THE BEND BULLETIN CHARLKS D. ROWti KDITOR subscription ratk& Onynf,, 81 month Thrt rnonlht.. (tnrnrithlt In dranct.) WEDNKSDAY, SKPT. ai, 1509. Let's Clean Up. Bend's business men and Bend people arc activtly engaged in a campaign of publicity) the object of which is to keep the advantages of this place before prospective home seekers and investors, thus induc ing them either to settle here and help in the growth of the town or to' invest their money in this sec tion and assist just that much in the development of this section. As 0 result of (his publicity and the at tention Bend is receiving due to railroad construction, many people are coming here and the town is full of strangers all the time. What is the impression they receive re garding the town? It's a very poor impression if their judgment depended solely on the appearance of some of our streets and alleys. Littered with scraps of boards, tin cans, baling wire, waste paper, etc, etc., a few of our alleys and to our shame, parts of our streets present a most untidy and unkempt appearance Everybody knows this should not be. This refuse matter should be kept cleaned np. In the first place, it should never be allowed to ac cumulate. There is no legitimate excuse for it, and the proper thing to do is for everyone to get out and have a housecleaning day. Then after the refuse is disposed of, do not let it accumulate again. There are a few simple rules which, if everyone followed, would keep.the town in a very respectable condition. First and foremost is this, waste paper should never be swept out of your place of business or thrown carelessly into the street there to lodge in some corner and litter the town. Bum your waste paper. As you walk down the street don't toss to one side an old ktttr or envelope. Burn it instead when you reach our place of busi ness or your home. If you are bui'ding an addition to your store or.putting up any sort of structure, clean up the scraps of boards, shavings, etc. when the job is finished. Don't let your boys, or someone else's boys, carry the scraps into the street and drop them there. Don't litter up your back yard and alley promiscuously with tin cans, ashes, old shoes, etc. Have one particular place for a rubbish heap and see that alt rubbish goes into it. Then have the heap eitbei burned or hauled away at regular intervals. Some yards and alleys in this town are a disgrace to the owners and the town in general. If you fall over a piece of baling wire in the street, pick it up and put it where it belongs. Ditto with boards, tin cans and bottles. Don't make of your sidewalk a warehouse. Move your surplus merchandise into the rear of your store. When unpacking goods before your store, see to it that paper and pieces of broken boxes are uct left in the street. The city officials can help in this good work. Let them have a half dozen or more large cans made and put on the corners at least in the business section. On these cans have a suitable notice painted, such as for instance: "Help keep your city clean. Put your waste paper In here." Then have the cans emptied whenever necessary. Take a little pride in the appear ance of your town and go out of your way a liitle, if necessary, to keep,, it clean. It is all well and good to have a cleaning up day . oucc a year, but what would be much better is for each person to sec that his premises arc in n tidy condition nil the time. The general appearance of n town exerts a powerful influence on a stranger on his first visit to the place. If he sees clean streets and alleys, he is impressed with the tidiness of the town and the gener al air of prosperity. If he finds good schools, pure water, n health ful climate, and a general spirit of push and prorcssiveness, he will very ofteu say to himself this is where I will cast in ray lot and make my home. If he sees dirty and unkempt streets, he will, nine times out of ten, conclude that the entire spirit of the town is in keep ing with the appearance of the streets, and his stay in that town will be short. Bend has all of the uttractive features mentioned and it may have clean streets if the citi zens will only take a proper degree of carefulnest with their refuse. During the past week, Aldridgc & Turpin and L- A. Brandenburgh have cleaned up around their places of business, and Hugh O'Kane has improved matters to no small de gtee around the Hotel Bend. How many of our merchants and citizens will continue this good work? We are advertising Bend ami spending our good money. It is money well spent. But let us put our town in a spink and pank con dition of cleanliness and have some thing to show the visitors when they get here. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. John L. Spoo has returned from the Valley and report has it that he will attempt to repurchase the saw mill from the Laidlaw Banking & Trust Co. and put it in operation. Chronicle Union, Oregon, has a Hour and feed mill with .a payroll of .$300 a week. An industry like this, that manufactures local agricultural products cannot be too greatly en couraged locally. A man and his wife and child passed through Burns last week en route to Lakcview in an auto, hav ing driven all the way from south central Kansas in an i8porse power Buick. They were interested in the land drawing at Lakeview. A New York firm has contracted the entire crop of Hood river valley and Mosier apples at $2.50 per box. As the total crop will run up to about 150 car loads the contract will put about $200,000 into the RestRompRecuperate AT THE SEASHORE NORTH Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating fishing ridinK driving, and ex ploring, tmake North Beach the charming and jwpular play ground on the North Pacific Coast. The 0. R. & N. MAS A Special Summer Excursion Rate to North Beach Points of $12 Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer T, J. Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." E. J. WILSON, Agt , Shauiko Wm. McMURRAY GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND, ORE. T pockets of the npple growers in the two districts. Word was received yesterday that Charles Kelt, the oldest sou of Peter Zcll, fell from a 70'foot bridge near Chico, Cal , and was killed. No further particular have been re ceived. Chnrlcs Zell was a carpen ter, and was well known in Crook county. l'rinevilte Journal, Robert Horner wm the victim of an accident lust week which might have proven veiy serious. He, in company with several other tads, was on a camping trip up the river and lu firing a shot the gun barrel burst and Robert received n very painful powder burn and n slight flesh wound upou the arm. Chron icle. It will be noticed that in the coming horse show in Portland some of the finest animals in the entire country wilt be exhibited. No more useful industry to the state exists than the breeding of good horses. In some of the Cana dian and Australian states horses ate uot taxed, and breeding horses arc purchased by the governments for the improvement of the animals raised by farmers. Would it not be well for Oregon if we encour aged the importation and breeding of good horses a little more? Notice. . If vou wish to have your ex press and light freight come in along with your letters and daily papers, have it come in on the mail line Tint Cornktt Stage & STAIH.K Co. 35tf 400 posts for vokskn, Bend. sale.- -Ed. Hal totf ING DANDWJFFAND RmNCrHAIRi are tot outward Jf ns of (fee evil ttM Ifl secret by myriads of da. Jrsfl eras upptnf the life Nao4 ottaebalr. Mkro kills the para site, seotkes 1st ItcMtg scalp, gives lustre to the hair sad stops KUJHst-est. AttegleappMcatlM jives relief tod proves its wort. Save yoar hair before too kit Micro prevests baldaeis. Kb a tJcHfhtfBl dresslflt for the hair, free froa crease sb sticky oiie. Ask yoeroVsQist for free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO, Iv. BEACH FROM SMANIKO WOULD YOU LIKII THIS HliAUriPUL IMANO AS A I'KKSHNT? WII SMALL POSITIVKLY (1IVI2 IT TO SOMU OP OUK CUSTOMIIUS. Come to our itnte, re ami try llil Milemlld InMiuinent. We will tell vim all ahonl imr jiUniif giving till piano away, Thl it liiriwiil worth having Till pinim Util Ihc rrlriiralr-l tl'TOS make It rami the numiUctuiern' Ten Year Guarantee We atnlully Invite your liiipcclloii. THE MERRILL DRUG COMPANY illi.NI), OUIitlON The Pine Tree Store IS STILL IN BUSINKSS, CONTRARY TO Kit POUTS OTHHRWISK. I have just received part of my I' ALL DRY GOODS and am going to give you Rargains Every Day NO SPECIAL DAYS IiVKRY DAY AI.IKK. Conic in and convince yourself. A handsome framed picture given away with every $5 cosh purchase in dry goods. I also have a full line of Groceries, Building Material, Paints and Oils ot all kinds, Farm Machinery and Binding Twine. NO HOT AIR PKDDLKD HHRK. E. A. Sather. COUNTY FAIR Prineville, Or.; ON . OCT. 19 TO 23 INCLUSIVE LAKOR MUNti Races and Exhibits WATCH T1HS SPACK FOR 1'ULLKR ANNOUNCE MKNTS PROM WKKK TO WKKK. WRITK FOR I R K M I U M LIS T. First Central Oregon Agricultural Ass'n. WHEN IN BEND STOP AT THE PILOT BUTTE INN Tabic always iuppllod with the bait that the town afford. Neat and Comfortable Rooms. IlitND, Okkoon Timber Lands Wanted. If you have timher lands cither in eastern or western Oregon and desire to sell the same, it will be to your interest to at once write the undersigned, who has buyers wait imr. C. G. BtiKKUAKT. J 102 Kast First street, Albany, Or. trjePPPKPPPPPPjaMj"CSwHMrV W wmTi i I i i --j'""' AT PUKSBS Ul FOR A llarealn In Land, For sale, at less than company prices 80 acres of irrigated land. Close to town, partly improved. Can be had for part cash and ba. aucc on time with approved Hcciir ity, Address X care o( Bulletin. U. C. COE, M. D. Physlcinn and Surgeon OPI'ICK UVKK HANK rill Wliibt Cclcnbone Connection DAY TKUtl'IIUNK NO. 31 llitNK, Ohkc.on C. S. BENSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW OI'flCK IN IUMK M1IMHMI, IIKNI), OUKUON tba. ! 1 r- ii 1 iwii 1 '!- . j me Mnrun t DR. I. L. SCOFIHLD, DENTIST. OI'J'ICIC IN JOHNSON IIUII.DINQ ' I) end, Oregon. F. 0. MINOR LAWnttNCK IIUILDINO LIFIi-FIRF. ACCIDHNT I N S U R A N C K Notary I'uMIe and CntivryancliiK All 1KI l'icr Conrctlv Drawn. FIDELITY BONDS K. U A U M L Iv R Painter & Paperhanger l'lrt CUm Wutk Ouaranterd. 1'owcll Dulles Oickoii. Will work In anylocallly. Wilteorrall, ' ' - - - IJF.ND LODGK U. D. A. F. & A. M. Meets on Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. VUitini; brothers always welcome. e. a. r.o, MiNon. w. m, LOOK" BUI'ORU IJUYINU SIHl" Jones Land Company AT RliDMUNt), OKI'OON "THE" Hob fjJHjjcschtcs Valley We have for tale the larucat Hit ol In proveil anil tiiilmprovcU farm and ranclica in Ciook county, Large Hit of Irrigated lamia with ier pctual water right, under lite Detcliute Irrigations Tower Co. anil Columtila Southern Irrigation Co,' conlrnct wllh the .Slate of Oregon under the Carey A'l) JOHN LEOAT HHAf.HU IN Harness and Saddlery Trunks ami Valises Repaired -J-.ESw TllHHUsVUWMaarHlffiH i .JkffA L Vifggmmmm mmm mMVMW- nlA SWUi'llUL'tliWBiHl1 W I 'I H -tl frtftf"'!"1' '')"