TRIPLETT BEND. ORBOOM "X J-., u. wiest lust week. Best" cigur, two for 35 cts.